• Published 20th Aug 2014
  • 712 Views, 6 Comments

Blind Affection - GodOfBBQ

An egotistical pegasus runs into an old classmate that he bullied

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Chapter #4 "I Forgive You"

A few days pass and Avian catered to Blurry's every request maker grow even more fond to Avian, and as time passed even Avian grew fond to Blurry, even having a slight crush on her but that was already there. When the fifth day came something very "romantic" happened. When Avian came into his room where Blurry stayed to do his normal duty, Blurry looked asleep so Avian was being as quiet as possible while doing his chores as he was getting an empty glass from the desk next to his bed he felt a small kiss on his cheek, he looked at Blurry who was blushing and smiling at Avian. Now when that happened his wings shot up and he blushed majorly, Blurry giggled at this knowing why his wings shot up that way. Avian shot out of the room and just tried to act natural for the rest of the day but he had so many questions for Blurry so after dinner he went to the room Blurry stayed in to ask her his questions.

"So how did you get your cutie mark in the first place? I mean if you have a major flying skill why does it have nothing to with your flying talent?" Asked Avian studying her cutie mark.

"Ah, well when I was young around eight or nine my friend came over for a sleep over and we decided to do each other's mane, she was very reluctant to let me style her mane since I've been blind since I was born, but when I made her mane I had no idea what I was doing I was just tying mane in one spot and curling mane on another side. Then I heard a gasp, I was worried I made her bald or something but when she yelled she loved it I was majorly surprised. When she showed her mane to the adults in the room they were surprised as well, in fact so surprised they thought an adult professional did it but when I revealed that I did it nopony believed me until I had to prove it to them when I did my mother's mane. Then after I was finished I heard everypony gasp once more, but not at the manestyle but at my cutie mark, I had no idea I got my cutie mark so somepony had to tell me then I asked them to describe it to me. They told me it was a hairdryer, nothing to flashy but for somepony who couldn't see it I though it was amazing." As Blurry finished her story Avian asked,

"So would it be alright if you did my mane?"

"Are you serious? Of course it would be alright!" Said Blurry excitedly.

"Terrific!" After a few minutes of sniping, combing, and drying it was finally done. The result was a small pure white Mohawk. Avian was very impressed by the results. His mane was already white but it just hung down and was more of an ivory white but she made it like a snowy white which is much more whit than ivory white. Finally Avian decided to tell Blurry the truth. As her told the truth and his name he saw her smile suddenly disappear and turn into a sad scowl.

"You were the colt who caused me all that heartache!?" Yelled Blurry with a trembling voice.

"Yes Blurry but I-I've changed, I'm a better pony I promise." Said Avian.

"No, no no no! Y-you're a liar and a bad pony! And to think that I actually loved you!" Yelled Blurry as she started to storm out of the room with Avian following her.

"What, y-you loved me? I-" He was interrupted by Blurry.

"No just stop right there Avian! There is nothing you can say that will make me change my out look on you Avian!" She yelled as she galloped away with tears dripping from her eyes.

"Blurry I-I'm sorry." Avian said to himself. After all that happened Avian sunk into depression once again. He completely isolated himself once more, even to Wacky who tried to talk to him. This went on for two days, and for those days it was very quiet and depressing.

Finally Wacky's home arrest was over and he could leave the house. And one day Wacky decided to go out to the shopping area in Ponyville to pick up more food. When he was leaving he saw something on top of a cliff near the everfree, he saw Blurry standing at the edge of the cliff, his first reaction was "Oh it's just blurry on a cliff." Then t was "Holy crap Blurry is on a cliff!" When he saw this he dropped everything he had and flew to the top of the cliff to hopefully talk her out of it.

"Blurry! Don't do this!" Yelled Wacky

"Why shouldn't I my life is all a fraud, I have liars in my life and now a freaking stoner is talking me out of my own choice!" Yelled Blurry with tears dropping off of her face.

"You don't want to do this Blurry. What about your mother. What do you think she'll say?" Said Wacky grabbing Blurry's shoulder.

"Wait, how do you know about my mother?" Asked Blurry with a curious face looking towards Wacky. As this was happening Avian got a knock on his door, when he opened it he saw his "guide" pointing and making gestures towards the cliff, and when Avian saw Blurry and Wacky on the cliff his heart stopped.

"Oh no!" Said Avian wide eyed. "But what do I say? She won't listen to me I'm sure." Said Avian then his guide answered

"Well, what I would do is I would tell her how much she meant to me and do something the would prove how I feel for her." After he said that Avian got a confidant smile and said,

"You're right, I'm going to go up there! Thanks you, uh um." Avian stopped then his guide said,

"Just call me Techie."

"Thanks Techie!" After that he quickly flew to the top of the cliff. When he got there he saw Blurry scowl at him. "How is she?"

"She's fine, It's good you got here though I was running out of ways to convince her to not jump." Said Wacky

"Look Blurry I'm very sorry, I knew I should have told you in the first place, but I didn't want you to remember me of the colt who made you suicidal, I wanted you to remember me as the colt who saved you from the everfree, I'm very sorry Blurry. I had no idea what you were going through when you were young I should have been more open minded. I- I love Blurry I love you with every thing I got! There is not a day in my life where I don't remember what I said to you back in flight school. I'm sorry Blurry, but you don't have to forgive me just don't do this Blurry... Please" Avian finished with a trembling voice and tears coming out of his eyes. A long silence drifted over the three that were on the cliff then suddenly Blurry turned around and fell into Avian's arms they both sobbed and embraced in the hug, then Avian made the brave move to kiss Blurry which she let happen, in fact she leaned into it ass well. Then Blurry stopped and said three simple words.

"I forgive you"

Author's Note:

And that my friends was Blind Affection, hoped you liked it and I hope you guys enjoyed the characters, like I said I wanted to change up the love story with a different couple so I used Blurry and Avian. Let me know who your favorite character was and let me know if you want me to continue this story and make it a series like I did with Techie and Ninroot. Or let me know if I completely messed this up and I should have stuck with Techie and Ninroot. Just don't hate, judge just don't hate. Anyhow hope you like it Peace Out!

Comments ( 4 )

How can Blurry giggle at his wing-boner? You know, she wouldn't even know it was there, 'cause she's blind.

4905964 Oops. Kinda forgot that part. Ummm kinda got sucked into the moment.

I love this story. :heart:

Some scenes need a rewrite to add some meat to the story but overall a nice heartwarming read...upvoted and faved.

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