• Published 20th Aug 2014
  • 712 Views, 6 Comments

Blind Affection - GodOfBBQ

An egotistical pegasus runs into an old classmate that he bullied

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Chapter #2 "What's your name?"

It's been eight years since the flight school incident and Avian has felt guilty ever since then. At times he only wishes that he never did what he did to that poor blind filly. In fact he's felt so bad he is even a victim to bipolar depression, he would feel happy and normal, but then he would be quiet and depressed. Wacky being his friend/roommate always suggested smoke some weed but Avian knew that weed would make things better but he didn't like the idea of being addicted to it like Wacky. So he went to his other friend who lived near the everfree forest in a cabin with his wife. Avian actually never knew or could remember that pony's name he was told once it was like Techie something. And this pony wasn't really a friend more like a source for advice, even though he was only five years older than Avian he still had more life experience. So Avian's "guide" suggested he should go on walks and get out more, it would clear his mind. Avian thought about it and he figured it would be a lot easier to go on a walk instead on getting stoned with Wacky. So the next day he decided to go on the walk.

Early in the morning he got ready for his walk but Wacky stopped him as he was walking out the door and asked him a favor.

"Hey Avian, you going to do that walk thing that the Techie pony suggested?" He asked obviously sounding high.

"Yeah, I just figured it would be easier than getting high, no offense." He said while packing his saddle with water bottles and flower sandwiches.

"Hey while you're out could you get me some weed?" Asked Wacky

"What? what no! You get it your self!" He said with an stern face.

"C'mon bro, I need it. Believe me if I could I would get it my self but..." He stopped sounding like he wants to say something but doesn't want to.

"What did you do?" Asked Avian.

"I was kinda sorta caught while selling some weed outside the mayor's building." He said with a nervous grin.

"What! Why would you sell drugs outside the mayor's office, there are many other places here in Ponyville to do your thing but why the mayor's office?" Asked Avian with his hoof on his head looking like he has a migraine.

"Well I figured a lot of other-" He was interrupted by Avian.

"Don't even go into explaining, and tell me why can't you go out." Said Avian

"I'm under house arrest for the next two months." He said with the same nervous smile.

"*sigh* Fine I'll get you your weed but, you can't sell anymore!" Said Avian sounding more like a parent.

"You have my word!" Said Wacky saluting to his friend. Finally Avian was able to start his walk. He decided to walk in the everfree forest because he figured he wouldn't be talked to and less ponies would talk to him, in fact nopony would talk to him as far as he knew. As he walked through the everfree he saw many amazing things, he never really knew why ponies were scared of it, in reality it was a very beautiful place to be in. He did eventually find a small patch of marijuana leaves on a hill slope. He picked some even though a sign near it said not to pick them but who listens to signs now? As he kept walking he found a small ravine with little water going through it by the result of a beaver dam up ahead . As he passed this however he heard slight moaning and groaning. He was very curious of the moaning that interrupted his peaceful walk. He ventured down to the ravine and what he saw made him remember his school years that he was so close to forgetting about. What he saw was a passed out pegasus with a bent wing and a twisted hoof. He knew exactly who this pony was, it was the blind filly he badmouthed eight years ago. He panicked he had no idea what to do. But the first thing that went through his mind was to carry her back to his home. Being in the middle of the everfree forest and not having anypony to go to he decided to carry her back to his home to hopefully heal her and in his mind get some closure.

He was always a strong flyer so he was easily able to fly the unconscious mare back to his home. When he got home he quickly shot through the door and slowly and carefully placed the mare on his bed then Wacky walked in.

"Hey Avian, ya get my weed? Whoa Avian whats with the passed out mare, oh I see where this is going I'll just leave you to this. I won't tell no pony, only if I can get in on it Ha!" Said Wacky getting next to Avian.

"Dude that's gross. Don't you know who this is!?" Asked Avian.

"Hmmm a passed out cheerleader!?" He answered.

"No you retarded druggie! This is the blind filly from flight school!" Said Avian in a quiet whisper.

"No way!... Are we still going to nail her?" Wacky asked with a blank face.

"Are you really that retarded?" He asked

"No, I'm just high." Said Wacky digging through Avian's bag grabbing his weed and a sandwich. "Well, I'm going to my room, so I can get higher than the heavens." He took a bite out of the sandwich and said, "I'll be seeing ya." He then walked off into the spare room and stayed there for the rest of the day. Leaving Avian with the young mare.

"*sigh* Why did I find you, why are you here? I hope you can forgive me." Said Avian sounding depressed. He then heard breathing coming from the mare. He quickly looked down at her face seeing her open her eyes. Avian forgetting she was blind shielded his face so she didn't know who he was. But remembered she couldn't see. Once she opened her eyes Avian couldn't help but ask. "A-are you okay?"

"I-I think so, where am I?" Asked the young mare. Hearing her voice was like silk to Avian.

"Uh you're at my house, I found you in the everfree forest. You were passed out in the creek, I flew you back here." Said Avian worried she would recognize his voice.

"Oh thank you, but why?" She asked

"I don't really know miss, I felt like it would be the right thing to do I guess." Said Avian with a calm polite voice.

"Well you're very nice, my name is Blurry Stylist. What's your name?" She asked looking at nothing in particular. This was the question that Avian was dreaded to answer.

Author's Note:

Hey guys now I had kind of a hard time trying to come up with a way to start off this chapter so if it seems weak I understand what you mean. And by the way I did wink at the Teky and Ninroot stories and for those people curios people out there Teky is five years older than Avian and I have their ages right here:

Avian 20

Wacky Tabacky 20

Blurry Stylist 19