• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 740 Views, 3 Comments

The Blood Stains the Grass - One Twisted Brony

A terror from the past finds its way into Equestria.

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The sun beats down on an open meadow. It is midday. A herd of triceratops graze on large ferns and tall grass, as three pteranodons circle the skies above, searching for a carcass, or a sickly animal, to eat. In other words, it is another plain day in the prehistoric meadow. In the trees, however, a storm is brewing, for a pair of large, reptilian eyes pierce the treeline, scanning the area for potential prey. It is a tyrannosaurus rex. However, this particular rex is different. The rex is large, obviously, because all rexes are large when full grown. However, this one is a bull, and seems more muscular than the average bull tyrannosaurus. But there are things about this particular rex that cannot be seen at first glance. it seems smarter that most T. rexes, watching the triceratops herd closely, searching for the eldest or most sickly one, evaluating their every move. Also, this rex is far more aggressive than any average rex. The rex is quite old, and while he should be in a group of two or three rexes, he prefers being on his own, and even attacks his own kind. He has killed at least 5 other bulls in the past, and on several occasions, killed potential mates. This rex will never mate. But, he will always kill.

The rex has found his prey. He has singled out a large, old triceratops. He would use his method for killing large prey: ambush and chase the herd; get them stampeding, focus on the intended victim, separate the victim from the rest of the herd, then finally attack and kill. He snorted, and scraped the ground with his foot. He then leapt out of the treeline and emitted an ear-shattering scream, which instantly sent all animals within a three-and-a-half mile radius running. The triceratops herd charged away at full speed. With no time to spare, the large T. rex started to sprint behind the herd, his gaze locked on the old and wrinkly three-horned triceratops. Naturally, the slowest triceratops stayed at the back, while the faster ones continued to escape. However, the eldest triceratops, the rex's target, was the slowest, and was unfortunately the one farthest behind. The rest of the herd escaped, but the old beast kept running, but to no avail. The rex was now running alongside the triceratops' right flank. Without hesitating, the rex lunged at the triceratops, and scored a hit. He grabbed hold of the triceratops' right-front leg, and, with a mighty pull, tore it clean off. Blood and sinew sprayed from the severed limb and the empty socket. The old beast bellowed and collapsed mid-run, panting. The rex stopped as well. He placed a three-toed foot on the squirming animal's side, and pushed his mouth around his prey's neck. He slowly squeezed the neck, gradually adding pressure, as if to torture his prey. Eventually, a sickening SNAP! could be heard, and the squirming stopped. The rex reared his head and triumphantly roared, as if celebrating his kill. The grass was covered with blood. The rex decided to eat his fresh carcass, but just as he reached down to pull some meat off his prey, a large void appeared into thin air in front of his food. Startled, the rex jumped back, squawking. He was afraid of the portal that had just appeared, but at the same time, he was oddly drawn to it, curious of it. He climbed over his mountain of flesh, and only meant to sniff the thing. But, the next thing he knew, he was flying through a long tunnel of light, roaring and flailing his limbs as he flew. Then his mind went blank.

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The rex opened his eyes. He had no sense of how long he was unconscious, but it did not bother him for long. What did bother him was his hunger. Of course, he was never NOT hungry, but he was hungrier than normal; he never did get to eat his kill, which was nowhere in sight. He glanced around. He did not recognize this forest, but he knew that where there are forests, there are animals, so he started to walk through the forest to find suitable food.

The rex had been looking for food for no more than 3 minutes, when he heard a loud hiss from his left side. A creature he had never encountered before stood 20 yards away from his position. It was smaller than him, but still quite large. The creature was a lion with a scorpion tail and bat wings. The rex turned to face his opponent. He stared at the manticore and stomped both feet three times, while roaring. this meant that he accepted the challenge. The manticore lunged at the rex, who quickly dodged it by jumping to the right. The manticore swiped at the rex, hissing and roaring. The claw managed to slice a wound on the dinosaur's face, from his eye crest to the bottom of his jaw. It only increased his rage. Using the fueled anger from the new wound, the rex grabbed hold of the manticore's tail. The manticore screamed in pain. The rex planted a foot on the manticore's back to hold it down. Easily, he pulled off the tail. The manticore hollared so loud that even the rex flinched.

The manticore was in shock. All it could do was collapse and twitch its limbs. This opened a window of opportunity for the rex. Using all his strength, the rex picked the manticore up in his mouth, shook him side to side like a ragdoll, and threw it against a large tree. The manticore was near unconscious and emitted an occasional moan. The rex decided he would have some fun with this one. He decided that he hated this thing so much that he would dismember it, keeping it alive until each limb was eaten. He started by ripping off the wings. The manticore screamed and slashed at the air, barely missing the rex's throat. He decided not to take any risks. Next he removed an arm and swallowed it whole, which was difficult, because the manticore was trying desperately to kill the rex. When the manticore tried to slash with the other arm, the rex simply caught it in his mouth and ripped it off, swallowing it, just like the last one. The manticore was near unconscious. The rex easily removed the legs and ate them as well. By this time the manticore was surely dead. The rex decided he had his fun, so he simply left the carcass where it lay at the edge of the forest.

The rex continued to forage for food, but he decided to do something different. The rex left the forest and entered a clearing with small wooden benches, trees with red fruit in them, and a winding trail, with strange, small creatures playing in the distance.