• Published 8th Oct 2014
  • 658 Views, 10 Comments

After Equestria - Prometheus7

1000 years after the fall of the equestrian empire ponies are still trying to survive in a harsh and alien world that was once their home.

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Chapter 1

When I open my eyes the world is black, eternal darkness, I can't even see my own hands. I don't know if my eyes are open or closed. However I do know one thing, everything is wrong. I don't want to comply with my captor by I sense I have no choice, he says he's taking me to a new world. A world where I can become a hero, I admit that does sound appealing, but if he wants me to be a hero why kidnap me? Everything is wrong. I don't know, I'm confused, everything is hazy, how did I get here? What am I doing? I found this piece of paper near the wall, along with a smashed pen. I'm .... I'm not sure when I started writing or why, but honestly at this point theres no reason to stop, who knows maybe someone with read this and ... take something from it? I-I honestly don't know.

I guess you're wondering what up with all the blood on the page, well, one of my captors is trying to do something strange to me. I don't know what exactly but I don't like it, so I fight back. They don't like that, so they've been torturing me in order to make me more ... penetrable, but it's not working, I remain as perennial as usual.

I don't understand, I can't remember my name, or anything about myself! I fear I'm going insane! It would make sense, after all my captor have recently broken my fingers in a attempt to 'weaken me. That man in a suit tells me they are doing this for the greater good.
Ha! Greater good? I've heard those words before ( thought I can't remember where) and its never leads to anything good. Based on my lack of memory recently, and on what I've heard my captives say suppose this is my last entry. I'd just like to say-

Hisssssss! A sound similar to the sizzling or a frying pan wakes a unicorn colt, he blinks his whole body was sore and ached, Damn, he thought, what the hell happened to me? The colt, ignoring his aching hooves, got to his feet and looked around, where the hell am I? He was in a house of some sort accept it looked like it had been burned and abandoned for several years, the wood was scorched there were broken tables, burnt tapestries and- blood The colt thought horrified. There was a blood-stained book lying on the floor as if somepony tossed it after- searching he thought, somepony tossed this after looking through it! he mused, then a rush of sudden thoughts struck him first a confusion over his choice of words, but more importantly- somepony was searching for something valuable, and they're willing to hurt people- er, ponies, to get it! His ability to come to this conclusion from so little evidence baffled him, he didn't know how he knew or how he was coming up with these conclusions,this pondering gave a huge headache, it felt like someone had smashed a hammer on his head, his stomach churned and clenched, bile burned his throat, the world seemed to spin all around him. He stumbled retching, convulsing, the unicorn sucked in as much air as he could, gasping and spluttering, the world slowly came into focus, his breath evened out, the pain in his head and behind his eyes slowly subsided. Hisssss! The hissing sound once again penetrated the eerie silence.

The unicorn spun around frantically looking for the owner of the voice, he found a broken mirror. Gazing back at him was a red unicorn colt with a blue, spiky mane and ... a tattoo on its flank? The tattoo was of a quill in a bottle of ink, wait, whats a tattoo? This is is my cutie mark, right? he knew what a cutie mark was but he didn't know how he knew. The colt closed his eyes and tried to remember something, anything about his past. blurred images raced by, one image caught his eye, he focused on that image alone trying to see it clearly. He felt an unexplained surge of hate, somehow he knew that it was from the blurred memory. Then that to began to fade as well. No, No! Wait! Stop, god damn it! SHI-! the voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Hissy, hissy, pony scramble on the floor, you better not be trying to hide, Because I bet your behind this door! " A voice hissed, menace clear in every word. There was a loud smashing sound like a door being kicked, then a snapping sound like a twig being snapped accept much, much louder. The colt scrambled way from the hall entrance and hide behind a wall, his heart beating faster and faster, despite the fact that death seemed closer than ever.

Well, I got some time so I guess I might as well write my will. The colt thought sarcastically, but in truth he was scared and confused for more than one reason, he couldn't remember anything about himself (Other than the fact that he was a unicorn). Well, actually there was there was one thing he remembered, and that was his name. Seriously, Firestorm? What kind of a name is that? he thought , a bit of amusement joined his fear, but that amusement was soon quelled when he heard the creatures voice, louder this time. "Well, well, little pony, you like to play games? Well then, let's play a game I like to call, hide and kill." Its voiced was dripping with sarcasm, rage, and mockery, "You know, where you hide and I kill." Instantly Firestorm felt a surge of rage, trying to hurt or kill him he could live with, but trying to insult him, while doing so,was crossing a line.

" Hey bug breath!" he called to the creature stepping into the hall, he faced the creature , which ironically was a bug-horse thing. It's a changeling, they feed on love or something he thought surprising himself with thing sudden burst of knowledge.

"You truly must be a fool to reveal yourself pony," It snarled at him, baring it's saber-like canines and foaming at the mouth, giving it a rather demented look.

"I'm not afraid of you," Firestorm replied sounding braver then he felt, he ran his hoof across the burnt wooden floor and pointed his horn at the enraged bug. It roared at him, flecks of green spit flying from its mouth, and charged. Firestorm closed his eyes and charged at the changeling as it was running at him, luckily they were far apart, unfortunately Firestorm had noticed that this thing horn was curved and more like rhino's horn or tooth than a unicorns horn. This was stupid idea! I'm dead I'm so dead! Despite these thoughts racing in his head Firestorm kept running towards it. He closed his eyes, ignoring the nagging voiced that told him to see where he was going, focusing all of his willpower, as if by doing so he could miraculously survive.

"Delicious pony for dinner, yum!" The changeling crackled from ahead, curiosity won out he opened his eyes and saw a three meter Manticore charging toward him in place of the changeling. Holy shit! Firestorm thought closing his eyes and focusing harder and harder, waiting for the pain of being ripped apart.

Zap! A loud sound like electricity buzzing really loud, at the same time their was a stinging pain on his right eye then something slammed into him, pain shoot through his body, then there was an even louder crash from behind him. Ignoring the pain as best he could got to his feet turning his head to the source of sound. The changeling laid covered by lose boards the wooden table Firestorm had been cowering behind just moments ago was smashed, the legs of the table lay on the Changeling while the rounded top rolled across the room

Ignoring the creaking and groaning that was coming from all direction, Firestorm crept closer to the changeling, warily eyeing it for signs of life, when he was right in front of it he stared into its blank eye's looking for signs of life. He frowned knitting his eye brows together, he winced, Damn, my god damned eye! he thought placing a hoof over his right eye, then turning his attention back to the changeling. It seems life less but is it? Then suddenly there was a loud buzzing sound, he turned around to see a sea-green flash, a jolt of pain, And then numbness. As he fell on the floor he saw a blurred image of a sea green creature standing in front of him.judging by the shifting brown and sea green color it was covered in cloak of some sort.

"W-wha?" he croaked feebly holding up a hoof in a pathetic attempt to protect himself. The creature called out to somepony or something, using that to his advantage Firestorm crawled away from it, however before he could escape there was a another flash of sea-green light that sent him flying, he crashed into something, pain shoot up his back, he had a metallic taste spreading around his mouth and spilling over his fur giving a sickly warm feeling spread over his muzzle, I'm dying...well, if this is dying it's actually not all that bad ... I'd write my obituary mentally if I knew anything about my past ... that was his last thought as he blacked out