• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 488 Views, 1 Comments

Heart and Soul - Kanashimi

Incomplete history makes Twilight crazy, this time it makes her feel sick. She needs answers, and Celestia is the only one who can give them. If she is willing to of course.

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Prologue: Peace Never Lasts

One quiet morning in PonyVille, Twilight lay awake after a night absent of rest. Her eyes wide open and body tense, one thought never left her mind.

Peace can not last forever.

She knew this for a fact, she was not naive enough to think it could after reading so many history books. Especially after reading a book about the most recent war, one that took place throughout the Everfree and the Far East.

In the end Equestria suffered many casualties, then the war abruptly stopped. What truly bothered her though, was the lack of details on the war and why it so suddenly stopped. It was like a good book with an ending that left you unsatisfied, with an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach.

What happened to the great warriors of the east they spoke of? The pure blooded humans who, even with limited magic were known for their courage and ability to adapt. And how come after such an abrupt “end”, important Equestrian nobles kept disappearing and popping up dead? How come Celestia had locked herself in her room for a whole month without contacting the outside world?

Twilight hopped out of bed, careful not to wake Spike, and walked down to the main room of the library. She grabbed her robe on the way down, just in case any surprise visitors showed up. AppleJack liked to stop at her house on her way down to the Market, since they were the only two up so early every morning.

She sat at the kitchen table warming her hands on her coffee cup. Twilight wondered if Celestia would give her answers to all the questions floating around in her head. Especially as to why it ended so quickly.

Twilight was convinced Celestia pulled out for the sake of her people, not because the war ended. Also, perhaps Celestia was so upset because of some conspiracy going on in the kingdom? But to think nobles were getting killed in such strange ways, burned alive, sliced in half, hung from the gates, etc… Who could have done that without getting caught?

A loud knock on the door made Twilight jump out of her seat, she laughed at herself. That knock was Apple Jacks. She quickly fixed her hair, pulled her robe closer around herself, and went to answer the door.

“Mornin’ Twi!” AppleJack smiled. “Something wrong?”

The bookworm shook her head. “It’s nothing AJ. I have a lot on my mind is all. Quick come in, I have breakfast ready!” Twilight smiled excitedly.

The two of them walked back into the Library’s kitchen as AJ told Twilight of the new developments back at the farm. GrannySmith woke both AJ and Big Mac yelling about a fire in the west field, it took a full three hours to put it out. Luckily it hadn’t gotten to any of their apple trees, but it had caused a good amount of damage to their property.

“Geeze, I’m so glad no one was hurt. You really are awesome, putting out fires without magic!” Twilight’s eyes shined with admiration.

AppleJack blushed and waved Twilight off. “ Aw shucks Twilight, it’s nothing for the Apple family.”

The two sunk into a comfortable silence as they devoured the vegetarian meal Twilight had prepared, all meals in Equestria were vegetarian.

“So whats been on your mind? You looked mighty shaken up when I first got ere’.”

Twilight looked at Aj, surprised. “I was studying war history last night. The most recent war Equestria got involved with ended thirty years ago. Horrible things happened, and the end of the war has been bothering me. It sounds like a quick cover up for what really happened…” The girl's eyes drifted off into space.

“And? There is something else isn't there?” Aj’s voice sounded strained, like she didn't really want to know, but was too concerned for her friend to let it go.

The element of magic slowly looked back at her friend. “I think we all know peace never lasts. I have a feeling deep in my gut, something is about to start that will change the course of history forever. ”

AppleJack fell silent, and Twilight stared intently at her. She then burst out into laughter, nervous laughter. “But of course, this is all probably just me overthinking things again. Im sorry for burdening you with my thoughts, lets talk about something else.”

Aj shook her head. “No, I understand what you're saying. You haven't been wrong before, remember queen Chrysalis?”

Twilight’s smile shrank. “Yeah I do.”

The air was growing heavier as time went on. Twilight almost felt like she was being suffocated by the amount of unanswered questions floating around in her mind.

She felt a strong, warm hand grip hers. “You have also never failed to keep Equestria safe Twi, remember that. Besides, I’ll be there to protect you!” Aj puffed out her chest, then her face quickly turned red. “And everyone else will be of course!” She quickly added.

Twilight giggled before jumping up and pulling her much taller friend into a tight hug. “I am so grateful you will continue to protect me AJ, like you always have.”

“O-of course! I won't let any of us get hurt if I can help it.” Her voice shook in embarrassment.

This earned another giggle from her small friend. “Shouldn't you be at the market by now?” Twilight smirked.

AppleJack’s eyes almost popped out of her head. “Horse apples! Bye Twilight!” She quickly charged out the door, leaving Twilight to laugh at her quick exit.

That farm girl always brightened up her mood, and made her more determined to find the answers she desired.


Celestia gazed up at the blue sky and the sun she rose every morning. The birds chirped, her guards made their rounds, devoutly protecting their princess. Her sister slept soundly inside the castle, and there was no sign of war. Everything felt perfect, felt serene.

She felt as if this could last forever, this moment.

“Leave me be my faithful knights, I will be fine on my own.” Celestia’s voice filled with a warmth and kindness you could behold in no other being. Her guards bowed, and respectfully took their leave, golden armor clanking as they marched away from her.

The garden was as lively as ever. Birds fed their young, foxes ran here and there, squirrels feasted on their nuts and berries. They all lived in perfect harmony, something you wouldn't see anywhere else but here, except for Fluttershy’s cottage.

An unknown amount of time later, Celestia noticed something strange starting to happen, all the animals were running off into their hiding spots.

She could feel the fear they felt, but what was it they feared?


The princess froze, this voice dripped with hatred, with killing intent. It was something she thought she wouldn't have to hear again, not for a long time anyway.

“Face me you coward.” The voice growled.

Celestia turned around and quickly entered a defensive stance, ready to cast a spell at a moments notice. “Who are you and what do you want with me?” Her eyes narrowed at the figure in front of her.

He was wearing a cloak around his body, the only thing she could clearly make out were the handles of two swords hanging at his right side.

‘An assassin?”

“I am here to serve Justice’s purpose, to make sure no sinner goes unpunished. And you Celestia, are one I can never forgive. What I am trying to say is, I am here to take your life princess.”