• Published 29th Apr 2015
  • 476 Views, 0 Comments

A Nephilim's life in Equestria - proudtobeabrony667

Ten years after the birth of Rose a prophecy is revealed saying that she is the key to this worlds destruction...... Like hell her family is going to let that happen

  • ...

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

"Rose?? Rose where are you?"

"I'm over here mom."

"Where's your dad?"

"I think he's outside somewhere."

"Doing what?"

"Dunno practicing magic with Aunt Twilight maybe?"


"Yep, gotta go for a bit be good Kay?"


Rainbow Dash sped out of the door and flew straight for Twilight's castle where the door stood ajar and aflame and Twilight was dusting herself off and screaming something at the door before a man walked out bearing metallic limbs and metallic wings one bearing resemblances to a dragon's and the other looking like a Pegasus's he stood there scratching his head as he laughed embarrassingly at the scene behind him.

"I over did it again didn't I"

"Yeah you did, sweet Celestia you have far more raw power than even her, it's astonishing"

"Geez Grey do you have to go overboard all the time?"

"Oh hey honey"

"Don't call me that it's weird."

"oh sorry... What's up"

"Do you ever have this small itch like some one's been watching our house?"

"Yeah it's been getting that way I seem to have been feeling it since Rose was born....... Rose!!"

Grey lifted off leaving a crater in the ground and was flying faster than any living thing in the world. Upon arrival at his house Rose was nowhere to be found but the feeling was still there, after looking around Grey found a note on the fridge saying that she had gone to hang out at AJ's for a bit giving him peace of mind. A few moment's later a letter came through the door and upon looking at the seal Grey froze in horror.

The note read:

Dravin I will claim your daughter and she will become what you never could but I apreciate the attempt at protecting what you think is yours to keep. You are a failed experiment and your daughter is a biproduct of your failure

She belongs to me


After reading it Grey flew off to find Scootaloo and grab her and rose before his greatest foe arrived. He stopped at the park and grabbed Rosebefore heading to find scootaloo. While flying to find her A dark cloud colided with him and grabbed his daughter. Regaining his balance he faced the cloud as a face emerged from within.

"You! I thought you were dead?"

"I will never die and is this what you're looking for?" the cloud spoke holding up Grey's daughters

"Rose! Scootaloo! you bastard let them go!!"

"I thought I told you they don't belong to you!"

"Dad help us!!" screamed scootaloo before the cloud caused her to pass out

"I will find you and you will die this time I will make sure" Grey spoke before the cloud disappeared

Grey flew back to the house and grabbed his scythes out of a box from under his bed and started for the door before being stopped by Rainbow Dash with tears in her eyes. She had the note in her hands and when she saw that he had his weapons and gear on and burst into a small sob in his arms.

"They're gone, they're gone and I couldn't do anything!!" she screamed into his chest

"Rainbow don't worry I'm going after them."

"Grey please bring them home safe."

"I will and the man who did this will pay dearly for coming after me again"

Grey stood on the edge of their floating yard and dove off flying straight for the ground before spreading his wings and flying for the castle were the only portal to the other world stay locked away from anyone hoping to use it for personal gain. Once he landed he saw that the remaining girls were there waiting in their respective armors either to defend the portal or join him in getting his daughters back, also Apple-bloom and Sweetie-belle were there to plead to Grey to bring their friend back to them.

"I am not going to put you guys in danger if that is what you're going to ask?"

"And we're not askin' we're telling you we're coming with you" Said AJ sternly

"And if you won't let us come with you we will make sure that we follow you." Said Twilight


"Why what?"

"Why do this?"

"We'll tell you why. It's because we care!!" screamed Fluttershy grabbing his shirt "it's cause we care" with tears welling up in her eyes

"Ok I'll take you but while we're there you have to do exactly as I say otherwise you'll end up worse off than I will. Understand?"

"We understand, but why go there?" Asked spike

"Because the guy who took them has taken a hold of that world and is now controlling the people with a magic that rivals that of Twilight's.... Much like my own."

"Who is this guy?" Asked Twilight

"He goes by the name Sombra. I've met him only once and that was when I put my hand through his chest."

"And yet he is still alive... Why?" questioned Rarity

"Body double."


"A person who stands in for you in deadly situations."

"Enough questions we're wasting time, lets go!!"

Grey nodded and walked into the castle and up to the mirror which held the portal to another universe. Knowing that the portal led to a different universe that the one that they were trying to go to he removed the book holding the portal open and replaced it with a necklace from his mother opening the portal to the living hell which was once called earth. taking a breath he steped through the portal into the forest were he had once escaped through, the rest soon followed and shivered in the atmosphere that the world which was once vibrant and now looked like a dark version of the crystal empire gave off.

"How does this guy know you Grey?" Asked pinkie pie wearily

"He was the one who created me, and no he's not my father but he was the one who gave the order to kill my parents and turn me into a living weapon."

"Oh, okay"

"Grey now that we're here what do we do now?" asked AJ

"We get his attention."

"And how do you suppose we do that?" inquired Rarity

"I have an Idea......."