• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 2,119 Views, 48 Comments

Ponyllateral - It Never Ends

What happens when one of the most determined and skillful hitman on Earth ends up in Equestria? How will the mane six handle him as a friend or threat

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Chapter 6: Questions, Answers, And Some Bonding

Vincent had to give credit to the light aquamarine colored pony she wasn't wrong when she told him that her house wasn't to far to get to and that we wouldn't have any trouble getting there, thanks to the dark none of the ponies got even a glimpse of him. Though they did have to hide behind some corners and go through some dark alleyways but Vincent knew it was necessary even if he found it annoying, they reach Lyra's house and went inside.

"Alright everypony and creature make yourself at home." Lyra said as she welcomed everyone to her home. "But please don't be too loud Bon Bon is sleeping, she had a long day today."

"She isn't the only one." Vincent said as he looked around, already knowing that this Bon Bon must be Lyra's roommate.

Everyone moved around a little, looking around the place. Now that they thought about it, none of them had ever seen the inside of Lyra's house. At least Derpy, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle thought about it. Vincent on the other hand was in his own thoughts but once he got out of them and looked at Lyra's home again he noticed what the ponies had noticed. There where seven recliners, pictures of hands, and books on mythical creatures. This made Derpy and the three fillies feel uncomfortable if not a little creep out. Vincent on the other hand while feeling a bit weird out was more curious as to why a pony would need or want any of these things?

"So what do you guys think?" Lyra asked curiously. "Since this is the first time any of you have been to my home or I've had a strange creature stay here."

"It's umm... Nice." Derpy said as modest as possible.

"Yeah nice is a good word." Apple Bloom. "Right girls?"

"Yeah." Sweetie Belle simply said.

"I could think of a few more words to describe this place." Scootaloo said before getting hit in the shoulder by Apple Bloom. "But nice works to."

"Thanks guys. Vincent what do you think?" Lyra asked eager to hear Vincent's response.

"It's different than what I'm use to." Vincent said, as he looked around.

"Oh." Lyra said, a little sad.

"I mean that in a good way Lyra." Vincent said as looked back at Lyra actually meaning it since what he was usually use to was either crappy cities with people, who were so fixated on wasting their lives on crappy jobs or the occasional hired guards who would attempt to kill him in a shootout as he tried to kill his target, so yeah it was different than what he was use to but in a good way.

"Really? Thank you." Lyra said, as she perked up quickly. "It means a lot to have a complement from you."

"That reminds me." Vincent said, as he turned one of the recliners towards the ponies.

I took a seat on the recliner, I have to give Lyra credit these things where comfortable but where in their world would she find a recliner? That would be one of my least important question since I was more than likely to forget it once I started asking the real questions. I got comfortable and putted down my briefcases comfortable, have to remind myself to thank Derpy for not losing these things, I was now ready to get some answers from these ponies and then I would figure out what to do later.

"Alright girls." Vincent said as he laid back h already knew that by listening to their voices he could tell what gender they were. "It's time for questions and answers."

"Yes!" Lyra said, excited to finally ask her questions.

"Okay" Derpy said, thinking this would be no different than asking and getting answers from a pony.

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom where also excited to hear what this strange new creature would say. They decide to stay at Lyra's house for as long as possible until the questioning was over.

"I can't wait to hear this." Apple Bloom whispered, to her fellow crusaders.

"I know the anticipations killing me." Scootaloo said, excitingly.

"This is going to be so cool." Sweetie Belle said, sharing the same excitement.

Alright take a seat or something and get comfortable this is not going to end anytime soon." Vincent said very serious. "Should I go first or do any of you want to?"

Before Derpy or the Cutie Mark Crusaders could even move a muscle Lyra had already raised her hand, so fast that neither the crossed eyed pony nor the small fillies had seen her except Vincent who had to thank years of being a hitman for enhancing his reflexes. Speaking of Vincent he already knew that this particular pony would be the first to raise its hand err hoof. He just felt it be rude not to ask regardless he was intrigued by what this pony interesting pony would ask.

"Alright Lyra right? Go ahead." Vincent said, preparing himself for what Lyra would ask.

"Ok I'm umm... ugh." Lyra said and then start to mumble before giggling like a filly whose special somepony just asked her out. "Sweet Celestia this is so exciting I've got butterflies in my stomach."

"Maybe you should have a moment to collect your thoughts." Vincent said.

"No! No! Please I've got my questions I'm just a little excited." Lyra pleaded.

"A little and excited don't come close to justifying how Lyra is really feeling." Scootaloo whispered to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle who nodded in agreement.

"Ok I've got my question." Lyra said confidently as she ready to ask Vincent her question.

"Alright than ask me." Vincent said curious as to what this little pony would ask him.

"What's the term for your species?" Lyra asked.

Was expecting something more complicated but simple questions have never bothered me before either way got to start somewhere.
"Humans is what we are called, Homo Sapiens if you want to get more scientific but humans is what we preferred to be called." Vincent said casual.

"Hu-mans?" All of the ponies said trying their best to say it right.

"Yes." Vincent said.

"Awesome I'll have to remind Twilight to write that down in the mythical creatures book she has." Lyra declared.

Twilight? If these five hadn't told me their names I would have suspected they were talking about that old TV show which would have made me wonder if they had television here, but since I knew that these ponies had ice cream/candy sounding names I could already tell that this Twilight pony must have been another friend of theirs. Why can't these horses have regular sounding names?

"Alright my turn." Vincent said already knowing what he would ask. "Where the hell am I?"

Sure it was the most used and unoriginal question to ask but he need to know what this place was called and where it was, in fact that made him wonder if this world would have countries like earth.

"Oh well you’re in Ponyville of Equestria." Lyra said proudly.

"Ok that's a start next?" Vincent asked, needing more info than that.

"Do you like muffins?" Derpy asked quickly causing all the ponies including Vincent to look at her. "What? It's a fair question."

"Umm sure." Vincent said confused as to why this pony would ask a unnecessary question regardless it was his turn. "What's your society and government like?"

"Well we're an egalitarian society." Derpy answered again having the others, yes Vincent to, looking at her again. "What? I know my stuff to I'm not that dumb you know."

"Also we are ruled by our princesses." Lyra said answering Vincent's second question.

"Princesses?" Vincent questioned.

"Yeah Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." Derpy answered.

"So that means you have a monarchy government." Vincent said answering his question.

"Well yeah good observation." Lyra admitted although she was a little disappointed that she didn't get to answer Vincent's question but soon brightened up when a thought came to her head. "Hey I get to ask two questions."

"What?" Vincent asked.

"You ask another question when you asked if are government was a monarchy one and that counts as a question." Lyra said confidently.

"Fair point, go head." Vincent said.

"Ok." Lyra said still trying to hold back her excitement. "What do you call your... err those things."

I gestured to Vincent's whatever they were called, I had to know what his species hooves where called I had been drawing them for so long but not knowing the name of it had always bothered me and now that I could finally find out what they were called would take a huge weight of my shoulders pony. Sweet Celestia my excitement might be the death of me.

"My hands? Is that what you're talking about?" Vincent asked this time really confused as to why a pony would be interested in his hands because that look she's been giving them was obviously that of intense curiosity and wanted knowledge.

"Handz?" Lyra said pronouncing it wrong Vincent took noticed to this.

"It's pronounced hands. With an "S" ok." Vincent said correcting Lyra.

"Ok thank you." Lyra thank Vincent before asking her next question. "What's it like to walk on your hind legs."

These questions are getting more and more ridicules but I can understand before I even got here, Lyra's excitement gave a huge hint that humans here where more than likely a myth and that there brought disappointment because that means that if I was stuck here I'd be the only human here but l did remember that I wasn't fond of my species when I was alive and dead and I'm still not fond of them in this pony universe. Despite any of this I had to remember that I still had questions that needed answers but first I need to answer the questions given to me.

"Natural." Vincent said straight up.

"Natural? That's it." Lyra asked not exactly satisfied with Vincent's response. "What do you mean by that?"

"How's it feel to walk on all fours." Vincent asked with a smirk on his face.

"I'm sorry?" Lyra said confused by Vincent's question.

I knew how to answer these kind of questions. It's the classic answer a question with a question. "What's it like for you to walk on all four legs every day?" Vincent asked again.

"Umm I never put much though into it. I guess it feels... Normal." Lyra said realizing what Vincent, who was giving her a smirk was saying, she smacked her hoof into her face at the realization at how dumb her question was. "Sorry."

"How about we avoid unnecessary questions from this point on alright?" Vincent said to Lyra who wasn't sure if that was meant to comfort her mistake. "Now is there any kind of important information I need to know about it?"

"Hmm Derpy?" Lyra said looking at Derpy.

"Well there are the holidays." Derpy said remembering the first thing to come to her.

"Oh yeah we've got holidays like Nightmare Night, Hearts Warming Eve, Hearts and Hooves Day, etc. etc." Lyra said.

And they've got holidays again another human trait these ponies have.

"Ok anything else I should know about? Anything important?" Vincent said stressing the word important.

Lyra and Derpy tried to remember anything that would be important to Vincent and though they did remember some simple things they knew that they weren't important, they stressed to remember something important, a thought had crossed both their minds but they couldn't put their hoofs on it. Sweetie Belle noticed this and decided that after sitting and listing through the conversation that this would be her and her fellow crusaders a chance to get in on the conversation.

"Follow my lead." Sweetie Belle whispered to Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. "Excuse me."

"What is it?" Vincent asked Sweetie Belle.

"There is my sister and her friends elements." Sweetie Belle said.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo both got what Sweetie Belle was getting at and decide to get in on the conversation to, considering two of them where the younger sisters of two elements and the other might has well been a sister to one of the elements. Lyra felt embarrassed that she hadn't thought of the Elements of Harmony sooner but she really couldn't blame herself considering she felt like a side character whenever the Twilight and her friends where around which was weird because while she did have a life of her own she couldn't help but feel that for once attention was fully on her for once, she had to wonder if Derpy was feeling the same way. Which was a little true because she did feel like attention was on her a lot more than usual but that thought quickly went away when she felt happiness for the Cutie Mark Crusaders who she could see where excited to finally be a part of the conversation, which was understandable since she knew firsthand how boring it can be to be around others and not have anything to say it's very irritating but while thinking of this Derpy had to wonder that once Vincent learned about the Elements of Harmony and then meet Twilight and her friends and the princesses to, how would they all react to Vincent and how would Vincent react to them because while Vincent had saved all their lives back in the Everfree forest she knew that Vincent had another side to him. One that inspired some kind of worried within her maybe even fear but for the moment she had to brush those feelings aside as Sweetie Belle began to talk.

"My sister Rarity is one of the Elements of Harmony." Sweetie Belle said proudly.

"My sister Applejack is also one of the elements." Apple Bloom said also proudly.

"And the most awesome of awesome ponies RAINBOW DASH!" Scootaloo yelled out as she jumped. "Is also one of the elements."

"And what are these elements and what are their purpose." Vincent asked a little intrigued by these so called Elements of Harmony although he had to think that the person who thought of that name must have been in a rush, that or drunk.

The elements are six supernatural artifacts representing subjective aspects of harmony. They are arguably the most powerful force in Equestria, though the extent of their power is largely unspecified. They have been wielded on rare occasions, particularly during events marked by danger and anarchy as a last resort to restore and enforce the balance of peace and order. However, the effects of their use are generally temporary and non-lethal, usually a form of banishment or imprisonment." Derpy said accurately which causes Lyra and the three fillies to look at her with drop jaws and stares of awe, even Vincent was surprised at Derpy's extended knowledge of these elements.

"Derpy how do you know all that." Vincent asked now fixated on what Derpy would say.

"I study certain things that I may need to know." Derpy said honestly.

"Really? Are there any other interesting things you know about?" Lyra asked now curious on how much knowledge her friend has.

"I know a lot about certain things that other ponies no nothing about." Derpy said with a smile.

"How come you never told me or Twilight or anypony for that matter?" Lyra asked dumbfounded.

"No one asked." Derpy said bluntly.

"Of course none of these midget horses would ask." Vincent said in his head.

Derpy than looked at Vincent with a weak smile, who stared back at her.
"I know because of the way my eyes are you might get the idea that I'm less than intelligence which is ok because I know it isn't true and it doesn't hurt as much as it used to." Derpy said with a tear running down her right eye.

"I don't think that." Vincent said truthfully, seeing that this pony might be of more use to him than the others... "If anything I think you're a very unique per... Pony."

My face had brightened up faster than it had ever before, since I was a filly ponies had always labeled me with some very mean names but never had any of them had called me unique and from a creature that's basically a legend here. I'm actually flatter because my checks are turning red Vincent sure is nice for a scary looking person, maybe that weird feeling I had before wasn't me being worried maybe he's just unique to.

"Thanks Vincent." Derpy said as she wiped the tear away. "You’re a really nice umm... human?"

"The term would be "nice person" and thank you Derpy I appreciate that." Vincent said actually appreciated of the pony's comment.

That's the first time someone's or in this case something called me nice and meant it, as I've mentioned in my line of work not to may people give you complements like that in fact the only thing I ever get is a "good job" from my employers on a phone but it never bothered me I didn't care or need friends, who would more than likely backstab me in the future the only thing I ever cared for or need it was to be good at my job and keep my reputation perfect and respected. Although for some reason I actually felt "something" when this crossed eyed pony called me "nice" weird but it was probably because me and her where in our own way indifferent to our respected species. Alright enough of that it's getting late and after everything that's transpired today I need a rest beside with most of the information I've gotten will do for now and I can always ask more questions and get more answers tomorrow.

"Well I think that will do for now I think it's time we get some sleep." Vincent said.

"What no things are getting interesting." Scootaloo complained.

"Yeah we didn't even get to say much." Apple Bloom add.

"Sorry girls but Vincent's right we need to get some rest." Lyra said secretly hiding her disappointment that the conversation had to end.

"Can we stay the night?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I don't think your families would want you to." Lyra said.

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind." Sweetie Belle said trying to let them stay.

"I don't know?" Lyra pondered.

"Hang on a minute, Do your families expected you to be at home when it's dark." Vincent questioned.

"Yeah usually." Apple Bloom answered before Sweetie Belle could.

"Ok then you three have to go home." Vincent ordered.

"What! Why?" All three of the fillies asked.

"Because you said you never spend the night here right?" Vincent asked.

"Yeah." Apple Bloom said.

"And they usually expect you home at night right?" Vincent said in a more serious tone.

"Yeah but what does it matter?" Apple Bloom question not sure what Vincent was getting at.

"That's your routine to them and if you break that routine that will look unusual which means they'll start to wonder why and come looking for answers which means they'll fine me and for the time being I think we should keep this a secret between us." Vincent explained.

"Hey Vincent quick question what gender are you?" Derpy asked really wanting to know what the term for Vincent's species was.

"I'm male which is a guy or stallion as the term goes for hors– ponies and females are girls or as your term would be mares." Vincent said quickly explain it all incase the ponies didn't know what males and females mean.

"Ok good to know." Derpy said glade Vincent explained it. "Anyway he's right girls we can't take the chance."

The crusaders knew that they where all right and decide that despite there wanting to stay the night they had to go home.
"Alright." Sweetie Belle answered for the three fillies.

"Bye Vincent." Apple Bloom said as she opened the door.

"Bye." Sweetie Belle said.

"Bye hope to see you tomorrow." Scootaloo said as she walked out.

"Bye girls and I'm sure you'll see me again." Vincent said to the fillies as they walked out.

"Alright come on girls I'll walk you home." Derpy said as she lead the fillies out the door. "I need to get home to."

"Alright will see you tomorrow then." Lyra said as he waved to her friend. "Bye Derpy."

"By Lyra. By Vincent." Derpy said as she waved to both of them.

"Bye Derpy." Vincent said as Derpy closed the door.

With everypony gone now Lyra decide to go to sleep like Vincent suggested.
"Alright Vincent I'm gonna head to bed know, now I don't have any extra bed but the recliner–" Lyra said as she rubbed her neck before being cut of.

"I know how a recliner works Lyra don't worry." Vincent said reassuring the pony that he'd be ok with it.

"Oh ok then goodnight Vincent I'll see you in the morning." Lyra said as she headed to her room. "I'll make sure to wake up early to wake you up before Bon Bon sees you."

"Sounds good. Goodnight Lyra." Vincent said as Lyra left.

Well today's been a very interesting day gained information, made some allies, and now I have a place to stay for the time being. But now I'll have to wonder how everyday will be from now on not to mention a lot of other things that I will have to handle when they happen. Meeting this Twilight and her friends who are the bearers of these Elements of Harmony the most powerful weapon of this world. There's also those princesses and how they'll react to me. My god all these thoughts going through my head but it'll need to hold them off for later right now I need to sleep.

"I guess–" Vincent started as he pulled the recliner's leaver and laid back. "–this really will be a new start for me."

He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.