> After Equestria > by Prometheus7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I open my eyes the world is black, eternal darkness, I can't even see my own hands. I don't know if my eyes are open or closed. However I do know one thing, everything is wrong. I don't want to comply with my captor by I sense I have no choice, he says he's taking me to a new world. A world where I can become a hero, I admit that does sound appealing, but if he wants me to be a hero why kidnap me? Everything is wrong. I don't know, I'm confused, everything is hazy, how did I get here? What am I doing? I found this piece of paper near the wall, along with a smashed pen. I'm .... I'm not sure when I started writing or why, but honestly at this point theres no reason to stop, who knows maybe someone with read this and ... take something from it? I-I honestly don't know. I guess you're wondering what up with all the blood on the page, well, one of my captors is trying to do something strange to me. I don't know what exactly but I don't like it, so I fight back. They don't like that, so they've been torturing me in order to make me more ... penetrable, but it's not working, I remain as perennial as usual. I don't understand, I can't remember my name, or anything about myself! I fear I'm going insane! It would make sense, after all my captor have recently broken my fingers in a attempt to 'weaken me. That man in a suit tells me they are doing this for the greater good. Ha! Greater good? I've heard those words before ( thought I can't remember where) and its never leads to anything good. Based on my lack of memory recently, and on what I've heard my captives say suppose this is my last entry. I'd just like to say- ~ Hisssssss! A sound similar to the sizzling or a frying pan wakes a unicorn colt, he blinks his whole body was sore and ached, Damn, he thought, what the hell happened to me? The colt, ignoring his aching hooves, got to his feet and looked around, where the hell am I? He was in a house of some sort accept it looked like it had been burned and abandoned for several years, the wood was scorched there were broken tables, burnt tapestries and- blood The colt thought horrified. There was a blood-stained book lying on the floor as if somepony tossed it after- searching he thought, somepony tossed this after looking through it! he mused, then a rush of sudden thoughts struck him first a confusion over his choice of words, but more importantly- somepony was searching for something valuable, and they're willing to hurt people- er, ponies, to get it! His ability to come to this conclusion from so little evidence baffled him, he didn't know how he knew or how he was coming up with these conclusions,this pondering gave a huge headache, it felt like someone had smashed a hammer on his head, his stomach churned and clenched, bile burned his throat, the world seemed to spin all around him. He stumbled retching, convulsing, the unicorn sucked in as much air as he could, gasping and spluttering, the world slowly came into focus, his breath evened out, the pain in his head and behind his eyes slowly subsided. Hisssss! The hissing sound once again penetrated the eerie silence. The unicorn spun around frantically looking for the owner of the voice, he found a broken mirror. Gazing back at him was a red unicorn colt with a blue, spiky mane and ... a tattoo on its flank? The tattoo was of a quill in a bottle of ink, wait, whats a tattoo? This is is my cutie mark, right? he knew what a cutie mark was but he didn't know how he knew. The colt closed his eyes and tried to remember something, anything about his past. blurred images raced by, one image caught his eye, he focused on that image alone trying to see it clearly. He felt an unexplained surge of hate, somehow he knew that it was from the blurred memory. Then that to began to fade as well. No, No! Wait! Stop, god damn it! SHI-! the voice interrupted his thoughts. "Hissy, hissy, pony scramble on the floor, you better not be trying to hide, Because I bet your behind this door! " A voice hissed, menace clear in every word. There was a loud smashing sound like a door being kicked, then a snapping sound like a twig being snapped accept much, much louder. The colt scrambled way from the hall entrance and hide behind a wall, his heart beating faster and faster, despite the fact that death seemed closer than ever. Well, I got some time so I guess I might as well write my will. The colt thought sarcastically, but in truth he was scared and confused for more than one reason, he couldn't remember anything about himself (Other than the fact that he was a unicorn). Well, actually there was there was one thing he remembered, and that was his name. Seriously, Firestorm? What kind of a name is that? he thought , a bit of amusement joined his fear, but that amusement was soon quelled when he heard the creatures voice, louder this time. "Well, well, little pony, you like to play games? Well then, let's play a game I like to call, hide and kill." Its voiced was dripping with sarcasm, rage, and mockery, "You know, where you hide and I kill." Instantly Firestorm felt a surge of rage, trying to hurt or kill him he could live with, but trying to insult him, while doing so,was crossing a line. " Hey bug breath!" he called to the creature stepping into the hall, he faced the creature , which ironically was a bug-horse thing. It's a changeling, they feed on love or something he thought surprising himself with thing sudden burst of knowledge. "You truly must be a fool to reveal yourself pony," It snarled at him, baring it's saber-like canines and foaming at the mouth, giving it a rather demented look. "I'm not afraid of you," Firestorm replied sounding braver then he felt, he ran his hoof across the burnt wooden floor and pointed his horn at the enraged bug. It roared at him, flecks of green spit flying from its mouth, and charged. Firestorm closed his eyes and charged at the changeling as it was running at him, luckily they were far apart, unfortunately Firestorm had noticed that this thing horn was curved and more like rhino's horn or tooth than a unicorns horn. This was stupid idea! I'm dead I'm so dead! Despite these thoughts racing in his head Firestorm kept running towards it. He closed his eyes, ignoring the nagging voiced that told him to see where he was going, focusing all of his willpower, as if by doing so he could miraculously survive. "Delicious pony for dinner, yum!" The changeling crackled from ahead, curiosity won out he opened his eyes and saw a three meter Manticore charging toward him in place of the changeling. Holy shit! Firestorm thought closing his eyes and focusing harder and harder, waiting for the pain of being ripped apart. Zap! A loud sound like electricity buzzing really loud, at the same time their was a stinging pain on his right eye then something slammed into him, pain shoot through his body, then there was an even louder crash from behind him. Ignoring the pain as best he could got to his feet turning his head to the source of sound. The changeling laid covered by lose boards the wooden table Firestorm had been cowering behind just moments ago was smashed, the legs of the table lay on the Changeling while the rounded top rolled across the room Ignoring the creaking and groaning that was coming from all direction, Firestorm crept closer to the changeling, warily eyeing it for signs of life, when he was right in front of it he stared into its blank eye's looking for signs of life. He frowned knitting his eye brows together, he winced, Damn, my god damned eye! he thought placing a hoof over his right eye, then turning his attention back to the changeling. It seems life less but is it? Then suddenly there was a loud buzzing sound, he turned around to see a sea-green flash, a jolt of pain, And then numbness. As he fell on the floor he saw a blurred image of a sea green creature standing in front of him.judging by the shifting brown and sea green color it was covered in cloak of some sort. "W-wha?" he croaked feebly holding up a hoof in a pathetic attempt to protect himself. The creature called out to somepony or something, using that to his advantage Firestorm crawled away from it, however before he could escape there was a another flash of sea-green light that sent him flying, he crashed into something, pain shoot up his back, he had a metallic taste spreading around his mouth and spilling over his fur giving a sickly warm feeling spread over his muzzle, I'm dying...well, if this is dying it's actually not all that bad ... I'd write my obituary mentally if I knew anything about my past ... that was his last thought as he blacked out > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firestorm blinked, he was quite sure that he was awake but he couldn't see anything at all.Am I back in that moving contraption?he felt a surge of hope, maybe he was going home! Home. The word echoed in his mind, he realized with a jolt, that he didn't even know anything about his home! None of his relatives, nor any of his friends ( if he had any of course.) Who am I? he asked, yet he knew the answer to the question even before he had asked it, my name is Firestorm, I'm young unicorn colt and .... that was it, all he could remember about him self, despite the fact that he felt sure about himself, his name ect., he felt a twinge of doubt, uneasiness that comes with lying to some one when they desperately want the truth. A voice interrupted his thoughts, "he's awake." The voice was deep and had traces of southern accent, it was probably male. "Very well, begin questioning." A cool female voice responded, and then the darkness gave way to a sudden burst of light, Fire storm closed his eyes and turned his head away from it. "What were you doing at Ponyvile?" The voice demanded "I-wait, Ponyvile?" Firestorm stammered confused, there was an annoyed groan, probably from a guy judging from the deep voice, "Look Lyra, he obviously ain't no changeling , if he was wouldn't it have been a better idea to disguise himself into one of the Savior Six?" The same deep voice from before addressed the one interrogating Firestorm, who' name was, apparently, Lyra. Lyra, The name triggered a half forgotten memory in him, the pieces fell in place, "Your Big Mac, aren't you?" he asked turning his head to face the red stallion. "Yup." Big Mac replied with no change in expression, as if random peop- er ponies knowing his name was an everyday experience. Lyra on the other hand was not so mellow. "That's captain Lyra to you!" She snarled at him with hateful eyes "and how do you know our names? Are you changeling spy?" she said poking his chest hard with her hoof and glaring at him accusingly. "No!" Firestorm snapped getting a bit annoyed at his "interrogator", Big Mac raised an eyebrow at him. "Well Lyra, he doesn't seem to be lying and-" Big Mac was cut off by loud slamming sound and panting. "Is. It. True?" Firestorm turned to the source off the voice and found a juvenile pony with a yellow coat and red mane standing at the other side of the room in front of a steel door."Is ma big sis back or wha?" she asked excitedly. Lyra opened her mouth to make a angry retort but Firestorm beat her two it, "where's Applejack?" Instantly he regretted saying those two words, the filly's ears dropped. "Ya mean she ain't back yet?" she whispered barely audible The room was instantly silent, all three ponies hung their heads as one would do when remembering someone who passed away. Then, finally, Lyra responded, " the Savior six," she paused glaring at him with hard hateful eyes, daring him to interrupt, Firestorm, still remembered how she had ruthlessly ambushed him because she thought he might be an enemy,so, he decided it would be better for his health if he kept his mouth shut, "were the greatest heroes Equestria has ever known." She bit her lip and continued, "they died trying to save everypony, when Sombra ambushed and killed princesses Celestia, they fought him and lost. Sombra destroyed canterlot and killed the captain of the royal guard, Shining Armor. Celestia escaped, but then he tried to kill every pony who fought against him, so he went for the bearers of the elements of harmony." Lyra paused staring at him with a curious expression. "However, he never found them. Not one in one-thousand years did he find anything, then I ... no, we" she gestured at Big Mac. "Discovered that we couldn't die naturally." she paused, took a deep breath , and continued. "But we could die in battle, I ... learned that when .... Bon-Bon ... my friend .... " her voice wavered, she trailed off biting her lip and staring at the ground. Big-Mac took over, "after that Lyra took over the role a commander of the Lunar republic." he finished quietly staring at Firestrom with a calm expression. Firestorm was silent, he stared at the ground, shame crept on him, so what if he had no memories, isn't it better to have none opposed to having a living hell recounting times like that? Sudden thought struck him, whats the Lunar republic? but he decided not to ask in fear of agitating Lyra even more. "I-I'm sorry ... I -" Firestorm stammered awkwardly, way to go idiot. Lyra turned and ignored him, and he couldn't blame her. "Big Mac please escort Firestorm to the training room." She said coolly, Big Mac motioned for him and Firestorm to leave the room, he pushed opened the door and entered a silver hallway with a couple doors here and there, they look like the doors to the rooms on cruise ships, except there dull and grey, just like the wall! Firestorm blinked confused, what's a cruise ship? Firestorm decided to break the awkward silence "I didn't know ... I would have never asked if I had guessed that ..." Firestorm muttered shamefacedly. "Don't worry, it wasn't your fault that you didn't know, just don't try to ask questions like that again." Big Mac said calmly, "ah, here we are, the training room!" He indicated two doors bombarded with dents and claw marks and-Wait, Firestorm thought, is that, blood? He stopped right before the doors reading the Training room sign with unease, gulping he stepped forward and opened the doors ... ~ "You're going down punk!" a brown Pegasus colt sneered at a grey unicorn who stared back obviously uninterested, the Pegasus, who by the way, was hovering in midair. The colt scowled at the unicorns lack of expression, "I'm going to wipe that smirk off your face, scumbag!" and with that he dive-bombed at the unconcerned grey colt. Zap! A sound similar to the one that Firestorm had heard when he had teleported, and ... BOOM! A explosion blasted bits of rock in all directions, "Holy shit we got to help!" Firestorm cried rushing for ward, Big Mac held a hoof to his chest to stop him, "Don't worry, he's fine, just watch" Big Mac said unconcernedly Firestorm peered past the dust to look for the unicorns body but the Pegasus what there instead. He looked around nonplussed, then, zap! The buzzing sound cut through the stunned silence once again, except this time a red beam of energy blasted the Pegasus sending him sprawling into the ground. "Your first mistake, underestimating me. Dive-bombing and assuming that would be all that needs to be done,did you even take into account my magical prowess? " The unicorn told him calmly, " second mistake lowering your guard and relaxing, giving me an open shot. Finally, letting give you this stupid lecture instead of talking the opening and attacking." And with that he sent another blast of red light which blasted the Pegasus into unconsciousness. Firestorm starred at the carnage, appalled by the ruthlessness of the unicorn. "Well, let's go and meet him," Big Mac said walking toward the unicorn, seemingly not appalled by the show of unnecessary cruelty. " 'sup Eclipsed Star," big Mac said causally holding out his hoof, does he want him to shake it or bump it? Firestorm thought "Hey," Eclipsed Star said monotonously, he turned his head and saw Firestorm, "who's the new kid?" he asked with no change in tone. Firestorm felt a surge of anger, "I have a name you know, and I can hear you." he snapped at Eclipsed Star who simply ignored him and turned his attention to big Mac, "So who is he?" he repeated calmly as if he could not hear what Firestorm was saying. Firestorm opened his mouth to dish out a verbal thrashing but big Mac cut him off, "he's the new recruit," Eclipsed Star looked slightly more interested than before, but only slightly. "So you're the newbie huh?" he asked staring at Firestorm with pitch black eyes that gleamed as if Firestorm had finally earned the right to speak, cocky jerk! Firestorm thought angrily, you think the world revolves around you don't you? he knew that wasn't true deep down but he just, hated the way Eclipsed Star looked uninterested at practically everything, except for Firestorm. To him Firestorm was a somewhat interesting science project that he was observing for a unusual reactions. "Yes." Firestorm spat with as much venom as he could, glaring at Eclipsed Star with angry, hate filled eyes. He noticed a scar running down the unicorns right eye, he was tempted to ask who gave him that scar, but thought better of it. Why would I ask such a stupid question? Why would anypony want to tell pe-er ponies how they got there scar? That's just wrong Eclipsed star raised an eyebrow, he didn't smile, "I like you kid, see you next training session." he told him with no change in his neutral tone and expression. And with that Eclipsed Star left, leaving a dumb-struck Firestorm behind. "Well, um ... that was, uh ..." Firestorm stuttered as he looked for a word to describe what just happened. "Unexpected?" Big Mac asked, smirking. "Yes, yes it was." > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firestorm blinked staring at the ceiling trying to find out where he was, then it all came back to him in a flash of memories. What should I do? Go back to sleep or go to the training room? A loud beep! snapped him out of his thought and sent him sprawling on the floor. Firestorm muttered words that would get him a trip to the principal's office at home and raced to the training room wondering, what the hay? I'm too old to go to school or get sent to the principal's office! So why did I think that? It doesn't make any goddamn sense! As Firestorm raced down the hall the door to the training room came into view, they were shouts and yells and crackling flames. Wait, flames? Firestorm gulped and pushed open the doors. Eclipsed blade was fighting against a small dragon, the dragons was flying in the sky shooting fire-balls at the unicorn was he ran, firing beams at the dragon. One of beams zoomed directly toward the dragon and it burst into flames. Okay, quite frankly that didn't really happen at all, but it happened so fast that that's what Firestorm saw. But, soon it became quite clear that it had not happened, when the flames died the dragon was standing there ( well, no, floating actually.) with fire racing around him to make a giant diagonal ring, in which the dragon hovered in the middle. Eclipsed blade looked up at the dragon and called, "nice one Firestar!" the dragon, whose name was Firestar apparently, grinned down at him. "Yeah, I'm pretty awesome ain't I?" Firestar said boastfully, but Firestorm could tell from the tone of his voice that he was joking. "That was some mighty fine work ma friends!" big Mac said calmly strolling toward as if complimenting a work of art rather than their combat techniques. Firestorm turned to face him but in his confusion and drowsiness he replied. "Isn't big Mac a type of burger at burger king?" he asked stupidly, everyone turned to face him with confused and somewhat annoyed expressions annoyed expressions. " What the hay, are you talking about?"Firestar asked frowning at him, big Mac and Eclipsed blade just stared at him. Firestorm shook his head, "I don't know." Eclipsed blade was frowning, his expression was blank and unreadable, "you don't know," he said calmly his eyes searching Firestorm for any sign of dishonesty, Firestorm shrugged confusedly. Suddenly an echoing voiced pierced the silence, "Firestorm, please report to Commander Lyra's office." Firestorm turned to try and find where the voice was coming from but it was echoing from all directions. "See you guys later," He told his friends (they were his friends, right?) and with that he exited the training room and entered the halls. "Firestorm, wait up!" a voice called to him, Firestorm turned to see big Mac running toward him. Big Mac eyed Firestorm quizzically, "do you even know where Lyra's office is?" Firestorm blinked and bit his lip trying not to sound as stupid as he felt, "no, no I do not." Damn I can't believe I didn't think of asking! "Well, it's on the topmost floor ya see?" he told him pointing across the room at a spiraling staircase, "now don't worry partner, I'm sure you're not in any trouble partner," Firestorm nodded at big Mac, "yeah, thanks man." and he galloped toward the stairs with big Mac calling to him from behind, "you're welcome!" Firestorm grinned at that and continued up the stairs.But then a sudden thought struck him, He turned to big Mac,"no offense but, why are you so talkative?" Big mac's cheerful expression died and was replaced by one akin to an investigator during a murder mystery, filled with grim curiosity. "Its not a matter of choice." he told Firestorm, but upon seeing his confused expression he quickly continued. "You see, I have to talk because I'm a trainer, I have to tell ponies what to what not to do ect. For example, I have to tell an earth pony to practice his/her blacksmith, a Pegasus to practice endurance and a unicorn to practice her spells. You got that?" he asked Firestorm. Firestorm nodded, " yeah, thanks." He raced up the stairs with only one thought filling his mind, he's lying. "You're late." Lyra told him calmly, she was sitting at the end of a ten feet long room , her hooves resting on a wooden table. Papers were staked at the end of the desk with a blue pen resting on top off them, the room was almost completely dark except for the lamp on Lyra's desk. "Sorry, I didn't know the way so big Mac showed me." Firestorm replied looking around the dark room, trying to see what occupied the wall and the barely visible tables. "Alight, to the first order of business." Firestorm turned to face Lyra who was frowning at him with an unreadable expression, "where did you come from? How do you know my name? Who are you?" Firestorm closed his eyes and tried to remember, "I don't know." he replied lamely, Lyra raised an eyebrow. "Alright then, how do you know about the Savior Six?" she asked with no change in her expression, "I'm not sure," Firestorm repeated feeling stupider and stupider by the moment, "what I said it ... it just ... sort of ... um, you know popped into my head." Lyra got up, ( or rather got down because she went from sitting on her back legs to all fours which made her height decrease.)She sighed her expression returning to hard and ruthless, "I believe you. Now, get out of my office!" not needing to be told twice Firestorm left albeit, confused. What the hell? She wanted to kill me before because I seemed to be a changeling, now she's letting me go because I told her I did know about the ma-Savior Six? If she didn't believe me before, why is she believing me now? "I getting really tired of this amnesia thing," he murmured out loud as he headed back to the training room. Soon he came across the same scarred door, he pushed it open again and entered, except this time instead of a bunch of pe-ponies training he found Eclipsed blade talking to an-"alicorn."Firestorm had meant to whisper it but it came out louder then excepted and both Eclipsed Star and the alicorn turned to him. Eclipse Star and the alicorn walked towards him from across the room, when they were standing right in front of him Eclipsed Star began, "swear to me that you won't tell any pony!" he hissed at Firestorm, "I won't." Firestorm promised, " But I don't get what's the big deal-" The alicorn cut him off, " the big deal is that a prophecy was written, it said that an alicorn was destined to save equestria or destroy it. And, well, I'm an alicorn, so it kind of might be my job to save the world." The mare told him, looking embarrassed. "My names Radiance by the way." "Let's go to the cafeteria, I'm starving!" Eclipsed Star announced strolling toward the exit with his hoof on Firestorm shoulder in an unnaturally friendly way, with Radiance strolling behind, before Firestorm could object they had already left the training room. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firestorm had no idea how hungry he was until he saw the cafeteria, daisy sandwiches, hot dogs(with carrots instead of meat), salads, pizza , cake, and ice cream. It was enough to make a grown man- er, stallion cry! Eclipsed Star waved his hoof in front of Firestorms face, "Equestria to amnesia dude, Equestria to amnesia dude!" He said. Firestorm snapped back to reality, "huh? what?" he stammered incoherently, Eclipsed Star grinned at him. "You sure seem hungry, any way I was asking if you wanted to sit next to me and my friends?" he pointed to the table at the end of the front row. Firestorm blinked, and here I thought he hated me. "Sure, thanks!" and with that the two of them continued toward the table. "Hey Eclipsed Star, my friend!" a brown Pegasus greeted the unicorn. "How's it going? Come and sit here with us!" Firestorm turned to the grey colt with a bemused expression, Eclipsed Star scowled at the Pegasus, "What do you want Striker?" He growled at the Pegasus, the colt grinned in response. "What do I want? What makes you think I want anything, dude that hurts!" Striker made a big show, his eyes watering with fake tears, he his right hoof over his chest and his left hoof over his forehead. Radiance scowled, "you always want something Striker!" she retorted suspiciously, Striker grinned at her. "Okay, maybe I do want something," he conceded, "but I don't always want something! Oh yeah, by the way, can I have that hot dog?" he asked blinking his eyes in a not so convincing show of innocence. "No." Eclipsed blade said coolly, and with that he motioned for him and Firestorm to sit next to a blue Pegasus colt who was shaking his head at Strikers stupidity. "You never take a break do you?" the Pegasus asked Striker grinning, his accent sounded ... American. Again with this bullshit! Firestorm thought angrily, stupid amnesia gives worthless bits and pieces instead of the whole damned story!The Pegasus turned and grinned at Firestorm, with his mane of rainbow colored hair Firestorm got the impression he was looking at a middle aged hippie lion. "Dude," he laughed, " you look like you ate a barrel of salt!"Firestorms realized he was scowling, and so he toned down the glare. "Sorry it's just ... well, this stupid amnesia!" he growled feeling annoyed and cranky. Radiance frowned at Firestorm, "You have amnesia?" she asked quizzically, Firestorm suddenly felt uncomfortable, "Well ... yes." "And you don't remember anything? Nothing about your past?" Radiance persisted her gold eyes surveying him with a combination of unease, confusion and wariness. She doesn't trust me. Firestorm opened his mouth to retort angrily but his throat constricted suddenly, his lungs seemed to have shriveled up, he struggled to breath but he couldn't take-in enough oxygen to remain conscious. The world blurred , sounds dimmed it was ... well very strange. Image this; you've magically gone numb and can't feel anything, yet, as you hit the floor you know that you've hit the floor but you don't know how you know. "What the-?!" "Somepony get a doctor!" "Holy Celestia!" Testing .... "Don't touch him! He might have a contagious disease or virus!" Testing, one ... two ... three ... "Don't just stand there you moron! Get your stupid ass over here!" "No offense ..." "None taken." Hello? Testing ... Testing ... one, two, three ... this is Discord, hello? "What the hell am I supposed to do?" Your names Firestorm, eh? Interesting ... he's playing a dangerous game here ... What the hell are you talking about? Who are you? Didn't I just tell you? Good God, boy I choose you because you're smart! You choose-? What the hell are you talking about?! Patience child ... Patience ... Patience? Screw you, I'm not waiting for some stupid voice in my head to- ... .... When Firestorm awoke his first thought was; I'm in hell. He was lying on the rough, black and blasted terrain. It looked like the site of a nuclear bomb blast, debris and dust flew through the air alongside the wind the ground was ripped and covered with fissures. Flames danced on the devastated landscape , faraway volcano's flooded the atmosphere with toxic gas. The sky was black. The only light was from flames dancing on the obliterated landscape, Where am I? Firestorm wondered, staring horrified at the carnage before him. "I think you know the answer to that question." Firestorm wheeled around to the sound of the voice, nothing. Though he thoroughly searched the barren landscape he could not locate the source of the voice. Nor could he locate the owner of the voice, which, in his mind, was more important than anything else. "Who are you?" Firestorm called, trying to keep the fear out of his voice. "My, you're really slow on the uptake!" The voice said jovially, it seemed happy, as if Firestorm was a relative that went to war and returned unharmed. "Your Discord, aren't you?" Firestorm said closing his eyes, struggling to hold on to that important scrap of memory that was slipping fast, "lord of chaos and sprit of disharmony." "Lord? Well, I'm flattered that you consider me a lord of chaos but, I prefer to be called High head honcho. I mean, Lord has a ... orderly feel to it don't you think?" As the voice ( whose name was apparently Discord,) was saying this particles of debris coalesced to form a slender, snake-like body. The creature Discord seemed to be a Frankenstein's monster of beasts, it had the head of a goat and several different body parents from several different animal species. Frankenstein The word seemed oddly familiar, yet similarly alien. Like, when you leave home for a long stretch of time and then return. You remember all your possessions and all, and yet, they also seem strangely foreign. "Oh, I love Frankenstein!" Discord declared cheerfully shocking Firestorm out of his stupor, did he just read my mind?! "Amazing stories you humans make, ponies stories on the other hand all so ... childish! All of them advertise the magic of friendship and sappy stuff like that- oh!" Discord's eye's snapped back to Firestorm suddenly, " and yes I can read your mind David." Firestorm blinked, "you ... can read my mind?! And my names Firestorm not David!" Even as these word left his lip's Firestorm felt like he'd lied by accident. He fought the urge to correct himself knowing it would sound stupid, like; oh, Mr.Discord, my name is David after all! Sorry for correcting you! "They're both technically your name." Discord informed him calmly, demonstrating his ability to seemingly read minds. "Which one do you prefer?" Firestorm ( or David, whatever,) blinked, "I don't really know." He said confused, Discord smiled sympathetically. "Of course you don't, Mr. Leave-me-alone-I'm-trying-to-do-my-work wouldn't have told eh?" Firestorms stared at the strange chimera, "Who?" He asked feeling confused and a bit dizzy from all the information that Discord had just flung at him. "Why, Starswirl The Bearded of course!" Discord exclaimed, "Of course he wasn't always called that, you know, he used to be called Starswirl The Beardless!" Firestorm held his hoof up in a slow down gesture. "So this Tar-hurl the Bearded guy-" Firestorm began, however he was cut off by Discord howling with laughter. "Tar-Hurl?!" He gasped between breathes, "hilarious!" And with that he began to continue laughing uncontrollably. Firestorm scowled, "it's not that funny!" He snapped at the chortling chimera, Discord finally calmed down, ( he was still snickering under his breath though.) He wiped a tear of laughter from his eye, "No it isn't really," he admitted, "but that made me picture Starswirl hurling chunks of tar at Celestia and Luna screaming, go away I don't want to make any friends! I'm a bearded hippie wizard!" Firestorms scowl deepened, "that's not that funny either!" He snapped at Discord, "know answer my damn question! Where the hell am I and who's this stupid Stat-shit?" Discord sighed, "Alright I'll tell you," he conceded, " but this takes all the-" "Just shut-up and do it!" "Alright! No need to throw a hissy! Okay," Discord began, his smile melting like ice in a fire. there was a flash of light and suddenly discord repapered, dressed in professor's coat and monocle. Firestorm was sitting in a chair with a desk like a 4th grade student. "You're in the land of Equestria ( a.k.a the land of sunshine, rainbows and pure boredom,!) You've been sent her my Tar-hurl the bearded guy as you so nicely stated, and you used to live in the human world, where you where just starting high-school." Discord turned to the class, "any questions?" Suddenly clapping and whooping sounds erupted around Firestorm, the bamboozled and confused unicorn wheeled around to find several chairs filled with several Discords, all clapping and whooping at Discords speech. "Thank-you! Thank-you! It was nothing-" Suddenly Discord began to cough uncontrollably, the other Discords disappeared and so did the chairs, desk and Discords coat. Caught off guard by his chairs sudden disappearance ( thought he probably wouldn't be able to do anything about it either way,) Firestorm fell on his back. "Shit!" He swore under his breath, struggling up from the hard ground, when he got up her glared at Discord. "What the hell is wrong with you? Are you sick or something?" "No," Discord replied, "I'm just suffering from a power loss. Not that that matter anyway," the chimera rose steadily from the ground looking at Firestorm with a calm piercing expression. "Because you're going to be the new Lord of Chaos!" > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firestorm stared, he was going to be the lord of chaos. No matter how many times he played those words in his head the message simply refused to sink in, me? Lord of chaos? Preposterous! "Is it really Firestorm?" Firestorm blinked and turned to Discord who was smiling smugly down at him from his gold throne. He looked really comfortable sitting on Purplish-Pinkish cushions that plated the seat."Tell me, is it honestly all that mysterious and confusing? Well?" Firestorm went from shock to annoyance faster than light. "Will you stop talking in freaking riddles?" He roared at the unabashed chimera, Firestorm glared at Discord, he didn't lose his temper often but this stupid ... thing wouldn't explain what the hell was going on! He felt like Discord was taunting him, rubbing cryptic clues in face, clues ( had he had his full memory) would be easily solved. But because his memories were gone, all these stupid hints did was remind him he might never see his family or old friends again. Never again ... The full measure of his amnesia hit him. I might never see my family again! Firestorm realized, tears welled up in his eyes as he realized the worst part of his amnesia. Not that he would never find or remember his family or friends again (though that still stung,) but that the solution was right in front of him! With a snap of his fingers Discord could restore all his memories back in an instant! "Don't worry," Firestorm looked up at the chimera who's face showed kindness and compassion. "You'll get your memories back-" "When?!" Firestorm roared, pain and sadness whelling up in his chest."When will I get my damned memories back? Huh? When?! After I've completed some stupid quest?!" Discord looked thunderous at that, "Never!" Discord protest fiercely, "I'm not Tia or Lulu, I'm sending you on some stupid quest to get your memories back!" Firestorm gaped in shock, "B-but aren't you weirdo sprit thingy's supposed to do that?" He inquired his pain and sadness dissipating, giving way to curiosity and even a little fear, not of Discord but that Firestorm may have angered the spirit of disharmony so much that he wouldn't return his memories. Discord snorted, "like hell we are! I don't do stupid shit like that boy!" he snapped at Firestorm. "Then when will I get my memories back?" Firestorm inquired curiously, relief flooding his body. He didn't need to go on some idiotic quest to get his memories back after all! "Right, now!" Discord said snapping his fingers like a hypnotist. Nothing happened. Firestorm stared at the chimera who hadn't shifted from his pose and was glaring at Firestorm over his fingers. "If this-" Firestorm began angrily but was soon cut off as the world blurred and darkened and he passed out. Firestorm felt like his brain was melting, information was flooding him his memories returning so fast his brain didn't have time to process them. Then, nothing. He couldn't talk, or walk, or even think. It was like his entire consciousness shut-down ... hell, Firestorm didn't even know if he was still alive! The thought made him panicky. Wouldn't I know if I was dead? I mean ... there should be pain or something, right? Or I should lose all sense of who I am ... Firestorm hastily recalled some of the memories he had seen, bit and pieces flew together to make a clear image. Who was he? He was David Blazer an sixteen year old boy starting high-school this year. His family? Firestorms felt sick at the thought of them; a stupid mother who didn't give a damn about him, spoiled step-brothers, and a step-dad who pitied him. Pitied him ... Firestorm hated being pitied, he hated being looked down on and he hated being made fun of, unfortunately he has to deal with that crap every freaking day! Hatred for his family boiled inside of him. "You do know you have a choice right?" Firestorm legs seemed to come back to life at those words, he spun around looking for the creature who had spoken them. "Come out Discord!" He called into the abyss, instantly the darkness rippled and the draconequus appeared. Firestorm glared at him, "Are these memories real? Or this another one of your tricks?" he demanded angrily. Discord gasped and feigned offence, "Why David! I-I'm wounded! " Discord made a big show of placing on hand his chest as if he's been shot. And the other on his forehead. "I'm reformed, remember?" "Bullshit!" "Now, now Fire-head no need for profanity!" Discord admonished waving an annoying finger at Firestorm. "Answer my damned question!" "Good god boy!" Discord groaned, "you act like I did this to you, you have your memories you know that it was Starswirl who did it, so why are you blaming me?" Firestorm scowled at him, "You're Discord Lord of chaos-" He began struggling not to use every profound word he know at the draconequus. "Well, I'm flattered you think of me as the lord of chaos," Discord replied in a flattered voice, "but I am simply the chaos bringer for this universe!" Firestorm's anger gave way to curiosity, "This universe? You mean ... there are more?!" Firestorm demanded, his chest was swelling with suppressed emotions. Maybe there's a universe where I have a normal life and- "Of course there are," Discord interrupted, "but unfortunately I have little to no control of chaos anymore so I can't do anything about that." "Then take you magic back!" Firestorm snapped at him holding his palms up as if to offer his chaos magic. "Take it back and send me to that universe!" Discord rolled his eyes, "If it was that easy to take or give chaos magic then there would be a universal war for it!" Discord replied, " There are very few ways you can acquire chaos magic, you have to be born into it, or you need to kill the previous avatar or, the former chaos avatar can offer it to you. I can't just take it from you, you need to give it to me! And you don't know how, which is convenient, for me." Firestorm took a deep breath, "Okay, fine. " he grumbled in a irritated fashion. "Now what do I do?" "That's simple you go to school," Firestorm rolled his eyes, "yeah, I know I need to do that, but what about my choas magic? What's the point of it if I can't use it?" Discord looked surprised, "but you can use it!" He protested indignantly, "Havent you been paying attention-" "Yes I've been paying freaking attention!" Firestorm snapped, " you never said anything about whether I can use chaos magic in my world!" Discord stroked his chin, "Well ... that depends .." He murmured, more to himself then Firestorm. "If there is a lot chaos or disharmony happening at that moment then ... yes, yes you can." "So ...like, high school?" Firestorm asked, quizzically. "Yup, of course the scale of the spell you wish to cast depends on the level of chaos and disharmony in the vicinity." "So," Firestorm began grinning as a mischievous thought came to mind, "I can screw with anyone who messes with me?" "Not right away, it'll take some time for you to master and control you magic. " Discord said , grinning. Firestorms felt a little disappointed, "but, with I be able to manipulate chaos if I become emotional? And if I do chaos then I have more chaos magic to do more chaos right? And how come you're giving you're power's to me?" Discord rolled his eyes, "well, you sure are a curious one! To sum it up, no, it will become harder to control chaos if you become emotional so, don't do that. When you create chaos with chaos magic then it takes time for you to absorb it, however if you are experienced you can absorb it from any form of disharmony. " Discord folded his arms on his chest, "Any more questions?" Firestorm scowled, "You didn't answer my last question, why are you giving me your powers?" "That ... is an interesting question, that I will answer right- whoops!" Discord snapped his fingers again, instantly darkness consumed them both. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firestorm\David woke with a start; he clutched his bed sheets, relaxing slightly knowing he is home. I’m home which means it was all a dream...right? He thought worriedly, maybe it was a hallucination or something, maybe I’m going insane? The distressed teen shook his head, nah, it was just a dream, no big deal. “Morning, David!” One of his stepbrothers, Jake, greeted him cheerfully, beaming at his stepbrother. “Yeah, whatever.” David yawned, all but ignoring Jake. “Where’s the cereal? “ He demanded, irate. Jake pointed to a blue box with a cartoon tiger on it on top of the refrigerator. David reached up, on the tips of his toes to get the cereal. He placed the cereal on the counter next to the right side of refrigerator; he pulled open a drawer and took out a spoon, and pulled a bowl out of the dish washer. David poured his milk and cereal and began to eat. Jake grinned at him, clearly not disconcerted. “So, mom and dad said you’re going to school here today.” Jake informed him cheerfully. He looked expectedly at David, who said nothing, and continued to munch on his cereal. “So….” Jake ventured grinning, looking at David as he expected him to do a backflip or break into a song about how he’s going to a new school. “What?” David snarled, “so what?” He demeaned glared at Jake, who still looked as jovial as ever. “So, you can make new friends at school!” Jake said, hopefully. “I don’t do friends.” David retorted coldly. “I prefer to be alone.” He emphasized alone so that Jake might get a hint, he didn’t want to make friends and that he would prefer to eat in silence. “Oh, come on!” Jake said, seemingly not getting the message. “No one like’s to be alone!” “Well, I guess I’m unique. Listen,” David said quickly before Jake could interrupt. “I got to get to school, okay?” “Okay.” Jake said, still smiling. ”Just … make some friends, okay?” David bit back a retort; this kid was getting on his nerves. “Sure. Later!” And with that he dashed away. Thankfully, before Jake could continue his lecture on friends. David stared at the CHS school building, it was much bigger than he expected. Great, another place to get expelled from! He thought bitterly. Well, might as well go in. The sooner I start, the sooner I finish. He strolled past CHS’s giant … horse statue… Why do they have a horse statue? David wondered, the principle must love horses. David burst through the school doors without hesitation, with his back pack slung over his shoulder and a black hoodie decorated with scull’s, he looked like a typical gangster. Like he was waiting for the perfect opportunity to steal someone’s wallet or vandalize the school. The school was crowded with hundreds of kids his age chatting about … something. As David passed by the chattering students he heard words like; Sunset Shimmer, demon, magic. Magic. David wheeled around to face whoever had spoken, but the teens were too preoccupied in their gossiping to notice David glaring at them. Magic, demons, what’s this all about? Could it be..? He shook his head, nah, this probably some video game or something. Not real. I beg to differ Firestorm. David froze. That voice … it couldn't be … But it is Fire-head! God help me! David thought, panic swelling up in his chest. It’s- It sure is Firestar! “Hey! Excuse me, new guy!” A voice called to him, (he assumed this because he was the only ‘new guy’ that he knew of.) Are you freaking kidding me? David thought angrily, he wanted to ignore whoever was behind him but the shout caught him off guard and he paused. At this point, trying to ignore this person would be pointless, so David sighed and turned to face his ‘pursuer’. It was a girl; she had tan, almost orange skin and red hair streaked with yellow. She wore a leather jacket and a t-shirt with a picture of a sun on it. Not the real sun, but more of a cartoonish kind. She smiled at him, and stuck out her hand. “Hi! My name’s Sunset Shimmer. Welcome to CHS!” “Yeah, that’s nice. I’m David Blaze, adolescent punk extraordinaire and an all-around pain in the rear.” He replied nonchalantly, “any questions?” The girl-Sunset Shimmer, didn’t know how to respond to that. “Umm … that’s nice, I guess …” Five seconds till the bell rings. “Yeah, I’m going to class.” David announced. Sunset stared at him in bewilderment, “but the bell hasn’t rung yet-”A loud electronic buzzing sound cut her off, hundreds of students rushed to class. Firestorm turned to her, a humorless smile on his face. “You were saying?” And with that, he rushed to his class, history (which was right behind him) before Sunset could respond. As soon as David sat on his desk he realized he had forgotten to get his books. Oh, shit. He thought, angrily. Don’t worry your stuff’s in the bag. What bag? Your’s, duh! David was about to argue that he didn’t put anything in his bag when the teacher walked in. David’s History teacher had light pinkish skin, with curly purplish –pinkish hair. “Good morning, everyone.” She greeted them, cheerfully. “My name’s Ms.Cheerlie, I’m your History for this year.” The class grumbling ‘good morning’ back and Ms.Cheerlie began class. God, History was so boring. Usually David loved History, but the way Ms.Cheerlie taught it? Absolutely … terrible. Ms.Cheerlie wasn’t a bad teacher or anything it was just that she tried to sugar coat everything in the book! For example; The Boston Massacre? Here’s how she explained it: “The Boston Massacre was a terrible event; the colonists who were taxed were protesting were … hurt by the firings, most of the colonist’s survived, but some … didn’t make it …” Ms. Cheerlie said awkwardly. Okay, David understood the moment of silence after telling the tale. However, instead of stuttering and mumbling and freaking sugar-coating the whole damned thing you could at least tell the whole truth. Its fine to be horrified by what happened but you can respect those dead colonist’s by narrating what happened with a grave tone and then asking for a moment of silence. If you are up to telling gruesome details then do so. But if you aren’t just explain what happened as undetailed as possible and then leave. Stuttering and mumbling doesn’t get you anywhere. Oh, god. When is this stupid class going to end? David groaned silently, as he tried to stay awake. He definitely didn’t want to get caught sleeping in class on his first day! You can speed up time you know. Discord told him, only there seemed to be something strange about his voice; it seemed less full of chaos, sluggish and drowsy. What the hell happened to your voice? David asked, surprised by be the spirit’s dismay. He’d tried to ignore the spirit of chaos as much as he could. But it wasn't working; he was just as bored and sluggish as Discord was. Ha! You think I always talk like that to people? Yes. David responded, coldly. He was in no mood for this, and Discord seemed to have sensed that because the irate serpent-thing tone changed. I can talk to people in whichever style I like! I can even speak like Sombra if I want, but I’m too bored. So, make it … I don’t know, un-boring! I can’t do that. Why the hell not? If David was talking to Discord face-to-face the Lord of Disharmony would probably roll his eyes, quite literally. Do you ever pay attention? You and I both can only use chaos I there is some chaos going in the vicinity; the magic will be weak or strong depending on the level of chaos. Therefore- Oh, God, please! Discord mentally snorted (is that possible?) So, I hope you know realize controlling Chaos magic isn't easy. Yeah, that would have been nice to know before now. I did tell you about this before now, I told you yesterday, remember? Speaking of yesterday, you told me that you were dying! Yes dying, in the process of becoming dead, but I never said I was going to die after I transferred my powers. …. Well, you made it seem like you’d be dead after the transfer- I most certainly did not! How your interpretation translates what I say is none of my concern! David was about to retort, however an irritated voice interrupted his thoughts. “David Blaze, are you paying attention?” Ms.Cheerlie demanded, her arms folded across her chest. She was tapping her foot impatiently waiting for his answer. Shit, I’m screwed. Relax, I’ll help. David really didn't want a mischievous spirit of chaos screwing around in his head, but he couldn't see another option. Okay, but if you screw with my memories I’ll kill you. Hmph. Overreaction much! How the hell is that an overreaction? Just tell her you were paying freaking attention! Fine! David sat straight, rearranged his face into polite confusion ( that definitely had something to do with Discord.) and asked, “Of course I have! Why wouldn't I?” Smooth move, Einstein. Shut up, Frankenstein! I take that as a compliment, I always liked Frankenstein’s monster. “If you have been listening,” Ms.Cheerlie said frowning at David; she clearly didn’t buy his obvious lie. “Then in which year the Boston Massacre occur?” Shit, I’m screwed. David thought, however he replied,”1770,” David couldn't help it, he grinned at Ms.Cheerlie, triumphantly. “The Boston Massacre occurred in 1770.” Boy, you humans sure love killing yourselves. David ignored him, ad Ms. Cheerlie went back to her monotonous lesson. She went on and on about … something, David wasn't paying attention. Then finally, the bell rang. “Okay classes don’t forget to-” Ms.Cheerlie began, but by them more than half the class was gone. “Oh god, that was a terrible lesson!” David groaned as he headed for his locker to get his stuff for Math Class. “I know right?” Someone said. David wheeled around to find some other kind getting his stuff from his locker. The kid turned to face him; he was a tall tanned, green haired kid wearing a ripped hoodie. He had a grin on his face for some reason. “Cheerlie bore you to death? It’s really common. Names Stephan, what’s yours?” The boy asked holding his hand out to him. David stared at the kid for a second, then, he shook his head, smiling, and shook hands with the boy. “Names David.” “Nice. Where are you headed David?” “Math Class.” David replied, “Do you know where that is?” “Yeah, I was just at that class! It’s over there.” Stephan said pointing to a class a couple meter’s away. “Thanks.” David said, and then he hurried off in that direction. Do you realize who that kid was? What do you mean, ‘was’? That used to be Spike the Dragon, Twilight Sparkle’s most faithful assistant. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- David tapped his foot impatiently, come on, ring already! He thought, frustrated. What the hell is taking so long? David was siting in L.A waiting impatiently for class to end. Discord, I need to know how exactly chaos magic can be used! David waited for a response, however the chaos avatar had refused to say anthing to him. Discord had been like that ever since David's encounter with Steven/Spike. What should I do? Part of him wanted to confront the kid but he wasn't sure that would work out so well. What am I suppossed to say? 'Oh hey, Steven! are you from this wacko little girl's show universe that I visited for a while?' What most disturbed him was not that he had been in a post-apocalyptic world where every ones a pony, or that he was the new lord of chaos. What what truly bothered him was that he had been abducted into that world, and now with his memories back, David knew his abductors weren't kind heartened. They were cold and cruel, they didn't care how man people died as long as they achieved there goal. "We're doing this for the greater good, David. Don't you want to be a apart of that? Don't you want to save lives? I know the spell we've cast on you feel's uncomfortable but you must trust me, we are trying to save thousands of lives, David!" "For the greater good?" Yeah, right! David scoffed, trying to combat discomfort and fear with anger. But it was no good, he was afraid. If these people were willing to beat him within an inch of his life so that they could put some weird spell on him and send him to a hostile world filled with monster's, what would they do when they learned at their plans failed? David shuddered at the very thought of it. David was so engrossed in his thought's he didn't realize it was almost time to leave class until the bell rang. The loud buzzing of the bell caught him by surprise, he leaped to his feet, which fortunately went unnoticed as all the other students were getting to their feet as well. However the teacher (whose name David doesn't recall) was having none of it. "Alright, the bell does not release you, the teacher does! And second off ..." She continued her voice trailing on and fading into the background as David gripped the edge of the desk for support. David was incredibly tense, he felt like something was going to jump out at him any second now. Breathing heavily David ( and the rest of the class) got back on their seat's. "Alright, you can go." The teacher told them, usually David would've said some smart-Alec comment and would've had to stay after class, but this time he was to shaken-up. David stuffed his book's back inside of his backpack and hurried out of the class. Where did you go, Steven? David thought frustrated, the solution was just within his grasp, all he needed to do was find Steven/Spike and convince him to tell where the Savior Six where. Spike's Twilight's most faithful assistant, if any one know's where she is it'll be him. So, I gotta find that ... what is he again? I'm not sure if he's a pony or not. ..... ..... Hello? Discord? David mentally called out to the chaos avatar, but Discord , once again, did not respond. David slammed his locker shut in frustration, god damn it! What the hell is going on here? Why are the Savior Six and Spike the ... whatever he was-here? THE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD! David yelled, telepathically, once again, no response. David growled in frustration, "I hate Equestria!" He grumbled angrily. He pulled out his schedule, looking over the subjects. Okay, so lunch, then, ugh ... Math, then Art, I think I'll ditch Math Class. And with that the irate teen headed to the Cafeteria, growling curse word's at a little girl's show on the way. David strolled into the cafeteria feeling drowsy, after all the revelation's that had been dumped on his head, David could finally take no more. The savior six could not possibly be in Canterlot High could they? He scanned the cafeteria looking for a place to sit, when he saw them. One table was occupied by seven girl's all chatting and laughing and basically having a good time. No, they couldn't possible be ... David's shoulder's slumped, he didn't want to believe it but his instinct's confirmed it; these girl's were the fabled Savior Six. Well, at least six of them were, but the seventh girl? David felt a jolt as he recognized her; she was Sunset Shimmer, the girl who greeted him when he entered the school. Pft, them? The Savior Six? Yeah, and I'm Batman! David thought snickering, but then his train of thought focused on Lyra Heartstrings. In the series she was depicted a cheerfully unicorn with an obsession with humanity, and yet he met Lyra, and she did seem anything like how the series depicted her. She was cold and calculating and she was willing to destroy anything that might pose a threat to herself or her friends. David thought back to what Lyra had said to him when they first met face to face; "But we could die in battle, I ... learned that when .... Bon-Bon ..." Lyra seemed tough, and she seemed to have been bred to be a leader, facing all that hardship when Canterlot fell and yet still willing to fight for a thousand year's, David admired that. Compared to her Twilight Sparkle seemed .... pathetic, she was simply am image of peace but Lyra? Lyra was the one who worked behind the scene's to keep the peace, Twilight got all the credit but to David, Lyra was the real hero. David realized he was standing in the entrance to the cafeteria longer than he probably should, he grabbed a tray and got in line to get some food. He got macaroni salad, a carton of milk and an apple. David searched the cafeteria for a place to sit, Sunset Shimmer was waving at him but he ignored her. David spotted Stephan eating far off in the corner and headed to join him. "Wassup?" David asked, as he plopped down next to the former dragon. Stephan, who was chewing, held up a hand to signal David to wait. Stephan gulped down whatever it was that he was eating and turned to face him. "How's it going David?" Stephan asked grinning, " probably not good if you're desperate enough to sit with me. Why aren't you sitting with them?" He asked gesturing to the Savior Six with a wave of a spoon. "I'm pretty sure they were pagin' you bro." David shrugged, "I don't know, I just thought it would be better to sit with a friend." Stephan's laugh sounded like a bark. "Friends?Dude, we met, like, an hour ago and you mostly ignored me, and know you wanna be friends? "Yeah I do Spike," David said, then he quickly corrected himself so that the former dragon wouldn't get the wrong impression. "Look, I really do wanna be friends with you, but first I need answers." David looked intently at Stephan waiting for him to scream that there was a crazy person sitting next to him or laugh at him and say that what David said is ridiculous. Instead Stephan sighed, "Figured that out, huh?" Stephan said angrily, "What, did Twilight send you to convince to return to Equestria with you guy's? Well, you tell her-" David cut him off, "Twilight didn't send me, Discord did." > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephan stared at him, he looked completely flabbergast at the notion that The Lord Of Chaos would help anyone. David couldn't blame him. "Wait," Stephan said, clearing his throat loudly. "Discord sent you? As in, Discord The Lord Of Disharmony? Why the hell would he-?" "I don't know." David replied unhappily, "all I know is that Starswirl The Bearded beat the crap outta me, erased my memories and sent me to equestria to save it." He snorted at the idea. "Wait," Stephan said, bewilderment clear in his eyes. "Starswirl beat you up? The old dude?" David smiled humorlessly, "oh, Starswirl didn't directly beat me up, but he tried to erase my memories and every time I resisted his cronies would beat the crap out of me." Stephan winced, "then what happened?" "Well, then I woke up in some ruined building in Ponyvile and-" "Wait, Ponyvile?" Stephan asked, looking more and more confused and frightened. "What do you mean 'ruined building'? Ponivile doesn't-" His eye's widened, "don't tell me, they got to Ponyvile too?" David groaned,"dude, just shut-up and listen! I don't know what happened, why it happened or how it happened okay? So let me just finish my damned story!" Stephan looked taken aback, but he stayed quiet, probably out of the urge to hear more. "Anyway," David continued. "I woke up in a ruined building in Ponyvile, it looked completely trashed, books were all over the floor, the wood was burnt and it seemed as if someone or something had been searching for something." David paused letting that sink in. Stephan nodded, worry and fear present in his eye's. "Go on." "Okay," David sighed. "I tried to find out why I was in a burnt building and how I got there, but I couldn't. I had lost my memories. So I was getting up and trying to figure out what to do when I heard a strange hissing sound. I-" "Can you shorten it?" Stephan asked smirking a bit, " 'cause I doubt we have time to wait for you to narrate the whole story." "Fine!" David grumbled, " I woke up in a weird burnt house, fought and defeated a Changling. Then Lyra knocked me out cold and I woke up tied to a bed being interrogated by Lyra and Big Mac. Lyra let me go when Big Mac vouched for me and then the two of use became good chums. Shortly after Discord hijacked my body, restored my memories and sent me back home, the end. Happy now?" He demanded sarcastically. "Very," Stephan replied, gravely. "So what happened to Equestria? I mean, if Lyra was interrogating you thing's must have been pretty bad." "No freaking kidding genius." David muttered, loud enough for Stephan to hear. "So?" Stephan asked, "why aren't you in Equestria?" "I left." David responded coldly. Stephan eye's narrowed, "you did what?!" He demanded getting to his feet, his fist's clenched at his chest, as if he was preparing for a boxing match. David shot to his feet matching Stephan's glare, "I left, Discord restored my memories and sent me home." He answered coldly. Stephan's right hand shot out to grab David by the collar, but David swung his hand and knocked aside Stephan's. He shoved Stephan, who stumbled but held his footing. "I left." David spat, "just like you and everyone else did. Don't lecture me on loyalty you son of a-" "What's going on here?" Some one asked. David and Stephan turned to see Twilight Sparkle marching towards them. She had a frown on her faced as she eyed David suspiciously. "What are you two doing?" She demanded, then she turned on David with disgust written across her face. "Why were you fighting Sp-I mean, Stephan?" David looked across the room to see nearly everyone watching them, I spoke louder then I should have, huh? No kidding genius. But, now would be a great time to use chaos magic. Oh, yeah! That's a great! You're a genius Discord why wouldn't I use a branch of magic that I don't even know how to use? Hahahahahah, so funny. Here's how you use chaos magic;first close you're eye's. Why would I- Just close your damn eyes! Fine! David hid his face in both is hands like he was frustrated. Now what, oh wise chaos master? He asked sarcastically. Now open them. David opened his eye's to see Twilight looking confused and dazed. Thank God, the last think I need is to get in trouble on the first day! David looked around to see the entire student body chatting away as if nothing ever happened. "W-what?" Twilight murmured, "what am I doing here?" Strangely, she didn't seem to be completely fooled by what David assumed was Discords magic. "Oh, nothing Twilight. Go back to your seat." David told her, he turned to face Spike, who raised an eyebrow at him and sat back down on his seat. David did the same, he opened his mouth to apologize when he heard Twilight ask, "wait, how do you know my name?" Oh, crap. Oh, crap. You're screwed. "Um ... Stephan told me!" David said gesturing to Spike/Stephan. "Oh, um ... Okay, welcome to CHS!" "Yeah, it's great to be here." David lied. You're a terrible liar. Shut up! Boy, you got one hell of a temper. I said, SHUT-UP! "Um ... are you okay?" Twilight asked tentatively. "What?" David said, blinking. He looked at Twilight who was staring at him like he might go crazy and try to bite her face off. "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" "Well, you were scowling at no one in particular so .... yeah ..." "Oh! Um ... just, you know," David lied unconvincingly. "Thinking about stuff." "Oh yeah?" Twilight asked suspiciously. Her eye's narrowed and her frown turned to a scowl. "Just thinking about stuff huh?" David's own face soon broke into a scowl as well. "Yeah, I am!" He snapped at Twilight irritably. "You got a problem with that?" "Hmph!" Said Twilight as she stormed off, heading back to where mane six were sitting. "Dude," Stephan said from behind him. "You got a way with words, really." "Oh, shut up." David snapped at him,he was in no mood for this."you know Stephan, you're a real pain in the-" The bell rung, interrupting David and Stephan's conversation. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- David was pissed. He got up from the table that he and Stephan had been sitting at moments with out a word to the green haired teen. What Stephan had said echoed in his head; "You did What?!" David wasn't angry about Stephan rough-housing with him, he was angry at the look of disgust he saw on the boy's face. The look Stephan had gave him, like he was the villain not the victim. The very thought of it filled him with rage, he was no villain! He was kidnapped and forced to do something he didn't want to do! How on earth could he be anything but the victim? "Retard." David murmured, "that stupid ... dragon doesn't know what he's talking about." Though, these words did little to appease his jumbled up emotions. David made his way to the bathroom, dropping his bag at the side of the door. He shoved the door open and headed for the sink. He pulled the lever on top if the sink up and splashed water on his face. He gripped the side of the large rectangle the sinks were embedded in and glared at the bowl part of the sink. David let out loud sigh that echoed in the bathroom. Why does my life suck so much? He thought, feeling depressed and black mailed. He didn't want to to go back to Equestria, and yet at the same time he did want to. He wanted to help his new found friends and become a hero, but at the same time he didn't want to comply with Starswirl and his "Greater Good. He still remembered the wizard torturing him. "One day you will understand, and you will thank us on that day." David's eye's watered, he quickly wiped away the tears with his arm. Here he was, David Blaze adolescent punk, bane of all good kids, crying like a sissy in the school bathroom. Man up! He snapped at himself, Crying like wuss isn't gonna get you anywhere. He wiped his face with his hand and straightened himself. If anyone ask's why my face is wet I'll tell them I was tired so I splashed water on my face. David thought, had he been paying attention to his surrounding's he would have heard the bathroom door creak open, and heard the panting. David looked up expecting to see a surprised teen, instead he saw a demon. It was a horror of a boy, purple veins bulging on his arm's and neck like demonic spider webs, his shirt was ripped and torn and soaked with blood. His finger's twitching uncontrollably. His face was so pale it had a bluish tinge, his blond hair was messy, ripped, and uneven, on the right side of his cheek there was a large cut oozing blood which mixed with saliva down his chin. His lip was cut, blood trickled down his chin and hit the floor, the sound of the boy's blood hitting the floor echoed eerily in the deathly quiet room. But the worst was his eye's, they were blood-shot with veins bulging like crack's on the earth. His iris was scum-green and his pupil was a slit, like a crocodile's. His eyes were filled with unfathomable hate, his eye's bulged as if they were expanding and popping out of the boy's eyes sockets. Hate for me! David thought, feeling sick, but why? What did I ever do to him? David, back away slowly, holding his arms at his side in a have raised position in case the boy charged at him, which he seemed close to. The boy's eye's bulged (if possible) even more, he bared his teeth like a cornered animal, then suddenly he screamed something incomprehensible, spittle flying in all directions. "It's your fault!" He screamed, ripping at his hair. "I'll kill you! I'll tear off your flesh, I'll eat your heart, you ... you ..." For a moment the boy seemed at a loss for words then, suddenly, he screamed again. "-Filthy scumbag!" He swung his hand hitting empty space, then, there was a sudden buzzing sound, like a hundred angry bees then a flash of red light. David felt a hundred white hot needles poke his skin as he was sent flying onto his back. "Shit!" David groaned as he struggled back to his feet ignoring the pain in his back and chest, he glared at psycho, no longer afraid or concerned but angry and thirsty for vengeance. "Alright you crazy piece of shit," David growled, ignoring the numbness in his right hand you're so freaking dead!" He raised his hand to point at deranged boy, suddenly the numbness intensified, it was as if a hundred white-hot needle's were piercing his skin. Then, BANG! David stumbles backwards from the force of the blast, the feeling in his arm completely disappeared. He looked up, and soon wished he hadn't. The boy was smashed against the wall seemingly unconscious his shit was burnt and peppered with holes. And blood trickled from his mouth, pooling on the bottom of his signed shirt. Feeling light headed and horrified at what he'd done David stumbled backward, his hand resting on the wall for support, he glared the psycho's unconscious body. "Serves you right retard!" He snarled at his attacker. To his horror the boy began to rise, not the way people normal rise up, he was lifted to his feet magically, with no effort whatsoever. "Yes I suppose it does serve the boy right." The boy spoke in a malicious disembodied voice that was not his. His eye's were void of his pupils and had, once again, taken on a greenish tinge. His veins were flushed with greenish blood bulging against his skin like a eerie, ghostly web. "But it wasn't his fault now was it? No, they tried to break him just as they tried to break you. Only, he put up less resistance, and his sanity crumbled." The boy smiled, which gave him a creepy possessed/zombie look. The fact that he kept referring to himself in third person wasn't helping. "Are you, Starswirl?" David asked, struggling to keep his voice calm. The boy let out a crackling laugh, "Starswirl? Ha! No boy, I am far more powerful than that stupid old mage! That senile old fool couldn't even control that mortal, Dark Star! No boy," the deranged teens head suddenly snapped back towards David. The boy looked up at his victim.(he was slouching.) "No boy, I am no foolish wizard. I am a KING! I am King Sombra! And you will OBEY ME!" "What'd you want freak?" David snarled, trying to make it seem as if he was not afraid. Suddenly a wave purple and black erupted from the boy's hand knocking David onto his back, and knocking the wind out of his lungs. "There boy, do not speak to me as if I was some old warlock. I am King and you will obey me!" David struggled to his feet, but didn't say anything. King Sombra smiled maliciously. "There, that's a good slave. Obedience is a virtue and you must utilize it in front of your king." He waited sneering at David, who had once again gotten to his feet. "You may not believe it, but you me and even this boy I'm possessing, Andrew, are all on the same side." King Sombra held his arm's out smiling down at David like he expected a hug. David remained silent and ignored the King's outstretched arms. "We all hate Starswirl do we not?" King Sombra asked rhetorically, he pointed at David with the crazy boy, Andrew's crooked finger. "So, I will give you this one chance to defy him. Join me and we can accomplish wonders! Join me and we will have you avenged! Join me and-" King Sombra/Andrew was cut off when David fired a lightning bolt at his head. "Like hell I'll join you you deranged lunatic!" David snarled, "I'd rather kill myself!" "That can be arranged." Sombra snarled as he got to his feet, the blood of his forehead arms ect vanished. "You think you can defy me, boy? You will die-" The green tinge emitting from's eyes flickered as the door burst open, reveling Spike, who stared open mouthed at Sombra. For a long moment no one spoke, then someone from behind Spike shouted, "aha! Sombra! I knew it was you causing those strange magically reading's all along! Come on girls!" Six girls burst into the bathroom sporting wings, some weird cutie-mark/tattoo things. Sombra glared at David, his eyes alight with inhuman malevolence. "I warn you human, should you try to return to Equestria, you will die, you will wither, YOU WILL BURN!!!" Dark aura erupted from Andrew knocking everyone off their feet. For a few minutes, or maybe an hour, David couldn't tell, the eight teen stared at each other, then David finally spoke. "What the hell are you doing in the boy's bathroom?!" He shouted, stupidly. "I-wha- Us? We're saving your life!" Twilight snapped, her face flushing. " 'Saving my life'? I had every thing under control!" David snapped, angrily, pointing at his chest. " I didn't need you," he pointed at Twilight and her friends, minus Spike. "To do anything!" "Sure, you did." Rainbow Dash said sarcastically, her arms folded across her chest. "That's why you were getting your butt kicked right?" David opened his mouth to reply scathingly to Rainbow Dash, but Applejack cut him off. "All right, now let's all calm'ma down." She said slowly, as if David was a dangerous animal who would be provoked by sudden movements. "Now, what exactly happened here?" David pointed to Andrew's unconscious body, "this psychopath attacked me!" He snarled, Spike frowned, "Andrew? Why would he do that? He doesn't even know you. "How the hell should I know? He just said something about it all being my fault and-" David paused when he saw the skeptical looks he was getting from everyone minus Spike and a pink-haired girl all the way in the back. "What? I'm telling the truth!" He snapped at them angrily. "Sure you are." Rainbow Dash said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Yeah he totally just when psycho." "Rainbow Dash!" A red haired haired snapped at her, "that could be true, it's not like we haven't had our share of power-cray lunatic's here." "Does that statement include you or what?" David asked sarcastically before he could stop himself. The red haired girls face flushed with color,she looked down so that David couldn't see her face. "That's it!" Rainbow Dash snapped, balling her fist's and glaring at David. "Listen here you son of a-" the bell rung loudly, cutting her off. "You're the son of a-" David began snarling, before Twilight cut him off. "Quiet!" Twilight snapped, extremely loudly, (Damn is she a freaking banshee or a pony? David thought.) "We'll figure this out later, right now we gotta leave." She faced David suspiciously, "meet us at Sugar Cube Corner, Spike'll show you the way if you don't know." And then they left leaving David and Spike along in the bathroom with a lunatic. > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This is Sugar-Cube Corner?" David said staring at the extremely pink shop. "It looks like a freaking ginger-bread house." David turned and scowled at Stephan. Stephan (or Spike, what ever you'd like to call him) shrugged. "Hey, don't look at me man, I didn't name the place." David sighed, "lets just get this bull-crap over with, already." And with that David and Stephan entered the shop. David pushed the door open with unnecessary force, causing many people to turn and stare at the duo. "Oh! Over here Spike and weird magic man!" A girl with poof-y pink hair cried out, excitedly. Twilight and the rest of the crew seemed less enthusiastic as David and Stephan approached them. Twilight waited till everyone had stopped staring at the pink haired girl. "Alright, spill." Twilight commanded him, after she was sure no one was eve's dropping. David felt a twinge of annoyance, he hated being told what to do. "Alright." David took a deep breath, and paused dramatically. "You're all bitches." Stephan chortled, but no one else said anything. They just stared at David, their mouth agape in shock. Then, Rainbow whats-her-name snapped out of her stupor. "Why you lousy-" She began angrily, snarling and balling up her fists. "Rainbow Dash, sit down!" Twilight ordered her friend, then she turned to David. her face bright red, whether from anger or embarrassment David couldn't tell, but it was amusing none-the less."I mean, what do you know about Equestria? How do you know about it? The portals been sealed for over one-thousand years!" Twilight was on her feet glaring at David, her face beet-red. David snorted, surprising Twilight. "I ain't telling you nothing, not until you spill the beans first." Twilight fell back onto her seat with a groan, maybe because of all the people watching, more likely because she knew she wasn't going anywhere interrogating David. "Alright, fine you win." Twilight grumbled. "I'll tell you" "What?!" Rainbow shouted angrily, banging her fist on the table. "Why are you listening to him? We out number him six to one! Just make him tell us!" David was about to reply scathingly to Rainbow's outburst , but Twilight beat him to it. "No, Rainbow, we can't." Twilight said, rubbing her brow in frustration. "Why the hell not?! We have Equestrian magic now that you're here-" "Yes, but we need him to open up!" Twilight snapped, pointing at David as she addressed her friend. "And he'll never do that if you terrify him!" David scowled, feeling annoyed at that remark. "You know I can still hear you right miss Pretty Princess? And that moron," her gestured at Rainbow who was glaring at him. "-Couldn't scare a newborn kitten. I'll kick that pussy-willow's-" "STOP!" Everyone froze, no, literally, everyone. The women at the counter froze in the middle of making an ice-cream Sunday, staring wide-eyed at the pink haired girl who'd shouted (not the one who'd called him magic-man, this one was uh ... Butter Sky maybe?) The whole cafe had become silent, all staring at Butter Sky (or whatever her name is.) "Um ... you can all go back to your smoothies now." Flutter-what's-her-name said, meekly. And after a couple of minutes everything was more or less back to normal, a couple of side-way's glance's at Flutter or Butter or what ever her name is, but other than that, yeah it was normal. "Alright," Twilight said after a good ten minutes. "I'll go first." Twilight explained that she had discovered some weird magical readings coming from the Tree of Harmony and she had gone to investigate, Twilight had discovered that, for some reason the Tree of Harmony's magic was becoming unstable. After her friends found out they held a friendship council and- "Wait, the very harmony in all of Equestria was in jeopardy and you held a Friendship council?" David demanded. "Yes, what did you expect us to do?" Twilight replied sounding annoyed that she'd been interrupted. "I don't know, maybe, tell the god damn Princess?" David retorted, "what, you bore her with worthless friendship reports-" "Hey! My friendship reports are neither boring nor worthless!" Twilight snapped at David. "-And yet you couldn't find the time to tell her that the source of all freaking harmony was in jeopardy?! Are you honestly that stupid?" David demanded sneeringly, ignoring what Twilight had just said. "Here's a thought," Rainbow snapped. "Why don't you shut you mother effing-" "Rainbow, such language!" A purple haired girl chastised her. "Anyway!" Twilight said loudly catching everyone's attention. "We held a Friendship council and decided that the only to save the tree of harmony was to let it use our Rainbow Power-" David choked back a laugh. "Your what?" "-To make up for the Tree's instability, thus, stabilizing it. But something went wrong," Twilight frowned, seemingly in deep thought. "I don't why it happened but me and Spike were unable to connect to the tree, then a living shadow attacked us. It was King Sombra, I don't know how he came back or found out what we were doing, but he was there. He drove me and Spike off, we barely managed to escape, using my makeshift magic mirror to send us back here." Twilight was in tears now, "I .. don't even know what happened to my friends, I can only hope there alright." Applejack went over to Twilight, muttering words of comfort David couldn't quit catch. "Alright now your turn to talk." Rainbow said, coldly, snapping David out of his stupor. "That is, if you have anything worthwhile to say." She added. David bit back a retort and told his story, how he was kidnapped, beaten and had his memory erased, then his fight with the Changeling and how Lyra, leader of the Lunar Republic. Explaining how Discord had bestowed his powers unto him ( that word sounds weird when it's Discord who's 'bestowing' stuff. David thought.) and had sent David back home. He even told them about his 'duel' with Andrew and the identity of his captor; Starswirl The Bearded. "Unbelievable," Rainbow muttered. "He ain't lyin'." Applejack remarked, "ah can always' tell." "But, there are so many missing pieces! This can't be it, it just, can't be!" Twilight muttered frustrated, and for once David actually felt sorry for her, Twilight's home was destroyed and she doesn't even know how it happened. That'ts gotta suck. David thought, as he rose silently from his chair intent on leaving Twilight to dwell on that, when a familiar voice spoke in his head. I can explain it. David froze, Discord hadn't spoke in his mind in so long that he'd been used to the silence. Discord! What hell are you doing-? I can't explain right now, I'll visit you all in your dreams and explain it later, just be patient until nightfall, okay? Okay, bye. Wait, what? No! Discord, get back in here! David never thought he'd say those words, biting his lip he turned around to face the 'Mane Six', he really wasn't looking forward to telling them that the Spirit of Chaos was going to invade there dreams, but it seemed he didn't have to.The mane six all had looks of shock on their faces, at least I won't have hear Rainbow Dash telling me I'm crazy. "What was that?" someone said, David turned his head to the left and saw Sunset Shimmer sitting at the table right in front of the Mane Six's table. Why the hell didn't I see her? "What the hell?!" Stephan demanded glaring at David, "what's Discord doing? I thought he was crashing in your head!" "Wait, what do you mean by 'crashing in his head'?" Twilight demanded looking at the two of them suspiciously. "What haven't you told us?" David glared at the book worm. "You heard him, nerd, Discord said he'd explain when we're asleep okay?" And with that, the the shaken teen hurried out of Sugar-Cube Corner. > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somehow, David knew he was dreaming. He didn’t know why or how but, for some reason, he was fully conscious and aware of the fact that he was asleep. He also knew who was responsible. “DISCORD!” David shouted at the heavens. “SHOW YOURSELF!” Nothing happened. David stared at the heavens for what seemed like eternity, this had to be the work of Discord, who else could do … this? The air was hot and cold at the same time, the sun shone down on David heating up the land and him. A cool wind blew-too cold; it was as if the balance of the world-the harmony, had been destroyed. The land was barren; a stretch of red, scorched rock was all that could be seen. Not a single living thing for miles on end. No Tress, no plants no animals, no water, no life. It was a post-apocalyptic world. Either that or it was hell, David couldn’t decide. Silence, David prowled the landscape looking for … something, life, civilization, hell, he’d even settle for death. At least that would show that this … hellhole once harbored the seeds of life. But David found nothing. David looked to the sky, ignoring the sun and moon-which wasn’t easy-and gazing at the sky itself; a ashy-grey expanse of grey clouds-or smoke, that covered the sky. Light shone from the sun and moon-which didn’t make sense because the moon required the sun’s light to shine, if the sun wasn’t behind the moon-not directly behind though,- it wouldn’t shine. Plus, the moon seemed to be emitting light. “What the hell?” David turned around to see Spike-no, Stephan, wait no- oh forget it. You know, from now on I’ll just call him Stephan from now on. ‘Cause ‘Spike’ sounds like a dog’s name. “What in the name of Celestia-?” Stephan’s eyes widened when he saw David, who flashed the peace-sign at him like; ‘sup.’ “David? What is-?” He was cut off by a sudden flash of light that nearly blinded David. David blinked; his eyes were slowly readjusting to the low light. When they finally adjusted he saw who’d seemingly teleported in front of him; it was the Mane Six. “Oh, that’s great. Just … freaking, great, really,” David grumbled. He turned to Stephan with a mocking smile. “Gents, the day is saved,” David drawled, he turned to Twilight and exaggerated a fake bow. “Thanks to the mighty … Princess Twilight.” “Alright, that’s it!” Rainbow Dash snapped, balling her fists. “You’re so freaking dead!” She half-ran, half-walked over to David, who sneered at her preparing for a fight. “Oh, I’m so scared! What’re you going to do, blast me with rainbows? Give me a break.” David taunted, he was about to charge at Rainbow, but Stephan got in the way. “Wow, calm do guys!” Stephan protested stepping in between David and Rainbow Dash. “We got bigger problems than your … uh, rivalry.” “Yeah, in case you haven’t noticed Dash, we’re in the middle of nowhere!” The red-haired girl pointed out- uh, what was her name again? Whatever, David thought dismissively. It doesn’t matter. “Humph!” Rainbow Dash said, scowling. She muttered some unintelligible words under her breath-though David couldn’t hear her, he was almost certain she was cursing him. “Ah reckon, this is what that Discord, fella was a’ talkin’ about.” Apple-jacked –or whatever her name was. “Ya think?” David muttered. Stephan scowled. “Yeah, but, where’s Discord? He should be here- wherever we are.” He turned to David, his scowl replaced by a musing frown. “You’re the new Lord of Chaos, and Discords been crashing in your head, do you know where he is?” David gave him a deadpan stare. “If I knew, he would be here already spilling the beans. As it is,” he glared at the heavens. “That snake will show up, no doubt with some dramatic-” BOOM! A pure-black thunder bolt cuts through the sky, blowing a ten-foot wide area in front of the teens. Debris flew in all directions, David dropped to the ground shielding him as best he could from the shrapnel. “What on earth is happening?” “We’re under attack!” “What in tarnation?” “What the hell?” “Ugh, dirt!” “What in Celestia’s name is going on?” “The mole-people have rising against us! RUN!” “Son of a-” The dust cleared unnaturally quick revealing the Lord of Chaos him self- Discord. “Watch the language.” David stumbled back-Discord had popped into existence right in from of him. David gaped at the chimera, dumbstruck, before regaining his wits. Rage pulsed through him, David hated being made fun of, and that’s clearly what Discord was trying to do. David opened his mouth furiously to retort-or insult, or both- but Rainbow Dash beat him to the punch. “What hell, do you think you’re doing?!” Rainbow screamed in Discords face, she looked like she’d gone psycho. Her face was red; she’d balled her fists so tight her veins were bulging against her skin like ropes. That-disturbingly- reminded David of Andrew, the kid who’d been driven insane by Starswirl. “Why Rainbow Dash, I’m answering your questions of course! Is that any way to treat one of Twilight’s dearest friends?” “Don’t give me that bullshit!” Rainbow Dash snarled, she looked close to snapping and charging at Discord. “Rainbow Dash, there’s no need for that language!” Rarity protested, glaring at Rainbow, her hands on her hips. “Calmma, down! Ya know Discord’s here to tell us what-” Applejack began, chastising, but Discord ignored her. “Such lies Rainbow!” Discord said smirking, instantly David was on guard, he knew Discord well enough to know when he was planning something. David shared a nervous glance with Stephan before turning his attention back to Discord. “I haven’t given you any bullshit, but if you really want it …” Rainbow Dash took a step forward, growling and balling her fists in what was supposed to be a threatening move. And it would have been fairly intimidating-not to David though- if she hadn’t stepped in a pile of cow scat. For a long moment nobody said anything, not even Discord, who simply smirked triumphantly. The Mane Six (minus Rainbow Dash) stood in silence, staring at Rainbow Dash’s foot which was firmly implanted in … well, you know. Spike stared, wide-eyed and surprised. And David … well, he too just stared, nobody said or did anything for what seemed like eternity. Rainbow Dash was the first to act, without saying anything she pulled her foot out of the pile of … ah, you know. Her foot made a loud squelching sound as she tugged it out of the pile of waste. That was too much for David, when he caught Stephan’s eye the two of them burst into laughter. David was laughing so hard, clutching his gut that he didn’t even notice that Pinkie was laughing with him and Stephan. “Shut-up!” Rainbow yelled at them, blushing fiercely. “That’s … that’s not funny, stop laughing Pinkie Pie!” It took awhile, but the three of them finally managed to stop laughing. I’m never going to forget that! David thought, snickering. “Alright, cut it out guys.” The red-haired girl told them, though even she was smiling a bit. “That’s enough, calm down.” After everyone had settled down, Discord began to float in the air- he wasn’t flying, that would require wing-power a Discord was not moving his wings. It was more like floating. “Well, then, if your done squabbling,” Discord drawled. “I suppose I could explain everything to you as I promised. That is, if all of you want to?” Discord looked over the teens with a lazy, bored expression, as if informing teens about apocalyptic alternate universe’s was something he did often. “Yes.” Twilight said, coldly. “And we also want to know why you didn’t do anything … traitor.” There was no anger in the last word, it was more like hurt. David wondered what exactly Discord did that was so awful. It couldn’t have been that bad, could it? I mean Discord doesn’t kill or torture people … right? Discord mocking, smug smile disappeared and was replaced by a different expression; shame. “I can only apologize for that so many times Twilight.” He muttered. David couldn’t believed what he was hearing- except for the whole traitor thing, it honestly wasn’t hard for David to imagine Discord breaking Twilight’s- or anybodies-trust. But, Discord, apologizing? David would be less surprised if his pet dog, Ripper, had told him that he could grow wings and fly. “And I can’t pretend I really believe you.” Twilight responded, sadly. Discord sighed. “So be it.” Then he snapped his fingers and everything disappeared. ~ David cried out in shock. Where the ruins of some apocalypse once was, stood a massive, crowded city. Hundreds of ponies were chatting, laughing and just do everyday things. It didn’t look like an apocalypse was going to happen anytime soon. And yet it is going to happen, soon. David mused, staring a laughing foal that was playing some game with his friends. Did they realize before the end? Did they know what was coming? ‘What was coming …’ What exactly was it that occurred? What on earth could cause so much destruction and death? You’ll see … The voice of Discord whispered mysteriously in his ear, and for once, David wasn’t annoyed by Discord ‘mystic’, he was too preoccupied with anticipation for … something. That’s what I’m afraid of. “Where are you, Discord?” David wondered out loud. “What are you trying to show me?” As if to answer the scene froze, a foal was in mid-jump reaching for his ball. A Pegasus mare was chatting with some unicorns with an excited smile on her face. It was as if time had frozen, tentatively-as if everything would disappear like an illusion- David inched his hand close to a glass of water upturned, the water frozen mid-fall like ice, except it wasn’t cold. Well, it was but it wasn’t like ice, it was cold and smooth like metal spheres- or pearls. The scene flickered like it was … fluctuating. One second David was looking at a thriving Utopian society, the next he was stranded in hell. “Oh, enough with the goddamn drama!” David grumbled. “Just get on with it.” Drama?! I worked hard on this dream; it’s not easy making it as dramatic or cool-looking as I’ve done it! I don’t give a mother- Can you stop with the cursing already? It’s really annoying and- I have freaking idea how you’re talking in my brain, Twilight Sparkle. But I request you shut your mouth, before I shut it for you. Must you be so rude? Can you cut the crap? Were stuck in some … malfunctioning version of Canterlot, and you two are yapping like bunch of morons! David shocked, Stephan, his-dare he say it?-friend was losing his patience with David. Then again-when he thought about it, David decided he couldn’t blame Stephan. Calm you tit’s Spiky, can’t you see me and your girlfriend are trying to have an uncivilized conversation here! The scene fluctuated again, except this time the rest of the mane six appeared along with the post-apocalyptic Equestria, sadly they (minus Stephan of course) didn’t leave with it. Stephan’s face was red; he looked angry and embarrassed at the same time. Stephan looked like he was about to say something but his girlfriend- Vanity, or whatever her name is- interrupted. “Uncivilized?!” She shrieked, balling her fists. Her face so red that David was worried (read: hopeful.) that her head might explode. “I-you- I mean-The nerve! Me?! Uncivilized?! I … I-ugh!” Rarity stomped her foot in frustration and anger. It was all David could do to hold in his laughter. “I-She-I mean- She’s not my girlfriend!” Stephan shouted, but he looked more embarrassed than angry. “I have never even … you know!” Stephan covered his face with his hands as if to shield himself from the embarrassment David had inflicted upon him. “If you’re done talking about Spikey’s girlfriend, perhaps we can get back on track?” Discord commented. His voice was disembodied; it seemed to be emitting from all directions and it seemed as if multiple Discord’s were speaking simultaneously. David wondered why Discord wasn’t using his ‘telepathy’ thing. Never mind, I think I figured it out. Suddenly the ‘Mane Six’, Stephan and David found themselves in a frozen wasteland. David took back any complaints he had about the weather before, it was actually pretty nice compared to … This. It was freezing cold. David didn’t know how he felt the cold in a dream even though he shouldn’t have-then again, he didn’t know how he felt the temperature before either- but apparently, nobody told Discord that. So David and the Moron-Six were stuck in Equestria’s version of the Antarctic. Even worse, they were all in their regular ‘Street-Clothes’, instead of jackets and coats. “Alright, back to our little story …Over a thousand years ago, Boogie-man returned from his icy tomb.” The ice a few meters away from Spike exploded, bits of ice-shrapnel flew in all directions, David and the others scrambled for cover. A pony with an ashy-grey coat, and tar-black hair-or is it mane?-and tail rose out of the icy water. He was part shadow part pony, his form hissed smoked and flickered, but his eyes remained closed. The wind suddenly picked up, swirling around the pony, whose form seemed to be more like smoke by the second. Hate, rage and greed seemed to radiate from him; David felt a surge of senseless rage. He wanted to scream, to kick something, most of all he wanted to … kill the people who had done him wrong; Starswirl and his associates. David shook his head, these weren’t his thoughts, and he was being manipulated. The winds picked-up until they were whipping across the tundra like a hurricane. The pony’s eyes snapped open. The stallion’s-David assumed it was a stallion- eyes were green, with blood-red irises and green mist trailing from them. BOOM! With a force like a shotgun the stallion body exploded into black mist, which flew across the tundra, almost as if it was … alive. “What the hell?” David and Rainbow said, simultaneously. They turned and glared at each other as if accusing each other of plagiarism. “So … wha’ just happened?” Applejack asked, nonplussed. “’Cause it looked ta’ me like … Well, like sumthin’ real bad is a’going on. “Wow,” David sneered at her. He felt so … angry. He didn’t know why but he just did. “A Real freaking genius you are, aren’t ya Einstein?” Applejack’s face turned red, she balled her fists and glared at David. “You shut yer mouth!” She snapped at him. “And if I don’t?” David sneered; rage was coursing through him, egging him on. “What are you going to do huh?” “Shut up!” Rainbow snapped at him, balling up her fists. “Just shut your stupid mouth or we’ll-“ “Or you’ll do what?” David demanded, his mocking sneer never leaving his face. “Ask Twilight to save the day with your oh-so-special; ‘Magic of Friendshp’? How convenient it is, that Twilight’s always here to save the day while all of you,” David gestured to the rest of the ‘Mane Six’. “-conveniently don’t have to do anything while she deafest all of your enemies. Your nothing but a lazy son of a-“ Rainbow Dash’s fist slammed into David’s face. David stumbled back a bit, shocked. But that shook soon turned into anger and a thirst for vengeance. David rushed forward and punched Rainbow Dash in the face as hard he could, five minutes later David and Rainbow were rolling in the icy tundra punching and kicking each other as hard as they could, the rest of the ‘Mane Six’-including Spike this time- stared in shock, too dumbstruck to do anything. Then Applejack snapped out of her stupor. “Wha’ are you two doing?” She shouted angrily as she struggled to pull David and Rainbow apart. “She started it!” David snarled, struggling against Stephan-who had stepped in to help Applejack. “What are you, seven years old?” Stephan growled as he held David by his hands, struggling to pull him away from Rainbow Dash. “Let me go, Applejack!” Rainbow Dashed growled, struggling against Applejack as she was pulled away from David. “Rainbow Dash! Why on earth would you go and do something like that?!” Rarity demanded, shrilly. “Where are your manners?!” “Don’t even try to lecture me.” David growled at Stephan, whose face was red from the effort it took too restrain David. “Are you done?” The voice of Discord drawled. “Or will there be more childish fights for me to watch, honestly, I find them quit entertaining.” “Shut up and continue with the story.” Rainbow Dash growled. “But, how can I ‘shut-up’ yet still continue-?” “You know what I mean, freak.” Rainbow Dash snapped. “Alright, back to the story. Like I was saying Sombra rose from his icy tomb, bent on revenge-“ “They always are.” David murmured. “-on the ones who had imprisoned him.” Discord continued ignoring David’s comment. “But he was too weak to challenge the princesses outright, so he bid for time possessing ponies, forcing them to do his dirty work.” Suddenly, the teens were in the slums of Canterlot, a living shadow was watching a unicorn stallion plant flowers, the shadow flew into the horn-and presumably in the brain-of the stallion, whose iris shrunk to pinpricks, before turning blood red, with slits for pupils, and green aura covering the whites of his eyes. The stallions initial shocked expression turned to one of insane glee. “As Twilight has already told you Sombra took the Elements out of the equation, then he possessed one particular unicorn …” The scene changed showing a light-purple unicorn. The unicorn had spiky yellow hair, streaked with grey, covering its left eye. Its tail was similarly spiky and long, with the same yellow color-except it didn’t have the grey streaks. But it was the unicorn’s eyes that actually indicated anything unusual about him; His irises were blood red, glazed over with insane glee. Sombra, David thought, feeling nauseous. This has something to do with Sombra. “He’s doing it isn’t he?” a familiar voice said. “He is- he was, possessing that unicorn … like … like he did with me.” Blood roared in David’s ear as he turned to see the boy who tried to kill him; Andrew. “What the hell is he doing here?!” David roared. “He’s here because he deserves to understand as well, David Blaze.” Discord growled, which-with his disembodied voice-sounded pretty … unnerving. “He tried to kill me!” David protested, glaring at the blonde, who gulped and stepped back eyeing David nervously. “I should kick his-“ “Yes he tried kill you!” Discord snarled, the anger in his voice catching David of guard. “He tried to kill you because the scumbags who took your memory drove to the brink of insanity! He has as much right to know what’s going on as you.” David bit his lip, and scowled. But he couldn’t argue with Discord on that. “Fine.” David said coolly, before turning to sneer in Andrew’s face. “But if he tries to kill me again, I’ll break his neck.” Andrew paled, he turned to Discord-as if asking for help, but Discord simply nodded. “That’s seems fair enough,” Discord said, in a radically calmer voice, it was like there was a different person speaking. A cooler, calmer, more rational Discord. I wonder if Discord has a split personality disorder. David thought. No, never mind. I don’t wanna know. “Sombra sent his little ‘puppet’ on a killing spree murdering hundreds of thousands of ponies.” The hooded unicorn snuck up on a grey stallion that was closing his shop, a large three-meter black scythe hovered next to the stallion’s throat. The stallion turned saying, “What the-?” The shop-owner never got to finish his sentence, in flash of silver and crimson he was dead. Lying on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding him, his eyes wide and shocked, yet also glazed over with undeniable death. Everyone else, turned away. David didn’t, he never even flinched, and he just stared at the dead stallion before turning his gaze to the hooded murderer. “Who the hell is this psychopath?” David asked disgustedly. “This is Starfire, he was a normal unicorn colt … until the day Sombra broke him, filling his mind with horrific images or ruin and death, soon he could control the colt with ease murdering hundreds of ponies after he deceived Twilight into sealing her friends in the Tree of Harmony. This-along with the disappearance of her prized pupil and her friends-put a tremendous amount of stressed on Celestia.” The scene changed showing an alicorn with a white coat and floating rainbow mane and tail. She would have looked regal, if it wasn’t for the bags under her eyes, the tension in wings-which were pulled back in a attempt to look confident- and the sheer despair in her eyes. The signs of despair, anger, and sheer hopelessness were present in every form. When Celestia spoke, it sounded hollow and cold. When she was alone-without soldiers of nobles-she’d stare blankly out the window, as if waiting for something. “Wh-what happened to her?” Twilight said her voice barely above a whisper. “What do you think?” David said, flatly. Twilight glared at him, her eyes were welling up with tears, and-despite her glare, she looked more sad than angry. “I wasn’t asking you.” Twilight muttered. She said you with so much contempt that if David wasn’t so uncompassionate, he would apologized. As it is, he did look away without a snarky comment. “All the stress from leading Equestria, to deal with the murder reports and the terrible situation her kingdom was in, took its toll, weakening Celestia. Until a unicorn stallion was framed for being the murderer who’d killed all those ponies.” The scene faded away, the majesty of Celestia’s throne-room was replaced by the cold, unforgiving wall of her dungeons. Celestia sat-or rather stood-on raised platform with a dark blue alicorn at her side. “Shadow Star, you have been found guilty of unspeakable crimes against Equestria, you have been found guilty of murdering hundreds of retired royal guards and even, everyday citizens. Do you deny these charges?” Celestia asked-well, actually it sounded more like she was demanding him to answer. “Yes, I do, Princess,” The defendant croaked; he was a unicorn stallion with a silver coat, streaked with blood. “I … I never killed those ponies, it was Starfire who-“ “Do you have any evidence?” Celestia asked, cutting him off. “Well?” The silver unicorns face fell, his eyes widened with fear. “N-no, none, but my words Princess.” He stammered, nervously. “Your word.” Celestia asked coldly. “The word of a murder and a liar.” “I didn’t lie, uh, princess.” The unicorn replied, louder this time, sounding a little angry. “Every word I spoke is true and-“ “Silence.” Celestia said in deadly whisper, her eyes wide with rage and – Wait, what was that? David could of swore he saw Celestia’s eye’s flash with green. Horrified, and hoping his eyes were playing tricks on him her glanced at Andrew. Andrews’s eyes were the size of saucer plates, his mouth wide open in mute shock and recognition. It hit David in that moment, a wave of terror threatened to overcome him. It simply couldn’t be … but it was. Celestia’s possessed by Sombra. ~ David stared out the window, having awoken from his little ‘nap’ after seeing what Celestia had done. Bits and pieces of the end of the dream flashed in his mind, but one thing was certain. Celestia was the one who destroyed Equestria; she’d lost control of the sun and scorched the lands during her fight with Luna-who had fought against Celestia after the trial. Luna had retreated from Canterlot which was burned to the ground-literally. Though the dream had ended there David was able to piece together what happened afterword’s, but that wasn’t the strangest part, no, the strangest part was when he woke-up soaked in sweat with a note crushed in his right hand. The note read; there’s another, a boy named Alex was also kidnapped and sent to Equestria; he’s in the Griffon Empire: Magnificum Imperium. David stared the letter for seemed like eternity, trying to make sense of what was written. Jumbled emotion stirred in him, he couldn’t decide if he felt shocked, horrified or relived. ~ “Well, look who’s finally here, David the master magician!” Stephan joked, grinning. Stephan, the Mane Six and Andrew were waiting for him, all of them had backpacks slung over their shoulders and sleeping bags either attacked to their backpacks or help at their side. Someone could have mistook them for a bunch of friends going to a sleepover or something, the thought of something someone might think they were doing something so normal, made David want to laugh. The thought of what was too come in a few-weeks, month’s maybe?-shut him up. “’Bout time you showed up.” Stephan said, way too cheerfully, and there was something … forced about that grin. “Well, what’re you all waiting for? Let’s go!” And with that he stepped through the portal like it was no biggie. The others followed; all of them crossing the mirror barrier, every time it happened the air seemed to be displaced for a second, like a mirage, making it hard to see. After Fluttershy(who went with Rainbow Dash), Andrew and David were the only ones left. Andrew stared at David like he wanted to say something but was too afraid to, he edged slowly to the mirror before turning to look at David one last time with fearful, apologetic eyes. Then he was gone, and David was alone. For a second David considered bolting, running away as far as possible and leaving the whole ‘Saving the World’ thing to Twilight and her friends. He didn't ask to be sent to Equestria, far from it. But, he couldn't bring himself to abandon his friends again, he arrived as a stranger with no memory, they should have been suspicious but instead they welcomed him with-more or less-open arms. Even Eclipsed Blade’s cool demeanor didn't seem so annoying anymore, he’d been good guy (or stallion, whatever) in the end, hadn't he? David took a deep breath and ran into the mirror-portal, cold and darkness engulfed him as he disappeared in a wink of light.