• Published 6th Sep 2014
  • 1,355 Views, 31 Comments

In the rough - RarityEQM

Away from school, we get a look into the secret life of Diamond Tiara

  • ...

Hard to find the shine.

Diamond slid her saddlebags off her perfect pink flanks and let them slump quietly to the floor near the door as she entered her estate. It wasn't quite the generous size of Celestia's castle, but it was a cozy twenty-six rooms that she called home. The filly perked an ear for any sounds of family and frowned when she received nothing but silence in response. No frenzied steps of rushed servants, no toppling cries of agony from maids falling over themselves to keep the place spotless. Thursday afternoon, and the house was deserted, which meant there would be no parties of any sort tonight. With a grim sigh, the pony girl trudged herself into the kitchen, feeling a certain tap at her insides demanding sustenance.

She glanced at the refrigerator and gave her trademark sneer at the hastily scribbled note pinned to the door.

"Diamond, dinners in the oven. Don't eat anything or you'll spoil your appetite. -Mom." With a casual roll of her eyes and a propelling groan from her empty belly, the girl slashed the note from the fridge door with a vicious tear of her hooves and crumpled it up into a tight paper ball. She tossed it over her shoulder, not caring where it landed and pulled the door open. The fridge was practically bare. Whoever had been in charge of going grocery shopping this week had obviously botched it and Diamond gave a quiet snarl of disapproval. Old tofu in the drawer. Moldy cheese...brown lettuce...Damn it...

She shut the fridge with an impatient cry from her belly, and found herself quietly peddling towards the snack cabinet. To her good fortune, she discovered an unopened box of Girl Scout cookies- Peanut Butter fudge- her favorite! She popped one of the delicious disc of decadent delight into her mouth and shuddered at the taste that rippled into her body. It was like magic.

Quietly, holding the box in one hoof, she trekked out of the kitchen and into the family room, where she sat down on the plump couch and gazed silently at the large, 72 inch television that gazed silently back at her. The remote was sitting on the coffee table. She moved to pluck it from it's resting spot, stroking her hoof tenderly over the buttons. She lifted an arm, and pointed it towards the monitor, but after a few seconds, let it drop and slumped back against the couch. Her tummy growled.

Gently, she fished another cookie out of the box and stuffed it into her mouth, munching thoughtfully while glancing around the room. Such a massive house and not a sound. She sighed. Rich ponies didn't have problems, and as far as she was concerned, she was the richest there was. Still, maybe she could slip over to see what Silver Spoon was doing this evening. Or maybe she could stroll into town and buy something expensive to show off. Maybe a new dress or something. Or maybe she could-

The door opened on the other side of the house and before she knew it, Diamond had bolted over the side of the couch and tore herself into the main hall, where her mother was slowly walking in. She flashed Diamond a shallow, liquid smile and wandered past with a wave of her hoof.

"Mom?" Diamond called out, while her mother staggered into the kitchen, placing her purse down onto the counter. She was a plus sized woman, drawn to fancy things and shiny baubles that she adorned her body with. Expensive fabrics and costume dresses, designer gloves and chic sleek boots that clip-clopped when she walked. The mare turned and peered at her daughter quietly before shaking her head with a dismissive smile. Diamond smiled meekly in return and tentatively meandered into the kitchen with her mother.

"So, so how was your day?" She asked quietly. Her mother rolled her eyes as if the question had been asked a million times that day and she gave a sigh.

"Fine, I guess. Work at the office was slow, so I left early. Mister Cindertail is having a party down the street tonight so I think I'm going to go to that, or whatever. I'm going to have to buy a new dress, though, so I just stopped by for a minute. What happened to my note?" She asked, glaring at the fridge, and the few sticky strands of tape left. She turned towards Diamond with a frown, and gave a low groan.

"You didn't eat did you? I told you not to eat. I smell chocolate on your breath. Is it that you can't read, or that you can't follow simple rules? I asked you to do one lousy thing and you messed that up. Actually, I didn't ask you to do anything and some how you still screwed it up. Whats the matter with you, Diamond." She snorted while Diamond took a step back, her ears lowering gently.

"I...I'm sorry. I was just hungry, that's all, an-" she began, but the larger pony held up a gloved hoof and shook her head.

"I don't wanna hear it Diamond. I don't wanna hear it. Sometimes I wonder if you'll ever stop being such a screw up. God, it's killing me. You know how lucky you are that I put up with you? Nopony else would stand this kind of crap." She mumbled while Diamond stared, feeling something inside of her seizing up. Freezing up. Clutching at her heart and refusing to let go.

"...You're already drunk...aren't you?" The girl choked out in a strangled voice of tears. The motherly pony glared a miserable glare towards the filly and waved a hoof.

"Huh. I only had a few. Don't you point your nose down at me young lady. Don't you dare, you little ingrate. I don't have the time to deal with you right now. I have a party to go to, tonight, so you just march your little behind up into your room, get your homework done, and don't make a peep." The pony snarled. Swallowing down her verbal response, Diamond gave her head the briefest of nods and turned sharply on her hooves, determined not to let any tears trickle from her eyes. She wasn't going to. She wasn't, damn it! Instead, she gave a wicked snort and lashed her tail violently at the air behind her. And she stomped. She stomped as hard as she could, shutting out the calling cries of her mother, complaining about little girls and their tantrums, and stomped all the way to her room, where she slammed the door shut as tightly as she could and locked it.

She screamed. A hoarse, blood curdling scream that sputtered bits of spittle from her lips and a wheeze past her throat. It burned her lungs to scream that hard, but she didn't care. It felt good. She picked up the closest thing she could find- her clock sitting on the table, and hurled it against the wall. It shattered, cracking with the sound of a dying alarm before it's red blinking life vanished forever. Her anger was gone now. No longer a hot, bubbling rage but a dull boil of tired anger that pooled in her stomach. Without a word she quietly twisted her form onto her bed and slid her arms around her numerous pillows, hugging one particularly close.

With the door locked, her anger spent, and the sound of her mother staggering out of the house for another of her parties, she could finally let the tears come. And so they did. The room was full of expensive gifts, designer toys and the finest of luxury items, and snacks and candies. And yet, even though Diamond had the entire world, everyday ticked past and without the thing that she wanted most.

Author's Note:

Wow. Another sad story. Lady Rarity is on quite the roll, is she not? This time little Diamond Tiara is the target, showing the secret life of someone who has everything, and yet nothing they really want.

Comments ( 29 )
Kovy #1 · Sep 6th, 2014 · · 3 ·

72 inch television that gazed silently back at her

There are no televisions in equestria. And non advanced electricity.

4962044 Tell that to the show and the comics buddy. =/
They even have indoor plumbing!

The room was full of expensive gifts, designer toys and t he finest of luxury items,

Cut the space between the t and he.

I would love to see this expanded, but as is it's still enjoyable.


...It's fanfiction. Does having a TV in it really ruin your experience. Besides, arcade machines are canon to the show, and last I checked the TV was invented before the arcade machine, so is it really so far fetched that a TV exists in a fanfic?

I guess I have to do my Derpy scale. It is a scale of :facehoof::flutterrage::raritycry::pinkiegasp::rainbowderp::ajbemused::pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy::moustache::derpytongue2: This is about a :pinkiecrazy:(8) It is kind of confusing about what is going on, but it does make sense. I would say this is very realist and is worthy of my like.

Peanut-butter FUDGE cookies? Talk about heaven~ :heart:

Then reality sets in. Time ticks by. And Diamond is reminded of just how far from heaven she really is.

That was sad. Sadder still having met and known people who do exactly that to their children on a near daily/weekly basis. And not to mention all those parents who just dump a game system or PC to their children and let them waste away for days on end without barely much interactions outside of the bare minimum.

Bit depressing. But that's the world we live in.

'A horse, blood curling scream'.... FUNNY TYPO ALERT.

4962140 horse curling sounds fun. But that quote there made me picture an actual horse do a Samus Aran Morph Ball and... well, the rest can be left to the imagination!

"blood-curdling" btw author.

4962120 This story should be a alternet universe. Television and not in equestria for lots of reasons. And to all of whom think there are, your wrong!

4962163 Don't forget about the two for one sale... HORSE should be HOARSE. Still, nice try. And as for your suggestion for the sport... I'M IN!! We can call it... BUCK THE PUCK!! Ingenious...

4962168 "you're wrong"
Sorry, but Hasbro approves what is and isn't canon, and Rainbow Dash's micro alone proves they have some form of way to televise broadcasts.

Ponies playing at the arcades in Hearts and Hooves Day alone, along with having a HOSPITAL with heart monitors and...

Manehattan. Enough said really. Neon lights? Lamps? They aren't using torches. :P

But I'm a fan of "Accept the canons you want and write what you will." So don't take it too personally, no one's going to tell you not to believe in what you don't want to believe in.

But no, this story does not require or need an Alternate Universe tag until something on the show disproves it.

4962177 You know, I actually thought the "horse" part was an intended pun.
Geez, I need to normalize myself with NON-PONY fictions! xD

Bad enough I use buck in real life instead of, well, THAT word!

Good story-- an enjoyable read-- but it really was too short. So much can be expanded upon that wasn't: the story felt like a bit of a rush job. A good one, but a rush job all the same.

4962188 but there would certainly no be a 70 inch tv.

Comment posted by agentporpoise deleted Sep 6th, 2014





I was going to say just because you selectively decided to forget those parts of the show, doesn't mean they aren't there. Are they throw away jokes? Yes. Is the T.V. a huge part of the story? No. Does it get across the message that Diamond is rich? Yes. Does it help shape the scope of the story? Yes.

But Agentporpoise has my favorite response


See, Now I'm not going to fix it, because that's rather funny. :raritywink:

hi hi

There are some who think that wealth can be counted with how much one has, but there are others who claim that wealth is found in how little one needs. A distinction that is, perhaps, appropriate in Diamond Tiara's case here.

Girl Scout cookies- Peanut Butter fudge- her favorite! She popped one of the delicious disc of decadent delight into her mouth and shuddered at the taste that rippled into her body. It was like magic.

Even if you move to another universe, Girl Scouts will still show up at your door.
Also, cookies are magic, and friendship is magic, so friendship is cookies!

Expensive fabrics and costume dresses, designer gloves and chic sleek boots

Gloves? Since when do ponies wear gloves?

This was a good fic though.
Overall: 2317/2563


Well, I suppose one might consider them socks, but that just doesn't flow quite as nicely as gloves.

Comment posted by Neurotic Pony deleted Oct 3rd, 2014

4963256 What episode is the middle image from?

A horse, blood curdling scream that sputtered bits of spittle from her lips and a wheeze past her throat.
-I don't think you intended to get punny in this case so you probably want "hoarse".

5979005 Actually, that WAS a pun. n.n

Not sure it fits the mood, but fair enough...


7000693 Err, Not so much a year. This season was the CMC episode where they revealed Diamond's mother being abusive.

Interesting how you near perfect predicted Spoiled Rich's personality, a year before we saw it in canon... :raritywink:

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