• Published 8th Apr 2016
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The Crucible of Restoration - Golden Paw

Darkness has a habit of leaving it's taint. Even after the events of Princess Luna's return there are many old wounds to be healed and wrongs to put right. Twilight is tasked to undo the legacy Nightmaremoon has left upon the land and it's ponies.

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Chapter Nine

“Surely somepony else should go, you can’t even use your magic in here!” Foresight pleaded but Twilight simply shook her head as she continued to strap the air tank to her back.

“No two ways about this, someone has gone to a terrible amount of trouble to make sure that I don’t get to the Vault. I’m not going to give them the satisfaction,” Twilight pronounced grimly.

“You can’t take this personally Twilight. This place has been hidden and barred from everyone, not just alicorns and the like,“ Foresight tried to reason, but the dangerous look in Twilight’s eyes would brook no argument.

Even with her collar on Twilight seemed to radiate power, if not magic then in sheer will. “This place is still getting to you your Highness, you’re still being influenced by….” Foresight tried again only for Twilight to stamp her hoof.

“Even if I am that doesn’t change my mind, enough Equestrians have already suffered in this place and I will brook no more,” Twilight snarled, her anger an almost physical force.

“Your Highness, at least take some of the soldiers with you. You may need their help to face whatever is down there,” Boldstorm pleaded vainly.

“I have made my decision, thank you all for your advice but this time I will not put anyone in danger other than myself,” Twilight insisted.

“And what would have happened if you’d been alone when that last trap hit you huh?” Foresight countered, but it was no use.

“I’m going alone and that’s it. No more arguments, no more debating. This ends here,” Twilight finished her preparations and moved to the pool’s edge.

Twilight ran over the mental checklist of her equipment: Chemical flares, spare rations, goggles and many others trinkets for the attempt. She even had a short sword buckled to her side. Heavens bless Applebloom and her forward thinking, every piece of equipment didn’t require Twilight’s magic to activate.

The dark depths of the water seemed to glare back at Twilight as if in challenge. Deep at the back of her mind Twilight knew she was being foolish. All the council her friends had given seemed wise, but in her heart Twilight felt that this was the right way to go about things.

They’d trusted tech and it had let them down, they’d tried magic and it had nearly killed her so now Twilight was trusting to the one thing that had always seen her through her adventures. Her heart, her instincts. They were screaming at Twilight that she needed to do this part of the journey alone.

It made little sense and seemed to fly in the face of logic, but sometimes a pony just had to take a leap of faith as a dear friend had shown Twilight all those years ago. To say she wasn’t scared would be lying of course, Twilight was terrified. There could be anything down there. Still her mind was made up, so for better or worse she was going in.

“If you don’t hear from me in two hours then you can send someone after me, until then I’m doing this alone,” Twilight commanded, looking to each of her friends in turn until they bowed their heads in acceptance.

“Please be careful your Highness,” Boldstorm said quietly, his normally gruff voice timid.

“You’ve all trusted me this far, trust me this time,” Twilight assured before she lowered her goggles and clamped her teeth around the respirator. She gave a little salute before diving into the pool and powering forward with her wings.

The water was icy cold and Twilight gasped in shock, nearly losing her grip on the mouthpiece. Instinctively she made to cast a heating spell only for the collar Twilight wore to unravel the spell before it began.

Shaking herself down Twilight forced her limbs to work, pushing herself further and further away from the surface, the blackness below rising up to greet her. Reaching around Twilight extracted a flare and pulling the ignition squinted in the sudden light. Twilight held the new star out to reveal the way ahead.

The walls of the pool remained straight as they disappeared downwards into the gloom, a perfectly smooth geometric hole leading into the shadows below. The water was crystal clear, no floating particles or drifting algae hid the shaft as it lead directly downwards.

With fresh confidence Twilight powered downwards, her flare the only source of light in this place, the already weak rays from above having quickly faded. Twilight was alone in her small world.

The seconds turned to minutes and still Twilight pressed downwards, the pressure of the water all around growing with each thrust of her wings. Swimming like this was not all that different from flying Twilight realised. The water behaved much like the air would, but offered a far greater resistance.

Onwards and onwards Twilight pressed, being forced to light a second flare as the first one gave up its valiant fight against the ever present darkness. Surely it couldn’t be much further? Whoever made this place couldn’t have counted on the visitor having breathing gear?

Still Twilight pressed onwards, her ears popping as she dove ever deeper into the unknown. Just as Twilight feared she’d been wrong about all this the shaft suddenly angled so that it leveled off and became a sideways branching tunnel.

As Twilight swam closer she saw the walls were once again covered in glyphs, but without her magic there was no making any sense of them. With nothing else for it Twilight powered on, doing her best to ignore the numbing cold that seeped into her.

The new tunnel was just as perfectly crafted as the shaft had been, if Twilight was any guess then she would say it was perfectly proportioned. The walls, floor and ceiling forming a perfect hexagon all covered in runic symbols.

Just as suddenly the way angled upwards, so that Twilight found herself swimming directly upwards. A distant light filtered through the water and to her relief Twilight saw the welcoming signs of the surface ahead.

Letting her spent flare sink, its job done Twilight added her fore hooves to the effort and made good time until finally she broke the surface again. The roar of air filled Twilight’s popping ears and she had to blink against the sudden glow all around.

Twilight took a cautious sniff of the air. Finding it fresh and clean Twilight removed her respirator and pulled herself towards this new surface’s edge. This new chamber was almost an identical mirror of the first, only instead of darkness there was warm light that had no discernible source.

Heaving herself out of the water Twilight shivered. The numbing cold of the plunge had sunk into her very bones and Twilight now fought to keep her limbs from trembling. Twilight began shaking the water from her, buffeting her wings in great sprays of droplets that left a rainbow hue in the strange light.

Dancing from hoof to hoof to warm up, Twilight reached around and pulled out a clockwork watch before studying intently. The whole journey had taken just under five minutes. A strong healthy pony could survive that…No that couldn’t be correct.

The flares Twilight had used were rated for ten minutes burn and she’d gotten through two of them in the time she’d been under water. She stared at the watch again and to find to her annoyance the hands had stopped moving.

Twilight added another item to her growing mental list of inventions needed, before finally taking in her surroundings properly. Instead of the dark onyx style stone this chamber appeared to be made out of some sort of white marble.

Peering closer Twilight could make out little veins of gold that threaded their way through the stone. As her ears began to adapt Twilight could also make out a gentle background chime, soft notes rising and falling in a pleasant way.

After all the past ordeals Twilight found herself instantly on guard, her eyes darting from one doorway to another. Just like the previous chamber they were arranged in the hexagonal pattern around the room, the same strange glyphs lining their edges.

Twilight began a slow trot about the circumference, the chill in her limbs slowly fading as she took in deep lungfuls of fresh air. Just like their twin, the doors led into more passages lined with carvings. The empty corridors reflected the sound of Twilight’s hoof falls back to her.

Pricking her ears Twilight tried to focus on the gentle chiming. It followed no discernible pattern or tune she knew of, but was strangely calming. Like tiny bells jingling in the distance.

Putting these musings aside Twilight got down to business. First she took out her navigator but to Twilight’s dismay it simply spun crazily, unable to mark her point of reference to any known map. Her communicator was the same, giving Twilight nothing but static. For all Twilight knew she could be on the other side of the world.

‘Tuting’ She stowed the useless trinkets away and instead concentrated on the carvings. They were different from their counterparts, looking far more ‘friendly’ than the jagged and bizarre depictions from before.

They were still a complete mystery to Twilight however, not that she’d been expecting them to be readable in any case. Twilight was just deciding which door way to use when she caught movement out of the side of her eye.

Turning quickly Twilight saw, or thought she saw the glittering outline of a pony. It was only an impression, gone before she could properly focus upon it. “Who’s there?” Twilight called out, her voice echoing around the empty room. It was a cliche, but Twilight couldn’t think of anything better to say.

All that answered her was the same gentle jingle. Twilight stood for a moment her eyes darting this way and that, but finding nothing further slowly turned back to her task, “Well they all seem to be the same, may as well just pick one.” With slow deliberate motions Twilight removed some red coloured wax sticks and began leaving a brief message on a doorway.

It made sense to leave a trail, should the others follow Twilight they would need an idea of which way she’d gone. Her task completed Twilight shook off the last of the water clinging to her coat and pressed onwards.

The tunnel was much the same as the central chamber, the warm glow and musical chimes ever present. Twilight pressed onwards expecting at any moment to be jumped by some monster or spring some trap, but nothing barred Twilight’s way or moved to assail her. This place seemed genuinely peaceful.

Still Twilight didn’t drop her guard and traveled the winding path with her eyes ever watchful for mischief. She rounded corners, trotted up inclines, passed ever more examples of detailed carvings and still nothing blocked Twilight’s progress.

Twilight tried the communicator again just to be sure and was greeted by yet more white noise. With little other option Twilight simply followed the glowing passageway. Her wax marker saw no further use as there were no divisions or branching tunnels, simply a continuous hexagonal path leading ever onwards.

Her journey continued without incident until, finally, Twilight was confronted by a glowing wall of silvery light which stretched across the tunnel, completely blocking the way forwards. Its form was ever shifting and Twilight noticed little pinpricks of light dancing within.

The barrier rippled like milky water. Cloudy hues of grey intermingled with the white swirls while the little glowing motes weaved around them both. The tiny golden lights darted and spun just under the rippling surface, like tiny candles held behind a white sheet. It was… Twilight watched as the tiny motes began to spin faster and faster, forming a whirlwind of colour before suddenly exploding outwards.

Fearing some new devilry Twilight shielded her face from the sudden glare, poised to defend herself. She summoned a bubble of magic to…the collar glowed, a deadening weight which sucked the power away and left Twilight cursing.

The tiny motes of light however passed right through Twilight causing no harm. They continued past her, their touch warm yet uncomfortable, until vanishing around a bend in the tunnel. Twilight had only a moment to wonder on this strange phenomenon when the ever present glow suddenly dimmed.

Twilight reached down, drew her sword and with the handle clamped firmly in her teeth she braced herself. It felt so strange to hold a weapon in her teeth, but with her magic blocked all Twilight could do was turn around and face the way she’d come. The sword shook as she panted, its tip dipping and rising with Twilight’s own breathing.

The light was dying along the passageway behind her, like snow melting to reveal hard stone underneath. Not only that, but the calming chimes had also faded, leaving a ringing silence in its wake. Her eyes leaped from one growing shadow to another as Twilight waited. The darkness continued to gain ground until only the shimmering barrier behind Twilight gave any illumination to the scene.

Twilight stood waiting, her breath coming out in snorts while her heart hammered within. In the tense silence it sounded terribly loud, as if it was going to leap out of her chest. Still she waited, the air charged with expectation until finally a golden glow began to appear further down the tunnel.

Twilight tensed, her wings outstretched as with almost lazy slowness a figure appeared. It moved with an odd swaying motion, and as Twilight focused on it she saw that it was comprised of thousands of tiny points of light. The same lights that had flown past her only moments before.

This new manifestation was clearly a pony, though as Twilight continued to study it, she realised that she could clearly see the floor and walls beyond the radiant creature. It was big, at least twice the size of Twilight and picked out in glowing motes was a long horn reaching up from the forehead.

Twilight braced herself, lowing her own head in challenge and splaying her fore hooves defensively. If the approaching figure took any angst at this display it didn’t show it, but simply trotted forward in a leisurely manner.

This golden pony finally stopped a few feet away from Twilight and tilted its head as if studying her. By the looks of the frame and shape of face Twilight guessed it was a stallion. But it was hard to tell, the pinpricks forming ‘his’ outline were in constant flux and his eyes were simply empty rings of the same.

They both stood there for a long moment, Twilight tensed and ready while the stallion waited at apparent ease. The sword felt heavy in her jaw, the long blade clearly designed for a pony stronger than herself. Nevertheless Twilight gripped it with determination, her eyes never leaving her opposite.

Finally the figure lifted an insubstantial hoof and pointed at Twilight, its expression never changing. In return Twilight snorted before pawing at the ground. He didn’t waver but continued to point a hoof at Twilight, his manner calm and almost Inquisitive.

The moment drew on and to Twilight’s mounting suspicion the pointing hoof revolved until the figure seemed to be offering it to Twilight. She stared at the limb her mind racing. Was it actually trying to be friendly?

After all the dangers and threats Twilight was in no mood to trust this being, yet something about it reassured her. There was no logical reason to trust him, but Twilight almost felt as if it wanted to help her.

The sword dipped at her indecision and in that moment the figure leaned forward suddenly. With a tiny ‘click’ that sounded like thunder Twilight felt the suppression collar slacken, its deadening weight slipping from Twilight’s neck. This pony or whatever it was removing Twilight’s protection!

She swiped inexpertly at his hoof with the sword before the glimmering had could be drawn back, but the blade simply passed through meeting no resistance. With a cry Twilight dropped her sword and tried to catch the collar as it slid from her neck and began its slow fall toward the ground.

Expecting to feel the incredible pain at any moment Twilight cursed. She’d fallen for such a simple trick. This creature had been playing her again. Frantically Twilight grabbed for the collar, only for the glowing hoof of the other pony to knock it skittering across the floor and into the magical barrier behind Twilight.

Twilight could only grimace as her one means of protection was swallowed by the churning wall of energy, the collar’s passing leaving tiny ripples in the barrier like a stone dropped into a murky pond.

Twilight lunged again for the sword, but with another deft flick from the star pony it bounced off the stone before it too vanished into the barrier. Twilight felt her heart sink as her opposite simply stood there.

As she watched Twilight thought she caught a sad expression as, still with an easy air, the stallion spread a pair of concealed wings. The tiny fireflies of his form glowed brighter. Twilight wasted no time to see what he’d do next, feeling the heady rush of her magic flowing back.

As the power rushed back, Twilight used what time she had to hurl a glowing bolt of purple light. The full pressure of the stored magic would be upon her soon, but Twilight was determined to make some gesture of defiance before it overcame her.

The magical lance simply scattered the dancing lights that made up his face before they reasserted themselves in a melancholy expression, the empty eyes conveying nothing but pity. Before Twilight could try again the stallion’s form dissolved, the points of light exploded outwards again before flying past Twilight and through the barrier once again.

Twilight threw her spell after the fleeing creature, but it did no good. Worse than that Twilight could feel the incredible vortex of magic building inside her mind and she shook at the feel of it. Bereft of the shielding qualities of the collar the pent up energy began to trickle, then flow before finally rushing in a huge wave into her. A tidal force of fiery pain that burned down through her horn and into her soul.

Gritting her teeth Twilight looked around desperately, but her attacker had gone through the barrier. The mad idea struck Twilight like a bolt from the blue, it was risky of course. Twilight had no idea what the rippling wall of power was or if she could survive an encounter with it.

As the pressure continued to mount Twilight quickly made a decision. What she did know was that staying here would certainly kill her. With a scream of desperation Twilight chased the fleeting figure into the wall of light and was engulfed in a storm of noise and blindness.

Dazzling light assailed Twilight while a roaring wind buffeted her. After the relative calm of the tunnels this sudden assault hit Twilight like a hammer, the twin forces of howling noise and gritty gale causing her to stumble.

Tumbling, Twilight felt the ground change from hard stone to something warm and yielding. The world spun and sand flew as Twilight rolled down a steep incline until with a groan she finished up at the base of a massive dune.

Looking back up the way she’d come Twilight saw a black stone doorway, half shrouded in the swirling eddies of sand which flowed across the land. It stood alone, framed against the horizon with an ominous air about its carved details. What was more disturbing was that there was no building or structure to go with the portal, simply more sand that shifted in the gale.

Of attacker there was no sign, just more rolling dunes that stretched away as far as Twilight could see. She looked about herself and saw the brief glimpse of her sword, already being swallowed by the relentless advance of sand.

Pressing forward against the gale Twilight recovered the blade before the desert claimed it. With mounting frustration she searched about for her collar, but it became quickly obvious that it had been consumed by the sands as thoroughly as an ocean swallows a stone.

Even as she probed and dug Twilight saw her own hoof prints were vanishing almost as quickly as she made them. The uncaring sand smothering any chance of Twilight finding the collar again. She shouted her anger at the uncaring sky, without the trinket Twilight would be unable to return through the tunnels.

She could of course wait for Foresight and the others but the threat of that alicorn made Twilight’s decision for her. He’d been willing to leave Twilight to a horrible fate back there in the tunnels…

Twilight’s glared about herself looking for the tell tale glint of sparks, but saw nothing other than the unrelenting blizzard of sand. Then she saw it, there on a distant dune Twilight could make out a winged figure atop a distant dune. Standing tall and proud, Twilight saw a powerfully built pony.

Twilight narrowed her eyes against the relentless gale, was it the same foe as before? Was that the weak sunlight reflecting or glowing motes?

Her brief glimpse was swallowed up as the wind howled with doubled ferocity, as if some unseen hoof was throwing great collections of dust to block Twilight’s view. Anger, pure and simple flooded Twilight. This pony, whoever he was seemed intent on playing with her.

Eyes stinging against the tempest Twilight forced her way forward, catching glimpses of the black alicorn ahead. Each hoof step was a battle in its own right. The buffeting wind increasing with every step taken but Twilight would not be denied this time.

The distance was worn down by her determination, until she was mere feet from the dark silhouette. In his arrogance the other pony hadn’t moved, his back towards Twilight as if she were of no consequence.

Struggling the last few steps Twilight drew her sword and held it in a magical grip. The walls of the trap were behind her now, but still Twilight dared not use any stronger magic. This place wherever it was could just as easily be as dangerous to her. Instead she levelled the simple weapon and bellowed a challenge, “Who are you and why are you doing this!”

The yell was snached away as the storm raged all around. If the stallion heard it he gave no sign, continuing to stare resolutely in the distance beyond the dune. Twilight’s anger rose, this pony had tried to kill her and she would have answers.

“Don’t think I won’t use this!” Twilight strained to make her voice heard over the rush of wind. Her challenge greeted with a mouth full of sand full of dust for Twilight’s efforts.

Head bowed against the ever increasing gale Twilight forced her way upwards, until she was inches away from her target, “Hey I’m talking to you! Answer me or…..”

Twilight felt suddenly very foolish. Before her, carved out of the same dark stone was a statue. It wasn’t even a pony, let alone an alicorn. As she drew close Twilight saw it was actually a time worn griffon, its claw pointing ahead into the distance. The details were worn by the persistent sand, leaving only the rough outline of once sharp talons and beak.

Twilight almost chuckled with relief, the stresses of sojourn finally finding a crack in her determination. Shaking her head sadly Twilight paused to take stock of her situation. Here she was in the a desert again. By the looks of things it wasn’t even the same one she’d entered only hours before. The sand here was finer, paler and, what was annoying, far more invasive.

Peeking out from the statue Twilight tried to make out any familiar landmarks, but found the close pressed sand storm hid any chance of that. Vainly Twilight tried her navigator again, but the the hands still danced as if in mimicry of the dust all about Twilight.

The only point of reference Twilight could see from her vantage point was what appeared to be further statues close by. The dune she was on banked sharply downwards until the ground leveled out unexpectedly into a flat plain beyond. As the sand moved Twilight could make out a vast collection of ruined buildings amongst the statues.

They looked just as time worn as the griffon Twilight stood beside. The black outcrops stood rounded and dilapidated. Twilight felt her resolve falter, there was no clear direction in this squall. Maybe I should just wait for the others? I…There, dancing just on the tip of the statue’s claw was a small collection of sparkling lights. They spun and weaved before with a flash darted off towards the distant ruins. To Twilight’s surprise they left a glowing trail in their wake.

The griffon statue seemed to be pointing in that direction and Twilight frowned at this new development. “First you try to kill me, then you leave me a trail to follow?” With fire burning in her heart Twilight decided to press on. Somewhere out there was the puppet master who’d been toying with Twilight and her friends since they’d arrive in Sal Palomino.

Out there was the Vault and the key to completing her quest. With fresh vigor filling Twilight’s soul she pressed forward down the dune. Even as she stepped down the wind changed direction and began to buffet her forwards.

The journey down the dune was far easier and soon Twilight found herself crossing the flat expanse she’d seen from above. There were further statues and chunks of dark rock here too. It was half masked by the storm, but Twilight thought she saw crumbled walls and broken towers in the brief moments the pall lifted.

Twilight had long ago given up trying to understand the strangeness of this place, that a flat plain could be directly next to a billowing desert would normally have been impossible. But here it was and all the while keeping a resolute eye on the trail Twilight trotted into the surrounding ruins.