• Published 8th Oct 2014
  • 658 Views, 10 Comments

After Equestria - Prometheus7

1000 years after the fall of the equestrian empire ponies are still trying to survive in a harsh and alien world that was once their home.

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Chapter 7

David tapped his foot impatiently, come on, ring already! He thought, frustrated. What the hell is taking so long? David was siting in L.A waiting impatiently for class to end.

Discord, I need to know how exactly chaos magic can be used! David waited for a response, however the chaos avatar had refused to say anthing to him. Discord had been like that ever since David's encounter with Steven/Spike. What should I do? Part of him wanted to confront the kid but he wasn't sure that would work out so well. What am I suppossed to say? 'Oh hey, Steven! are you from this wacko little girl's show universe that I visited for a while?'

What most disturbed him was not that he had been in a post-apocalyptic world where every ones a pony, or that he was the new lord of chaos. What what truly bothered him was that he had been abducted into that world, and now with his memories back, David knew his abductors weren't kind heartened. They were cold and cruel, they didn't care how man people died as long as they achieved there goal.
"We're doing this for the greater good, David. Don't you want to be a apart of that? Don't you want to save lives? I know the spell we've cast on you feel's uncomfortable but you must trust me, we are trying to save thousands of lives, David!"

"For the greater good?" Yeah, right! David scoffed, trying to combat discomfort and fear with anger. But it was no good, he was afraid. If these people were willing to beat him within an inch of his life so that they could put some weird spell on him and send him to a hostile world filled with monster's, what would they do when they learned at their plans failed? David shuddered at the very thought of it.

David was so engrossed in his thought's he didn't realize it was almost time to leave class until the bell rang.
The loud buzzing of the bell caught him by surprise, he leaped to his feet, which fortunately went unnoticed as all the other students were getting to their feet as well. However the teacher (whose name David doesn't recall) was having none of it.

"Alright, the bell does not release you, the teacher does! And second off ..." She continued her voice trailing on and fading into the background as David gripped the edge of the desk for support. David was incredibly tense, he felt like something was going to jump out at him any second now. Breathing heavily David ( and the rest of the class) got back on their seat's.

"Alright, you can go." The teacher told them, usually David would've said some smart-Alec comment and would've had to stay after class, but this time he was to shaken-up.

David stuffed his book's back inside of his backpack and hurried out of the class. Where did you go, Steven? David thought frustrated, the solution was just within his grasp, all he needed to do was find Steven/Spike and convince him to tell where the Savior Six where. Spike's Twilight's most faithful assistant, if any one know's where she is it'll be him. So, I gotta find that ... what is he again? I'm not sure if he's a pony or not.
Hello? Discord? David mentally called out to the chaos avatar, but Discord , once again, did not respond.
David slammed his locker shut in frustration, god damn it! What the hell is going on here? Why are the Savior Six and Spike the ... whatever he was-here? THE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD! David yelled, telepathically, once again, no response.

David growled in frustration, "I hate Equestria!" He grumbled angrily. He pulled out his schedule, looking over the subjects. Okay, so lunch, then, ugh ... Math, then Art, I think I'll ditch Math Class.

And with that the irate teen headed to the Cafeteria, growling curse word's at a little girl's show on the way.

David strolled into the cafeteria feeling drowsy, after all the revelation's that had been dumped on his head, David could finally take no more. The savior six could not possibly be in Canterlot High could they? He scanned the cafeteria looking for a place to sit, when he saw them.

One table was occupied by seven girl's all chatting and laughing and basically having a good time. No, they couldn't possible be ... David's shoulder's slumped, he didn't want to believe it but his instinct's confirmed it; these girl's were the fabled Savior Six. Well, at least six of them were, but the seventh girl? David felt a jolt as he recognized her; she was Sunset Shimmer, the girl who greeted him when he entered the school.

Pft, them? The Savior Six? Yeah, and I'm Batman! David thought snickering, but then his train of thought focused on Lyra Heartstrings. In the series she was depicted a cheerfully unicorn with an obsession with humanity, and yet he met Lyra, and she did seem anything like how the series depicted her. She was cold and calculating and she was willing to destroy anything that might pose a threat to herself or her friends.

David thought back to what Lyra had said to him when they first met face to face;
"But we could die in battle, I ... learned that when .... Bon-Bon ..."

Lyra seemed tough, and she seemed to have been bred to be a leader, facing all that hardship when Canterlot fell and yet still willing to fight for a thousand year's, David admired that. Compared to her Twilight Sparkle seemed .... pathetic, she was simply am image of peace but Lyra? Lyra was the one who worked behind the scene's to keep the peace, Twilight got all the credit but to David, Lyra was the real hero.

David realized he was standing in the entrance to the cafeteria longer than he probably should, he grabbed a tray and got in line to get some food. He got macaroni salad, a carton of milk and an apple. David searched the cafeteria for a place to sit, Sunset Shimmer was waving at him but he ignored her. David spotted Stephan eating far off in the corner and headed to join him.

"Wassup?" David asked, as he plopped down next to the former dragon. Stephan, who was chewing, held up a hand to signal David to wait. Stephan gulped down whatever it was that he was eating and turned to face him.

"How's it going David?" Stephan asked grinning, " probably not good if you're desperate enough to sit with me. Why aren't you sitting with them?" He asked gesturing to the Savior Six with a wave of a spoon. "I'm pretty sure they were pagin' you bro."

David shrugged, "I don't know, I just thought it would be better to sit with a friend."

Stephan's laugh sounded like a bark. "Friends?Dude, we met, like, an hour ago and you mostly ignored me, and know you wanna be friends?

"Yeah I do Spike," David said, then he quickly corrected himself so that the former dragon wouldn't get the wrong impression. "Look, I really do wanna be friends with you, but first I need answers." David looked intently at Stephan waiting for him to scream that there was a crazy person sitting next to him or laugh at him and say that what David said is ridiculous. Instead Stephan sighed,

"Figured that out, huh?" Stephan said angrily, "What, did Twilight send you to convince to return to Equestria with you guy's? Well, you tell her-" David cut him off,

"Twilight didn't send me, Discord did."