• Published 7th Sep 2014
  • 12,039 Views, 857 Comments

The Dungeon Master of Equestria - DJ A String

What happens when an almighty dungeon master enters a world that literally revolves around fantasy?

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Comments ( 26 )

Now to read every last word of the new story. And make up theories about the nonsense and chaos Dox would get into...

Gets better, trust me.
I was still learning back then.

... Wow. Your comment says you only made it through to chapter thirty... There's 73... You didn't even make it through half.

Ya know. I know what you mean by that. And around there, I started hating myself for doing so many crossovers so close together without a ton of plot/character development. Trust me, there ARE still chapters where those exist, you just have to read on. Trust me, I plan on fixing this problem in the sequel, even though technically all it is is crossovers. XD

6217629 ... damn it. I can't go there. Too much direct sunlight.

I've read a lot of it but I'm restarting it

He's an OC I never made a story for. I made him as more of an idea than an actual character.

He was supposed to just be this joke that any author could pick up and use to their content.

Instead I seem to have made this character that people keep asking after.

He doesn't have a story people, but theres plenty of other depraved stories on this site you can have some 'me time' with.

Okay, up 'til now, I've just been keeping an eye on your comments.
Why am I responding NOW after all of your previous comments? Because this was EXACTLY what was going in my mind at that exact scene.
In response to some of your other comments:
-The Jason thing: google doesn't like to transfer properly sometimes.
-Dox's name: I looked it up when I named him. Honestly, it's a happy coincidence, considering Dox is a generic changeling name for D&D
-That distillery thing: Same here man. XD

You must be new here. Welcome to the insanity that is the random crap that comes from my brain!
I must stress this is my random crap. Do not ask why.


>>draco the flamewing

What did i say?

there is a chapter missing right before "remember to gather friends and allies" did they just forget or is it actually not going to be there

You are misinformed, and here's how I can tell:

1.) Mass is assigned by the Higgs Field, where mass is distributed by the subatomic particle known as the Higgs Boson. The more of this particle crowds that an atom, the higher the mass that's assigned to it.

2.) Gravity fields are not a thing, because gravity is a property, and that's not likely to change until we discover a subatomic particle for gravity specifically (no, we haven't actually discovered the Graviton, that's just a placeholder name, like Unobtainium).

3.) Electromagnetism can only be used to simulate gravity in very specific and expensive ways, under specific circumstances, and only for specific materials susceptible to it.

Oh my god. People are talking Science in my old Fic... I should get writing just to see what other subjects start getting talked about. lol

I am sorry but the so called D&D LARP have's idiots for role-player's i see it on YouTube

Like it so far and I do enjoy stories with romance. Will read to the end. If you respond then yay if you don't it fine

Should warn you it had a sequel that I cancelled, and that I should REALLY come back to this and give it a better ending.

9559364 9559365 9559372 9559375

Y'know, I feel like you're trolling, but at the same time, I'm not dumb enough to not realize you're looking at the first few chapters. Not gonna lie, I look back at those chapters and find them a bit cringy, and I'm the one who fucking wrote them!

Well then. It seems someone enjoys this. I'm just gonna go sit in my corner....

._. ... I should probably write more...

*sniff* Yeah, its a pretty good one. Soon as I can dig this ones hook outta me, I'll check out your other fics.

Not really. Gravity is a consequence of the curvature of spacetime due to uneven distribution of mass throughout the universe. It's NOT a force and textbooks that refer to it as one of the four fundamental forces are incorrect. Gravity as a force is a misnomer.

wow, never noticed this response until now. Here's why you're still incorrect. the Higgs boson itself doesn't assign mass, the Higgs FIELD does, and if you paid attention in physics you'd know fields in physics are 3D and extend infinitely in all directions. lets say the field itself is like syrup. besides photons and gluons, all elementary particles have to make their way through this syrup, and their mass is how much they're slowed down going through the syrup. The way it works is that when going through the higgs field, particles exchange virtual Higgs particles. when the field becomes excited enough, a real Higgs particle emerges. This is what the LHC does. It puts a LOT of energy into exciting the Higgs field enough to generate a real Higgs boson, which then almost IMMEDIATELY decomposes into other particles, and from what we know usually they're bottom quarks.

gravitational fields ARE in fact a thing, but they're a model used to represent how the fundamental interaction of gravity acts on one thing from another thing. specifically a gravitational field is the region of space surrounding a body in which another body experiences a force of gravitational attraction. Also if gravitational fields didn't exist we'd not be able to detect gravitational waves. Hell, they wouldn't even exist.

Finally, you're wrong about the electromagnetism thing. control over electromagnetism means if a particle has a charge, I can control it and its electromagnetic properties. Here's the thing about it though. You'd think that I couldn't affect neutrons directly because they have no charge, right? Wrong. they're made up of quarks, specifically two down quarks and an up quark, and those quarks have their own charges. the up quark has a charge of (2/3)e and the down quark has a charge of -(1/3)e, where e is an elementary charge, specifically e is the charge carried by a single proton. Obviously when you put them together, they balance out to a net 0. However, the quarks are still there, and I can control them in this theoretical situation. So, thanks to this, I can now make neutronium (in this case I mean degenerate neutron matter, the stuff found in neutron stars), and it's not that hard for me to do that because I can just pull protons and electrons off of atoms to get at the neutrons. So now I have a crapton of neutronium, which I can keep compressing together until I have something with its own tangible gravitational field, something that absolutely will attract other matter. Hell, if I wanted to I could continue to compress this neutronium until I form a gravitational singularity.

TL;DR, you're wrong about all three of your counterpoints

... I won't stop you, but at the same time, I won't encourage this action. lol


*insert shia labeouf DO IT meme here*

Hey DM I was wondering how much would you pay for 64 blocks of bedrock?

I'm just curious.

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