• Published 11th Oct 2014
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Spike: Lord of Disharmony and Chaos - Kaliann25

Discord thinks is time for his retirement, but he needs to name a replacement first. Spike knows very well the Mane 6, specially certain Alicorn Princess. Who’s best to make their lives impossible?

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Spike: lord of Disharmony and Chaos

Spike: Lord of Disharmony and Chaos

“Morning Spike” said Twilight awaking her little brother as every morning. “Let’s go, there’s a lot to do and it’s a beautiful day”

Spike groaned a little but after yawning he smiled in good mood as always.

“Ahum… good morning Twi, what do you want for breakfast?”

“Just my oats and coffee as always; thank you Spike” smiled the purple alicorn. “The table is already set so I’m taking a shower, okay?”

Spike nodded happily and started the same morning routine as always. Even if they lived in a Castle now, the things haven’t changed that much for them; especially because Twilight barely used the giant edification. As they didn’t have royal servants, they agreed to lock all the rooms they didn’t use except for long visits or special occasions. But normal days as that one they used almost the same space as they used at the old library. The only significant change: Spike had his own room now but that was it.

“And what’s on the agenda today, Twi?” Asked Spike after finishing his jewel cereal at one bite.

“Same as yesterday Spike: classify the books that arrived Sunday in order to re-open the library as soon as possible”

Spike nodded and sighed. He didn’t like the librarian work but still he was happy to help Twilight. And it could be worst, he could be under a tower of paperwork as Twilight; now than she was officially a Princess she had a lot more to do ruling the Kingdom.
And after finish their morning coffee, the siblings started their chores.

After two hours of boring classification of the new books, Spike ended in a chair completely exhausted.

“I wish there’s a way to finish this faster” complained the small dragon a little desperate for being in that small room for too long.

Still he took another book when the weird things started to happen. At his claw’s contact, the book flew by itself followed for the others and entered in the bookshelf by its own. And also the quill started to fill the library archives without Spike’s intervention at great speed.
And of course Spike’s reaction was the most logical in a situation as that: to scream in fear. Immediately, the magic stopped and everything that was flying went straight to the floor. Spike gulped and began to clean, but at least everything was normal now. And luckily Twilight was so busy with her own chores than she didn’t notice the chaos explosion on her home.

When the purple dragon finished to clean, he was calmed already. Discord had stayed with them a couple of times and each time the annoying guy hided a prank with an invisible trigger for the first fool who activate it.

“Yeah. That’s right; just another of Discord’s pranks. Everything is cool Spike. Besides his prank helped this time”

In fact, even if he had to clean, the prank helped him to end faster.
The dragon took his chance and knowing that Twilight will charge him with more chores if she noticed he was finished already, he decided to wander around the town to enjoy his free time.
Like Twilight said: that was a beautiful day in Ponyville. Having a few bits, Spike decided to spend it at Bon Bon’s who had the best homemade candy of all Equestria. It was a shame there was always a great line in her local but still Spike was in good mood.

“Discord, always Discord” he thought out loud. “I wish this line wasn’t so long. Uf! I really want a candy, the most delicious candy of all the world and of all times. Something so good that the other candies and sweets can never compare with”

Still on his daydream, Spike took a rock and though to throw it away as a distraction but just in front of him, the rock turned into something else. The texture was sticky and soft… and it was brown now? What was going on? Spike smelled the rock, noticing it wasn’t a rock anymore but a candy. Spike gulped and to make sure he wasn’t crazy, tasted the candy.

Unbelievable! That candy was so good than the rest of the candies (even Bon Bon’s or Pinkie’s) seemed so inferior now. Where that marvel came from? Still he didn’t care, just enjoyed the delicious discovery walking away of the line.
Luckily for him Spike was the last one and the rest of the ponies were too busy devouring Bon Bon’s candies on their minds.

“Oh, man! I wish I have more of that candies” complained Spike resting against a tree.

The tree shacked and something landed on Spike’s head. The dragon looked down only to find another of that candies. Beginning to freak out Spike examined carefully the tree; it was completely covered with that strange candies. What on Equestria was going on?

“Come on, get down! Anypony can see you up there!”

Again, the tree shacked and the candies landed before Spike, who thanked Celestia anypony else saw it and devoured it all. Seriously, what was wrong with him?

“Having fun kid?” asked a voice behind him.

Spike turned to see the draconequs.

“I knew it! It was you who were messing with me since the beginning. Ha-ha, very funny Discord. Now don’t you have any other pony to annoy?”

Discord began to laugh.

“So do you really think I was the one messing with you, Spike? Well you are half right, half. In fact I have to talk to you, are you free now?”

Spike grumped but nodded knowing Discord won’t leave him until he accepts, so the being clacked his fingers and teleported them to an empty space. Nothing, absolutely nothing in kilometers. It was the weirdest place ever and Spike was really scared this time.

“Where I am?” Asked Spike scared.

“This place is called Between Worlds” said Discord. “My home”


Discord clacked his fingers again, sending away the mist that surrounded them showing they were in a kind of hall with hundred (or thousands) of doors on it.

“You see Spike: I create Disharmony and Chaos not only because I enjoy it; because also I’m getting paid for that. Every eternity, I receive my paycheck from Mr. Boss, the highest authority in the multiverse. He create the matter and energy for the world and we the employees gave it the form he indicates us and take care of the creation”

Spike shivered.

“So this Mr. Boss is the unique and only God?”

Discord nodded.

“Yes but he prefers Mr. Boss if you don’t mind. He manage the multiverse as a business for something, you see. Like I said, I’m getting paid for do what I do. Same as Celestia, Luna, Chrysalis and all the other governors of all the worlds. But don’t tell anybody, is a secret for the mortals.

“Then why are you telling me?” asked Spike.

Discord make his beard to grow like a kilometer, appeared some glasses on his head along with a cane on his lion paw.

“Because I’m not getting any younger Spike. In fact, I’ve being working for Mr. Boss by six thousand eternities and I’m tired, really tired; so I think is time for my retirement. Because all my eternities of service I have a juicy pension waiting for me but my contract specifies I have to name a replacement first”

Spike gulped when he began to understand.

“So you’re telling me that I…”

Discord make appear Pinkie’s party cannon and shoot Spike with the confetti.

“Congratulations! Congratulations young Spike! You’re the new lord of Disharmony and Chaos! The reason you had such a crazy morning was that I transferred you my powers while you were sleeping”


Discord nodded smiling.

“That’s right little buddy, you got the great prize! Now you can materialize whatever you want whenever you want. Remember this morning? Everything that happened to you answered to your wishes. You lost control and that’s why the library fiasco but once you accept your new status as a lord of Chaos everything will be fine”

“But…! But…! But I’m a great friend of the Elements of Harmony, I can’t be the lord of Disharmony and Chaos!”

“Of course you can!” Smiled Discord sitting in a couch that came out of nowhere and making appear a cup of brandy. “That’s why you’re perfect for the job: you know them very well, so that’s make you the best to make their lives impossible. Besides Chaos is as important as Harmony; because can’t exist one without the other. The reason Mr. Boos created my job is because that’s the way it have to be”

“But… but I don’t even know what to do! I haven’t had a training or something, I don’t know where to start”

Discord yawned drinking the cup and leaving the brandy, a classic one.

“This morning was your training Spike. You have to power to materialize your wishes, any kind of wishes. Your limit is your imagination. My position is simple, I only have three limitations: don’t kill, don’t mess with free will and never touch directly the Elements of Harmony. That’s why I only hide them when I want to create Chaos”

Spike was still shocked.

“But… but…”

“Seriously, stop that kid” asked Discord. “Think about it, my position is simpler than Celestia’s or Luna’s. That’s why the Princess of the Sun is taking her time to train her replacement, because her work is really hard. By the way, don’t tell Twilight; know her teacher’s true intentions will crush her little pony heart. But back to our business, we just have to be creative, the magic come by its own”

Looking that Spike was finally calming, Discord make appear paper and quill:

“Here, sign here Spike. You have the potential to be a great lord of Chaos”

Spike took the contract and read it carefully. Living with Twilight all that years made him really cautious.

“So if I sign, I’m agreeing to a test week to prove I’m good enough for the job, if I fail I’ll lose all my memories about this”

“That’s right, practically you only have to make a huge prank with your new powers and that’s it. If you have fun, you can accept; if you don’t you only decline and I have to find another replacement. As simple as that”

Again, Discord clacked his fingers and passed Spike a brochure that explained all the details about the position and the test.
Spike thought for a little. If he sign, he only had to pass the week without do anything and that was it. Discord will annoy another one and he could return to his old life. He did it.

“Excellent dear Spike! See you next week to check your results. Until then, have a nice life!”

Said that, the being teleported Spike back to Ponyville.

“Pffs! Who would like this anyway, to be the god of Chaos” chuckled the dragon. “The freedom to do whatever I want with an unlimited power changing everything around me to my favor…”

He better quiet when he realized how amazing that sounded. Still he better ignored the feeling and returned to the Palace.

“There you are Spike!” Said Twilight as soon as he crossed the door. “I told you to make me know when you finish since we have a lot to do. Anyway take this documents and I need you to classify them. Come on, let’s go. You’re my number one assistant for something”

Spike couldn’t protest and soon he was under a pile of documents. Grumping, the small dragon walked to the archives and started to work.

“Great, this will take forever! And precisely today is when the new edition of Power Ponies come! If only I could finish this faster and go purchase my comic…”

And was about to start when he remembered: god-like powers. All he had to do was make the documents classify by their own and go purchase the comic. Discord gave that for an entire week, why not take advantage of it? Concentrating he put his claw in a document and as Discord said, the magic came by its own.

“Amazing! Well, now I have to think in something to sneak without being noticed. Oh, right, I have magic now!

Spike closed his eyes concentrating again and when he opened them, he was at Derpy’s newsstand.

“Spike, you came early” greeted Derpy who didn’t notice how Spike came. “Just in time, I just opened the box of the Power Ponies new edition”

Wasting no time, Spike paid and ran away very happy.

“This is just great, so shame I have to return this power in a week and go back being Twilight’s assistant and…”

He muttered again when he noticed and without saying a word, teleported back home. When he arrived, Twilight was still on her own business. He knocked the door.

“Twi? It’s me, I’m done”

Twilight looked at him surprised.

“Really? That fast?”

Spike nodded shyly.

“You can check if you want”

“No, I trust you Spike” smiled Twilight. “And sorry if I’d being taking so much time from you Spike but your help is really appreciated, and I promise I’ll compensate you for all what you’ve done, okay? As soon as I can have some free time we can go out with the girls or just the two of us if you prefer. In the meantime…”

Twilight looked around the studio and passed Spike a small bag.

“Take this bits. You can buy whatever you want; even invite Rarity to a date as you always say you’ll do one day. Sorry, I really wish to spend more time with you”

Spike just smiled and left Twilight once he thanked her for the extra money. Once at his room, tried to read the comic but he couldn’t concentrate. His eyes were constantly looking at the brochure.

“Well, why the hay no?” He asked giving up and opening the thing.


If you’re reading this, congratulations my friend! Almost anyone can say that was selected to be part of our prestigious company. We have lots of things to discuss, first of all:


As you already know, is to be the new lord of Disharmony and Chaos. I know what you’re thinking: you aren’t evil, why do you have to be the god of chaos? Well my friend, that’s a mistake. No sir, if you’re creative and enjoy humor that makes you the best for the job.


The first one exist to maintain a balance in the universe; Harmony can’t exist without Chaos, such as Chaos can’t exist if there isn’t Harmony. Evil is hurt others deliberately. No, we’re paying you to be a huge prankster, not a tyrant or an abuser. If you want it, you can do it but let me warn you: if you’re evil the Elements will turn you into stone; but if you’re moderate will only block your powers for a limited amount of time.
All this point is clear? Good, let’s discuss about the:


If you accept to work with us fulltime, we guaranty you immortality and an unlimited health insurance. Just make sure to obey the:


Never kill, never mess with free will and never touch the Elements of Harmony. Easy, right? Now about the


Is simple, just make a prank to an entire city. But not any prank, the city have to be in a true pandemonium in order to pass the test. At this point I imagine you already have the test powers so it won’t be a problem for you to create this massive prank. If you want to clean up once you finish go ahead, is the right thing to do, but wait until the supervisor approve your chaos, okay? If you pass, great! You are a god in your world; but if you don’t, no problem. We erase your memory and all the memories in the area you affected and no one loses anything.
You can act alone or select your


This is optional, an agent of chaos is a support, someone to help you to prevent the representatives of Harmony to stop you. They’ll have the powers you decide to give them but again, is optional. Their powers will last all your test week and if you pass you can ask them is they want to keep doing this with you. But if they don’t, okay, we’ll erase their memories as well.

Spike finished reading with a ‘seriously?’ face.

“So this so called Mr. Boss seems more like a crazy student than a god. Agents of chaos, sounds good but who can help me with such thing?” Again, he realized that he was starting to considerate become the new Chaos Lord. “Okay Spike, calm down. Let’s think in something else. I know! Twilight’s journal! That’ll convince me to not become Discord!

And ran to find the notebook to start reading. It didn’t help him, in fact, he realized he was always a side character. Most of the adventures were written by him, but that was it.

“Great, I’m only the secretary. Damn it!”

His eyes went back to the brochure.

“So my agents of Chaos. Who’ll be brave enough to get into trouble with me and in exchange of what?”

A crash against the Palace called his attention, making him to run downstairs as fast as he could.

“What the hay?”

Before them, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were under a pile of metal and wood, the remains of one of Scootaloo’s experimental vehicles: the collective scooter.

“Sorry Spike” said Apple Bloom. “We wanted to get a Cutie Mark as extreme skaters but ended like this trying this thing”

“But next time we’ll made it” said Scootaloo convinced. “More nails and…”

“And if we try something else?” suggested Sweetie. “Spike, do you have any ideas?”

Spike stayed quiet looking at the disaster. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, they were almost as marginated as him in the adventures. They had a little more of presence than him but as Spike, they were condemned to be at their sisters’ shadow forever.

“In fact, yes. I have an idea”

He clacked his fingers cleaning the whole mess at once.

“What was that?” asked the three girls at time.

“You guys have a place we can talk?”

At the next day:

It was a beautiful afternoon in Ponyville: birds were chirping happily, the weather seemed nice and the friends wander as nothing. Nothing could be wrong at a day as that; so even the young fillies and colts were playing at the park with a smile on their faces.

Feather Weight and Rumble were making flying competitions in the sky, but suddenly something called their attention.
A black shadow flew at them at great speed and agility. She was as fast and agile as Rainbow Dash but this pony was short and black.
The colts tried to escape but the shadow were faster and started to follow them without mercy.

“What do you want?” cried Rumble.

“Let’s get separate friend” suggested Feather starting the maneuver.

A good idea, but this new character was so fast that could easily go after one, then change to the other and back to the first one as nothing. There was no escape, and the colts realized too late they were too far from the adults so call for help wasn’t an option. And when both of them stopped, the shadow stopped as well. It was a Pegasus filly, completely covered with a black substance all over her body leaving visible only her eyes that seemed as two magenta lights.
Her wings were twice as big as Celestia’s but those were of course black and make her look as a giant bat.

“Sorry for scaring you guys, I know my appearance doesn’t help me. But I didn’t come to hurt you, in fact…”

The pegasus offered the colts two candies.

“I’m promoting this delicious new treat. Nightmare Night is in five days and my boss want to every young one try this one. Look for us at the trick or treat time!”

The colts exchanged a look and tried what she was offering them. They were equestrians and felt bad for judge that pony only for her appearance. Almost all equestrians think the best of all the others.
They tried the candy, it was heavenly.

“Dude, this isn’t a simple candy” said Rumble,

“I know… how can I call this marvel?” asked Feather.

The black Pegasus simled.

“It is called the candy of all candies. Look at us at Nightmare Night, we’ll have more than enough for everypony”

Said that, she disappeared on the clouds.

“How could we thought bad of her?” asked Feather. “She was a kind promoter”

“I know dude” answered Rumble still enjoying the candy of all candies. “But let’s get down before my brother kill us”

And they landed back to the park where Rumble’s big brother, Thunder Lane were already waiting for them a little upset.

“I told you to not to get that far” he said sternly.

“Sorry bro, we just get too excited about the race” mumbled Rumble.

Thunder smiled. He wasn’t really upset, only was playing his part as big brother.

“I know guys, I had ten too. Anyway let’s go home. Feather, your mom told me to take you home so let’s go”

The boys nodded and started to follow Thunder, chatting happily about ‘stallions stuff’ when at the middle of the way Thunder offered the kids a piece of candy.
The colts of course accepted but something strange happened when they tasted it. It was as delicious as always but this time something has change inside them. After try the candy of all candies this one seemed so inferior and pathetic. No, from that time they won’t eat any other candy again, since they were too far from the perfection of the marvel the black Pegasus gave them.
Of course they ate the candy for courtesy but didn’t enjoy it, something bad was going on.

And weren’t the only ones. All children in Ponyville tried the candy thanks to that mysterious black coated promoters: the Pegasus, an earth pony with light-like red eyes and a unicorn with light-like green eyes.

“It better be good enough to my exquisite taste” said rudely Diamond Tiara to the earth pony. “Because daddy only buy me the best of the bests”

The other just gave the candy and ran away while the rich girl tried the candy getting fascinated immediately. What was going on? Why daddy never gave her a candy as delicious as that?
And there was the other question: who were the promoters? They seemed familiar to the kids but couldn’t identify them clearly. Why offer them such perfect treat only to disappear without a trace?
The effect was devastating, they children stopped eating candy or cake or any kind of sweet. Luckily for Bon Bon and the Cakes, all the ponies liked sugar and the grownups still supported their business but they couldn’t count with the kids anymore. The candy of all candies had a horrible side-effect.

And the kids were waiting and waiting for the Nightmare Night, when they could taste again the marvel known as the candy of all candies. And then it came!
The youth of Ponyville ran ready to have fun during the special night of Princess Luna, who following the tradition came to visit.

“Pipsqueak!” She called her best friend. “Wow, you’re a swamp monster this year! You look very scary. And certainly you gathered tons of candy, you better watch out or your teeth will pay the consequences.”

The boy smiled to Princess Luna.

“Hi Princess, thank you for the advice. Want the candy? Consider this as a tribute to Nightmare Moon”

Luna blinked surprised.

“You’re giving me all your candies? Are you feeling okay, Pip?”

“I’m doing fine Princess, but since I tried the candy of all candies this ones aren’t as good as they used to be. Or they are but I can’t eat them again. Those are inferior treats”

Luna turned to Twilight.

“The candy of all candies? What’s that, Twilight Sparkle?”

The purple alicorn shook her head.

“We don’t know Princess. All the children have being talking about that since Monday but they can’t give us any information. They only talk about how perfect the treat is”

Luna looked at the children, they seemed happy playing at the fair games and such; but they weren’t eating the candy they had. It seemed like the foals didn’t like sugar anymore.

“What’s going on?”

“We don’t understand” sighed Applejack. “I’ve being too busy making the apple fritters to offer the kids but they don’t want them anymore. They accept it by courtesy but just don’t eat them”

“And none of them let me try the candy of all candies” cried Pinkie Pie. “I want to know the candy that beat mine, this isn’t fair”

“But you’ll ruin your Nightmare Night” said Fluttershy shyly.

“I wouldn’t worry if I were you” said Rainbow devouring the fritters she won at Applejack’s stand. “The kids are eating healthier since they can’t eat normal sweets any more”

Rainbow was right but still Twilight felt something was very bad with the whole situation.

“This isn’t a joke, I smell something fishy”

Spike by his way spied the clock, it was almost time. His week will end at midnight and he spent it all planning that moment that will determine if he was worth to be the next god of chaos.

“Twi, I’m going to see the games. See you later”

“Go ahead Spike, have fun” said Twilight still thinking about the situation.

The dragon quickly ran to a private spot where he met with the CMC. Exchanging a look, they nodded and disappeared in a dark alley. Everything was set, now it was time to act.

“Thanks for this girls” said the dragon. “You don’t know how much you’re helping me”

“No prob, Spike” said Apple Bloom. “Even if we don’t get our Cutie Marks doing this thing, it will be really fun”

Then her eyes turned bright red and a black substance covered her entirely just as her friends. Again they turned into Spike’s chaos agents.

“Good luck, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo” wished Spike.

“Thank you Spike, but in this form a’m not Apple Bloom. A’m Shadow Bloom”

“And I’m Sweetie Black”

“And last but not least, ScootaDark. The coolest name of all”

Spike chuckled and clacked his fingers, turning from a purple scaled dragon with green belly and spikes into a black scaled dragon with purple belly and spikes. Even his eyes changed to two weird looking purple lights.

Now it was time to act; the night seemed nice enough when a black shadow crossed the skies. The children jumped excited, they recognized the strange promoter.

“Kids of Ponyville!! As we promised I have for you… THE CANDY OF ALL CANDIES!”

The kids cheered in excitement while the adults were mumbling this was a kind of marketing strategy; a good one so far.
The Pegasus continued:

“We have plenty of candy, waiting for you in the school”

More cheers from the children.

“But to make things interesting, the first one to come we’ll be blessed with a life-time dotation of candy of all candies”

Even more and more cheers.

“And to make this even better… HOCUS POCUS!”

ScootaDark extended her hooves, the sign Spike was waiting for. He quickly clacked his fingers causing the master effect. Every child in Ponyville turned into the costume they were wearing.
Soon they weren’t children anymore; only monsters, superheroes, Princesses and such.
ScootaDark make her final announcement:

“This will end as soon we run out of candy so you better hurry”

The stampede began, causing general panic and chaos, lots of chaos. Dinky Daring Doo were fighting with the swamp monster Pipsqueak to get the candy, but weren’t the only ones. The mane-iac Silver Spoon were attacking the Ponyjins Snips Poku and Snails Ponyta while Diamond Tiara Celestia were tormenting the Power Ponies with her sun powers.
Chaos, pure chaos.

“This is what I thought, let’s go get the Rainbow Powers” said Twilight running to her Castle followed by her friends and Princess Luna.

The night Princess weren’t thinking in interfere since they were facing foals but still now than Pip wasn’t Pip anymore she didn’t have anything better to do.

Once at the Palace Twilight took the chest and opened it ready to fly and stop the enemy. But they purifying aura didn’t affected the chaos.

“I suppose that means we have to face the responsible of this first” mumbled Applejack.

They arrived at the school, where the black coated ponies were waiting for them already.

“Good evening” said Shadow Bloom. “The guests of honor arrived”

“Let’s introduce ourselves, okay girls?” Asked Sweetie Black. “We serve the lord of Disharmony and Chaos”

“And we’re here to stop you from stop him” finished ScootaDark landing behind her friends.

“Discord?” said Fluttershy without believing it.

“Let’s be honest sugarcube, this has his signature” said Applejack.

“Yes but he came too far this time” said Rarity.

“Enough chatting, let’s fight!” Said Rainbow Dash getting ready.

The girls just shrugged and continued with what they were doing: set things ready when the kids arrive.

“You don’t want to fight us?” asked Pinkie confused.

“Don’t have to. Look” said Sweetie Black pointing to north.

The girls turned but they didn’t see anything, only a huge scandal approaching. Rainbow was the first one in understand when she saw the first wave of children coming at them,


The crazy group of monsters, heroes, Princesses and such arrived at once, and taking her chance; Shadow Spoke.

“Ey, they don’t want us to give you the candy!”

“Crap” mumbled Twilight.

Effectively, the group suddenly attacked the Mane 6 possessed by the desire to eat more of that delicious candy and the possibility the adults won’t let them. And considering they were confronting foals, the girls didn’t even tried to fight. They only get swallowed by the mass of disguised children.
In the middle of the confusion, Shadow Bloom took one of the candies,

“And that’s why A’ never tried one of this! Imagine how horrible will be the life without candy!”

“True” mumbled Sweetie looking at her sister trying to get away from the mass.

“Let’s get out of here before they kill us; or worst: figure how we really are and ground us for life!”

Agreeing, the girls get lost into the crowd.

When it was finally over and the children realized they were out of candy and there was no one to name the winner, they returned to their homes a little disappointed but commenting that was the best Nightmare Night ever.
At the school only stayed the humiliated and defeated Mane 6. Whoever did that, was going to pay. No matter if they had to wait for decades, somepony was going to pay for that night!
And returned to the Castle, without talking because of the irritation.

At the castle only one person was waiting for them, laughing like there was no tomorrow: Discord.


Twilight took the creature by the neck, possessed by a murderous fury.


Discord keep laughing, shrugging; but then Fluttershy arrived using her Stare:

“DISCORD! I thought you were reform, why? WHY YOU DID THIS TO US?”

Now calmed by force thanks to the Stare, Discord sighed.

“Calm down Fluttershy, you had a bad night, that’s it. Besides I didn’t do it!!

“If you weren’t who was?” asked Applejack.

Discord again used his elder disguise.

“I’m not a young boy anymore my friends; and once you are as old as I am you start to think about the future. Tonight is the night girls, my retirement night!”

“WHAT?” Shouted all the girls, at once; Luna included.

Discord looked at Luna.

“You know the rules dear Luna, if I want to retire I have to name a replacement first. This chaos was his test, and he passed it with honors. It’s time of a new era of chaos with a whole new lord of chaos”

Fluttershy couldn’t believe it; none of the other mares. This was for real.

“So you’re leaving?” asked the yellow Pegasus.

Discord nodded sadly.

“That’s how the things have to be, dear Fluttershy. But don’t worry, as a retired elder I have tons of free time; I’ll pay you some visits. But the chaos isn’t my task anymore”

“So who is going to pay for this?” Asked the still angry Rarity.

Discord only opened the door letting Spike in. The girls gasped when they saw him completely black.

“Spike! What happened with you?” Asked Twilight worried.

Spike giggled and make appear a floating throne, where he sat and started to eat gems.

“Nothing Twi, really. Only my old appearance didn’t fit the new lord of Disharmony and Chaos”

Again, the girls shouted:


“As you heard” said Spike proudly. “I’m the new lord of chaos, but don’t worry. Chaos doesn’t mean evil. In fact, chaos is as important as harmony”

“What are you saying Spike?” Asked Twilight trembling.

“He’s right, Twilight Sparkle” said Luna. “It can’t be harmony if there isn’t chaos, that’s the true nature of our world”

Anyway, Rainbow didn’t have time to philosophy; she only charged at Spike with all she had, but the dragon reacted fast and clacked his fingers again.
Rainbow got stuck on a giant piece of jelly.

“Sorry Rainbow but I was only doing my job” tried to calm her Spike. “It was only a joke, that’s my job: to mess with you. Is a shame but it’s my role now and I like it”

“True” said Discord again giving Spike paper and quill. “Spike, you did a great job tonight; so you have the position. Sign here”

Spiek obeyed making Discord smile.

“Before I left; tell me Spike: how does it feel like to be a god? A minor god I mean…”

“Amazing” said Spike with a grin.

“I know. Because that’s how I feel daily!” Laughed the ex-chaos lord before disappear.

Spike turned to the girls.

“So that’s how the things are now” he said. “I hope my job doesn’t ruin our friendship but I have to keep creating this disasters”

The girls grumped but Luna giggled happily.

“Very well, I have to inform Tia about this. Spike: good luck being our new enemy. If you and your people can create more disasters like this, we won’t get bored anymore”

Spike smiled proudly, he felt so good now than Discord chose him.
But in other side of Ponyville, three fillies examined their recently obtained Cutie Marks: a black apple, a black music note and black bat-like wings.


Author's Note:

This is the end, I thought about this as a story for the Nightmare Night but with a twist. What do you think? Do you enjoy it?
As the rest of my stories I have an Spanish version you can find in the description and also a serialized sequel.

Read ya later!!

Comments ( 28 )

Make the sequel English

Not bad, but I must confess there were a few errors overall in terms of grammar. Now, I can't say I'd be up for pointing them out in a review, but I could go for a more comprehensive editing later if you'd like. I'd recommend PMing me if you'd like me to do so, I'll then give you my email, you send a copy over, I'll do what I can and send the revised one back. Overall, it's pretty good, and a nice romp for the coming Halloween.

Spelling errors everywhere... But the story has promise, try to find someone who can clean up after you or teach yourself to do so. :applejackunsure:

make an english copy of the sequel please

You should translate the sequel to english

plz make the sequel english and on here

OH MY BUCKING GOD I CANT STOP LAUGHING XD. IT HURTS MY SIDES XD I t hink I almost passed out there. This is a FANTASTIC story. This story is totally gg onna be in my top 3 stories.

i like it, but i would have kept spike incorgnito at the end, and have the mane 6 to struggle in figuring out who is the new lord of chaos.

well we're screwed the CMC is now able to do.... well yeah this could be the end of the world because of them T_T

Spike: lord of Disharmony and Chaos, has a nice ring to it. I honestly wish they would go in a direction like this in the show: since they pretty much don't know what to do with him, some fans would don't really like him(FOR SOME REASON), and he doesn't really seem to be going anywhere, this would be a nice way to write him out of the mane cast, but still give him a pleasing end. Also, THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS AGENTS OF CHAOS AND DISHARMONY!!!!!!!!!!!!! So in other words, nice job.

This was really good! Funny and creative. Can't wait to read the sequel.

Well, I guess that was pretty fun. A little hard to read in some places though.

oh my lord that last line is TERRIFYING!

Behold the king, the King of Chaos.


They're bucked.

I don't understand this line/what are they supposed to be? (the Ponyjins Snips Poku and Snails Ponyta)

Its a great idea, i sure will cast a look at the sequel:moustache:

You know, a few years ago I toyed with the idea of a cycle of Harmony and Chaos in Equestria. Each cycle ending with Chaos being tamed by Kindness and slowly weakening as the next Chaos grew.

Now, there were a lot of other little bits and pieces, but Spike was fated to be the next Chaos. I only got as far as his apotheosis before I scrapped what I had and buried it in a pit with all my other old writing, but I like that I wasn't the only one to think of Spike taking the Mantle of Chaos in Discord's place.

It is a pretty epic Idea

Yeah, just ended up being more than I could handle, especially with how cluttered it was becoming. All the different sidestories and backstories I'd have needed to explain everything. It was... kind of a busy world.

Even just as far as the Main 6 went, Pinkie was an ancient vampire, and Rarity was half changeling. Alicorns came into being when an Element Bearer died, and when one of THEM died their power went to one of the others. Chrysalis was one the bearer of Honesty, and picked up Love after the previous bearer bit the big one, which is how she'd kept her hive completely unknown for so long, she'd been feeding them using that. Until, that is, Cadence took Love when she ascended.

Yeah. It was nutty.

Never kill, never mess with free will and never touch the Elements of Harmony.

I'm pretty sure Discord did at least one of those things

I think Saiyans Goku and Vegeta.

ScootaDark extended her hooves, the sign Spike was waiting for. He quickly clacked his fingers causing the master effect. Every child in Ponyville turned into the costume they were wearing. Soon they weren’t children anymore; only monsters, superheroes, Princesses and such. ScootaDark make her final announcement:

Oh like In treehouse of horror

But in other side of Ponyville, three fillies examined their recently obtained Cutie Marks: a black apple, a black music note and black bat-like wings.


How ya gonna explain that to your sisters?

Over 5 years later, and I still love this story and it's sequel.

nice work:twilightsmile:

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