• Published 9th Sep 2014
  • 451 Views, 1 Comments

We don't go to ravenholm - Szalhi

Apparently, we don't go to ravenholm. Why? Do they actually know what's down there? Well i went to ravenholm anyway. And uncovered the mysteries under.

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But i went there anyway

There have been many stories of Ravenholm. It used to be a mining town for it was built on a mountain with good resources. But soon everything went downfall. No one know how it went downfall. They say something happened there that changed everything. No one left ravenholm. They say "We don't go to Ravenholm." Lots of people follow this thinking of the dangers ahead. But no one knows what is there so there's bound to be someone to go. and that was me, Alex Sphinx.

I traveled down the road. The eary road that was never used ever. The road that is said to lead to RavenHolm. I had heard stories of Ravenholm. How it was an unknown place and no one should go there. After the collapse, something bad could be there. They keep telling us that "We don't go to Ravenholm." But i know that someone should go there. To prove everyone wrong. That nothing too bad has happened there and we can go back to living there.

I Don't care about the dangers everything thinks about.

I approached the town, Seeing houses in the distance. Nothing seemed so bad. I drawed out my pistol and loaded it just in case.
I didn't want to die that fast. The houses looked quite old and rusty. With no one supposedly living here, i couldn't blame nature for overtaking the place.

I walked through the buildings, trying to find a way into the middle of the town. Normally the middle is where it's at. I got stuck when i found out the way was barricaded. Maybe they're right. Maybe i shouldn't be here. None the less, i opened the door to the nearest building and ducked through. It was like i was going through a ghost town, But in the day, and you couldn't exactly say it was a ghost town.

Since the town was set next to a mountain, lots of houses were at different altitudes. I heard people used to travel across roof-tops since it was way easier and meant there was more room to walk about.

I exited the building and climbed up a nearby ladder onto the rooftops. Nearby, someone had left a shotgun and a couple of shells nearby. I could possibly make use of this, but if i was right, i wouldn't have to.

Climbing up, i came across a couple of antlions. Surely they couldn't be the reason why everyone got out and never comes back. They're not that bad if it's not a mega nest like on the shore. I ripped out my pistol and fired a couple of shots into them. One managed to make it through, but i took care of it with a nearby hammer. Traversing the rooftops, I decided it would be better to take care of them now than later.

"Hey, if you want me, i'm here!" I shouted, but not too loud, trying to attract anything so i wouldn't have to deal with them later. A couple more Antlions came as i fired on them. One managed to pin me down, but i felt an adrenaline rush as i killed it with my melee weapon.

I walked across the rooftops, taking my time when i suddenly noticed this big hole in the ground. It wasn't a dark hole, it seemed to be emitting rainbow light. I approached it deciding whether i should investigate or, simply turn around and run. But i wasn't going to let my faith down, and have everyone say "I told you we don't go to Ravenholm" for actually going. I decided to investigate.

As i got closer, i cautiously moved my way to the edge of the hole. But i guess i wasn't paying any attention, because the unthinkable happened. An Antlion that i missed came crawling up behind me and pushed me into the hole.

I panicked not knowing what to do as i fell into the hole. The Antlion decided it would be fun to push me instead of feast on me. But i didn't have much time to panick before i was surrounded by a bright white light.

Than, Darkness.

I woke up on a pile of hay. A pile of hay? Why would there be a pile of grass at the bottom of a hole? When inspected further, I found out that i wasn't at the bottom of a hole, I was inside a pile of hay on what looked like a farm. To the right, there was a house, behind me, there was a big forest. Not knowing what to do, i decided to stay here for a while. I could run into the forest, but forests aren't always very pleasant. Or i could go to the house, but i wouldn't know how nice whoever lived in there would be.

Checking my gear, i found i still had my gear with me. I still had my weapons, which i could use in self-defense. Is this where everyone in Ravenholm went? I decided to check around to see if i could find anything that could help me.

I made it out of the hay and across the field that i was in, trying hard to stay hidden from view of the house. There were tons of other hay stacks here, So i was sure this was a farm.

I crawled closely up to the house and around the back, making sure not to be in view of any windows or the door. I got a shock as i heard a voice.

"Big Mac, i'll be back later, just have to check on Twilight" the voice said as i peered around the corner to see the figure standing outside the door. But this figure wasn't a human like i was inspecting. It was something different.

A pony. A talking orange pony. What the heck?

Comments ( 1 )

Ravenholm; u sudont come here!

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