• Published 10th Dec 2014
  • 626 Views, 23 Comments

The Beautiful Magic and the Bestial Night - Maexam

What happens when a princess whose heart has been twisted by loneliness and her appearance changed by a curse meets a simple town mare? Can one heal the other? Or will the princess remain alone forever?

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Chapter 1 - A Simple Town

Author's Note:

Finally! The second chapter is up! Sorry for the delay. I have no excuse. Anyway, I hope you like it. Please review it if you want and, if you make critics, let them be constructive ones. No flames or haters allowed.

We fond ourselves in a simple, little town. Located relatively close to the once peaceful Everfree Forest. Although the town was small, it was quite lively! Many ponies came and went in order to trade their goods. Whether they were foods and drinks, trinkets or books.

However, it is on this particular village, that we find a young mare in her early twenties. One that thinks that, while her home town s lively, it's just not enough for her. Let us follow this mare, as she opens the door and leaves her home. Ready for another morning at the town.


(Twilight's Pov)

Once I close the door of my humble home, where my father and I live, I grab a nearby basket and I go down the little ladder at my house's front. I go to the bridge that leads to the town and pause. Taking a look at the place. And, not to my surprise, it's still the same as always. A few tall buildings, many small houses, with some of them being used for business, a pub and an inn. Somehow, it seems as this town will never change. I then resume walking.

-------------------------Song Time!--------------------

"What a place
It's so simple and boring
It's always
Like the day before

What a place!
Only simple people
Waking up, like, this...


Ohayō, ohayō, ohayō!


Here comes the baker
Just like always
His same old goods he goes to sell!
Every morning all the same
Since the day that I arrived
To this quiet little town

"Baker: Good morning Andromeda-san!

Twilight: Ohayōgozaimasu!

Baker: Where are you off to?

Twilight: The library! I just finished a wonderful story about giant vines and a cyclops and a-

Baker: That's nice. Hey Cake! The Muffins! Hurry up"

Towns Ponies

Look there she goes
That mare is just so stra-ange
She's as distracted as you see!

Not from our society
In the clouds she always is
Not a doubt that she's a really funny mare

How's everypony?
Good morning!
How is you wife?

I need, six more!
It's too expensive.


I want much more
That this provincial life!

"Librarian: Ah! Twilight-chan!

Twilight: Good morning. Here's the book I borrowed!

Librarian: Finished already?

Twilight: Oh, I couldn't drop it. Do you have anything new?

Librarian: Eh, he, he, he! Not since yesterday.

Twilight: That's okay. I'll borrow... This one!

Librarian: That one?! But you've read it thrice!

Twilight: Well it's my favorite! For off places, daring sword fights, great spells and a princess in disguise!

Librarian: Eh, he, he, he! If you liked it all that much, it's yours!

Twilight: But sir!

Librarian: I insist!

Twilight: Well, thank you! Thank you very much!"

Towns Ponies

Look there she goes! That so peculiar ma-are!
Who knows what her interests are?
In her dreams she always lives.
With her books she always is.
Twilight's such a mystery for all of us.


Oooooh, isn't this amazing?
It's my favorite part because...
You'll see!
Here's where she meets Princess Alluring
But she won't find out that it's her 'til chapter three!

Towns Ponies

She's just as pretty as her name implies!
From head to hooves and up again!
But behind that gorgeous face
I'm afraid she's rather strange
She's not like the rest of us
Yes different from the rest of us is Twilight!

"Snips: Wow! You didn't missed a shot Blueblood-sama! You're the best hunter in the whole wide World!

Blueblood: I know!

Snips: No beast alive stands a chance against you! He, he, he, he! And no mare, for that matter!

Blueblood: It's true Snips-kun. And I've got my sights set on that one!

Snips: Hmph! The writers daughter?!

Blueblood: She's the one! The lucky mare I'm going to marry!

Snips: But she's- ow!

Blueblood: The most beautiful mare in town.

Snips: I know but-

Blueblood: That makes her the best! And don't I deserve the best?

Snips: Well of course! I mean, you do but-"

Blueblood: Right from the moment when I saw her. So pretty!
I told myself "I'll catch this one"!
So much beauty there's not here
Except for of course in me!
Thus I'm making plans to woo and marry Twilight!

Mare trio: Yes there, he goes! He's like a dream!
Monsieur, Blueblood, oh he's so cute!
Thinking, of him
Makes me get goosebumps!
He's such a tall, white, strong and handsome brute!

"Stallion I: Ohayō!
Blueblood: Pardon
Stallion II: Yoi tsuitachi!
Stallion III: Mochiron!
Matron: You call this bacon?
Mare I: What lovely grapes!
Stallion IV: Some cheese
Mare II: Ten yards
Stallion IV: one pound
Blueblood: Excuse me!
Cheese merchant: I'll get the knife
Blueblood: Please let me through!
Mare I: This bread -
Stallion V: Those fish -
Mare I: It's stale!
Stallion V: they smell!
Baker: Madame's mistaken."

Twilight: I want much more than this provincial life!

Blueblood: I promise I'm going to make Twilight my wife!

Towns Ponies:

Look there she goes.
That mare
She's so peculiar!
A really gorgeous Ojō-san!
It's a pity
Not a doubt
That she dosen't really fit
Since she's such a funny mare
As beautiful as strange
She really is a funny maaaaare!

That Twilight!"

After I was done with everything I had to do in the town, I decided to go home in order to help my father with whatever novel he's writing now. As I walk, however, something, or rather, somepony, lands in front of me. And, to be honest, he's the last person I would have liked to meet.

"Good morning Twilight-san!"

"Good morning Blueblood-san", I greet him, with a less than enthusiastic tone. Fortunately, he's so focused on himself that he dosen't seem to notice.

"Hey there Twilight-san".

Ah. Of course. Blueblood's sidekick and number one fan. Snips.

"Hello Snips-kun."

"Hey!", exclaims Blueblood. "Did I said you could talk to the lady?"

"Ah. No. Sorry Blueblood-sama."

"Good. Now, Twilight-san, um, what is that object you have in those pretty hands of yours?"

He looks and points at the book as if he'd never seen a book before. Which, considering how self-centered and how he's more brawn than brains, is most likely true.

"It's a story book.", then, he rudely takes it from my hands. "Books are good. They teach and instruct."

"So, you read this so you can... think?", he says with a look of disgust.

Which is fitting. Seeing as how, in their strange relationship, Snips tends to be the brains, somewhat, and Blueblood the brawn.

"Yes Blueblood-san. Well then, please excuse me, I have to go home and help my father."

"That old geezer. Hah! He need all the help in the world!"

At that remark, both, Snips and Blueblood burst out laughing.

"Do not speak like that about my father!"

Blueblood recovers and, while punching Snips in the head, he hypocritically tells him:

"Yeah! Don't speak like that about her father!"

"My father is not an old geezer! He's a genius!"

Then, a small explosion is heard and we see a cloud of smoke coming out of the chimney. I begin to run home, fearful that something might have happened. But, before I'm out of ear shot, I head those too buffoons laughing out loud again.

"*Honestly! Those two infuriate me!*"

Once I reach my house, I open the door and I'm greeted with black smoke all over the place."

"Otō-san? Are you alright? Otō-san?", I call for him as I make my way among all of this chaos.

"Yes! I'm alright Twily-chan! I'm near the window, trying to open it!"

I go to the window with him and we both force it open. Then we open all of the other three windows one on each wall, so as to allow the smoke to go way. Once it's gone, I turn to my father.

"Mou, Otō-san. What were you trying to do?"

"Ah, gomen*, gomen, Twily-chan. I was trying to make some tea. But I accidentally let the teapot fall and it wet all the new pages I had for my story! So I tried to dry them faster by putting them a few meters near the fireplace. But then I slipped on the wet floor and I tried to grab something to stop, or at least soften my fall. And I ended pressing the fireplace's blower. Which sent the papers into the fireplace and, apparently, the chimney had been clogged. And that caused the explosion you must have heard and the smoke you must have seen.", he said, while rubbing the back of his head a bit and with a sheepish smile.

"*sigh* Truly Otō-san. What would you do without me here?"

"Hey, don't get mad at me. I was just a victim of the circumstances this time!"

"True. This time. Anyway, let's clean this up, okay?"

"Yeah. Let's."

We spent about an hour cleaning and tiding the place up. In the mean time, we made small talk. Everything was going well, until my father had to speak about my future with a family of my own.

"So, Twily-chan? What about it? Are you going to marry at some point?"

"I don't know. I mean, there aren't exactly a lot of option around here."

"Hmm... What about Blueblood?"

"Oh, no! Not HIM! He's so self-centered, selfish, egocentric and... Ugh! He's definitely not for me! And besides, you know what I think about stallions. And you know that I never appreciated males touching or looking at me in such an intimate way. Well, besides you, of course. You're the only male I let hug me. You're my father after all."

"Yeah. I know. But sometimes is not about what we want. But what we get. I mean, It's not like the perfect female will just waltz through that door and propose to you."

"I know that. But, honestly father." I say, looking a bit cast down. "If I am to marry, I want it to be out of love. Not out of convenience."

"Hm, hm. You always were headstrong and independent. Just like you mother. Chip of the old block."

I blush a bit at that. I had always admired my mother, Twilight Velvet.

"Thank you, Otō-san." I tell him, with a warm smile.

"You're welcome, Twily-chan. You're welcome."

After we finished cleaning up, I prepared our lunch. We ate in peace. The only sounds being those of the animals outside.


(Twi's pov)

We were outside of our house. Today was an important day for my father. He had to go to the next town, a few days of travel away by carriage, and meet with other novelists in order to exchange ideas, getting new writing supplies and, well, whatever else novelists did when they reunited.

"Do you have everything you'll need father?"

"Yes. You should know. You packed things yourself, right?"

I blushed a bit in embarrassment.

"He, he. Yes. I did."

"Well then, take care Twily-chan."

"You too, Otō-san. Good luck. Be careful and come back soon and safely."

"*chuckle* Don't worry. I will."

With that, my father left and I was left alone with the few animals (a few chickens, a rooster and a canary) that we had around.

Comments ( 12 )

I FINALLY posted a new chapter! So, to anyone who wants to read it, go to chapter two.

you gone to Disney, this felt like it was ripped out the movie also the French feem and Japanese feem wasn't a good idea, it was confusing

i think it was better before, it was more your own story back then

6549786 I see. Well, I'll correct the Japanese/French thing right now. Besides, while the setting is the same (it had to be), the dialogs are either, my creation or modified versions of the original ones.

6549786 Done. I chose to stay with the Japanese and out with the French. See if you like it!

6550196 why not set it in Japan to give it more of a twist, you could have the witch a Kitsune as Kitsune are know to play pranks, so a Kitsune turning Luna into a monster would fit that side

i think it's still to Disney, Blue Blood does not make me think Blue Blood, he makes me think Gaston, if you want a Gaston, then i think Twixie would work better as Gaston and Twixie when you 1st meat her do act a lot the same, where Blue Blood is a clean noble that thinks his better then ever one for what he is and not what he brags about, i think Blue Blood can work very well

i also think you shored of have Snips and Snails, i think them taking how Blue Blood is and trying to out do each other till Blue Blood stops them

6550521 Okay... I'll ask you to please improve your english. Because I didn't understood half the things you said.

6552235 Blue Blood isn't Blue Blood, he is Gaston, to march like Gaston.

if you wanted to have someone act like Gaston then Twixie would of been better as when you fist meet her, she acts a lot like Gaston part from hitting on someone.

Twilight is to march like Bell, when you put, "If I am to marry, I want it to be out of love. Not out of convenience." what she shored of said was something like marriage would get in the way of her studding as that's all Twilight wanted to do before she made friends.

what I'm trying to say is, the characters are the Disney characters with different names and that's the biggest problem

6552307 I see. Hmmm... I'll see what I can do. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

6552744 your welcome, here's something, when Blue Blood is trying to hit on Twi, have him say he's writing about his life that ever one must read, that way it make him look smart, having him smart would take away the Gaston likeness as he's a muscle idiot, where Blue Blood would be smarter but he's still all about me, like he's the best and he deserves the best could stay.

you could also mention Shining Armour, like have Shining fight Nightmare to get his sister back
(note: that's more of an idea to put more my little pony in it as you don't have that march my little pony in it )

6552905 Hmm... The Blueblood thing will go in. But the Shinning Armor thing won't. Besides, I've researched. And Crossovers are supposed to either, different characters in the same setting and roles of the original ones, or same original characters in a different setting. Like, the mane 6 in place of, say, the Teen Titans. Or the Teen Titans being ponified (become ponies) and are transported to Equestria. So, according to my research, my story is within those gidelines.

6553062 the only Crossovers i read was more like the mane 6 where written as if they where from a different story, not a copy and past of a different story with different names

the Shinning Armour was an example

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