• Published 7th Dec 2014
  • 1,353 Views, 32 Comments

Secluded - Discorded SheepcityUSA

Pinkie Pie tries to make friends with the new stallion in town, only to find out that he not only isn't the social type, but he's really anxious, and has trouble understanding emotions outside his own.

  • ...


After about 45 minutes of moving boxes (mainly on Pinkie’s part, seeing as Gear couldn’t seem to get any of them to move a single inch.) Gear’s new home was finally furnished and both of them now had a couch to lay down on to rest after working this hard.

“Phew. Well that sure was worth the effort huh?” Pinkie sighed, wiping a bit of sweat from her forehead.

“Hehe, if you say so.” Gear said, smiling a little nervously again. Although he was a little salty that he’d been shown up by a mare, he did appreciate the help. For the most part, this was alright…

Although, he was still not entirely fond of the verbal contact or Pinkie’s unnatural energy.

“So…since you did help me a whole lot moving in Pinkie, I guess I should pay y-“ Before Gear cold get another word in though, he found his mouth being covered by a pink hoof.

“Oh hush. I was happy to help! All that I ask is that you tell me your name silly!” Pinkie said with her usual, big smile.

Gear’s ears fell back to his head. Of course that’s what she would want. He wasn’t very keen on giving his name out to random ponies that he’d just met…but he DID owe her for the help. Next time, he’d just handle his issues himself.

“Mmph….Gizmo. Gear Gizmo. Just came here from Baltimare.” Gizmo mumbled quietly. Hopefully after he revealed this information Pinkie could give peace a chance and give him some time alone.

“Nice to meet ya Gear! My names-“

“Pinkie Pie, yes I know. You’ve said it several times now.” Gizmo said, rubbing his forehead.

“….Oh right, I forgot! Silly me!” Pinkie giggled cutely, putting a hoof to her mouth.

Gear looked at Pinkie with a look of confusion all about him. Part of him was wondering “What about that was even supposed to be funny?” but looking at Pinkie and her adorable, giggling self set something else off in Gear’s head. As much of a headache Pinkie seemed to be causing him, he had to admit she was rather cute. She just had that child-like innocence about her, in addition to that curly and poofy mane and bright blue eyes.

“Hey watcha starin’ at?” Pinkie asked Gizmo when she noticed he was looking at her with a slight tinge of red on his cheeks. Gizmo quickly perked up, shook his head, and looked away awkwardly.

“N-Nothing. I don’t know what you’re talking about….” He mumbled hoping to Celestia she didn’t catch that. And here he thought he was above checking mares out like that. Turns out Pinkie Pie was proving him wrong on several accounts today.

“Oh…okay!” Pinkie said, smiling at him. Gear sure acted funny for a stallion that didn’t seem all that into funny stuff. “Soooo, how’s Ponyville been treatin’ ya so far Gizmo?!” She asked.

Gizmo deadpanned a bit to himself as he considered his next sentence. ‘You mean outside of the moving mare nearly giving me a concussion and now this hyperactive cute one getting me all flustered and making a complete ass of myself?’ he thought.

“…Fine.” He said, still mumbling.

Pinkie raised an eyebrow. That could have meant anything, and from the way he was wording it, he didn’t sound all that happy. “You’re a stallion of few words aren’t you?”

“I’m not really all that invested in conversation most of the time is all…”

“You’re no-Ooooooh.” Pinkie’s mouth made an “O” shape in realization of Gizmo’s dilemma. “Ooooh I get it! You’re shy aren’t you? Don’t worry Gizmo, I have a friend that’s kind of like that too! Don’t worry, I can help you get over your shyness lickity split!~” Pinkie said happily, now hugging Gizmo tight.

Gizmo felt that familiar heat come back to his face as Pinkie hugged him. What was it with this mare and hugging, and why was he both hating it and liking it at the same time? This mare was just too much for him.

“U-Umm…touchiiiiing…” Gizmo mumbled, his face still bright red. He honestly couldn’t want anything more than for Pinkie to let go of him, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t appreciate how warm Pinkie felt.

“Shhhhh, just let it happen Gizmo.” She said quietly, slightly nuzzling his cheek.

That was it for Gizmo. He quickly managed to squirm his way out of Pinkie’s grasp and bolted to the other side of his couch, hyperventilating and his face still feeling unbearably hot. “OKAY ENOUGH WITH THE HUGGING THANK YOU!” He yelled at practically the top of his lungs.

Pinkie’s ears folded back a little at that. “…Wow, you REALLY don’t like being hugged do you?...” Pinkie said, putting a hoof to her chin, thinking a little. “Hmmm…okay! So, you look like you’re in a very desperate need of friends Gizmo, soooo what could be better than to introduce you to some of mine?!~” Pinkie cheered, clapping her hooves together at the thought of her new friend meeting her current friends.

“Please don’t.” Gizmo said meekly.

“AAAAND OFF WE GO!” Pinkie said happily, grabbing Gizmo by the hoof and bouncing out the door, dragging a very hesitant Gizmo with her.

This was exactly what Gizmo was hoping wouldn’t happen. Meeting some crazy, unnaturally happy, and blissfully unaware pony, one thing leading to another, and then BAM. Dragged into yet another social situation by said pony. He hadn’t even known this mare for more than an hour, and she was already draining all the life out of him…

On top of all of this, she was holding his hoof.

“….I NEED AN ADULT!” Gizmo yelled at the top of his lungs as he was dragged through Ponyville’s streets with a red face and fogged-up glasses.

Pinkie only giggled. “Silly stallion, I AM an adult!~”

Author's Note:

As someone that is as socially defective as I am, I tend to think that I'm the only one that has any common sense and that everyone else is wrong; that I know what's best for me and nobody else does. Of course, that's irrational as all hell and I know it, but there's some points where I can't help but think like this, so I think it pertains to this story and Gizmo because he thinks the same way a lot of the time.

In terms of this chapter, a lot of it has been done for a while, but I just haven't had much motivation for writing much lately. I don't plan on quitting, but writer's block comes around every once in a while. It happens to the best of us.

Comments ( 10 )

I know how he feels. My sister dragged me out to the mall one day to help me socialize. It was before I was on my Aspergers meds.

I didn't realise you could get medication for Aspergers. That's really interesting.
Also I hope you continue this story, I'd love to see where it goes.

I really hope this story continues, as an Asperger myself, I sympathize with Gear Gizmo and, since my mom decided to teach me how to be social, it's really funny to see him trying to understand his own feelings, he doesn't realize that he likes Pinkie Pie.


Are the medications really necessary? since I'm also a Celiac, I cannot get a number of medications and my mom instead of going for those, she decided to teach me how to socialize with people and getting used to not follow a schedule. While the experience was )and still is) a nightmare, I have learned and now it's easier for me to go around my country Venezuela (a very social country) a speak to people and understand what and how to speak.

Liking this so far. I also have aspergers, i sympathize with Gear.

7216799 Yes, I have extreme Aspergers, i cannot function without my meds, I get WAAAAY to hyper, and spacey at the same time


Oh, I see, thank you for the clarification.

I'm an adult. physically, yes. mentally, I'd say she's about 6-10 years of age.
I'd punch her in the snout. see if that works.

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