• Published 2nd May 2012
  • 7,423 Views, 102 Comments

The Final Letters - P0nies

When a young pony finally realizes that it is her time to leave, what does she choose to do?

  • ...

From Celestia

Princess Celestia stared down at the resting place of her former student, who was now resting in peace. She was holding a letter with her magic above the grave; contemplating whether or not she would leave just yet, or stay a little longer. Using her magic, she slowly unraveled the silky violet ribbon that held the letter closed. She read it over once again, a small tear forming in the corner of her eye.

My Faithful Student,

I am regretful that I was not able to reach you at a sooner time, and I wish you luck wherever you may go. Most of Equestria has heard of your passing by now, and many are mourning. You have touched many of the brightest and exceptional souls in Equestria, Twilight, I sincerely hope you know that. Luna and I will miss you, as well as everyone you knew.

Luna did not take your passing as well as I did; but do not mistake taking your passing well as not caring for you, Twilight. I cared for you very much, but as the ruler of Equestria I simply cannot show my emotional distress. Luna cared for you more than you knew; she has locked herself away in her room, refusing to leave ever since you left. You truly taught her what it was like to have a friend, Twilight, and ever since one of her best and only friends left her forever, she is unsure of what to do. It is thought that we may accept the passing of any pony in our kingdom easily, since we have dealt with much of it over the years, but that is all but the truth.

We feel for everypony that passes through our hooves, whether it was a natural death or it was some accident that the pony suffered through; it has never been easy on us, and the death of each Bearer of the Elements had started to pass, Luna and I felt a deep sorrow pooling in our hearts. We knew that the day would soon come for the next, and that it would soon come to be your turn to leave, Twilight Sparkle. We did not want a mare such as you, someone who has taught my sister and I so much about friendship, and even brought us back together, to ever leave us.

But we had no choice. It was the way the world works, and everypony has their time to pass through the looking glass, everypony but my sister and I. Twilight, I understand your need to leave as your mind grows older, and your body starts to get weak. Every day that I sit in my throne, I think of the years that have passed in time, and all of the ponies that I had once cared for, and how they are now gone. I haven't really had anypony stay with me over time, besides my sister. It pained me very much to banish her to the moon, but that was the proper action at the time. But you, Twilight, you brought my sister back, and you gave me the hope to carry on through the generations. We will always miss the unicorn that roamed these halls and the streets of Ponyville, we always will.

You have always been a pony of worry. That was only your downfall, Twilight. You worried about how your friends would act if they had found out that you were keeping their time of demise from them, but now I am certain you have found the answer you were looking for. Your friends will always be there for you, and that is something that you should have known through your studies of friendship. What you did for them, however, was the best thing that you could do for them Twilight. You gave them a reason to live that day, and a reason to be happy, and the happiness you gave them is something that is always to be loved by friends. You were the reason that they were happy; remember that.

I do not like to pick favorites out of all of my students, but you have touched my heart in ways that I didn't even know possible. You taught me the love of a friend, and you even showed me at times what it would have been like to have a daughter of my own. You showed me since the time that you were a young filly how much you loved me since the nights you fell asleep reading on my lap. You trusted me with every fiber of your being, and it pains me that I wasn't able to be there during your final moments when you needed me most. You have inspired my sister and I to be friends once again, and to fight every battle that would dare to tear us apart. You have been my most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, studying until the day of your death. You have learned much over time, and I am very glad that you have. You have far surpassed any expectations that were set by anypony, Twilight. You have not let anypony down.

I should be thanking you for what I have learned through your life. You have taught me so much on the true value of friendship, and I will always be thankful for what you have done. You will never leave my heart, Twilight, and I will never forget the violet unicorn that was once my loyal subject and friend. My final request to you, Twilight Sparkle, is that you remember Equestria not for my sister and I, but rather for those you taught of true friendship, and those that you were able to grace with your presence.

I am terribly distraught over you leaving, more than you may ever know. There is one final thing that I can say to you: I wish you the best of luck wherever your next adventures may take you, and may you peacefully rest with your friends in time, my Faithful Student.

Yours Truly,

Princess Celestia

She closed her eyes tight, tears falling from her eyes as she finished re-reading her letter to Twilight Sparkle. Using her magic once again, she slowly and carefully rolled the letter, tying it with the violet ribbon once more. The letter started its slow descent onto Twilight's grave, resting on all of the flowers that were laid out there by other ponies. She stared at the tombstone, another tear dropping from her eyes.

Here lies Twilight Sparkle

Bearer of the Element of Magic

Friend, Lover, and Faithful Student.

She looked back over to where all of her friends had been put to rest, flowers also resting upon them.

Here lies Applejack

Bearer of the Element of Honesty

A true and honest friend.

Here lies Fluttershy

Bearer of the Element of Kindness

Kind and caring to all.

Here lies Rainbow Dash

Bearer of the Element of Loyalty

Forever faithful to Equestria.

Here lies Rarity

Bearer of the Element of Generosity

Always giving to those in need.

The last of the tombstones that her eyes fell upon was Pinkie Pies.

Here lies Pinkie Pie

Bearer of the Element of Laughter

Making everypony smile.

Celestia stared at all of the now resting ponies, proud of who and what they had become. They were all together now, happy in their own ways. Another tear dropped from her eyes, but she couldn't help but smile, smile, smile.

Comments ( 46 )

Why you gotta give me a Feel man :fluttercry:

I've never been one to cry from stories. But this was a tear jerker.
Well done, kind sir, well done. :pinkiesad2:

546358 Thank you, for both reading and your comment :twilightsmile:

The only criticism I have is that a lot of the letter repeated itself. The last 4 paragraphs of her letter had a lot of the same stuff in them. Idk. Still a great story. :pinkiesad2:

We need to invent a new emotion for when something is so incredibly sad, yet it still makes you happy deep inside. And then I'll have a word to describe this story.

546390 I know it may be somewhat repetitive, but when i was writing it felt... right if you know what I mean. I think that Ch2 could have easily been published as its own fic, but I kinda think it fits better in this story. Do you think I should delete Ch2, and post it as its own fic or keep it as it is?

:fluttercry: my eyes dude!

this was an amazing 2 letters and playing halo theme music is not a good idea!

it better like this as it follows on and into the view of the princess
if it was on its own it may only have half the effect

547087>>547088 OK, thanks. :twilightsmile:

546715 No way. These need to stay together.

this was a wonderful sad fic
didn't make me cry
but stirred emotions
so you get a smiley face

Thanks. Thanks for writing these letters. I love how you ended with Pinkie's song. I just... I.. Thanks.

548000 I was at work, and was thinking about the first part of this fic, and how it could be expanded even though it was meant to be a 1 shot. I got to thinking... and then I was all, end with smile, smile, smile, it makes it happy. Thus, the second part was born!

The ending, happy, yet sad. :fluttercry:

Alright, I'm going to start out by saying you've made an awesome improvment since I reviewed your first story. It's awesome to see a writer on this site that takes the criticism given to them and improves themselves based upon it.
Let's start with the stuff I think you need to work on and then work our way up.
Your grammar was pretty solid here and I'd be hard pressed to find a typo. However (I'm not sure if I've mentioned this to you before.), try to be a little more conservative with your commas. You'd be surprised how often I proofread and happen to find commas in the middle of sentences when they shouldn't be. Also, don't be afraid to make some of your sentences a bit choppy. You don't need every sentence to be a mile long. Sometimes more blunt statments are more effective at getting the emotion across.
The second chapter? This may be just me, but I don't really think you need it. You got your point across in the first chapter quite clearly. A lot of the time, less is more. One of the commentors mentioned that you were a bit repititious, so be careful not to go off on a ramble unless the rambling contributes to the story. Actually, everything should be contributing to the story in some way, but I digress.
But enough of that, what did I like?
The story was very sweet, and the relationship between Twilight and her friends was well done (Celestia was also fairly well done.). I could really feel the pain of her loss, and that is probably one of the most important things to convey in a story like this (Although I was a bit confused on how Twilight knew when everypony was dying. Shouldn't Rarity have known as well? And Celestia?). While I didn't shed "manly tears" (Not your fault, to this day only a rare collection of writings has made me cry. Oh, Five People You Meet in Heaven, why you so beautiful? :fluttercry:), the story did make me smile. In general, this was just a well-written work. Seriously. Keep it up. I giveth unto thee a thumbs up!

Dangit, tearducts!:applecry:
beautiful letters, especially the first one.
ironically, I was listening to a song that goes "As twilight's bright glow fades" while reading this.

583877 Thanks for reading, and sorry about your tearducts :twilightsmile:

P0nies. . . .I Hate You. . .You Did It Again. . .Tears Have Been Shed. . .
Amazing Story,Loved It,And I Am Looking Forward To Your Next Stories.

PS: I Could Never Really Hate You xD


We should just call it Feel, like the first comment of this chapter. Because when it hits you, it hits you hard, and you just can't describe the feeling. You just Feel.

Good job, mate. /)

722780 Thank you. (\


I kind of want to make that a thing now.

723634 Possibility: a :feel: icon, that is an animated gif that changes between a number of emoticons.


Excellent work sir!

I had this on replay the whole time
I woke up my roomy crying. Manly tears were shed together.:fluttercry:

:fluttercry:Wow... Just wow... The feelings that you can create with your writing... I could just picture the scene in my mind... Tears have been shed. And more tears will be shed. I know of fellow bronies who will love this. As much as I did. Great work on this piece...

1067243 Thank you for you kind words, Arcane. :twilightsmile:

:I I have been tactically hit in the feels. ;_;

I still say it - whoever once started with this heaven-idea, it's brilliant!

..Okay, to the story. Since I love sad fics and this one wasn't scrap, I love it. :twilightsmile:
Liked the idea that they are at full-consciousness whereever they are now, not because logic or something, but it supported the feelings very nice.
(What also means, that everything before that point followed a certain flow somewhere, what is clearly good.)

Some mistakes here and there, nothing fatal.

Hm, yea. Nice read!

really good


In Loving memory of

Mr. R Zombert

Kind brony.
Righteous mortician
and caring friend may he sleep the eternal sleep


Who needs manly tears, these are tears of sensitivity. This story was beautiful and touching.

2028744>>2035680 Thank you, both :twilightsmile:

I think this is the only story that has ever made me truly cry. This is beautiful. :heart:

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