> Mother Celestia > by KimbaTheWhiteLion66 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Life of a Princess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mother Celestia A fanfic by KimbaTheWhiteLion66 Chapter 1:The Life of a Princess. It was an average day for the princess of the sun:Wake up, raise the sun, eat breakfast, do her morning exercises and most boringly, paperwork. It was daily routine, whether it had to do with economic affairs or something as simple as planting a mailbox, it went to her. It wasn’t necessarily exciting, having to go through each letter twice, making sure she read all the fine print before she missed something, because if she didn’t, she’d have people complaining that it wasn’t what they wanted and you know what that means? More paperwork. “Oh boy, I wonder what this one’s for.” The princess said as she picked up a packet of paperwork with her magic, then reading the title which was always written in huge letters. “Judicial affairs, my favorite.” She said with a heavy tone of sarcasm. Equestria was a rather peaceful country, but even the most peaceful of places still have their problems. Even though she rarely got something having to do with crime, which it was usually something as small as littering, it was still very, very boring. Every fine detail had to be examined and evaluated properly, considering someone’s life could be on the line, though that rarely was the case. “I really don’t feel like doing this right now.” She said, tossing the paper back into the stack, her head then meeting her table. “I just want a break from it all.” A soft knock was then heard on her door. She lifted her head up, wondering who it could be. “Who is it?” She said with little energy. “Dear sister, it is I, Luna.” said a voice with a hint of old-Equestrian accent. It was her sister, Princess Luna, who ruled over the night. She had been imprisoned on the moon for 1000 years, so she was still adjusting to the new customs. Even if she was gone for a rather long time she was very knowledgeable on paperwork and surprisingly enjoyed it. Celestia couldn’t fathom how anyone could enjoy reading and writing for 1-3 hours, reading paragraph after paragraph and paying attention to every single detail. “Oh, sis! You’re just the person I wanted to see!” She said, rather thrilled. She wanted to dump all her morning work onto her sister again, considering her sister’s strange pleasure of reading and writing, it wouldn’t be hard to convince her to accept it all. She couldn’t do it all the time however, her sister had work too, mostly at night, when her sister would be sleeping. “Let me guess, you want me to do your paperwork before I head off to the realm of dreams again, right?” She said, expecting this response by now. Celestia giggled like a little filly, happy that she knew. “Why, yes. I honestly would like to get out and get some fresh air. Perhaps fly around too. I wasn’t born with wings just to look pretty, and besides, I could use the extra exercise” She said as she got up and walked towards her door, pushing it open for her younger sister. “That’s fine then. However, when I’m done I’m going to bed.” She said, firm about this. The elder sister smiled and hugged the younger one. “That’s fine, you need your rest for the night.” She said as she let go and started walking towards her balcony. “Alright my sibling, I shall see you before bed.” Luna said as she walked towards the table and picked up the paper over in the pile. “Alright! Have fun!” Celestia said, then jumping off her balcony and taking flight. The night princess saw what was on the paper and perked up. “Judicial work! My favorite!” > Her Most Faithful Student > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mother Celestia A fanfic by KimbaTheWhiteLion66 Chapter 2:Her Most Faithful Student. “Woo!” yelled the sun princess who was sailing through the sky at a rather ludicrous speed. It was a very thrilling experience, going so fast with the wind blowing hard in your face, zipping past trees, cliffs and occasionally a pony or animal, their attention being taken from whatever they may have been doing. “This is SO much better than my carriage. I might be royalty but I’m entitled to having fun too!” She said as she dove downwards then pulled up at the last moment before she hit a tree. The carriage was just for high-class looks, the guards were well aware of her ability to fly. It wasn’t like she was fat and couldn’t fly, or she had some kind of rare wing problem, or she was scared of flying. No no no, it was more or so the fact that she was constantly babied because she was a princess. It’s very nice every once in awhile, but it gets annoying quickly, being followed, being pampered and worst of all, everyone bowing in her presence. It was proper manners, but it made her feel like she was above everybody, which she was in a sense but she felt it more on a sense of being better than everyone, and she really didn’t like that. She deeply loved all her subjects, but it was hard to show it physically because everyone got nervous and scared that if they did something wrong, she’d banish them to the moon or something. She really wished she hadn’t done that to her sister so long ago. She wanted them to feel like they were on the same level, that they were worth as much as she was, but alas, being such a high and powerful figure causes people anxiety in her presence. Though some are better than others at acting normal when she was around them. One of those people was Twilight Sparkle. “Ooooooo, I know where I should go! I should go visit Twilight! Maybe she’ll have an idea of something to do!” She said, sounding rather interested at the proposal she created herself. Twilight Sparkle was a unicorn who had really good magical skills and high intelligence, which was common for unicorns, but she was especially skilled and intelligent, even as a filly. Her special talent and Element were both Magic. She was rather proud of this, especially after being allowed into Celestia’s School of Gifted Unicorns. She was a very faithful student of her teacher, which earned her the affectionate title of “My most faithful student”. She had close connections with the princess herself and her older brother was captain of the Royal Guard, who had just gotten married to Celestia’s niece, Cadance. She occasionally sent her teacher letters on the magic of friendship, something that she hadn’t experienced when she was younger, preferring to stick to her books and her teacher. She was sent to the village called Ponyville for this reason. The princess wanted her student to form strong relationships with the ponies of the town, but it was also so that she would be able to wield the Elements of Harmony with her newfound friends in order to stop Nightmare Moon, what Celestia’s sister had become from mysterious forces, from taking over Equestria and casting it into eternal night. She had her and her friends to thank for the return of her sister, her REAL sister, the one she knew and love. If there was anyone who would keep a more pleasing composure in front of her, it was Twilight. “Alright, let’s go!” She said, diving into a field close to Ponyville. > Trouble in Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mother Celestia A fanfic by KimbaTheWhiteLion66 Chapter 3:Trouble in Ponyville. “Huh?” Said the princess, quite confused as she landed on the grass, noticing that many ponies were panicking and searching around. One of them noticed her and gasped, quickly bowing. This upset Celestia but she tried to keep a warm smile on her face. “Your Highness! What brings you hear to Ponyville?” Said the pony, panting a bit. “It’s not often you come here out of the blue without announcing! And more importantly, without your guards or your carriage!” The princess bent down a bit, looking at the pony. “Well, I’m here to visit Twilight Sparkle, is she anywhere around?” She said, worried that her student might have something to do with this. The villager smiled, sweating a little. “Well, she’s in her home. She’s been wanting to see you actually! She’s been sending you a lot of letters!” She said, blinking nervously. Celestia tried to stifle a small giggle. “How many? I haven’t been in my room for about 30 minutes.” The letters normally went straight to her room, she didn’t burp them out like Twilight’s assistant, Spike, did. Nor did she fart them out, which was a strange idea that crossed her mind a couple of times. They magically came out of thin air into her room. “Oh, um......about 100! She kinda panicked!” Just then, a familiar, screaming voice was heard all the way from Canterlot. “CELESTIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!” The sun princess couldn’t help but burst into a fit of giggles, amused by this. Her student had picked the perfect timing to send her letters, which were being dropped on her little sister’s head. Even though she was the older one, she liked to mess with her sister a little. Of course, this also meant her sister got her back for it occasionally, just a little way for the two to have fun with how boring things can be. “Teehee.....hee....hee” Celestia giggled as she caught her breath, finished with her little fit. “So, you were saying she was in her house?” The pony nodded, surprised from the princess’ show of laughter. “She’s been there the whole time! Probably writing more letters! I can take you do her if you’d like!” She said, bowing. The princess frowned a little. “No, it’s fine, I can find it on my own.” She said, making her way towards Ponyville proper. “Have a good day now” “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!” Said a certain lavender unicorn as she frantically wrote more and more letters, starting to get sloppy with her writing. “She usually replies to my letters when I send them to her! Well, unless she tells me she won’t be home for a while! Then that’s ok! But she didn’t! Ohmygosh, what if she got kidnapped?! What if she’s sick! What if she......doesn’t like me anymore?! What if I’m being annoying!” This was Twilight Sparkle. Though she kept composure in front of the princess, that didn’t mean she didn’t have a nervous breakdown when she thought something was wrong. “Spike! I’m scared.....” She said as she shook violently. “And I really need her!” The purple dragon who was sending these letters panted heavily, exhausted from being overworked. “T-Twilight.....can you......please relax......I’m dying here.......” He said, falling to the ground. Twilight rushed around the house, making a mess as she pulled out list after list to see if she had missed something on the princess’ schedule. “But Spike! The princess isn’t replying! And according to what I have, she should be at her castle! I’m worried! What if she.......” She said, going silent as there was a knock on the door. She quickly flew over to the door, but obviously not like a pegasus, and opened it, her jaw hitting the floor when she saw who it was. “Hello Twilight Sparkle, I heard you were having some trouble? I just so happened to being flying to Ponyville for some relaxation” Said the princess as she looking around in the library her student called home. It was a mess and there was empty inkwells and used quills all over the floor with some puddles of ink dotted on the floor. “I heard you were um...... panicking.” She said, trying to sound and smile sympathetically. She knew of her student’s tendency to panicked when something that had to do with the princess seemed wrong. Twilight gulped, blushing rather deeply, then clearly her throat. “Ahem, y-yes......Well, you see.....um......” She said, nervous. Celestia affectionately wrapped one of her large wings around her student in order to comfort her. “It’s alright, stay calm. Now, what’s the problem?” She said, gently rubbing Twilight’s back. Twilight calmed down, taking a rather deep breath before she spoke. “It’s Apple Bloom, she’s in the Everfree Forest and nobody knows where she is! She isn’t at Zecora’s!” She said, becoming a bit tense again. Celestia frowned, knowing who this was, she was very worried. Apple Bloom was a little filly, she was the baby sister of one of Twilight’s close friends, Applejack. She had a knack for getting into trouble, especially with her friends who were in a group with her that they called “The Cutie Mark Crusaders”. The name was rather self-explanatory: They wanted to find their special talents, thus getting their Cutie Marks. However, it often led to them getting into trouble and needing saving. And this time, it was no laughing matter, she was in the Everfree Forest, a place of great mystery and home to many hostile creatures. Many ponies feared it, even the adults, but for the princess, it wasn’t so scary. She had seen worse in her many years of living, and going in to save one of her subjects sounded wonderful, maybe it’d make them fear her less and that she wasn’t just someone who sat around eating bon-bons all day. And no, not the pony, that’d be wrong. The princess smiled at her faithful student, nodding approvingly. “Alright, I’ll help you.” She said, letting go of Twilight. The purple unicorn let out a sigh of relief, happy to have her teacher helping her out. “Alright! Let’s go!” She said, walking out the door. The princess giggled a little, happy that her student was no longer nervous. She went out the door, following her student to the Everfree Forest. After the door shut, a certain baby dragon sighed happily. “Thank Celestia, I can.....relax......” He said as he shortly passed out. This was a very thrilling day for Celestia so far, but what she didn’t know, it was about to get a whole lot better. > The Everfree Forest (Revised) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mother Celestia A fanfic by KimbaTheWhiteLion66 Chapter 4:The Everfree Forest. “So princess! How has life been up in Canterlot?” Said the lavender pony as she trotted through the forest with her teacher. It was rather damp and humid in this environment, due to the fact that the clouds moved by themselves and let out rain and other things without pegasus intervention. It had rained recently and at the current moment, it was drizzling. The princess, however, didn’t mind. It was quite relaxing, a nice change of scenery and atmosphere. Compared to the castle, which was very uptight and refined, the forest was wild, it did its own thing without anything but nature itself controlling it. “It’s been alright, but it’s nice to get away from it every now and then.” She said, taking in the unique scent of the forest. She couldn’t quite understand why ponies feared it. It was rather relaxing, even though it was a place of mystery and occasional danger, as long as you were careful and didn’t get lost, it was a nice place to be. “Oh? Really?” Said the lavender unicorn with a curious tone. “I thought it was great living in a castle, having everything you could ever want and having people do things for you.” She said, giggling softly. The princess frowned, knowing that due to being a normal citizen of Equestria, her student didn’t know what royal life was like. The common misconception is that it’s very fun and carefree. While it can be fun, at times it can be anything BUT carefree, and fun. She changed her expression to happy one, looking at her student. “Well, yes, it can be but, haven’t you ever had a time where you’ve been doing something for so long you just......need a break from it? A change of pace perhaps?” She said, sounding rather knowing to the lavender unicorn beside her. “Well......yes.” She said, smiling. “The change from being in Canterlot to being here in Ponyville felt weird at first but after awhile......it felt much better, especially because I actually have friends now.” Celestia smiled, pleased with her student’s response. “Yes, that is exactly how I feel.” She said, flapping her long wings a bit to get some tension out of them. “I’m glad you understand my faithful student.” Twilight blushed, smiling softly. “Well, you’re not my teacher for nothing.” “And you’re not my student just for show.” Celestia said, grinning. Just then, they both heard a voice that didn’t so far off. “Now how did that song go that Sweetie Belle was singing? Hmm......Oh! Alright, I got it now. Hush now, quiet now, it’s time to lay your sleepy head......” Twilight perked up at hearing this voice, it was Apple Bloom’s. “Come on princess! I hear her!” She said, starting to gallop towards the voice. Celestia followed shortly after, wondering who the little filly could be talking to, and singing a lullaby nonetheless. “We’re almost there princess just a few seconds and-” She said, stopping mid sentence. “Let the joy of dreamland find y.....Ah! Twilight! What are you doing here?” “We were worried about you! I brought the princess to help me find you!” She said, hugging the little filly. “I was scared, your sister was scared. Why didn’t you tell anybody?” “W-Well, I have a little secret, can you keep it at that?” “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my ey.....OW! How in Equestria could I have done that again?!” She said, having accidentally jabbed her hoof into her eye like she had foolishly done the first time she recited it. She blinked a few times to get her eyes back in. “Yes, yes we can. Now, what’s the secret?” She said, trying to see what it was. “I’m taking care of a baby!” She said, giggling cutely. “Aww, a baby! What kind of pony is it?” Asked Twilight, happy now that it was nothing too serious. “U-Um.....It’s not a pony.” She said, blushing. “Oh, then what is it?” Twilight asked, curious and a bit worried now. “It’s a.....Princess Celestia, do you know what this is?” She said, stepping away from where she was in front of. Celestia could not believe what she saw. “That’s......Discord! But how! And why is he a baby?!” Twilight showed an equal amount of surprise and confusion. “I thought he was encased in stone due to the elements of harmony!” “I did too!” Celestia said as she walked up to the infant version of what was her worst enemy. “How!” She said, poking him. “BURRRRRRRP” was all they heard out of him, then hearing him giggle. Celestia was in for one crazy ride. > The Return of Discord? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mother Celestia A fanfic by KimbaTheWhiteLion66 Chapter 5:The Return of Discord? “You mean to tell me THAT is the God of Chaos and Disharmony?!” Said the little filly. She had not seen the all-powerful malevolent being that had caused a great amount of confusion and anarchy when he broke free last September, only the statue. “Yes! This is him! But he’s......an infant! And Twilight Sparkle and her friends turned him to stone with the Elements!” Said the princess, not knowing what to think of this. Could this be the return of utter chaos and inconsistency? How exactly did Discord get free? These were only just a few of the thoughts that were rushing through Celestia’s head at the moment. “Isn’t he supposed to be in the royal garden?!” Said Twilight, equally confused and alarmed. “How could he have gotten free? Were the Elements not enough?” She paced back and forth, trying to come up with some logical conclusion that would explain all this. Due to this new discovery, it would have to stay a secret, otherwise, everyone would panic and act like it was the end of the world, considering the pain and suffering the chaotic god caused with his......”Games”. “I didn’t know! I’m sorry!” Said Apple Bloom, hiding her face in embarrassment, feeling like she should have known this. “I thought I could get my Cutie Mark taking care of babies! I don’t want a Cutie Mark for causing the End of The World! What would that even look like?!” She said, pondering this. “Don’t worry about it little filly, everything will be fine.” Celestia said, assuring the young pony with a hug with her wing. “You didn’t know, so you’re not in trouble.” “Still! What do we do Princess? How are we supposed to take care of a baby! I can’t! He’d mess up the libary and might be seen by other ponies visiting!” Said Twilight, still pacing. She knew the library wouldn’t be the best place for the God of Chaos, especially a baby God of Chaos. She didn’t know too much about babysitting, she focused more on history, mathematics and the arcane arts, along with anything else that may come up. There was rarely anything Twilight didn’t have a book for, considering she lived in a library. “There’s no way I’ll be able to take care of him! Somebody will find out eventually!” Said Apple Bloom, upset and antsy over the whole ordeal. “I’ll care for him.” Said Celestia, coming to the decision that this was the only thing that could be done until she found out what in the wide world was going on. Never had it crossed her mind that she would take care of a baby, especially her mortal enemy, Discord, of all things. She knew of his chaotic and playful nature, she couldn’t imagine how he was as an infant. “Are you sure Princess?” Asked Twilight, wondering how she would go about doing this. “Yes, I am sure my student. If there is anyone who should be caring for him, it would be me. It’s too dangerous to allow anyone else to care for him without keeping it a secret for long.” Said Celestia. She had no idea how this was going to turn out, but she was confident that she could do it. She was worried however. “When I get back to the castle I’m checking the royal garden for the statue. For all we know, this could be one of his twisted mind games.” She said as she slowly walked up to the cause of all this hysteria. The infant Discord looked at the princess, before giggling at her. “Well, he is cute.....This won’t be so bad......AH!” She said as she was hit with something that was yellow and liquid. The attacker giggled, amused by this. “On second thought, this is going to be interesting.” Said Celestia, disgusted that she was just urinated on by her mortal enemy. Indeed, it was going to be interesting. But for all she knew, it could be a wonderful change of pace. > Princess Celestia, the Babysitter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mother Celestia A fanfic by KimbaTheWhiteLion66 Chapter 6:Princess Celestia, the Babysitter “Ahh.....” was the sound the sun princess made as warm shower water hit her. She was trying to get rid of the scent of her worst enemy’s bodily fluids. This was just great, her attempt at having a relaxing day was ruined by the one she least expected:Discord, a baby version of him, nonetheless. “Princess, are you sure you’ll be ok taking care of him by yourself? I can look for some books on caretaking if you’d like! Though I don’t know if I have any books about baby draconequus........” Twilight said, trailing off. It had been a strange day for her. What was originally looking for Apple Bloom turned into the discovery of the God of Chaos being released from his prison, but as a baby. Celestia had made sure to check the garden, it wasn’t there, so the baby here, sitting on her pillow, was Discord himself. “There is no need to stress yourself out, Twilight Sparkle. I have everything under control” She said, trying to sound rather confident. She was actually very nervous and worried about how this would turn out. She hadn’t seen any anomalies like chocolate rain, cotton candy clouds, floating buildings, buffalo dancing around in ballerina dresses and most importantly, the Elements were still in their proper place, locked away with an enchantment that only Celestia herself could break. Meanwhile, the baby draconequus was enjoying himself, conjuring up mini-cotton candy clouds and drinking the chocolate milk from them and eating the cloud afterwards. This was making a mess of Celestia’s bed, which she didn’t know yet. She wouldn’t be all to pleased about it, but she’d be more pleased than being urinated on again. Nothing felt more embarrassing to her than being sprayed with her enemy’s urine. Just then, the shower water was turned off and the sound of the princess getting out of the shower to get dried off and her royal wear back on. She wondered why she bothered wearing it, she was in her own room. At first it was kinda heavy, but over time she got used to it and it became another one of her daily routines. (“Oh well”) She thought. (“At least I’ll have something to entertain me.”) She opened the shower room door and walked out, her mane still soaking wet and down. Twilight Sparkle couldn’t help but smile warmly. “I’ve never seen your mane down.” She said, looking at the wet, droopy mane of her mentor. Indeed, usually her hair was enchanted with the power to flow freely, which gave off a more regal appearance. Not many ponies knew how it worked or had the mane length to get the full effect. “Well, it’s not very often you see me right after I’ve taken a shower.” Celestia said with a soft giggle. She then turned her head and noticed the mess Discord was making of her bed. This made her groan in annoyance. If this were some other baby, she wouldn’t be this annoyed and disgruntled, but considering it was Discord, who she didn’t exactly have fond memories of, especially when he broke free and tried to take over her kingdom that she fought him for long ago. “I’m sorry Princess! I really am! I should have stopped h-” She said, before being silenced by her mentor. “Everything is alright, it’s just a bed. It’s not like he broke anything irreplaceable” Celestia said, turning away for amount to hide the grimace on her face at the concept. She then turned back and smiled warmly. “So, my faithful student, you may go now. If there is anything you may need feel free to inform me.” She said as she walked to her door and opened it for Twilight. “Thank you Princess, I’ll be sure to let you know if I find out anything” Twilight said as she exited the room. Celestia turned around and jumped a bit; Discord was floating right in front of her face. The little baby draconquus giggled, then smiling mischievously. “Oh no, you are NOT peeing on me again.” She said, very firm. The Discord giggled innocently, looking confused. That wasn’t his intention. “What is it that you’d like to do now? I guess I’m your mother, for now. “ She said as she looked around. The baby pointed towards a closet and tilted his head. The sun princess became a little nervous. “I don’t have anything in there for you. As a matter of fact, I don’t have any toys for you. I should probably do something about that.” She said, sighing shortly thereafter. “Perfect thing to walk up to one of my servants and say, ‘Hey, can I have some baby toys?’ That will go over well. I pray to the powers that be that this never gets out to the rest of Equestria.”