• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 740 Views, 3 Comments

The Blood Stains the Grass - One Twisted Brony

A terror from the past finds its way into Equestria.

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Chapter 3

Pluck. Pluck. One by one, Junebug picked the prettiest daisies in the field, putting them in her saddlebags. Of course, there were a lot of them, she definitely would be here for a while if she were to pick them all. Fortunately, all she needed were the best ones. Concentrating, she scanned the field, searching for only the most beautiful ones. Finally, she spotted a nice patch of daisies. She was about to approach the patch, but then she stopped. The patch was right on the edge of the Everfree Forest. However, after much thought, she decided that she would take a risk and pick them: they were very beautiful, after all.

A few moments later, Junebug stopped in front of the daisy patch. With acute precision, she scoped out the prettiest flowers. It was hard to choose, for they were all eye-catching. "Ah, this one looks beautiful!" Junebug exclaimed, extending a hoof to grab a bright, almost-glowing white flower. Once again, though, she stopped. Something caught her eye from far away, and it wasn't a flower.

50 feet away from Junebug, something caused the trees to shudder and the pond to ripple. It had some sort of uneven pattern, like giant footsteps. Suddenly, four trees on the edge of the forest shook tremendously, as something massive pushed its way out of the forest. Junebug froze as soon as she saw it. A massive reptillian head, easily biggger than a full grown mare, emerged through the trees, blood dripping down its muzzle, staining the grass. It had massive teeth that jutted out of its mouth, much like that of an alligator. Its eyes were golden with a black slit for pupils. The beast continued to extend out from the trees, revealing that the head was attached to a thick neck, which continued to a broad torso with ridiculously small arms. Its legs were surpprisingly avian, like a chicken. Fiinally, it ended with a long, thick tail.

For what seemed like hours, Junebug stood frozen, paralyzed with fear, analyzing what she just witnessed. The monster swung its head from left to right, looking around, when its head finally stopped, snout pointing in Junebug's direction. Its reptillian eyes seemed to pierce Junebug's soul. Finally, Junebug turned and ran. She had no idea where to go; Ponyville was quite far away, further than she could run, but it was worth a try. Behind her, she heard a bloodcurdling roar, followed by rapid, earth-shaking footsteps. She dropped her saddlebags, for she could run faster without them. However, it did not do much good. The tremors rapidly became closer and closer. After a few minutes of sprinting, she could run no longer. She slowed down, almost to a complete stop. "HELP!!!" She shrieked. "PLEASE HEL-"

Junebug's scream for assistance was cut short. She felt an extreme pain in both flanks, and felt her hip instantly disintegrate under tremendous pressure. She let out an ear-shattering scream of pain and horror. She felt herself being lifted up, up, up, until finally being suspended in air. She felt a large, wet tongue working its way up her belly. Tears streaking down her face, she furiously punched the thing's snout with her forelegs, but to no avail. She could have sworn she heard the thing chuckle at her futile attempts to save herself. The tongue reached her chest, then past it to her chin, where it draggged her further into its deep mouth. When she was fully inside, she heard the jaws snap shut. Between sobs, she screamed out, "PLEASE, HELP ME!" She knew no one could hear her. She then broke down into a crying fit. This was brief, though. The crying turned into panic as she realized she couldn't breathe. After two minutes of hard gasping, she slipped into unconsciousness, then slipped down the Rex's throat and into his stomach.

The Rex, satisfied with his meal, turned and walked back to the forest. He realized something about these small creatures: they had a different taste. They were very sweet, almost like candy....

Comments ( 3 )

This story is very shallow. I like it:pinkiehappy:hope you continue

Interesting so far. I'm also writing a story similar to this one.

Comment posted by Mr Wool deleted Dec 12th, 2012
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