> A Nephilim's life in Equestria > by proudtobeabrony667 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 "Rose?? Rose where are you?" "I'm over here mom." "Where's your dad?" "I think he's outside somewhere." "Doing what?" "Dunno practicing magic with Aunt Twilight maybe?" *BOOM* "Yep, gotta go for a bit be good Kay?" "Kay" Rainbow Dash sped out of the door and flew straight for Twilight's castle where the door stood ajar and aflame and Twilight was dusting herself off and screaming something at the door before a man walked out bearing metallic limbs and metallic wings one bearing resemblances to a dragon's and the other looking like a Pegasus's he stood there scratching his head as he laughed embarrassingly at the scene behind him. "I over did it again didn't I" "Yeah you did, sweet Celestia you have far more raw power than even her, it's astonishing" "Geez Grey do you have to go overboard all the time?" "Oh hey honey" "Don't call me that it's weird." "oh sorry... What's up" "Do you ever have this small itch like some one's been watching our house?" "Yeah it's been getting that way I seem to have been feeling it since Rose was born....... Rose!!" Grey lifted off leaving a crater in the ground and was flying faster than any living thing in the world. Upon arrival at his house Rose was nowhere to be found but the feeling was still there, after looking around Grey found a note on the fridge saying that she had gone to hang out at AJ's for a bit giving him peace of mind. A few moment's later a letter came through the door and upon looking at the seal Grey froze in horror. The note read: Dravin I will claim your daughter and she will become what you never could but I apreciate the attempt at protecting what you think is yours to keep. You are a failed experiment and your daughter is a biproduct of your failure She belongs to me --S After reading it Grey flew off to find Scootaloo and grab her and rose before his greatest foe arrived. He stopped at the park and grabbed Rosebefore heading to find scootaloo. While flying to find her A dark cloud colided with him and grabbed his daughter. Regaining his balance he faced the cloud as a face emerged from within. "You! I thought you were dead?" "I will never die and is this what you're looking for?" the cloud spoke holding up Grey's daughters "Rose! Scootaloo! you bastard let them go!!" "I thought I told you they don't belong to you!" "Dad help us!!" screamed scootaloo before the cloud caused her to pass out "I will find you and you will die this time I will make sure" Grey spoke before the cloud disappeared Grey flew back to the house and grabbed his scythes out of a box from under his bed and started for the door before being stopped by Rainbow Dash with tears in her eyes. She had the note in her hands and when she saw that he had his weapons and gear on and burst into a small sob in his arms. "They're gone, they're gone and I couldn't do anything!!" she screamed into his chest "Rainbow don't worry I'm going after them." "Grey please bring them home safe." "I will and the man who did this will pay dearly for coming after me again" Grey stood on the edge of their floating yard and dove off flying straight for the ground before spreading his wings and flying for the castle were the only portal to the other world stay locked away from anyone hoping to use it for personal gain. Once he landed he saw that the remaining girls were there waiting in their respective armors either to defend the portal or join him in getting his daughters back, also Apple-bloom and Sweetie-belle were there to plead to Grey to bring their friend back to them. "I am not going to put you guys in danger if that is what you're going to ask?" "And we're not askin' we're telling you we're coming with you" Said AJ sternly "And if you won't let us come with you we will make sure that we follow you." Said Twilight "Why?" "Why what?" "Why do this?" "We'll tell you why. It's because we care!!" screamed Fluttershy grabbing his shirt "it's cause we care" with tears welling up in her eyes "Ok I'll take you but while we're there you have to do exactly as I say otherwise you'll end up worse off than I will. Understand?" "We understand, but why go there?" Asked spike "Because the guy who took them has taken a hold of that world and is now controlling the people with a magic that rivals that of Twilight's.... Much like my own." "Who is this guy?" Asked Twilight "He goes by the name Sombra. I've met him only once and that was when I put my hand through his chest." "And yet he is still alive... Why?" questioned Rarity "Body double." "What?" "A person who stands in for you in deadly situations." "Enough questions we're wasting time, lets go!!" Grey nodded and walked into the castle and up to the mirror which held the portal to another universe. Knowing that the portal led to a different universe that the one that they were trying to go to he removed the book holding the portal open and replaced it with a necklace from his mother opening the portal to the living hell which was once called earth. taking a breath he steped through the portal into the forest were he had once escaped through, the rest soon followed and shivered in the atmosphere that the world which was once vibrant and now looked like a dark version of the crystal empire gave off. "How does this guy know you Grey?" Asked pinkie pie wearily "He was the one who created me, and no he's not my father but he was the one who gave the order to kill my parents and turn me into a living weapon." "Oh, okay" "Grey now that we're here what do we do now?" asked AJ "We get his attention." "And how do you suppose we do that?" inquired Rarity "I have an Idea......." > Chapter 2: Sombra Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 Sombra Part 1 *Splash* "Ewe gross!! Grey, why are we walking through a swamp!?!" exclaimed Rarity "It wasn't always like this you know." "And you know this how?" "Because I saw it once before I successfully escaped" Grey said as he kept walking bushing his fingers over a piece of bark with claw marks that seemed to fit his fingers perfectly. "What was it like? Was it pretty?" asked Fluttershy examining the claw marks and glancing from time to time at his hands "I saw it when I was seven or eight during my first escape attempt. The guards had taken me out of my cell to have the blood cleaned off the walls, when they had their backs turned for a moment I ran for it. I got lost and found a window to the outside I even tested it to see if it was real." "How?" asked Twilight "I smashed my head through it." "Oh of course your hands were probably bound." "I smelled fresh air for the first time in years and it would be the last time for many to come. And it was pretty I can only imagine how the librarian is today." "Librarian?" they all asked simultaneous "Yeah the only other person who cared for me besides the nurse who was killed on the day of my escape. I had to be educated while I was there and I often studied in the library for safety purposes they called it. I was weak then and I wanted to get stronger so when I could sneak away I would go and grab more books. Specifically on the topic of martial arts and body building. later the librarian noticed and she told the guards not to let me come to the library anymore and that she would bring me more books when I was finished with mine. The first time she did this she told me of her plan; that she would sneak more books for me in her bag and that she would often forget it there out of habit and I was to take the books out. To keep up the facade she would come in and search her bag yell at me and bop me on the head with a book before leaving." "Sounds nice how smart are you now?" asked twilight skeptically "smart enough." "4,987,465/4.456?" "1119267.50448833." the girls walked with him astonished that he could be so smart for a boy who was imprisoned and tortured for years. All of a sudden they all heard a shot and Grey jumped in front of Fluttershy before a bullet could make contact he got up as another shot was heard, Grey caught the bullet and flung it back into the chamber of gun from which it came before it could load another bullet. The soldier reached for his radio but before he could send a message a second bullet was embedded into the radio's circuitry. The soldier was scared and he pulled out his side-arm and aimed towards where he originally saw the group. "Who is this guy?" whispered AJ clasping her hands over Pinkie's mouth "A patrol... Probably sent here from the city. I need a distraction Pinkie listen to me... are you listening?" She nodded and AJ removed her hands ready to place them again "I need you to use your party cannon to distract him, use it once and get out of there or he'll kill you!" Grey said sternly so she could understand "how could he kill us we're wearing armor?" asked Rarity "That is a 50 cal. desert eagle with armor piercing rounds it will blow a hole in you the size of my fist." "Okie doki Loki grey one distraction coming up." Pinkie said excitedly The soldier searched the area ahead of him when suddenly a curly pink haired girl came rushing out from behind the tree the soldier shot and missed giving Pinkie Pie the chance to grab her party cannon. She reached over and pulled out this massive insanely huge cannon from out of nowhere aimed it at the soldier and fired. As he ducked expecting to be hit by a cannon ball he was instead covered in confetti, when he got up he was surrounded by five girls and a man. The soldier reached for his gun but found it to be missing. "Looking for this?" asked Grey with a menacing grin "What do you want?" Questioned the soldier "First, your name then your licence, and then your car." "That it?" "No I need you to drive it." "M-My name is James Simon....Lieutenant James Simon." he said with hopes that Grey would not kill him "Ok James get in the car." Grey said pointing the gun at his head "Ok, Ok where are we going exactly?" "To the media broadcast center." They all hopped into the jeep and soon they were mobile. The ride was about an hour long before James spoke up and asked why their destination was the media broadcast center which was in the middle of the city. Grey replied with the words "We are going to start a riot." This brought questions from everyone. "A riot!! Why a Riot?!?" Asked twilight who was the most confused of all "Because we need to draw Sombra out and what better a way than to cause an uproar in his biggest city." "But still won't that cause harm to everyone in there?" Questioned AJ "They've been brainwashed and they're not going to be personally involved I'm strictly speaking to all of the people who are currently being persecuted and put into labs for experimentation." "Oh.... Wait there are more like you?!?" screamed Twilight "Yes there are but none quite like me" "Yo, were here.... Welcome to the royal capital of Hate city better known as the beacon." said James getting out of the car "Where do you think you're going?" "I'm going home and I'm barring the doors. get rid of this bastard Draven" "How..?" "You weren't the only one to escape I just happened to do it differently... Kill this bastard for me okay?" "Yeah, I will" Grey said getting into the drivers seat "Grey what are you doing?" Screamed Rarity "I'm getting the job done human lives mean nothing to me" "How can you say that this is your ho-" Fluttershy said "No this is Draven's home and he's dead." "What?" "My name is Strife Grey-Mist I am a Nephilim I am from Equestria and humans used me as a lab rat..... It's Payback time!!!!" Grey screamed flooring the gas and ramming through a barricade into the city. Grey drove the car straight through every street until he reached the MBC (Media Broadcast center). though he had gathered the attention of every person in the city who now gathered in front of the building. Grey ran inside and held the door for the girls, once they were through he used two nearby vending machines to block the door. Grey marched straight to the broadcast room and busted through the door as the news was being broadcast. "This just in a creature no six creatures have taken the broadcast room and are looking like they were prepared for war." the woman said "Get out this place temporarily belongs to me." Grey screamed "Why should we leave we don't take orders from you!!" the mic man said swinging the microphone at him Grey caught it before it struck and used it to impale the man, after that the rest of the room cleared out in a matter of moments. Grey took a seat in front of the camera and relayed the message he had composed in his head. "What now Grey?" Asked Twilight "Now? Well..... Let's start a riot." > Chapter 3: Sombra Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Sombra Part 2 Grey walked over to the news counter and took a seat, after he reached into his coat and pulled out a mask that his his Identity from the rest of the world. The rest of the girls grabbed the camera equipment and made sure to make this like a video to start a revolution. Twilight lifted her hand and gave a signal to tell that the camera was rolling. Meanwhile all over the world every phone, television, laptop, or any other media sources turned to a news screen with a masked man. the screens stay the same for a few minutes and everyone tried to change the chanel, image and even shut everything off... Nothing worked, and then the he spoke... "My fellow outcasts rejects and those who are being hunted by the military, The man you call Sombra has initiated a war on all our kinds and has created a world that only we can see as in human beings. He may wish to offer out helping hand to you, but listen to me and listen close I am one that he had locked away as a subject to many experiments and he intends to use us as incentive for the remainder of the world to bow down to him. My name was draven but upon my birth I lost that name. My father and mother both were on the original team of scientists that Sombra hired to rip holes in the fabric of space and time.... They succeeded, and one of those portals brought fourth demons and another brought angels They were possesed and later I was born the only nephilim in existence to have physical human form. They were murdured and I was taken hostage for 19 years. Later I escaped and found the only portal that My father had left open after destroying the rest. Sombra now has my daughters and is possibly going to hurt them. If you wish to stop this tyranny Put on these masks that are now in your hands." Every inhuman creature on this world now held a mask in their hands as if they had magically appeared. Some had blended into society and had learned of thos people who had been hunting them down. Some had tried to intervien but had always been exicuted on the spot, but today seemed different and every one holding a mask put it on and were suddenlt clothed in black robes some even did a double-take by taking off the mask looking in a mirror and putting it back on. Then the man on the news spoke again. "If you have dawned your mask you can use abilities unknown to you till now and I ask that you start a riot by attacking those near you but do not kill anyone if you do anything that happens after will be your own fault..... If you are ready... Begin" All at once every person wearing a mask started attacking people and though they were hurt the worst damage done would be a few broken bones. The riot was going well and the six people inside the MBC moved out and joined in. Ten minutes in and the military brought their contingency plan... Prisoners who have been brainwashed to be soldiers for the king. There were 47 of them and Grey took them on alone while the girls attacked the police. Grey did not wish to kill his brethren but they were to far gone and he had no choice, he walked towards them and pulled out his scythes pulled up his hood and put his scythes together creating the image of a reaper. They attacked with no remorse and neither did Grey. For every hit he lay down another of his brainwashed brethren fell before him, Grey kept walking towards the army and found the leader. Once he saw him Grey broke into a run and sliced off the generals head, holding it up for the entire city to see. The people wearing masks cheered and raised their fists at their small victory, but soon the people stoped cheering and froze while looking at the sky. Grey turned around and saw what they were afraid of, a huge black cloud making it's way towards them, he turned back to the people and commanded them to continue the riots further into the city as he was sure that cloud would not risk destroying his slaves, the people obeyed without question. "Dr-a-ven!!" the cloud said slowly "Hello Sombra surprised to see me so soon?" "Not really in fact I anticipated this." He said showing an image of guards beating up his daughters Though he knew that it was only an illusion Grey snapped "Where are they you bastard!?!?!?" "They are where you will end up after this" "You expect me to end up in hell and some write it as the number 666 and I know for a fact that each of the labs are numbered from 1 to 10. The guards called me the luckiest one possible because I was in lab seven, hall seven, room seven so if I was to put that into what you just said They are in lab six..... See you there." "You will fail Grey it is prophecized that your daughter will destroy your world or any world she belongs to you cannot stop it." "Watch me." And then the cloud dissapeared leaving no trail grey started walking back to the seventh laboratoryand got prepaired to obliterate the sixth along with the tyrant who had taken over this world for his own selfish gains. The girls tried to keep up but the closer they got they could feel the air getting hotter. Twilight caught up enough to grab his shoulder but upon contact she realized that his armor had become red hot and that if he were to continue like this he would never survive. However when she squeeled in pain he stoped and turned around, The girls could see his real eye and they say that it had that same purple flare emmiting from it showing that he had indeed gone to a dark place in his mind. AJ who had disappeared a few moments ago came back with a huge bucket of water and poured it on Grey cooling him down both physically and emotionally, the girls all knew that had she not done that he most likely would have destroyed the sixth laboratory with no regard as to who got caught in the crossfire. "[shiver] Thanks AJ I needed that" "Yer dern right ya did! If I hadn't done that you might as well've killed rose and scoots when you first saw them cause ya might a' just done so later!!!" "Applejack that's going to far!!" Said Twilight "No Twilight she's right." "Huh?" "If I had not cooled down I most likely would have destroyed everything without any regard as to whos lives were at stake." "Grey.....Why?" "Because when I get like taht there's no stopping me it's almost like a part of me enjoys it, a part of me wants to kill and destroy everything. To be honest it scares me more than it scares you and it hurts.... It hurts alot." "Well that's obvious silly it hurts because when you get like that your skin becomes so hit that you make everything on your body burn and the metal on you becomes so hot that it nearly seares to your skin and we all know that your skin is fire resistant to a point." Said pinkie pie causing him to laugh "Jeez Pinkie it's almost like your smarter than twilight sometimes. Anyways we've been sitting around long enough.... We need to get them out" "Out of where?" asked Fluttershy "Out of there." Grey said pointing to a fortress that was locked up tighter than the gates of hades "And how do you plan on getting in?" "How else through the front door." "What?" > Chapter 4: Sombra Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 Sombra Part 3 "Okay so let me get this straight... We're breaking into prison... Through the front door?" Asked Twilight while walking towards the prison "Yeah." "You have a plan?" "Yeah." "Does it involve sneaking in?" "Nope." "so what are we do--" "Halt who goes there?" "Strife grey mist." "What are you?" "Nephilim." "[click] surrender or die" "We surrender." "Wait we what?!?!" Screamed Rarity The guards disarmed Grey and the girls and took them inside all the while Grey had the strangest smile on his face like this was all going according to plan. the guards brought him to a cell and his smile grew even bigger but by the time the guard noticed it was too late and he had already uncuffed him. "What the hell are you smiling about fool?" "The fact that you just released me into the exact place I wanted to be." Grey replied putting his fist through the guards head Meanwhile the girls were all in their cells when they the turning of the locks in the door and the doors opened to reveal a guard standing in front of each of their doors and they; all but one, had an evil looking grin on their faces like they were about to do something regretable. The guards started to advance on them insisting that this was protocal but in reality they just were tired of waiting for girlfriends and wanted something to get rid of their libidos. After they steped one foot into the cells the guard with a serious look on his face spoke up. "Hey! Don't even think about it!!" "What? But we thought that you agreed to this man, what's up?" "I Just don't want you to hurt these women... It isn't right." "Dude this was originally your idea don't tell me your wimping out?" "No that's not it because a guy like me doesn't winp out of anything." "Who are you? Your not our friend." "No I'm not and I'm so surprised that you didn't notice the difference in size!" "Oh Shit!! Guys it's him, the other prisoner!! RUN!! We've got to warn his majesty" The other four guards bolted in the opposite direction of Grey who stood there after taking off the cloak he was wearing to hide his identity. He was slightly amused at the way the guards ran after pissing themselves in fear that he began to chuckle while untying the girls. "Ok so were in... Now what?" Asked Twilight after Grey handed her the weapon she had been carrying before "You guys go and find Rose and Scootaloo... I've got some unfinished buisness to take care of." "Okay but do us a favor" "What's that?" "Don't die." Twilight said before running off to catch up with the others who had already left in the opposite direction of the guards Grey ran after the guards and caught up with them as they stood in the center of a large room but as he walked in he saw that he had walked into a trap. Grey looked around the room and saw that he was surrounded by guards who had all trained their guns on him. He looked over to see one of the newbies shaking nervously and he also saw that he was scared. Grey decided to use this to his advantage and he flinched towards him causing all of the guards to fire at him. But instead of hitting him they hit eachother and fell to the floor, Grey sttod in the center of the room and screamed into the empty air "SOMRA!! Show yourself I know your there!!" And as if on cue Sombra appeared out from behind a pillar and walked out to meet Grey who was shaking with anxiety at the thought of killing the person who had kept him in theis place for 19 years. "Awe look your shaking... Are you that scared to face me?" "Shut the fuck up you piece of shit!! I'm not scared it's just the thought of killing you makes my blood boil." "Oh does it?" "Yeah Now are we gonna do this or are we going to just stand here and stare eachother to death" "You really must have a death wish." Sombra said drawing his sword " Yeah I do... For you!!" Grey said pulling out his scythes Sombra lunged but missed as Grey ducked down below the blade giving him an opening to strike, though at this point he had an opportunity to kill him Grey wanted to make Sombra beg for death more times than he did before killing him (and Grey begged for death at least 2000 times so making him beg 2001 times would suffice) So at that Moment Grey wound up and punched Sombra straight in the chest. Meanwhile "AJ do you know where you're going?" Twilight said trying to keep up "Nope, but there's one way to find out.... We ask the guards." Aj said stopping infront of the security desk "What are you out of your mind!?!" Screamed Rarity "Maybe. Lets find out." Aj said kicking open the door "Who the hell are yoooouuuuu looking for?" Asked the guard with AJ's axe pressed against his throat "We're looking for two girls. Hall six, room six, if you value your life you will tell us the truth and keep yer darn hands away from that silent alarm. Your king stole two people from our world, Now we don't wish te' harm yall but we will if we must now the girls are they here." AJ said scaring everyone around her "Y-Y-Yes they are you're in hall 4 go two halls to the right and you'll find the door you're looking for. Now please spare me I have a family." "Ok, we will and thanks. Now do me a favor and go to sleep for a while," AJ said bashing his head into the desk knocking him out "AJ what's got a hold of you this is so not like you," Asked Fluttershy "I am sick n' tired of people screwin' with ma' freinds and these people are crossin' a line when they put my nieces into a cell to wait fer experimentation." AJ said pounding her fist through a steel desk spliting it in half "Well so are we now let's go get our nieces," Said Rarity placing a hand on Aj's shoulder The girls ran straigt for the door to Rose and Scootaloo's cell and tried to open the door before they realized that they forgot the keys, At this time Twilight called to them inside, when there was no answer she told everyone to stand back and called to anyone inside to roll under the bed and stay there. When everyone was clear Twilight focused her magic and let off an explosive charge blowing the door wide open. The girls rushed in ad relized that only scootaloo was in there, bound and gagged. "Scootaloo where's Rose?" Asked Fluttershy as she undid the gag "Ugh, he's got her and he's going to kill my dad in front of her!!" "I wouldn't worry about that," Said Twilight "Why?" "Because we've all seen how Grey acts when he's pissed and right now he's in a pretty bad mood, and that makes him unstoppable" Meanwhile "Grey before we continue I have a surprise to show you... Bring her in," Sombra said jumping back and motioning towards the doorway where someone brought in Rose on one of those asylum patient transporters and placed her in a position with a perfect view of the battle area. "You bastard what have you done to her!!" "Nothing.... Yet," Rose looke traumatized but in reality she was just scared out of her mind then suddenly a warhammer came flying straight into the head of the person behind her and Apple Jack came and untied her. When she was off the trolly she wrapped her arms around AJ and started to cry. "He, He told me he was going to kill my dad!!" She bawlled "Apple Jack?" Grey said "What is it Grey?" "Get her home and don't come back for me.... And before you say otherwise I will come back just keep the door open for me okay" He said smiling towards her "Don't you dare leave!!" Sombra screamed attacking them "No you don't!!" Grey screamed blocking the strike "What are you waiting for, GO!!!" Sombra pushed off of Grey's scythes and stood at the opposite side of the room were he proceeded to imbue his sword with his magic, taunting Grey as he did so with words like "I bet you can't do this." Grey moved to show that he indeed could and being a different species than him he could put a different type of magic in each of his two scythes one started to be covered with a deeb black smoke while the other was fillied with a white light. Then sombra attacked and so did Grey and once their weapons touched the room shook. Meanwhile outside the prison AJ held Rose who had passed out during the walk and they felt the shock wave as they watched building collapse... > Chapter 5: Sombra Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 Sombra Part 4 "A.J what just happened!?!" Asked Twilight "I dunno, the whole building just shook and crumbled.....Wait Grey was in there!!" "Oh my gosh he was!!" Exclaimed Twilight as she started to run towards the building "Twilight don't" said rarity stopping her "But A.J..... Grey needs--" "Grey needs us to be safe and to get these two home and look he's still alive and so is everyone else who was in there, now let's get the heck outta here," Meanwhile Grey and Sombra were still going at it and were both nearing death Grey decided it was time to end this tedious fight and kill him for get about having him beg for death but making his death as merciless as possible that would work. Sombra himself was an anthro so getting rid of his magic ability would be a start. Grey blocked the next attack and doing a 360 degree turn Grey grabbed Sombras horn and snapped it in two Sombra though in pain managed to turn his sword around and plunge it straight through Grey's abdomen causing him to cough out blood but Grey wasn't ready to die just yet he grabbed the hilt of Sombra's sword and snapped off the blade. Next in a fit of rage Grey swung repeatedly at Sombra with a hit ratio of 3 hits every 2 misses and Sombra was being cut deep and losing blood rapidly, and soon enough as if on Que Sombra started begging for his life. Grey snapped and he threw down his weapons and started to beat on Sombra with his bare metallic hands covering himself in blood. Back at Twilight's castle A.J and the others had come through the portal and were waiting patiently for Grey to come back and it had already been three days since they had come through and Twilight was becoming worried. "I'm sorry guys but I have to close the portal," "No!" Rainbow Dash screamed with tears flowing down her face "She's right Dash we have to close it it's been too long I'm sorry," A.J said holding her back with tears in her own eyes Twilight reached up and just as she removed the necklace that Grey had put there a hand pushed itself through the portal and then Grey himself came through landing in a heap of blood soaked clothes, metal, and flesh. Everyone looked but it was Rainbow Dash that noticed that most of the blood was his. Inside Grey's mind he was reliving the moment where he finally killed Sombra a moment he had been longing for his entire life. After being stabbed he grabbed Sombra's horn causing him great pain and agony as he snapped it it in half, Being as this was a bone attached to Sombra's skull it started to gush blood. Grey was in a world of hurt but it was all meaningless for him since seeing his mortal enemy in immense pain gave him great pleasure and even the blood pooling in his mouth tasted amazing. Grey kicked Sombra to the floor and watched him as he scrambled to grab his sword. However when he grabbed the hilt Grey stepped on the blade and shattered it to splinters. Finally Sombra had to resort to the methods of this world and reached for the gun that had slid across the room from one of the guards, he grabbed it and aimed at grey and fired. Grey dodged it and began to move towards him, meanwhile Sombra fired again and again, Grey dodged the bullets flying at him and blocked others with his scythes. Grey started to attack and in doing so only hit him a few times but the wounds though they weren't deep began to pile up and in turn he began to bleed profusely but not long after Sombra had enough. "Grey! Please spare me I don't want to die" "I begged for my life once but you know what happened.... Nothing they did not stop... After a while I started to beg for my death" "Grey please I'll give you whatever you want just say it and it's yours just please don't kill me" "If that's the way you want to play it i'll take your soul and then you won't die... in spirit that is but if I leave you you'll bleed out soon enough" "How would you intend to take my soul?" "By breaking it from your corpse" After that Grey started to beat on Sombra's face and caused himself immense pleasure. After about fifteen minutes Grey had pounded in Sombra's face and could now see his could leaving his corpse taking the chance he grabbed the soul and crammed it inside a bottle meant to hold water but since it was enchanted to never leak it worked perfectly because said enchantment made sure that nothing could ever leave that bottle. After that Grey began his long painful journey back home, bleeding out as he went. Back in the real world Rainbow Dash was freaking out about how her husband was bleeding to death on the floor while his friends tried to keep him alive waiting for the doctors from the hospital to come and take him to the ICU for treatment. Twilight used her magic to slow the bleeding while Rarity used hers to place a temporary stitch job on some of his wounds, A.J and Pinkie Pie did their best to bandage him up and slow the bleeding from his back and stomach. During all this Fluttershy who nearly fainted at the sight of Grey's massive amount of blood comforted Rainbow Dash while they waited for the Paramedics. Half an hour later they got there and saw that their job had nearly been completed before they could do anything. A.J was the first to speak and when she did every one of the paramedics nearly had to use the defibrillator on themselves they became so scared. "Ya' useless trash we've been here a half hour waiting for ya'll to save him but look we've been doing yer job fer ya'!!!" "Ma'am please we had a lot of --" "A lot of patients we get it and I'm sure that ya'll had nobody to come here and help the person who came here as an outcast and b'came the savior of everyone in that hospital when the changelings attacked 13 years ago at that time ya'll were captives and we were all in danger he saved yer life can you not do him a favor an' come to his aid when he needs you!?!?!?" "A.J Stop it's not their fault..." came a raspy voice from behind her "Grey!!" A.J said surprised that he'd woken up. She ran over to him and started to cry at the sight of his smile; even though he was hurt so badly he still smiled "Come on guys she's right we need to get this guy out of here and to the hospital! Move! Move! Move!"said the lead paramedic Rainbow Dash followed and as they put him on the stretcher she realized that Grey was dying and she collapsed to her knees in the doorway of Twilight's castle and started to completely break down at the sudden realization that she may have to bury her children's father. She was just about to start crying when she felt herself being shaken. "RAINBOW DASH!!!" Grey screamed "Grey? What are you doing " "I'm telling the girl I love That I'm not going to die I've still got things to do and I can't let my daughter's last memory of me be a bloodied figure killing someone." Grey gave her a hug and then returned to the stretcher were the world seemed to stand still, when time seemed to resume it's original motion he was placed into an ambulance and taken to the hospital where he was to be treated for his injuries.