• Published 28th Oct 2014
  • 501 Views, 14 Comments

What Came Before - Rocket Blaze

Ponyville rebuilds after an attack leaves it in ruin, but as ponies vanish during the reconstruction it is clear that all is not well. Realizing that all of Equestria may soon be at risk, Canterlot scrambles to unlock the secrets of what came before.

  • ...


As promised, they were cleared the next day. Fluttershy had wanted to go straight to the palace, but Pinkie suggested that they spend the afternoon wandering the Canterlot square. "Comeon, Fluttershy! When do we get to see Canterlot!?"

Of course, their first stop had to be the sweets shop. Pinkie hadn't lost her taste for sugary treats entirely, though she did avoid the cupcakes with fervor. Fluttershy waited patiently in the corner as Pinkie picked out a dozen or so different candies, popping them into her mouth as they were handed to her.

The disparate flavors: Bubble gum, cotton candy, peppermint, strawberry, vanilla, and so on, melded together into what most ponies probably would have found to be a discordant stew of sugary juices, but to Pinkie it was mana from the heavens! She'd even begun to feel like her old self again when she'd recalled that this was her first time in nearly two moons when she was outside of the palace without fearing for her life.

"Yippee!" she cheered, when she'd finally swallowed it all. "Whatcha wanna do next? Whatcha wanna do next!?"

"Um, I really think we should head over to the-"

"-Look! Pumpkins! I forgot those were in season!" Pinkie got behind Fluttershy and pushed her towards a patch of plump, orange oblates that decorated the edge of the square in neat rows.

"Nightmare Night is coming." Pinkie cheered, for once not caring about the unpleasantries of the last few weeks. "Whatcha gonna go as? Oooh! I know. How about a bat? Flutterbat! Flutterbat! Oh that'd be so fun!"

"Um, I don't really know about-"

"-How much for this one here!?" Pinkie called out to the seller as she balanced perilously on top of a gourd as big as she was. "I wanna carve a big ol' smiley face into it!" She pressed her cheeks together and smiled widely, her candy-speckled teeth glinting in the sunlight.

For all of the genuine horror on the pumpkin seller's face, he managed to keep his composure remarkably well, as was befitting of a denizen of Canterlot. "Uhm... Miss, that will be 35 bits."

"35 BITS!?" Pinkie cried. "What is this? Highway robbery!? Come on, Fluttershy, we are leaving!"

Fluttershy had only just sat down on a nearby patch of grass when Pinkie snatched her up and all but carried her out of the square. As they rushed away, Fluttershy caught up with Pinkie and asked meekly. "So, um... Are we going to-EEP!"

Pinkie yanked Fluttershy off of the path and into a store with a large sign advertising for "Gala Gowns, Scents, & More!" "Oooh! I wanna know what the 'more' part is, don't you? Don't you!?"

"Um, I guess so?"

Fluttershy stood uncomfortably in the main lobby of the store while Pinkie swept up the brightest, loudest, most frilly dress she could find and tossed it on in front of the staff and everypony. She pranced over to the far wall which was adorned from floor to ceiling with colorful gala masks.

"This one's perfect for you!" She slapped a mask over Fluttershy's face which was adorned in bejeweled butterflies and a tuft of lillies sticking from the top. "Do they have wigs here?" Before any of the staff could respond, she caught the site of a giant barrister's headdress, poofy and white.

Gasping, she plucked it from its spot on the wall and pulled it down over her ears. "How do I look?" She asked, bouncing in place.

"Miss? When are you intending to pay for all of this?" Inquired the sales clerk in a stern tone.

"Me? Oh! Uh... How much is it?"

"That dress will be one thousand bits."

Pinkie was out of the dress in a heartbeat, bolting to place it back in its rightful spot on the wall. "All yours, Mr. Grumpy-Pants, sir! Come on, Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy took off her mask. "Okay, I'll just put this right-"

"-There's good!" Pinkie tossed the mask back onto the hook she'd found it and, sweeping up Fluttershy, was out of the store in a flash of pink and yellow.

They pressed out onto the main road, now decently crowded with smartly dressed mares and stallions going on about their day. "Okay, we can go meet the princess now," Pinkie conceded. "I forgot how boring Canterlot is! The princess has more fun than these ponies."

"Oh, um. Okay..." agreed Fluttershy.


The one thing Pinkie had always liked about Canterlot was just how nearby everything was. Unlike the sprawling Ponyville, Canterlot was built in tiers around the central ediface that was the royal palace. Great, spiralling stairways connected all of the teirs, and each one had its own squares, neighborhoods, and cultural flavour.

The tiers closest to the palace gates were regal enough on their own. The royal family tree had many roots, and the palace could not accomodate them all. Many took up their homes just outside of its walls and mingled with the rich and famous who also took up residence in Canterlot.

The result was a thick upper crust that existed simultaneously together with, and apart from, the rest of the city. It was not uncommon to find townsponies from the lower tiers sharing meals with the distant third, fourth, or fifth cousins of Starswirl the Bearded's great-great-grand nephew, or some other vaguely regal relation.

And so, despite the air of sophistication and grace that surrounded these environs, there was also a very comforting welcomeness that made new arrivals and passersby feel right at home. Even Fluttershy was glancing at the surroundings without her usual fretful expression.

"I don't think I've seen this side of Canterlot before. It's... really big," she remarked.

Pinkie silently nodded in agreement. High society was almost as stuffy and boring as her life on the rock farm used to be, but she couldn't deny basking in the milieu. High-rise townhomes lined the wide-open roads of the stratum; open storefronts brimmed with glistening, expensive-looking jewelry; and the ever present aroma of gourmet cuisine being prepared in the occasional nearby cafe made her mouth water.

They approached the palace gates, looming overhead. Every time Pinkie had seen the gates, they were left open as a symbol of the mutual trust between Celestia's court and the people of Canterlot, but on this day they were closed and barred tight. Pinkie decided it was a sign that Princess Celestia was taking the threat of Malice most seriously.

Two guards flanked the gate to either side. Even with their bulky frames and heavy armor, they were dwarfed by the gate itself. As they approached, the guards snapped to.

"Who goes there?" demanded the rightward guard.

Fluttershy muttered meekly in response. "We're, um... Here to see-"

"Princess Celestia wanted to see us! Our friend Twilight's with her." Pinkie answered with more confidence.

"You know Twilight Sparkle? Then the captain will be able to vouch for you. He will meet you at the gate." The guard nodded to a pony waiting at the top of the palace wall, who swiftly vanished behind the crenellations in the battlement.

Several minutes later, a pristine white unicorn with a sapphire blue mane approached. His armor was gilded and lined with royal violet. His chestpiece was emblazoned with the six-pointed starburst that Pinkie instantly recognized from Twilight's cutie mark.

"Good afternoon, ladies. I am Shining Armor, captain of the Royal Canterlot Guard." The large stallion spoke in a far gentler manner than his stature would have led Pinkie to believe he was capable of. Smiling warmly as he recognized them, he continued. "Oh, you must be Fluttershy... And Pinkie Pie? My sister's spoken so much about you!"

"S-sister?" Fluttershy asked.

Pinkie jumped giddily. "You're Twilight's brother? I didn't know her brother was a big shot guard captain!"

Shining Armor bowed his head humbly. "Yeah, I think she gets too caught up in her own research to talk about her dear old big brother much." He nodded to the guard. "Let them in."

"Open the gate for two!" called the guard to the gatehouse at the top of the wall. Shortly after that, the great, barred arms of the gate swung open, groaning as they shifted on their hinges. They stopped after parting just enough to allow Pinkie and Fluttershy to pass through abreast.

The gate closed with a thud behind them, as they followed Shining Armor up the great ivory pathway to the palace atrium. Gardens brimming with exotic plants lined either side of the walk at first, but the greenery fell away as they ascended higher and higher. The twisting path wound its way around the outer edge of the ediface, before the white stone walls gave way to tall pillars of solid granite.

Their hoofsteps echoed loudly under the domed roof of the atrium. A few guardsponies making their rounds passed from one hallway to another, but save for that the chamber was barren.

"It's... Really empty." Fluttershy observed.

"Well, I wasn't going to say anything, but yes," Shining Armor admitted. "At the request of Princess Celestia, the palace has been closed to the public. Only a handful besides the royal guard are allowed in or out."

"Including us?" Pinkie asked.

"Well, if you weren't allowed, you wouldn't be here. Twily's friends or not, my job is to protect the palace, which I've been doing to the best of my ability. I don't suppose you noticed the shield around Canterlot?"

Pinkie looked around, then she and Fluttershy shook their heads in unison.

Shining Armor laughed. "Well, I should hope not! It's a little spell Twily has been helping me with. It's an invisible shield that keeps out negative energy..." he paused before continuing. "I do hope you know what it's for."

Pinkie lowered her head. "I'm afraid so..."

"Well, that's why Princess Celestia wanted you here, I'd imagine. Come, let's go get Twily."

"Wh-where is she?" Fluttershy asked.

Shining Armor laughed. "Oh, I think you know where!"


"Welcome to the Palace Archives!" Shining Armor announced as they crossed the threshold of a large and very, very old door into a veritable alleyway of bookshelves lined with dusty, old tomes. The vaulted ceiling ringed with open floors towered so high overhead that it was hidden in shadow despite the ample lighting provided by hundreds of brightly-burning oil lamps.

Pinkie eyed the shadow suspiciously; she'd grown to mistrust shadows since what she'd seen at the farm. Hopefully the shield spell Shining Armor was casting would work to keep Malice away. She pushed the thoughts from her mind in time to realize that she was falling behind. She quickened her pace, limping as she tried to catch up with her friends.

"These are some of the oldest books in Equestria," Shining Armor was explaining. "Some even predate Equestria itself. These are one-of-a-kind volumes you wouldn't be able to find anywhere else!" His voice echoed from the as he doted on the historical significance of the place. "They say Starswirl the Bearded rarely left this place, and that he pored over the books day in and day out, trying to solve all of life's greatest mysteries."

He laughed at himself. "The funny thing is, I've never been overly fond of reading and studying myself, but I can't help but feel impressed when I walk through here. I guess Twily is rubbing off on me."

They approached the confluence of several alleys similar to the one they'd been walking along. Pinkie squinted to try to see how long each of them were, but was lost in the enormity of the chamber. She wondered how much history was stored in this room - at least a thousands of years' worth. Her curiosity gave way to hope that there was enough information stored there to help them fight Malice.

Her attention was brought back fully to the matter before her when Shining Armor stopped at one of the plain mahogany tables that ringed the junction. Stacks of books towered high over the ponies. Still others were laid to the side, open to one chapter or another and speckled with bookmarks. At the foot of the table was a pile of wrinkled old blankets, beneath which rested a snoring lavender unicorn.

Prodding the sheets with his hoof, Shining Armor smiled down. "Burning the midnight oil again. Huh, Twily?" He looked over his should at where Pinkie and Fluttershy stood side by side. "She practically lives here, nowadays!"

Twilight stirred wearily. "Oh... What time is it?"

"It's the afternoon, little sis. When did you fall asleep?"

Twilight climbed to her hooves, wobbling as she attempted to stand before stepping off from the sitting cushion she was using as a makeshift bed. "I don't remember." Her attention turned to Pinkie and Fluttershy. "I'm glad you made it here so quickly. Sorry I wasn't awake to meet you at the gate. I've been a little, uh... busy."

"Did you find out anything?" Pinkie asked curiously.

Twilight shook her head. "Just that most ponies believe that the period Princess Celestia spoke of was caused by some 'blight.' They thought it was an illness being spread around from town to town. I've only found one mention of anything even remotely similar to what we saw at the farm, and it was in a book written hundreds of years after the founding of Equestria, when the princess said she had already banished Malice to Tartarus.

"He called it 'the Walking Shadow'."

Pinkie scratched her head with the edge of her hoof. "I guess he found a way out of Tartarus after all. But how?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out, Pinkie. If the author is to be believed, he was spotted just miles from the gates themselves. It is possible he managed to find a way around Cerberus, but that doesn't seem likely. From what I've read, Cerberus is merciless when it comes to keeping the imprisoned inside."

Shining Armor shrugged. "We can bring all of this to the princess. She'll be waiting in the Sun Room."

Twilight nodded before patting down her mane and setting off with her friends. "So, brother," she inquired, "how is Princess 'Mi Amore Cadenza'? That is what she calls herself now, right?"

"Mi Amore Who?" Pinkie asked.

"Oh, right. You don't know!" Twilight squealed. "Cadence was my foalsitter when I was just a little filly. She was my best friend before I really had any friends. My brother was talking about-"

"-I'm marrying her!" Shining Armor declared proudly. "Though, not as soon as I'd like... The wedding was actually scheduled for next month, and we were going to invite you all, but with everything that's been going on we decided it was for the best if we limited access to the palace as much as possible.

"Princess Cadence is, thankfully, far enough away from here that I don't need to worry. And she can take care of herself, at any rate. When all of this blows over, I'm certain she'll be glad to see you again, Twily."


They exited the archives, which were a mere hall's length away from the Royal Chambers, and a few twists and turns away from the Sun Room. A large gilded door, crested with the sun's likeness, awaited them.

Shining Armor opened the magnificent portal with his magic, but the heavy groans it made as it swung outward hinted at its great weight. The hallway was bathed in light, along with the echoes of a distant conversation.

"For the last time, big sister. I cannot advise this! We need our strength individually in this time of need. Your wishes to protect the kingdom are admirable, but it will serve us no use if we ourselves are unable to combat Malice!"

"Now, now, dear Luna. You must see that this is greater than both of us! If either one of us should fall, then Equestria will at least be bolstered against the tide of hate that will come. Should that happen, somepony else will need to lift the mantle against him. It is selfish of us to put ourselves before the ponies we seek to protect."

Each of the royal sisters' voices carried easily through the domed chamber of the sun room, coming from somewhere behind the tall obelisk that caught the sun's light from the refractive dome above. A sun-shaped crystal at its peak bathed the room in the brightest light of day, making it difficult to see anything on the other side of the room.

"You are wise," Luna argued, "but even you must see that this is a war of attrition. We must continue to touch each and every life that we can, and we won't be able to do that if the eclipse is consuming all of our strength and concentration. Please understand that!"

"I do understand, but I see no other choice. We tried it your way last time; it failed for us then, and it will fail for us now. However, I cannot do this without your support. Please help me protect our kingdom, no matter what the cost."

Luna sighed. "But of course, my sister. I trust you, but let that not mean that I agree with you. Come the morrow, if we are unable to agree upon a safer course of action, I will lend you my horn... But enough of that now. We have company."

The princesses emerged from either side of the obelisk. Celestia stopped to bow her head gracefully before Shining Armor and the ponies he'd brought, while Luna stormed past them haughtily, slamming the doors behind her as she left.

"Please forgive my sister her rudeness. She is understandably upset by what I have recommended."

"An eclipse, Princess?" Twilight asked, puzzled. "I don't understand."

The discussion of an eclipse over Equestria made Pinkie feel uneasy, although she couldn't quite place why.

"It is a simple matter, Twilight," the princess explained. "Just as the Elements of Harmony are extensions of yourselves, so too are the sun and moon extensions of us. Sleepless ponies and creatures of the night alike often behave recklessly, seeking exhilaration in all places. When my sister is feeling calmer, the kingdom sleeps well in response to her energy."

Pinkie had heard about eclipses, but never seen one herself. She wondered what that would even look like. The sun, and the moon, hanging in the sky together. Creepy.

"Likewise, the daytime brings wisdom, life, and reason - traits I seek to cultivate in myself, and my subjects. I will confess there are days when I am not as willing to carry out my duties, and on those days the kingdom finds itself getting into mischief of all sorts."

Pinkie closed her eyes, imagining the corona's weird glow; rays of light, flailing out from behind a perfectly black disk...

"During an eclipse, our best natures combine and we are able to cast our strengths across the land in harmony. We do so periodically, to renew the spirit of harmony and kinship in Equestria."

...Casting the sky in a blood-red hue.

"However, these times being what they are, that might not be enough on its own. For this to work, my sister and I must direct much of our magic and energy into speeding the conjunction, and amplifying its effects. A darkness this oppressive requires no less a sacrifice on our parts than that, though my sister fears it would cause more harm than it would be of benefit to us."

A darkness. Pinkie's eyes shot open. She had seen an eclipse before.

"For what it is worth, I believe we are prepared. One could say we've been preparing for this since we took the crown. Either way, I do not see a choice; we simply must spread unity wherever it is available to us."

"Twilight," she whispered, tapping her friend upon the shoulder, but she must not have noticed because she didn't respond.

"It might not be much, but it could be just enough of a push in the right direction that we can steer the tide in our favor."

"Twilight," Pinkie hissed, prodding her even harder.

"What is it, Pinkie?" All eyes were suddenly on her.

"The vision..." she warned.

"Wh-what vision is she talking about?" Fluttershy asked.

"The wha-?" Twilight's eyes widened with recognition. "The vision! You're right, Pinkie... Princess, I forgot to tell you in my report! When Malice took us to... wherever it was he took us, we saw what you're describing. An eclipse, hanging in the sky, over Ponyville... Only Ponyville was ruined! Your sister might be right, only it could be that the eclipse is part of what causes the problem, not fixes it."

The princess hung her head. "If we do not act, then surely there will not be enough will left in the hearts of Equestria's citizens to fight back against the haze of fear and doubt that will surely hang over all of us. The Elements of Harmony may not serve us for much longer, which is disheartening, for they were truly our best weapon against Malice.

"But enough of that, for we have more pressing matters to attend to. Rainbow Dash and Applejack are still in the hands of the enemy, and I have not heard from Rarity since yesterday. Her element remains untarnished, so I believe she is safe. However, I would still send you to them, but not unprepared.

"Twilight. There is a spell I would like to teach you, directly."

Twilight gasped. "Directly, princess? But you haven't- Not since-"

"-I know, my student. I had to meditate on it these last few nights, but I think I know enough to teach it to you. With it, you might be able to stun Malice's hold on your friends for long enough that they may push him out, with the right motivation."

"How is that possible, Princess?" Twilight pleaded.

"This is a spell of my own design, which I'd intended to use on my own sister in case she was turned by Malice. However, her own will was strong enough to prevail, and so I kept the spell with me of these years.

"You see, Malice is strong, but slow to adapt when caught off guard. We must use this to our advantage; he will not see it coming. If we can take this opportunity to wrest either Rainbow Dash or Applejack from him, I believe Malice's hold on their Element will weaken.

"Perhaps then, we will be able to reverse the corruption that has taken their Elements. The more of them that we return to the light, the safer Equestria will be."

"Oh, uh... Okay!" Twilight stammered. "When do we start?"

Celestia's eyes narrowed. "We start now."