So, A Vampire, A Lycan, and A Alien Rent a Apartment...

by TimeTravelinc

First published

Following Dennis the Menace's My Roommate is a Vampire, A Alien lives with them, and soon throws Equestria upside down as a old villain returns for revenge reasons

A Kinda Unofficial-ish Sequel to Dennis the Menace's My Roommate is a Vampire. Takes place in the same universe.

Told by: John Smith
Written by: TimeTravelinc.

I have gone by many names in the past, including a man named "John Smith", on another planet called Earth. Now, my ship is wrecked, I find myself on another planet with other creatures similar to humans named "Ponies". These creatures are harmless, mostly. I find out that just like Earth, some myth and legends are just as real as aliens on other planets.

I plan on renting the apartment owned by two ponies who's names are Vinyl Scratch and Octavia. I find out through time that they aren't really who they seem to be, and also a old aquantince enemy seems to want them dead.

"This should be fun."

1: "We Need Money!"

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That’s exactly what Vinyl said on that night. The night it started to become strange, at least for them. Before I continue onward, let me tell you creatures who No, what I am. I am a being from another planet. Yes, that’s all I plan on giving you for this chapter because you’ll soon learn of my involvement with this… Octavia and Vinyl Scratch. I tell you the tale from what I could get from accounts of many ponies, but the story will be mainly told from my perspective… somewhat.

So, A Vampire, A Lycan, and A Alien Rent a Apartment…
By: The Alien
Written By: TimeTravelinc.

My tale to tell you actually does begin with this. “We need money!” Vinyl said to Octavia. Octavia sat there looking at Vinyl at the ordeal, confused on what she meant. “What do you mean by that?” “I mean that we haven’t had a gig in like, two months and we could get evicted from our apartment.”

It had been roughly six months since Vinyl and Octavia had defeated the Silver Horseshoes, and finally began their new life together. However, two months ago something caused a sudden dip in music, like the universe was busy doing something else, than making music. Mainly in that section of the universe.

However, the cosmos works in strange ways, and it was even more so when they decided to go out and relax. “So, we need to find a way to make money. But how?” Octavia said. They both thought for a moment, before a lightbulb went off in Vinyl’s head. “We rent out a room.” she said. Octavia looked at Vinyl, then smiled at the idea. “Alright, we’ll set up a post in the Equestrian Daily, tomorrow.” she said.

They soon looked up, seeing the stars, relaxing under the nighttime sky. Soon, they noticed something curious, something that should’ve activated the alarm bells in their heads. Small lights started to appear in the sky, circling, making swoops and flights of fancy, before they saw a shooting star.

“I wish we had a awesome and totally cool roommate.” Vinyl said, as the star streaked across the sky. Octavia looked at the shooting star, then said, “I wish we had a roommate that had money, and was a good friend.”

What they didn’t realize was that, that shooting star they made a wish upon, wasn’t a shooting star.

Suddenly, the lights in the sky started to swirl as the star flew across, before there was a flash, somewhere in the Everfree. The the lights disappeared. Octavia and Vinyl looked at each other, in a state of shock, then replied at the same time, “We should go to bed.” And nervously they did.

Meanwhile, in the Everfree Forest…
I was semi-unconscious, and had landed several feet from the scar that had formed from the crash landing. Waking up, I quickly scrambled towards my ship to check for damage. “Well dang.” I could only reply, as I saw the wreckage. The front of it was damaged, and the poor thing’s propulsion gyro was jammed, and cracked.

The windshield of the vehicle was busted, and some of the parts were completely broken or no power was going through. ‘Time I hide this thing and head towards civilization. *Sigh* Where the heck am I?’ I thought.

There are probably more questions at this time, which will soon be answered. Trust me.

2: "For Rent"

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Now I know what you’re thinking, not exactly thinking, but I have a feeling you’re asking ‘Why did a alien crash land on that planet?’

Well I’ll explain that soon, maybe in the next chapter, maybe not. But anyways, I slept in the trees to avoid any curious beings (at this time, I didn’t know what species I was dealing with) meeting me while I was asleep. However there was the chance that they were so frightened by the strange creature that was sleeping in the woods, they would sneak right by it. However, there was always that one darn fool who would try to kill the supposed dangerous creature.

The next day, while I was going through the woods, Vinyl went into town to buy a new sign for their apartment complex. She soon returned to the apartment where Octavia was working on her music. Vinyl hammered down the sign, then headed back inside to tell Octavia that the plan is going into action.

“Well, that is good news.” “Yes it is.” Vinyl said, starting to sit down and cuddle next to Octavia. “Tavi, what do you think your parents would think if they found out that you were a lycan?” she said, thinking out loud. Octavia was about to answer before starting to think about it. “Well, they probably would be afraid of me, so much so that they may try to kill me.” “Well, I wouldn’t let that happen.” Vinyl said to her. Octavia smiled, then said, “Neither will I.”

They soon started to kiss, feeling their passion from each other, even though they were supposedly part of a different species.

Meanwhile, in the Everfree, I found myself at what most creatures called a human on a planet called Earth, a witchdoctor or natural healer. I usually like to call them healers, for they usually use natural elements to ale in natural illnesses. Some don’t use some kind of magic they believe in, but they do believe in something.

For the first time being on the planet, which I later learned was called Equis, I found my first creature, which looked similar to a zebra back on earth, but smaller and more intelligent by my knowledge of the physical features of creatures from many planets. She looked towards me, but couldn’t see me, mainly because I was invisible.

After seeing this zebra, I decided to head further through the woods until at noon, I saw a small cottage. Getting closer, I saw animals that were there, and a butter yellow… I think the humans call it a pegasus, yes a pegasus. She was flying around getting food for the animals and a small fluffy bunny was helping her. “Oh, Angel, Could you get the otters their food?” she said. The bunny gave a salute to her before popping out of his door.

For a brief moment, he stopped, looked around to find something, looked at where I was and stared hard. I thought my cover had been blown when there was some chattering from the otters. He turned and seemed to talk angrily to them before briefly turning back to where I was. Then he hopped off.
I mentally breathed a sigh of relief before deciding to head off when I felt a disturbance. Something strange, that wasn’t normal by my standards. (AN: His standards were different to the rest of Equis and Earth, mainly because his people were connected to the cosmos by some means) When I looked, the animals were running away from a opening to the woods. Suddenly a creature I had never seen before jumped out of the woods.

It seemed to be made of wood and looked like a wolf, but it seemed to be nothing I have ever seen before. ‘What species is this?’ I thought, as it looked around and sniffed the air. It soon seemed to smell me, and looked directly in my direction. ‘Oh boy!’ I frightenly thought as it soon jumped at me. Thankfully I ducked and it crashed into the window.

This is where the problem came in, as I knew that now the pegasus was in trouble. I didn’t know what to do, at first. But soon, I realized that I had to save her and prevent her from being hurt. Turning myself visible, I quickly jumped through the window to face the beast.

Now for those who are wondering what I look like, let me give you a good description. My people are genderless from the moment they are born, but they can choose what gender they want to be and appear like a blank slate, aside from the fact that we chose a humanoid form. We are grey, faceless and have hands and feet like a human, but our feet can turn into something similar to shoes. We can change our physical form, and alter our bodies to match some physical forms and states, like liquid, solid, gaseous, and plasma(However we avoid using the last one, for purposes).

She looked at me, and so did the creature, as it had cornered her. The animals had all hid themselves away from the strange dog-like creature. I decided to see if it still wanted me. “You were after me, not her. So pick on someone your-” I was rudely interrupted, as the wooden beast came at me and tried to rip my head off. I quickly oozed out of his grip and quickly made it to his back, trying to choke it.

Boy, was it strong! As it threw me across the room and caused me to go splat on the wall next to the butter yellow pegasus. The poor thing was being kind to me as she reached out to try and help her. She touched the goop, suddenly resulting in a zap from me. “EEP!” she exclaimed as she jumped back from the goop. While still in my liquidus form, I couldn’t form anything except what was the last thing I touched until I could understand.

When she touched me, I felt the genes in her of three different species that were on this planet. Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns, and I could take on any of their forms including their most powerful form, Alicorns. My body decided for me to be an Earth Pony. As I started to take a new physical form, the wooden beast soon started to creep up on the pegasus, as she resumed her position of being curled up into a ball to fit into a small corner.

It seemed like she was doomed before I rammed the beast to a wall. “Ha! Now how do you like that, huh? Hurts doesn’t it?” I said. It slowly got up, shaking its head before looking at me with a growl. “Come and get me.” I teased, smacking my flank. The pegasus blushed, before the beast grabbed me in his jaws. As it squeezed me, I started making squeaking noises like a squeaky toy. I soon quickly oozed out of it’s mouth and ended up on its back again. I rode the thing like a wild bull before pulling it out the door. We both fell outside, with it landing on me. Before it could get up, I quickly grabbed it by the tail and started spinning it before tossing it out to the woods where it came from.

“And DON’T come back here.” I said, taking in a few breaths. I looked behind me as I saw her walk towards the door. Before she had a chance to ask any questions, I quickly ran away to hide out in the trees.

A few minutes after all of that, I checked myself in the mirror. My fur was grey, and I had brown hair on my head and tail. ‘Funny, must’ve been when I took that other physical form back on Earth.’ I thought before turning the hand mirror back into my hoof.

I then noticed a “For Rent sign nailed into the ground. Getting a closer look with some binoculars, (I have ways of getting items on me. It’s called pocket dimensions, and yes it’s real. Look it up under Temporal Physics) and got a closer look. It looked like a tiny apartment complex with two ponies, both female. I then noticed that they showed affection towards one another. One was a white unicorn pony with electric blue hair, and the other one was a grey earth pony with a bowtie.

It was funny, here I was a male again on another planet, my ship had crashed landed, and I ended up with a new species again. ‘I guess while I’m making repairs to the ship, I might as well research this planet.’ I thought, with a smile.’This should be fun.’

3: "New To Ponyville"

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So, at the time of basically planning a way to pay for rent and live in a apartment complex with two mares, they were busy planning for a extra roommate. The first thing they had to do was convince the tenant of their building that they had extra room for their roommate. “You want to what?” he said in surprise. “We have extra room and we would like to advertise that we have this extra room if they want it.” Vinyl said. The tenant thought about this, then said, “Alright, but only if he pays.”

At that moment, I decided to quickly set up a job that would work for me. From there I saw a workshop that repaired clocks and other odds and ends. Heading in, I quickly went to the place, then entered. It was then I started to feel a presence that I hadn’t felt in a long time, but maybe it was just me. Being in space can drive one crazy.

It was then a brown pony appeared from behind the curtain, wearing a green tie, and spiky hair. Did I forget to mention the Hourglass cutie mark? The pony in question, looked at me as if he was trying to remember something, before shaking it off. “Welcome to Time Turner’s Fix-it Shop. How can I help you?” he said in a british accent. This would be a point where alarm bells would be going off in my head, but I pushed them to the back of my head.

“Hi, I’m new to Ponyville and was wondering if I could get a job here, repairing items?” I said. Time Turner looked at me, trying to figure out something, before saying, “Alright, I’ll just start you off with fixing this.” he said, handing me a small clock. I then notice the tools on the counter, knowing what to do. Grabbing a screwdriver with my hoof, I started quickly working on the mechanical device before grabbing a hammer and hammering out a few dents. Finally I wound the clock, before it started ticking.

“Very nice. You’re hired.” he said with a smile. “You start tomorrow.” he simply said, writing down something on a pad, then handing it to me. “You know, I never got your name.” he said. That’s when I decided to try and see if my Earth name would still work. “Um, it’s Smith, John Smith.” I said. Time Turner looked at me with a raised eyebrow, while I took the paper from him with my mouth, then I quickly ran out the door.

‘That takes care of my money problems, now for the house.’ I thought, seeing the apartment complex, ‘And I know just the place.’

Reaching the apartment, I decided to check in on the tenant of the place. “Excuse me sir, but I was wondering if there’s a Room for rent here in this apartment?” I said. The tenant was reading his paper, not paying attention. I tried dinging the bell, that didn’t work either. So, with my abilities, I basically just gave out a powerful AWOOOGA! to which he fell over onto the floor.

Getting up, he was about to get angry at the thing that made the noise, when his eyes fell upon me. He looked around for the source of the noise, then back at me. “Didja hear that noise sunny?” he said, in some odd accent. “No sir.” I lied, “I just tried getting your attention. I heard that there was a room for rent in one of these apartments.”
The tenant looked me over, confused. “How the hay didja get word on tat’ when I haven’t even sent th’ dang advertisement over to my pal?” “Simple.” I started, quickly thinking up a story, “I have a friend that said that there’s always an available room somewhere in Ponyville.” I said. He looked at me again, trying to see if I was lying. Apparently, he didn’t trust me, and that was understandable from his perspective and from mine.

In my line of work, traveling across space-time, I’ve had creatures give me the stare when I told them stories that sounded like a load of baloney.

He then shrugged at this, then said, “You may wanna talk to some mares over in room 306. They’ll give ya’ the details about the room.” he said, before I decided to head out to meet the manes that I just saw hanging around the front of the Ponyville Apartment Complexes.

‘Here we go!’ I thought.

4: "Meet My Roommates"

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So, after a while in walking around, looking for the room number (shouldn’t be too hard, it’s only ten or so rooms) I finally ended up finding room 306. I soon knocked on the door, seeing if they would end up answering the door. As it turns out, one of them did. A grey mare, with black hair and a pink bowtie answered the door. Her cutie mark showed a treble clef on her flank, as my eyes soon started back to her.

“Um, I’m here about that extra room for rent?” I said. Her eyes widened in realization of what I meant. “Ah, yes. Well, come on in.” she said. I nodded, as I entered, ‘Time to meet my roommates.’ I thought as she closed the door behind me. As I continued forwards, I noticed a white pony with a electric blue mane and tail, with glasses on her face. “What’s wrong with her?” I said.

Just at the moment I smelt her breath, she said, “Well, she’s under a hangover from partying all night, last night.” I shook my head, as the fumes from the mare made me dizzy. ‘Party animal eh?’ I thought, with a smile, ‘I’ll ask her where the best party places are here.’ “I am Octavia, and the Mare on the couch is Vinyl Scratch, also known as DJ-Pon3” she said. I swear I thought I heard the three in her name, but that may have been how I picked up the sentence she had said.

She looked at me, expecting me to do something. Instead I said this, “Well, anyways. I’ve been traveling for a while, seeing stuff, meeting being-I mean ponies, and well… I haven’t been keeping up with the latest in today’s music.” I said. There was a *Snort!* that came from Vinyl, just before turning around.

She smiled, then turned towards me and said, “Right, well I’ll show you to your room.” I nodded and followed the classy mare to my quarters-I mean room. (Dang it, I’m slipping into my pirate speak. That was too long ago I had been a pirate) The mare lead me down the hallway towards the room towards the third door. “This will be your room.” she said, opening the door. The room was basic and plain.

On the plus side, there was a chair for reading and a reading lamp. Other then that, there was a chester drawers and a small bed. ‘Perfect for me.’ I thought. “It’s exactly what I need.” I said. “I’ll take it.” I said. She smiled at me and gave me the house keys. “I hope you know that Vinyl really likes to party and really plays her music loud.” Octavia said. Hearing loud, I started to remember my time at some planet long ago, when the party never stopped, and the music was loud.

Finally, I snapped back to reality, as I said, “Don’t worry, I’ve heard louder. It won’t be a bother.” As I turned entered my room I added, “Also, don’t worry about my bags. I’ll find them as soon as possible. They were… lost.”

She looked at me for a breif moment, confused on what I had just said, before trotting off. I soon closed the door, locking it, then I smiled as I climbed into the bed.

As I fell asleep, neither I nor my roommates realized that their lives (which was already weird from accidents before), was going to get weirder and dangerous. Oh, boy.

5: Suspicions I "Acting Strangely"

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The next day, I awoke to something poking me with a stick. ‘If I had to guess, I’d say that’s the roommate that’s checking up on me.’ I thought to myself. Cracking open my eye, I saw the dj, Vinyl Scratch who was curious with me. I pretended to sleep, as I turned around. It seemed like she was about to leave me alone, before she started poking me with a stick again. I pretended to mumble something, before suddenly turning around and scaring her with a roar.

Now to note, I scared her still in my pony form and roared in a normal voice. No change into a horrible monster, nor some un-human roar, but instead I tried to appear normal. The only problem was that she fell over and hit my chester drawers, knocking her out. Octavia quickly ran up to my room, only to find a stick, a unconscious Vinyl, and me in a menacing stance on my bed. She looked at Vinyl, then at me. “Oops.” I uttered, sitting there on my bed.

Minutes later, and a good explanation, Vinyl had a ice pack on the back of her head and I was apologizing for the scare. “I’m sorry kid. I didn’t mean to do that to you. I just wanted to play a prank on you.” I said. Octavia wasn’t happy at me, but Vinyl looked at me angrily before changing to a face of good humor. She soon started laughing, “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t be laughing but, that was hilarious.” she said, “And it was my fault for not expecting that. I mean I slipped and tripped into your drawers.”

“So, that means…” “Yes, I accept your apology.” she said with a smile. Octavia sighed, but soon showed signs of being a bit light-hearted. “Well, since we got that out of the way, I can now go ahead and go to my job.” she said. “As well as I.” I said.

There isn’t a lot of details I’m willing to write down without fear of boring you to death, so I shall skip some details. I trotted off to work, heading toward the Fix-It Shop. Entering, I worked for a bit with Time Turner, repairing some of the primitive but amazing technology. At lunch I quickly ran back into the Everfree, heading to the crash site where I started gathering things to take back to my room. I did this for an hour and fifteen minutes before returning back to my job, continuing to work on the grandfather clock that Princess Luna sent to us.

After making repairs, I needed to fix a few things before turning in for the night and heading off back to my room. Heading for my room, all I needed was a few hours of sleep and I could get to working on my ship in my room. I fell asleep for just a few minutes before going ahead and working on the parts of my ship that I brought to my room.

Now how did I sneak the parts past Vinyl? Simple, she was asleep. As I made repairs to the main control console, I must’ve been making a lot of noise, because suddenly there was a knock on my door. I quickly went to it before she had a chance in seeing something she shouldn’t. Opening the door enough to see who it was, and seeing me, I saw Octavia standing there. She didn’t look exactly happy, but she didn’t look angry or upset either.

“Hey Octavia, what brings you here?” ‘Not that I could already guess.’ I thought to myself. Octavia looked a little worried, trying to see into my room, but there door wasn’t cracked enough to see into the room. “I heard noises coming from your room and was wondering what you were doing.” “Oh, just a little remodeling and a project.” I said. Now I wasn’t lying, I was basically withholding certain information about myself and the whole ‘I’m-from-another-planet’ shtick. She looks at me curiously before I said, “Look, if I need anyo-anyponys help, I’ll make sure that I get you or Vinyl’s help.”

I soon closed the door, leaving Octavia confused as ever. She decided to let me work, while I quickly went back to work on my ship’s console. ‘Darn thing’s busted. Where can I find replacement parts on this planet?’ I thought.

Vinyl, was in her room after taking a relaxing nap to the entire thing. Waking up, she went upstairs to start working on her items for tonight’s show. “Alright, let’s kick it up.” she said, to which Octavia entered the room. Vinyl smiled as she noticed her marefriend entering the room. “Hey Tavi, what’s the matter?” she said. Octavia looked at her with a worried face, which caused Vinyl to stop what she was about to do. “I can’t help but feel suspicious about our new roommate.” “What do you mean?” Vinyl asked.

It was then that I suddenly was working loudly, causing them to suddenly hear the new ear-piercing sound. It soon stopped with a pop. “I mean our new roommate is acting strangely, and he’s just been here for 24 hrs.” she said. Vinyl nodded, then said, “Well, let’s give him a day, he may just be nervous. He may not actually be that strange.” she said.

Suddenly, as something started to whine, the lights started to flicker and dim. Octavia and Vinyl looked at the light, then back at each other. “Then again, this could be something else.” she said.
“No,” Octavia said, “We’ll give him another 24 hrs, and if he continues to act strangely, we’ll investigate into his… history.” she said. Vinyl nodded in agreement, as the lights slowly flickered and strange sounds came from the room next door.

Later, while they slept together, I quickly went over and checked on them. ‘Yup! They’re asleep, now to try and get some more items from my ship.’ I said as I headed out of the apartment, and quickly into the Everfree forest. From there, I started removing a few items that would be useful in case of emergency.

Gathering the parts and items I quickly left my ship again and headed back towards the apartment. Closing the door quietly, I soon went back to my room, dropped my items off and went to sleep for two hours. Enough sleep for me to handle the rest of the day tomorrow.

What I didn’t know was that Octavia checked to see me enter, and sneak past their room with a large bag with beeping, and klinking noises as I tried to sneak it back to my room. Octavia looked at me tonight, while I quickly entered my room and quietly closed the door, locking it as well.

She was now really suspicious.

6: Suspicion II "Things Are Escalating Quickly"

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So, the next day, early at the crack of dawn, I decided to give my roommates something nice. Unlocking the door, then locking it outside, I quickly ran down to the kitchen to make them something good. Heading to the fridge, I decided to make some eggs and… hay bacon? Apparently, there was a false bacon on this world. I was confused on what to do, when I decided to go ahead and make it.

I started remembering my past life, trying to help two humans with a crazed case that would’ve killed a human.

Flashback, A year and a half ago (from my perspective)...
It was a quiet-ish night in the woods, save for the background noise of crickets and owls. It seemed peaceful, and nice. Suddenly, a massive creature moved quickly through the woods, too quickly for its size. Going after it was a figure, leaping from tree branch to tree branch like a ninja. Behind these two was two humans running after the creature.

Both humans were young and working for the FBI, in some strange case that would drive a normal man sane. One was a reddish brown-headed woman who believed that there was a logical explanation for everything. Another was a blacked hair man whose sister was kidnapped by aliens. He believed in the supposed impossible.

“He’s getting away, keep up Scully!” yelled the man. “I’m trying Mulder.” Scully yelled back. The figure trying to keep up with the creature happened to be… well, me. That’s right, long ago I wanted to help Mulder with his problem and Scully with her disbelief, but then again the cosmos has other plans.

Right at that day I tried keeping up with the creature. It was trying to take over the world (again) and I, with the help of the “X-Files Duo”, I quickly found the dreaded creature. Now to get him back to his location, but others said otherwise. And when I meant others, I meant the two FBI agents that were following behind myself and the creature. ‘Now time to get you home fella. Back to the zoo.’ I thought as I followed it.

Wanting nothing more than to prove to Scully the existence of aliens would be great, but myself as well as others didn’t think so. So, utilizing the tools of mankind, and some proper planning, I threw down some smoke grenades, hopefully disorienting them. It worked as I quickly jumped onto the back of the beast, before the both of us were taken by the ship’s tractor beam. “So long, Mulder. Goodbye.” I said as the beam carried us up to the ship, to which it soon got out of there.

I looked through the ship’s viewfinder to see Mulder and Scully running out of the fog, just to get a 10 second look at the flying saucer. It soon flew away from Earth, and took us to Orion’s Belt so we could return the Brothian back to its cage. He later asked Mulder if Scully saw the saucer. She didn’t

‘Ah, those were the days.’ I thought to myself as set breakfast up for them. I then decided to ring a dinner bell with a wooden spoon (although where I got the dinner bell and spoon from, I won’t tell you. Your brains may leak out of your ears, or your head would explode. The most likely is that you would fall asleep) yelling “Come and get it!” I soon quickly grabbed the coffee pot and made coffee for the two of them and myself.

I was thankful that it wasn’t a day where we couldn’t be working, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to sneak my items into the apartment. So far, I’ve been careful, but I could be wrong, and I was. Going to my job at the fix-it shop, I soon started to finish working on Princess Luna’s Grandfather Clock.

Meanwhile, Octavia and Vinyl were keeping an eye on me, apparently calling their respected places to say that they were going to take a day off. Why were they taking the day off? Well, it was simple, they were spying on me. Looking from a table at a restaurant nearby the fix-it shop, they spied on me, trying to figure out something about me. “Why did he sneak back in quietly, and where did he go?” Octavia said. Vinyl wasn’t exactly paying attention, as she was looking at the newspaper.

“My better question is, why are we spying on him?” Vinyl said, in her usual bored tone(only when she was bored). Octavia sighed, then looked at Vinyl through her sunglasses. “Because he’s acting suspicious last night. I woke up and heard something.” Vinyl was now curious, looking at Octavia with interest. “When, I went to the door, I saw him carrying a large bag with parts of the bag faintly glowing. He entered, then locked the door.” she said.

Octavia placed a fedora and sunglasses on her, then grabbed the newspaper near her. Vinyl was confused, then just shrugged, placing the fez on her head. “Wait, why do I have to wear the fez, why don’t you?” “Because it fits your eccentric personality.” she whispered as I came out. Vinyl looked confused and almost wounded, “I can’t tell if that’s a compliment or an insult.”

Both of them grabbed the newspaper and opened it, pretending to read it. I happened to walk by them, stopping for a brief moment to see if I was seeing right, then I realized that it wasn’t my roommates and continued on. I should’ve looked at their cutie marks closely, but my mind was on other things like how to fix my ship, whether I should keep a permanent residence or find a way to contact some other intelligent beings with spaceships.

I soon went into the Everfree again, while my roommates stayed behind and hid behind a bush. Now while I gathered my things, things started happening. Now I don’t know how accurate it is, but my roommates gave me a general picture of what happened while I was in the woods. Yes, I did get their accounts on what happened, but I can’t be sure that their accounts were accurate.

It seemed that while I was out in the woods gathering my things and placing them into a bag, (again, pocket dimension) both were considering whether or not to follow me. Just when both of them were just about to set up a plan, suddenly, Octavia saw a spider. It seemed that they were going to go back to start making plans when a gust of wind caused the spider to land on Octavia’s face, just as she was turning her head towards it.

Freaking out, Octavia bolted (because she thought it was going to get her, her claim not mine) while Vinyl stomped on it (mainly because she didn’t care, and didn’t like spiders in the other way. She did also note that, she thought it was funny that a lycan like Octavia, big, mean, and powerful, was afraid of a little spider. Her claim, again not mine) then made her way into the woods. It seem that she was about to stop, when she slammed into a wooden dog (what I later found out it was called ‘Timberwolves’)

Now according to what I know, a normal pony wouldn’t exactly have a chance. They have more of a chance of flight than fight, however Octavia was a lycan. Changing to her wolf form, she quickly jumped at one of them, as more quickly got up and went after her. The last one of the pack wasn’t lucky as it was crushed by a white unicorn pony with electric blue hair. She smiled as the others were alerted to their presence.

They threw some of them, others they were crushed, and while they fought, I was going down a slightly different path. It seemed all quiet when I heard a roar. Followed by a timberwolf being tossed across my path. Realizing that I could be in danger, I quickly ran, objects rattling in my bag.

About five minutes after they had defeated the timberwolves, they heard the rattling bag and followed me back to the apartment before seeing me head back to my job, coming back to work on some other items. Princess Luna did come back in and get her grandfather clock, which we were paid gladly. After Time Turner paid me, I returned home.

“Well, that was fun.” Vinyl said, brushing off the wood from her fur. “Indeed, although I think things are escalating quickly.” Octavia said. That was when I entered through the door, grunting something to them before heading to my room.

Inside, there was wires hanging from the ceiling, computers were scattered on almost every wall and computer parts filled drawers and the desk. I soon started to repair the main computer console again, while checking the navigation system and the N-th Dimensional Multi Purpose Guidance system computers.

Vinyl and Octavia sat there hearing the crashing and noise that came from the room. “That’s it!” Octavia said. Vinyl looked at Octavia, “It’s simple, we go follow him in the nighttime. He won’t expect that.” she said. Vinyl’s expression of confusion turned into a wild grin. “And I thought that I came up with the crazy plans.”

What they didn’t know was that their semi-normal life was going to get crazy, intergalactic crazy!

7: Suspicions III "I'm A Alien"

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Well, while I planned on trying to bring my spaceship into my bedroom without raising suspicion (which I didn’t know I had already done two night before), my roommates were planning on how to follow me into the dark. Both of them could do things that before this and the chapters before, I didn’t know they could do.

Around Nine-ish, I got up, opened the door and headed out of the apartment, followed by Vinyl and Octavia. Taking their forms, Vinyl’s heightened senses as well as Octavia’s, followed me carefully where they stepped so I didn’t know of their presence. I soon made it to the place where my ship crashed, checking things over, before removing some of the glass and entering further into the ship.

At that time Octavia and Vinyl were standing there, mouths agape as they saw a crashed flying saucer sitting there. Almost undisturbed from the crash, aside from a few pieces of discarded glass from the windshield, which proved that I was there. The two of them turned back into their normal selves and walked towards it. Vinyl Scratch lit her horn up, revealing the wreckage of twisted metal, and broken equipment all around. The pathway they walked was black and burned, but cool to the touch, yet hard as rock.

Getting closer, they saw something moving causing them to move more slowly than usual. As they got closer, they saw a tentacle moving about before ducking back into the vehicle. Both looked at each other before looking back at the ship. “I think we should-.” Suddenly, a tentacle shot out and grabbed Octavia, then another went and grabbed Vinyl.

Both of them were lifted up towards the sky as the strange creature climbed out of the vehicle, before looking towards the two ponies. It then pulled them close to see who dared to follow me, who would-

At that moment, my thoughts halted all processing and the gears shifted before I realized who followed me. Changing my head, I soon saw exactly who it was. They saw the head morph from a squid head to a normal pony head, and a pony one that they knew. “Octavia? Vinyl?” I said. Both of their eyes went wide eyed before they fainted right there on the spot, slipping right out of my tentacles. ‘Oh great! Nice one John.’ I thought to myself, as I looked them over. No damage was done to them, and I needed to get my ship back to my room.

What was I going to do?

Octavia and Vinyl woke up in their bed, staring at each other before getting up. They looked around, seeing that they were in their room, before turning to each other. “Did we dream the whole thing last night?” Vinyl said. Octavia started thinking, “Maybe, I was dozing off for a moment…” They both stopped thinking and started to smell something good coming from downstairs.

What they didn’t know was that while they were asleep within the last few hours or so, I decided to make them breakfast again. I know I should make them make breakfast, well mainly Octavia, but I thought that it would help set up of who I am. It shouldn’t matter what I am (although others may disagree), but it should matter what I do. Anyways, they came down the stairs heading towards the dining room to where they saw that I was cooking the food.

“It’ll just be a few more minutes before its ready.” I said, frying up some hay bacon again. As soon as I was done, I gave them their breakfast which was Hay Bacon Stripes (I don’t know how they do that), Eggs, and Toast with a side of coffee.

They soon sat down and started to eat while I sat there with a smile on my face. They looked confused, and maybe scared, or was that partly me? There was a silence before I just said, “So, about last night…” I started awkwardly, which caused both mares who were drinking hot coffee to do a spit take, at my face.

They both looked shocked, then looked at each other before looking back at me. “You mean it wasn’t a dream?” Octavia said. I suddenly became shocked, and voiced what I was thinking, “You mean you thought it was a dream? Should’ve kept my mouth shut.” I said, starting to mumble something. The two mares looked at me, before Vinyl said, “Are you going to kill us?” “No, I’m going to wipe your mind.” I said. I however couldn’t keep a straight face as they stared at me with utter shock. Any more and their jaws would drop to the ground.

I soon started laughing and decided to take a picture with a Polaroid camera. Taking a quick snap, I placed the camera down. “You should’ve seen the look on your faces from what I just said, in fact.” I stopped, still in a giggling fit. The camera suddenly spat out the picture, causing the development to take a while before I showed them the picture. They soon repeated the same shocked look that was achieved from the picture I took, causing me to laugh even harder.

“Stop it. I don’t want to pee myself.” I exclaimed as my face started turning blue and my gut was hurting.

Polaroid Camera:$50.00
Camera Film from project:$55
Getting your roommates to be shocked from the pure insanity of their lives: Priceless.

After I had calmed down and both of them had stopped acting shocked, like I had laid two eggs in their living room (I could do that, but didn’t want to place them in a hospital from the pure insanity), we soon sat down on the couch and decided to talk. “So, are you really-” “Yes Octavia, I’m a alien.” I replied.

“So where were you before you came here?” Vinyl asked curiously.“Well I came from another planet where there were creatures similar to your species, except they were technologically advanced and they walked on two legs. They called their species human.” I replied. They both nodded before Vinyl said, “Well at least Lyra isn’t crazy.” I suddenly did my best impression of Simon Pegg from the movie, The World’s End. “What?!” I exclaimed, turning towards Vinyl.

So that night, it was just settling down which was followed by a barrage of questions, before one question remained.

“What were you doing in your room that you had to go to that wreck and back?” Octavia said. I smiled, before getting up and going upstairs. “Follow me.” I said. They looked at each other, shrugged, then got up and headed upstairs to my room. I unlocked the door and opened it, showing it to them. Entering they saw the room that was once clean, neat, and fine.

The place was filled with smudges of alien oils, while the computer equipment bleeped and clicked, and hissed. Some of the computers weren’t working very well, and were either off, or sometimes would spark. Cords hung from the ceiling and the walls. Some were coiled all around on the floor. “Last night, I decided to bring my ship into the bedroom so I can keep an eye on it, and no one will come across it accidentally.” I said. The two of them looked around, trying to find it, while I smiled at them.

“Uh, where is it?” Vinyl said. I smiled even more, then I just simply pointed upwards. Both of my roommates were surprised as they saw hanging from the ceiling with some of the cords and rope, the flying saucer. However, it was slightly smaller than before. “The fun thing about my ship is that it can change it’s exterior size, but the interior is huge.” I then started to think of a friend I ran into in my past life. ‘I wish that he was here.’ I thought with a bit of sadness, before snapping out of it.

“Anyways, I think we need a day off just to get to know each other.” I said. The three of us agreed and we decided to take the day off.

However the next day was going to get even stranger than this. I can definitely tell you, it was a doozy, I should know.

8: "Blood Control? I Haven't Seen That In Years"

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Waking up the next day, after a day of questions and my changing abilities, there was a knock on the door.

My head felt like it was being caved in by an elephant using a jackhammer. ‘Dang! That’s the last time I have a wild drink with my roommates.’ I thought as I got up. The funny thing about hangovers for me is that I start to get over them more quickly than normal ponies. I heard knocking again, then went over to the door.

Opening up the door, I wasn’t expecting my boss, Time Turner. “Time Turner! Wha? What are you doing here?” I said. He looked around, then he said, “Well, I’m here to check on you.” He entered without me asking him in. Before I could even protest, he quickly grabbed me and said, “Look, I know you won’t believe me but,” he paused for a moment, about to tell me something, when we heard a groan from my roommates.

I looked at them, seeing that I wasn’t sleeping on the couch, so were my roommates. ‘I hope nothing happened with them and me. I really hope.’ I thought before heading off to get them a special treat I’ve only seen in a movie.

I soon came back in, carrying two ice creams on my back. “Here we are two hangover Cornettos for you guys. Vinyl, your’s is red as well as yours Octavia. I’ve got the Mint.” I said as the sat up and grabbed their icy treat. I soon grabbed mine, and started to eat it. Time Turner looked at the three of us in surprise, before saying, “Are you bloody mad? Something is going on and you’re going to just sit there?” he said, his voice reaching higher pitches.

“Easy boss.” I said, “My roommates have a horrible hangover and the only cures known are a Bloody Mary, and Cornetto or Ice Creams.” I sat there looking at my boss and friend’s eye twitch slightly. “Want one?” I said.

He licked his blue ice cream that I got for him, as the four of us ate our treats on or near the couch.

They soon started to snap back to normal of sorts, as I started to think about something. ‘During the drunken daze, there was something… something that...’ I looked at the door, trying to remember, ‘There was a person, No! A being that came in here while we were partying, and took… what looked like...’ “Um, Vinyl?” I started, turning my head towards her. She looked at me through those sunglasses which confused me for a moment, before I decided to continue with the more pressing matter at hand.

“What’s exactly in the fridge?” I started, watching her confused reaction, “Because someone got into our apartment while we were all drunk and stole what looked like a blood bag.” That did something, as I found that her face suddenly changed from confused to shock. The four of us went to the fridge to see that there was in fact blood bags hanging in the fridge. I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt.
“Let me guess, cranberry juice with alcohol.” I said. She didn’t say anything, but instead nodded her head. I was about to grab one, when Lyra busted into our apartment. “Lyra, what-?” “Someone gotta help me. Bon-Bon is acting really strange.” she said. At that moment she finished her sentence, Bon-Bon came walking past the door in a daze. For a brief moment, I swear that I saw her spark.

Looking back at the blood bag, I decided to take an enormous risk and opened it. “Uh John, I wouldn’t-.” Octavia said, but was too late. I took a swig and swallowed. I paused for a moment, then turned towards Lyra. “Keep an eye on her, and see where she goes.” I said, before tossing a small necklace. “And take this, you’ll need it for luck.” I added. Lyra caught it with her telekinesis and quickly ran after Bon-Bon.

As ponies passed by the door, I swig the drink again, then said. “B Positive.” I said, before taking a drink again, “with a hint of iron. Bleh.” Vinyl and Octavia looked at each other surprised that I guessed that by drinking the bag. I started to realize something, “Uh, Vinyl?” I started, to which she looked at me. She then moved her sunglasses to her forehead, and revealed her magenta eyes.

Suddenly, her eyes turned blood red, and her mouth revealed fangs. She lunged at me causing me to wrap my hoof around her entire head, kinda like a muzzle. “I wouldn’t do that. My blood can turn to acid, melting you from the inside out.” I said, causing her eyes to go wide. “Trust me when I say that it’s not pretty. Here.” I said giving her the bag. She takes it and I remove my hoof.

I then looked at Octavia who looked more K-9 than pony. Just so you know, I had to do this joke. “Why Octavia, what big paws you have.” I said, in a slight mock-tone to my voice. She growled at me for a moment. “I wouldn’t do that,” I thought to her, “I fought some wooden dogs before, and they were tough. Almost killed that poor butter yellow pegasus.” The three of them looked at him in shock, before Vinyl said, “You saved Fluttershy from a Timberwolf?” “And you had telepathy, when?”

I looked at Octavia, then said, “Well, I had a lot of mental abilities,” I then turned towards Vinyl, “And yes, on my near first day, I fought a… Timberwolf, you called it?” Vinyl nodded. “So all this time, I’ve had a vampire and lycan as my roommates?” he said. Both smiled awkwardly at him.

“Somebody call the tabloids, it’s a scandal!” I exclaimed comically. My roommates looked at each other, then we started staring at each other before we all busted out laughing. “Um, I’d hate to break this heart-felt moment, but we’ve got a serious problem.” Time Turner said from the door. The three of us went to the door to see ponies walking down the hallway, sparking as they moved down the hallway.

“Blood Control? I haven’t seen that in years?” I said, “And I haven’t seen it since my time on Earth.” Time Turner said. It was then at that moment, gears started turning in my head, and I realized who I was talking to. Turning towards him, with a look of shock on my face, I said, “Doctor? Is that you?” His head snapped towards mine in surprise. “It’s me, John.” I said to him. The look on his face, I wish I had my Polaroid camera for that. “John Smith? Blimey, I haven’t seen you or your kind since that incident back on Gallifrey.” he said. We both shook hands and started laughing. My roommates had confused looks, so I decided to introduce him.

“Right, Introductions are in order. Doctor, meet my roommates, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia. I just found out they’re a couple of spooks around here.” I said. They shook hooves, before I continued, “Guys, say hello to an old friend of mine, The Doctor.” I said, with a grin on my face. “We can deal with that later, right now we need to find out where they’re going.” The Doctor said.

That’s when I had an idea. “Doc, do you still have your Tardis?” “Does Gallifrey make terrible bagels? And I thought I told you not to call me Doc.” he said.

Five minutes later, we headed towards my job office. The Doctor pulled out his key, quickly unlocking the door before entering. I quickly followed with Vinyl and Octavia following behind. We soon ran to the back of the room, where standing there in a corner was a strange blue box, humming as though there was a machine there instead of an ordinary Call Box.

“What’s that?” Octavia asked “That’s my ship.” The Doctor said, grabbing his key from his tie before he unlocked the door. He then entered, followed by me, Vinyl, and Octavia into the box, to which my roommates stood there in shock, while I looked around again. “I’ve seen that you’ve changed in here. Not bad, the lighting looks great.” I said. The Doctor nodded, before adjusting a few items on the console.

“Alright, as I’ve started saying, ALLONS-Y!” he said. Slamming the console with a hammer before pulling the handbrake. Suddenly, the room sprang to life, as the room shook and the Tardis wheezed into the Time Vortex. *VWOORP! VWOORP!*

As the machine flew, I quickly pulled out the device for The Doctor. “Remember that necklace I gave Lyra, Doctor?” He nodded as he pulled a lever, causing the machine to lurch sideways before he adjusted a knob. “We need to plug it into the Tardis, to track her and get it… sorry, her to take us to her.” I said. The Doctor gaved his manic grin, before exclaiming, “Brilliant!”

As we hooked it up, it lurches again, and we head off.

Hang on, my friend needs a break, he’s starting to hallucinate.