• Published 18th Dec 2016
  • 500 Views, 2 Comments

The Trip of a Lifetime - Royale With Cheese

Derpy sends herself and three other ponies to alternate universes, then run into difficulties along the way.

  • ...

Chapter 4

The four ponies finished their waffles.

"Wow doc, I can't believe you have been looking for that recipe for ten years!" Derpy asserted.

"Yep, and they tasted like how she made them" Doctor says and then sighs.

"What's wrong? Derpy asked

"I wish that we wouldn't be able to leave that universe, where, the two things I loved very much weren't dead." Doctor sheds a single tear. "But, it was better than spending our last minutes together in a hospital room."

"But instead, you spent your last minutes with them having fun!" Derpy replied.

"Yeah we did" Doctor smiled.

Derpy turns to Dash "So, uh, Dash! What was your alternate universe experience like yesterday?" She asks

"Pretty weird, it was like if my friends swapped bodies with each other" She replied. "What about you two?"

"Just sat on a cloud, eating muffins, and talking. Didn't feel like what antics of our lives in that universe had" Spitfire says

"Well we have too today." Doctor continues. "Rainbow and I have to go to Twilight's house to confront her that were from another universe, and see if she can bring us back to our universe. Anypony that would like to come with us, can"

"I'm gonna off to Cloudsdale, and see what things have changed there" Spitfire replied.

"I'm gonna go and see my daughter, hope it's not somepony else" Derpy says.

"Alright, lets part ways. Again, please be back before 11:55PM" Doctor says while opening the door of the police box.

Rainbow and Doctor walked into Twilights library.

"Twilight? Twilight?" Rainbow calls out.

"Rainbow!" Twilight walks out from another room. "Oh, and hey Doctor Hooves!

"Hello Twilight Sparkle" Doctor greets.

She then turns to Rainbow "How's my beautiful rainbow pegasus doing?" She asks before leaning in for a kiss

"Um, I'm uh, goo-. Ah! Twilight?! What are you doing?!" Rainbow backs off a small hoofstep.

"Wh-what is it?! Is their something on my lips?! Is it my mane?! Oh no, it's that new shampoo I used today" Twilight conveyed as she ran a hoof through her mane.

"No no, not that, you were... trying to kiss me" Dash says.

"Rainbow, we've been kissing for awhile now..." Twilight says with a stern look.

Rainbow just stood there with a confused look on her face.

"Rainbow Dash, did you forget that we've been married for almost three weeks now?" Twilight asks.

"What?! We are?!" Dash bellows in question.

"Rainbow Dash, what's going on?" Twilight asks

Doctor who was just standing there finally spoke "Ms. Twilight, we both need to talk, it'll be confusing for you to comprehend, and it's nothing marriage wise."

"Okay, talk then" Twilight says sternly while giving a glare at Dash.

"Were actually from another alternate universe, it's a long story about how it all started." Doctor continues. "But, we need your help to get back to our universe, since you have the most ideal magic in all of Ponyville and you have the smarts for pretty much of anything"

Twilight gives out a fake laugh "Haha, good one Rainbow, this a very good prank. Now where's my kiss?"

"Twilight! We're not joking!" Rainbow continues "If you don't believe us, then how come I'm acting like, we've never fell in love before?"

"Well, because you're pretty good at acting? You really nailed this act, bravo!" Twilight also continued "Hopefully, you can make up a 'long' story about how this all started, Doctor."

Doctor groans "Fine"

He then started his long explanation

Derpy arrived at her house, she looked at the date of a newspaper, it was a Saturday, so her daughter will be likely at home or out.

She opens the door

"Mommy!" Dinky runs up and hugs Derpy

"Dinky!" Derpy hugs back. "Sorry, I uh, was doing something at the mail office"

"Good, because I'm starting to get hungry" Dinky declared

"Me too!" She says

"Mom, can I ask you something?" Dinky asks

"Yes, certainly!" Derpy walks towards the kitchen

"Can I call Doctor Hooves, daddy? You two are married and he acts like a daddy to me" Dinky asks.

"Uh..." On the way to the kitchen, there is a wedding picture of her and Doctor hanging on the wall. "Uh, m-most certainly, he'll be proud!" She blushes at the sight of the picture

Derpy goes on to make lunch for the both of them.

Spitfire arrives at her house. After a flight through Cloudsdale, it seemed like nothing really changed at all, even though the numbers above the green button were totally different from just the number 1. But, she is about to find out.

She walks inside and felt like something different changed, but she couldn't put a hoof on it.

She hears a faint cry.

She follows the cry down to a hallway where her bedroom is. But notices that there is an extra door.

"An extra bedroom?" She says to herself

She opens the door, and their is a slightly sleepy filly in her crib. She walks over to examine the filly. She has a yellow coat, a navy blue mane that looked like hers when she put it down, and green beady eyes.

The filly sleepily smiles up at the sight of Spitfire


'Did that filly, just call me mommy?' Spitfire thought.

She then looked around the room and on the dresser, there was a family picture of her, the filly and...

"Soarin?!" She said to herself quietly

"Hey, I thought I closed this door... Oh hey babe" Soarin then walks up to her. "I just put her down for her afternoon nap, let's not disturb her peace" He then kisses her for about five seconds.

Spitfire almost pulled back, but was too late, and surprisingly, she liked it.

'Wow, I never knew he was such an amazing kisser' Spitfire thought before returning her own lengthy kiss.

"Oh, somepony is a little flirty today" Soarin said returning another kiss.

Spitfire wrapped her front legs around the back of Soarin's and continued the kiss.

Soarin pulled back "How about we leave this room quiet, and we go to our room and enter it making noise?"

"Lets" Spitfire said with bedroom eyes

...and that's the end of the story, any questions?" Doctor asks.

"Yes, where can I buy your book?" Twilight giggles

Doctor rolls his eyes saying nothing.

"Were going to wait here, until the other 'Rainbow Dash' arrives" Twilight says.

"According to the Alternate Universe Guide, your clone won't appear until after we have left the universe" Doctor explains

Twilight giggles "Trying to defend yourselves, I see?"

Rainbow Dash groans "Seriously Twilight, you gotta believe us!"

Twilight opened her mouth but got interrupted by an energetic pink pony.

"Hiya, everypony!" She greets excitingly

"Hey Pinkie Pie" Rainbow greets

"Whatcha all talking about? Oh! Oh! Let me guess, since Doctor Hooves is here, you're talking about space and time! But why is Rainbow here? She doesn't understand most of that stuff... Oh yeah, you two are happily married!" Pinkie conveys.

"Uh, not really" Dash whispers to herself but Pinkie hears her.

"Not really? Oh, oh..." Her energy goes away "Oh no, Rainbow Dash did you tell her?..."

"Huh?" She looks back at Pinkie

"Wait, tell me what?" Twilight stands up putting her front hooves on the table. "What is going on?!"

Pinkie sighs "Dash, tell her..."

"Tell her what? Twi, I don't know what she's talking about" Dash claimed

"Rainbow Dash and I have been seeing each other for about two months, IM SO SORRY IM SO SORRY" Pinkie starts to cry a lot

Twilight puts her head down and cries "I-I knew it, y-you came in acting all weird, r-ready to tell me, b-but your words w-won't come out..."

"Twilight, again, from another alternate universe..." Dash says

"QUIT THAT BULLSHIT YOU FILTHY HORSE!" Twilight looked up with a sad but really fiery and angry look in her eyes.

"Twi-twi..." Dash tried to get words out of her mouth

"I-I LOVED YOU!" Twilight turns away, picks up a chair and smashes it

Dash had a quick idea and quickly turned to Hooves

"Here tickle me, right here" She points to her kidney area

"Wait, wh-"

"Just do it" She commanded

"THAT CHAIR WILL BE YOU, RAINBOW DASH AND PINKIE PIE, IF YOU-" Twilight stopped by sudden laughing

Rainbow falls out of her chair laughing "Good prank, right Pinkie Pie?"

Pinkie Pie starts laughing too "Hehe, y-yeah!"

Doctor looked at the two laughing ponies and sighs "Mrs. Sparkle, I'm sorry, I tried to pull these ponies away from such a foolish prank, one that might cause them their marriage! I guess someone has to write a two page apology letter, and a three page friendship letter for the princess!" He says as he glares at Dash "I'm just gonna go on and about now" He says as leaves out the door

Twilight who was pretty much fully crying now "W-what kind of... STUPID prank was that?" She says as she runs crying to her room

"AND, you better write up!" Twilight said before slamming the bedroom door

Rainbow and Pinkie walked out the door where they met Doctor Hooves just outside.

"Doctor! You pretty much saved me there!" Dash said

"Acting classes in high school never fail" Doctor replied

"Rainbow, are you actually from another universe?" Pinkie asks "Because you're acting really different"

"Finally! Somepony finally understands me" Dash said walking up to Pinkie. "Look Pinkie Pie, were going to try to leave as early as we can out this universe, so the Rainbow Dash here can appear and you tell what's going on. And tell the Dash here, never to mention about cheating on you, AND, please stop cheating, I want Twilight to be happy. Tell her to act like she's really sorry, and also tell her to write a huge apology letter and a friendship note. And please be really serious when telling her, but I know how serious you can be when you truly believe in something you saw. Please, do all that for me, okay?"

"I will, Rainbow Dash" Pinkie Pie hugs her

"Good, I know I can trust you" Dash hugs back and pulls off of her "We need to go, to try to get back to our universe, if we can."

"Okay, oh, and Dash, can you do me a favor?" Pinkie asks

"Yes Pinkie?"

"Tell the Pinkie Pie in your universe that I say hi!" Pinkie snorts

Rainbow chuckles "I will"

Her and Doctor go off to the police box.

When Rainbow Dash and Doctor opened the door of the police box, Spitfire and Derpy were already inside playing cards.

"Great! You're all here" Doctor gleamed.

"So anything?" Spitfire asks

Rainbow shakes her head "No, in this universe, I was married to my best friend, and cheating on her with my own other best friend. Twilight, who I was married too, didn't believe me, but Pinkie Pie did.

"Hey! I was married to my best friend too, Soarin, and we also had a filly..." Spitfire blushed heavily

"Oooh, how was that?" Rainbow Dash playfully said.

"It was, uh, good, I guess" Spitfire said while fidgeting with her hooves

"I was married too!" Derpy bellowed

"No fair, I wasn't..." Doctor said with his head down

"Who were you married too, Derpy?" Spitfire asks

"U-umm, to Doctor Hooves..." she said quietly with a deep blush

"O-oh, I, uh, it was just an alternate universe, no need to be blushed" Doctor said while trying to hide a deep blush.

"Get to the next universe!" Rainbow pleads "And alternate universe 1304, is a no no"

Doctor presses the green button and the machine does its thing. Now having thoughts of a really familiar mail mare with crossed eyes.

'It was just an alternate universe, it was just an alternate universe...'