• Published 29th Apr 2015
  • 476 Views, 0 Comments

A Nephilim's life in Equestria - proudtobeabrony667

Ten years after the birth of Rose a prophecy is revealed saying that she is the key to this worlds destruction...... Like hell her family is going to let that happen

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Chapter 5: Sombra Part 4

Chapter 5

Sombra Part 4

"A.J what just happened!?!" Asked Twilight

"I dunno, the whole building just shook and crumbled.....Wait Grey was in there!!"

"Oh my gosh he was!!" Exclaimed Twilight as she started to run towards the building

"Twilight don't" said rarity stopping her

"But A.J..... Grey needs--"

"Grey needs us to be safe and to get these two home and look he's still alive and so is everyone else who was in there, now let's get the heck outta here,"

Meanwhile Grey and Sombra were still going at it and were both nearing death Grey decided it was time to end this tedious fight and kill him for get about having him beg for death but making his death as merciless as possible that would work. Sombra himself was an anthro so getting rid of his magic ability would be a start. Grey blocked the next attack and doing a 360 degree turn Grey grabbed Sombras horn and snapped it in two Sombra though in pain managed to turn his sword around and plunge it straight through Grey's abdomen causing him to cough out blood but Grey wasn't ready to die just yet he grabbed the hilt of Sombra's sword and snapped off the blade. Next in a fit of rage Grey swung repeatedly at Sombra with a hit ratio of 3 hits every 2 misses and Sombra was being cut deep and losing blood rapidly, and soon enough as if on Que Sombra started begging for his life. Grey snapped and he threw down his weapons and started to beat on Sombra with his bare metallic hands covering himself in blood.

Back at Twilight's castle A.J and the others had come through the portal and were waiting patiently for Grey to come back and it had already been three days since they had come through and Twilight was becoming worried.

"I'm sorry guys but I have to close the portal,"

"No!" Rainbow Dash screamed with tears flowing down her face

"She's right Dash we have to close it it's been too long I'm sorry," A.J said holding her back with tears in her own eyes

Twilight reached up and just as she removed the necklace that Grey had put there a hand pushed itself through the portal and then Grey himself came through landing in a heap of blood soaked clothes, metal, and flesh. Everyone looked but it was Rainbow Dash that noticed that most of the blood was his. Inside Grey's mind he was reliving the moment where he finally killed Sombra a moment he had been longing for his entire life. After being stabbed he grabbed Sombra's horn causing him great pain and agony as he snapped it it in half, Being as this was a bone attached to Sombra's skull it started to gush blood. Grey was in a world of hurt but it was all meaningless for him since seeing his mortal enemy in immense pain gave him great pleasure and even the blood pooling in his mouth tasted amazing. Grey kicked Sombra to the floor and watched him as he scrambled to grab his sword. However when he grabbed the hilt Grey stepped on the blade and shattered it to splinters. Finally Sombra had to resort to the methods of this world and reached for the gun that had slid across the room from one of the guards, he grabbed it and aimed at grey and fired. Grey dodged it and began to move towards him, meanwhile Sombra fired again and again, Grey dodged the bullets flying at him and blocked others with his scythes.

Grey started to attack and in doing so only hit him a few times but the wounds though they weren't deep began to pile up and in turn he began to bleed profusely but not long after Sombra had enough.

"Grey! Please spare me I don't want to die"

"I begged for my life once but you know what happened.... Nothing they did not stop... After a while I started to beg for my death"

"Grey please I'll give you whatever you want just say it and it's yours just please don't kill me"

"If that's the way you want to play it i'll take your soul and then you won't die... in spirit that is but if I leave you you'll bleed out soon enough"

"How would you intend to take my soul?"

"By breaking it from your corpse"

After that Grey started to beat on Sombra's face and caused himself immense pleasure. After about fifteen minutes Grey had pounded in Sombra's face and could now see his could leaving his corpse taking the chance he grabbed the soul and crammed it inside a bottle meant to hold water but since it was enchanted to never leak it worked perfectly because said enchantment made sure that nothing could ever leave that bottle. After that Grey began his long painful journey back home, bleeding out as he went.

Back in the real world Rainbow Dash was freaking out about how her husband was bleeding to death on the floor while his friends tried to keep him alive waiting for the doctors from the hospital to come and take him to the ICU for treatment. Twilight used her magic to slow the bleeding while Rarity used hers to place a temporary stitch job on some of his wounds, A.J and Pinkie Pie did their best to bandage him up and slow the bleeding from his back and stomach. During all this Fluttershy who nearly fainted at the sight of Grey's massive amount of blood comforted Rainbow Dash while they waited for the Paramedics.

Half an hour later they got there and saw that their job had nearly been completed before they could do anything. A.J was the first to speak and when she did every one of the paramedics nearly had to use the defibrillator on themselves they became so scared.

"Ya' useless trash we've been here a half hour waiting for ya'll to save him but look we've been doing yer job fer ya'!!!"

"Ma'am please we had a lot of --"

"A lot of patients we get it and I'm sure that ya'll had nobody to come here and help the person who came here as an outcast and b'came the savior of everyone in that hospital when the changelings attacked 13 years ago at that time ya'll were captives and we were all in danger he saved yer life can you not do him a favor an' come to his aid when he needs you!?!?!?"

"A.J Stop it's not their fault..." came a raspy voice from behind her

"Grey!!" A.J said surprised that he'd woken up. She ran over to him and started to cry at the sight of his smile; even though he was hurt so badly he still smiled

"Come on guys she's right we need to get this guy out of here and to the hospital! Move! Move! Move!"said the lead paramedic

Rainbow Dash followed and as they put him on the stretcher she realized that Grey was dying and she collapsed to her knees in the doorway of Twilight's castle and started to completely break down at the sudden realization that she may have to bury her children's father. She was just about to start crying when she felt herself being shaken.

"RAINBOW DASH!!!" Grey screamed

"Grey? What are you doing "

"I'm telling the girl I love That I'm not going to die I've still got things to do and I can't let my daughter's last memory of me be a bloodied figure killing someone."

Grey gave her a hug and then returned to the stretcher were the world seemed to stand still, when time seemed to resume it's original motion he was placed into an ambulance and taken to the hospital where he was to be treated for his injuries.

Author's Note:

I know what your thinking grey snapped the sword of Sombra's and then he stepped on it and snapped it again. How you ask? You see before Sombra was evil he had the ability to manipulate crystals so even though Grey snaps it a thousand times he could reform it. which was the last magic he used before his horn was removed.

Also the reason that Grey feels great pleasure in killing Sombra was because for the first portion of his life he had been beaten to a pulp on Sombra's orders.

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