• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 5,067 Views, 18 Comments

Mother Celestia - KimbaTheWhiteLion66

Have you ever thought of what it'd be like to be a princess and suddenly take in a child?

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The Return of Discord?

Mother Celestia
A fanfic by KimbaTheWhiteLion66
Chapter 5:The Return of Discord?

“You mean to tell me THAT is the God of Chaos and Disharmony?!” Said the little filly. She had not seen the all-powerful malevolent being that had caused a great amount of confusion and anarchy when he broke free last September, only the statue.

“Yes! This is him! But he’s......an infant! And Twilight Sparkle and her friends turned him to stone with the Elements!” Said the princess, not knowing what to think of this. Could this be the return of utter chaos and inconsistency? How exactly did Discord get free? These were only just a few of the thoughts that were rushing through Celestia’s head at the moment.

“Isn’t he supposed to be in the royal garden?!” Said Twilight, equally confused and alarmed. “How could he have gotten free? Were the Elements not enough?” She paced back and forth, trying to come up with some logical conclusion that would explain all this. Due to this new discovery, it would have to stay a secret, otherwise, everyone would panic and act like it was the end of the world, considering the pain and suffering the chaotic god caused with his......”Games”.

“I didn’t know! I’m sorry!” Said Apple Bloom, hiding her face in embarrassment, feeling like she should have known this. “I thought I could get my Cutie Mark taking care of babies! I don’t want a Cutie Mark for causing the End of The World! What would that even look like?!” She said, pondering this.

“Don’t worry about it little filly, everything will be fine.” Celestia said, assuring the young pony with a hug with her wing. “You didn’t know, so you’re not in trouble.”

“Still! What do we do Princess? How are we supposed to take care of a baby! I can’t! He’d mess up the libary and might be seen by other ponies visiting!” Said Twilight, still pacing. She knew the library wouldn’t be the best place for the God of Chaos, especially a baby God of Chaos. She didn’t know too much about babysitting, she focused more on history, mathematics and the arcane arts, along with anything else that may come up. There was rarely anything Twilight didn’t have a book for, considering she lived in a library.

“There’s no way I’ll be able to take care of him! Somebody will find out eventually!” Said Apple Bloom, upset and antsy over the whole ordeal.

“I’ll care for him.” Said Celestia, coming to the decision that this was the only thing that could be done until she found out what in the wide world was going on. Never had it crossed her mind that she would take care of a baby, especially her mortal enemy, Discord, of all things. She knew of his chaotic and playful nature, she couldn’t imagine how he was as an infant.

“Are you sure Princess?” Asked Twilight, wondering how she would go about doing this.

“Yes, I am sure my student. If there is anyone who should be caring for him, it would be me. It’s too dangerous to allow anyone else to care for him without keeping it a secret for long.” Said Celestia. She had no idea how this was going to turn out, but she was confident that she could do it. She was worried however. “When I get back to the castle I’m checking the royal garden for the statue. For all we know, this could be one of his twisted mind games.” She said as she slowly walked up to the cause of all this hysteria.

The infant Discord looked at the princess, before giggling at her.

“Well, he is cute.....This won’t be so bad......AH!” She said as she was hit with something that was yellow and liquid. The attacker giggled, amused by this. “On second thought, this is going to be interesting.” Said Celestia, disgusted that she was just urinated on by her mortal enemy. Indeed, it was going to be interesting. But for all she knew, it could be a wonderful change of pace.