• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 489 Views, 1 Comments

Heart and Soul - Kanashimi

Incomplete history makes Twilight crazy, this time it makes her feel sick. She needs answers, and Celestia is the only one who can give them. If she is willing to of course.

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The Brain is Not

Twilight stared blankly at the wall. Organizing her thoughts at the end of the day tended to help her stay sane and right now was the perfect moment. Rarity was taking a long shower and Spike had gone to sleep. That left her with the silence of the room. No interruptions, no distractions, no chaos.

Except in her own mind of course.

Twilight realized the room had received a fresh coat of paint, the beds were freshly made, even the floors were shined and the carpets vacuumed.

She suddenly felt very panicky, what if they had set some kind of traps in the room?

‘They wouldn’t do that, they don’t even know we have an idea of what’s going on. Get a grip Twilight’ She smacked herself in the head a few times, before going back to her meditative position.

Twilight wondered if Fluttershy succeeded in her mission. She really wanted to meet this Kagatsuchi, the Princesses seem to value him very highly. Then a strange thought occurred to her, if his country and home had been destroyed, where did he live? The entire Eastern nation was conquered by The War Machine, so he couldn’t have stayed there for long. The only other place he could have possibly ran to was…

“The Everfree forest?! That’s impossible! He couldn’t have survived in there for thirty years!” Twilight shouted out loud without thinking, then covered her mouth. Luckily Spike was a heavy sleeper.

“Twilight? Is something wrong?” The shower shut off and Rarity began to dry herself.

Twilight shook her head, she really needed to get a grip. “Everything is fine Rarity! Sorry!”

She slunk back onto her bed. Her thoughts went right back to her recent discovery. Twilight could not believe he had lived in the Everfree for thirty years straight. Perhaps he went undercover in the Eastern lands a few times? Somehow she doubted that. That would explain part of the reason he was able to give Princess Luna a run for her money, even though she was holding back.

What were the Princesses planning on doing with Kagatsuchi? The ones conspiring against them would definitely make a lot of noise about this if they didn’t play it carefully. She was curious as to how they would play it all out.

The door to the bathroom opened wide letting out all the steam trapped inside. Rarity walked through the cloud looking every bit like the fashionista she was known to be. A fluffy white robe tied around her body, her hair silky and done up so as not to get messed up during the night.

Rarity glided onto her bed and looked over at Twilight. “What were you yelling about before dear? Something on your mind?”

Twilight stared at her friend and wondered if she ever didn’t look graceful. “I’m just, theorizing again. I believe Kagatsuchi lived in the Everfree for over thirty years, and deep in its depths. Not just on the outskirts we are used to.”

Rarities eyes widened. “Now dear, you know the stories they tell of those parts of the Everfree. Trees that actually eat people, entire communities of giant spiders, the Mother of Timberwolves, and on top of all that they say it’s so dark you can’t see your hands an inch away from your face. Tell me, if all the stories about it are true, how would he survive in such a perilous environment?”

Twilight nodded her head, Rarity was right and she hadn’t even gotten to the worst of the rumors. They say there are parts of the Everfree where the ground itself will swallow you whole if you aren’t careful. There were stories Celestia would stop in the middle of because of how terrifying they were, especially since she had been in the midst of it before with Luna. A plant monster so large and cunning, dragons steered clear of it not wanting to be injured or killed. They say necromancers practiced their magic in the swamps, preparing to swallow the world with their army of the dead.

Of course, even this was only scratching the surface of what could really be out there. No one really knew anymore, besides a select few. Such as those who had actually been there.

Rarity sat patiently. She knew how Twilights brain worked better than most of their other friends, she would answer her when ready.

“I have no idea Rarity. Maybe he went around the worst parts?” Twilight sat up on her bed and stretched her arms.

Rarity sat up as well. “Twilight. We both know how easy it is to get lost in those woods. If he was in there for thirty years, don’t you think he would have at least stumbled upon the worst of it once?”

The Element of Magic threw her arms up into the air. “I don’t know Rarity! We would have to ask him to be sure. There is so much theory that could be thrown out it’s impossible to get it right. Perhaps he rode a griffin over to Canterlot.”

Rarity threw back her head and laughed. “Oh Twilight! You really get me sometimes. Yet, you are right. We can only really know if he tells us. Which I doubt he ever will.”

Twilight giggled, Rarity knew she hated not knowing something when she thought it was important. Maybe she could ask the Princesses one day, they seemed to have a way of knowing it all when it came to secret subjects.

“Now my real concern is if Fluttershy succeeded or not. The poor dear must have been scared out of her wits!” Rarity got off her bed, sat next to Twilight and started brushing her hair.

Twilight closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of the brush sliding through her hair. “I disagree. Fluttershy had that look. You know the look she gets when nothing will stand in her way of carrying through with whatever it is she has to do? Remember when she stood up to that dragon? ”

Rarity smiled at the memory, it felt so long ago. “I guess you are right. Fluttershy possesses a power we do not have.”

Twilight shook her head, the brush stopped her motion. “We are all unique Rarity. We just have to recognize our own strengths as much as we recognize each others.”

Rarity smiled. “Oh Twilight! you are such a sweet girl and you don’t even know it!” She wrapped her arms around Twilight and squeezed her against her chest from behind.

Twilights eyes shot wide open and her cheeks were painted a slight shade of pink. “ I’m only telling the truth Rarity. I don’t see how that is sweet.” She had to admit, the position they were in was comfortable.

Rarity began to run her fingers through her hair. “You have such beautiful hair. You must let me experiment with it tomorrow!”

Twilight nodded her head, it was getting difficult to keep her eyes open. Rarity was comfier than the bed. “I wouldn’t mind that. I know you will make it look good.”

“You are being extra flattering tonight Twilight. Are you trying to get something from me?” Rarities voice sounded a hint sultry, but Twilight waved it off and yawned.

“A comfortable place to sleep maybe. We should go to bed Rarity.”

Rarity nodded her head slowly. “I think im fine right here.”

The two of them fell asleep within a few seconds of that conversation ending.


Early the next morning Celestia and Luna were already ready to take a vacation. Like they had predicted, this meeting was getting really loud and tedious.

“Clearly the Princess knows he was mentally unstable when he attacked her! If they think he should be given a second chance, so be it!” One of the women nobles shouted back at High General Whitefire.

“I do not mean to imply that I do not trust the Princesses judgment. But clearly he could still be unstable and I believe Princess Celestia’s judgment is clouded by emotions.” Whitefire’s voice held a charisma very few possessed. Many of the nobles started whispering amongst themselves. “Just because the Element of Kindness deems him worthy of trust means nothing to me. She is still young.”

Luna couldn’t take it anymore and opened her mouth to speak. “You inso-”

Celestia flung a hand out to silence her and then looked straight in Whitefires eyes. “ I will pretend I didn’t hear what you just said. To me it sounds like you desperately want him executed. Why is that I wonder? Could you be hiding something from me, my most trusted general?”

Whitefire did not answer for a few seconds. He stroked his big grey beard and bowed his head toward Celestia.“Of course not your highness. I was simply emotionally concerned for your well being. Now that I look at it you are right, I stepped out of line. But please, consider putting him under confinement at a psychiatric ward for a little while. That is all I wish to say.”

“It is odd. Didn’t his clan, the Moto, get wiped out in the war? Where has he been this whole time?” Coldheart, a recent general promoted by Luna to the position of high general, crossed his arms and sat back in his chair.

“Yes. They all perished in the final battle against the War Machine.” Whitefire answered sorrowfully, stroking his beard.

Luna scoffed. “Except they didn’t. Kagatsuchi still lives. We will decide what to do with him. This meeting is over!”

Both Princesses stood up, signalling to the nobles and generals it was time to leave. No one questioned them and left.

Celestia and Luna walked side by side back to the dining room. The Elements would probably be eating right about now and they needed to speak to them before going to talk to Kagatsuchi.


The royal dining room was filled with noise this morning. The girls immediately bombarded Fluttershy with questions, all except for Rainbowdash of course. Whom instead helped Fluttershy tell her story with a little more color.

Applejack slapped her on the back. “Ahm so proud of you Fluttershy! You took that on like it was nothin.”

“Yeah! Now all we gotta do is make him laugh!” Pinkie jumped into the air in excitement, scaring a passing servant.

Twilight giggled and turned her attention to Fluttershy. “By the way what does he look like? Just out of curiosity.”

Fluttershy looked up at the ceiling, finger poking her chin. “He has Red hair and Yellow eyes. Thats all I can remember.”

The others began teasing Fluttershy on her memory, Twilight did not. She sat still, a cold shiver going up and down her back. That description fit the man in her dream too perfectly. Was it really a prophecy? No that can’t be. It must have been a coincidence, or maybe it was a warning? But from who or what?

Twilight refocused on reality when she felt a hand touch her back. Celestia smiled warmly down at her student. This dispersed all her worries, Twilight relaxed.

Celestia glanced at each one of the girls in the room, Spike was busy eating an extra helping of pancakes. “I hope you girls are enjoying yourselves as much as Spike is.” Spike stopped with a mouth full of pancakes and gave the Princess a sheepish grin.

She laughed. “Twilight will you come with me and Luna to talk with Kagatsuchi? I think you should be there. The rest of you should relax until further notice, go out on the town if you wish. Just be careful, I have a feeling we are being watched.”


Luna led the way into the dungeon, torch in hand. Celestia and Twilight followed behind in these seemingly never ending stone tunnels underneath the castle.

They stopped in front of Kagatsuchi’s cell, he was in a meditative position. Legs underneath him, back straight and eyes closed. He didn’t even flinch when he heard them arrive.

Luna and Celestia looked at each other, nodded, and Celestia entered the cell.

“Celestia?” Kagatsuchi turned his head a little.

Celestia held back some tears, it was long past the time to cry. “Yes. I am here.”

Kagatsuchi turned himself around but did not stand up or look at her face. “Princess I do not deserve to gaze upon you. No apology will make up for what I attempted to do.” He lowered his face to the ground, hands grasping the floor. “I shall accept whatever judgement you see fit. I put my life in your hands in order to repent for trying to take yours unjustly. You may do with it as you see fit.”

Twilight felt tears start to form in her eyes. She looked at Luna to see her also wearing a compassionate expression. How could he be the man in her dream?

Celestia knelt down and gently lifted his head until he was looking her in the eyes. “I should be the one apologizing. I feel completely responsible for what happened to you. Please, do not cry or feel angry any more. Do not fear to show your true potential.” She offered him a hand, he took it and stood up. “The gift I give you is no punishment. It is freedom. You choose what to do with your life. The only thing I will not allow you to do is harm yourself.”

He stood up, expression unreadable. “Your kindness knows no limits Princess. I will never be able to repay you for this chance you have given to me.” Kagatsuchi bowed to her and then straightened himself. “Give me this chance to make a request to Princess Luna and I’m certain you won’t be disappointed.”

Celestia surprised him by embracing him in a tight hug. “The one you should be asking is her not me.” She released him and stepped to the side.

Luna looked him up and down. “What is it you wish to request of us?”

Kagatsuchi stared her straight in the eyes. “Princess Luna please allow me to help you bring justice to those conspiring against you and your sister!”

Luna’s eyes widened, she was taken by surprise. “What?”

“I will do whatever you ask of me. I will throw aside my sword if that is what you request!” His voice resounded throughout the dungeon.

Luna wondered how he knew she was the one who would be in charge of the investigation, while Celestia dealt with the political side.

Luna lifted her chin up. “Swear to us you will not kill without our consent.”

“Of course, I will not do anything like that of my own free will.” He bowed again.

Luna softened her eyes and walked around him. “I accept your request. From now on you will be allowed to assist me with this investigation. But I have one condition.”

Kagatsuchi bowed once again, he almost smiled. “Anything Princess.”

“You must reveal to me this power you possess. That is my first command.” Luna turned to face him again.

Kagatsuchi did not hesitate for one second. “Of course. For the sake of safety I shall only give a small taste of it for now.”

Both Celestia and Twilight raised an eyebrow. Neither of them knew of any special power he held.

Only Luna had seen the signs.

Kagatsuchi lifted his arm as a burst of fire covered his skin. It consumed his entire body, yet he remained unscathed. The torches in the dungeon flared up in reaction to his power.

Twilight opened her mouth.

‘What is he?’

“I am the disciple of the god of fire. In the east it is considered a curse. I personally think of it as a blessing.”

“Impressive. We are excited to see what you can do with this ability in action.” Luna clapped her hands together.

Celestia blinked her eyes rapidly. “You never showed me this before!”

Kagatsuchi put the fire out and swung around to face Celestia. “I never got the chance too.” His gaze wandered down to Twilight. “Are you her disciple?”

All she could do was shake her head.

Celestia giggled. “She and her friends have saved Equestria more than once. Usually she isn’t so shy. That’s Fluttershy’s job.”

Kagatsuchi nodded his head. “ It is an honor.”

After a few moments of awkward silence, for Twilight anyway, she decided to speak up. “So whats your plan? Won’t the ones conspiring against you use this to damage your reputation?” Her eyes gazed up at her mentor.

Twilight hadn’t realized it before but around these three she felt very small. Not just because she was a short skinny girl, but because they all held such a different feel to them than normal Equestrians did. She felt like there was a thick aura surrounding them at all times.

“I have a plan for that.” Luna stepped in the middle of them. The other three listened, nodded their heads, and smiled.


“This city is marvelous, no matter what happens behind closed doors. And this food. Delicious!” Rarity bit into her salad.

She, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie had all gone out to Lunch together. Rainbowdash and Applejack decided to wait for Twilight before catching up with them, just in case she needed someone there.

“Fluttershy what do you think about this whole conspiracy? Do you think it will get dangerous?” Rarity popped a grape in her mouth.

Fluttershy gazed into her soup a long while. Eventually she looked up at Rarity, a glint of concern in her eyes. “I know it will get dangerous. But I am not scared, no matter how strong they are, my friends are stronger. I'm sure of it.”

Rarity smiled as Pinkiepie giggled, she never did understand how Fluttershy could have so much more confidence in her friends than in herself. It was endearing to say the least, and aggravating when she wouldn’t accept anything positive about herself. Fluttershy and Twilight had the tendency to be too humble.

“Excuse me ladies, the Princesses request your presence. We were sent to retrieve you.” Four royal guards stood next to their table. Complete with their signature stony expression and shiny swords.

Pinkie gave them an odd glance, but Rarity waved it off. “Of course sirs. We will return immediately! I do not mean to sound rude but why did she send guards instead of a messenger?”

One of the guards bowed his head. “Princess Celestia thought it too dangerous for you to return alone.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “Oh my.”

The three girls started following the guards back to the castle. At first the three talked about the weather, then it turned into a conversation about what the Princess desperately needed them for. The three were so distracted they hadn’t noticed they were lead into an empty alleyway until it was too late.

Rarities gut told her something was very very wrong. “Excuse me but why have we stopped here? Explain yourselves immediately!”

They were surrounded by four armed guards, none of them answered her. All four guards drew their swords at the same time, the steel shined in the sunlight. Why hadn’t she realized how strange their eyes looked before?

Fluttershy shrank into herself and whimpered. Pinkiepie entered an aggressive stance, growling at them. Rarity got ready to defend herself as well.

“Fluttershy I need you to fly away and get help. We need it. Right now.” Rarity whispered sharply, keeping her eyes on the two in front of her.

One of the guards charged and slashed his sword at Rarity. She yelled and narrowly sidestepped the attack. In the same moment the other guard tried to cut into Fluttershy’s flesh, only to meet the open air. She had already taken off.

Pinkie blasted them with her party cannon, forcing them to back off in surprise for a few moments. They took this as a chance to run away.

Unfortunately the guards were fast, one caught up and stabbed at Pinkiepie’s back. She backflipped over the guard, kicked the next in the neck and rolled away from the third ones slash.

Rarity threw a trashcan at the one following her. He smashed it aside, determined to kill the element of Generosity. His next few attacks fell just inches short of cutting into her flesh.

He charged forward and grabbed her by the arm, a stab shot forward aimed for her chest, and missed.

This was a mistake, she jabbed a finger into his eye and kneed his nether regions. Then she turned around and started running back to Pinkiepie.

Rarity was regretting wearing such a short tight dress today.

Pinkie was giving the three other guards a lot of trouble, her ability to defy logic showing up every so often. She started throwing cupcakes at them to try and keep them away.

Eventually the two of them were backed into a corner, panting heavily. Neither Rarity nor Pinkie had ever experienced a fight in which the other side desperately wanted you dead.

Rarity threw a round house kick aimed at the closest guards instep. This landed and made him stumble a second. Pinkie joined in by jumping on top of his back, flattening him to the ground.

A different guard slashed vertically at her. Pinkie slid backwards out of reach of the blade.

The guards moves looked unrefined compared to the other royal guards. They seemed more sluggish and barbaric as well, not as precise and controlled as the genuine ones.

“Rarity! Their eyes are all white and scary! I don’t think they had enough coffee this morning!” Pinkie yelled desperately as she struggled to pick up a dumpster.

Rarity gasped, she was right.

They no longer had pupils of any kind.

She mustered all of her willpower and threw the dumpster with her magic. It smashed two of the guards into the ground. The other two came at them again, Rarity struggled to try and take their swords away with her magic. But she was not as adept in magic as Twilight was and it failed to work against their brute strength.

Rarity didn’t have enough energy to dodge the guards next attack. The sword swung in a horizontal angle towards her right side, she closed her eyes to prepare to feel the excruciating pain.

Pinkie wouldn’t let that happen. She tackled Rarity to the ground and in exchange the sword sliced into her back. Pinkie let out a sharp cry of pain, blood started soaking the back of her shirt.

“P-Pinkie! Oh goddesses no! Please be alright!” Rarity helped her friend up and they struggled away from the guards, the other two had managed to crawl out from underneath the dumpster.

The four guards closed in, they had no escape. Not with an injured Pinkiepie and an exhausted Rarity.

“Halt!” Two royal guards charged down the alleyway, swords in hand.

Three of the guards whom were after Rarity and Pinkie turned around to join battle with the real royal guards. One of them continued after them.

Unfortunately for that one, Fluttershy swooped down and smashed him in the face with a large stone. He did not move again.

The two royal guards cut, slashed, stabbed, kicked, punched and used their abilities to quickly put down the remaining three. Ones head rolled on the floor, the other two were impaled through the chest and stomach.

“Are you ladies alright?” The sergeant was the first to speak.

Rarity held on tightly to Pinkiepie, who had fainted. “N-no Pinkie is hurt! We need to get her to a doctor right away!”

In that moment one of the supposed dead fake guards got up and slashed the private in the side, he grunted and fell to his knees. The sergeant turned around smashed it with his fist, pulled his blade out of its sheath and slashed through its neck. He then approached the other one that still had its head and took care of that before it could stand.

Fluttershy and Rarity screamed, they had never seen this before. Swords being used for their actual purpose, it was terrifying.

The sergeant checked on the private, who gave him a thumbs up. “I’ll be alright, make sure the young girls are fine sir.”

Sergeant helped him up. “Lets get these two to a hospital. Quick, you with the wings! Fly away and notify the princesses, they will want to see this.”

Fluttershy once again flew away as Rarity and the Sergeant brought Pinkiepie and the Private to the conveniently close by hospital.


“What did you just say?!” Twilight ran over to Fluttershy and grabbed her shoulders.

“W-w-we were attacked and Pinkie got hurt. We were saved by two real guards, one was injured because they got b-back up.”

Luna stepped forward. “We will take care of this. Celestia, do you mind if I bring Kagatsuchi?”

Celestia nodded her head no. Their plan did not call for such cautionary measures, this would be a good test for him afterall. “I will go to the hospital to make sure the two injured are treated correctly. Rainbowdash and Applejack, go with Luna. Twilight and Rarity, come with me.”

Everyone immediately headed out with an urgency they hadn’t felt so far. Luna knew this was a good wake up call to the Elements, they needed to know how serious it could get. It was a test of their resolve.

Comments ( 1 )

Has No one read this? This seems like a good start, you get a like for the purple one not being redundently naive.

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