• Published 8th Jan 2015
  • 5,107 Views, 25 Comments

What do you mean "No"!? - BlackWolfos

Diamond Tiara always gets her way from other ponies. The new human is not a pony.

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Intro to two lives

Diamond Tiara always got her way, that was just a fact of life. If she wanted something, she always had a way of getting it. If she wanted candy, all she had to do was ask sweetly enough. If she wanted ice cream, it was only a matter of using the puppy dog eyes until somebody caved. Anything she wanted, she could have. But as she grew older and her body developed, her desires changed, as did her ways of satisfying them. Expensive dresses? A few sultry words and it was hers. Some spending money? Some close contact and a quick flutter of her eyes and she had as much as she wanted. Even her own father, Filthy Rich, was not immune to her methods. A shake of her flank or a quick peek under her tail and he was fumbling over himself to give her what she wanted, blushing red the whole time.

Eventually, teasing stallions became one of her favorite hobbies. She loved little more than to stroll into town and leave as many stallions as she could flushed and hiding their shame from the world. There was no greater pleasure to her than to tease a stallion to the brink of shameful release; than leave him in the streets, aroused and flustered in front of everyone while she laughed from afar. For the longest time, this was her life. Getting whatever she wanted from whatever stallion she wanted.

But then, IT showed up. It was a normal day for her, doing what she loved. Finding a random stallion and leaving the poor fool a flushed mess about to make a mess of himself in front of everypony. When suddenly, all attention was drawn to town square. That...thing... Had just appeared out of nowhere, standing on two legs. And no fur to be seen except for the very top of it’s head. It had strange, claw like protrusions from the arms at it’s side, they even moved and waggled around like gross mini-tentacles. It was also completely naked, not a patch of cloth anywhere on it’s body. That last fact was the only reason she was certain the thing was a male. she had gotten an unfortunate glimpse of it's, *ahem*, male pride when it had struck an unfortunate pony that strayed to close to it, laying the poor fool out flat and giving everyone a decent look at the dangling flesh between it's legs.

Of course, she reacted like anypony would in that situation. Stood up, stared for a second, than ran in the opposite direction as fast as she could. Locked in her room, she cowered under her bed until basic needs forced her out. She still didn't leave the mansion, however. When a week had passed, the town had pretty much gone back to normal, the creature nowhere in sight. She assumed it had been killed! Or run into the everfree forest or something. She didn't care, now that she could go back to doing what she loved without the worry of strange alien creatures. That was, until, the next day when she saw it in the marketplace, standing next to that shut-in yellow mare.

It was just standing there, shopping around like everything was normal, and everypony was just going about their normal daily routine. Seeing this left her in a state of shock, wide eyed and mouth open just staring at the scene. She was even more shocked when it leaned over and kissed the yellow mare, leaving her a blushing mess. And nobody said or did anything. What the buck!

Eventually, she collected herself and went to find a stallion to take her mind off the alien creature. So what if it was in a relationship with that social outcast. She still had her money, her fun, and every stallion in ponyville wrapped around her hoof. It wasn’t like this one creature was going to change any of that.


Things had gotten very strange very fast for Anon. First, being dropped into an alien world with colorful talking ponies, then being hit on by one of said colorful talking ponies, then dating the aforementioned pony, then being called on to babysit a colorful talking pony, all in the span of one week. Well, nine days, but whose counting?

Suddenly finding one’s self buck naked and surrounded by talking horses is not a pleasant way to come to one’s senses, there were two beings in Equestria that could testify to that. Anon himself, and Time Turner, the unfortunate pony Anon slugged when he touched him. Poor guy had been knocked out cold, and had consequently sent the rest of the town scattering, yelling "Monster!" and other such words. Of course later he would apologize publicly for the punch and even shake hooves with the guy. At least the ponies tend to get over things quickly, who KNOWS how that could've turned out otherwise.

But afterwards, he was taken to a library by a purple unicorn named Twilight Sparkle, the most adorkable pony he had ever met. Heck, the most adorkable ANYTHING he had ever met. He stayed with her for two days, her furiously researching every resource she could get her hooves on looking for anything about him or his species, but the closest thing she found was one line mentioning something called a 'human' in the dustiest tome she possessed in the back of the oldest bookshelf, and even that was only in passing. Her adorkableness could only distract him from the sadness so much when she explained that she didn't know what brought him here or how to send him back wherever he came from. She said she would keep trying to find a way to send him home, but it was made difficult by the fact that he couldn't remember anything about his home, or himself for that matter. Seeing as he couldn't remember his name, Twilight suggested he take the name Anonymous, Anon for short, seeing as he remembered nothing about himself. It seemed to fit perfectly given the circumstances. But even with a new name and a new friend, Anon was still saddened by the news, leaving him depressed in a corner for another two days. Twilight tried everything to cheer him up, partly so he would stop scaring away library patrons, but nothing seemed to rouse him from his depression. Eventually, he turned to the one thing guaranteed to cheer anybody up, puppies! Twilight directed him the resident animal specialist, and there he met with the strangest pony he had yet to meet.

Fluttershy was understandably panic stricken when a new never before seen human arrived at her door. So understandably, she slammed the door in his face, shouted he was a monster, and almost called Mr. Bear on him before he explained he was there for a puppy. Unfortunately, she didn't take this quite as he meant it and called Mr. Bear and a few of the dogs to attack him, Angel Bunny even got in on the action too, riding on the back of Mr. Bear. One merry chase through town and a suplexed bear later found the situation straightened out. Fluttershy immediately apologized for sending her animals to attack him and let him see the puppies she had. After a short round of puppy therapy, Fluttershy had asked him inside for some tea and cookies, making idle conversation about themselves, at least what Anon could recall, along the way. It wasn't until Anon sat down that he realized something. He was still naked. Four days in a library and a run through town somehow hadn't roused that little fact to his attention. But when he commented on it, quickly moving to cover himself and accidentally flipping the tea and cookies onto Fluttershy, she pointed out that nudity wasn't exactly a problem with anypony, or anywhere in Equestria really. After pondering for a minute, he decided that if it wasn't a problem at this point, then there was no point in changing it. Though he opted to at least find a pair of undergarments. Nobody else walked around with their dick out, and until he saw someone do it, neither would he.

Then came the most startling thing to happen to Anon at that point, when Fluttershy tried to not-so-subtly seduce him. Later looking back on it, Anon would remark it as a strange, almost surreal experience, being hit on by a pony, but at that moment, it was just plain shocking. When she had started to clean the spilled tea off the floor, her tail had moved more than once to show off what was hidden beneath. At first, he of course looked away in shame, but as she kept repeating the action, he couldn't help but stare at her butter yellow nether lips and puckered rose bud. When she finally raised up to take the platter from the table, he had, of course, looked away to hide his blush and moved his hands to hide any sign of his arousal. Unfortunately, because of this he couldn't say for certain if when the remaining tea was spilled all over his chest and torso if it was truly an accident or not. She had, of course, apologized profusely, and had volunteered the use of her bath to him, which he readily accepted. It was while sitting in the tub that she had officially made the 'first move'. climbing in behind him and offering to 'wash his back', and pressing herself much more than was necessary into said back. In another universe, this would result in a violent out burst from him and subsequently launch Fluttershy into a never-ending quest to get into his non-existent pants. In another universe, he would be disgusted by the proposition of having sex with a pony and turn her down. In yet another universe, he would be enraged by the fact he was chased by a bear, several dogs and a carrot wielding bunny to the point he would violently reject her at every given opportunity. But in THIS universe, Anon was different. This Anon, though He may not remember it, had played Persona 4, and Margaret's words rang in his soul.

Truth is a thing which only appears to those who have observed, considered, and made a choice

And true to those Words, Anon observed his situation, considered his options, and made his choice. First, he had an entirely alien creature who had been nothing but kind to him, minus the bear and such, who was now obviously trying to seduce him, quite poorly he might add. his only real options were to accept, or reject her advances. If he accepted he would gain sex and puppies, and probably more sex in the future. And more puppies! But if he rejected her, she would be sad and he would be left with what be a slowly worsening case of blue balls. Logically, he did the smart thing. And, if Fluttershy's screams and the door breaking down soon after under a bear's might which led to another chase was any indication of anything, he made the right choice.

Another suplexed bear later, and Anon and Fluttershy had decided to explore a relationship with each other. A fast moving one, but, hey, love at first sight and magic. yeah. Overall, his life in Equestria was starting out pretty good, and only looked to get better as time wore on.

What could possibly go wrong?

Author's Note:

And now you will sit there and stare at this screen until i decide i feel like uploading an actual first chapter for this story. It could be tomorrow, or it could be next year! Who knows! I don't. :applejackunsure:

Enjoy your long/not-very-long wait! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 25 )

Don't see cover img nor a link to it...

If there is comedy, genuine romance with fluttershy and DT getting ignored because of her being a frigid windigo, then you have my attention.:pinkiehappy:

Don't make us wait too long.:pinkiesad2:

I find that suplexing bears is an excellent way to solve most of life's problems. That said, I have yet to find any sort of problem that cannot be resolved by suplexing a train.

You had at Persona 4 now if you'll excuse me


My only gripe is the old "anonymous" and "memory loss" routines. Those got old. Other than that, I'm interested. Let's see where this goes :)

Hehehe... Let the train wrecking begin! :trollestia:

Putting aside the nonsense naughty pony/human stuff and getting to the part about the story that got me to read this story I am puzzled exactly how Diamond Tiara is supposed to fit in this and why she would even be in it.. :derpytongue2:

Just take all my YES and WIN

wlam #9 · Jan 21st, 2015 · · 1 ·

This Anon, though He may not remember it, had played Persona 4, and Margaret's words rang in his soul.
Truth is a thing which only appears to those who have observed, considered, and made a choice

Shame on him for needing to learn something this obvious from a videogame.

ok. . . you have my attention, let's see how this goes.

... I think this is a good mite too explicit to be rated T. In any case, so far, I'm liking it. The lack of second person and typical Anon behavior helps.

5481232 There is one kind. The one where you need to piledrive a shark while spinning. You'd be surprised at how often those pop up.

Oh... that's a hard one.
Wait, I've got it!
Put the shark in the train, then do a (spinning) vertical suplex piledriver!

And true to those Words, Anon observed his situation, considered his options, and made his choice. First, he had an entirely alien creature who had been nothing but kind to him, minus the bear and such, who was now obviously trying to seduce him, quite poorly he might add.

The first time I read that, I read it wrong, and thought you were saying that the BEAR was trying to seduce him, lol.

This is a gonna be a fun story i can tell.

hope there's more

...He had to say it.
He had to say those last five words.
...He's bucked.

you lied to me

you said there would be more

there wasn't more

Wait, this is five months old? Why is it being featured now?

I mean, I'm ok with that. I read it, and I laughed. I'd like to see it continued. But after five months, one chapter...I'm guessing this is probably dead. But yeah, BlackWolfos: If reader comments are enough to encourage you to continue, I'd like to see this continued.

Curse Margaret and her wisdom with sexy voice.

This is really good so far. Please continue it


This is FIVEyears old now. Feel old yet?


Nahh, I'm wearing a Celestia avatar. Mere years mean nothing to me. :trollestia:

The funny thing, is that I remember making that comment about five months. And yet here we are five years later and the author here still has only one chapter in only one story published. And hasn't logged in since March 2017.

I'm guessing this story isn't going to see a chapter two. :fluttercry:


what is my avatar though? and yeah it's very sad that this story got canceled.

Ain't your avatar the strongest engine from Bad Piggies?


omg, you recognised it

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