• Published 28th Oct 2014
  • 502 Views, 14 Comments

What Came Before - Rocket Blaze

Ponyville rebuilds after an attack leaves it in ruin, but as ponies vanish during the reconstruction it is clear that all is not well. Realizing that all of Equestria may soon be at risk, Canterlot scrambles to unlock the secrets of what came before.

  • ...

As the Fire Burns

There was not a part of Pinkie's body that wasn't blistered, burned, bruised, battered, or otherwise broken in some way. To make matters worse, her awareness of how much everything hurt only increased as the adrenaline wore off. However, seeing Rainbow Dash alive and well made her forget about all of that. Trampling down the hill towards her friends, it was possible she'd never run so fast a day in her life.

"DASHIE!" she'd cried, tackling her friend to the ground.

"Oh! Ugh! Hi... Pinkie..." Rainbow Dash struggled to breathe with Pinkie's forelegs wrapped so tightly around her chest, but she didn't offer any resistance. "Uh, good to see you too..."

The excitement just poured out of her. "Dashie! That was... well, I didn't actually see! What'd you do, huh!? Was it that rainbow thing!? Oh, do it again! Can you!? Do the rainbow thing! DO THE RAINBOW THING!"

"Um... I don't... It was like last time - I don't actually know how that happened."

Twilight materialized next to them in a burst of magic light. By the light of that still-raging inferno that engulfed the vale, Pinkie could see the conflicting mixture of worry and elation on her face. "Rainbow! I... I don't really know what to say! I'm just-" the crack of a tree falling not so far away made them all jump "-Uh, perhaps we should get back to Canterlot sooner rather than later."

Rainbow Dash patted Fluttershy's mane. "Let's get her to safety, first."

Twilight nodded in agreement, engulfing her friends in an orb of pink light.

They first stopped at Canterlot Clinic. The nursing staff seemed livid when Twilight and her company reappeared in the lobby. "Perhaps we should just suspend our ambulance services and let you bring in all of our patients, Twilight Sparkle," one of them deadpanned. "You seem to have no trouble finding them for us."

With a nervous laugh, Twilight vanished once more with Pinkie and Rainbow Dash, leaving Fluttershy propped up in one of the waiting chairs. Re-appearing in the palace atrium without their guards had taken the night watch by surprise.

"HALT!" they shouted, quickly surrounding Twilight and her friends. Fortunately, Shining Armor was among them.

"T-Twily?" he asked, bewildered.

"Oh, hi..." she greeted hastily, ignoring the aggressive stance that the rest of the guards had collectively assumed. "We need to see the princess at once!"

"She's in the sun room, but what-"

"-No time to explain. Gotta go!" Twilight wasted no time before galloping off - Pinkie and Rainbow Dash in tow - darting past the guards with little regard. "Let them go!" Shining Armor commanded.

Both of the royal sisters were wide awake, apparently awaiting the ponies' return. Although apparently in the midst of conversation, Luna was quick to trail off and approach the company right as they returned - her eyes betraying her complete and utter shock.

"Sister, take heed! Look who's come back to us," she declared heartily as she crossed the chamber. Stopping before Twilight, she greeted them all at once with a courteous bow.

Princess Celestia turned in place as her sister trotted by. "Rainbow Dash! You have returned to us!" She took up her place at her sister's side, repeating the gesture. "I am so glad to see you, again. But where is Applejack? Is she-?"

The uneasy glance that Pinkie and Twilight exchanged was all of the confirmation that Celestia needed. "-I see. Well, what of Rarity and Fluttershy?"

Pinkie and Twilight each tried to tell the story over one another while Rainbow Dash covered her ears to shut out the din. "Girls, girls!" the princess pleaded, "Please. One at a time! Twilight, you can report first."

So, one after the other, Pinkie and Twilight relayed their own accountings of the whole sordid affair. Although there was much to be happy about, Princess Celestia was devastated by the news of what had befallen Ponyville. Much to Pinkie's surprise, she hung her head, and sobbed quietly.

"P-Princess!?" Pinkie had never seen her cry. She hadn't actually considered that the benevolent ruler of a nation would feel such emotion.

Luna rushed to her sister's side, placing a tender wing around her.

"I deeply regret not acting sooner," Celestia admitted woefully. "Those ponies deserved better. I wanted to protect them, but in not acting I let them down..."

"My sister," said Luna in a delicate tone. "You have lived long, and grown wise, but not even a princess is perfect. It was a mistake, but it is one for which Malice - not you - will be held accountable."

Celestia nodded hesitantly, drying her tears. "I was afraid... I was afraid that if we stationed guard units in Ponyville, that it would do more harm than good. I didn't want to put my subjects at risk, but that's exactly what I ended up doing. Now I see the folly of that mistake, which has cost the lives of so many."

Her manner shifted suddenly, as the weight sadness in her voice gave way to steely resolve - perhaps even anger. "I shall not err on such caution again. Malice will pay for what he's done! We will send units out at first light to guard over the rest of Ponyville, Manehattan, Cloudsdale, and any other cities for which we can spare the resources!"

"Is Cloudsdale in danger!?" cried Rainbow Dash. "If that monster so much as looks at Cloudsdale, I'm gonna-"

"-Easy, Rainbow," Twilight hushed.

"We have not received word that Cloudsdale, or any other jurisdiction of Equestria is in imminent danger, aside from Ponyville itself, which I shall seek to remedy immediately. Sister: Would you please notify the guard? They are to assemble a unit to march immediately for Ponyville. I am henceforth instituting martial law for that region."

Luna nodded and, without another word, headed for the door. Before she could leave, Twilight held up her hoof. "Wait!" she called. "C-can you please send a weather team to put out that fire? Fluttershy wouldn't want any more animals to die, and the fire could spread to Ponyville if we let it. There's been enough death!"

"Very well, Twilight," Celestia agreed before telling her sister, "do it."

"Yes, big sister. We shall reconvene in the morning!"

When Luna was gone, Celestia turned to Twilight. "You have taken on far more responsibility in this matter than I initially sought to place upon you. I'm grateful for your initiative, but you deserve a night's rest. You may hold off on your research until the morning light if you please. Actually, I encourage it."

"I appreciate that, Princess, but I really should be getting back to the archives. I have tracked down the collective writings of Galloping Graymane, the reknowned travelling historian. His writings suggest he had an encounter with Malice - though he called it the 'walking shadow' - some time after you banished him! I think the answer to why might be in those books."

The princess nodded reluctantly. "Very well, Twilight. I have learned I cannot keep such a faithful student from her studies."

"Thank you, Princess." Twilight bowed, then took her leave - though not before stopping to say goodbye to her friends. "Pinkie, you did amazing tonight. Thank you for everything! And Rainbow? I'm so glad you're back!"

"Well, then," sighed the princess once Twilight had left. "What say you, Pinkie? Is there more work you'd like to do as well?"

Pinkie examined herself, recoiling at the sight of how messy she looked. Patches of hair had been singed off; her hooves were cracked and aching; and her mane seemed to be in tangles. "Actually, all I want right now is a bath!"

"Very well," the princess chortled. "And what say you, Rainbow Dash?"

"I... I'm not really sure I'm gonna be able to sleep so well tonight, Princess. This all happened way too fast!"

"I understand. If you would come with me, please, perhaps I can help."

With long, graceful strides, the princess led Pinkie and Rainbow Dash to the chambers. She stopped outside of the room in which Pinkie had stayed for a month following her first encounter with Malice. "You may share this room with Pinkie for as long as is necessary," she offered.

"She remembers well what it was like to be in your position; you can surely rely on her to understand what you are feeling. I shall return tomorrow to discuss the events of this night in more detail, but for now you should rest. Sleep well, my little ponies."

The doors to the bedroom opened by the power of Celestia's magic. After paying their respects, Princess Celestia departed through the grand doors at the end of the hall.

Once they had closed the doors behind them, Rainbow Dash slumped to the floor.

"Dashie? Are you okay?"

"How did you do it, Pinkie?"

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"I mean... How did you go through this? I... I didn't want to say anything, because the princess already has enough things going on, but I still feel... really weird."

"Like everything that happened was a bad, bad dream that you just can't stop thinking about?" Rainbow Dash nodded. "Like it's a giant weight you just can't stop carrying around?" she nodded again. "Like you're not totally sure who you are, anymore?" This time, Rainbow merely stared at the ground.

Pinkie put her foreleg around Rainbow's shoulder, helping her stand up again and escorting her over to the bed. Sitting down on its edge, she tried to cheer Rainbow up with her biggest, brightest smile. "It gets better once you have your friends back with you!"

Rainbow mulled that over. "You know, after you- I mean... after he hurt me that first time, I felt very similar to how I feel now. Fluttershy told me the same thing you're telling me now, and she was right..."

Pinkie nodded. "You see-?"

"-But," she added, "it's different this time, because I wasn't the one who got hurt. I was the one who hurt them..." Pinkie could see her eyes welling with tears. "Pinkie... I saw them... I heard them scream! I just... I watched myself try to kill Fluttershy, and you! Every time I hurt... it was like a part of me died inside... I never meant to... I never wanted..."

Rainbow threw her forelegs around Pinkie and sobbed into her shoulder, and although Pinkie felt bad for her anguishishing friend, it wasn't nearly as difficult as not knowing the word to make her see that she was going to be alright in the end.


Pinkie awoke late the next day, feeling much rested after her bath and a good night's sleep. Rainbow Dash had already left by then - presumably to seek out Princess Celestia. Pinkie hoped that she was as forthcoming with the princess as she'd been with Pinkie the night before.

She considered helping Twilight in the library, but when she saw what a beautiful day awaited her outside, she decided that Twilight would probably do well enough on her own. Pinkie also considered that Twilight probably didn't need enabling if she'd stayed awake the entire night, anyway.

It was the perfect opportunity to go visit Fluttershy!

Giddily, she made her way outside to the gates below, where she flagged down a guard to let her through. In a blur of dark fur and piercing, golden eyes, Night Rider swooped down from the ramparts to offer up his greetings.

"They sure didn't waste any time putting you to work, did they?" Pinkie asked.

"Well, four guards went out and I was the only one who came back in one piece, so I guess you could say they were a little short hoofed," he shrugged. "How are you doing, anyway?"

"Everything still hurts!" Pinkie exclaimed. "But at least we got Dashie back. H-How's, uh... You know." She was referring to Sentinel Spark and Stormy, but somehow couldn't bring herself to mention it directly. Just the thought of what happened to them both sent shivers down her spine.

Night Rider looked away uncomfortably. "Well, Stormy's alive and awake, but his horn is gone and they won't be able to re-attach. They managed to remove the lump and graft over everything else, so he'll heal up to look relatively normal. He'll still be a member of the guard, but he'll never use magic again.

"Sparky's still in critical condition. Last time I was there, the doctors said he'd make it, but he won't be back to health for a while. It'll be a miracle if he does heal up fully, though; I'm afraid his days on the guard are over. Still, if you see Twilight, tell her she saved his life, and we are all very grateful!"

"Okay," Pinkie said, nodding. "I will!".

A cool fall breeze blew by, carrying with it the scents of pumpkin and spice from the commercial district just outside the gate. It helped lift her spirits, but what had really made her happy was knowing that, even though damage had been done, at least the news from Canterlot Clinic wasn't all bad.

She had begun to reflect on how silly it was that all it took to constitute "good" news these days was word that somepony did not die, when Rider asked her, "so, where are you headed?" The question was posed with part professionalism, but also part curiosity.

"Oh, I'm going to the clinic. Fluttershy got hurt, too."

"Oh, okay. Say, Pinkie. The changing of the guard is in a few minutes. Would you like to wait around for me, so I can walk you there?"

Pinkie mulled it over for a second. "Uuuummm... Okay, sure!"

"Great!" Night Rider took off back to his perch at the top of the gate, calling over his shoulder as he flew, "don't run off anywhere!"

Watching him fly away, Pinkie couldn't help but to smile.

In fact, she found it funny how much he'd opened up to her. When she met him, he had been so curt. Not so, since their return: He was more talkative than usual, nicer, perhaps even a bit jovial.

"I have to tell you, Pinkie: It's so good to get out of the palace and stretch my legs out. I'd been standing on that blasted wall since zero-dark-thirty."

Pinkie blinked. "Z-Zero, dark?"

He chuckled. "Really freakin' early."

"Oh!" She reflected briefly before deciding not to mention that she'd only woken up a couple of hours prior. Even then, it was only because she'd been awoken by Rainbow Dash, who'd wanted Pinkie by her side as she visited with the princesses.

"How's Rainbow Dash?" Night Rider asked, as though he could read her mind.

"Oh, um... She's good, I suppose. A bit confused. I know I was..."

Night Rider shrugged. "You were what?"

Oh, right. I never told him, she realized. "Uuuum, it's not really something I want to talk about too much."

Night Rider blushed. "Oh, okay. I won't pry, then!"

Pinkie dropped the subject quickly, but only because she was surprised by his response. "Are you blushing, mister!?" she teased.

That only made the dark brown coat around his cheeks turn an even brighter shade of maroon. "What can I say, Pinkie? Ever since yesterday, I've been thinking a lot about life. What we saw... it just goes to show you that you can't take anything for granted.

"Equestria's known peace and harmony for a thousand years, and I always thought it would continue for another thousand... But now we're seeing it fall apart all around us, and all I can think is how much I want to live." He stopped suddenly, and Pinkie nearly stumbled as she turned to see where he'd gone. He was scraping his hoof against the cobblestone road, his eyes distantly regarding the pebbles. "Isn't that silly?"

Pinkie trotted over to him and shook her head. "Nope! You're just like me. That's why I have so much fun! Well... used to. Things haven't been much fun ever since that big, bad meanie showed up.

"I used to throw parties for every pony in town because I just wanted to see them smile, smile, smile. It worked, most of the time! But even then, maybe I could have appreciated them just a teensy weensy bit more. I guess I'd feel that way no matter how much I appreciated them. Seeing them the way they were left like that... I don't think there's any way that doesn't make you think about things."

"I guess," Night Rider agreed before resuming his march alongside Pinkie. "I wonder if Day Break feels guilty," he mused.

Pinkie shook her head. "It wasn't his fault, Nighty-"


"I mean, it wasn't his fault, Rider. M-Mal... He gets into your head, and it's almost like you know what's happening, b-but..." her voice quivered with fear at the mention, and she realized that this was why she didn't want to talk about it in the first place.

The words, however, poured on. "It feels like just another vivid nightmare. Like one you just c-can't wake up from. Sometimes you can see what you're doing, but you can never stop it... And when he makes you... you do th-things you don't want to do, it's like... It's... It's like..."

Night Rider extended his wing over Pinkie's back. The warm feathers pressed against her had a calming effect, almost like she was hiding within her childhood blanket. Her tears dried away, and she looked over at him while they walked. "Thank you," she whispered.

"I get it," he said authoritatively. "This is what we're up against, and I suppose I can accept that there are going to be casualties. I just never thought my friends would be among them." He sighed, looking up to the calm, blue sky. "I suppose we have to stick it out, and keep pressing onward. We have to do it for Sparky, and Stormy..."

His eyes met Pinkie's. "...and Applejack," he added.


Pinkie's visit to Fluttershy had been inconsequential, though mostly because of how little damage she'd actually sustained. In fact, barring anything unforseen, Fluttershy was cleared for release the very next day. She was, however, genuinely awestruck when Pinkie had told her the full tale of what had happened after she lost consciousness.

"Wow... Did you really fight off Rainbow Dash all by yourself, just to keep me safe?"

Pinkie shrugged. She didn't want to think of it that way. It was Malice who influenced Dashie's actions, so if anything she was fighting him. That only seemed to impress Fluttershy even more.

"Oh please, oh please don't feel like you owe me anything, Fluttershy!" Pinkie pleaded. "I know you'd have done the same!"

After Fluttershy's release, Pinkie'd had no need to visit the clinic. She did, however, continue her visits to the gate, on the chance that Night Rider was there.

Over the next few days, they'd shared similar walks about the garden, reflecting on what it meant to be alive and at peace. During their walks, Malice would become an afterthought. It became easier and easier to disregard the weightiness of the situation outside of Canterlot, especially as the moon continued to rise in the daytime sky.

In fact, the effects of the impending eclipse were clear from her recent explorations around the city. Even though word of the disaster in Ponyville had spread through the captial like wildfire, there was a remarkable persistence in the day-to-day goings on that made the trouble seem so far away. It was as though the citizens - stuffy and regal as they were - seemed buoyed by optimism and renewed faith in themselves, and one another.

Rainbow Dash continued to seek out Pinkie's company, and the two bonded over shared experience. Dashie's mood had improved dramatically since she'd come back, which was likely a product of her conversations with Luna, Celestia, and Pinkie herself.

Furthermore, she'd begun to recall facts about Malice that the princesses would surely find useful: His presence had scarcely extended outside of Ponyville; he did not appear to be ready, or willing to spread himself thin.

Pinkie overheard the princess declare this to be an advantage, dispatching guard units to surrounding townships and municipalities. "We will not allow another Ponyville-level takeover!"

Despite the action, word of progress reached Canterlot slowly. No pony was allowed in or out of towns under martial law, and any who appeared influenced by Malice were placed under immediate quarantine for observation by some of Canterlot's brightest magisters.

For Pinkie's own part, there was little she felt she could actually do. Twilight had all but barred herself within the archives, receiving occasional help from her brother and the princesses themselves. Pinkie's previous attempts to help usually ended in her frustrated at the dearth of information relevant to Malice himself.

Her routine had received a shake-up the following week, when Night Rider disappeared on an assignment. Pinkie didn't know where he'd gone, or what he was up to, but no longer being able to carry on their conversations reminded her of how lonely Canterlot was with everypony else so busy.

Feeling frustrated, she went to Princess Celestia. "Everypony is doing something, but I don't think I can do anything to help! I feel so useless, just waiting for something to happen."

"Now, Pinkie. You know you are far from useless. Your positivity and optimism is surely helping to hold us all together in these troubled times. Would you like for me to let you in on something?"

Pinkie was perplexed. "Oh, um... sure, Princess!"

Celestia smiled. "Rainbow Dash came to me just the other day. She said that you have helped her to recover more than most. Just by being there, and being a good friend, you are making a world of difference! You see, you have matured so much in these recent weeks, and I cannot express my pride in you enough!"

Were it not for her pink coat, the princess might have seen her blushing. "Oh! Well thanks, Princess! I-I guess I didn't really think of it that way!"

"It is my pleasure to help, Pinkie. Now, if you do not mind, I would like to ask a question about a personal matter. Actually, somepony in particular."

Pinkie was taken aback. Since when did the eldest ruler of all Equestria take an interest in her social life? For a second she was afraid the princess might call attention to all of the time she'd been spending with Night Rider, but that was quickly put to rest when she said, "Let's talk about Twilight."

"T-Twilight? Oh, okay. I'm not sure what I could say that you don't know already."

"I have noticed she has all but moved into the Palace Archives with her brother. The two of them have been spending long nights poring over old scrolls."

Pinkie reacted with a puzzled expression. "Isn't that what you wanted her to do?"

"Indeed it is," she agreed. "But I wanted your opinion on the matter."

"She's, uh... She's working really hard, I guess. Um, forgive me, Princess, but I'm not entirely sure what you're asking," Pinkie admitted.

"Oh, forgive me. I'm trying too hard not to be blunt, again! I suppose I'm mostly inquiring about her leadership. How do you feel she has adapted to this mission? Do you feel as though she's entrusted you with enough responsibility?"

"Oh, uh... Well I guess I never really thought of that, Princess." Pinkie studied the wall as she thought deeply. "It's not like she's made me feel useless or anything, if that's what you're asking. Actually, ever since I've been back, Twilight has been keeping all of us together. It isn't easy knowing a baddie like Malice is out there, but having Twilight there keeps us from... I guess, from losing it, really."

She paused to let the princess speak, but Celestia calmly waited for her to continue. Perhaps she'd sensed that there was more, and as Pinkie delved inward, she reflected on just how more there was. "It's like at the farm... How long's it been? Half a month!? I still can't forget how she helped me. No... saved me! Princess, I wouldn't be here if she hadn't been there - Malice was going to take me, too.

"And then, even after all of that, when I thought Dashie and Flutters were goners... she wouldn't let me join them. She pulled me out of there when I didn't think... that I'd make it. She was so... smart!"

She thought back to her previous interactions with Twilight. "I guess all I can say is that... well, she's a true, true friend! She doesn't give up on me, or anypony else. She never gave up on Rainbow Dash, and she still hasn't given up on Applejack. If it were me, she wouldn't give up either."

Their eyes met, but it seemed as though the princess was seeing past Pinkie's bright blue eyes, delving directly into her deepest thoughts. So long was the silence, that Pinkie started to worry. "Uh, Princess? Is that-"

Celestia nodded suddenly. "-Yes, Pinkie. Indeed, you have given me much to think about. I shall need these next few days to meditate. If you should need me, please seek out Shining Armor. He will relay your message."

Pinkie flustered. "Oh, okay! But, uh... Princess? May I ask why?"

"All will make sense in time, Pinkie. Genuinely... thank you." Princess Celestia bowed, leaving Pinkie aghast. With no other obvious recourse, she returned the gesture before exiting the chamber swiftly.