• Member Since 5th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago



Comments ( 6 )

Well, as with the story with the kids, you really showed the horrors of war and how it affects the people. What enrages me, is that the soldier have no respect for their own people. Siomething like that is not good for the reputation of the miliary. Such soldiers have no honor and every soldier should respect his own countryman


You got that right; although, Applejack wasn't just some random individual I had handpicked on the fly: her story was born from reading the TVTropes pages one too many times in regards to character archetypes. As enraging as it should be, he and his cronies do not and should not represent any form of military whatsoever at large, fictional or otherwise; the same can be said for real world politics to a lesser extent. It would be safe to say that the military are supposed to be free of corrupting influences so as to function in their collective responsibilities; of course, as history has shown, there are always those who can slip through the cracks. The least that can be done is to stay vigilant and mindful of what goes on so as to prevent such horrors from taking place, lest we let our residences become actual battlegrounds.

Indeed. I hope you will enjoy Noi's story when you have the time.


Don't worry; I will...

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