• Published 18th Dec 2016
  • 502 Views, 2 Comments

The Trip of a Lifetime - Royale With Cheese

Derpy sends herself and three other ponies to alternate universes, then run into difficulties along the way.

  • ...

Chapter 6


The ponies celebrate.

"Ok, well what are we waiting for?" Dash asks, while opening the door. "Let's go, my friends might have been looking me!"

"Just a second, Miss Dash, as I think I might have broken a few things during my...uh, outburst." Doctor said while looking all around the machine.

During that time, Spitfire wanders outside. A slight breeze comes and a newspaper smacks into her face blocking her view. She takes it off and looks at the front page.

"Uh, heh..." Doctor rubs his neck. "I kind of ruined it a little, but not too much! It could've been much worse."

"Yeah, just imagine if Dash didn't stop you in the right time, we would've been in another universe!" Derpy said.

"Mhmm!" Doctor said. "Okay, let's go!" He walks out.

"Dash, Dash!" Spitfire looks at Doctor. She points to the newspaper, the she points to herself.

"What is it Spitfire?" Doctor grabs the newspaper from her and immediately gasps at the sight of front page.


"What is it, Doctor?" Derpy flies over. "Oh no!"

"That's... bad" Rainbow Dash reads the headline over and over.

'Fleetfoot speaks: "Were not flying until we find our captain, either dead or alive" Wonderbolts captain still missing'

"Hmm, Doc, what was the date when we left?" Derpy asks.

"August 21st, why?"

"Look at the date of the newspaper..."

'October 8th, 2016,’ it read.

"Almost a month and half!" Dash exclaims.

Doctor then runs back into the machine.

"Newspaper bot!"

A robotic voice speaks up. "Yes, Doctor?"

"Search up files for, 'Spitfire' since August 21st, 2016"

"Will do." The ‘bot says.

Then a whole bunch of newspapers come out of a chute. Doctor reads the headlines.

"Wonderbolts captain declared missing."

"Uh, let's see here, ah! Rainbow Dash also missing!" Doctor sets down the newspapers. "What are we going to do? We can just go to Twilight's castle and just say 'we're back!'”

The room was filled with silence for about a minute.

"I know who we can go to! Doc, can this machine handle one more trip?" Dash asks.

Doctor thinks for a second, then nods.

"Alright, let's get this thing rolling!"

Doctor knocks on the door to a house.

A light blue pegasus with a scraggly navy blue mane answers "Yes?" He scratches his face which had a small beard growing.

"Uh, Soarin’?" Doctor says.

"Uh, yeah. That's me, and you are?" Soarin asks, “And, how did you get up here? You're not a pegasus!"

"Th-that's a long story." Doctor continues "My name is Doct-"

"Dash! Dash!"


"What was that?" Soarin tries to look around but Doctor blocks his view.

"Cover blown!" Dash flies in carrying Spitfire then Derpy follows, then she closes the door.

Soarin looks on, wide eyed and mouth agape.

"Okay, Mr. Soarin, don't be surprised, we'll explain!" Doctor exclaims.

"Holy SHIT!" Soarin bellows, "Rainbow Dash and Spitfire, WHERE THE BUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!"

"Soarin, it's a long, LONG story," Doctor says.

"Oh! It better a great story!" Soarin continues. "After two and a half bucking months! And then all of a sudden, two missing Wonderbolts, some random pegasus, and an earth pony show up at my damn door"

He walks up to Spitfire. "Spit, I've been worried sick about you!"

"Dash? Dash!"

"Huh? No, it's me, Soarin’."


Soarin’ then walks up to Doctor and grabs him by his tie. "What'd you do to her?!"

"Soarin’!" Rainbow manages to get in between Soarin and Doctor. "It's... very complicated..."

Soarin’ lets go of Doctor, "Sorry. With everything going on the past month and then now, I just get very... worked up."

Soarin sits down on his couch "Now please, tell me this story."

-One long explanation later-

Soarin just sat there with a puzzled look on his face. "Wow, I, uh, have no words."

"If somepony told me that story, I would have no words also," Derpy said.

"So, uh, what do we do?" Soarin turns to Rainbow. "You know all about this stuff."

"I'm not sure what to do, there's too many options. I'm not the egghead of the group you know!" Dash exclaimed, "The best we can do is go to the academy and deliver the news there"

"Hmm, that's a good idea. Lots of media there, lots of media equals lots of attention and lots of attention equals getting help from your friends and the princess!" Soarin explains walks to the door. "Let's go!"

"Woah, not so fast. Have you looked in the mirror lately?" Rainbow asks.

Soarin blushes. "Heh, oh yeah. Give me a few minutes."

"One more trip and this thing will practically be wrecked," Doctor said.

"Well, we gotta use it." Soarin walks in. "Holy... shit! It's bigger on the inside! Can I buy this off you?!"

Doctor gives him a stern look. "Not for sale."

"Heh, just kidding..."

The doctor smiles and pushes the teleportation lever and the police box teleports to the academy.

"Wait, before we open the door. What do we do when we walk in?" Rainbow asks, "News ponies will be all over us."

"Don't say anything, this news will spread like a wildfire," Soarin says, "Just let it all happen."

The five ponies walk out of the police box, they walk in the entrance. They hear chattering in another room, but a news pony was at the other end of the pony reading the latest newspaper.

Soarin smiles. "Watch this, these news ponies are like dominoes. You'll see how," He whispers.

He then pretends to knock something off a table which grabs the news ponies' attention. His first glance was at Spitfire and Rainbow Dash.


The other news ponies hear those words, and they rush towards the group of the five ponies and clutter them with a whole bunch of questions.

Soon, other ponies heard the news. Civilians, the rest of the Wonderbolts team, then awhile later, the princess shows up, she writes a letter and sends it off.

-At Twilight's Castle-

Five ponies sat in the council room.

One seat was still empty.

"So, uh, let's see, we can..." Twilight gets interrupted by Spike's belching "Oh great, a letter!"

Spike burps out the letter and reads it "Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, I have to inform you that..." Spike pauses while wide eyed.

"Wh-what is it Spike?" Fluttershy asks.

"...Rainbow Dash and Spitfire are alive and safe, they're at the Wonderbolts academy, come as soon as possible!"

"Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie Pie shouts throughout the huge commotion.

"Twilight! Twilight!"

"Huh? Who's calling me?" Twilight asks and looks around and saw who it was "Princess Celestia!" She runs up to he

"Princess, where's Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asks

Celestia moves aside and standing there was Rainbow Dash.

"RAINBOW DASH!" The six ponies and dragon shout in unison, then they all get in a group hug.

"Uh, guys, I can't breath..."

They all let go.

"Rainbow Dash, we were worried about you!" Pinkie said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

The ponies kept on talking.

Princess Celestia stands on the podium. "May I have your attention please?"

No ponies never heard her, it was basically hard to hear one another,

"May I have your attention please?!" She asks again but the talking didn't stop

"Need some help, sister?"

"I would love some, Luna."

Luna walks upon the podium and uses her royal Canterlot voice, "MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE?"

The room goes into a stunned silent.

"Works like a charm," Luna smiles and walks off the podium.

"Thank you Luna," Celestia walks back onto the podium. "Mares and gentlecolts, I am proud to announce that the two missing Wonderbolts, have been found. I heard the story of the event from Rainbow Dash, and it was astonishing to hear. A pony, other than Rainbow Dash, will tell everyone here, what happened. I would like to call up Doctor Whooves."

Doctor Whooves walks up to the podium, looks at the hundreds of ponies locking their eyes with his, he takes a deep breath and prepares to say his long explanation.

-Another long explanation later-

"Thank you for listening..." Doctor walks off the podium, and Celestia walks back on.

"Mares and gentlecolts, due to Spitfire's brain damage, we will find the best brain surgeons in Equestria to help her. It isn't that bad, but the procedure for that certain type of brain damage can be lethal if it's done wrong, but don't worry, I know one doctor that can help us. Now please, give these ponies some space, and thank you all for spreading the news," She walks off the podium.

The ponies disperse, and all was left were the just a small group of ponies.

"I missed you so much Dashie!" Pinkie Pie cried.

"I missed you too! Wait, I saw you in another alternate universe, does that count?" Rainbow wondered.

"Rainbow Dash, Doctor Hooves, and Derpy, I have to take you with to the castle with me, I'll explain later on why," Celestia said.

"Aw, okay," Rainbow sighs, "Girls, I'll be back."

"We'll throw a huge 'welcome back to our universe' party!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Awesome, and I'll tell you all what the other universes were like when I get back." Rainbow said.

"I would love to hear you adventures," Starlight gleamed.

"I have to go. Oh, and Pinkie?" Rainbow asks, "The Pinkie Pie in universe, uh, 1304 says hi."

Pinkie giggles.

"Rainbow, we're glad that you're safe, and hopefully, you guys can get Spitfire on the right track," Twilight said.

"We will, Twilight, and thank you for responding to my letter in short notice," Celestia continued. "Now, we have a brain to fix!"

The princess and the four ponies walk through Royal Canterlot Hospital, looking for a certain room they need to be in.

They all walk into a room with five brain surgeons all gathered around a metal table, the brain surgeons bow.

"Thank you all for being here," Celestia says

"It's an honor to help you, Princess," declared one of the surgeons. "We're all of the best brain surgeons in Equestria"

"Where's your boss?" Asks Celestia.

"He went out to-"

"Right here," a gray stallion with a black mane and tail, he has a cane in one hoof.

Doctor gasps and runs up to him "Dr. Golden Hay?! I'm such a huge fan of your work!"

Dr. Hay smirks at him "Great," He says then walks past Doctor.

"Ok." He sets down a box on the table and takes out a model brain made out of a special kind of gelatin and has a bunch of sensors on it. "This is the practice before the big game. I'll explain," He says while laying out a bunch of surgical tools.

-A long explanation later-

"Hopefully, you all got that. You're all the best brain surgeons I got, but this task has been rarely done before, it's not even in the books." Dr. Hay explained.

The five surgeons nodded, Celestia and the three ponies look on. Spitfire was in another room.

"Let's get started", He said.

A surgeon took a tool, and places it into the gelatin brain.

A few seconds later, a buzzing sound is heard and a red light turns on.

"What was that?" Asks one of the surgeons.

"You sliced the Parietal Lobe, you now got a Wonderbolt who can't fly," Dr. Hay continues. "Wait a few seconds, and the gelatin brain will repair itself. Note to you, we might be here all day working on a fake brain."

The surgeons continue on, then another buzzer is heard.

"Now you hit the Occipital Lobe, a blind pegasus who likes to race, sounds pretty dangerous"

One by one, the surgeons try their best in the fake brain, but buzzers keep going off".

"Oops, you got a dead Wonderbolt."

"You got a pony who doesn't feel any emotions!"

"Back to square one, the pony doesn't remember anything."

"No personality, she's basically a robot."

"This fake brain probably has more knowledge than yours!"

"Now you got a pony who has all her memories back in place but can't talk!"

-A couple hours later-

The surgeon slowly goes down the brain with a tool, a ringing noise is heard.

Dr. Hay looks on "You got a pony who can now work every function of the brain. Now do the same procedure you did and do it ten more times!"

After the tenth time, Dr. Hay lays hoof on the gelatin brain. "Good job, rest up. You'll being doing this on an actual brain at 10AM."

"Dash, Dash!"

"Heh, it's gonna be fine Spitfire," Rainbow says, leaving the surgical room.

One of the surgeons knocks out Spitfire with Anesthesia, and they start their procedure with Dr. Hay looking on from the balcony.

-a couple hours later-

The surgeon finishes the last stitch for Spitfire's head.

"Hopefully, you all did this right, because you can't do it again," Dr. Hay remarks. "Roll her into a hospital room so she can rest."

Spitfire wakes up, there is a picture in front of her.

"Spitfire, who's that?" Dr. Hay asks


"Okay." He holds out another picture. "What's this?"

Spitfire looks at it. "It's some sort of green blob, what happened?"

"You got into a freak accident and got out of surgery ten hours ago," Dr. Hay continues. "Can you spread out your wings for me if you can."

Spitfire slowly spreads her wings.

Dr. Hay nods. "Can you get out of the bed, and try walking for me?"

Spitfire slowly gets out of bed, "Aren't I not supposed to do this, especially after getting surgery, on my head?!"

"It was nothing major," He said.

Spitfire takes a few steps.

"Good," Dr. Hay continues, "Now we're going to go out there, where the surgeon's, your friends and family members are waiting. When we go out there, I want to you to say..."

Spitfire’s surgeons, teammates, and friends were in the waiting room.

Dr. Hay and Spitfire come around the corner, and all the waving ponies stopped talking and waited for a word.

"My name is Spitfire and I'm a Wonderbolt!"

Ponies cheered and gathered all around Dr. Hay and Spitfire.

"Hey Sparkle, mind if I stay here tonight? My head kind of hurts and it's a little dangerous to fly under these conditions," Spitfire asks while cleaning after a big party.

"Sure you can! I'll tell Spike to set up the guest bedroom," Twilight gleamed.

"Thanks," She turns to Pinkie Pie, "Hey Pie, that was an awesome party, I'll like to have one of these when my head feels better."

"Thanks Spitfire, and I'll definitely plan another party!" Pinkie says.

"Alright! I've gathered a few extra chairs around our meeting table, I've been waiting all night to hear the stories of your adventures!" Starlight said.

"We're all done clean my up anyways" Twilight said.

The ponies gathered all around the table.

"It's such a relief for Rainbow's seat to be filled out after a month and a half," Rarity said.

Twilight nodded. "We're so happy that you four ponies were safe. Derpy, your daughter was very worried about you, the sight I saw when you two reuniting was very heartwarming. Same for you Rainbow, when you and Scootaloo reunited, and I can say the same when we saw you at the academy." Twilight continues. "And Spitfire, what the doctors did was remarkable, in about two weeks, the Wonderbolt shows will be back on. Doctor Hooves, you met one of your heroes, Dr. Golden Hay, an extraordinary doctor, who saved countless ponies' lives under impossible circumstances. I believe you got a napkin with his signature on it?"

Doctor nods, "I sure did, and we talked, well, he’s quite a witty pony."

"So, Doctor, how did all this start? I've been meaning to ask you all day," Twilight said, "Just give me a basic run-down."

"Well, Rainbow and Spitfire had a flight meeting, they saw my police box and they went inside. Derpy stepped on a spoon which went flying and hits the alternate universe jump button, and that's all how it all started," Doctor explained.

Twilight turns to Rainbow. "Now Rainbow, tell us the different alternate universes you visited, starting with the first!"

"Oh, uh, the first? Ok," Rainbow thinks for a second before continuing, "In the first universe, Derpy was the Wonderbolts captain."

"Now that was a weird feeling," Spitfire chuckles.

"And, in the same universe..." Rainbow glances at Applejack, "...I murdered Applejack's sister, and her friends, months before."

"YA DID WHAT?!" Applejack bellows.

"Applejack, it's fine. This was in a different universe, the Rainbow I know will never do this!" Starlight said.

"Ah guess you're right, sorry Rainbow," Applejack said.

"It's fine, Applejack."

"But still Rainbow, that must've been really weird feeling that way," Twilight said.

"Yeah, how did you know you were in a murderer in the first place?" Fluttershy asks.

"I flew off to this castle to see if Twilight knew me, since it was an alternate universe, so I kind of did it as a joke." Rainbow continues. "So, when you saw me, you screamed murderer. You chased me, and I hid in Applejack's orchard where AJ was working, she saw me, and, heh, beat me up."

"In this universe, ah would've killed you on the spot, the AJ in that universe was a softy," Applejack sternly said.

"Oh, um okay. Next universe?" Twilight slowly said.

"In this universe, Doctor's parents were alive, and we met them!" Rainbow gleamed.

"Lunar and Comet Hooves! Ah remember them, they always bought an apple pie every Friday, kind ponies," Applejack said.

"You must've had mixed emotions about seeing your parents for the first time in years Doctor." Twilight said.

"Yes, and I had a better last moments with them, way better than sitting beside their hospital beds hearing the heart rate monitor." Doctor said.

"I went back to the castle again to see if Twilight can help us get back to this universe." Rainbow continues. "But when I went there, instead of Twilight, it was Pinkie Pie, Pinkie was basically Twilight. We all swapped bodies and personalities."

"Oh! I was a smart cookie!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Hehe, ya you were. Rarity was Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy was me, Applejack was Fluttershy, and Twilight was Applejack," Rainbow continues, "Sorry to say Starlight, but you never existed in any of the alternate universes."

"Oh, that's fine, this is still interesting to hear." Starlight said.

"In the next universe, it was kind of embarrassing, Spitfire was married to Soarin, Doctor was married to Derpy, and... I was married to Twilight," Rainbow blushed.

"Oh, heh, it was just an alternate universe," Twilight blushed.

"And she cheated on you with Pinkie," Doctor chuckles.



Pinkie laughs.

"Now continuing..." Rainbow said while blushing. "The next universe, is well, when the accident happened, so there is nothing else much to tell."

"Wow, you four ponies had quite an adventure." Twilight said.

"We sure did." Derpy said.

Spitfire yawned. "Well, I'm happy that we're finally back in our universe, that was quite a ride. In a couple weeks when I'm all better, we can go back into time inside that police box of yours!"

"About that..." Doctor continues. "I had a little outburst with the universe jump button during your injury. The last teleportation to the Wonderbolts Academy kind of finished it off. It fixes itself but it'll be awhile."

"Good. I wanna stay away as far as I can from that thing." Rainbow said.

"Wait, you can go back in time in that thing?!" Starlight asked.

Doctor nods.

Starlight turns to Twilight. "Twilight, when it gets fixed, do you want to go back in time?"

Twilight thinks. "I've already been back in time once, long story, but the event I witnessed, I have to show you."

Spitfire yawns. "Enough nerd talk, I'm off to bed."

"Yeah, me too."


Applejack and the other four ponies went to their respected homes.

The three ponies and the dragon went off to bed.

A couple years later, Spitfire had to retire from the Wonderbolts from recurring headaches she got during her races, but at the age of 42, it was a good age to retire after being on the team for a total of 21 years.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash tried dating, but it didn't really work out.

Derpy and Doctor Hooves had gotten married. 

"So I made a list of famous events we should visit," Twilight said while standing in front of Doctor's refurbished police box.

"Heh, the only event I'm waiting for to see is Commander Hurricane in his prime," Spitfire said which made Rainbow nod.

"Oh, I can't wait!" Starlight said while looking inside the police box.

"Well, wait no longer, it's time to go... back in time!" Doctor said.

The ponies cheered in unison as they entered the police box.

"Wow, honey, you did a great job redecorating this!" Derpy said.

Doctor nods. "So Twilight, which date?"

Twilight looks at Starlight. "June 8th, 1014 . The time where Celestia banishes Nightmare Moon."

Doctor puts in the date, and pulls the lever.

"Off to the past!"

Comments ( 1 )

That is a really funny story. I love the different universes !:heart:
See you :)

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