• Published 28th Oct 2014
  • 502 Views, 14 Comments

What Came Before - Rocket Blaze

Ponyville rebuilds after an attack leaves it in ruin, but as ponies vanish during the reconstruction it is clear that all is not well. Realizing that all of Equestria may soon be at risk, Canterlot scrambles to unlock the secrets of what came before.

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It was unseasonably hot for autumn. The sun beat down hard on Ponyville, causing sweat to bead up on the brows of the ponies who worked hard to restore it to its state from before the Ursa Major went on its disasterous rampage only three days prior. Berryshine made it her job to provide refreshment to the mares and stallions who lifted the supports back into place, and turned the sullen husks of their former homes back into livable spaces.

The town hall was already standing, albeit without walls or anything to distinguish it from the dozens of other half-built structures that dotted the center of town. It was a simple skeleton of wood beams teeming with ponies working tirelessly to flesh it out and restore Ponyville to its former glory. Berryshine smiled at the beautiful sight, not remembering a time before the attack when the town was so unified and alive. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder, which pulled her attention back to the stand she was attending.

"Well howdy there, Berryshine." It was Full Steam, who Berryshine knew took time away from pulling the train to Appleoosa to help with the reconstruction effort. Not that she'd have recognized him from a distance. Without his usual attire, the only thing that set him apart was his massive size compared to most of the earth ponies from around town. His mane was dogged, and dripping with sweat from the hard work.

Berryshine didn't need to ask. He had clearly come for her ever-popular "Verry Berry" punch-lemonade. "That'll be one bit if you like. All workers drink free, but the bit helps me buy my supplies to make more." She smiled cherrily at him.

"'Course. Glad to help." He tucked his muzzle down into the pocket of his dingy overalls and produced a shiny golden coin, which he cheerily flipped up into a bucket perched on the edge of Berryshine's stand.

"Yay!" Berry exclaimed as she bit onto the handle of her punch ladle, carefully transferring the delicious beverage from its oversized punch bowl into one of the many plastic cups she had lined in rows next to it. She had always taken pride in not spilling a single drop, and this time was no different. "Not a single drop!" she beamed as she put the ladle back into its bowl.

"Much obliged, ma'am." Full Steam tipped his hat, clamped down onto his cup, and knocked his head back, savoring every last drop before chucking the cup into a waste bin next to the stand. "Ah, that makes the whole day worth it."

Berryshine sprung into the air. "Glad ya liked it, mister!"

Full Steam nodded and sauntered off to go back to work. Berry looked down into her bowl and noted that it wouldn't be long before she was out of punch. Soon she would have to close her stand down to make more.

She didn't mind the effort though. It was the least she could do to help the town. Celestia knew she'd been next to useless when the Ursa Major came. Berryshine never was one for physical strength, so helping haul construction materials was kind of out of the question. Still, she'd found the legs to get out of Ponyville in a hurry when she'd seen the beast on the horizon.

At least she wasn't one of the poor ponies who stayed home during the annual running. Some had not heard it coming and were too slow to leave. Just the thought of being trapped helplessly as the ceiling came crashing down was enough to ruin Berry's mood, so she focused instead on helping the next customer who sauntered up.

The day went on, with more customers approaching well into the afternoon. Most left bits, which gave her enough change to make a supply run. Savoring the last drops of punch for herself, she flipped the bowl and placed the cups down on a lower shelf before flipping the "OPEN" tacked on to the front of her stand to "CLOSED," and hooking her change bucket onto a special saddle she made for herself.

From her saddlebag, she produced a list of things she would need: Raspberries, Blackberries, Blueberries, Strawberries, Gooseberries, Lemons, Apples, Grapes, and Sugar. It surprised many of the townsfolk to know that the most key ingredients to her "Verry Berry" punch-lemonade were not, in fact, berries at all. "Ties the whole thing together and makes the berries that much more special!" she told customers on more than one occasion.

Most of her berries came from the local grower at the edge of town. The Greenhoof family farmed almost everything that wasn't apples. They sold tomatoes, grapes, lettuce, and of course, berries. Every kind of berry but gooseberries. Those she'd have to get herself, because the only good gooseberries were the ones that grew in the wilds outside of town. Fortunately the Ursa Major's rampage did not destroy the bushes that fostered them!

The lemons came from the Sours family. Their demeanor was as prickly as their name would suggest, but their lemons grew all throughout the summer and kept for most of the year after that. They almost never ran out. Probably because they are so painful to do business with, Berryshine thought.

Apples, of course, could only come from Applejack and her family. Unfortunately the harvest was a bit weaker this year than it'd been in previous years. However, she managed to find Applejack carting her goods around town. Hard work made for hungry ponies, so she must have been selling a lot of them!

"Applejack! Applejack!" Berryshine cheered as she trotted up to her.

"Well, hi there, Berry." Applejack straightened her hat. "What can I do ya for?"

"I'm making my punch-lemonade. Everypony here seems to love it!"

Applejack smiled "Yeah, I know I do! Well, my Apples are a mite bit more expensive from last year 'cause of supply, but yer one'a my best customers, so buy some'n I'll throw in somethin' extra."

"Okay! How much?"

"Four bits'n apple."

Berryshine cringed. "Four bits? That's steep... But I'll take three!" She took the bucket off its hook and shook out twelve bits into Applejack's waiting hooves.

"Thank ya kindly, now take yer pick. Three apples'n I'll throw in a special one come down from the healthiest tree'n my orchard."

Berryshine looked up as she picked the plumpest looking apples from the cart. "Special one? Better than these?"

"You bet!" She put her hoof into one of her saddlebags and withdrew it balancing a perfectly red apple, topped with a sprig of two of the greenest leaves Berry had seen since summer. Applejack tossed it over to Berryshine who gladly put it into her saddlebag for later. "Give it a bite later'n you'll see what I mean." Applejack smiled. "But now I gotta keep my rounds. Best'a luck with your stand!"

Berry waved thanks and said goodbye. After she picked her berries and bought some sugar, the construction was wrapping up. Sadly she'd not be able to make her next batch of punch until morning. Berryshine trotted over to where her home had been before being caved in by the Ursa Major. A wood structure stood in its place, with walls erected on three of its sides. Inside, a large tent donated by the Canterlot Disaster Survivors Group served as her home for the time being.

Edging through the flap, she unhooked her saddle and dropped it on the floor before flopping down halfheartedly on the feather matress she'd been able to purchase with her savings. A lone rug adorned the middle of the tent, which was otherwise bare.

Berryshine closed her eyes and sank down into the comforting depths of her bed. As was her usual routine these days, she thought about the day, and all of the ponies who bought her punch, wished her well, and talked to her about the things they enjoyed. She reflected on the day of the attack, how she'd been so scared, and that strange rainbow light that burst from the town center just before the creature simply walked away. Somepony was looking out for us that day, she reflected.

She had to stop a tear from falling down her cheek as she remembered coming home to find that it was no longer standing. There were very few things left to recover that weren't pulverized with the rest of the house. She missed her old home, and knew it would be a while before her new one was finished. At least she took enough pride in her work to keep from being too sad.

And then she remembered the gift Applejack had given her. "A special apple." she muttered to herself as she excitedly reached out a hoof toward her bag. It toppled, sending the treat Applejack had given her rolled along the floor towards the mattress. Berryshine gripped it happily with her teeth and rolled onto her back before biting down hard.

It was certainly one of the juiciest apples she'd ever had. It's sweetness was almost cloying, but it was such an unadulterated aroma that when she closed her eyes she could swear she was outside amongst the orchard trees. Memories of sunshine and gentle summer breeze came rushing to her mind. It was, as Applejack had described, one of the finest apples she ever tasted.

She swallowed the first mouthful and took another bite. As she chewed, she no longer felt tired or sad. It was just the salve she needed to feel optimistic about the next day. She cleared her throat to take another bite, and then another, then another after that.

With each bite, more of the sweet apple nectar poured out. Her throat was soon coated with the stuff, giving her pause enough to try to clear it. Putting the last half of the apple down, she rubbed at her neck and found it swollen. When she tried to take another breath, she found that her airways were being pressed shut.

Gasping for air, Berryshine knocked the apple away so she could get to her bag where a skin of water awaited. Eagerly gulping the water down, she expected some relief, but her throat got tighter and tighter. "Wha-" she choked. Her voical cords were also being pinched off. "What is...?"

"Curious?" asked a familiar voice behind the curtains. A figure stepped through the tent flap, hidden by the freshly fallen night. "I bet you wanna know what's goin' on, right?" Applejack continued.

Desperate and taken aback, Berryshine nodded. She tried to gasp for air, but none came. Her eyes were bulging out of her head and she could see a halo of red tinting the edges of her vision. What's going on!? she wanted to ask. What's happening to me!?

"It's simple, darlin'." Applejack growled as though in response to her thoughts. "Yer gonna die, now." The barest hint of a chuckle broke the otherwise monotoned sincerity of her voice.

Berryshine tried to scream, but all that came out was raspy wheeze. Her head felt as though it would burst, and every heart beat sent a shock of agony through her entire body. She shook violently as though to break free of the pain that had ensared her. She tried to shriek some more, pained tears streaming down her face.

Applejack let out a playful chuckle, as though watching Berryshine quake was an amusement to her. Then she stomped her hoof down hard on Berryshine's stomach and pressed their muzzles together. Her eyes shimmered with malice and sadistic glee as she taunted "Wha's that? I can't hear ya." She giggled as Berryshine's vision started to fade. "Don't worry. Nopony's gonna find you. Nopony's even gonna know yer gone."

Berryshine tried to swing her hoof at Applejack, but she was too weak. Applejack merely brushed her aside. As the last moments approached, Applejack silently stared into Berryshine's eyes as they slowly closed, and all of the pain Berryshine felt vanished into nothingness.