• Published 8th Oct 2014
  • 658 Views, 10 Comments

After Equestria - Prometheus7

1000 years after the fall of the equestrian empire ponies are still trying to survive in a harsh and alien world that was once their home.

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Chapter 9

David was pissed. He got up from the table that he and Stephan had been sitting at moments with out a word to the green haired teen. What Stephan had said echoed in his head;

"You did What?!"

David wasn't angry about Stephan rough-housing with him, he was angry at the look of disgust he saw on the boy's face. The look Stephan had gave him, like he was the villain not the victim. The very thought of it filled him with rage, he was no villain! He was kidnapped and forced to do something he didn't want to do! How on earth could he be anything but the victim?

"Retard." David murmured, "that stupid ... dragon doesn't know what he's talking about." Though, these words did little to appease his jumbled up emotions.

David made his way to the bathroom, dropping his bag at the side of the door. He shoved the door open and headed for the sink. He pulled the lever on top if the sink up and splashed water on his face. He gripped the side of the large rectangle the sinks were embedded in and glared at the bowl part of the sink. David let out loud sigh that echoed in the bathroom. Why does my life suck so much? He thought, feeling depressed and black mailed. He didn't want to to go back to Equestria, and yet at the same time he did want to.

He wanted to help his new found friends and become a hero, but at the same time he didn't want to comply with Starswirl and his "Greater Good. He still remembered the wizard torturing him.

"One day you will understand, and you will thank us on that day."

David's eye's watered, he quickly wiped away the tears with his arm. Here he was, David Blaze adolescent punk, bane of all good kids, crying like a sissy in the school bathroom.

Man up! He snapped at himself, Crying like wuss isn't gonna get you anywhere. He wiped his face with his hand and straightened himself. If anyone ask's why my face is wet I'll tell them I was tired so I splashed water on my face. David thought, had he been paying attention to his surrounding's he would have heard the bathroom door creak open, and heard the panting.

David looked up expecting to see a surprised teen, instead he saw a demon.

It was a horror of a boy, purple veins bulging on his arm's and neck like demonic spider webs, his shirt was ripped and torn and soaked with blood. His finger's twitching uncontrollably. His face was so pale it had a bluish tinge, his blond hair was messy, ripped, and uneven, on the right side of his cheek there was a large cut oozing blood which mixed with saliva down his chin. His lip was cut, blood trickled down his chin and hit the floor, the sound of the boy's blood hitting the floor echoed eerily in the deathly quiet room.

But the worst was his eye's, they were blood-shot with veins bulging like crack's on the earth. His iris was scum-green and his pupil was a slit, like a crocodile's. His eyes were filled with unfathomable hate, his eye's bulged as if they were expanding and popping out of the boy's eyes sockets.

Hate for me! David thought, feeling sick, but why? What did I ever do to him? David, back away slowly, holding his arms at his side in a have raised position in case the boy charged at him, which he seemed close to.

The boy's eye's bulged (if possible) even more, he bared his teeth like a cornered animal, then suddenly he screamed something incomprehensible, spittle flying in all directions.

"It's your fault!" He screamed, ripping at his hair. "I'll kill you! I'll tear off your flesh, I'll eat your heart, you ... you ..." For a moment the boy seemed at a loss for words then, suddenly, he screamed again. "-Filthy scumbag!" He swung his hand hitting empty space, then, there was a sudden buzzing sound, like a hundred angry bees then a flash of red light. David felt a hundred white hot needles poke his skin as he was sent flying onto his back.

"Shit!" David groaned as he struggled back to his feet ignoring the pain in his back and chest, he glared at psycho, no longer afraid or concerned but angry and thirsty for vengeance.

"Alright you crazy piece of shit," David growled, ignoring the numbness in his right hand you're so freaking dead!" He raised his hand to point at deranged boy, suddenly the numbness intensified, it was as if a hundred white-hot needle's were piercing his skin. Then, BANG!

David stumbles backwards from the force of the blast, the feeling in his arm completely disappeared. He looked up, and soon wished he hadn't. The boy was smashed against the wall seemingly unconscious his shit was burnt and peppered with holes. And blood trickled from his mouth, pooling on the bottom of his signed shirt.

Feeling light headed and horrified at what he'd done David stumbled backward, his hand resting on the wall for support, he glared the psycho's unconscious body.

"Serves you right retard!" He snarled at his attacker. To his horror the boy began to rise, not the way people normal rise up, he was lifted to his feet magically, with no effort whatsoever.

"Yes I suppose it does serve the boy right." The boy spoke in a malicious disembodied voice that was not his. His eye's were void of his pupils and had, once again, taken on a greenish tinge. His veins were flushed with greenish blood bulging against his skin like a eerie, ghostly web. "But it wasn't his fault now was it? No, they tried to break him just as they tried to break you. Only, he put up less resistance, and his sanity crumbled." The boy smiled, which gave him a creepy possessed/zombie look. The fact that he kept referring to himself in third person wasn't helping.

"Are you, Starswirl?" David asked, struggling to keep his voice calm.

The boy let out a crackling laugh, "Starswirl? Ha! No boy, I am far more powerful than that stupid old mage! That senile old fool couldn't even control that mortal, Dark Star! No boy," the deranged teens head suddenly snapped back towards David. The boy looked up at his victim.(he was slouching.) "No boy, I am no foolish wizard. I am a KING! I am King Sombra! And you will OBEY ME!"

"What'd you want freak?" David snarled, trying to make it seem as if he was not afraid. Suddenly a wave purple and black erupted from the boy's hand knocking David onto his back, and knocking the wind out of his lungs.

"There boy, do not speak to me as if I was some old warlock. I am King and you will obey me!"

David struggled to his feet, but didn't say anything. King Sombra smiled maliciously.

"There, that's a good slave. Obedience is a virtue and you must utilize it in front of your king." He waited sneering at David, who had once again gotten to his feet. "You may not believe it, but you me and even this boy I'm possessing, Andrew, are all on the same side." King Sombra held his arm's out smiling down at David like he expected a hug. David remained silent and ignored the King's outstretched arms.

"We all hate Starswirl do we not?" King Sombra asked rhetorically, he pointed at David with the crazy boy, Andrew's crooked finger. "So, I will give you this one chance to defy him. Join me and we can accomplish wonders! Join me and we will have you avenged! Join me and-"

King Sombra/Andrew was cut off when David fired a lightning bolt at his head.

"Like hell I'll join you you deranged lunatic!" David snarled, "I'd rather kill myself!"

"That can be arranged." Sombra snarled as he got to his feet, the blood of his forehead arms ect vanished. "You think you can defy me, boy? You will die-"

The green tinge emitting from's eyes flickered as the door burst open, reveling Spike, who stared open mouthed at Sombra. For a long moment no one spoke, then someone from behind Spike shouted,

"aha! Sombra! I knew it was you causing those strange magically reading's all along! Come on girls!" Six girls burst into the bathroom sporting wings, some weird cutie-mark/tattoo things.

Sombra glared at David, his eyes alight with inhuman malevolence. "I warn you human, should you try to return to Equestria, you will die, you will wither, YOU WILL BURN!!!" Dark aura erupted from Andrew knocking everyone off their feet.

For a few minutes, or maybe an hour, David couldn't tell, the eight teen stared at each other, then David finally spoke.

"What the hell are you doing in the boy's bathroom?!" He shouted, stupidly.

"I-wha- Us? We're saving your life!" Twilight snapped, her face flushing.

" 'Saving my life'? I had every thing under control!" David snapped, angrily, pointing at his chest. " I didn't need you," he pointed at Twilight and her friends, minus Spike. "To do anything!"

"Sure, you did." Rainbow Dash said sarcastically, her arms folded across her chest. "That's why you were getting your butt kicked right?"
David opened his mouth to reply scathingly to Rainbow Dash, but Applejack cut him off.

"All right, now let's all calm'ma down." She said slowly, as if David was a dangerous animal who would be provoked by sudden movements. "Now, what exactly happened here?"

David pointed to Andrew's unconscious body, "this psychopath attacked me!" He snarled,

Spike frowned, "Andrew? Why would he do that? He doesn't even know you.

"How the hell should I know? He just said something about it all being my fault and-" David paused when he saw the skeptical looks he was getting from everyone minus Spike and a pink-haired girl all the way in the back. "What? I'm telling the truth!" He snapped at them angrily.

"Sure you are." Rainbow Dash said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Yeah he totally just when psycho."

"Rainbow Dash!" A red haired haired snapped at her, "that could be true, it's not like we haven't had our share of power-cray lunatic's here."

"Does that statement include you or what?" David asked sarcastically before he could stop himself. The red haired girls face flushed with color,she looked down so that David couldn't see her face.

"That's it!" Rainbow Dash snapped, balling her fist's and glaring at David. "Listen here you son of a-" the bell rung loudly, cutting her off.

"You're the son of a-" David began snarling, before Twilight cut him off.

"Quiet!" Twilight snapped, extremely loudly, (Damn is she a freaking banshee or a pony? David thought.) "We'll figure this out later, right now we gotta leave." She faced David suspiciously, "meet us at Sugar Cube Corner, Spike'll show you the way if you don't know." And then they left leaving David and Spike along in the bathroom with a lunatic.