> The Trip of a Lifetime > by Royale With Cheese > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash was in her own home when she hears a knock at her door "Who could this be?" She walks to the door and looks in the peephole and opens it quickly "Sorry, Spitfire! I forgot we were going for a fly toda-" Spitfire then interrupts her "Dash, its cool, we scheduled this 1 on 1 flight practice a couple weeks ago, and knowing you, you don't use calendars" Spitfire chuckles. "Oh, heh, I'll try to get one in the future, lets go!" Dash replied "And thats why I have my name..." Spitfire said finishing her story as they were on break. "Heheh wow, can't believe that your parents were about name you 'Sunny'" Dash chuckled. "Ya, thanks to the events that unfolded, I wasn't." Spitfire says. "Alright, let's get mov-" Rainbow interrupts "Speaking of fire..." She says as she points out the little cloud of smoke arising. They both fly quickly to the scene where a blue police box laid there with little wisps of smoke coming out of it "This looks like those telephone booths in Trottenham, but in blue" exclaims Rainbow Dash. "I think it's aliens" Spitfire jokes. Right after she said that, the door opened and out came a brown earth pony wearing nothing but a tie. "Um, hello fellow mares, what's the date?" He asks. The pegasi both look at each other then Spitfire replies "August 21st, 2016. Why?" The stallion then wipes his brow in exhaustion "Whew, finally." Rainbow Dash then asks "Um, excuse me but, what is..." then sees another pony exit out of the blue box "Derpy Hooves?!" "Hi Rainbow Dash!" Derpy greets. "I'm very confused now" Spitfire says. "Can you please tell me what's going on here?" "Okay, this is gonna be a mouthful" says the stallion. "My name is Doctor Hooves, I made this blue police box, and it's technically kind of a time machine, and very dangerous to use if you don't know how to control it, Derpy here was the only one who knew I had this machine, until now, she wanted to go back in time so see... the first muffin ever made. We didn't quite get to that time, we almost got ate by dinosaurs, almost got sent to the moon, and..." "We had 1950's style soft serve ice cream!" Derpy interrupts. Doctor facehooves himself "Yes, yes we did..." "Wait... so you can go back in time... to see Commander Hurricane in his rookie year?!" Dash then gives out a fan girl squeal. "Yes, yes, we sure can, I know the date for that one, unlike the first ever muffin to be made" Doctor says as he glares at Derpy. "But, only this one time though, I'm very exhausted" "Nah, Dash and I have some flying lessons to do" Spitfire says about to take off. "Wait what?!" Rainbow Dash asks "You're saying no to go back in time and seeing the Pegasus that made you want to be like him? You don't want to see your hero, in his rookie year? The best rookie in Wonderbolts history?" Spitfire then turns around facing the three ponies and the phone box with a huge smile "Screw it! Let's go!" "Yes!" Dash cheers giving Spitfire a hoofbump "Okay, lets walk in, but please, let me do the button touching" Doctor says as he and Derpy walk in the time machine. The two other pegasi walk in with their mouths agape. "I forgot to tell you that it's bigger on the inside" Doctor exclaims. "This is wicked" Spitfire still in shock as she walks in even more. Rainbow Dash sits down in a chair. "I could live in here!" "Haha, you wish" Doctor chuckles as he walks towards a panel with many buttons. "Commander Hurricane, here we come" "Woohoo!" Derpy cheers and accidentally steps on the bowl part of a spoon that was on the floor. "Oops." It goes flying and hits a picture frame on the wall, which makes the frame fall and hit a bright green button, which makes the machine make a big rattling noise and then makes a continuous whirring noise. "Oh no!" She shouts. "Derpy, what did you do?! Doctor frantically runs over to her. She holds up the spoon she stepped on. "I accidentally stepped on this spoon, hit that picture frame and, it hit that button... Wait! This is the spoon that I ate that 1950's style soft serve ice cream with!" He then turns to the green button "Oh gosh, not that button!" "What button?" Dash asks "The button that sends us into other alternate universes, this is bad!" He frantically searches for another button to stop but it was too late since the whirring had stopped. He then angrily turns to Derpy "This is your fault!" "I'm s-sorry, it was an accident, I'm serious, I-I didn't mean to step on the spoon" Derpy says with tears forming in her eyes. "And you had to put the spoon on the floor" Doctor says as he leans in towards Derpy but is stopped by the hoof of Spitfire. "Chill out dude, it was an accident, give her a break and the button that got pressed, things can't go that bad, right?" Spitfire asks. Doctor then calms down a bit and backs off. "It can be good but it can be bad, let me give you all a short explanation. It's the same date, but, different things have happened in our lives without us knowing. You go up to a friend and they might or won't know you" He then turns to Spitfire. "In one universe, you might not even be a Wonderbolt, and other things. Different things will happen, each time, until we get to the right universe." "Excuse my foul language, but holy shit..." Spitfire says while surprised to what she just heard. "I know, imagine me walking up to one of my best friends, greeting them and they'll give me a bizarre look and them asking me if they know them" Dash says. Derpy looks down with tears in her eyes "How about a universe where this didn't happen, I'm sorry everypony" she sadly says. "No no no, don't be sorry. I should be sorry for being mad at you, besides, having an adventure isn't bad, right?" Doctor Hooves asks Derpy smiles and wipes her tears away. "I like a good adventure" Spitfire exclaims. "But, I have a whole Wonderbolts squad to lead" "You can lead them in one of the different universes!" Derpy says "Ya, going to the academy and finding out I'm not a Wonderbolt" Spitfire jokingly says. "Don't worry, it won't be too long... hopefully" Doctor said worryingly. Out of the blue, a small drawer opened with a remote that had a single red button on it. "Oh, there it is!" He picks up the remote. "This will be pretty useful, I press this button and the machine will appear at our exact location" He explains as he tucks the small remote in his collar. "What are we waiting for?" Dash says as she opens the door of the police box to the outside. Doctor walks to the front of the group, "Get ready for the trip of a lifetime" > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The four ponies step out of the blue phone booth. "Seems like a normal day to me" Dash looks around. "It's the same day, but different things happened in your life without you knowing, thus the name 'alternate universe'" Doctor Hooves explained. "It'll be pretty cool to see Soarin or Fleetfoot as Wonderbolt captains" Spitfire said. "Who wants to go to the academy and see if anything has changed?" "Sure! It's been awhile since I've been there" Derpy said "I'll trot along, I haven't even stepped inside of the said academy before, it'll be a good experience" Doctor exclaims. "You want to come Rainbow?" "Nah, I'm gonna head to my friend Twilight's to see if she knows me still or not" Dash chuckled. "Okay. If you need us, you know where we are then" Doctor said before walking off with Derpy and Spitfire. Dash nodded before flying off to the Ponyville Library. -At the Wonderbolts academy- Doctor Hooves and the two pegasi walk into the academy "Lead us the way through the corridors, Miss Spitfire" Doctor said while looking around. Spitfire lead the two ponies to the practice facility. She opens the doors which lead to an outdoor practice arena was. She is then stopped by two pegasi. "Excuse me ma'am, how did you get in here? You are brea..." Soarin then looks behind her. "Unless if you know the captain of the Wonderbolts, Derpy Hooves" "W-what?! Oh, um, yes, I'm a good friend of hers" Spitfire said while shocked. "I, uh, brought two close friends of mine to watch!" Derpy said while walking up to Soarin and High Winds. "She is Spitfire and this is Doctor Hooves" "Nice to meet you guys, and captain, you're a little late to practice, and why aren't you wearing your uniform?" High Winds asked. "Because I just got here. I'll be ready in a few minutes!" Derpy says before getting nudged by Spitfire. "Do you think that they're supposed to flying instead of standing around?" Spitfire whispered. "Oh right" she then turns to the two pegasi "Once when I come of the locker room, you two better be in the air and not on the ground" she shouts. "Yes captain!" both shouted in unison before taking off in the air. Derpy walked off into the locker room to put the uniform on. Spitfire and Doctor sit at the bleachers. "That was surprising" Spitfire said. "It seems like the alternate universe theory actually is real, I thought you were joking." "You'll notice when I'm trying to make a lie or a joke, I'll make a goofy face when I say a lie" Doctor explained. "How does it feel not being a captain or even so, a Wonderbolt?" "Feels weird, but hey, I gotta experience it somehow" Spitfire said. "How do I look?" Derpy said while hovering in front of them with a Wonderbolts uniform on. Spitfire with a shocked expression on her face. "It just got more interesting and weird." "You gotta experience it somehow" Doctor chuckled. Spitfire nods "I should've said good luck to Dash" -At Twilight's library- "Lets see if this stupid alternate universe theory works" Rainbow scoffed to herself. She opens the door to the library and greets Twilight who was facing away from her. "Hey Twilight. I'm looking for a book on alternate universes" she smirks "Oooh, alternate universes! A very interesting topic. Did you know tha-" she turns around facing Rainbow and screams at the top of her lungs. "D-d-Dash.... w-what are you d-doing h-here?" Twilight says backing away all frightened. "Uh, Twilight, what's going on?" Dash says now realizing that the theory might be true. "You're supposed to be in Canterlot Prison, y-you disgusting murderer!" Twilight said with anger and fear mixing in on her face. "I-I didn't murder anypony! Look Twi, you don't understand, I..." "You murdered my best friends sisters! You are gonna go back to that cell and rot!" Twilight says as she fires a magic spell but Dash avoids it. Dash quickly flies out of library while being chased by the still magic shooting Twilight. Luckily, Twilight is still a beginner flyer and isn't as fast as her yet. Dash dives down into Sweet Apple Acres to lose Twilight in her trail which was successful since she didn't follow her down into the orchard. She catches her breath then she hears a pair of hooves hitting the stump of an apple tree. Dash walks out from behind the tree. "Applejack..." Applejack turns around and furious anger rose into her eyes, and starts running towards Dash. "Yah bitch! Aren't ya supposed to be rotting in the prison cell fer murdering mah sister!" "W-what?! I-I..." Dash didn't have any time for words as Applejack getting closer too her, so she flew. But she didn't get very far as she felt the loop of a rope tug at her around the abdomen which lead her to lightly crash on the ground. She then heard hooves stop in front of her and she looked up to a furious Applejack with tears forming in her eyes. "Applejack, I can explain..." Dash lightly said as she got up. "Explain what?! You murdered mah fuckin' sister ya son of a bitch!" Applejack then gave her a cold hoof across the face, which sends Dash to soar couple feet away. Dash ran a hoof on her nose which was bleeding already. "A.J... I-I didn't do it..." "Ya didn't do it?! There was evidence that ya fuckin' did!" She then takes the end of the rope, she twirls it around and lets go, which sends Dash flying almost hitting her head on a tree. "Ah've been waiting to put my hooves on yah since the date of February 17th, 2016" she angrily said while running towards Dash. Rainbow gets up but then is quickly tackled to the ground by Applejack. Rainbow Dash is flipped onto her backside and a pair of orange hooves squeeze her neck. "Don't worry, ah'm not gonna kill ya, ah'm just gonna hurt ya really bad" Applejack menacingly said. Applejack started to squeeze her hooves harder and harder around Dash's neck. Dash then started trying to gasp for air but Applejack let go for a few seconds and then kept on choking her Dash waved her legs and felt a bucket of apples a leg length away. Applejack let go and then Dash had her chance. Rainbow took the handle of the bucket and smashed the bucket of apples over Applejacks which caused her to be dazed. Dash untied herself and flew off. "Come back here!" Applejack said in the distance Dash was about to say something back but then is interrupted. "There she is!" Twilight said with a whole group of Pegasi and royal guards following behind her. "Get her!" Says one of the guards. Ponies in the air and on the ground started to chase her down. She flew quickly towards the Wonderbolts stadium Doctor was cheering on Derpy watching her practice. Spitfire was watching too but then slightly looked up and sees a commotion in the sky. She squints her eyes at the sudden laser beams and then focused on the pegasus in front. "Is that Rainbow Dash?" Spitfire said Doctor looks too and widens his eyes. "She looks like she's in huge trouble" "GET THE POLICE BOX!" Dash shouts, enough for Doctor Hooves to hear her "Derpy! We have to get going!" Doctor shouts to Derpy Derpy flies towards Doctor Hooves and Spitfire. "Oh, do we have too? It's fun being captain!" She then hears magic beams and yelling. "Hey, its Rainbow Dash!" "Yes, I know, and she's in trouble!" Doctor says pulling out the remote. The Wonderbolts stopped to see what the commotion is all about. "Oh my Celestia! Is that the pegasus who murdered three fillies?!" A Wonderbolt shouts. "What?!" Spitfire shouts in shock Dash lands in front of them almost out of breath, nose covered in blood and in tears. "Get the damn police box!" Doctor presses the button on the remote and the police box appears in front of them. They quickly get inside and Doctor presses the green button. The box disappears in front of the ponies from the alternate universe where Derpy Hooves is Wonderbolts captain and Rainbow Dash is a murderer. Meanwhile, inside the police box, whirring sounds occur and lights flash. Three ponies surround a hurt Rainbow Dash. "Dash, what happened?" Spitfire worriedly asked "Didn't you hear the Wonderbolt? She killed three fillies." Derpy exclaims. "Yes, yes I did, and I might know who those fillies are, a-and I got beat up by one of my best friends, f-for killing her sister" Dash then breaks down into tears. Doctor Hooves comes back with a first aid kit. "Let's get you fixed up..." Spitfire and Derpy sit down at a table. "Rainbow would never do that" Derpy sadly said About a silent ten minutes later, Dash comes back with a bandaged nose along with Doctor Hooves. "I can't believe I murdered three fillies" Dash burrowed her hooves into her face and sobbed. "Dash" Spitfire called. Rainbow Dash kept on sobbing. "Dash, look at me" "Look at me, Dash!" Rainbow then looked up at her with watery eyes. "You didn't murder three fillies. That was in a universe where things were different. It only matters what happens in the universe where we are from. In our universe, you wouldn't murder anypony. And no offense to Derpy, she wouldn't be on the Wonderbolts or even be a Wonderbolts captain." Spitfire explained Rainbow Dash calmed down and stopped crying. "T-thanks, that helped Spit" "Good, now I hope that the next alternate universe isn't as bad" Spitfire said. Rainbow nods and asks "So Derpy, how did it feel to be a Wonderbolts captain?" "I felt like... the boss of a aerial acrobatics group!" Derpy said as she took off the Wonderbolts uniform. "Oh wait, I was..." The four ponies laughed. Just then the whirring inside the machine stopped and the door opened. But then Doctor closed the door. "I think we all need a rest after that, we'll continue to find our universe when we wake up" > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The three ponies wake up and went to the dining part of the blue box. Sitting at the table already was Rainbow Dash, with a cup of coffee. "Hey Dash, how are you feeling?" Derpy asks as she sits diagonally across from her. "Didn't sleep too well, but at least two cups of coffee will do the work" Dash slightly smiles "The nightmare from the other universe caught up to you, Dash?" Spitfire asks as she pours a cup of coffee for herself. "Ya. Who knows what today will bring." She turns to Doctor. "Hey, Doc, how do you know when we're back to our universe?" "Each universe has its own special code, it shows on above the green button. I managed to grab the code for our universe in time before our incident as of now. That code was just a simple '1'" Doctor walks over to the green button which now has a plastic guard over it to protect it from flying objects. "The code for this alternate universe is 1623" Rainbow looks up "W-what was the code for the last universe?" Doctor thinks "885" "I'll keep that number in my head" Dash said "I just realized something" Derpy looks at the three other ponies "What if the numbers tell us the number of the alternate universe? Say if we're in the last ever alternate universe, and their is 1623 alternate universes?" "That's a lot of alternate universes, Derpy, that can't be right" Spitfire said "She can be, but I'm unsure. I left the alternate universe handbook guide at my house, I never knew I would be needing it, until now. So, who wants to have a quick trip to my house?" Doctor asks. The three pegasi nodded in unison. Doctor walks to the teleportation section of the police box and presses a couple buttons "A quick teleportation to a place ten minutes away won't hurt anything" he pulls the lever and the police box makes a whirring sound for five seconds before the door opens and they all walk out. They walk up the steps, he opens the door and they all walk in. "Welcome to my house" Doctor kindly said. He looked around, he noticed that the house was slightly different, with extra pictures and decor hanging around. "Honey, who's at the door?" A stallion voice echoed "I'll check" A mare's voice then the sounds of hooves trotting on the kitchen floor which was down the short hallway from the front door. Then there she was "Hoovesy! Looks like you brought a few friends over!" Doctor looks at her with a shocked but happy face "M-m-mom?" She hugs Hooves where she got a very lovable hug back from her son who was on the verge of tears. She pulls back "Honey, what's wrong? Oh no, did you get an F on your science test?!" "N-no..." he wipes away his tears "I j-just have something in my eye, I-I'm going to w-wash it out..." he then runs upstairs. An older stallion walks in "So, you are Hooves' friends? Please kindly introduce yourselves." "I'm Spitfire" "I'm Derpy!" "I'm Rainbow Dash" "Very nice names" the stallion says. "This is my wife, Lunar Hooves, and I'm Comet Hooves" "So, the parents of uh, Doctor, nice to finally meet you" Rainbow greets again. "Yes, same to you too" Lunar says "Now I bet you have some science project to finish" "Um, uh, we do" Spitfire says with a silly smile then heads upstairs with other two ponies following. "Science, my best subject" Spitfire sarcastically says. "Where my best grade was a C-" "You flopped in Science?!" Rainbow laughs "You can get into the Wonderbolts but you can't pass Science" she laughs before getting punched in the leg by Spitfire. They walk into Doctor's room where they saw Doctor happily sobbing to himself. "Doctor, what's wrong?" Derpy asks. "Nothing's wrong. I'm just very happy" he wipes his happy tears "In our universe, my parents have been dead for ten years. It was very hard for me to see them all of a sudden" "Sorry to hear that, Doctor" Spitfire "It's fine, now the book" he gets up and looks for it. After a few minutes of rummaging through many drawers, he finds it. "Just give me a few minutes to go over" The three other ponies stay silent as they look around the room with tons of creativity put into it. "So, there's a few points to go over. If we go under three hours in the alternate universe, it will ruin the machine's mechanical system and will stop working, and we already broke that rule, because it's cooling down from traveling through many generated universes just to pick one, No need to worry though, it was just once and Rainbow was in great harm." "Secondly, we cannot stay in the same universe until the clock hits 11:55PM. This will cause something very bad to happen the next day and the machine will break down" Doctor continues and sighs "There are 2000 alternate universes, like I said, the machine randomly picks a universe and chooses us to go there. Their is a tiny chance for us too be back in our universe, as soon as possible. Last but not least, every universe we go through, wastes a day in our universe." "What?! I got a whole team of Wonderbolts to practice with!" Spitfire blurts. "Ya, I have friends who need me when something bad happens!" Dash follows "I-I have a daughter to take care of..." Derpy covers her face with her hooves and sobs. "It's okay Derpy, somepony will take care of her" Dash puts her hoof on Derpy's shoulder to comfort. "Ya. By now, my teammates, your friends and your daughter will probably be wondering where we are right now" Spitfire adds. "Hmm..." Doctor thinks "I got it! Rainbow Dash, Twilight will help, right? I mean if you tell her what's going on, she'll be able to fix this, her magic is strong enough, right?" "Uhh, maybe, I can give it a shot" Dash says. "That's your job, tell Twilight about what's going on, and report to me" Hooves says "Will do!" Dash shoots back and turns to Spitfire and Derpy. "What are you gonna do?" "I don't know, probably for a soar in the sky" Spitfire says "I would love to go with you, I need to get my mind off of not being with my daughter" Derpy frowns and turns to Doctor "What are you gonna do, Doc?" Doctor looks at the clock "It's 5:55PM, we need to get back in the police box before 11:55PM, my parents usually went to bed around 9:30PM" he sighs "I'm just going to spend my last few hours with my parents, again." He smiles happily as he makes his way out of his room. "Make the most of it" Dash says as the three make their way to the door "I will. I shall say the same to you. Please, three of you, come back before ten, alright? Unless if we got Twilight to help us, we will come find you, Spitfire and Derpy" Doctor says. The three pegasi nod and head out the door. "Oh, you three are leaving? Nice meeting you, fly safe!" "Nice meeting you too, Mrs. Hooves!" Derpy says The three pegasi take off, Dash flying off into a different direction. "Doctor, dinners ready!" He happily sighs and heads to have dinner with his parents, for one final time, again. Rainbow gulps "Here goes nothing..." She opens the door to the library. "Hey Twilight! I need your urgent help!" A pony turns to her "Shhh! Can't you see I'm studying?!" She turns back "Wait, Pinkie Pie, since when did you study?" Dash laughs as she walks up to her "Uh, since forever?" Pinkie continues. "Why are you looking for Twilight and why here?" "Um, because she lives here?" Dash looks around. "No she doesn't, she lives at the apple farm with her big brother, Shining Armor. Where is your mind at today?" She turns around wearing glasses with thick, black frames. "No, she d-" Dash then realizes "Oh yeah, right..." Pinkie then turns back to her studying "Are you okay, Rainbow Dash? It seems like you're in an alternate universe and you're all confused" "Yes!" She trots up to Pinkie "I am!" Pinkie then gives her a stern look "That was just an expression, here, read a book, you seem really dazzled today." Dash looks down at the book and sighs. "And you're pretty early for our weekly get together dinner, it starts..." she looks at the clock and gasps "In 30 minutes! It's my time to cook too!" She darts off into the kitchen. All Rainbow Dash could do is just sit and wait for the others to arrive, she has had enough of this alternate universe, already. There was a knock at the door. "Rainbow Dash, can you get that?" Pinkie shouts from the kitchen "Um, ya, sure" she gets up and opens the door and she is greeted by a white unicorn. "Oh my gosh! Rainbow Dash is at a dinner before me?!" Rarity happily trots in. "Wow, that is very surprising, because you're usually the very last one to come and I'm usually the first to come, unless if you're having it at your house, because you live there! You can't be the last pony at a weekly dinner get together, because you live at that house! But anyways, a few times, you have been five minutes late, and oh yeah! Can't forget last time where you were TWENTY minutes late and you got mad because everypony ate the spring rolls, I guess you learned your lesson, didn't you?" Rarity smiles like a filly who got served a big chocolate ice cream cone, for free. "Uh, uh, ya, I totally learned my lesson" Dash said still trying to pick up the words. "Great!" She turns to the kitchen and starts happily hopping. "Hey Pinkie Pie, guess what I brought for dessert!" Dash just stands their gazed and says to herself "Its like, everypony switched bodies. This is going to be very interesting" Another knock is heard at the door, Rainbow goes up to it and gulps. She opens it. "What's up, Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy enters. "Hey Fluttershy" Dash greets. "Come on, now, ask me 'Whats up?'" She asks "Erm, ok, what's up?" Dash asks "I learned a new technique today, I call it the 'FlutterFly High'. It's where I fly up really high, then I drop down with my wings fluttering just a little bit, as soon as I get to a few feet above the ground, I zoom off leaving a trail of wind behind. Nopony else can't do it 'cause I'm awesome!" Fluttershy explained "Pfft, I can do that in my sleep!" Rainbow scoffs. "Oh can you?!" Fluttershy gets right into Rainbow's face "I would like to see you try without you getting a nightmare!" It felt like Rainbow was talking to an exact replica to herself but with a softer voice. Another knock is heard at the door and Dash opens it. "O-oh, am I late? Am so sorry if ah am, ah was tending to my little animals" Applejack says as she slowly and shyly walks in. "No you're not, you're just in time" Dash says "O-oh great" Just a couple minutes later, another knock at the door is heard. Rainbow didn't need to guess who this was. She opens the door. "Howdy y'all!" Twilight greets. Rainbow couldn't help but snicker, Twilight has never used that cowpony term before, it was kind of funny hearing it from her. Twilight turns around "What's so funny, Rainbow?" "Oh, uh, nothing" Rainbow said with a goofy smile "Something is funny too you, your face is scrunched up like a old, soggy apple left in the rain" Twilight exclaimed. "Their better not be a prank being planned here" "No, Twilight! Remember what happened when a prank happened at a dinner last time? The food was uneatable. Pranks have been banned from dinner since then" Rarity explains. The last piece of food was set on the table. "Dinner!" Pinkie calls out. Spitfire and Derpy are sitting on a cloud sharing a bag of lemon poppy seed muffins. "So, Derpy, tell me about you daughter" Spitfire says "Such a ray of sunshine, that's all I can tell you. She can tell you've been having a bad day, and she'll make it like bad days never existed." Derpy happily said. Spitfire smiles and keeps listening. Derpy continues "I was married, once, surprisingly, to a stallion unicorn named Silver Ace. Dinky was born before we even got married, thanks to a drunken and foolish night. I thought we were going to be a good and happy family, until he got fired from his job. He got drunk every night, and put me in harms way. He threatened not to leave him, or tell anypony anything but, I never had the courage to tell anypony what was going on or the courage to leave him, until one night." "It was one month in, I worked up the courage, took a bag of bits, took Dinky and flew off. I used to live in Los Pegasus, so, imagine how far that is from Ponyville. Couch surfing, sleeping in alleyways, getting the cheapest meal on menu for all three meals to save bits. We traveled for two weeks to find a good town far away to stay at." "As soon as we entered Ponyville, I had a good vibe that it was a good town. And it was, I got a job as a mail mare, the mayor understood my situation, and gave me a month to pay for the house. Even though what we've been both through, Dinky still manages to make me smile" Derpy ended with a single tear going down her face. Spitfire, who was almost on the verge of tears says "Derpy, you're one tough pony, more tougher than me, I'm proud of you" Derpy smiles "Thanks" Spitfire looks at the night sky "I don't see a clock anywhere, but I can tell it's time to head back" Derpy nodded and they both flew in the night. "6, 7... 8" Doctor sighs in defeat. "Ooooooh yes! You landed on Celestia's Castle, since I have two houses on that space, you owe me a 600!" Comet laughs like an evil entrepreneur. Lunar laughs with him. Comet yawns "Actually, you can keep it. I'm going to bed" "Me too" Lunar says while yawning and stretching. Comet hugs Doctor "Have a goodnight son, I love you" "Love you too dad" Lunar hugs him next and gives him a kiss on the check "Goodnight, my smart, precious scientist, I love you. I'll make you toasted cinnamon waffles in the morning, okay?" He wanted to cry but he didn't want too, Doctor's mom made these waffles that were very delicious. He has been trying to make them ever since her death, but they weren't even close to how she made them. "S-sorry, I have to decline. I'm going out to breakfast with my friends" Doctor replied "Oh that's fine, have fun dear, goodnight" she and her husband head upstairs. "Goodnight" he replied. He waited for a few minutes and went into the kitchen. He quietly went through every drawer, every nook and cranny, until he found it. A white paper, with a bit of aged dried syrup showing at the corner of it and words written in black ink. He took out another piece of paper and copied the recipe down. He went back into the living room and stared down at the unfinished game of Ponopoly. He heard a sound of flapping wings outside, looked out the window and recognized the three pegasi that landed. He looks back at the game, he grabbed some of his fake money and puts 600 bucks where his father was sitting. He goes out the front door and towards the police box. "So Rainbow, any luck?" He asks while opening the blue metal door. "No, maybe next universe where my friends' bodies aren't switched, and my librarian friend isn't a party planning pony" Rainbow chuckles. "How was, um, being with your parents for the last time, again?" "Wonderful" he yawns. "Let's get to the next universe before we drift off to sleep" He presses the green button, waits for the whirring to stop, then the four ponies go off too sleep. "Wow Doc, you're making breakfast!" Spitfire says "What's cooking?" "Cinnamon toasted waffles, my mothers recipe" He smiles He sets out four plates, each with two waffles on a table, the four ponies sit down. "Can I get the first taste? I finally got the recipe for this last night, I've been trying to find it since my mothers death, I've been trying to make these right since then" Doctor asks. In return, he received three nodding heads. He took a knife and fork, cuts a nice bite sized waffle, and places it in his mouth. He chews a couple of times. He smiles and widens his eyes. "Perfect" > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The four ponies finished their waffles. "Wow doc, I can't believe you have been looking for that recipe for ten years!" Derpy asserted. "Yep, and they tasted like how she made them" Doctor says and then sighs. "What's wrong? Derpy asked "I wish that we wouldn't be able to leave that universe, where, the two things I loved very much weren't dead." Doctor sheds a single tear. "But, it was better than spending our last minutes together in a hospital room." "But instead, you spent your last minutes with them having fun!" Derpy replied. "Yeah we did" Doctor smiled. Derpy turns to Dash "So, uh, Dash! What was your alternate universe experience like yesterday?" She asks "Pretty weird, it was like if my friends swapped bodies with each other" She replied. "What about you two?" "Just sat on a cloud, eating muffins, and talking. Didn't feel like what antics of our lives in that universe had" Spitfire says "Well we have too today." Doctor continues. "Rainbow and I have to go to Twilight's house to confront her that were from another universe, and see if she can bring us back to our universe. Anypony that would like to come with us, can" "I'm gonna off to Cloudsdale, and see what things have changed there" Spitfire replied. "I'm gonna go and see my daughter, hope it's not somepony else" Derpy says. "Alright, lets part ways. Again, please be back before 11:55PM" Doctor says while opening the door of the police box. Rainbow and Doctor walked into Twilights library. "Twilight? Twilight?" Rainbow calls out. "Rainbow!" Twilight walks out from another room. "Oh, and hey Doctor Hooves! "Hello Twilight Sparkle" Doctor greets. She then turns to Rainbow "How's my beautiful rainbow pegasus doing?" She asks before leaning in for a kiss "Um, I'm uh, goo-. Ah! Twilight?! What are you doing?!" Rainbow backs off a small hoofstep. "Wh-what is it?! Is their something on my lips?! Is it my mane?! Oh no, it's that new shampoo I used today" Twilight conveyed as she ran a hoof through her mane. "No no, not that, you were... trying to kiss me" Dash says. "Rainbow, we've been kissing for awhile now..." Twilight says with a stern look. Rainbow just stood there with a confused look on her face. "Rainbow Dash, did you forget that we've been married for almost three weeks now?" Twilight asks. "What?! We are?!" Dash bellows in question. "Rainbow Dash, what's going on?" Twilight asks Doctor who was just standing there finally spoke "Ms. Twilight, we both need to talk, it'll be confusing for you to comprehend, and it's nothing marriage wise." "Okay, talk then" Twilight says sternly while giving a glare at Dash. "Were actually from another alternate universe, it's a long story about how it all started." Doctor continues. "But, we need your help to get back to our universe, since you have the most ideal magic in all of Ponyville and you have the smarts for pretty much of anything" Twilight gives out a fake laugh "Haha, good one Rainbow, this a very good prank. Now where's my kiss?" "Twilight! We're not joking!" Rainbow continues "If you don't believe us, then how come I'm acting like, we've never fell in love before?" "Well, because you're pretty good at acting? You really nailed this act, bravo!" Twilight also continued "Hopefully, you can make up a 'long' story about how this all started, Doctor." Doctor groans "Fine" He then started his long explanation Derpy arrived at her house, she looked at the date of a newspaper, it was a Saturday, so her daughter will be likely at home or out. She opens the door "Mommy!" Dinky runs up and hugs Derpy "Dinky!" Derpy hugs back. "Sorry, I uh, was doing something at the mail office" "Good, because I'm starting to get hungry" Dinky declared "Me too!" She says "Mom, can I ask you something?" Dinky asks "Yes, certainly!" Derpy walks towards the kitchen "Can I call Doctor Hooves, daddy? You two are married and he acts like a daddy to me" Dinky asks. "Uh..." On the way to the kitchen, there is a wedding picture of her and Doctor hanging on the wall. "Uh, m-most certainly, he'll be proud!" She blushes at the sight of the picture Derpy goes on to make lunch for the both of them. Spitfire arrives at her house. After a flight through Cloudsdale, it seemed like nothing really changed at all, even though the numbers above the green button were totally different from just the number 1. But, she is about to find out. She walks inside and felt like something different changed, but she couldn't put a hoof on it. She hears a faint cry. She follows the cry down to a hallway where her bedroom is. But notices that there is an extra door. "An extra bedroom?" She says to herself She opens the door, and their is a slightly sleepy filly in her crib. She walks over to examine the filly. She has a yellow coat, a navy blue mane that looked like hers when she put it down, and green beady eyes. The filly sleepily smiles up at the sight of Spitfire "Mommy!" 'Did that filly, just call me mommy?' Spitfire thought. She then looked around the room and on the dresser, there was a family picture of her, the filly and... "Soarin?!" She said to herself quietly "Hey, I thought I closed this door... Oh hey babe" Soarin then walks up to her. "I just put her down for her afternoon nap, let's not disturb her peace" He then kisses her for about five seconds. Spitfire almost pulled back, but was too late, and surprisingly, she liked it. 'Wow, I never knew he was such an amazing kisser' Spitfire thought before returning her own lengthy kiss. "Oh, somepony is a little flirty today" Soarin said returning another kiss. Spitfire wrapped her front legs around the back of Soarin's and continued the kiss. Soarin pulled back "How about we leave this room quiet, and we go to our room and enter it making noise?" "Lets" Spitfire said with bedroom eyes ...and that's the end of the story, any questions?" Doctor asks. "Yes, where can I buy your book?" Twilight giggles Doctor rolls his eyes saying nothing. "Were going to wait here, until the other 'Rainbow Dash' arrives" Twilight says. "According to the Alternate Universe Guide, your clone won't appear until after we have left the universe" Doctor explains Twilight giggles "Trying to defend yourselves, I see?" Rainbow Dash groans "Seriously Twilight, you gotta believe us!" Twilight opened her mouth but got interrupted by an energetic pink pony. "Hiya, everypony!" She greets excitingly "Hey Pinkie Pie" Rainbow greets "Whatcha all talking about? Oh! Oh! Let me guess, since Doctor Hooves is here, you're talking about space and time! But why is Rainbow here? She doesn't understand most of that stuff... Oh yeah, you two are happily married!" Pinkie conveys. "Uh, not really" Dash whispers to herself but Pinkie hears her. "Not really? Oh, oh..." Her energy goes away "Oh no, Rainbow Dash did you tell her?..." "Huh?" She looks back at Pinkie "Wait, tell me what?" Twilight stands up putting her front hooves on the table. "What is going on?!" Pinkie sighs "Dash, tell her..." "Tell her what? Twi, I don't know what she's talking about" Dash claimed "Rainbow Dash and I have been seeing each other for about two months, IM SO SORRY IM SO SORRY" Pinkie starts to cry a lot Twilight puts her head down and cries "I-I knew it, y-you came in acting all weird, r-ready to tell me, b-but your words w-won't come out..." "Twilight, again, from another alternate universe..." Dash says "QUIT THAT BULLSHIT YOU FILTHY HORSE!" Twilight looked up with a sad but really fiery and angry look in her eyes. "Twi-twi..." Dash tried to get words out of her mouth "I-I LOVED YOU!" Twilight turns away, picks up a chair and smashes it Dash had a quick idea and quickly turned to Hooves "Here tickle me, right here" She points to her kidney area "Wait, wh-" "Just do it" She commanded "THAT CHAIR WILL BE YOU, RAINBOW DASH AND PINKIE PIE, IF YOU-" Twilight stopped by sudden laughing Rainbow falls out of her chair laughing "Good prank, right Pinkie Pie?" Pinkie Pie starts laughing too "Hehe, y-yeah!" Doctor looked at the two laughing ponies and sighs "Mrs. Sparkle, I'm sorry, I tried to pull these ponies away from such a foolish prank, one that might cause them their marriage! I guess someone has to write a two page apology letter, and a three page friendship letter for the princess!" He says as he glares at Dash "I'm just gonna go on and about now" He says as leaves out the door Twilight who was pretty much fully crying now "W-what kind of... STUPID prank was that?" She says as she runs crying to her room "AND, you better write up!" Twilight said before slamming the bedroom door Rainbow and Pinkie walked out the door where they met Doctor Hooves just outside. "Doctor! You pretty much saved me there!" Dash said "Acting classes in high school never fail" Doctor replied "Rainbow, are you actually from another universe?" Pinkie asks "Because you're acting really different" "Finally! Somepony finally understands me" Dash said walking up to Pinkie. "Look Pinkie Pie, were going to try to leave as early as we can out this universe, so the Rainbow Dash here can appear and you tell what's going on. And tell the Dash here, never to mention about cheating on you, AND, please stop cheating, I want Twilight to be happy. Tell her to act like she's really sorry, and also tell her to write a huge apology letter and a friendship note. And please be really serious when telling her, but I know how serious you can be when you truly believe in something you saw. Please, do all that for me, okay?" "I will, Rainbow Dash" Pinkie Pie hugs her "Good, I know I can trust you" Dash hugs back and pulls off of her "We need to go, to try to get back to our universe, if we can." "Okay, oh, and Dash, can you do me a favor?" Pinkie asks "Yes Pinkie?" "Tell the Pinkie Pie in your universe that I say hi!" Pinkie snorts Rainbow chuckles "I will" Her and Doctor go off to the police box. When Rainbow Dash and Doctor opened the door of the police box, Spitfire and Derpy were already inside playing cards. "Great! You're all here" Doctor gleamed. "So anything?" Spitfire asks Rainbow shakes her head "No, in this universe, I was married to my best friend, and cheating on her with my own other best friend. Twilight, who I was married too, didn't believe me, but Pinkie Pie did. "Hey! I was married to my best friend too, Soarin, and we also had a filly..." Spitfire blushed heavily "Oooh, how was that?" Rainbow Dash playfully said. "It was, uh, good, I guess" Spitfire said while fidgeting with her hooves "I was married too!" Derpy bellowed "No fair, I wasn't..." Doctor said with his head down "Who were you married too, Derpy?" Spitfire asks "U-umm, to Doctor Hooves..." she said quietly with a deep blush "O-oh, I, uh, it was just an alternate universe, no need to be blushed" Doctor said while trying to hide a deep blush. "Get to the next universe!" Rainbow pleads "And alternate universe 1304, is a no no" Doctor presses the green button and the machine does its thing. Now having thoughts of a really familiar mail mare with crossed eyes. 'It was just an alternate universe, it was just an alternate universe...' > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of course, like the past few days, the four ponies wake up not knowing what will happen in the universe they are in now. Spitfire sighs, "Universe number 639." "Don't you worry Miss Spitfire, I'll try to fix the universe generator soon, so we can at least choose the alternate universe instead of having it randomized, which personally I think is the stupidest thing in this police box." Doctor takes a breath, then continues, "It was one of the few things that came with the machine." "Please do," Spitfire said. "So what'll happen in this universe?" Derpy asked. "A universe where muffins don't exist?" Derpy fakes a scared look and giggles. "A universe where I'm faster and a better flyer than Spitfire?" Rainbow giggles, "I'm just joking." Spitfire walks up to her, "I take jokes like that pretty seriously, consider it a challenge!" "Spit, I said I was kidding," Dash conveyed. "Sounds like somepony is too scared to live upon her name, Rainbow Crash!" Spitfire mocked. "Challenge accepted!" Dash said while looking around. "How about right now, the first one to finish three laps around this town, wins. This police box will be our starting and finish line. Derpy and Doctor will be the lap counters." Derpy stands in between the two pegasi who are in a race stance. "Three!" "Two!" "One!" "Go!" The two pegasi take off in an instant. Derpy joins Doctor, who is on top of the police pox watching the race going on. The race was close, every time Dash inched towards the front of Spitfire, Spitfire would catch up, and the same thing happened to Spitfire, she would inch towards the front and Dash would catch up. The first lap came to a close after whipped by Doctor and Derpy. "Dash won!" Derpy said. "Nah, I think Spitfire won that round," Doctor replied. On to the second lap, the two pegasi are going way faster than they were on the first lap. Spitfire is focusing on the race then is interrupted by an orange flash slowly appearing in front of her. "D-Dash, w-what's going on?!" "Oh no, same thing is gonna happen to me too. We're about to do Sonic Rainbooms! It's going to be alright, just don't stop!" Dash explained. "But, it's gonna be twice as large since we're beside each other!" Spitfire said. Before Rainbow can respond, both ponies' rainbooms exploded at the same time, which looked like a rainbow that had set on fire in the sky. 'CRUNCH' Spitfires wings go and she starts plummeting towards the ground. "Daaaaaaaaash!" Spitfire screams. "Spitfire!" Dash then starts to fly down to try to catch Spitfire. Derpy and Doctor Hooves look on, unable to do anything. Rainbow is going the same speed as Spitfire, so it was going to be hard to catch her. Dash grunts, forcing herself to fly faster down to the ground as she gets closer to Spitfire, but is also going down to the ground itself. Dash then gets ahold of Spitfire, grabbing onto her abdomen with her forehooves, tries to pull up but then, they both crash into a huge pile of crates of fruit. They both blackout from their injuries. Dash slowly opens her eyes and realizes that she was in the hospital. She groans as she rubs her head with a big cast over it. She looks over to the bed beside her and in it was Spitfire who was sleeping and had the same injury. Derpy and Doctor then walk into the room. "Dash! You're awake!" Derpy says walking up to the side of the bed. "Y-yea, how long was I out for?" Dash asks. "For about a couple hours," Doctor explains, "No need to worry, it's still early in the day. All we need to do is wait for Spitfire to wake up." Just then, Nurse Redheart comes into the room. "Oh good, you're awake." "So, how are we?" Rainbow asks. "Well you, you'll be out of here in a few hours, but..." she looks up at the X-ray of Spitfire’s brain and sighs, "for your friend here..." "What? What about her?" Dash asks her. "She... she took the accident far worse than you did, we don't know how," Redheart continues in a serious tone, "But, she might've suffered some brain loss from the accident... it'll take her awhile for to do her everyday things. Talk, walk, fly, remembering things, and so forth. She's going to be in here for awhile. I'm very sorry," She slowly backs out. Rainbow starts to sob, then Doctor and Derpy hug her. "We'll do the best for her, all we have to do is teach her the things that she forgot," Doctor says. Dash wipes away the tears "Okay." "Doc and I are going out for lunch, are you hungry? We can bring you something," Derpy offers. "No," Dash answers. "We'll be back in awhile, and then we'll figure something out," Doctor says as he and Derpy walk out. Rainbow was reading some old Daring Do books and hears groans from the bed beside her. Spitfire was waking up. "S-spit?" Spitfire looks at her with a mix of emotionless and confusion. "P-please remember me..." "D-d-d-d.." "What is it Spit?" "D-d-a..." "Say it, Spit." -After a few minutes- "D-da-dash... Dash. Dash" "Th-that's right!" Dash said. "Dash. Dash." "Did you teach her that?" Nurse Redheart said as she just entered the room. "No, she stumbled on my name for a while and got it right by herself," Dash explains. "She probably remembered a small part of her memory that survived the accident," Redheart continues, "I just wanted to come here to let you go, but, if you want, you can stay here with your friend, and here's a few cups of Jello if you get hungry." "I would like to, and thanks," Dash said. "Dash. Dash. Dash!" "And the last part of my name is all she remembers so far" Dash explained to Doctor and Derpy. "That's a good thing to hear" Derpy said. "It is." Doctor leaned in, "We have to escape from here in a couple hours, we're gonna take Spitfire with us. We'll try our best to heal her brain." He looks around "When it's time to leave, I'll get the police box in front of the window there. We pick up Spitfire, and we escape from this universe, okay?" The two ponies nodded in unison. "Dash!" "Yes? Oh, yeah..." -A couple hours later- Derpy and Rainbow waited around Spitfires bed, the window was open. There's a nice and cool night breeze so the doctors let them leave it open. The police box appears in in front of the window but makes it appear so the doctors don't see it. Doctor Hooves walks into the hospital room. "Okay, the box is outside. Rainbow and Derpy, you pick Spitfire up, go out the window and into the police box, we need to do it as fast as we can," Doctor explains. "Actually, since you're an earth pony, you're stronger than the both of us, and plus, I'm a little injured here," Dash retorted. "Noted. Derpy, lift her off of the bed and put her into my back," Doctor said. Derpy did what Doctor told her what to do. With Spitfire on his back, Dash was already outside looking for any ponies who might spot them. "All clear, Doc!" Dash said. Doctor carried Spitfire to the window. "Dash. Dash?" Spitfire repeatedly said. "Security!" Nurse Redheart was at the entrance of the hospital room. "Thieves are stealing a patient!" Doctor carefully and quickly carried Spitfire out of the window. "Hey! Stop right there!" shouts one of the security guards. The four ponies quickly get in the police box, and Doctor quickly presses the green button. The machine does its whirring. Doctor lays Spitfire on the bed. "So, how are we going to get her back to her normal self?" Derpy asked. "Teach her how to walk, talk, start with the basics," Doctor sighs "We're not going to go on any adventures from now on, after what just happened." Derpy looked at Rainbow "We understand, Doc, we'll do our best to get Spitfire walking and talking," Derpy said and Rainbow nodded. Day by day, the three ponies taught Spitfire how to walk. Spitfire fell down after a few steps, but perfected it after a couple days. But, talking was a challenge. They got Spitfire saying a few other words, but she had decided to keep saying 'Dash' To make it quicker, every three hours, Doctor will press the green button, but every number wasn't even close to universe number one. Everyday was just a different universe. '904' '1961' '717' '86' And so on. Doctor sighs mournfully, "we'll never make it back." "Don't say that Doc, you know, you said you were going to try to fix it right?" Derpy asked "Couldn't see or find out on how to fix it, we're stuck in other universes," Doctor exclaimed. Derpy didn't say anything. Doctor went to the green button, and pressed it. "Wait, Doc. It's only been half an hour! Remember the 'don't press the button when under three hours' rule?" Dash asked "I just don't care anymore..." Doctor then started to repeatedly tap the green button, which made the whirring noise a little louder every time. "Stop!" Dash the tackles Doctor. The police box shakes and whirs. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," Doctor sobs. "It's okay, we'll get through this together. We don't want a broken time travel machine now, do we?" Dash exclaimed "No..." Doctor simply said. After a few minutes, the shaking and whirring noise stopped. Doctor walks up to see which universe they're in, he gasps. "What is it, Doc?" Derpy asked. There was no answer. "Which universe are we in?" Dash also asks. "Don't tell me we're in that universe where I'm a cold-blooded murderer." "It's not. This universe is my favorite, I've been here before, it's the best one you can ask for." Doctor smiles. Derpy and Dash walk up to see which universe they are in. The number panel just read a simple '1'. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Woohoo!" The ponies celebrate. "Ok, well what are we waiting for?" Dash asks, while opening the door. "Let's go, my friends might have been looking me!" "Just a second, Miss Dash, as I think I might have broken a few things during my...uh, outburst." Doctor said while looking all around the machine. During that time, Spitfire wanders outside. A slight breeze comes and a newspaper smacks into her face blocking her view. She takes it off and looks at the front page. "Uh, heh..." Doctor rubs his neck. "I kind of ruined it a little, but not too much! It could've been much worse." "Yeah, just imagine if Dash didn't stop you in the right time, we would've been in another universe!" Derpy said. "Mhmm!" Doctor said. "Okay, let's go!" He walks out. "Dash, Dash!" Spitfire looks at Doctor. She points to the newspaper, the she points to herself. "What is it Spitfire?" Doctor grabs the newspaper from her and immediately gasps at the sight of front page. "GREAT WHICKERING STALLIONS!" He bellows. "What is it, Doctor?" Derpy flies over. "Oh no!" "That's... bad" Rainbow Dash reads the headline over and over. 'Fleetfoot speaks: "Were not flying until we find our captain, either dead or alive" Wonderbolts captain still missing' "Hmm, Doc, what was the date when we left?" Derpy asks. "August 21st, why?" "Look at the date of the newspaper..." 'October 8th, 2016,’ it read. "Almost a month and half!" Dash exclaims. Doctor then runs back into the machine. "Newspaper bot!" A robotic voice speaks up. "Yes, Doctor?" "Search up files for, 'Spitfire' since August 21st, 2016" "Will do." The ‘bot says. Then a whole bunch of newspapers come out of a chute. Doctor reads the headlines. "Wonderbolts captain declared missing." "Uh, let's see here, ah! Rainbow Dash also missing!" Doctor sets down the newspapers. "What are we going to do? We can just go to Twilight's castle and just say 'we're back!'” The room was filled with silence for about a minute. "I know who we can go to! Doc, can this machine handle one more trip?" Dash asks. Doctor thinks for a second, then nods. "Alright, let's get this thing rolling!" Doctor knocks on the door to a house. A light blue pegasus with a scraggly navy blue mane answers "Yes?" He scratches his face which had a small beard growing. "Uh, Soarin’?" Doctor says. "Uh, yeah. That's me, and you are?" Soarin asks, “And, how did you get up here? You're not a pegasus!" "Th-that's a long story." Doctor continues "My name is Doct-" "Dash! Dash!" "Sshhhh!" "What was that?" Soarin tries to look around but Doctor blocks his view. "Cover blown!" Dash flies in carrying Spitfire then Derpy follows, then she closes the door. Soarin looks on, wide eyed and mouth agape. "Okay, Mr. Soarin, don't be surprised, we'll explain!" Doctor exclaims. "Holy SHIT!" Soarin bellows, "Rainbow Dash and Spitfire, WHERE THE BUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!" "Soarin, it's a long, LONG story," Doctor says. "Oh! It better a great story!" Soarin continues. "After two and a half bucking months! And then all of a sudden, two missing Wonderbolts, some random pegasus, and an earth pony show up at my damn door" He walks up to Spitfire. "Spit, I've been worried sick about you!" "Dash? Dash!" "Huh? No, it's me, Soarin’." "Dash!" Soarin’ then walks up to Doctor and grabs him by his tie. "What'd you do to her?!" "Soarin’!" Rainbow manages to get in between Soarin and Doctor. "It's... very complicated..." Soarin’ lets go of Doctor, "Sorry. With everything going on the past month and then now, I just get very... worked up." Soarin sits down on his couch "Now please, tell me this story." -One long explanation later- Soarin just sat there with a puzzled look on his face. "Wow, I, uh, have no words." "If somepony told me that story, I would have no words also," Derpy said. "So, uh, what do we do?" Soarin turns to Rainbow. "You know all about this stuff." "I'm not sure what to do, there's too many options. I'm not the egghead of the group you know!" Dash exclaimed, "The best we can do is go to the academy and deliver the news there" "Hmm, that's a good idea. Lots of media there, lots of media equals lots of attention and lots of attention equals getting help from your friends and the princess!" Soarin explains walks to the door. "Let's go!" "Woah, not so fast. Have you looked in the mirror lately?" Rainbow asks. Soarin blushes. "Heh, oh yeah. Give me a few minutes." "One more trip and this thing will practically be wrecked," Doctor said. "Well, we gotta use it." Soarin walks in. "Holy... shit! It's bigger on the inside! Can I buy this off you?!" Doctor gives him a stern look. "Not for sale." "Heh, just kidding..." The doctor smiles and pushes the teleportation lever and the police box teleports to the academy. "Wait, before we open the door. What do we do when we walk in?" Rainbow asks, "News ponies will be all over us." "Don't say anything, this news will spread like a wildfire," Soarin says, "Just let it all happen." The five ponies walk out of the police box, they walk in the entrance. They hear chattering in another room, but a news pony was at the other end of the pony reading the latest newspaper. Soarin smiles. "Watch this, these news ponies are like dominoes. You'll see how," He whispers. He then pretends to knock something off a table which grabs the news ponies' attention. His first glance was at Spitfire and Rainbow Dash. "SPITFIRE AND RAINBOW DASH!" The other news ponies hear those words, and they rush towards the group of the five ponies and clutter them with a whole bunch of questions. Soon, other ponies heard the news. Civilians, the rest of the Wonderbolts team, then awhile later, the princess shows up, she writes a letter and sends it off. -At Twilight's Castle- Five ponies sat in the council room. One seat was still empty. "So, uh, let's see, we can..." Twilight gets interrupted by Spike's belching "Oh great, a letter!" Spike burps out the letter and reads it "Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, I have to inform you that..." Spike pauses while wide eyed. "Wh-what is it Spike?" Fluttershy asks. "...Rainbow Dash and Spitfire are alive and safe, they're at the Wonderbolts academy, come as soon as possible!" "Rainbow Dash!  Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie Pie shouts throughout the huge commotion. "Twilight! Twilight!" "Huh? Who's calling me?" Twilight asks and looks around and saw who it was "Princess Celestia!" She runs up to he "Princess, where's Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asks Celestia moves aside and standing there was Rainbow Dash. "RAINBOW DASH!" The six ponies and dragon shout in unison, then they all get in a group hug. "Uh, guys, I can't breath..." They all let go. "Rainbow Dash, we were worried about you!" Pinkie said with tears rolling down her cheeks. The ponies kept on talking. Princess Celestia stands on the podium. "May I have your attention please?" No ponies never heard her, it was basically hard to hear one another, "May I have your attention please?!" She asks again but the talking didn't stop "Need some help, sister?" "I would love some, Luna." Luna walks upon the podium and uses her royal Canterlot voice, "MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE?" The room goes into a stunned silent. "Works like a charm," Luna smiles and walks off the podium. "Thank you Luna," Celestia walks back onto the podium. "Mares and gentlecolts, I am proud to announce that the two missing Wonderbolts, have been found. I heard the story of the event from Rainbow Dash, and it was astonishing to hear. A pony, other than Rainbow Dash, will tell everyone here, what happened. I would like to call up Doctor Whooves." Doctor Whooves walks up to the podium, looks at the hundreds of ponies locking their eyes with his, he takes a deep breath and prepares to say his long explanation. -Another long explanation later- "Thank you for listening..." Doctor walks off the podium, and Celestia walks back on. "Mares and gentlecolts, due to Spitfire's brain damage, we will find the best brain surgeons in Equestria to help her. It isn't that bad, but the procedure for that certain type of brain damage can be lethal if it's done wrong, but don't worry, I know one doctor that can help us. Now please, give these ponies some space, and thank you all for spreading the news," She walks off the podium. The ponies disperse, and all was left were the just a small group of ponies. "I missed you so much Dashie!" Pinkie Pie cried. "I missed you too! Wait, I saw you in another alternate universe, does that count?" Rainbow wondered. "Rainbow Dash, Doctor Hooves, and Derpy, I have to take you with to the castle with me, I'll explain later on why," Celestia said. "Aw, okay," Rainbow sighs, "Girls, I'll be back." "We'll throw a huge 'welcome back to our universe' party!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Awesome, and I'll tell you all what the other universes were like when I get back." Rainbow said. "I would love to hear you adventures," Starlight gleamed. "I have to go. Oh, and Pinkie?" Rainbow asks, "The Pinkie Pie in universe, uh, 1304 says hi." Pinkie giggles. "Rainbow, we're glad that you're safe, and hopefully, you guys can get Spitfire on the right track," Twilight said. "We will, Twilight, and thank you for responding to my letter in short notice," Celestia continued. "Now, we have a brain to fix!" The princess and the four ponies walk through Royal Canterlot Hospital, looking for a certain room they need to be in. They all walk into a room with five brain surgeons all gathered around a metal table, the brain surgeons bow. "Thank you all for being here," Celestia says "It's an honor to help you, Princess," declared one of the surgeons. "We're all of the best brain surgeons in Equestria" "Where's your boss?" Asks Celestia. "He went out to-" "Right here," a gray stallion with a black mane and tail, he has a cane in one hoof. Doctor gasps and runs up to him "Dr. Golden Hay?! I'm such a huge fan of your work!" Dr. Hay smirks at him "Great," He says then walks past Doctor. "Ok." He sets down a box on the table and takes out a model brain made out of a special kind of gelatin and has a bunch of sensors on it. "This is the practice before the big game. I'll explain," He says while laying out a bunch of surgical tools. -A long explanation later- "Hopefully, you all got that. You're all the best brain surgeons I got, but this task has been rarely done before, it's not even in the books." Dr. Hay explained. The five surgeons nodded, Celestia and the three ponies look on. Spitfire was in another room. "Let's get started", He said. A surgeon took a tool, and places it into the gelatin brain. A few seconds later, a buzzing sound is heard and a red light turns on. "What was that?" Asks one of the surgeons. "You sliced the Parietal Lobe, you now got a Wonderbolt who can't fly," Dr. Hay continues. "Wait a few seconds, and the gelatin brain will repair itself. Note to you, we might be here all day working on a fake brain." The surgeons continue on, then another buzzer is heard. "Now you hit the Occipital Lobe, a blind pegasus who likes to race, sounds pretty dangerous" One by one, the surgeons try their best in the fake brain, but buzzers keep going off". "Oops, you got a dead Wonderbolt." "You got a pony who doesn't feel any emotions!" "Back to square one, the pony doesn't remember anything." "No personality, she's basically a robot." "This fake brain probably has more knowledge than yours!" "Now you got a pony who has all her memories back in place but can't talk!" -A couple hours later- The surgeon slowly goes down the brain with a tool, a ringing noise is heard. Dr. Hay looks on "You got a pony who can now work every function of the brain. Now do the same procedure you did and do it ten more times!" After the tenth time, Dr. Hay lays hoof on the gelatin brain. "Good job, rest up. You'll being doing this on an actual brain at 10AM." "Dash, Dash!" "Heh, it's gonna be fine Spitfire," Rainbow says, leaving the surgical room. One of the surgeons knocks out Spitfire with Anesthesia, and they start their procedure with Dr. Hay looking on from the balcony. -a couple hours later- The surgeon finishes the last stitch for Spitfire's head. "Hopefully, you all did this right, because you can't do it again," Dr. Hay remarks. "Roll her into a hospital room so she can rest." Spitfire wakes up, there is a picture in front of her. "Spitfire, who's that?" Dr. Hay asks "Dash." "Okay." He holds out another picture. "What's this?" Spitfire looks at it. "It's some sort of green blob, what happened?" "You got into a freak accident and got out of surgery ten hours ago," Dr. Hay continues. "Can you spread out your wings for me if you can." Spitfire slowly spreads her wings. Dr. Hay nods. "Can you get out of the bed, and try walking for me?" Spitfire slowly gets out of bed, "Aren't I not supposed to do this, especially after getting surgery, on my head?!" "It was nothing major," He said. Spitfire takes a few steps. "Good," Dr. Hay continues, "Now we're going to go out there, where the surgeon's, your friends and family members are waiting. When we go out there, I want to you to say..." Spitfire’s surgeons, teammates, and friends were in the waiting room. Dr. Hay and Spitfire come around the corner, and all the waving ponies stopped talking and waited for a word. "My name is Spitfire and I'm a Wonderbolt!" Ponies cheered and gathered all around Dr. Hay and Spitfire. "Hey Sparkle, mind if I stay here tonight? My head kind of hurts and it's a little dangerous to fly under these conditions," Spitfire asks while cleaning after a big party. "Sure you can! I'll tell Spike to set up the guest bedroom," Twilight gleamed. "Thanks," She turns to Pinkie Pie, "Hey Pie, that was an awesome party, I'll like to have one of these when my head feels better." "Thanks Spitfire, and I'll definitely plan another party!" Pinkie says. "Alright! I've gathered a few extra chairs around our meeting table, I've been waiting all night to hear the stories of your adventures!" Starlight said. "We're all done clean my up anyways" Twilight said. The ponies gathered all around the table. "It's such a relief for Rainbow's seat to be filled out after a month and a half," Rarity said. Twilight nodded. "We're so happy that you four ponies were safe. Derpy, your daughter was very worried about you, the sight I saw when you two reuniting was very heartwarming. Same for you Rainbow, when you and Scootaloo reunited, and I can say the same when we saw you at the academy." Twilight continues. "And Spitfire, what the doctors did was remarkable, in about two weeks, the Wonderbolt shows will be back on. Doctor Hooves, you met one of your heroes, Dr. Golden Hay, an extraordinary doctor, who saved countless ponies' lives under impossible circumstances. I believe you got a napkin with his signature on it?" Doctor nods, "I sure did, and we talked, well, he’s quite a witty pony." "So, Doctor, how did all this start? I've been meaning to ask you all day," Twilight said, "Just give me a basic run-down." "Well, Rainbow and Spitfire had a flight meeting, they saw my police box and they went inside. Derpy stepped on a spoon which went flying and hits the alternate universe jump button, and that's all how it all started," Doctor explained. Twilight turns to Rainbow. "Now Rainbow, tell us the different alternate universes you visited, starting with the first!" "Oh, uh, the first? Ok," Rainbow thinks for a second before continuing, "In the first universe, Derpy was the Wonderbolts captain." "Now that was a weird feeling," Spitfire chuckles. "And, in the same universe..." Rainbow glances at Applejack, "...I murdered Applejack's sister, and her friends, months before." "YA DID WHAT?!" Applejack bellows. "Applejack, it's fine. This was in a different universe, the Rainbow I know will never do this!" Starlight said. "Ah guess you're right, sorry Rainbow," Applejack said. "It's fine, Applejack." "But still Rainbow, that must've been really weird feeling that way," Twilight said. "Yeah, how did you know you were in a murderer in the first place?" Fluttershy asks. "I flew off to this castle to see if Twilight knew me, since it was an alternate universe, so I kind of did it as a joke." Rainbow continues. "So, when you saw me, you screamed murderer. You chased me, and I hid in Applejack's orchard where AJ was working, she saw me, and, heh, beat me up." "In this universe, ah would've killed you on the spot, the AJ in that universe was a softy," Applejack sternly said. "Oh, um okay. Next universe?" Twilight slowly said. "In this universe, Doctor's parents were alive, and we met them!" Rainbow gleamed. "Lunar and Comet Hooves! Ah remember them, they always bought an apple pie every Friday, kind ponies," Applejack said. "You must've had mixed emotions about seeing your parents for the first time in years Doctor." Twilight said. "Yes, and I had a better last moments with them, way better than sitting beside their hospital beds hearing the heart rate monitor." Doctor said. "I went back to the castle again to see if Twilight can help us get back to this universe." Rainbow continues. "But when I went there, instead of Twilight, it was Pinkie Pie, Pinkie was basically Twilight. We all swapped bodies and personalities." "Oh! I was a smart cookie!" Pinkie Pie said. "Hehe, ya you were. Rarity was Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy was me, Applejack was Fluttershy, and Twilight was Applejack," Rainbow continues, "Sorry to say Starlight, but you never existed in any of the alternate universes." "Oh, that's fine, this is still interesting to hear." Starlight said. "In the next universe, it was kind of embarrassing, Spitfire was married to Soarin, Doctor was married to Derpy, and... I was married to Twilight," Rainbow blushed. "Oh, heh, it was just an alternate universe," Twilight blushed. "And she cheated on you with Pinkie," Doctor chuckles. "Doctor!" "What?!" Pinkie laughs. "Now continuing..." Rainbow said while blushing. "The next universe, is well, when the accident happened, so there is nothing else much to tell." "Wow, you four ponies had quite an adventure." Twilight said. "We sure did." Derpy said. Spitfire yawned. "Well, I'm happy that we're finally back in our universe, that was quite a ride. In a couple weeks when I'm all better, we can go back into time inside that police box of yours!" "About that..." Doctor continues. "I had a little outburst with the universe jump button during your injury. The last teleportation to the Wonderbolts Academy kind of finished it off. It fixes itself but it'll be awhile." "Good. I wanna stay away as far as I can from that thing." Rainbow said. "Wait, you can go back in time in that thing?!" Starlight asked. Doctor nods. Starlight turns to Twilight. "Twilight, when it gets fixed, do you want to go back in time?" Twilight thinks. "I've already been back in time once, long story, but the event I witnessed, I have to show you." Spitfire yawns. "Enough nerd talk, I'm off to bed." "Yeah, me too." "Same." Applejack and the other four ponies went to their respected homes. The three ponies and the dragon went off to bed. A couple years later, Spitfire had to retire from the Wonderbolts from recurring headaches she got during her races, but at the age of 42, it was a good age to retire after being on the team for a total of 21 years. Twilight and Rainbow Dash tried dating, but it didn't really work out. Derpy and Doctor Hooves had gotten married. 
 "So I made a list of famous events we should visit," Twilight said while standing in front of Doctor's refurbished police box. "Heh, the only event I'm waiting for to see is Commander Hurricane in his prime," Spitfire said which made Rainbow nod. "Oh, I can't wait!" Starlight said while looking inside the police box. "Well, wait no longer, it's time to go... back in time!" Doctor said. The ponies cheered in unison as they entered the police box. "Wow, honey, you did a great job redecorating this!" Derpy said. Doctor nods. "So Twilight, which date?" Twilight looks at Starlight. "June 8th, 1014 . The time where Celestia banishes Nightmare Moon." Doctor puts in the date, and pulls the lever. "Off to the past!"