
by It Never Ends

First published

What happens when one of the most determined and skillful hitman on Earth ends up in Equestria? How will the mane six handle him as a friend or threat

A guy gets on the MTA here in L.A. and dies. Think anybody will notice? These are the final words of the hitman known as Vincent, at least on Earth they are, but what happens when this unstoppable force of a human wakes up in Equestria, a world where his line of work is almost nonexistent. Can he adjust to his new home or will he find a way to bring his old habits to this world. And will the mane six be able to make a new friend out of this human or will they gain an enemie whose destructive and violent nature knows no limits.

I own none of these characters from their respected Movie or TV series. The story and idea is all I created that's it.
Collateral is a 2004 American crime thriller film. The character Vincent and those mentioned from film and the movie itself belong to DreamWorks and Paramount Pictures.
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and it's characters are own by Hasbro Studio.

Chapter 1: First The End Then The Awakening

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"A guy gets on the MTA here in L.A. and dies. Think anybody will notice?" Vincent weakly ask knowing he wouldn't get to hear the response. His head tilts down as he takes his final breath.

Vincent had enough strength in him to think for one last time.
"This is it. My death which shouldn't be to surprising considering my line of work. Hey since I'm dead I shouldn't feel anything anymore, but I still feel hurt." Vincent wondered.

Vincent knew why though. His pride had been hurt because he lost to a cab driver, Max. It was not only embarrassing but annoying and frustrating that he was done in by a total amateur yet he couldn't stand to be angry at Max whom he had come to like. Instead he focused all his rage at himself.

"That's the last time I lower my game because the person I have to kill, I consider somewhat a friend!" He shouted in the void of darkness he was in. "Although I guess being dead means that will be the last time someone gets the better of me, I can take some comforted in that.

But there was none. I was still pissed off at myself for what happened on that train I just can't understand how I had missed all my shots and Max managed to fatally wound me, was he really that lucky? But it doesn't matter anyway I'm dead and he's not. Which means he'll probably start that limo business he's been dreaming of with that prosecutor girl.

He sinisterly chuckled at the thought of impending danger that might await for Max.

"Though I can't exactly see a happy ending in stored for them. Even if that bitch manages to convince the police that Max isn't responsible for those killings and then there's still Felix. He still thinks Max is me and when he finds out that the last hit wasn't completed." Vincent laughs softly. "Watch your back Max."

He sighed at the thought though, a small part of him really did consider Max as a friend of some sort. Besides he knew that for whatever reason the cosmos had given Max enough luck to get out of any life or death situation, he figured that one way or another Max would be alright.

"Now the real question is what's going to happen to me?" Vincent wondered.

While I contemplated over what awaits Max I had completely forgotten about my own predicament, like where the hell am I going? I can feel my body's in the same sitting position I had died on yet I can't move, starring at the endless void of darkness is all I can do. None of this is making sense at all, I'm dead right? So why hasn't something happened yet? I know I wasn't much of a religious man since I chose to embracing the uncertainty of the universe, random chance, just taking what nature throws at you and running with it, and stuff like that but that never stopped me from believing that there might be a small chance that heaven and hell might actually exist and according to Christian mythology because of the "actions" I chose to make throughout my career I should be damned to hell by now. So unless God has given me a pass which I doubt I can rule that out. And since I haven't disappeared into thin air Atheism is also out the window.

"No point in giving myself a headache over this, I'll just wait and see what the universe has in store for me." Vincent accepted. "Wonder how long I'll have to wait like this."

Vincent didn't have to wait long as he soon heard the sound of an incoming train horn. Vincent opened his eyes, squinting a couple of times before rubbing them, then looked around at the surroundings and notice that not only was this not the same train he died on but that it looked like something out of a children's coloring book that he had seen on the floor of one of his previous target's home. Instead of the usual murky depressing no one give a shit about you feeling of the MTA trains he was getting a feeling of colorful joyful innocent kid friendly toy train come to life... He didn't like it the very sight of it made him wish that there where some cops around to try and kill him so he could spray their blood all over this disgustingly overly cheerful nightmare on wheels, at least then it would bring back some feelings he actually understood very well. After finishing his disturbingly new decorating thoughts he stood up and stretched his arms.

"I have to admit I feel like I've just had the best sleep of my life, then again being dead for a while will probably do that to you." He figured.

He examined the train again then sighed in frustration.

"To a kid this would be a birthday wish come true but to me a hitman it's an insult to my profession." He thought. "I'm not going to gain any answers just standing here though. I need to have a look around see if there's anyone else on this thing.

I looked to the back of the train then at the front deciding which way I should go, after considering both directions for about two minutes I decide to go to the front consider that was the direction the train was heading and I wasn't to far behind from where the engineer would be. He'd be the one to give me the answers I wanted and if he wouldn't I could always ask him my way.

Vincent grinned at that thought as he head toward the front of the train. The closer he got the more his disgust for this train and what it was grew.

"Jesus Christ what the fuck was wrong with the designer of this train? Actually what the fuck was wrong with the owner of the company this train belong to? Was he blind? Maybe he's got Peter pan syndrome that or he's a homosexual." Vincent ponder.

Speaking of which what kind of a train has only one passenger on it? I wonder seeing that I was the only on this damn thing made me more suspicious as to how I got here and why. I'm sure the engineer will explain everything. In fact I could practically see him... What the hell am I seeing right now? That not a person driving it's a horse.

"A fucking horse!?" Vincent shouted confused.

Just then the pony engineer turned his head toward the noise. Vincent quickly toke cover behind the seats, the engineer examines the area, when he sees nothing is there he puts his focus back on the train, Vincent sticks his head out a little to see if the engineer is still looking, when he sees the engineer is no longer looking in his direction he gets up and calmly walks back to where he'd woken up. He takes a seat and starts to think.

"Ok three possible answers as to what I just saw. Either I've survived my bullet wound and ended up in a coma which makes this a dream or I'm still on the train, I've been drugged up somehow, and I'm now hallucinating all this or finally by some weird unexplainable unreasonable reason I've manage to be transported to some new world that happens to look like a little girls TV show." Vincent said.

A smile began to form on Vincent's face. He puts his hand on his face and starts to rub his chin as he laughs at the thought of the last answer. Finishing his laugh Vincent looks out the windowless view and sees the desert that is currently surrounding the landscape, he sticks his head out and looks forward he sees something ahead squinting his eyes he sees the image becoming a little clearer the image seems to be that of a town of some kind.

"Oh great a town most likely filled with horse doing human activates. What's next their going to have the ability to talk and speak English too?" Vincent began to laugh again at the thought.

He looks back out the to see the town far ahead.
"I know that town is more then likely our destination and judging by the view I'll be there in about." Vincent checks his watch. "seventeen minutes hmm déjà vu eh?"

While waiting Vincent looks to the left of the train and sees something familiar he stands up and walks to it and is pleasantly surprised to see his briefcase. While he does wonder how it had gotten here he put that thought aside for the moment and looked inside of it, to find his Heckler & Koch USP45, Smith & Wesson 5906, and Suppressed Ruger Mk II Pistol he checked them and saw that they where all still loaded.

"Now how in the world did these get here?" He wonders as he picks up the Heckler & Koch USP45. "Regardless these will be very useful should I run into any trouble." Vincent said as he chambered the gun.

I have to admit while I knew horses would be something that I could handle easily gun or no gun but there's a saying that goes. "It's always good to have a gun and not need it then need a gun and not have it." While I put the gun back in the briefcase I had just noticed another briefcase that looked exactly the same as my was on the other seat I checked the inside of it and found ammo, looked like one for each gun how many where inside the briefcase was a good question. But just as I was about to start separating and counting the train's horn had gone off, I ran back to the right side of the train looked out and saw that I would be reaching the town in no more than three minutes. Running back to the briefcases I closed them, picked them up, and went back to the right side when I looked out I notice that the train was about to stop at the train station I also got a glimpse of what proved my not to serious guess to be true, ponies doing human things. Waiting for the train to show being one of those things. My quick glimpse was cut off short as one of the horses looked towards my way I react fast by pulling my head back.

"The train will stop any minute now, need to think quick." Vincent looked at his surroundings again. "Hiding is definitely out the window. Wait window?" Vincent looks at the left sides windowless opening. "It's all I got to work with." He said sighing in annoyance.

Vincent knew that it may not seem like the best course of action to take but he also knew he had few to no options. Vincent starts calculating in his head the chances of having a rough landing, sustaining any injuries, and crashing into something and considering it was a desert he knew that it would most likely be a rock or cactus, even though the odds seemed against him he brushed them off and got ready to run, he looks back at the opening waiting to see the edge of the station. Once he saw a glimpse of it he started sprinting and jumped (straight forward diving style) out the opening. When Vincent saw how close he was to the ground he changed into a tuck and rolled position which made him roll forward a little bit, when he stopped he was on his back after laying there for a few seconds Vincent opens his eyes he sees the sun and quickly covers them, he sits up but quickly stops himself before colliding with a cactus he chuckle as he chuckled at the thought that some of Max's luck must have rubbed off on him.

Getting up he looks forward at the rest of the desert and sees no end to it.
"Obviously not going that way." He joked as he turned his back on the desert and faced the train again. "Let's see what I can learn by watch these horses."

As I walk to the edge of the train I heard voices two to be exact and judging by the soft tone they must have been females, but these voices weren't coming from my head, thank god, they were coming from the train unsurprisingly it sound like a lot of those horses had already boarded and two of them were coming towards the opening I had jumped out of. I quickly laid back on the train and looked up to see two muzzle sticking out one was light cerulean and the other was pale rose.

"See anything?" Lotus Blossom asked.

"Umm nope." Aloe said. " Not a thing."

"You sure?" Lotus Blossom question.

"Lotus it's a barren wasteland that stretches out for miles if anything was out there I'm sure we would have seen it." Aloe answered annoyingly.

"I don't know Aloe I'm pretty sure I saw something, something tall." Lotus Blossom pondered. "Maybe it disappeared."

"It's tall and it disappears? Oh No!" Aloe shouted.

"What is it !?" Lotus Bloom panicky asked.

"Maybe you saw the Slendermane!" Aloe said hysterically but with obvious sarcasm in her voice.

Lotus Blossom gave her a deadpan stare.
"Not funny." She said obviously not amused.

"Oh –” Aloe put her hoof over Lotus Blossom. “– Come on I'm just playing around."

"But I'm serious I saw something." Lotus Blossom pleaded.

"Well only you know what you saw, but I think we should be focusing on getting the supplies we need from the Crystal Empire." Aloe said trying to remind Lotus Blossom of the job they had at hand.

"Yeah you're right." Lotus Blossom said with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"Hey come on don't give me that sad look. Lets think about all the new beauty supplies will be able to add to our spa when we get back and how happy our customers will be!" Aloe said excitingly hoping to cheer her friend up.

"You're right! let's get these train a moving!" Lotus Blossom shouted cheerfully obviously perked up.

"That's the spirited!" Aloe said joining her friend's excitement.

Vincent couldn't take it anymore this whole situation he was in was making no sense at all it made him feel like his very intelligence, manhood, reputation, and knowledge of the world was being insulted all at once and it was starting to piss him off but he would have to hold back that feeling as he moved to the front of the train and looked over it trying find a place to lay low. As he looked around he saw that the horses where practically everywhere, on that note Vincent noticed that these horses weren't even the same size as the ones from earth if anything these where the midget versions, regardless he focused back on finding a spot after hearing the engineer yell out that the train would be moving soon. As he looks around he notice a little dark alleyway.

"That will do." Vincent said as he ready himself to run. "Just need to wait for the right moment."

The train's horn went off as the doors closed and the ponies outside the train either gave their goodbyes to the friends on the train, busied themselves by talking to each other, or went back inside. The train's horn was loud and could block out any noise for the moment. Which is exactly what Vincent needed.

"Perfect." Vincent said even though he couldn't hear himself thanks to the horn.

When the horn sounded off again I ran as fast as I could not bothering to look to the side and see if any of those midget horses where looking my way but it didn't matter I had reach the alley faster then I thought I would, once I was out of sight I looked out just enough for my face to still be cover by the shadows, miraculously none of those midget horses had noticed me. Well that's over and done with I can focus on other things like wiping this sand of my suit, as I took of my jacket I noticed that the blood from my bullet wound wasn't on my shirt anymore, in fact the wound itself was completely gone. I saw a mirror next to a barrel, who would leave a perfectly good mirror here? I ignored that thought knowing it wasn't important. I went to it and looked at myself there was enough light for me to see myself. Now I'm not the type of guy who is shocked by something, surprised maybe, but never shocked although after seeing myself in that mirror I can say I was a little baffled for a good fifteen seconds. I was fine the wounds and blood on my face and body were gone, no scars either it's as if I had never been injured hell I looked exactly the same as when I first got to L.A. except I didn't have my black Silhouette 4048 sunglasses besides that I had to wonder how the hell was that possible that my bullet wounds where just gone, things like that don't just disappear. Jesus so many things where happing all at once that I was having a hard time keeping up. I need to get some answers one way or another but first I wiped off the sand thankfully there wasn't that much and it was only on my jacket the rest of my suit was fine. Anyway while I wiped off the side pockets I felt something inside the right pocket I put my hand inside it and what I pulled out where my sunglasses, isn't that ironic, I held on to them as I finished wiping my coat I put it back on and saw what seemed to be the center of town I sighed from the idea that this new world will practically become my home.

"Well for most people it's always same job, same gig, doing the same thing 10 years from now." He said as the acceptance of his situation started setting in. "But me, for once I don't know what I'm going to do 10 minutes from now. I'll managed though." He chuckles. " After all –” He puts his sunglasses on. “– I'm indifferent."

Chapter 2: The Horizon Awaits

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You know there are times when you hate being right well this was one of them. I was right when I said I wouldn't know what to do 10 minutes from now. In fact it took me two and a half hours just to figure out what my next step would be, at least I think it had been that long I had checked my watch every now and again and that's what it said but I still don't know if the time on this world was the same as the time on Earth. Regardless I was annoyed that it took me so long to think of my next step but in all fairness to myself when you've done the violent things I've done and then somehow manage to end up in what looks like a group of little girls fantasies come to life it hinders certain abilities you have. Thinking clearly being one of those abilities but I knew it was pointless to ponder on it any longer. It was time I made my next step which was getting to a secure location.

"Seems like I can move from house to house without any of these things seeing me." Vincent thought as he look at his surroundings. "Yeah I can do it, all these horses seem to be busy going on with their day to even take a glance in my direction."

Vincent patiently watched waiting for the right moment to move. As he looked around he saw that he was right, no one was looking in his direction or the direction of the house he was going to run for, Vincent picked up his briefcases and made a run for the house which was more than a few steps away, hell he could have walked to it if he wanted to but knowing that would increase the chances of being spotted he brushed it off as some stupid random thought. Not long after the run he had reached the house, Vincent repeated this process three more times while doing this he still managed to go unnoticed although the last two houses he thought were close calls but turned out to be nothing but some horses walking in the same direction he was moving to, they were too busy talking with one another to even look forward for a second.

"This is working out better than I had anticipated" Vincent said.

As I looked around to see where I would be moving to next I saw two paths that leaded to what seemed to be two different forests. One was for whatever strange reason filled with an endless amount of apples while the other seemed like a regular looking forest. It wasn't much of a hard decision to make considering I preferred to stay in a normal looking forest a lot more than a strange apple filled one, my mind was made up but no matter where you are Earth or this place nothing will ever go your way and that was the case right now, the forest I had chosen to go to was over a bridge that led straight to it, problem was I would have to run right into the center of town where every one of those horses would see me and the last thing I needed was to be categorized as some kind of Bigfoot type monster myth. Leaving that thought in the back of my head I looked back at the apple forest and notice that if I went into it and then headed to the east direction it would lead me towards the normal looking forest. Seems like the best option and after checking the town again, still not able to find a way to get by unnoticed I decide that going through the apple forest was my best choice, since there where already some trees behind the house I was hiding behind I could use them to provide me with some cover till I reach the forest.

"Hopefully it won't be as far of a distance as it looks." Vincent said as he picked up his briefcases. "If the world is on my side, I can just walk the rest of the way once I'm inside the forest." He joked.

Before Vincent could scope out the area he heard something heading his way deciding not to take the chance at looking back to see what it was. He ran straight to the trees and took cover behind one, he looks back and is surprised at what his eyes are witnessing. A tortoise flying. For the moment Vincent was speechless, he even stuck his head out a little more to get a better look at how the tortoise was in the air and that's when he saw what seemed to be miniature helicopter wings attached to the shell of the reptile he also noticed that on the metal part that was giving space between the shell and wings was a sparkling substance he guessed that this piece must have kept the whole thing from falling apart. While confused Vincent was impressed with how these horses had managed to create something advanced, almost on the same level of human technology, almost. Vincent noticed that the tortoise was looking in his direction. No he was looking right at him.

"Shit." Vincent cursed.

Vincent didn't know whether to be worried or not, could this mere animal have intelligence like the horses? Should he pull out his Suppressed Ruger Mk II Pistol and shoot the thing or wait and see what it does? Would it warn the horses of his presence? Would it be able to do that? Could it even talk like the horses? All these questions went through Vincent's head so fast it made him feel like time was slowing down but that feeling went away when he heard the sound of a female voice shouting he figured it must have been the tortoise's owner, he went back into hiding and pulled out his Suppressed Ruger Mk II Pistol and ready it. He waited for whatever was going to happen to happen.

"Tank! Come on stop flying off." Rainbow Dash yelled out as she looked for Tank." Where the hay did he go?"

Just then she saw her flying tortoise hovering next to a house looking off into the distance. She flew to him fast to be sure that if he went wondered off again she would be able to catch up to him in an instance, when she reach Tank she stood behind him giving him a somewhat angry stare waiting for him to turn around and face her but after two minutes of staring she walked right next to him and tapped his shell with no respond. This annoyed Rainbow Dash.

"Tank! What the hay are you looking at?" Rainbow Dash yelled as Tank spun around before regaining his balanced. "Well?"

Tanked looked at his owner before turning towards the tree he had been staring at for the good part of four minutes, hoping Rainbow Dash would see what he had been looking at. When his gaze was on the tree he saw that the strange creature he had seen running from a house to back here was gone.

Rainbow Dash turned to see what Tank was looking at and saw only a couple of trees but notice the one Tank was specifically looking at, she put her hoof over her face as she sighed.

"Tank I honestly wonder what goes on in that head of yours, if simple things like a tree grab your attention so easily." Rainbow Dash said as she turn around and started to walk back to the center of town. "Come on Tank we need to stop by Twilight's place so I can borrow a Daring Do book she recently found. It's one even I haven't read yet, which is why we need to go now!"

As Rainbow Dash started to walk away Tank began to follow but looked back one last time to see if the strange creature would show it's face again and coincidently enough he saw half of the creature's face sticking out to see if he and Rainbow Dash had left yet. They both stared at each other for about half a minute before the creature nodded it's head with a face that screamed "Don't attract attention!" and pulled out something black that glimmered a little when the sun shined on it. For some reason Tank could feel that this thing was meant to intimate and decide to turn around and follow Rainbow Dash without looking back once he caught up to Rainbow Dash they both began to fly away.
I could hear that female horse yelling at the tortoise about what he was looking at I readied my gun knowing that this could only end in two ways, either I kill both of them before they can alarm any of those other horses or the horse doesn't bother to look over here, walks away with her pet, and neither of them will need to die a pointless death... Sounds like the horse is leaving I decide to stick half my face out to see if they both had left. To my relief it was just the tortoise still staring at me, after half a minute of that I nodded my head at it threateningly and showed off my gun enough for it to get a good look at it. This thing better get the message that "If you attract attention, you're going to get you and your owner killed." The animal went back to its owner, at this moment I moved to another tree and looked back to see that they had left.

"Great now I can leave." He said as he started walking towards the apple forest. “Everything should be calm and simple from this point on."

And I was right I'd been walking for a couple of minutes without something unexpected happening, which I took advantage of by taking sometime to give myself a breather from all this nonsense. Since I had gotten here I've been moving around so much that I haven't had a second to get my thoughts in order, I mean things I've done in my life had never once hinder my thoughts at all but "here!" everything felt like it was a lot to take, unlike Earth where everything felt simple to me. Which further irritated me because back on Earth finding out who I am was one of the easiest things I had ever done in my life, which turned out very well for me despite getting killed and ending up here and that's where the frustration lies, I'm in a world where the word complicated seemed to be a part of these horses everyday lives. How did I know if this was right? I don't know it just felt like a normal quiet day wasn't a common occurrence in this world.

"I know how life can be full of surprises but something just kept eating away at me that this place had surprise everywhere, every day and I was going to one way or another become involved with those surprises." Vincent said annoyed at the inevitability of that becoming a reality. "For now everything should continue to be calm and simple, like a walk in the park."

And for the most part I was right it felt like it was just a simple walk in the park, I did look over my shoulder a couple of time to get rid of the annoying feeling that something might be following me. After about seven minutes of walking through this never ending apple filled forest I decided to stop, sit on the grass and let my mind have a moment to collect itself. Everything that had transpired in the last couple of hours, if my watch was correct, was a lot to take in which was a first for me considering my profession, you see killings basically second nature once you find out how good you are at it, it doesn't get to you but "this!" This world that was inhabited by midget horses who can talk and have the same habits if not some traits that humans displayed was getting to me like an irritating itch that wouldn't leave me, so yeah this world wasn't doing wonders for my head especially when thoughts are going in and out of my head. Thoughts like I might be the only human in the wannabe wonderland... Actually that might not be such a bad thing I wasn't too attached to my own species thanks to my profession but even before I found my calling I had always felt indifferent to everyone around me, maybe it was my whole outlook on life that made others feel that I was indifferent to them although an outcast would be a more appropriate term. No matter the label I was given it never bothered me, if anything it helped me motivate myself into becoming the man I am today. I think I've rested long enough it's time to keep moving. As I got back up and looked on at the horizon hoping that from this point on things would go my way.

But Vincent was a realist and knew that like every other day it was a fifty-fifty chance of it actually going his way or turning into a complete cluster fuck. Regardless of which one would happen Vincent already had his answer to the outcomes.

"I'll deal with it." He said coldly.

Chapter 3: Running Into Complications But For Who

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"Thanks again for coming with me Derpy. I really appreciate it since Bon Bon had to work a double shift today. I just hoped I wasn't intruding on your free time." Lyra said as she and Derpy walked.

"Oh you're welcome and don't worry it's no trouble at all I'm always happy to be of help for any of my friends." Derpy in a cheerful tone which made Lyra giggle.

"That's what I like about you Derpy no matter who the pony or what the reason you always keep a joyful mood." Lyra complimented.

"Aww shucks thanks Lyra." Derpy said clearly blushing at the compliment.

"You're welcome." Lyra said smiling.

They continue walking toward the farm. Derpy decided to occupy herself by thinking of all the new delicious muffin recipes she would ask Applejack to teach her, the thought made her stomach rumble which caused her to giggle to herself she returned to the thought again but was soon interrupted by Lyra who was quietly singing the song Pinkie Pie had sang about smiles.

"Come on everypony Smile, smile, and smile! Fill my heart up with sunshine, Sunshine." Lyra sang as Derpy watched her trying to remember if she had heard the song before.

While trying to remember another thought crossed Derpy's mind.

"Hey Lyra you know that I don't mind coming with you to Applejack's farm but why are you going there?" She asked her friend.

"Oh well you see I ran out of bait three weeks ago and decided to try something new this month." Lyra said with a smile on her face.

"And apples where the first thing that came to your mind?" Derpy questioned.

"Not really it's actually a very funny story how apples came to my mind. Want to hear it? Lyra asked.

"Yeah!" Derpy yelled with enthusiasm

"Alright I was walking to Twilight's library to see if I could find a book." Lyra explained.

"What kind of book." Derpy asked.

"Umm...well...It's a...ah it's was just a regular book." Lyra said to Derpy, who noticed that Lyra was struggling a little to get her words in order but decided to ignore it.

"What happened next?" Derpy asked reminding Lyra to continue her story.

"Oh yeah sorry, where was I?" She pondered before finally remembering. "Oh right like I was saying I was heading to Twilight's library but I was coming from the Everfree forest so it was a pretty long walk and getting pretty hungry so I decide to stop by Sugarcube Corner and grab a snack but right when I was about to reach it I got hit in the head real hard with an –" Lyra was about to finished but she was interrupt

"It was an apple and that's what gave you the idea to get apples right!" Derpy said confidently.

"Nope it was a baseball." Lyra said bluntly.

"A baseball?" Derpy said confused as she rubbed her head with her hoof.

"Yep according to everypony that was there I was unconscious for about eight minutes." Lyra said simply.

"Oh my where you ok?" Derpy asked concerned.

"Oh yeah I was fine funny thing though I felt like I was still awake though." Lyra said.

"Really? Wow did you see anything like a light." Derpy asked with curiosity growing in her eyes.

"No it wasn't like that Derpy." Lyra said as she chuckled a little at Derpy's question.

"Oh ok but how did the ball hit you." Derpy asked.

"Oh that's easy apparently those Cutie Mark Crusader fillies where trying to get their cutie marks in baseball, Scootaloo the Pegasus of the group, hit the ball really hard and bad luck for me it happened to be falling in my direction." Lyra said as she rubbed the back of her neck with an awkward smile on her face.

Derpy listen carefully but was still confused, wondering when the main point of this conversation would come up.

"Umm Lyra not to sound like I'm rushing you but what does this have to do with you eventually wanting apples?" Derpy asked confused.
"I was just about to get to that part, when I woke up Applejack gave me three free apples as a way of apologizing to me for the three fillies’ incident. Once the world stopped shaking around me I headed straight for the library. After the pain left my head the hunger in my stomach came back so I decide to eat the apples and once I took that first bite you know what I realized at that moment.
"What!?" Derpy asked as her eyes grew with curiosity.

"That Applejack's apples taste amazing good!" Lyra said, as she jumped a little in the air.

Derpy looked at Lyra with a confused and dumbfound face.

"Lyra I think everypony knew that." Derpy said trying her best to not sound rude.

"What I mean is that I don't think anything could resist these apples, which makes them the perfect bait." Lyra said proudly.

"That's another thing that's got my curiosity Lyra." Derpy said firmly. “What do you mean when you say bait? What are you trying to catch?"

"Umm... something?" Lyra said nervously.

"You're still trying to find those creatures with the weird disfigured hoofs right?" Derpy said with a straightforward face.

"How did you know?" Lyra said taken aback by Derpy's accurate response.

"Do you remember the whole Gabby Gums incident from awhile back?" Derpy asked.

"Yeah?" Lyra said trying to figure out what Derpy was getting at.

"Well one of their stories was about your quote "unhealthy obsession" unquote." Derpy said as she covered her mouth with her hoof to try and block out the sounds of her giggles.

"You know that explains why everypony kept looking at me funny for three weeks." Lyra said as she smack herself on the head in a playful matter

Derpy couldn't help but laugh at Lyra's unfortunate bad luck. Lyra also joined in the laughter understanding that these events where pretty funny considering the nonsense each of them had and knew that if only complain rather than laugh you'll only make yourself miserable.

"Alright as much as I would like to keep laughing at my misfortunes I think we should keep moving Derpy." Lyra suggested.

"Yeah since you mention how good those apples tasted my stomach's been growling like a Timberwolves. Derpy said as she held her stomach.

"Yeah let’s go." Lyra said as she started to move with Derpy following.

As they were walking a thought came to Lyra's mind

"Hey Derpy?" Lyra said.

"Yeah?" Derpy asked.

"On the way back we should talk and laugh at your unlucky misfortunes." Lyra said as she playfully poked Derpy's shoulder.

"Lyra I promise you that if we do you'll die of laughter and I'll die of embarrassment. Derpy said with a weak smile and mixed emotions in her tone.

Lyra didn't know what to say to Derpy's respond without thinking that she would sound rude. So she tries to think of a different subject to and nothing comes to her mind at first. She takes another glance at Derpy who is just walking and looking forward with a little smile on her face.
Wow does Derpy have a good poker face I can't tell if she's really smiling or not I, I hope it's real and not some forced smile to hide her whatever emotion she's feeling right now, did I hurt her feelings by mentioning her misfortunes? I should have known better then to mention that what's wrong with me she's got enough troubles with those eyes of her and other ponies who make fun of her. What kind of friend would even joke about that? Yes we did with mines but I'm used to it consider my hobby, which is not an obsession! It's not uncommon for me to get laughed at for it but that every now and then, hers could almost be daily. I should apologies to her.

"Lyra!" Derpy yelled to her friend.

"What's wrong?" Lyra yelled back looking at Derpy.

"There at the club house!" Derpy pointed at the object she had seen.

Lyra stood there in shock. She couldn't believe what her eyes were staring at.

"Oh my sweet Celestia." Was the only thing Lyra could mutter out?

"What is it?" Derpy asked confused and scared.

"No bucking way." Lyra said as a huge smile grew on her face.

(Half an hour ago somewhere else)

Vincent had been walking through the apple forest for a while now he did check his watch every now and again but after a while he decide that until he could figure out the time system in this world he decide to just use the sun as a clock. The walk through the apple forest was a lot longer than he had thought but also didn't bother him like he thought it would since there were plenty of apples to eat whenever he got hungry and the grass, even though he hated to admit it, was soft enough for him to rest on which he did about two times but they didn't last long as his objective kept him motivated to keep moving which was a good thing until a certain thought had crossed his mind.

"How do I know I'm going the right way?" The thought ran through Vincent's head.

Now that I think of it I really should have found a way to get a map of this place, that would have been very useful rather than walking through an apple fill forest which I have no knowledge of whatsoever. Not one of my best idea buts that's irrelevant right now I just need to keep heading east until I see another forest, easier said than done. I've never been one to complain out loud so I'll work with what I got, wait.

"What the hell is that?" Vincent said with a weird look on his face caused by the object he was looking at.

He walks closer to it and sees that it's a tree house. Confused as to what horse would build tree house all the way out here, he walks to it to examine it closely he saw that it was well built and that half of the tree wasn't even cut it was sticking out of the house.

"Who ever built this thing obviously knows how to construct." Vincent said complimenting the pony made this tree house.

Vincent's curiosity finally got to him as he started walking up the steps to get a better look at it. it was pretty big just enough for him to fit through the door although he did have to bend his head down a little to avoid hitting the his head, the inside was much like how he thought it would be a children's tree house filled with posters, colorful window curtains, paper, paint, crowns, flowers in pots, etc. etc. Oh yeah and there was a speaking stand post in the middle of the room for some reason, Vincent figured that however many of those horse where in here that was where the main one made his or her speech. After looking around he saw that there was an open hatch that lead to a second floor he walk to it then climbed up the ladder and stuck his head up to look around and saw not that the second floor particle looked like the first. He climb back down and decided it was time to start walking to his destination when Vincent got back outside he looked to his right and saw that there was another set of steps that led to what looked like a watchtower.

"Well there's something you don't usually see on a tree house." Vincent thought as he put his hand on his chin. "I may not have a map but a watchtower that high could be more useful."

Vincent stood there for about a minute before finally making up his mind.

"Doesn't look like any of those horses will be coming by anytime soon and I'm not in a rush. Alright I'm going to use it." He decided.

I headed up the steps and saw that while it was small it was still big enough for me to fit through as long as I crouched a little anyway I went to the side that the telescope was at and looked through it. I saw that on the west hemisphere was a farm with not surprisingly a corn crop field, chicken coops, a well, and what looked like a small carrots factory or something like that, after I finished checking out the farm I looked towards the east and saw that I wasn't too far from the forest, I would reach it in about seven or less minutes if I run there. Well finishing that thought I was about to leave before I decide to look at the town because I had never gotten a chance to get a good look at the town, once I did imagine my surprise when I saw how the whole town was. It looked like it was in the renaissance period or that one period in time in Europe that looked good before the Black Death created a shitstorm and destroyed everything. Hope these things don't have too many fleas here. Now that thought made me laugh anyway I knew it was time to go I head back down the steps, things are going my way so far seems I got the better half of that 50/50 chance... Wait did someone just yell... Oh shit.

"There at the club house!" Derpy pointed at the object she had seen.

"Oh my sweet Celestia." Was the only thing Lyra could mutter out?

"Oh my God." Vincent mutter out.

"What is it?" Derpy asked confused and scared.

"In most stories this situation is usually the other way." Vincent thought.

"No bucking way." Lyra said as a huge smile grew on her face.

No fucking way is right... Wait did she just say "No bucking way." Whatever doesn't matter I need to get the hell out of here. I know I could just shot them but knowing these things have intelligence I'm sure others will hear the gun fire and come looking around, pluses having to find a place to hide there bodies would take up a lot of time to so killing them will be put on hold as a last resort. I looked out towards the north and figured that if I run fast enough there an then change my direction I should be able to out run them, once I get inside the forest I'll be able to lose them in there. I just need to wait for the perfect opportunity which better come soon because the way that mint colored horse is looking at me with that giant smile is giving me an itchy trigger finger.

"Lyra is that one of those things you've been obsessing over." Derpy whispered to her.

"Yes Derpy but what makes this a dream come true that it's right there in front of us... And it's not an obsession! Derpy yelled.

Vincent saw this as an opportunity to getaway, He jumped from the tree house once his feet hit the ground he started sprinting forward to the north liked he planned never bothering to look back.

"Lyra it's running away." Derpy said as she and Lyra watch the creature run away although Lyra was still a bit in shock before snapping out of it.

"Derpy quick we have to catch up to it so we can talk to it! Come on before it gets away. Lyra screamed loud enough that even Vincent heard.

Great now I'm a hitman that's about to be chased by two female horse this seems like something out of a cartoon/movie cross over story or something stupid like that. But whatever I need to focus on getting to the forest.

"Lyra do you think we can catch up to it? And if we do you think it will be able to understand us if we try talking to it?" Derpy said as she ran with Lyra.

"I don't know but life has always been about taking chances and this is one of them." Lyra stated as they chased the creature.

These horses why did they have to be walking in this forest? On this day? Must be a classic case of "wrong place at the wrong time". Another expression that always brings out complications in situations. What am I an attraction for complications? On that note I take it back on that getting the better half of that 50/50 chance, I got the cluster fuck of the half and God does it bring a lot of unnecessary complications.

"But for whom is the real question? Me? These horses? Maybe all of us." Vincent thought as he kept running.

Chapter 4: Death Surrounds Us All

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"Alright girls you ready!" Scootaloo said with enthusiasm screeching out of her voice.

"Scootaloo I still think this is a bad idea" Apple Bloom said nervously.

"Oh come on quite being such a worry hog." Scootaloo said jokingly.

"I am not I'm just saying don't you think this is a bad idea!" Apple Bloom shouted

"You think anything with risk is a bad idea." Scootaloo said with an annoyed tone in her voice.

"That's because it usually is." Apple Bloom said also an annoyed tone in her voice.

"Maybe it’s because we don't take more risk is the reason we haven't gotten our cutie marks yet." Scootaloo firmly.

"Or maybe taking to many of them doesn't speed up the process at all." Apple Bloom said standing her ground ready to defend her statement.

"Well I think you're wrong" Scootaloo said as she got close to Apple Bloom's face.

"And I think you're wrong." Apple bloom said also getting in Scootaloo's face.

"Sweetie Belle what do you think!" They both yelled towards Sweetie Belle who was just standing by awkwardly as her two friends argued.
"Umm girls in all honesty we've faced danger before and by some recurring miracle we've mange to come out ok." Sweetie Belle said honestly.
Scootaloo and Apple Bloom began to ponder on what Sweetie Belle just said knowing that there was actual truth behind that statement.
"I'd also say it would be a good idea to be very cautious, this is the Everfree forest we're talking about so let’s only go 36 inches, look around, and if we don't see anything we leave." Sweetie Belle said.

"Buts that's only one yard!" Scootaloo complained.

"Come on it's a fair distance." Sweetie Belle said calmly.

"I agree with Sweetie Belle." Apple Bloom said.

"Fine." Scootaloo grunted, accepting defeat in the argument.

"Hey come on guys we're best friends here remember?" Sweetie Belle said sincerely.

At first Scootaloo and Apple Bloom turn away from each other but after hearing they look at each other and smile.

"Yeah she's right. We good Apple Bloom?" Scootaloo admitted with a little smile.

"Yeah we're good." Apple Bloom said as she hugged her friend who hugged her back.

Sweetie Belle then joined in on the huge.

"Alright girls let’s do this!" Scootaloo enthusiastically yelled.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Monster Hunters!" All three yelled out as they ran into the forest.

(Meanwhile somewhere else with Vincent)

Vincent had been sprinting for about three minutes now. The adrenalin was really kicking in since he didn't feel an ounce of energy leaving his body. While running he was trying to figure out what his next step would be once he got to the forest, would he rest there for a while then keep running again until he couldn't run anymore? Would he try to find somewhere new to stay? Would he find something to help him get back to earth? Did he even want to go back to Earth? The only thing he ever really liked about Earth was his reputation as a hitman and how good he was at his job. The more he thought about it the more he knew that other than those thing he didn't really care if he ever saw Earth again. Maybe this place was some kind of second chance for him. He shake his head violently trying to get those thoughts out of his head. Knowing that this wasn't the time to be get all philosophical he went back to focusing on the running.

"I haven't looked backed once, are those horses still following me? Vincent thought before turning his head back surprised to see that the two female horses where still following him. "You got to be fucking kidding me."

Despite his obvious disappointment that these two horses were still chasing after him he had to give them credit for having the guts to come after a creature they have no knowledge of especially when that creature is something as dangerous as him. Despite that well known fact he was going to have to lose them, if he wasn't going to kill them.

"I've been running long enough I'm going to make that turn soon." He thought as he prepared to change directions. "And now!"
This thing sure can run I mean me and Derpy weren't to far behind but I just feel like the closer I think we are getting to it, the farther away it seemed to be getting from us but the excitement and curiosity coursing through my body is what kept me going. I wonder what kept Derpy going cause she doesn't seem to be tiring out anytime soon but I'll leave it alone for now her reasons are good enough to keep her going and that's all that matters, now back to the goal at hand I needed to get to it I had so many questions that I needed to ask. One of them would be how much endurance does this thing have, must be a lot since we've been running for about what five minutes already hopefully it will tire out soon because despite our motivations I don't know... Oh buck he's heading towards the Everfree forest!

Lyra and Derpy both follow Vincent's change of directions, towards the Everfree forest. Derpy didn't like that they were both about to head into this hazard zone of a forest but she knew that Lyra would need help with not only the creature they were chasing but also the know creatures that already called the forest home but she cared about her friend enough to risk it even though it looked like a bleak situation. Regardless Lyra was her friend and she was going to help her to the best of her ability.

I can't believe what's happened in the past few minutes the creatures Lyra believed in are actually real at least one of them was and here I am with my friend actually chasing one it feels like some bizarre dream it's both amazing and kind of scary. No matter what it is this seems to be getting a little risky because that thing is about to run straight into the Everfree forest and Celestia knows situations can go from bad to worse in there. I understand why Lyra wants to get this strange creature but there are still so many questions that we don't know about. What if it attacks us? What if we lose it inside the forest? Would it understand us? Can it even talk? And those are only questions about the creature, Lyra needs to think of the questions involving herself. What happens if we get injured or worse in the Everfree? What if the creature gets eaten? Or if we managed to get it and convince it to come back to Ponyville will everypony except it or try to chase it away? What if the Princesses show up and take it away? How will Lyra handle any of those scenarios if they come true?

All these question where going through Derpy's head so much that it felt like her eyes where spinning but she came back into focus when Lyra called out to her.

"Derpy he's going into the forest be ready for anything and don't get separated ok!" Lyra yelled.

"Ok!" Was all Derpy could say as she mentally prepared herself for whatever dangerous and horrors awaited them in that forest.

"I've waited for this moment my whole life I'm not going to lose." Lyra said in her mind with determination written on her face. "Bring it on."

"Goddamn it! Why won't these horses give it up already" Vincent yelled in his mind. "Forget it I'm about to enter the forest I'll lose them in there."

Vincent knew his chances of losing the horses was higher inside the forest, once he entered he started going past as many trees as he could. He looked back to see if that had worked and again was annoyed to see that they were still following him but was also satisfied to see that they were farther behind, a satisfying smile began to grow on his face as the thought of losing these horses in the forest soon was satisfying. With that thought in his head he kept going past trees, through big bushes that could block out the horses view, and jump over puddles of water that would most likely cause the horses to fall but every time Vincent looked back he saw that the horses while falling behind a little more each time where still on his trail. Vincent was starting to get pissed and after running through what felt like three yards. Then it came to him, how far he had gone into the forest he could shoot these horse and if any of those other horses could possible hear the gunshots they wouldn't fine the bodies anytime soon if not ever. As he thought of this idea he saw something right in front of him, he tried to stop but trip over the small figures. he began tumbling over with the object with his briefcases also falling behind him, it wasn't to bad though as he and the objects where starting slowing down but that soon became a false sense of hope as Vincent help two more heavy object collide with him.

"Don't lose sight of it Derpy we can't lose it after coming this far." Lyra said to Derpy almost in a pleading tone.

"Don't worry Lyra we won't." Derpy reassured Lyra continuing to run side by side by her friend not falling behind.

Lyra and Derpy where farther behind the creature then when they started managed to still keep view of it, which helped them to continue following the creature without losing so much as a small glimpse of the creature. Both of them had different feeling on the situation they were in. Derpy didn't like the feeling that the Everfree forest was giving her. To her this forest always felt like a nightmare come to life from the depths of her darkest fears and the fact that this forest was filled with so many scary mysterious, dark secrets, unexpected surprises, and other unknown horrors made her want to turn around and run home as fast as her hooves would allow her to but she knew that she had to stay for Lyra's sake. Derpy had already said she would help her friend to the best of her abilities and so she would, even if that meant continuing through what felt like the depths of Tartarus. Lyra on the other hand didn't show any signs of regret or had any second thoughts upon entering the forest to her the opportunity to be able to make contact with a creature she had believe in since she was a filly was worth all the bumps, bruises, and scares that she would endure throughout this forest. While on the outside it seemed that she was fully focus and determined on catching up with the creature, which she was, on the inside her heart was pouncing all over her body like Pinkie Pie when she was preparing a party. The thought of her making friends with the creature and then convincing it to come back to Ponyville with her and Derpy made her feel like she would be a filly in school proving her friends wrong about something they had always doubted her for. During this she had notice that her and Derpy where catching up with the creature a lot faster than before, she figure it was her and Derpy's motivation to get to the creature that helped them move faster. In reality Vincent's momentum was slowing down every time he had to go pas or jump over something. Those thoughts came back to Lyra but she quickly put those thoughts to the back of her mind for the moment as she had to pay attention to the creature and every move it made. Which might have been a good thing had she paid attention a couple of seconds earlier because she had saw the creature tumble over something. Which made her try to stop herself and warn Derpy.

"Derpy stop! Look out!" Lyra shouted as loud and as fast as she could.

"Oh No!" Derpy responded with as she tried to stop herself.

Both of the ponies had stomped their hooves on the ground to try and stop themselves from colliding with whatever it was that the creature had crashed into, dust started to form from the grounds dirt as Lyra and Derpy pressed their hooves on the ground harder but it was to late they had collide with both the creature and the small figures that it had collided with. Now they were all tumbling down a small hill. Their tumbling came to an end in no less than a minute and a half. When Vincent's heads stopped shaking the he looked to see what it was that he ran into and could only say one thing...

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Vincent said royally pissed off now.

(A few minutes back)

"Scootaloo you tricked us we came farther than one yard." Sweetie Belle complained at the fact that her plan didn't work out.

"Yeah we're a lot farther than we had agreed to go." Apple Bloom said agreeing with Sweetie Belle.

"But guy I didn't trick you. I swear I saw a monster running in this direction it was being chased by two other ponies." Scootaloo said trying to convince her friends that she is not lying.

"Yeah right than how come me and Sweetie Belle didn't see the monster or the two ponies chasing after it?" Apple Bloom question.

"Because they were all running like a breezie out of Tartarus." Scootaloo explained. "I only got one good look at them before I saw them run through this part of the forest."

"Then where are they now?" Sweetie Belle questioned. "Cause I still don't see anything."

"I don't know." Scootaloo said as she looked left and right. "I thought this short cut would put us right in front of them or at least close by them."

"I think you just made this all up to get us to go deeper into the forest." Apple Bloom said as she became suspicious of her friend's story.

"Look Scootaloo if you wanted to go deeper into the forest then fine what's done is done but I prefer if you just admitted it because you know I don't like being tricked." Sweetie Belle said practically pleading with Scootaloo to tell the truth.

"Ok first I'm not lying. Second we didn't go any farther than an extra two yards. And third I'm not lying." Scootaloo said calmly but with a firm tone.

"Well unless some giant monster comes crashing down I don't think –” Apple Bloom was about to finish before something came running towards them.

"Lookout!" Scootaloo yelled.

"Oh my sweet Celestia!" Sweetie Belle panicked.

They all screamed as a giant figured crashed into them and caused them to fall down but they soon started to stop but then two more ponies crashed into them causing them to tumble down again which made them scream again. After a minute and a half they stopped again and once the fillies heads stopped spinning they looked to see what had crashed into them and what they saw was a tall figured with what they thought had a grey coat over most of its body and white in the middle and black on his bottom hooves but they couldn't figure out what its front hooves color was regardless when it talked at them they all screamed.

These things started screaming when I finished my sentence and at first it was annoying but after five seconds it was pissing me off and it usually takes a lot to piss me of but after being killed and ending up in this little girls fantasy come to life run by talking midget horses who have certain human traits and live in a renaissance theme civilization was frustrating enough but after having to run from two of them like they were an actual threat and then crashing into three dwarf sized horses had finally gotten to him and he couldn't take it anymore so he decide to just let it out.

"Shut the fuck up!" Vincent yelled as loud as he could which worked as they became silent.

They stopped screaming which was the best thing that had gone my way this whole fucking day.

"Thank you." Vincent said sarcastically.

Lyra couldn't hold it in anymore she squealed like a filly who just got her first kiss.

"Oh my Celestia! You can talk and you speak Equestrian that's even more amazing!" Lyra yelled so loud that practically anything in the forest heard it.

"My, my. A ruckus must be very near for me to hear." Zecora said as she looked out her hut.

Equestrian what the fuck? Is that what they call English? That's a very stupid name.

"Yeah I talk and apparently so do you." Vincent said obviously not surprised at all.

"I guess that answers my first question." Derpy whispered to herself.

"Wow I guess Scootaloo was telling the truth." Sweetie Belle admitted still a little surprised at what she was seeing.

"Unbelievable." Apple Bloom said still no sure if she was more scared or shocked that Scootaloo was right.

"Ha! I told you!" Scootaloo said as she jumped into the air as her little wings flapped nonstop. "Told you I saw a monster."

Vincent wanted to say that he was not a monster but he knew. He knew that word could be one of the few words to describe him and his profession very quickly. This whole situation was a waste of his time he wanted to keep moving and fined somewhere quiet and away from these annoying pain in the ass horses.

"Wait where are you going?" Lyra practically screamed that out.

"Somewhere not here." Vincent simply said not bothering to look back.

"But why? Don't you have any questions that you would like answered." Derpy asked the creature hoping that would be enough to keep it from leaving.

"I'll get answers one way or another." Was Vincent's only response as he started walking again.

Lyra couldn't handle this thing leaving her so she jump and grabbed Vincent's leg.

"Please don't go! You're my only proof! And I have so many questions to ask. Please I'm begging you don't leave!" Lyra yelled as tears began to fall from her eyes before she started to cry.

Only proof? What does she mean by that? Whatever it isn't my problem besides it not the first time I've seen tears. Out of a talking horse yeah but regardless of the species crying is crying, and it didn't affect me on earth and it wasn't affecting me here.

"Let go of my leg." Vincent said coldly.

"Excuse me but my friend here has believe in your kind for a very long time. I think you should have a little compassion and hear her out." Derpy said trying to sound both kind and serious.

Believe in my kind what the hell is that supposed to mean? It doesn't matter I need to leave.

"I don't care I've already got problems of my own and I don't need her problems becoming a part of my problems. Now please let go of my leg. Now. Vincent said more firmly and serious this time.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders huddled up together enough for nopony or thing to hear them.

"This thing seems it's very rude and it also doesn't look to friendly." Scootaloo said to her fellow crusaders.

"I know he doesn't even look like it's a little sorry for Lyra and you're right Scootaloo what he said to Derpy was rude." Apple Bloom said agreeing with Scootaloo.

"I don't know girls it's in probably lost and confused like a lost animal he just needs a friend to help him, who knows he might be very sweet on the inside." Sweetie Belle said confidently.

"Seriously you're starting to piss me off, let go or I'll stomp your head in." Vincent said coldly but also seriously.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo turned their heads toward Sweetie Belle. "Ok I was wrong."

For the next two minutes Vincent and the ponies where all quite. Vincent waiting for Lyra to let go and the ponies all from shock from what he said. The silence was broken when they hear growls coming from the bushes. Vincent looked on in confuse but also took out his Heckler & Koch USP45 and readied it for whatever was about to come out since it was obvious it wasn't a puppy coming to them. Lyra, Derpy, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders had fear growing in their eyes since they knew the danger that was heading their way, Lyra and Derpy’s instincts to over and they jumped in front of the fillies while afraid but ready to protect them from the horror that was coming. As the suspense grew within them all they still stood their ground and the in an instant six Timberwolves jumped out right in front of them.

"What the fuck are those things? Wolves with wood as skin? Vincent questioned as he pointed his gun at the Timberwolves.

"They're Timberwolves one of the most dangerous creatures in the forest. Lyra yelled to Vincent.

"Timberwolves? Timber? As in lumber? You've got to be fucking kidding me again." Vincent said as the situation seemed to be an even amount of stupid and serious.

"Lyra what do we do?" Derpy desperately asked.

"I don't know but if we can find a way to distract them somehow we can make a run for it and hope to Celestia that we get away with sore hooves." Lyra suggested trying to sound confident in what she said but she just made that all up as she kept talking.
"Running does seem like the best idea." Vincent admitted under his breathe. "Just need the right moment to –”

Before Vincent could finish his thought two of the Timberwolves pounced at him trying to get the drop on him but to Vincent this was no different than his enemies trying to kill him, his instincts took over, he fell to the ground and used his legs to kick one of the Timberwolves up in the air once he got a clear view of it jaw as it was going over him he pulled the trigger. The bullet went right through the Timberwolves head as green liquid burst, out of its head and fell dead to the floor.

"I guess that's what those things pass off as blood. Funny." Vincent said with a smirk on his face as he rolled back up to his feet.

The second Timberwolf looked at its dead companion and then at met with a burning hatred in its eyes but before it could even move forward I pulled the trigger again and watched as the creature fell dead on the floor like its friend. I sure as hell wasn't going to wait for that thing to come at me like those idiots do in cliche movies and stories. I swear that crap always pissed me off. Anyway I looked and saw that the four remaining Timberwolves where going at the horses this was the moment I need to get away so I picked up my briefcases and made a run for it.

As Derpy, Lyra, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders saw the two Timberwolves attack the creature the then brought their attention to the other four as they ran to attack them Derpy reacted by yelling towards Lyra.

"Lyra grab Apple Bloom I'll get Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle!" Derpy ordered

Derpy grabbed Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle while Lyra grabbed Apple Bloom, they jumped behind a rock and listen at the Timberwolves smacked faced first into the rock the heard something fall apart and figured that one of the Timberwolves hit the rock so hard that it fell apart, they soon looked at the creature as they heard a strange sound that they had never heard before go off when they looked back and saw a Timberwolf actually lying dead on the floor they were took shock to take their eyes of it but they did once they heard a sound again and where again shock to see the second Timberwolf dead. They looked at Vincent who was holding some kind of object.

"Lyra what the hay is it using!?" Derpy asked Lyra.

"I don't know. I really don't know." Lyra said still in shock at what she was seeing.

Just then the other three remaining Timberwolves jumped from behind the rock at them they quickly move away and looked at a branch, they grab it and used it to keep the Timberwolves from biting them, as they tried to pushes back the Timberwolves Lyra and Derpy saw that the creature was running deeper into the forest. Abandoning them. Derpy was sad but Lyra was hurt.
"I guess the creatures I studied and thought I knew. I really knew nothing about." She thought in her mind as she began to cry. "And know we're all going to die because of my habi... obsession."

Meanwhile Vincent started walking once again when he could only hear the Timberwolves growling. Vincent couldn't help but look back. He wonder how long those horses would last before they were eaten. He started to walk again but then had a thought.

"I don't need to help them, all they've done is become a pain in my ass but then again if I save their lives they'll owe me and favors are something that will become very useful in this world. They might even pay me, since I'll be living here I'll need all the money I can get." he looked forward into the forest. "Fuck it I don't even know where I would go. Beside it's been a while since I got to kill a pack of anything threatening and back there was the most exciting thing I've done since I got here. My adrenaline's really kicking in."

His mind made up he decide to go back. He loaded his gun and ran back.

"Derpy I'm sorry I got you into this mess." Lyra pleaded to Derpy for forgiveness.

"I don't blame you Lyra how could you have known that creature would abandon us like that." Derpy said sincerely with a smile on her face.

"Besides if I had seen a creature that I believed in and it actually showed up I would have done something crazy to try and talk to it to."

They looked back at the fillies who were hiding behind another bush.

"So I guess this is the end huh?" Derpy ask Lyra waiting for her answer.

"Not yet. Let’s not go down without a fight first." Lyra said as she pushed the tree branch up Derpy did the same.

They kept pushing it up as they waited for the right moment to try and slide past the Timberwolves. As they got ready they hear the same strange noise again only this time they see that once the sound had past the Timberwolves stop struggling to eat them. Derpy was the first to notice the green liquid dripping from the Timberwolves heads she tapped Lyra's shoulder who then notice the green blood, she and Derpy pushed the dead Timberwolves away and looked to see something unbelievable. The creature had comeback for them, it had even saved their lives with that strange object it had.

I walk towards them not sure if they would be happy to see me again or not considering my early attitude also after abandoning them. They seemed kind of shock from what just transpired, I guess it's understandable in a world like this death must be a rare occasion but they should be proud of themselves if they hadn't pushed those wolves heads up I wouldn't have got a clear shots at the animals heads. Good thing their made out of wood otherwise the bullet might not have gone through all three of their heads. When I got near them I stopped and looked at them, their eyes were not what I was expecting, instead of shock and anger there was relief and happiness. That was odd I guess they weren't having any negative emotions towards me. An observation that became a fact when both horse jumps up and gave me a hug.

"Thank you for coming back, a part of me knew you would! I'll never doubt myself again." Lyra said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm happy that you saved all of us." Derpy said as she looked at the fillies coming out of the bushes. "All of us."

Before I could ask them to let go of me the three dwarf horses joined in the hung except they were hugging my legs. I decide to let them have this moment considering the threat was over it's understandable they would want to hug their "savior." I have to admit I had never saved a life, Max didn't count that was a unforeseen turn of events and every time I had to save him it wasn't out of the goodness of my heart. Though coming back for these horses wasn't out of the goodness of his heart either but regardless it actually felt kind of nice to be thanked for something you're good at rather than be criticized, looked downed upon, and hunted down by the police or the FBI like an animal.

"Thank you mister for stopping the Timberwolves from eating Derpy and Lyra." Sweetie Belle said as she hugged Vincent's leg tighter.

"I don't even want to think about what would have happened to us, which means you saved our lives to." Apple Bloom said in a cheery tone.

"And the way you took down those last three was awesome!" Scootaloo shouted.

"You’re a hero!" All of the ponies yelled.

"While I appreciate the new title do you think you all could let go. I think you are all cutting the blood flow from my body." Vincent said being sarcastic about the last part. “Alright I want to get something off my chest."

The ponies had let go by now and patently waited to hear what the creature had to say to them.

"Your first impression on me probably wasn't the best and I admit I was harsh if not a bit of an asshole so for that I apologize. Vincent said actually being honest.

"Oh I forgive you." Derpy said with a smile on her face.

"Me to and I also would like to apologize for grabbing your leg and talking like a crazy pony." Lyra said sincerely.

"It alright I was never one to hold a grudge but don't ever do it again. Now I'm sure that you have a lot of questions about me the same way I have a lot of questions but I think it would be better to talk somewhere less dangerous." Vincent said seriously. "Any of you got a place we could use?"

"I –” Lyra was about to yell out her suggestion before howling is heard."

Hey all knew what was coming but before they could react more Timberwolves showed up. This time there was twelve of them all hungry and really pissed off.

"Shit." Was all Vincent said as he pulled his gun out.

"I've never seen this many Timberwolves before." Lyra said shaking.

"I have a feeling that these Timberwolves aren't just here to eat either." Derpy fearfully stated.

"I guess I pissed them off when I killed there friends." Vincent said to himself. "Which means they're not just here for revenge but also retribution. They're eyes are basically screaming it."

"What do we do?" Scootaloo said as she, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle hid behind Vincent.

"Ok here's what we're going to do. You two –” Vincent said to Derpy and Lyra. “– When I make the first shot take these three and run as fast as you can out of the forest."

"What about you?" Lyra said worrying for the creature.

"I'll catch up. I always do so don't worry." Vincent said reassuring Lyra.

"Alright." Lyra said as she and Derpy got ready.

"And be careful." Vincent said as he ready to shoot. "I've only been in here for a little while and I've already figured out that in this in this forest. Death surrounds us all."

Vincent than fired his gun as the first Timberwolf pounced towards him.

Chapter 5: Getting Out and Starting New

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Vincent's first shot was meant to kill and that's what it did. The first Timberwolf fell to the ground the moment the bullet went through its skull at the sight of this the other eleven Timberwolves rushed towards Vincent who ran and jump down a small edge, landing on his back he pointed his gun at the edge and waited. A Timberwolf jump and was falling towards Vincent with its claws reaching out Vincent fired three shots, the bullets hit the Timberwolf's chest and it fell flat to the ground dead, Vincent moved closer to the Timberwolf to make sure that it was dead once he got close enough he saw that it was dead as dead can be. Just then A Timberwolf who went down the side of the edge jumped at Vincent and dragged him down. During this time Lyra and Derpy had taken Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo and ran like Vincent told them, along with bringing his suitcases with them another order he gave them. Lyra couldn't help but look back and wonder how the creature was doing. She was both reassured and worried after hear that strange sound three more times.

"Don't worry so much Lyra." Derpy said to her friend.

"How can't I Derpy, there where twelve Timberwolves back there. Twelve! I didn't know that Timberwolves hunt in that many numbers. Plus did you see the hatred burning in their eyes, they don't want to eat him. They want to kill him." Lyra screamed with panic all in her voice.

"Because we don't know anything about him." Derpy yelled back.

"What?" Lyra questioned.

"Lyra we don't know anything about that thing, what it's capable of, and what it will do to survive. Even you! As much as you think, you believe that you know that creature you really don't!" Derpy said with a loud firm voice.

That fact took the breath out of my lungs faster than the exhaustion ever could I hate to admit it but Derpy was right I may have read every book that had information about those creatures but the books always made them out to be nothing more than myths, mythical creatures, and urban legends nothing more I could never understand how ponies could just say that and that was it, except for me I had always believed, always tried to gain more knowledge on these things and before I thought I was the biggest if not only expert on that creatures species but Derpy just made me realized that I knew next to nothing on the species and in a bizarre way instead of making me more scared for the creature's safety it made her more reassure that the creature would be alright.

"Lyra! Derpy! Behind us!" Scootaloo yelled.

"What –” Lyra looked back. “– Celestia no."

There were two Timberwolves chasing after them. There simple escape plan that the creature had given them had now turned into a "run for their lives scenario" and with that thought coursing through their heads they ran faster trying to get out of the forest and stay ahead of the Timberwolves. During this time Lyra and Derpy both hoped that the creature was having better luck with its situation than they were.

"Jesus Christ! Is my luck very shitty?" Vincent thought as he used a broken branch to keep the Timberwolf on top of him away.

Knowing that it wouldn't be long before more of those Timberwolves show up. Thinking fast he looked around and saw a rock he picked it up and bashed it against the Timberwolf's face, blood started falling from the Timberwolf's right eye Vincent looked at the good eye and saw the hatred and fury grow more as it looked at Vincent.

"Bad idea." Vincent muttered as the Timberwolf began biting down harder.

The Timberwolf started biting on the wood trying to get closer to Vincent's face, he started smashing the Timberwolf's head with the rock the more he hit the wolf the harder it was biting but soon it stop when Vincent hit it a seventh time the wolf then fell into pieces. Vincent sat up and looked at his body to make sure he didn't get any blood on his suit and it didn't, for him that was the first right thing to go right for him but that moment was over when he saw another Timberwolf coming from behind a tree.

"Of fucking course." Vincent said annoyingly as he shake his head.

The Timberwolf was focusing on Vincent who looked at the wolf but then looked at his gun which wasn't far away from him. He thought about making a run for the gun but that meant that he would have to run forward towards the Timberwolf, he pondered on it for a couple of seconds but the tension made it feel like hours. Vincent made up his mind he was going to go for it and so he did, running to the gun while the Timberwolf ran towards Vincent who knew that he was going to have to pull off some sliding on the ground movie type shit. The Timberwolf had pounced at him and Vincent had jump to the ground sliding on it. His hand reached out and grabbed the gun, when the Timberwolf was over him, he turned himself to his back and pointed the gun up forward and fired it four times. The bullets went into the Timberwolf's chest, who fell to the ground dead. When Vincent stopped sliding he looked back at the Timberwolf and saw that it was dead.

"That transpired a lot faster than I thought it would. Ah well I hope my suit didn't get dirty." Vincent said as looked at his back and saw only a few leafs on it. "Well that's a relief."

Vincent took off his jacket and wiped off the leaves and then put it back on. He looked back at the two dead Timberwolves and then had a thought come to his mind.

"Two down. How many of these things are left?" He wondered.

Just then Vincent hear growling and looked behind him to see eight more Timberwolves staring at him more pissed off than before.

"Well great." Vincent said before he ran away as the Timberwolves started chasing after him. Vincent knew that he would have to figure out some way to get the Timberwolves pack to separate, knowing that if handling just two of them was enough to give him a run for his money then taking on eight would basically be suicide.

"Those horses are lucky I decide to play bait for them." Vincent said in his mind pretty pissed off at himself for volunteering to be these wolves running chew toy. What was he thinking back there he knew that these horses would owe him some big favors for this but this whole situation that he had put himself into really felt that the favors those horses would owe him wouldn't make up for all this in just half a year. He had to bury that thought for the moment as he needed his mind to focus on his speed and endurance but a small piece in the back his mind was still wondering how the horses where doing right now.

"Watch out!" Lyra yelled to Derpy, warning her of the incoming Timberwolf attack.

Derpy saw the Timberwolf pounce at her she jumped to the left and used her wings to glide a little forward ahead. The Timberwolf surprised by Derpy's actions messed up on its landing and tumbled over and fell flat on itself, it got back up as fast as it could and began chasing after Derpy again who was laughing a little as she saw what had just happened to the Timberwolf before getting serious again when she looked at her back to make sure that Apple Bloom and Scootaloo where still on ok. They were, a little shaken up but still ok.

"Derpy why aren't you flying?" Lyra asked wondering why her friend wasn't doing what Pegasus where good at.

"Because I don't want to leave you here by yourself." Derpy said to Lyra truthfully. "Especially since two Timberwolves are here now.

"I'll be fine the important thing is that we get these little fillies out of here." Lyra said to Derpy more concerned for the Cutie Mark Crusaders safety. "Get those two out if here then come back for Sweetie Belle."

"That's actually my second reason Lyra. These two are kind of heavy." Derpy explained letting out a little giggle.

"Well maybe –” Lyra was cut off as a Timberwolf jumped on her.

"Lyra! Sweetie Belle!" Derpy, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom screamed.

Derpy than remembered the Timberwolf chasing them, having to get the girls somewhere safe she flies up to a tree and drops Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. Derpy tried to find a way to get to Lyra and Apple Bloom who had kicked the Timberwolf off and took shelter in an open log. Derpy tried to find some way to get to them but every time she got close to the ground the Timberwolf jumped for.

"Lyra what do we do?" Sweetie Belle yelled.

"I'm thinking." Lyra responded.

The Timberwolf stuck its wooden paw into the log starching inside of it trying to get Lyra and Sweetie Belle. The more it scratched the more wood chips it made.

"If it keeps that up it will break through the log." Lyra thought. "Unless."

"Unless what Lyra?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Sweetie Belle go out through the other side of the log." Lyra said backing away more from the Timberwolf's claws.

"What! Why?" Sweetie Belle questioned Lyra.

"I need you to get one of the rocks out there and give it to me." Lyra explained.

"Why?" Sweetie Belle asked still not understanding Lyra's intentions.

"Just trust me I have an idea." Lyra said.

"But what if the Timberwolf gets me!" Sweetie Belle said fearfully obviously scared at the thought of being eaten.

"It's too focused on me to even notice you." Lyra said trying to reassure Sweetie Belle.

"What about the other Timberwolf!" Sweetie Belle yelled again worried.

"It's more than likely focusing it's time on Derpy and the others!" Lyra said practically screaming at Sweetie Belle as the Timberwolf was breaking more of the log and getting closer. "Just trust me please!"

After that outburst Sweetie Belle knew that there was no time to be afraid. If she didn't do what she was told her and Lyra would be done for, getting out of the log she saw that Lyra was right the Timberwolf was focused only on getting Lyra and the other one kept jumping up at a tree, trying to get Derpy, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom. The sight of this made Sweetie Belle more determined to get that rock. Luckily there were plenty around her, she picked the closes one up and went back into the log.

"Apple Bloom in case this the end I just want to say I'm sorry for arguing with you and for calling you a worry hog." Scootaloo apologized on the verge of tears. "If I would have listen to you we wouldn't be in this mess."

"It's ok Scootaloo I forgive yah and I'm sorry to, for arguing with you about your ideas all the time I know that you've got the best intentions for us." Apple Bloom said as she and Scootaloo hug each other.

Hearing their apologizes to each other and seeing them hugging each other as if it where their last was more than enough to make tears start falling from my eyes. I couldn't take it anymore I wasn't going to just sit on this branch with my tail between my legs and wait to be eaten I had to think of something if I was going to save us and fast... Problem was I had always had a hard time thinking of original ideas but with fear and adrenaline coursing through my body faster than Rainbow Dash in a race, wasn't doing my head any favors if anything I was starting to get a headache. Now I had felt useless by mean ponies and their comments on me. It comes with have eyes like mine so it didn't really bother me to much but for once I was making myself feel useless because I can't think of a way to get us out of this predicament. I hit my head yelling at myself in my mind to think of one stupid idea, still nothing. That is until I saw Sweetie Belle coming out from the log that she and Lyra where hiding inside of. What was she doing!? If any of these Timberwolves see her she'll be Timberwolf food! But just then I saw her pick up a rock and then went back into the log, luckily for her none of the Timberwolves saw her nut her little risk just gave me an idea burst into my head like Pinkie Pie's cannon.

"Girls I have an idea but I'll need your help." Derpy said waiting for the girls’ response.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at each other and then looked at the log that Lyra and Sweetie Belle where hiding in and the Timberwolf that was trying to break the log which seemed like it would be destroyed in a matter of minutes they looked at each other again and then at Derpy and nodded at her.

"What do you need us to do?" Scootaloo asked.

""I need you to distract the Timberwolf long enough for me to get a rock from down there." Derpy explained

"We don't have to go down there right?" Apple Bloom asked a little worried at the answer Derpy would give them.

"Of course not just take some twigs and tree bark and throw it at it." Derpy instructed

"Ok we can do that." Apple Bloom said confidently "Come on Scootaloo."

"Yeah let’s do it," Scootaloo said also confidently.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Rescuers!" They both yelled but then became awkwardly silence.

"Doesn't feel the same without Sweetie Belle." Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah..." Scootaloo said as she rubbed the back of "Let’s get this done."

The two fillies then began tearing off twigs from branches and tree bark from the tree and began throwing it at the Timberwolf which did little to no effect of hurting the Timberwolf but only making it angrier and focusing its attention on Scootaloo and Apple Bloom and began jumping up the tree towards the two fillies. Which is exactly what Derpy wanted she fell to the ground and picked up a rock and quickly went back up the tree as the Timberwolf notice her.

"Got it." Derpy said proudly.

"Now what?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Now we wait for the right opportunity." Was all Derpy said as she turned her attention to the Timberwolf.

"Lyra here I got the rock." Sweetie Belle said as she passed the rock to Lyra.

"Great job." Lyra smiled to Sweetie Belle

I looked back at the Timberwolf. It had put its claw inside the log again, trying to get me come on put your face in so I can get a good shot at your mouth and just like that the Timberwolf stuck its face into the log and started snapping at me as it tried to get closer. If I was going to do it now would be the perfect opportunity.

"Here goes everything." Lyra said as she took aim with the rock.

She threw the rock at the Timberwolf and it went straight into its mouth which caused it to jump back out and start choking. The sound of choking grabbed the attention of the other Timberwolf who looks as its companion chokes and then falls apart into pieces. The remaining Timberwolf starts to get angry as it sees part of Lyra's face. Derpy notices this and knows that her opportunity has come, she calls to the Timberwolf. Once it looks and sees how close Derpy is it jumps towards her and opens its mouth to try and bite her. Derpy sees the opportunity and throws the rock into the Timberwolf's mouth, it falls down and starts choking before, just like its fellow Timberwolf, falls into pieces. After a few seconds of waiting Lyra and Sweetie Belle come out of the log and Derpy along with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo on her back come down from the tree. They walk towards each other.

"Same idea?" Lyra question.

"Yep." Derpy said smiling.

Lyra smiles to and then hugs Derpy as the CMC hug each other as they reunite.

"I'm glad you and Sweetie Belle are ok." Derpy said.

"Same here. You girls ok?" Lyra asked.

"Yeah we're ok." Scootaloo said. "How about you Sweetie Belle?"

"Yeah I'm fine a little shaken up but fine." Sweetie Belle says.

"Well that's good because Scootaloo and I just had a realization." Apple Bloom said.

"What's that?" Sweetie Belle said curiosity growing in her eyes.

"That if we try yelling out our motto without you it feels wrong and awkward." Apple Bloom and Scootaloo said at the same time.

This made all of them laugh but Lyra quickly stopped as she remembered the creature.

"The creature!" Lyra yelled out. "What about the creature."

"She's right it still has ten more Timberwolves after it." Scootaloo said also worried about the creature.

"But didn't it tell us to leave and it would catch up." Derpy said bring up a good point.

"I only listened because that was are only option during the moment." Lyra said.

"Besides how will it find its way out if we don't help it?" Apple Bloom said.

"Exactly! It needs our help it just doesn't know it yet." Lyra explained hoping that would be enough to convince Derpy.

"Yeah come on we need to help it." Scootaloo added.

"Wait a minute girls, me and Lyra will go and help the creature, you go and get out of this forest." Derpy told the fillies.

"Aww come on we want to help to." Sweetie Belle complained.

"It doesn't matter I don't want any of –”

Just as the wolf and I jump out from the bushes and landed on the ground with this damn wolf on top of me still trying to rip my neck off, seeing all its friends get killed didn't have any effect on it, how disappointing. I saw that the two midget horses and the three dwarf horses were still in this goddamn forest. What the fuck did I not give clear instructions to get the hell out of here or do they think I some kind of stupid animal that has no intelligence at all. Forget it I had already taken care of those seven wolves now I just have to take care of this very annoying wolf. I had grabbed my pocket knife and stabbed the thing in it jaw it jump up in pain, I got up and jump on to the wolf and started stabbing it in the head. These things are really weak they must rely on their appearance to put the fear into their enemies, their bad luck that they chose to mistake me as pray anyway the thing finally fell to pieces which means that this very frustrating problem was finally solve, now to solve another one. I walked to the horses who seemed more relief than shocked to see me. I had to ask a very simple question that I'm sure these things knew I was going to ask.

"What the hell are you still doing here? Didn't I tell you to run or was I talking to myself?" Vincent questioned.

"No of course not it's just that we ran into some Timberwolf problems ourselves." Lyra said truthfully.

Vincent scanned the area and saw hundredths of broken wood pieces all over the place.

"Took care of it?" Vincent asked.

"Yeah me and Derpy." Lyra said as she gestured towards Derpy.

"Hmm not bad for midget horses." Vincent said honestly as he really was a little impressed by these ponies and how they managed to handle deadly creatures that should have had no problems tearing them apart.

"Thank you! Thank you very much! Lyra said overwhelmed with joy. Being complimented by the thing she loved.

"It's ponies by the way." Derpy corrected.

"What?" Vincent said not clear on what the horse had just said.

"We refer to ourselves as ponies and would prefer it if you would do the same please." Derpy said politely she then gestured to the three fillies. "Also for future encounters the three here are called fillies."

I was both confused and in disbelieve but I didn't show it. "Ponies?" Fucking ponies is the term they use for themselves if that isn't the stupidest shit I've ever heard in my entire life and coming from a guy who gets paid by certain people to kill other certain people for very particular reasons that's saying a lot. I needed a moment to take that in thinking about it, at first my mind said. "Hell no!" to ever saying that but knowing I was going to be here for a very long time I knew that I was going to have to get use to it but saying ponies just felt very degrading to my pride, since I was hitman a psycho killer some have called me and now I have to call this place home and learn to live with these... "Ponies."

"Umm excuse me everyone can we leave now please?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I like that idea." Vincent agreed with Sweetie Belle "let get out of this hell hole before more of those Timberwolves show up."

"Right, Derpy can you fly up and see how far we are from the entrance?" Lyra asked.

"Sure I can do that." Derpy said as she got ready to fly.

What the fuck? These things can fly two then how come that mint colored hor–pony doesn't have wings? She does have that horn though, wait a minute these ponies might just have another thing in common with humans. To see if my theory was true I looked at those fillies, God is that going to take some getting use to, and sure enough I was right these three where different from each other by a distinguish one had a horn, the other had a wings ,really small wings, and the last one was a regular looking hor–pony. Another thing these ponies had in common with humans’ different races but what where the names for these three I already knew one was just pony but the other two what are the specific names I had heard them in fairy tales before as a kid... I got it Unicorns and Pegasus that's their names... Jesus Christ the more I learn about this place the more of a little girls TV show I feel I've become a part of.

"How far are we Derpy?" Lyra yelled to Derpy.

"Not too far, seems all that running got us a lot closer than we though." Derpy yelled back. "Won't take us more than a few steps before we reach the entrance.

"Alright come back down and let’s get moving." Lyra instructed. "So got any questions you would like to ask?"

"Let’s save the questions for when we get out of here." Vincent said as he started walking with the ponies following.

Like Derpy said it only took them a few steps before they reached the group, out of everypony and one human the Cutie Mark Crusaders where the happiest to be out of the Everfree forest. Vincent on the other hand could care less, even though that forest had caused him problems it wasn't the worst thing to happen to him. Once they had gotten out of the forest they went back to the Cutie Mark Crusaders club house, after being suggest by Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo.

"And her it is the Cutie Mark Crusaders headquarters!" All three of the fillies said proudly.

"Oh this place again." Vincent said.

"Again? Wait you've already been here already?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah before I enter the forest I looked around inside I even used the telescope to help me get to the forest." Vincent said.

"Wait you mean you actually wanted to go into the Everfree forest?" Derpy asked waiting for the creatures answer.

"Is that what you call it?" Vincent asked. "And yeah I did."

"Why?" Derpy asked again.

"Figure it be a good quite place to stay, get my thoughts in order." Vincent said causally. "Didn't expect that may complications to happen in one day."

"It's ok my sister and her friends have had crazier things happen to them in that forest." Apple Bloom said grabbing Vincent's attention.

"You have a sister?" Vincent asked.

"Yeah her names Applejack." Apple Bloom said

"I have a sister to her names Rarity she's friends with Applejack to." Sweetie Belle said.

"What about you?" Vincent asked looking at Scootaloo. "Got an older sibling who also happens to be friends with their sisters?"

"Well no but I've got Rainbow Dash and she's all the sister that I need!" Scootaloo said proudly.

"Well you've already told me the names of the ponies you know." Vincent stated. "How about giving me your."

"Oh sure well I'm Lyra." She said with a big smile on her face.

"I'm Derpy." She said with a friendly smile.

"I'm Scootaloo." She said proudly.

"I'm Apple Bloom." She gestured herself.

"And I'm Sweetie Belle." She said nicely.

"And we are... The Cutie Mark Crusaders!" All three of the fillies said at the same time loudly.

I had already heard that name Derpy but she had already said it be no point in telling her that now but I have to admit that her name sounded the most normal. Lyra, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle? These names. My God these names were not helping to change my view on this place. These names sounded like ice cream flavors or candy names just an adjustment I'll have to get use to but those three yelling out that team name of theirs better not become a daily thing.

"I'm Vincent." He simply said.

"Vincent huh?" Scootaloo thought. "Strange name."

"Well where I'm from we don't use candy sounding names. Unless you’re a hooker." Vincent said that last part being said under his breath.

"Our names aren't –” Scootaloo was cut off by Lyra.

"Where are you from anyway?" Lyra said excited that she could finally ask questions.

"I'll answer your question as long as you answer mine but like I said earlier does anyone have a place I could stay at?" Vincent asked.

"I do!" Lyra said raising her hoof as quick as possible.

"Alright then let’s go." Vincent said as he began to walk.

"Wait what's wrong with our headquarters." Apple Bloom said with a pout.

"Besides the fact that it's a tree house." Vincent said with a tone of stating the obvious

"Well... maybe it is but –” Apple Bloom was cut off.

"Plus I don't think it be a good idea for something like me to be staying somewhere where anyper– anypony can see me." Vincent said bring an obvious fact.

"That's a good point girls." Derpy said agreeing with Vincent.

The three fillies looked at each other mumbling for a little bit and then decide that Vincent was right.

"Fine." The fillies all said as they looked on disappointed that they couldn't hide the cool creature.

"Alright then let's go." Lyra said happily.

"But what about everypony in town Lyra?" Derpy said. "Won't they freak out when they see Vincent?"

"I wouldn't worry about that." Vincent said literally not sounding worried at all.

"What makes you say that?" Scootaloo asked.

"Suns going down which means it will be dark soon." Vincent said as he observed the sky. "Will make it easier to hide and get by."

"He's right will have no problems with the dark on our side." Lyra said eagerly wanting to leave. "So let's go already we won't get any answers from each other just standing here."

We started walking off to Lyra's house and assured me that it wouldn't take to long to get to or be as much trouble to get into. After the day I had I couldn't wait to get somewhere I could just relax and not think on who would be trying to kill me even though it was owned by a horse it was better than that hell hole of a forest.

"I'm sure you'll like it here Vincent." Derpy said to Vincent with a smile. "I can't imagine what your planet was like or your life was like before but you can consider this place a new start for you."

"If starting new is supposed to be good then why do I still feel like I'll have a hard time adjusting here?" Vincent thought as they all continued to walk.

Chapter 6: Questions, Answers, And Some Bonding

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Vincent had to give credit to the light aquamarine colored pony she wasn't wrong when she told him that her house wasn't to far to get to and that we wouldn't have any trouble getting there, thanks to the dark none of the ponies got even a glimpse of him. Though they did have to hide behind some corners and go through some dark alleyways but Vincent knew it was necessary even if he found it annoying, they reach Lyra's house and went inside.

"Alright everypony and creature make yourself at home." Lyra said as she welcomed everyone to her home. "But please don't be too loud Bon Bon is sleeping, she had a long day today."

"She isn't the only one." Vincent said as he looked around, already knowing that this Bon Bon must be Lyra's roommate.

Everyone moved around a little, looking around the place. Now that they thought about it, none of them had ever seen the inside of Lyra's house. At least Derpy, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle thought about it. Vincent on the other hand was in his own thoughts but once he got out of them and looked at Lyra's home again he noticed what the ponies had noticed. There where seven recliners, pictures of hands, and books on mythical creatures. This made Derpy and the three fillies feel uncomfortable if not a little creep out. Vincent on the other hand while feeling a bit weird out was more curious as to why a pony would need or want any of these things?

"So what do you guys think?" Lyra asked curiously. "Since this is the first time any of you have been to my home or I've had a strange creature stay here."

"It's umm... Nice." Derpy said as modest as possible.

"Yeah nice is a good word." Apple Bloom. "Right girls?"

"Yeah." Sweetie Belle simply said.

"I could think of a few more words to describe this place." Scootaloo said before getting hit in the shoulder by Apple Bloom. "But nice works to."

"Thanks guys. Vincent what do you think?" Lyra asked eager to hear Vincent's response.

"It's different than what I'm use to." Vincent said, as he looked around.

"Oh." Lyra said, a little sad.

"I mean that in a good way Lyra." Vincent said as looked back at Lyra actually meaning it since what he was usually use to was either crappy cities with people, who were so fixated on wasting their lives on crappy jobs or the occasional hired guards who would attempt to kill him in a shootout as he tried to kill his target, so yeah it was different than what he was use to but in a good way.

"Really? Thank you." Lyra said, as she perked up quickly. "It means a lot to have a complement from you."

"That reminds me." Vincent said, as he turned one of the recliners towards the ponies.

I took a seat on the recliner, I have to give Lyra credit these things where comfortable but where in their world would she find a recliner? That would be one of my least important question since I was more than likely to forget it once I started asking the real questions. I got comfortable and putted down my briefcases comfortable, have to remind myself to thank Derpy for not losing these things, I was now ready to get some answers from these ponies and then I would figure out what to do later.

"Alright girls." Vincent said as he laid back h already knew that by listening to their voices he could tell what gender they were. "It's time for questions and answers."

"Yes!" Lyra said, excited to finally ask her questions.

"Okay" Derpy said, thinking this would be no different than asking and getting answers from a pony.

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom where also excited to hear what this strange new creature would say. They decide to stay at Lyra's house for as long as possible until the questioning was over.

"I can't wait to hear this." Apple Bloom whispered, to her fellow crusaders.

"I know the anticipations killing me." Scootaloo said, excitingly.

"This is going to be so cool." Sweetie Belle said, sharing the same excitement.

Alright take a seat or something and get comfortable this is not going to end anytime soon." Vincent said very serious. "Should I go first or do any of you want to?"

Before Derpy or the Cutie Mark Crusaders could even move a muscle Lyra had already raised her hand, so fast that neither the crossed eyed pony nor the small fillies had seen her except Vincent who had to thank years of being a hitman for enhancing his reflexes. Speaking of Vincent he already knew that this particular pony would be the first to raise its hand err hoof. He just felt it be rude not to ask regardless he was intrigued by what this pony interesting pony would ask.

"Alright Lyra right? Go ahead." Vincent said, preparing himself for what Lyra would ask.

"Ok I'm umm... ugh." Lyra said and then start to mumble before giggling like a filly whose special somepony just asked her out. "Sweet Celestia this is so exciting I've got butterflies in my stomach."

"Maybe you should have a moment to collect your thoughts." Vincent said.

"No! No! Please I've got my questions I'm just a little excited." Lyra pleaded.

"A little and excited don't come close to justifying how Lyra is really feeling." Scootaloo whispered to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle who nodded in agreement.

"Ok I've got my question." Lyra said confidently as she ready to ask Vincent her question.

"Alright than ask me." Vincent said curious as to what this little pony would ask him.

"What's the term for your species?" Lyra asked.

Was expecting something more complicated but simple questions have never bothered me before either way got to start somewhere.
"Humans is what we are called, Homo Sapiens if you want to get more scientific but humans is what we preferred to be called." Vincent said casual.

"Hu-mans?" All of the ponies said trying their best to say it right.

"Yes." Vincent said.

"Awesome I'll have to remind Twilight to write that down in the mythical creatures book she has." Lyra declared.

Twilight? If these five hadn't told me their names I would have suspected they were talking about that old TV show which would have made me wonder if they had television here, but since I knew that these ponies had ice cream/candy sounding names I could already tell that this Twilight pony must have been another friend of theirs. Why can't these horses have regular sounding names?

"Alright my turn." Vincent said already knowing what he would ask. "Where the hell am I?"

Sure it was the most used and unoriginal question to ask but he need to know what this place was called and where it was, in fact that made him wonder if this world would have countries like earth.

"Oh well you’re in Ponyville of Equestria." Lyra said proudly.

"Ok that's a start next?" Vincent asked, needing more info than that.

"Do you like muffins?" Derpy asked quickly causing all the ponies including Vincent to look at her. "What? It's a fair question."

"Umm sure." Vincent said confused as to why this pony would ask a unnecessary question regardless it was his turn. "What's your society and government like?"

"Well we're an egalitarian society." Derpy answered again having the others, yes Vincent to, looking at her again. "What? I know my stuff to I'm not that dumb you know."

"Also we are ruled by our princesses." Lyra said answering Vincent's second question.

"Princesses?" Vincent questioned.

"Yeah Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." Derpy answered.

"So that means you have a monarchy government." Vincent said answering his question.

"Well yeah good observation." Lyra admitted although she was a little disappointed that she didn't get to answer Vincent's question but soon brightened up when a thought came to her head. "Hey I get to ask two questions."

"What?" Vincent asked.

"You ask another question when you asked if are government was a monarchy one and that counts as a question." Lyra said confidently.

"Fair point, go head." Vincent said.

"Ok." Lyra said still trying to hold back her excitement. "What do you call your... err those things."

I gestured to Vincent's whatever they were called, I had to know what his species hooves where called I had been drawing them for so long but not knowing the name of it had always bothered me and now that I could finally find out what they were called would take a huge weight of my shoulders pony. Sweet Celestia my excitement might be the death of me.

"My hands? Is that what you're talking about?" Vincent asked this time really confused as to why a pony would be interested in his hands because that look she's been giving them was obviously that of intense curiosity and wanted knowledge.

"Handz?" Lyra said pronouncing it wrong Vincent took noticed to this.

"It's pronounced hands. With an "S" ok." Vincent said correcting Lyra.

"Ok thank you." Lyra thank Vincent before asking her next question. "What's it like to walk on your hind legs."

These questions are getting more and more ridicules but I can understand before I even got here, Lyra's excitement gave a huge hint that humans here where more than likely a myth and that there brought disappointment because that means that if I was stuck here I'd be the only human here but l did remember that I wasn't fond of my species when I was alive and dead and I'm still not fond of them in this pony universe. Despite any of this I had to remember that I still had questions that needed answers but first I need to answer the questions given to me.

"Natural." Vincent said straight up.

"Natural? That's it." Lyra asked not exactly satisfied with Vincent's response. "What do you mean by that?"

"How's it feel to walk on all fours." Vincent asked with a smirk on his face.

"I'm sorry?" Lyra said confused by Vincent's question.

I knew how to answer these kind of questions. It's the classic answer a question with a question. "What's it like for you to walk on all four legs every day?" Vincent asked again.

"Umm I never put much though into it. I guess it feels... Normal." Lyra said realizing what Vincent, who was giving her a smirk was saying, she smacked her hoof into her face at the realization at how dumb her question was. "Sorry."

"How about we avoid unnecessary questions from this point on alright?" Vincent said to Lyra who wasn't sure if that was meant to comfort her mistake. "Now is there any kind of important information I need to know about it?"

"Hmm Derpy?" Lyra said looking at Derpy.

"Well there are the holidays." Derpy said remembering the first thing to come to her.

"Oh yeah we've got holidays like Nightmare Night, Hearts Warming Eve, Hearts and Hooves Day, etc. etc." Lyra said.

And they've got holidays again another human trait these ponies have.

"Ok anything else I should know about? Anything important?" Vincent said stressing the word important.

Lyra and Derpy tried to remember anything that would be important to Vincent and though they did remember some simple things they knew that they weren't important, they stressed to remember something important, a thought had crossed both their minds but they couldn't put their hoofs on it. Sweetie Belle noticed this and decided that after sitting and listing through the conversation that this would be her and her fellow crusaders a chance to get in on the conversation.

"Follow my lead." Sweetie Belle whispered to Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. "Excuse me."

"What is it?" Vincent asked Sweetie Belle.

"There is my sister and her friends elements." Sweetie Belle said.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo both got what Sweetie Belle was getting at and decide to get in on the conversation to, considering two of them where the younger sisters of two elements and the other might has well been a sister to one of the elements. Lyra felt embarrassed that she hadn't thought of the Elements of Harmony sooner but she really couldn't blame herself considering she felt like a side character whenever the Twilight and her friends where around which was weird because while she did have a life of her own she couldn't help but feel that for once attention was fully on her for once, she had to wonder if Derpy was feeling the same way. Which was a little true because she did feel like attention was on her a lot more than usual but that thought quickly went away when she felt happiness for the Cutie Mark Crusaders who she could see where excited to finally be a part of the conversation, which was understandable since she knew firsthand how boring it can be to be around others and not have anything to say it's very irritating but while thinking of this Derpy had to wonder that once Vincent learned about the Elements of Harmony and then meet Twilight and her friends and the princesses to, how would they all react to Vincent and how would Vincent react to them because while Vincent had saved all their lives back in the Everfree forest she knew that Vincent had another side to him. One that inspired some kind of worried within her maybe even fear but for the moment she had to brush those feelings aside as Sweetie Belle began to talk.

"My sister Rarity is one of the Elements of Harmony." Sweetie Belle said proudly.

"My sister Applejack is also one of the elements." Apple Bloom said also proudly.

"And the most awesome of awesome ponies RAINBOW DASH!" Scootaloo yelled out as she jumped. "Is also one of the elements."

"And what are these elements and what are their purpose." Vincent asked a little intrigued by these so called Elements of Harmony although he had to think that the person who thought of that name must have been in a rush, that or drunk.

The elements are six supernatural artifacts representing subjective aspects of harmony. They are arguably the most powerful force in Equestria, though the extent of their power is largely unspecified. They have been wielded on rare occasions, particularly during events marked by danger and anarchy as a last resort to restore and enforce the balance of peace and order. However, the effects of their use are generally temporary and non-lethal, usually a form of banishment or imprisonment." Derpy said accurately which causes Lyra and the three fillies to look at her with drop jaws and stares of awe, even Vincent was surprised at Derpy's extended knowledge of these elements.

"Derpy how do you know all that." Vincent asked now fixated on what Derpy would say.

"I study certain things that I may need to know." Derpy said honestly.

"Really? Are there any other interesting things you know about?" Lyra asked now curious on how much knowledge her friend has.

"I know a lot about certain things that other ponies no nothing about." Derpy said with a smile.

"How come you never told me or Twilight or anypony for that matter?" Lyra asked dumbfounded.

"No one asked." Derpy said bluntly.

"Of course none of these midget horses would ask." Vincent said in his head.

Derpy than looked at Vincent with a weak smile, who stared back at her.
"I know because of the way my eyes are you might get the idea that I'm less than intelligence which is ok because I know it isn't true and it doesn't hurt as much as it used to." Derpy said with a tear running down her right eye.

"I don't think that." Vincent said truthfully, seeing that this pony might be of more use to him than the others... "If anything I think you're a very unique per... Pony."

My face had brightened up faster than it had ever before, since I was a filly ponies had always labeled me with some very mean names but never had any of them had called me unique and from a creature that's basically a legend here. I'm actually flatter because my checks are turning red Vincent sure is nice for a scary looking person, maybe that weird feeling I had before wasn't me being worried maybe he's just unique to.

"Thanks Vincent." Derpy said as she wiped the tear away. "You’re a really nice umm... human?"

"The term would be "nice person" and thank you Derpy I appreciate that." Vincent said actually appreciated of the pony's comment.

That's the first time someone's or in this case something called me nice and meant it, as I've mentioned in my line of work not to may people give you complements like that in fact the only thing I ever get is a "good job" from my employers on a phone but it never bothered me I didn't care or need friends, who would more than likely backstab me in the future the only thing I ever cared for or need it was to be good at my job and keep my reputation perfect and respected. Although for some reason I actually felt "something" when this crossed eyed pony called me "nice" weird but it was probably because me and her where in our own way indifferent to our respected species. Alright enough of that it's getting late and after everything that's transpired today I need a rest beside with most of the information I've gotten will do for now and I can always ask more questions and get more answers tomorrow.

"Well I think that will do for now I think it's time we get some sleep." Vincent said.

"What no things are getting interesting." Scootaloo complained.

"Yeah we didn't even get to say much." Apple Bloom add.

"Sorry girls but Vincent's right we need to get some rest." Lyra said secretly hiding her disappointment that the conversation had to end.

"Can we stay the night?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I don't think your families would want you to." Lyra said.

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind." Sweetie Belle said trying to let them stay.

"I don't know?" Lyra pondered.

"Hang on a minute, Do your families expected you to be at home when it's dark." Vincent questioned.

"Yeah usually." Apple Bloom answered before Sweetie Belle could.

"Ok then you three have to go home." Vincent ordered.

"What! Why?" All three of the fillies asked.

"Because you said you never spend the night here right?" Vincent asked.

"Yeah." Apple Bloom said.

"And they usually expect you home at night right?" Vincent said in a more serious tone.

"Yeah but what does it matter?" Apple Bloom question not sure what Vincent was getting at.

"That's your routine to them and if you break that routine that will look unusual which means they'll start to wonder why and come looking for answers which means they'll fine me and for the time being I think we should keep this a secret between us." Vincent explained.

"Hey Vincent quick question what gender are you?" Derpy asked really wanting to know what the term for Vincent's species was.

"I'm male which is a guy or stallion as the term goes for hors– ponies and females are girls or as your term would be mares." Vincent said quickly explain it all incase the ponies didn't know what males and females mean.

"Ok good to know." Derpy said glade Vincent explained it. "Anyway he's right girls we can't take the chance."

The crusaders knew that they where all right and decide that despite there wanting to stay the night they had to go home.
"Alright." Sweetie Belle answered for the three fillies.

"Bye Vincent." Apple Bloom said as she opened the door.

"Bye." Sweetie Belle said.

"Bye hope to see you tomorrow." Scootaloo said as she walked out.

"Bye girls and I'm sure you'll see me again." Vincent said to the fillies as they walked out.

"Alright come on girls I'll walk you home." Derpy said as she lead the fillies out the door. "I need to get home to."

"Alright will see you tomorrow then." Lyra said as he waved to her friend. "Bye Derpy."

"By Lyra. By Vincent." Derpy said as she waved to both of them.

"Bye Derpy." Vincent said as Derpy closed the door.

With everypony gone now Lyra decide to go to sleep like Vincent suggested.
"Alright Vincent I'm gonna head to bed know, now I don't have any extra bed but the recliner–" Lyra said as she rubbed her neck before being cut of.

"I know how a recliner works Lyra don't worry." Vincent said reassuring the pony that he'd be ok with it.

"Oh ok then goodnight Vincent I'll see you in the morning." Lyra said as she headed to her room. "I'll make sure to wake up early to wake you up before Bon Bon sees you."

"Sounds good. Goodnight Lyra." Vincent said as Lyra left.

Well today's been a very interesting day gained information, made some allies, and now I have a place to stay for the time being. But now I'll have to wonder how everyday will be from now on not to mention a lot of other things that I will have to handle when they happen. Meeting this Twilight and her friends who are the bearers of these Elements of Harmony the most powerful weapon of this world. There's also those princesses and how they'll react to me. My god all these thoughts going through my head but it'll need to hold them off for later right now I need to sleep.

"I guess–" Vincent started as he pulled the recliner's leaver and laid back. "–this really will be a new start for me."

He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 7: An Intresting Morning

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Vincent had been sleeping perfectly fine despite everything that had happened to him since after his death on earth. From waking up on a kid's toy train come to life, discovering this new planet that looks like an actual wonderland that is inhabited by talking midget horses that prefer to be called ponies who also have ice cream/candy sounding names, ending up in a forest with deadly Timberwolf creatures and God knows what else, and finally he know that he'll have to except the fact that this fairy tale will become his home when these ponies tell him that they don't know how to send him back to earth. Not exactly the outcome he thought he would get when he thought about the whole life after death scenario that would happen to him when he died but that's the universe and life for you always unpredictable, something he had learned about at a young age and chose to live by when he was still alive regardless of all of this he still managed to sleep peacefully but that soon came to an end when he felt the nagging force of something pushing him and then came a voice belonging to a pony with what seems to be an unhealthy obsession with humans.

"Vincent." Lyra whispered as she gave Vincent a light push. "Vincent."

Vincent grunted as he woke up and then looks at Lyra who gives him a smile as she sees him awake. Vincent sat up, rubs his eyes and let out a small yawn.
"Hey Lyra." Vincent said, still tired but managed to look awake.

"Hey Vincent, sorry to wake you but Bon Bon will wake up soon for work and–" Lyra managed to say before being interrupted.

"It be best for me to hide somewhere to avoid a lot of screaming right?" Vincent said, already knowing what Lyra's answer would be.

"Yeah so if you wouldn't mind going to my room and staying there for about an hour?" Lyra asked, a little embarrassed at the silliness of this situation.

"Sure let me just–" Vincent stopped himself when he noticed that his hand wasn't feeling his briefcase. "–Lyra where are my briefcases?"

"Oh well I already put them in my room." Lyra simply said. "Figured I move what little stuff you had."

"You didn't take or look at anything inside the briefcases did you?" Vincent questioned with a serious tone.

"Of course not even though you're not a pony I'll still respect your privacy." Lyra said reassuring Vincent.

Normally I would be skeptical to another human being if they told me that but Lyra was a pony and these ponies didn't have very good poker faces and reading people’s faces where one of my specialties and these ponies where no different, Lyra's face didn't say she was lying but it definitely said she was very curious as to what I was hiding inside my briefcases which is understandable considering she's already seen one of my weapons, she must want to see if there are more like it in the briefcases which would be a little disappointing since I only had two other guns in one of the briefcases and ammo in the other, which made me wonder why I needed to have two different briefcases, I could just put the guns in with the ammo I'm sure it will fit and give the other suitcase to Lyra hell she'll probably consider it as a treasured gift, probably put it in a trophy case or something ridicules like that. Well time to move before this Bon Bon, an even more ridicules name than Twilight, wakes up and screams her head off.

"Alright excuse me Lyra." Vincent said as he got up and stretched his arms and popped his neck. "What time is it?"

"Around six A.M." Lyra said after looking back at her clock.

"Alright then lead the way." Vincent said gesturing his hand to a hallway to wherever Lyra's room would be.

As Lyra walked Vincent to her room he thought about what Lyra just said about it being six A.M. He noticed that the sun was rising just like the way it did on Earth which means the time on this planet might just the same time schedule here, this would give Vincent some relief as now he wouldn't have to waste his time messing with his watch, because we all know that those things can be a pain in the ass to deal with, anyway once the entered Lyra's room Vincent was both surprised and not at the same time. Unsurprisingly there was a recliner, about five drawings of hands, and another book about mythical creatures along with the occasional bed, bathroom, clothing drawers, etc. etc. Surprisingly it didn't look like a room that someone ugh pony with an obsession. Either way it was a decent enough place to stay for an hour.

"Alright I'm sure you know what a bathroom is right?" Lyra asked again embarrassed for having to ask a question like that.

"Yeah I know what a bathroom is Lyra." Vincent said confirming Lyra's question.

"Oh ok feel free to use it and enjoy yourself." Lyra said realizing how stupid it was of her to say that.

"I'll do the best I can to keep myself entertained." Vincent said sarcastically.

"Ok then Bon Bon's about should be awake by now I should go and make sure she doesn't walk in." Lyra said.

"You do that." Vincent said as he laid in Lyra's bed. "I'll just lay here."

"Ok I'll come back once she's left." Lyra said before closing the door and walked to Bon Bon's room.

I hope my room will be comfortable enough for Vincent. If it wasn't for the fact that I have a roommate and a job to get to I wouldn't have to ask Vincent to keep hidden like some kind of criminal. But he knew and I knew it was a necessary pain to deal with for now but it was pretty obvious by the tone of his voice he was far from happy about it. Well hopefully I'll be able to make Bon Bon leave, I hate having to lie to a friend especially when it was Bon Bon but for the time being it would be a justifiable lie, funny I've talked about humans for the majority of my life always trying to convince others that they existed but getting nothing more than smart aleck remarks, weird stares, and ponies laughing at me, Bon Bon on the other hand always gave positive feedback even if she didn't believe me she'd still be nice enough to listen. Speaking of which I had just walked into her room to see that she had just finished brushing her teeth. We exchanged good mornings before she asked me the question I was hoping to avoid.

"Lyra were where you last night?" Bon Bon asked waiting for Lyra's answer.

"Oh you know walking around." Lyra said with a nervous smile.

"Why?" Bon Bon asked.

"Because that's mostly what anypony does in this town Bon Bon." Lyra said hoping that answer would end this conversation before certain lies start to unravel.

"Good point." Bon Bon said as readied herself for work. "Hey Lyra I'll be working late again."

"Again?" Lyra said sounding baffled but was actually relieved since now Vincent won't have to hide in Lyra's room all day.

"Yeah sorry but it's been a very busy week and the candy store needs the extra hooves." Bon Bon said still getting ready.

A huge smile grew on my face as I thought about all the free time I could spend getting to know Vincent.
"Its fine Bon Bon I know how crazy things can get at your job, so trust me when I say I understand." Lyra said as she gave a reassuring smile.

"Wow that's very mature of you Lyra." Bon Bon complemented. "What made you so understanding today? Cause not to be mean but when you don't have a new book about those mythical creatures you’re so infatuated with, usually you complain about being here by yourself all bored."

"I found a way to keep myself occupied." Lyra said giggling a little.

"Really?" Bon Bon said as she raised an eyebrow to Lyra's giggling. "You going to tell me how you keep yourself occupied."

"Oh it's nothing special." Lyra said as she walked out the room.

Bon Bon followed Lyra into the kitchen now more curious about what Lyra's occupation was.
"Come on Lyra tell me I want to know." Bon Bon said to Lyra who was getting some hay cereal.

"Sorry but it's my secret." Lyra said as she levitated the spoon to her mouth.

"But I'm your roommate for Celestia's sake." Bon Bon said complaining a little but also a little annoyed that Lyra was keeping a secret.

"Sorry but the answer is no." Lyra said as she took a bite of the cereal.

"Alright then." Bon Bon simply said as she turned around and began walking away.

"Hey where are you going?" Lyra said a little cautious of what Bon Bon would say next.

"To the bathroom." Bon Bon said.

Her answer made Lyra sigh in relief as she took another bite of her cereal.
"But since your room is closer I’ll use it there." Bon Bon said as headed for Lyra's room.

"What!" Lyra yelled out before choking on the cereal and then spitting it out as she galloped as fast as she could to Bon Bon "Wait Bon Bon wait! You can't just go in my room!"

"I pay half the rent here so yeah I can." Bon Bon responded as she got to Lyra's door.

"Wait don't open the door!" Lyra yelled as she reached Bon Bon.

"Why? Is whatever keeping you occupied in there?" Bon Bon asked with a devious smile, when she didn't get a responded she knew her guess was right. "Now I really want to go in your room."

"If Bon Bon goes in my room and sees Vincent, Celestia knows how she'll react” Lyra thought as she was about to reach Bon Bon who was twisting the door knob.

The door opened as Bon Bon enter with Lyra right behind her and what they saw was... Nothing which was a disappointment to Bon Bon and a relief for Lyra but she was also confused as to where Vincent was. She looked at her window and noticed that it wasn't open so he probably didn't go outside otherwise she would be hearing screaming. Maybe was hiding in her closet or under the bed but again she thought that would be highly unlikely since Vincent was more than twice their height there's no way he could fit under her bed without his legs sticking out maybe the closet but if that was true than she knew that would be a tight and uncomfortable position to be in.

"There's nothing in here." Bon Bon said obviously disappointed that she didn't fined the thing that Lyra was trying so hard to keep secret. "All that tension for nothing."

"Yeah well you shouldn't be barging into other ponies rooms," Lyra said serious but very much still shaken.

"I think the idea of roommates paying the rent for the house they live in would allow each other access to all the rooms in the house would seem pretty justifiable." Bon Bon said, actually believing that idea.

"Well I don't and you don't see me barging into your room." Lyra said, bring up a fair point that Bon Bon knew was true.

"Well go ahead I don't have any secrets to hide unlike some roommates." Bon Bon said, as she looked at Lyra with a smirk.

"Whatever." Lyra said, looking away from Bon Bon.

"Alright you're right I shouldn't have barged in, it’s personal to you and I should respect that I'm sorry." Bon Bon said, sincerely.

I didn't look at her at first but I had to admit that I was practically the same way when I first met Vincent yesterday though for a different reasons, situation, and outcome I could understand the curiosity getting to her better than anypony else and at least she apologized, which reminds me, did I apologize to Vincent for chasing him into the Everfree forest yesterday and putting him in that predicament? Granted Derpy also took part in the chase but she only did it because of me although the Cutie Mark Crusaders showing up was just a weird twist of fate, that part wasn't my fault at all. Well enough thinking I need to accept Bon Bon's apology and then figure out where the hay Vincent is hiding.

"I accept your apology." Lyra said, as she looked back at Bon Bon and gave her a hug to which Bon Bon hugged back.

"Alright then I just remembered that I still have to use the bathroom." Bon Bon said, chuckling as she let go of Lyra.

"Yeah you should take care of that." Lyra said as Bon Bon went to the restroom door.

"Will do." Bon Bon said.

Wait restroom? Oh no! Lyra thought before realizing, the one place she hadn't thought of that Vincent might be hiding in. "Bon Bon wait!

As Bon Bon began to open the door it had stopped like it was lock which didn't make sense since as far as Bon Bon knew it was just her and Lyra in the house, well as far as she knew. Lyra on the other hand knew that her thought which turned into fear when the door wouldn't open was confirmed. Vincent was hiding inside the bathroom and he had no way of getting out. This was very bad, not only would Bon Bon know that they weren't the only ones in the house but also when Bon Bon got inside she would see that a human is in their bathroom but since Bon Bon didn't believe that humans were actually real, how would she would react to Vincent? Like a monster in the closet...err bathroom in this case. Lyra had to think fast or better yet hope that Vincent would think of something and quick. Just then they heard the sound of running water.

"Hang on a minute. Can’t a gu... Stallion take a shower in peace." A voice yelled out from the other side of the door.

The voice took both Bon Bon and Lyra by surprised but soon Lyra understood what Vincent was doing and had to admit that what he was doing was a pretty good idea that might work but considering the situation she knew just what Bon Bon was thinking now and she didn't like the idea of what Bon Bon would tell her and where the conversation would than take off from there. All in all the situation seemed to look like this from Lyra's point of view, Vincent would be safe as long as Lyra played along with what came next but Lyra herself would be embarrassed beyond recognition yep seemed that the fates favored Vincent right now. Oh well life's unfair and right now it was about to get very unfair for Lyra. Vincent on the other side of the door kept his ear close to the door to listen to Lyra and Bon Bon's conversation.

"Lyra?" Bon Bon said, really calm but starring at her.

"Yeah?" Lyra said, nervously knowing that Bon Bon was far from calm.

"Who the hay is that?" Bon Bon said, still calm though it was kind of scary.

"My occupation." Lyra said, the feeling of embarrassment setting in very fast now.

"Occupation?" Vincent thought as he listened.

"Oh so you're occupation's in the form of a stallion?" Bon Bon said, still acting calm but there was signs of her restraint cracking.

"Ugh yep it is." Lyra said, knowing that that calm demeanor Bon Bon was showing was about to break.

"Well in that case can you answer me a very simple question?" Bon Bon said, more firmly.

"Oh Lyra don't mess this up or things are going to get violent real fast." Vincent thought as he waited to hear Lyra's answer.

"Sure?" Lyra said knowing this was it the breaking point.

"WHY IN CELESTIA"S NAME DO YOU HAVE A STALLION IN YOUR ROOM TAKING A SHOWER!?" Bon Bon yelled out after that she started breathing rapidly after letting all that emotion out.

"Jesus can that pony yell." Vincent whispered as he moved his ear away from the door and shacked his head than putting it back on the door, "Than again it's a female pony and apparently it doesn’t matter if it’s human or pony but all females can yell like hell."

Lyra blinked a couple of times before looking at Bon Bon ready to answer her question.
"Well he's a friend who I've been hanging out with for the past few weeks." Lyra said, hoping the lie would stick.

"Ok it's normal to make new friends and it's also normal to hang out with them." Bon Bon said, still a little mad but actually calm this time. "But why the hay is he here? Taking a shower in your bathroom?"

"Because it was late last night and I decide that it be better for him to stay the night." Lyra explained. "Rather than go home and have to come back a couple of hours later."

"Good lie." Vincent thought complementing Lyra in his mind. "Now let's see if she believes it."

What Lyra said made Bon Bon more understanding to Lyra and the stallion taking a shower. Heck she knew she would have more than likely have done the same, so no judging on her part.

"I understand Lyra." Bon Bon said, as she smiled. "It was nice of you to let him stay. Just next time a note on my door to give me a heads up would be nice."

"Well that worked out better than I thought it would." Vincent whispered.

"Yeah I should have told you this morning but it slipped my mind." Lyra said, rubbing the back of her neck.

"So what's his name?" Bon Bon asked wanting to know their guest name.

"It's umm Vincent." Lyra said actually being honest about the answer.

"Vincent? What a weird name." Bon Bon said.

“Yeah I know but it wasn’t exactly his choice." Lyra said, she thought of that pretty fast.

"Well sorry I don't have a fucking ice cream or candy name." Vincent said in his mind angrily. "Besides you're names Bon Bon that's a damn candy right? So you shouldn't be talking."

"Is he foreign?" Bon Bon asked.

"Yeah kind of." Lyra said, again being truthful.

"Foreign doesn't do me justice," Vincent said, in his head.

"Oh well I guess I'll hang here for a while to meet this stallion." Bon Bon said, now making Lyra worried again.

"Fuck!" Vincent cursed quietly.

"You can't!" Lyra shouted panicked.

"Why?" Bon Bon asked.

"Think of something Lyra." Vincent thought as he listened carefully.

"Because he's going to be in there for a long time." Lyra explained. "Vincent likes to take long showers."

"Really Lyra!? That was the first thing to come to her mind!?" Vincent thought as he facepalm. "Cause that's the worst lie I've heard on this planet."

"I'm sure they won't mind if I’m late, it's not like they will fire me they need all the hooves they can get." Bon Bon said, reassuring Lyra. "If they fire anyone now they won’t make it."

Lyra was going to start panicking as she thought of something better to tell Bon Bon, while Vincent on the other hand got ready to open the door and knock Bon Bon out with his gun.
"Bon Bon please I really think you should go." Lyra said practically pleading.

Bon Bon couldn't help but wonder why Lyra wanted her to leave so badly but then she had a thought that made a huge smile grow on her face. She got close to Lyra put a hoof around her.

"I think I get why you want me to leave." Bon Bon said still smiling.

"I really doubt that." Lyra said.

"Sure you do." Bon Bon said as she tugged Lyra.

"What are you trying to say Bon Bon?" Lyra question not getting what Lyra was getting at.

"You want to be alone with your special somepony." Bon Bon said giggling. "That's why right?"

"What the hell is a special somepony?" Vincent wondered.

"NO THAT’S NOT IT! WHAT GAVE YOU THAT IDEA!?" Lyra shouted causing Bon Bon to move away from her and Vincent to jerk away from the door.

"Goddamn it again!" Vincent yelled in his mind.

"Whoa that outburst just proved my theory correct." Bon Bon said with a victorious smile.

No...I...umm." Lyra mumbled struggling to find the right words to say but she was too embarrassed to think straight.

Bon Bon could help but giggle at her friends nervous behavior it was pretty funny, like two fillies back at school with one making fun of the other for having her fist crush and Bun Bun was enjoying it. Lyra on the other hand hated that she was right about having to be extremely embarrassed to keep Vincent from being discovered. Speaking of which Vincent was still listening to Lyra and Bon Bon's conversation and after hearing enough he figured out that a special pony must be these ponies term for true love, if it wasn't for the fact that Bon Bon didn't know that Vincent was human he would have been disgusted by the accusation but since she didn't, Vincent couldn’t help but laugh a little at Lyra's predicament instead of feeling sorry or guilty for Lyra’s situation, he just told himself that it was better for Lyra to be embarrassed rather than him being discovered.

"Alright I'm going to leave now." Bon Bon said, as she walked to the restroom door and gave it a knock. "Be gentle with my friend ok."

"Bon Bon!" Lyra yelled now feeling extremely embarrassed as the redness of her checks thickened.

"Don't worry I won't tell anypony." Bon Bon said, as she hugged Lyra.

"I..." Was all Lyra could mumble still too embarrassed to talk.

"Have fun." Bon Bon said, giving Lyra a wink and then headed out of Lyra's room to the front door.

After a few minutes of letting reality sink in, accepting what just happen Lyra went to the front door and check to see if Bon Bon left, she did. Returning to her room to see Vincent sitting on her bed waiting for her.

"Interesting morning huh?" Vincent said, with a little smirk.

"How much did you hear?" Lyra asked afraid of what Vincent's answer would be.

"The whole thing." Vincent said as he chuckled. "Roommates huh?"

"You have no idea." Lyra said, as she looked down at the ground now even more embarrassed than before, now that she knew Vincent heard the whole conversation.

Chapter 8: Setting Up The Meeting

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You know, I can't remember the last time I had good laugh like today. Lyra's roommate Bon Bon sure is one to make quick assumptions, but that worked out good for me since Bon Bon, man do I hate saying these names, didn't see me, but it was also bad for Lyra since it seems like her dignity has gone down a significant amount. But I'm sure she'll get over it once I tell her the idea that I came up with while hiding in that bathroom.

"You ok?" Vincent asked, still having that amused smile on his face.

"Physically sure." Lyra said in what could be described as a cross between embarrassment and sadness. "But my dignity feels like it's been stomped on."

"Back where I'm from, we have this saying for situations like this." Vincent said to Lyra, who looked at him.

"Really? What is it?" Lyra questioned, now curious.

"You took one for the team." Vincent said, thinking this might brighten up Lyra a little. He didn't want her to be all sad over something small the whole day.

"We're a team?" Lyra tilting her head a little as she looked at Vincent, confused by the saying.

"Umm, I'm more of a work alone kind of guy, Lyra." Vincent stated. He wasn't lying, as he really did prefer to be a part of the whole lone wolf category. In his opinion, having a team only caused complications.

"Oh." Lyra said, disappointed by Vincent's response. She really wanted to be considered a sort of teammate with Vincent, but if Lyra had come to understand just a few things about Vincent, it was that he was a bit of a loner. "Ok then."

Boy, was this pony sensitive! Although that did make sense, as looking at this place gives you a good idea that this species is all about politeness, fairness, kindness, and dare I say it friendship. My personality and attitude just reminded me that I definitely didn't belong here, which made it more annoying by the fact that this place might be my new home. Yep, even that hurts my head to just think about it. I know I've always been about the uncertainty of the universe, but I have to question at what the fuck it was thinking when it put me in this world and why? But this was not the time to pounder on that question right now. I need to get Lyra in a better mood so she'll be more useful with helping me.

"But if it's any consolation, I consider you a reliable acquaintance." Vincent said, hoping that some-what of a complement would be enough to cheer Lyra up.

"Really?" Lyra's eyes sparkled with joy, although she would have preferred friend, acquaintance was a start in the right direction and she'll take what she can get. "You mean it?"

"Yeah." Vincent simply said but in all honesty he thought that reliable might be stretching it a little with Lyra, but it was to late to take it back. "I mean it."

I perked up after hearing Vincent say that I'm a "reliable acquaintance". Wow, do I feel tingly inside and not in the wrong way, but in "the princesses just honored" me type of tingly except this was way better because an actual human was right in front of me complementing me. My life was now complete. I could die in peace without any regrets not that I was planning on dying. I'm just overexcited and saying things that are going through my mind left and right. It shouldn't take me more than a few seconds to get my composure back in order. Hopefully Vincent won't think I'm being weird.

"Why is she just standing there with a huge smile on her face? I mean, yes, I know she's a huge fangirl of humans but seriously, she's taking it to a new level." Vincent thought in his mind as he continued to look at Lyra.

"Just a few more seconds of enjoying the moment." Lyra said in her mind as she stood there, still frozen like a statue.

Ok, enough is enough. I've wasted enough time just trying to cheer Lyra up, which was starting to feel like a job, and that was not something I wanted to be feeling and now. Lyra's still acting like a statue, which was weird at first but now it's just irritating me. Time to get back on track, and no more distractions.

"Lyra, you ok?" Vincent asked as he snapped his fingers in front of Lyra's face.

She quickly snapped out of her trance. She shook her head and then focused on Vincent who was glad to see her back in reality.

"Sorry, what?" Lyra asked as she got her focus back.

"I said are you feeling good enough to help me now?" Vincent answered, completely changing his original response, since he wanted to hurry and get his plan into motion.

"Oh, sure, I'll help you out with whatever you need me to do." Lyra said excited to finally be of use.

"Good, that's what I wanted to hear." Vincent said as he started walking out of Lyra's room. "Come on, we'll talk in the living room."

"Ok." Lyra followed behind Vincent, but caught up with him just enough to be by his side.

Vincent looked down at Lyra, who was smiling at him sweetly. He returned her the kind gesture with a pat on the head, the way he would pat a pet, but Vincent didn't really care if Lyra saw it that way or not. When he looked back at her he saw she was fixing her mane which Vincent had messed up a little. The sight of this made him chuckle a little. He should have seen that coming though, remembering yesterday and seeing all those ponies with different mane styles. Vincent had to wonder if Lyra would find it fascinating that humans where practically the same in that they were always fixating on making their hair look good. Another thing these ponies had in common with humanity. Vincent guessed it must take them hours to get their manes right, and if that was the case, he'd hate to see how long it took these ponies to make their manes look decent. Anyway, they had reached the living room. Vincent noticed a bowl on the floor of the kitchen and milk and hay all over.

"Lyra must have done that when Bon Bon went into her room." Vincent figured as much before focusing back on the milk and hay. "If hay is all they eat around here, I'm going to fucking starve."

Vincent took a seat on the recliner that he had slept on last night. Lyra went to another recliner and moved it to where It would be facing Vincent. She then sat down and eagerly waited to hear Vincent's plan.

"Alright Lyra, do you remember when Derpy mentioned those Elements of Harmony?" Vincent needed to make sure that Lyra remembered this particular question.

"Yeah, I remember." Lyra said shaking her head up and down confirming Vincent's thought, ready to answer any of the questions Vincent had for her. "What about them? You need more information on them?"

"I don't just want information on them Lyra. I want to meet them." Vincent said with a very serious tone and expression, wanting Lyra to know that he was not fucking around.

Lyra felt cold and not the Hearts Warming Eve snowy cold but the "Windigos had just come into her home and started causing an ice blizzard that would eventually freeze her" kind of cold. She could see it in Vincent's eyes how serious he was, and the tone of his voice was basically giving a demand rather in the form of a question.

"He isn't kidding around," she thought. This scared her a little, since the idea of Vincent meeting the Elements was not something she liked to think about since the outcomes of her thoughts always ended badly.

She believed that Twilight and her friends wouldn't be so open minded with Vincent like Derpy and her where. Looking back at Vincent's eyes again, she could see that he was waiting for her to respond. Lyra didn't know how or rather didn't want to answer because she knew that Vincent was expecting one answer and one answer only would satisfy his demand. Lyra knew that lying wasn't a good idea and that saying no was an even worse idea. After hearing ponies say that they where caught "between a rock and a hard place" so many time, she finally understood what they meant, and she didn't like the feeling.

"Umm, Vincent I don't think that's a good idea." Lyra said, not sure on whether to be nervous about Vincent's demand to meet the elements or his reaction to Lyra' response.

"I know this seems like a bad, rushed move to make, especially since I haven't been here longer than a day. But it's going to happen eventually, so I'd say we speed up the process." Vincent's explanation made since to Lyra, but it didn't put her worries at ease.

"Vincent, if you don't mind me asking, why would you want to meet the elements already? You've only been here for no more than a day, right?" Lyra wanted to know what Vincent's intentions where before even considering about taking him to the Elements.

"Actually, Lyra, I do mind." Vincent said firmly.

"Pony feathers," Lyra cursed in her mind.

She had already expected Vincent to more than likely keep his reason to himself, which didn't help Lyra feel like she was a little filly trying to get her older brother to spill his secrets to her. Except Vincent couldn't be her brother since he was human and she was a pony and that would be just weird... Lyra smacked her head with her hoof. Why in Celestia's name would she compare that to this situation. There where other examples she could have chosen to use, but for whatever reason she choose that. She smacked her head again and than started shaking her head back and forth rapidly in a cartoonish style. When she looked back at Vincent, she could see that he had a amused look on his face.

"Umm..." Lyra muttered as she felt the embarrassment creeping back into her body.

"You know, Lyra, you just reminded me of a question I had meant to ask you yesterday, but I forgot to because I was tired as hell from everything that had happened." Vincent said, still having that amused look on his face.

"Oh... What question would that be?" Lyra asked, knowing that the question wasn't going to be something flattering.

"Does your species have any kind of drugs like weed, meth, marijuana and things like that?" Vincent smirked as he saw the confusion grow on Lyra's face.

Marijua-huh? What in Celestia's name was that stuff or any of those things Vincent had mentioned? She couldn't even think of how to pronounce those names right and her confusion kept on growing as she didn't know if she should be insulted, dumbfound, or intrigued by these strange sounding things. However a part of her kept telling her that what these things where was probably nothing good.

"No, I'm pretty sure we don't." Lyra said truthully, but still confused.

"Yeah, I figured but I had to ask though. Just to be sure, you know," Vincent said, chuckling a little at the uselessness of the question itself, but mostly at the reaction it caused Lyra to have. The mint unicorn looked like she was trying to figure out the question like it was a puzzle. This gave Vincent an idea. "Would you like to know what a drug is, Lyra?"

Lyra wanted to know, but a part of her kept telling her that it be better for her species to not know what these drugs were. So against her need to know, she decided to let Vincent keep that information to himself. Lyra would hate herself for this later.

"Thanks for the offer, but I think it be best for you to keep that to yourself." Lyra said, she was already hating herself.

Vincent laughed for a little bit. It made sense that a pony that lived in a "perfect" little kids' world wouldn't want the concept of drugs to excise in this place. Hell, he wouldn't be surprised if Lyra had some uneasy feeling when she heard the word. Regardless, it gave Vincent another good laugh.

"You're right. It's best if certain human traits stay in the dark." Vincent said, knowing that this might be the nicest thing he would ever do for this planet. "Back to the matter at hand, are you going to help me set up this meeting?"

"Vincent, in all honesty, I'm not sure how Twilight and the others will react to you when they see you." Lyra said, feeling that she should at least try to convince Vincent to reconsider his course of action, even though she knew that wouldn't be easy. "Might turn bad real fast."

"You think so?" Vincent said, he already had his mind made up on this, but decided to hear what Lyra would say to him, he figured this might be kind of amusing if not funny.

"It's just everyone here isn't as open minded as me or excepting as Derpy or fascinated by strangeness like Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom." Lyra tried to state as much truth as she could think of, although her Cutie Mark Crusader comment was mostly due to the fact that they where still fillies. "Their reaction might not be what you're hoping for."

"I never hope, Lyra. I think, I do, and I accomplish." Vincent said, practically telling Lyra his routine for completing assassinations.

"What do you mean?" Lyra asked, not understanding what Vincent was getting at.

"It means I'm not hoping for them to react to me the same way you, Derpy, and the fillies did. I'm expecting them to react differently. More than likely, they'll freak the fuck out." Vincent was completely honest with what he just said.

To him hoping was overrated and just for idiots who couldn't open their eyes to reality. He saw these kind of people as children who where still afraid of the dark, which was actually pretty ironic, considering Vincent had learned this at a very young age. Regardless knowing this helped him to become the person he was, not just a killer but a person who always preferred to embracing the uncertainty of the universe, random chance, just taking what nature throws at you and running with it rather than always lying to yourself by hoping things would go your way. Vincent knew it never worked out that way. That thought reminded him of his confrontation with Max, and how it proved his statement correct. He pushed that thought away, though as he knew that now was not the time for this, there was still the question that Lyra was avoiding to answer and now he that he remembered it he was becoming annoyed with Lyra and her refusal to give him a answer.

"Look, Lyra, I get that you don't like this idea but I'm going to be honest with you when I say that this is my decision, and I don't really care what you think of it because I'm going to find a way to meet them, one way or another, and with or without your concern. Now you can either help me or stay out of my business." Vincent said very seriously with a look that could be described as angry, but Lyra couldn't really tell, as she was scared at Vincent's response.

"I...I..." Lyra was still a little scared, but she didn't know what scared her more: the idea of letting Vincent and The Elements of Harmony meeting or how calm Vincent was when he was obviously angry, and how little he could make her feel without yelling. But it didn't matter. She had came up with a decision. "I'll help."

"Alright then." Vincent got up from his recline. "First thing I need you to do is to get Derpy and the three fillies here fast."

"Ok." Lyra said as she got up and headed for the door. She didn't want to ask anymore questions. She just wanted to get this over with. "Give me fifteen minutes."

And Lyra." Vincent called to her as she reached the door.

"Yeah?" Lyra said as she looked back at Vincent, who looked at her.

"Thanks for choosing to help me out." Vincent said, trying to sound as sincere as he could. He then gave Lyra a small smile. "You're a reliable acquaintance."

Lyra's face grew a huge smile as she felt her spirit perk up and her heart beating so fast from so much joy that she thought she was going to have a heart attack of happiness. Vincent might have been secretive, a little mean, and kind of scary, but she knew in her heart that he wasn't an evil man and that was more than enough to convince her that helping him was the right thing to do.

"Thank you Vincent. I'll see you in seven minutes." Lyra said as she felt the adrenaline pumping into her legs.

"Didn't you say –” Vincent didn't finish his sentence, because when he looked back he saw that Lyra was gone. "Huh. She did that whole ‘gone in a second cartoon thing’, weird."

Vincent went to Lyra's room, picked up his briefcase and went back to the living room. He sat back down on the recliner and pulled the lever back. He laid back and got comfortable and decide to relax for the next seven minutes as he waited for Lyra to return with the others. Vincent smiled as he thought of how things would work out once he met the Elements of Harmony. He closed his eyes.

Lyra had already gotten Derpy. It didn't take long to convince her to come with her, since all Lyra did was mention Vincent needing help. The Cutie Mark Crusaders where also easy to get, as they where already out trying to get their skydiving cutie marks but they where glad to put that on hold, as they wanted to be involved with Vincent's plan. It might have also been because they couldn't convince any Pegasus to help them out by flying them high into the air and letting them fall back down. But mostly it was for Vincent. After gathering everypony together, they all trotted to Lyra’s house. Lyra opened the door and went inside. Vincent had just woken up and looked to see Lyra, Derpy and the three fillies with her. Vincent smiled at Lyra and gave her a nod.

"Good job Lyra." Vincent said, impressed, he then checked his watch. "And in seven minutes. Not bad."

"Thank you." Lyra said feeling proud of herself for being given another complement by Vincent. "A complement is always appreciated."

"Lyra said you need help with something." Derpy said as she smiled at Vincent. "Also, nice to see you again."

"Good to see all of you, too." Vincent said, wanting to get the greeting done with so they could focus on the real matter at hand. "And yes, I do need help with something."

"Leave it on us." Scootaloo said, enthusiastic about helping Vincent.

"Yeah, we're ready for it." Apple Bloom said, also excited about this new adventure.

"Let's do this I'm getting anxious." Sweetie Belle said, happy to finally be getting more involved with Vincent, Lyra, and Derpy's agendas this time.

"Alright, I need all of you to help me set up a meeting." Vincent said as he waited for one of the ponies to respond.

"With who?" Derpy asked, wondering who Vincent would want to meet.

"The Elements of Harmony." Vincent's words shocked Derpy and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"I'm not sure I heard that correctly, but did you say you wanted to meet my sister and her friends?" Apple Bloom asked, wanting to make sure Vincent said that correctly.

"Yes I did." Vincent said, confirming their worries.

"Is that a good idea?" Scootaloo asked, not sure what to think of Vincent's sentence.

"Lyra." Vincent looked at Lyra expecting her to answer.

"I had my doubts to, but Vincent convinced me that it's going to happen sooner or later, we might as well speed up the process." Lyra’s words made sense to the other ponies, and they started believing that letting the Elements meet Vincent was better to do sooner than later was a good idea.

"Well, when you put it like that, it does seem logical." Derpy said, believing that Vincent was right about this.

"That’s good enough for me." Vincent said as he turned to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "What about you three?"

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom had already done a group discussion when Vincent was talking to Derpy. At first they didn't think it would be a good decision, but then they figured that meeting Vincent sooner than later would be a better choice since Twilight and her friends discovering Vincent on their own just spelled disaster. They had their decision ready.

"We’ll help." Sweetie Belle said, speaking for all three fillies.

"Good. Now I don't want to waste anymore time, so I'll make this quick and simple." Vincent wanted to hurry up and get this going.

"We’re all ready. Just let us know what to do." Lyra said. She was ready, along with everypony for whatever Vincent had planned.

"All I need you to do is get each of the Elements at the edge of The Everfree forest at the place we exited from yesterday, I don't care how you convince them just do it. I'll be waiting there, so try to be there in fifteen minutes. Ok?" Vincent said, making sure to keep the instructions simple enough for these ponies so they wouldn't be able to fuck it up.

"Alright, sounds easy enough, right girls?" Lyra looked towards Derpy and the three fillies, who all nodding their heads in agreement.

"Alright, I'm going now. I'll see you all in fifteen minutes." Vincent said as he picked up his briefcase and walked to a window, he was gonna get out that way.

"Wait what if somepony sees you?" Derpy said, concerned about Vincent getting to the Everfree without being noticed.

"I'll be fine trust me. You just worry about your own objectives." Vincent went out the window and left the five ponies on their own.

"Alright, let’s get started." Scootaloo said, excited.

They all headed out the door, before departing, Lyra gave one last gesture of good luck before they began their task.

"Good luck, everypony, see you in fifteen minutes." Lyra smiled before leaving.

Vincent checked his watch a couple of times while he waited behind the tree. The girls had three more minutes to show up. He had rested his eyes for a little while but woke up when he heard the sound of what could be described as a stampede and a jet flying towards each other. Anyway, once awake he got up. Which was a good thing since it was starting to rain before I knew it the rain starting falling hard. "Wish I had brought an umbrellas." Vincent said, he would hate that his suit was getting wet since this was his only clothes now.

While waiting, I kept thinking of different scenarios and different outcomes that would follow once I met these so called “Elements of Harmony”. each scenario had either a good or bad outcome, and sometimes a mixture of both. I called that neutral, but I wouldn't have an official answer until the girls got here, which would be in two more minutes. I wonder how these ponies would look and how their personalities would be like. They better be reasonable and not hard-headed. Otherwise, this wasn't going to end well. Which is funny, considering the worst case scenario I came up with was that we all ended up killing each. Don't I have a violent mind? Ok, it was time. I looked out to see in the distance. Eleven ponies walking towards my direction. I could tell that five of them were Lyra, Derpy, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom. The other six where different colors and had different manes. Hell, one even had a Stetson. That one must have been Apple Bloom's older sister. Country heritage must run in the family. She looked like the honest type. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. A white unicorn who must be Sweetie Belle's sister looked like she had an overly-dramatic personality to her, and the way her body language was oriented just screamed upper class personality. I might not be to fond of her. And then there was a yellow-looking pegasus who look like the shy, sheepish type. She looked easy to scare. “That might be fun,” I thought with a hint of a smile. There was a pink pony who hopped instead of walking, and was talking fast I could already tell I would be annoyed by her, if not pissed off. But she seemed easy to manipulate, which I could probably use to my advantage. Then I saw a rainbow-colored pegasus who seemed to have that tomboyish attitude and over confident personality. “She must like to win a lot,” I inferred. Great, an arrogant pony, and finally there was a purple unicorn who was talking to Lyra. I read her lips and saw she must be a real book worm who liked to use logic to solve problem. Might be good to have someo... Err pony intelligent to talk to... It might be good or a pain in the ass. Alright, I'd got as much information as I can from watching them. Now it's time for the moment of truth: the meeting. When they got close to tree I was behind, I heard one of them ask why they where all here, after hearing that, I knew now was the perfect time. I walked out and told myself to be ready for anything. It was good that I had my Heckler & Koch USP45 with me right now.

Vincent started walking away from the tree but hadn't noticed that the floor had quickly become muddy. On his next step he slipped and fell backwards, with nothing to grab onto he fell back onto the tree and hit it pretty hard. It hurt like hell but soon Vincent, who was now very dazed, realized he was beginning to blackout. He tried to keep himself awake but he couldn't beat it, before going out he heard the sounds of running hooves heading towards him than he went out like a light.

Chapter 9: A Short Task To The Big Reveal

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"Good luck everypony see you in fifteen minutes." Lyra smiled before leaving.

"See you in thirteen." Scootaloo said in a challenging manner. "I got Rainbow Dash."

"I'll get my sister." Apple Bloom said accepting Scootaloo's challenged. "And I'll be here in ten."

And with the finishing of that sentence Scootaloo and Apple Bloom where off to get there selected ponies. They took off fast enough that Lyra, Derpy, and Sweetie Belle didn't have time to tell them who they had picked to get. Actually they hadn't decided yet who they where getting well Sweetie Belle already had her choice Lyra and Derpy on the other hand.

"Your not going to join their little competition?" Derpy asked looking at Sweetie Bell.

"Nope I'm going to get my sister and her boutique is no farther than a three minute walk." Sweetie Bell said confident she didn't need to rush herself to get Rarity. "I'll meet you guys at the spot."

Sweetie Belle than walked away and left Lyra and Derpy to decide who of the remaining three would they get.
"So who do you want to get?" Lyra asked.

"Doesn't matter to me I'll get whoever I need to." Derpy said looking at Lyra.

"I guess you can get Fluttershy since she's a pegasus and I can get Pinkie Pie and Twilight since they both live on the ground." Lyra said to Derpy who was looking at Lyra confused. "What?"

"Doesn't Fluttershy live on the ground to." Derpy brought up a good point but Lyra had figured Derpy would have got what she meant but she should have been more clear.

"What I meant is that Fluttershy is a Pegasus like you, both of you can just fly there." Lyra explanation made sense to Derpy.

"Yeah you're right that would be faster." Derpy said as she looked to the direction of Fluttershy's cottage. "Alrighty than I'll see you at the spot."

"Good luck." Lyra said.

"You to." Derpy began flying away.

Scootaloo had found Rainbow Dash sleeping on one of here favorite trees, she yelled to Dash but she was to busy snoring to loud to hear her so Scootaloo decide to climb up the tree and wake Dash up she hated the thought of disturbing her idol's slumber but Vincent was counting on her to get Rainbow Dash to the meeting plus she couldn't let Apple Bloom beat her to the meeting so for the sake of a better reason she decide waking up Dash would be a necessary annoyance.

"Dash? Dash? Dash wake up." Scootaloo said quietly as she tried to wake Rainbow Dash up but when she didn't and looked at the sun and saw the time on the clock tower, five minutes had gone by that made her worry as she knew she had to speed up her process otherwise she would be last it was time for some shouting. "Rainbow Dash Wake Up!"

Rainbow kicked up and started struggling on the branch her struggling caused both her and Scootaloo to fall down, the crashed didn't hurt their bodies to much but the pain was still there.Once Rainbow Dash got her focus back she looked at Scootaloo with a annoyed look in her face.
"Scootaloo why did you disturb my resting you know I only get a handful of times to sleep during the day." Rainbow Dash complained

"Sorry Dash but I need you to come with me." Scootaloo said wanting to hurry and get to the meeting spot.

"Why?" Rainbow Dash asked wanting to know what Scootaloo needed her for and why she was in such a hurry.

"Because there's a meeting I need to get you to." Scootaloo said very anxious to get going.

"A meeting?" Rainbow Dash was now intrigued. "What kind of meeting?"

"One that all your friends are going to be at." Scootaloo said really worried that Apple Bloom would beat her to the spot. "Can we please go now Dash."

"Scoots your going to have to give me more information than that." Rainbow Dash said still not sure if she wanted to go.

"I'll explain on the way there." Scootaloo knew she would have to lie to Rainbow Dash but it would be necessary.

"Why are you in such a rush Scoots?" Rainbow knew that she could at least get a quick answer for this question.

"Because of a contest between me and Apple Bloom have going on, to see who can get to the meeting first either me and you or her and Applejack." Scootaloo said very quickly, that she needed to catch her breath.

"Oh really?" Rainbow Dash grew a big smile "Alright lets go can't let them beat us there, hop on my back."

Scootaloo did as she was told, she also had a smile on her face not only was she going to beat Apple Bloom but she was on Rainbow Dash's back who was about to fly as fast as she could to the meeting, they took off in the blink of an eye, they would win without a doubt except for one thing... Scootaloo forgot to tell Rainbow Dash where they needed to go oh well she would have to wait for Dash to stop since the speed she was going at enabled her to hear Scootaloo's yelling, hopefully Dash would stop soon. Meanwhile Apple Bloom was talking to Applejack who had just finished collecting apples.

"So let me get this straight, You want me to go to some meeting with you, a meeting that my friends are going to, and it's so important that we have to go now." Applejack basically summed up everything Apple Bloom had told her. "I don't know Sugarcube."

"Come on AJ." Apple Bloom whined. "I need you to go so I can beat Scootaloo."

"You two got into another competition didn't you?" Applejack asked already knowing the answer.

"Yeah." Apple Bloom confirmed Applejack's suspicion.

"And you want me to go so you can beat Scootaloo." Applejack knew that it was all in good fun she just didn't like to get involved to much.

"And Rainbow Dash since Scootaloo's bringing her." Apple Bloom caught Applejack's attention when she mentioned Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash huh?" Applejack said with a curious look.

"Yes siree apple." Apple Bloom smiled knowing she had just got the Applejack's attention.

Applejack may not have wanted to get involved with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo's little competition but with her own rivalry with Rainbow Dash, when it came to things like this it reminded her that no matter how small the competition may be she wanted to make sure she was the one to win it and knowing Rainbow Dash, the moment Scootaloo mention this being a competition between her and Apple Bloom that involved Applejack and Rainbow Dash getting to this meeting first she would be racing to the spot. Knowing this made it easier for her to make a final decision.

"Alright little sis hop on my back, tell me where we're going, and off we will be." Applejack instructed to her little sister.

"Alright we're going to the edge of The Everfree forest from where exit is located." Apple Bloom instructed.

"Alright then hang on tight sugarcube ." Applejack said as she ready herself.

"Let's go!" Apple Bloom yelled.

And with that Applejack took off towards the Everfree forest's entrance determination in her eyes as the adrenalin kicked in she would not lose to Dash. Now Sweetie Belle on her task was having trouble getting Rarity's attention sense she was busy finishing up a new dress however instead of continuing to try and grab her older sisters attention by yelling at her she decided to just get in front of the dress Rarity was working on.

"Sweetie Belle will you kindly move so I can finish up my design." Rarity said in a tone that could only be describe as a mixture of whining and annoyance. "I must finish this."

"First you need to hear what I have to tell you, otherwise I'm staying right her." Sweetie Belle stomped her hoofed down to make her point. rarity could tell her little sister wasn't joking.

"Fine." Rarity said annoyed as she reluctantly agreed to her sister's demand. "What do you need dear?"

"I need you to come with me to a meeting." Sweetie Belle said with a smile glade that her sister was listening to her.

"I've been called to a meeting." Rarity asked since she had no knowledge of a meeting that Sweetie Belle was talking about.

"Yeah you and your friends have been called to this meeting." Sweetie Belle said thinking that would convince her sister to leave already.

"My friends have been called to? Who has called for this meeting." Rarity's question made Sweetie Belle worry, knowing she couldn't mention Vincent she decided to do say something else.

"I'm not sure about who but I know whoever it is, has clothing that you've never seen before." Sweetie Belle knew that would catch Rarity's attention like a fish and a hook.

"Really? Clothing that I've never seen before impossible." Rarity founding it hard to believe there was clothing out there that she had not yet seen.

"You'll never know unless you go." Sweetie Belle said giggling a little at the rhyme she just made.

"That is a good point." Rarity said as she thought about this meeting and the mysterious stallion who set it up but she soon made up her mind. "Alright Sweetie Belle I'll go but first let me finish this design."

"Ok." Sweetie Belle walk out of the way towards the door. "Just please hurry we need to –”

Before she Sweetie Belle could finish her sentence she looked back and saw her sister standing next to the now completed dress with a smile on her face. Sweetie Belle was dumbfounded by Rarity's incredible speed with the completion of the dress.
"How did you?" Sweetie Belle asked still a dumbfounded.

"I may struggle from time to time with certain designs but when I need to be fast I'm fast and furious with my work." Rarity said proudly. "Shall we be off now?"

"Umm yeah lets go." Sweetie Belle while still confused was a lot more happy to be done with he task.

Sweetie Belle and Rarity headed off to the Everfree forest Sweetie Belle looked at the clock tower and was relieved to see she still had time, Rarity on the other hoof was anxious to see this new clothing that she would probably be able to get and use. In another part of the town in the sky above it Derpy was lowering herself to the ground, despite her eye problem she landed well although she did loose her balance and wobbled a little she didn't fall down once she regained her balance she saw that she was in front of Fluttershy's front door Derpy raised her hoof in a victorious manner for herself because she didn't crash into the door. Derpy remembered that she had a task to complete so she knocked on the door and waited for an answer, the door slowly opened and a light yellow pegasus peaked out.

"Hello." Fluttershy said.

"Hi Fluttershy." Derpy greeted in a cheerful manner.

"Oh Derpy." Fluttershy opened up the door fully and looked at Derpy. "Hi what brings you here?"

"I need you to come with me to a meeting." Derpy figured she be as truthful as possible.

"A meeting? I have a meeting to go to?" Fluttershy asked a little puzzled.

"Well sort of but I thought it be nice to ask." Derpy said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Oh well it was polite but I'm not sure if I should." Fluttershy said as she thought about whether she should go or not.

"All your friends are going to the meeting to." Derpy said hoping this would help Fluttershy make her decision quicker.

"Really?" Fluttershy was now more curious about this meeting. "What kind of meeting is this Derpy?"

"The kind that involves the you and your friends since you girls are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony." Derpy said still being a truthful but still secretive.

"Oh is this about the elements?" Fluttershy made this guessed since Derpy brought up the elements.

"Well sort of it's kind of hard to explain." Derpy was again being truthful as speaking the intentions of an otherworldly creatu... umm human wouldn't be easy to explain. "It be easier if you just come and have your questions answered there."

"I guess but than again..." Fluttershy began pondering on something as she looked back inside her house.

"What? What's wrong?" Derpy was hoping that whatever made Fluttershy have second thoughts would be easy to handle.

"It's just that..." Fluttershy didn't finished still pondering on her thoughts again.

"Tell me Fluttershy and I'll see what I can do." Derpy said assuring Fluttershy that she would help her with anything she needed.

"Well I'm not sure if I should leave my cottage, what if an animal comes by and needs my help?" Fluttershy said worried for whatever animal that may come by while she was gone.

"Derpy looked at the sun and could tell that six minutes had gone by which means she had nine minutes left to get Fluttershy and herself to the meeting she needed to speed this up, she didn't want Vincent to be waiting there all day by himself just than the thought of Vincent gave Derpy a good idea even though it would involve lying it would be necessary.

"Actually Fluttershy it's funny you should mention that as there is a new animal that will need to be checked on at the meeting." Derpy said not liking the feeling of lying but what she said about the animal thing was more or less true so it numbed her conscience a little. "And I'm sure you are more than qualified to check on this animal.

"A new animal that needs to be checked on? Oh well in that case lead the way I can't wait to meet this new creature." Fluttershy said excited at the thought of meeting a new animal as her love for animals knew no limits.

"Alright we're off than." Derpy said happy that she would be late to the meeting.

Derpy and Fluttershy began flying towards the Everfree forest like Vincent said, Derpy had to admit that getting Fluttershy to come as a lot easier than she had predicted although she had to thank Celestia that Vincent wasn't around to hear her call him a animal as she could guess that label wouldn't have sat well with him hopefully Fluttershy wouldn't call Vincent that when she would meet him. Finally catching up with Lyra who had Pinkie Pie with her as they headed for Twilight's library. She had convinced Pinkie Pie to come with her by saying that after the meeting Pinkie would have a reason to throw a party later which was more than enough to convince Pinkie Pie.

"Wow I cant wait to throw a new party after this meeting!" Pinkie Pie said in her over enthusiastic tone of her. "Hey Lyra what will the party be for anyway because even though I love love love throwing parties I still like to know what there for other wise it would be a shame for a party to not have a reason for being a party."

"Like I said before Pinkie you'll learn that once we get to the meeting but first we need to get Twilight." Lyra said not a fan of having to repeat herself. "You'll have to wait until."

"Oh so it's like a surprise surprise party but without the second surprise or the party." Pinkie Pie said as she continued to hop.

"That would just be a regular secret Pinkie." Lyra said a little surprised Pinkie Pie made that sound more complicated than it was, than again Pinkie Pie was Pinkie Pie.

"Oh your right silly me." Pinkie Pie giggled at her own mistake. "Oh look we're at Twilight's."

Lyra was happy that they where here already, she wanted to get Twilight as quick as possible and head for the meeting Lyra wasn't really in a rush as she didn't care if Scootaloo, Apple Bloom or any of the other ponies got there before her she just wanted to get there on time, making Vincent waiting the Everfree wasn't gave her a fearful feeling in her gut but she didn't know if she be fearful for Vincent or the creatures inhabiting the Everfree. Putting those thoughts aside for the moment Lyra knocked on the door two minutes later the door opened and there stood Twilight Sparkle.

"Hi Lyra, hi Pinkie Pie what brings you here?" Twilight asked kindly.

"Oh well you see Lyra here said she –” Pinkie Pie was cut off when Lyra stuck a hoof in her mouth.

"Pinkie if you wouldn't mind I'd like to tell Twilight myself." Lyra said to which Pinkie Pie nodded her head. "Thank you. So Twilight are you busy?"

"No not really I just finished the last of my seven projects so now I got the rest of the day to myself." Twilight hadn't mention that she was going to read a book and do nothing else. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm going to make this quick and simple. Meeting you need to come to, friends going to, involves something important, you'll be fascinated, a lot of questions you'll want to ask, and will involve logic and science the kind of stuff you like. Please say you'll come please. Lyra finished summing up everything she needed to and now waited for Twilight's answer.

"Umm sure." Twilight had some questions running through her mind but decided to put them on hold until they got to this meeting since she could see Lyra was in a rush. "Let's go. Spike I'm going to a meeting I'll be back later."

"Thanks Twilight lets go." Lyra said happily as she, Twilight and Pinkie Pie began walking.

"This is gonna be so fun." Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"It sure is." Lyra said relieved that she wouldn't be late to the meeting but still a little scared at what would happen once Vincent finally met Twilight and her friends she hoped to Celestia it wouldn't end badly.

The trip to the Everfree forest's entrance wasn't a long walk for Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Lyra, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle nor was it a long flight for Derpy and Fluttershy who landed right next to their friends. After they exchange there greetings and hellos they noticed that Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash hadn't shown up yet before any of them could as they saw in the distance of the of the east was a pony running at a fast pace and on the west they saw a pegasus flying at a high speed both where trying to get to the where the ponies where standing before the other and they all knew who these two where. Rainbow Dash and Applejack where giving it all they got both moving so fast they thought they where leaving fire behind them, despite being far away from each other their eyes met when they looked towards each others direction. It began to rain as the ponies watched and waited for they friends to collide which didn't take long as they stopped as so as they reached the spot which caused a smoke clouded to form blinding every pony for a few seconds, the rain was now falling hard, they looked and watched as the smoke cleared and looked to see Applejack and Rainbow Dash staring at each other.

"Ha! I win." Scootaloo exclaimed as she hopped off of Rainbow Dash's back.

"No way I did." Apple Bloom yelled back as she hopped off her sister's back.

"I reckon my sister's right I got here before you Rainbow." Applejack said defending her sister's claim.

"I thought you where the Element of Honesty AJ? Why are you lying to yourself?" Rainbow Dash mocked.

"Alright then you two will have to settle this some other time right now we need to move to that spot right there." Lyra said interrupting Rainbow Dash and Applejack before they could start having all kinds of contest. "Come on."

"So anypony know what this meeting is about?" Applejack asked.

"Not sure dear Sweetie Belle said I would see new clothing at this meeting." Rarity said smiling at the thought of these new clothing. "Though I must say I could have done without the rain today."

"Derpy said a new animal would be here to." Fluttershy said anxious about seeing this new animal. "I should have brought a blanket incase it's cold."

"I just came because I wanted to beat AJ to this meeting." Rainbow Dash said nonchalant. "Pinkie why did you come?"

"Lyra said this meeting would give me a reason to throw a party!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Oh cool. What about you Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Lyra said this would involve science and logic two things I'm good at, also I didn't have much to do anyway." Twilight explained. "I hope it's worth it since I prefer to be inside instead of out here in the rain."

Before the six friends could continue pondering on this meeting and what it was about Lyra had stopped in front of a tree. Derpy got close enough to Lyra so that only she and Lyra could hear each other.
"Lyra are you sure this is where Vincent is waiting?" Derpy asked wanting to make sure they weren't at the wrong place.

"Yes. When you guys left Vincent came from the side of my house and told me he'd be behind that specific tree." Lyra said reassuring Derpy's worries.

"Oh ok great." Derpy said giving a smile.

"Umm Lyra the girls and I would like to know what this meeting is about and why we're here for it?" Twilight asked feeling now was the appropriate time to for questions.

"Just hen a figure that the six friends had never seen before in their lives walked out from behind a tree towards them calmly. Lyra, Derpy, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders all smiled at the figure while the mane six had different expressions on their faces.
"This is who set up this meeting and is also the reason for this meeting." Lyra said giving a gesture to the tall figure coming from behind a tree.

The tall figure started walking but since the rain made the ground more muddy and slippery, the creature fell backwards and onto the tree.

"Vincent!" Lyra, Derpy, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all yelled as they ran to him.

Twilight and her friends ran towards the strange creature to, not sure what it was but if there friends were worried about it than it must have meant something to them, plus they were now beyond curious.

Chapter 10: Worse Case Scenario?

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Twilight and Rarity fired a blast of magic at Vincent, who ducked and rolled under the blast, which hit two trees that disintegrated from the powerful blast. Vincent got back to his feet but felt the force of, what could be described as a shotgun blast impacting on his chest sending him flying back.

Applejack had hit the monster with a force hard enough to break four trees, Applejack watched as the creature collided with a tree. Vincent coughed up blood and felt a wave of pain traveling within his body, mostly in his chest and stomach, he could feel at least three of his ribs broken. Which he consider lucky.

Vincent did wondered how the hell was his whole body not broken? But that question would have to wait till after he killed these goddamn horses or until he himself was killed... Again?

Vincent was still in pain but soon felt the adrenaline kick in. He got back up, pulling out his gun but before he could point it at any of the ponies, he was taken up to the air by the arrogant pegasus, Vincent guessed that she was going to fly him high into the sky and drop him to his death. The gun still in his hand Vincent hit the pegasus in the face with it, as hard as he could. Rainbow Dash's idea of dropping the creature from a high height was short lived when she felt the force of an unknown object, she went lost her focus, she tried to regain it but was once again hit by unknown object, this time she went unconscious.

Vincent and Rainbow Dash where now plummeting back to the ground. Vincent looked down to see, that he was falling back into the forest, an idea sprung to his head. He would use the trees to break his fall. Rainbow Dash was beginning to open her eyes, starting to regain consciousness, Vincent noticed this and decided to make sure this pegasus didn't have a soft landing. Being close enough to the barely conscious pony, he kicked her square in the jaw, sending her falling back towards the hard ground, in a rolling log type fashion. Vincent felt his back hit the tree branch, his pain increased from every tree beach he hit unlit he finally landed on the ground, face first. Vincent had to admit, despite the pain he was feeling right now, it could have been a hell of a lot worse, so he was grateful to whatever force kept his face from breaking. After taking a few breaths, Vincent looked up to see the pegasus, that was once falling to a guaranteed painful, if not fatal fall, was now being levitated gently back down, by a purple aurora of magic.

"Fucking unicorn magic." Vincent cursed, weakly getting back up.

His rest was short lived when he heard the sound of a rustling bush. Vincent looked at the bush, just in time to see a bear burst out, running right for him. Vincent jumped to the right side fast enough for the bear to collide with a tree, breaking its focus and unbalanced. Vincent coughed up some blood again and looked back at the bear. It was defiantly in pain and disorientation, just than Vincent saw another pegasus, the shy looking one, comforting the injured animal. Vincent now realized that when he got kicked by the cowgirl looking pony, that the shy pegasus had disappeared.

"She can talk to animals to." Vincent confirmed his own suspicion. "Fucking great."

I got back up, all this jumping and falling on the ground was becoming a pain in the ass for me. Getting my ass kicked by a taxi driver was one thing but getting my ass handed to me by ponies would be insulting to my profession. Ok that's it I'm done fucking around with these midget horses, they want to play bloody, than fine. I liked it that way. Letting a small grow on my face, I pulled out my Heckler & Koch USP45 and aimed. Before I could pull the trigger, I felt a burning pain hit my arm left arm. I'd been shot by magic. It knocked me a little to the left side, I got a good look at the pony who shot me, it was that white unicorn. I raised my right arm and pointed it and fired five shot. Surprisingly, despite me not being able to aim, I hit the unicorn three times, two in the chest and one in the head. I even managed to hit the country girl pony one time in the shoulder. The white unicorn fell to the ground death as the purple unicorn and injured orange pony ran to her side screaming.

The rainbow pegasus was still unconscious. One down five to go. My rest was cut short when I saw the orange pony running towards me, anger burning in her eyes. Before I could point my gun in her direction, she was already in front of me. She turned, raised her back hooves, and kicked. My nerves reacted faster than her hooves though. I jumped out the way, landing on the ground, gaining some pain in my body, and heard the sound of the pony's hooves, making contact with the tree. A loud explosion that could be mistaken for the sound of a grenade was produced. I looked back and saw pieces of the tree everywhere, it was completely destroyed. When I looked back though I saw six more trees utterly destroyed. This country pony was a threat not to be taken lightly.

I quickly got to my feet, when I turn around she tried to kick me again and again my nerves kicked in and I dodged it again. This time I tucked, rolled, and jumped back up I turned around, the orange pony did the same. Once she faced me, I punched her straight in the jaw with my gun. Surprisingly she shook it off and returned the gesture with a punch of her own, the hoof hurt like hell when it made contact with my face but I shook it off, the adrenaline was really helping me, I again hit her in the jaw with the gun but before she could repeat the her own process, I hit her again. You figure two more hits to the face with a heavy gun would have been enough to knock a midget horse out, if not kill it. But no, the pony shakes it off again, looks at me and punched me right in the gut, I spat out blood again. The pony gave me an uppercut which caused me to fall back down to the ground. Now I was a little dazed. Either this pony's adrenaline had kicked in high, her anger kept her going, or maybe she was just one tough bitch. Maybe all three. Whatever the case, she was giving me a fight. I grabbed the pony by the throat and using I strength to my advantage I picked her up and threw her against a tree, her body smacked against the tree, the sound of the impact was more than enough to convince me that this time she was hurt. I took the opportunity to reload my gun. I aimed for the down pony.

"Time for a dirt nap." Vincent aimed the gun but before he could pull the trigger felt sheer pain travel from his right shoulder to his back.

I let out a scream of pain as I stumbled backwards and fell down. I looked up and saw the damn bear was back again, that pegasus must have healed it somehow. I looked to the right and saw my gun only a few inches away. I jumped up and ran for the gun, the bear followed behind me. I'd managed to reach my gun but by the time I turned around, the damn bear tackled me down to the pile of wood from the destroyed trees, again making me lose my hold on the gun. The bear bit down on my arm, I had to use it to keep the animal from ripping my face apart. I let out another scream of pain as I struggled to get free but the more I tried, the more I felt the bear's teeth tearing into my arm's skin. Searching for something to use as a weapon, I grabbed a tree branch and began hitting the bear in the face, until it let go of my arm. But like the Timberwolf, I pissed it off even more and it came biting down with more force.

Seeing no other option, I waited for the bear to get closer to my face and I bit down on its nose and ripped it off. The bear jumped up, roaring in pain. I took this opportunity to slip out of the bears grasp and ran for my gun. I picked it up, aimed at the bear's head, and fired five shots at it. The bear went limp, definitely dead.

I sighed in relief. That was one less problem to deal with. Now for the other five ponies. Speaking of which, that animal talking one is right in my face staring at me with a pissed off look. It was a hell of a stare, I'll give her that. It probably would have stopped anyone or pony, else in their tracks, but I wasn't like anyone else back on Earth. And I sure as hell wasn't like any of these ponies here.

"That won't work on me, sweetheart." Vincent said, a smirk on his face.

"But... But... How?" Fluttershy stuttered out, shocked her stare wasn't working.

"If only you'd seen the things I've seen and the things I've done to others." Vincent said, answering the shocked pony's question.

Before the pony could say anything else, Vincent raised his gun under the shy pony's muzzle and pulled the trigger. Vincent watched as the bullet exited through the ponies head. Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie watched in shocked at the loss of another friend. Rainbow Dash was still unconscious. Applejack let out a blood curdling scream and charged at Vincent.

"Shit." Vincent said, after hearing the scream. "I just pissed them off."

Applejack rammed against Vincent, making him crash into a tree, causing pain to his ribs again. Vincent screamed again, in pain. Applejack backed away and rammed at Vincent again, but Vincent moved out the way, in time to avoid any more broken rips. Applejack on the other head smashed against the tree again. She felt drops of blood falling from her head. She rubbed her head, trying to ease the pain. Vincent coughed up blood and then looked to see the orange pony, in pain but also distracted. Vincent ran to his gun. Applejack noticed this and ran after the creature, wanting to reach him before it could get to its weapon. Vincent had reached the gun but was knocked down again, when the pony rammed herself at him. They both fell to the ground but quickly got to their feet. Vincent was then met with a hoof to the face, he stumbled back a little trying to regain his focus, before another hoof hit his face, this time knocking him down. Applejack jumped at the creature but mid-way she was kicked back. Vincent got to his feet and ran to the pony, who was getting up and kicked her right side rips. Applejack let out a scream of pain, as she felt something inside her brake. Applejack looked up at the monster. Vincent clenched his fist and punched the orange pony in the face. Applejack felt the pain grow in her face, but her anger kept her going, she threw a punch of her own at the creature, knocking him back a few steps. Vincent was a little dazed but he could still see clear enough to see the pony run at him again. When the pony got close to Vincent, he move quickly out of the way and kicked her leg. Dislocating her the bone, the pony screamed in pain. Vincent grabbed the pony's head and twisted it.

The snapping sound of the neck woke up Rainbow Dash, who looked up in time to watch Applejack's lifeless body fall to the ground. Rainbow Dash let out a blood curdling scream, than jumped up and flew towards the creature. After hearing the scream, Vincent look to the where the remaining ponies where.

"Oh fuck." Vincent said, seeing the pegasus coming at him with tremendous speed.

Vincent was pushed back by a powerful force and then, just as quick was dragged onto the ground. Once they stopped, Rainbow Dash started swinging punches left and right rapidly at the creature. Vincent was getting hit but he also managed to avoid the majority of the punches, since the pony wasn't focusing on where her punches where landed, just as long as they hit something. Rainbow Dash missed a punch on the left side of the creature's face. Vincent blocked the pony's second punch, he took the opportunity to take his knife out of his pocket, and he stabbed the pony on her right side. The pony screamed, Vincent grabbed the pony by the throat and pushed her onto the ground on her stomach. Before Rainbow Dash could react, she felt a sharp pain go through her head for a few seconds and then nothing.

Vincent bashed the knife into the ponies head so hard he felt it penetrate through the skull. He yanked out the knife and wiped the blood on the dead pony's coat.

Twilight lost it, after watching her friends die she decided she want to see this monster die painfully. She started firing bolts of magic at Vincent, who was running and taking cover behind trees, that where mostly being destroyed by the bolts of powerful magic.

"Shit!" Vincent said, these things ain't no pushovers he gave them credit for that.

Twilight stopped firing to give herself a moment to catch her breath. After about a minute of no magic being shot at Vincent, looked out from behind a tree and noticed the purple unicorn. She was catching her breath, he decide to make a run for his gun. Once Twilight caught her breath she looked up and saw the creature running for something. She looked and saw the creature's weapon, not far from it. Twilight focused all her magic into her horn and fired a huge blast of magic at the creature. Vincent was almost to his gun, when he looked and saw a blast of magic coming at him. An explosion happened, smoke soon covered the area. Twilight breathed heavily as she looked at the smoke. Five minutes passed, before Twilight grew a smirk on her face.

"I got it." Twilight said, proudly at the sight of the creature's apparent death. touch her throat

Just then Twilight saw something coming at her. She used her magic to push her up a light, just enough to dodge the object. She looked down to see it was just a rock, before she could she felt a sudden amount of pain coming from her neck. The pain made her lose her balance and before she knew it she was on the ground. Twilight used, what strength she had left to touch her throat, she felt a knife had struck her. A shadow stood next to her, Twilight looked up and saw the creature staring down at her, with an emotionless look in its face.

"Nice throw huh? I have to admit I surprised myself, see I'm more of a gun guy, but as you can see knives are just as efficient." Vincent said, to the dying pony. His tone ranged from cocky, to proud, to satisfaction.

I stood over the dying pony, just looking at her, I wanted to see the life leave her eyes. She tried to raise her head but to no avail. She started mumbling something but the loss of blood was obviously having it's effect on her, regardless her final words where probably something you would hear out of a cliché movie, so I could really care less. After about another minute, she died. I looked around and noticed the last one, the pink colored one, was gone. She must have ran off. Makes sense since she just saw five of her friends die. Now that the killing was done and over with, I walked back to my gun and picked it up. When I looked back, I saw the pink pony again, looking at her dead friend. She somehow pulled out the knife, she held it in her hoof, looking at it, and then she looked at me.

"You know I always liked these things." Pinkie Pie said with a smile. "They're the only tools that make sense."

"What the hell?" Vincent thought.

"See, I noticed that some tool names just don't make sense. Like hacksaws. They don't hack, hackings for daggers, axes..." Pinkie Pie looked at the knife in her hand.

"She's obviously different than the others." Vincent thought as he looked at the pink pony, who gave him an uneasy feeling.

"And knives." Pinkie Pie finished, gripping the knife tighter in her hoof.

Vincent didn't want to wait and see what this pink pony was capable of. He pulled the trigger twice, as fast as he could. Pinkie Pie jumped forward, she ducked and rolled, got back up and threw the knife at Vincent, the knife struck him on his right arm. The pain caused him to drop his gun, Vincent tried to pick it up with his left hand but was pushed down by the pink pony. Pinkie Pie pulled the knife of Vincent's arm and tried to stab his Vincent's neck but was stopped when Vincent grabbed the pony's arm, he held it back with as much force as he had. Vincent had to admit that this pony was pretty intimidating, despite her appearance. Vincent head butted the pony's face knocking her back. Vincent went for his gun but Pinkie slashed at him and cut his back. Vincent wildly twisted back and tried to land a punch. Pinkie avoided the punch and then slashed at Vincent's chest, cutting him again. Vincent kicked at the pink pony knocking her down, he ran to her, pinned her down and started punching her. After the seventh punch, Pinkie stabbed Vincent's ankle. Vincent yelled and was knocked down again, this time he was the one pinned down. Pinkie thrust the knife at Vincent's neck again, he who moved away quick enough to save his neck but his shoulder ended up getting stabbed. The sound of Vincent's screams brought a smile to Pinkie's face, as she pulled the knife out, this time she aimed for Vincent's chest. Vincent twisted himself out of the blades reached. He elbowed the back of the pony's head, he grabbed the pinked pony's head and then smashed it on the ground. Pinkie Pie was now dazed. Vincent managed to get the pony in an arm lock, he twisted the hoof until he heard a snapping sound come from the pony's bone. Pinkie Pie screamed in agony. The knife fell from her grasped, Vincent picked it up and gave one last glance at the pony, who was looking back at him again smiling. He thrust the knife into the ponies head. Within a second the pony was dead. Vincent weakly got back up to his feet, he walked to his gun, picked it up and walked back to the dead pink pony. He fired the remaining bullets into the dead pony. Overkill? Yes, but Vincent didn't care, he continued to empty his gun into her until there were no more bullets. Once Vincent was done, he looked at himself and his blood covered suit, and then looked around to see all the dead ponies around him. Despite the pain he let out a smile. This reminded him of the old days on earth and how much he enjoyed his work.

"Vincent!" A voice yelled out to him.

“What?” Vincent said as he looked around but saw no one.

“Vincent!” He heard again but another voice was heard. He noticed now that all the bodies were gone. Gone? That now made him realize that Lyra, Derpy, and the CMC were nowhere in sight throughout this whole thing.

“Vincent!!!” Now it was three little voices screaming out to him. He looked around and saw that everything was disappearing. “What the fuck?”

“Vincent!!!!!” All the voices now called out to him as he was once again surrounded by darkness again. Vincent looked out into the distance and saw something coming at him, the noise it made sounded way to familiar and it was coming at him fast!

“Oh shit!” Vincent screamed, Vincent snapped out of his violent thought a giant wave of light hit him and he jolted up. He looked around to see that he was surrounded by Lyra, Derpy, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Bell all of them had tears in their eyes. It seemed to him that one last bad violent scenario had to go through his mind before this whole situation continued. But now he was back in reality and would now see where this whole endeavor would go now. At least after he got the ponies off him.
“What?” Vincent said, he was tackled down by the pony who all held onto him and cried.

“We thought you were dead!” The three little fillies screamed.

“You scared us crazy.” Derpy yelled, she squeezed tighter.

“You’re the first human to ever come to Equestria we can’t lose you!” Lyra yelled, she didn’t want to let go of Vincent.

“Calm down I’m ok, I just fell down!” Vincent yelled, there was way too many emotions being shared here for his comfort. “Let go already!”

The ponies didn’t want to but after feeling Vincent trying to break free they let go. All five of them looked up at him still crying, Vincent looked at them with a calm the hay down I’m alright look, they wiped away there tears and cleared their throats. Vincent couldn’t understand how these ponies could be so dramatic honestly haven’t they ever seen something fall down before?

“I’m alright ok, see.” Vincent said, the ponies looked at him and he did look ok. With the tears gone the five ponies hugged him again much to Vincent’s discomfort.

“Glad you’re ok.” Lyra said, they let go of Vincent and smiled. Lyra than remembered that they had Twilight and her friends with them right now. Lyra looked back and saw the confused looks on their faces. “This is Vincent.”

The silence was deafening, nopony said anything. Vincent didn’t say anything for the same reason that Lyra, Derpy, and the CMC didn’t say anything, they were waiting to see what they would do first. After about three minutes though it felt like an hour, Twilight approached Vincent slowly.

"Hello?" Twilight said, in a question like manner.

Chapter 11: Now What?

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The silence seem to be endless, as Vincent and the eleven ponies were still staring at each other, although Twilight tried an attempt at breaking the silence wasn't very successful at breaking the ice. To Vincent the fact that they weren't trying to kill each other yet was a good start, he still had to keep himself ready for the worst, he had to wonder though, what was going through the minds of each of these Elements of Harmony? Lyra, Derpy, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom stood by and watched, waiting to see what would happen next. Like an audience at a theater play they didn't utter a word but each one of them did feel different about how this would all play out. Lyra was still worried about how the elements and a human would react to one another, she had to believe that the best outcome she could think of would come true and not the worst case, which would be Vincent being turned into stone... Or him killing the elements. Derpy was indifferent on this, she figured that regardless if this started out bad it would all work itself out in the end. She did hope that it would be one of those starts well and ends well scenarios, but right now hoped seem to be the only thing keeping her mind at ease. Scootaloo was filled excitement, in the short time she got to know Vincent, she had come to like Vincent's strange personality, whatever it was that made him different from everypony she had come to know, was what made him just as awesome as Rainbow Dash... Maybe a little more. Sweetie Belle didn't know if she should be worried or not for either Vincent or Rarity and her friends and their safety. Vincent seemed to have a calm demeanor but something about hi, didn't seem right, like he was keeping a secret about himself from them. Maybe she was just being paranoid, she hoped that was the case. Apple Bloom was pretty happy that this situation was finally getting under way and that when it was over, it would be a worry of the past. She believed that nothing would go wrong since Vincent seemed to be a reasonable pon...er human? Besides no matter how this ended, she knew her older sister could handle it. Vincent wasn't sure how long this silent game was going to continue but he was getting tired of waiting for these ponies to grow a pair and speak up. Yes he was a skilled hitman but honestly he was sure these ponies wouldn't know what that was. So if they wouldn't mind saying something already. Another five minutes go by, Vincent's patience has run out. He decided that he would have to move things along for all them.

"Is wasting time all you six do, when you met someone new?" Vincent said, again met with silence. "Or is that all you elements are good for.

"Hey that was rude and unnecessary to say." Rarity said, being the first to speak from the group.

"Oh, so you only speak up when insulted? Is that it?" Vincent said, rudely with a smirk on his face.

"Hey... Whatever you are, is being rude the only way you make first impressions?" Rainbow Dash said, irritated by Vincent's remarks.

"I just call it, as I see it." Vincent responded, glad that they these ponies where finally speaking up. Even if they did annoy him. "Besides you six aren't exactly making a good impression yourselves."

"What?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"The silence is really irritating, also to me its a sign of weakness." Vincent said, he knew that this rainbow colored pony would take the most offence to that comment but he could care less, he wanted the purple one to speak up already.

"Weakness why you –” Rainbow Dash was cut off by Twilight's, who got closer to Vincent.

"What are you?" Twilight asked, wanting to know what this creature was.

"Finally a real question." Vincent said, glad that the purple one was finally speaking up, since she seemed to be the more logical one of the group. "I'm a human. If you don't know what that is, ask Lyra."

Twilight Sparkle looked to where Lyra was. Lyra waved to Twilight and Vincent. Twilight looked back at Vincent and notice his hoov... Umm something, they looked like the pictures Lyra had in her house. Twilight gave an of course face when she looked at Lyra. Twilight felt like somepony had just threw an egg in her face. Of course it would be the creatures that Lyra believe in, that would somehow end up in Equestria. Despite this though, this human was a thing of myth and Twilight new that not only would this be an interesting way to gain information on an unknown species but that Celestia and Luna would want to meet this creature.

"I'll be sure to ask her later, but right now... Actually I'm not sure on how to exactly handle this situation." Twilight said, she tried to think on what would be the next logical step to take. "This is new to all of us."

"Welcome to my hell." Vincent mutter, after letting out a quick scoff.

"The best thing to do, would be taking you to the Princesses." Twilight said, knowing that this was definitely something the princesses needed to know.

"That can wait, right now I want to get to know you six." Vincent said, looking at each of the ponies.

"What? Why? Wouldn't it be better to meet out princesses first?" Twilight asked, wondering why the creature would want to talk to them first.

"Right now you and your little group, have my curiosity right now." Vincent answered, he wanted to know more about these elements than their rulers.

"That can wait until you've met the princesses." Twilight said, believing that this creature meeting the princesses first was a the better choice.

"So you're telling me you don't want to be the first to get information about a human?" Vincent said, his sentence caught Twilight off guard, since that is what she secretly wanted to do but her better judgment had her think otherwise.

"I mean I would like to but –” Twilight was cut off by Vincent, who spoke up.

"So who's place is close by?" Vincent asked, looking at each of the ponies.

"Twi?" Applejack said, looking at Twilight.

"What? My place?" Twilight asked, still a little iffy on this.

"It is very close by Twilight." Fluttershy said, in her shy voice tone.

"Alright than lead the way." Vincent said.

"But... I... alright fine." Twilight said, letting the princesses wit to met this creature wouldn't be the worst thing she'd do in Ponyville. "Follow me."

"Oh and for clarity sake, I'm a male like a stallion ok." Vincent said, wanting to get that question out the way. The six pony noded their heads to him. "Good. Now lets go."

Vincent, Lyra, Derpy, the CMC, and the rest of the mane six followed Twilight, who was feeling indifferent about how this would all work out but she mostly wondered what her friends where thinking right now and how they would react to this creature, once the questions started being ask. Rainbow Dash and Rarity didn't get a good first impression with the creature yet, so Twilight was already a little worried. Also Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy had barely spoke a word, if not anything at all. Which was normal for Fluttershy. Applejack did suggest that they use Twilight's house, for this little event. But Pinkie Pie is what had Twilight's attention by the hoof. Twilight looked back at Pinkie Pie, who was walking with a smile on her face. Usually when somepo... Something new came to Ponyville. Pinkie's quiet demeanor was starting to concern Twilight a little, but for now she'd put that concern aside and focus on the what the creature might ask her and her friends. Twilight hoped that Spike would either be asleep or at least not freak out once he saw the creature... Umm human. About eight minutes of walk, the group of ponies and one human finally reached Twilight's home. To Vincent's amusement it was basically a tree house with a bigger budget. Twilight noticed the human's laughter. She waited for the others to head inside first, once it was just her and the human she stopped him before he could head inside.

"What?" Vincent asked, a little irritated.

"I saw you laughing." Twilight simply said.

"Yeah. So what?" Vincent asked, now irritated that this horse would stop him, just for laughing.

"What was so funny." Twilight asked.

"Really? You stoped me, just to ask that." Vincent said, he started to wonder if this hybrid of a horse was for real or if she just liked wasting time.

"It's just, you where pretty quite and your face was emotionless." Twice explained.

"Yeah, it's part of my charm." Vincent said, it really was how he choose to be the majority of his time, when he wasn't working.

"So why what made you laugh?" Twilight figure this be a good way to learn a small fact about this human. "Consider it a quick question."

"Alright fine. It was your home that made me laugh." Vincent answered.

What? My home? Why? What's funny about it?" Twilight asked, not sure if she should feel insulted or not.

"It's because this is exactly what I was expecting." Vincent answerd, he smirked at the sight of the confused look on the hybrid pony. "I'm sure if Lyra was out her she'd understand what I mean."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked, hoping the to get a straight answer, as this was causing her more confusin than the question was worth.

"Back on my planet, your home is what we would call a tree house." Vincent answered, he'd hope that would finish this conversation and they could head inside. "A tree house is basically a –”

"I know what a tree house is." Twilight said cutting of Vincent's explanation.

"Clearly." Vincent sarcastically said, not exactly happy to be interrupted, to him that was a sign of disrespect. And now Vincent was done he just wanted to get inside the tree house. "Look I saw it, it reminded me that this basically a kid's show come to life, and I thought it was fucking funny alright. Let's go inside."

Twilight could see that the creatu... Human was getting irritated, if not aggravated. She'd decided it be best to just go ahead and teleport them to canterlot, where Celestia and Luna could met this human, question him, and than decide what to do next. Twilight knew the Grumman wanted to get to know then first but Twilight felt the smarter decision to be the right one to make. Before Vincent could go inside Twilight tugged on his coat.

"Oh for the love of –” Vincent turned around to face Twilight. "– What now?"

"Look umm... I've decide that it be better for you to met the princesses before getting to know us." Twilight said nervously, she didn't want to show it but this human seemed intimidating.

"Didn't we agree that I would talk to you and your friends first." Vincent said starting to get pissed off that his time was being wasted on a useless conversation.

"Well, to be fair we didn't really agree on anything. You just said who's home was closer and my friends metioned my home and you just said that's we would do." Twilight explain, realizing that it was more like an order than a request.

"So you think it would be a good a idea for me to met your princesses first? Vincent asked, in a tone that Twilight could not tell if the human was serious or sarcastic.

"Yes." Twilight answerd.

"Well I think it's a good idea for me to get to know you and your friends first." Vincent said, smdespit being annoyed, he enjoyed messing with the ponies.

"But, it just seems more logical." Twilight said, trying to defend her reason.

"So this is basically what you think we should do. Go meet your princesses, have them say whatever they have to say to, than they tell you and your friends how to handle me, and finally we come back here and answers each others questions, is that it." Vincent's summary left Twilight dumbfounded, he basically said what she was thinking.

"Yes. That's exactly what I was hoping we do." Twilight said, still surprised at how accurate the human was.

"Will still be able to talk later right?" Vincent asked.

"Yes, of course." Twilight said, feeling good that they might be taking this option.

"Promise?" Vincent asked, pointing at Twilight.

"Yes I promise." Twilight said, smiling at the human glade that the human was willing to take her suggestion.

"Get in the fucking tree house." Vincent said firmly. With the end of that sentence Twilight knew that the discussion was over and walked into her home, with the human, who closed the door behind them.

Chapter 12: Less Questions, Few Answers, Not Much Bonding

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Twilight felt like a filly who just lost an argument with a older pony, only difference was that this was an a creature that was supposed to just be a myth, now here it was an actual human in her home, with her friends, about to ask questions about all of them. And than... And than... Twilight couldn't imagine what would come next after this. Vincent on the other hand was thinking more on what he should tell these so called Elements of Harmony, he didn't want to give certain information about himself. Looking at these six, he could tell that while some of these ponies didn't look like the sharpest of individuals, he knew looks could be deceiving. Obviously these six weren't like Lyra, Derpy, or the fillies. In terms of gaining their trust easily but still they might be just as easy to manipulate. The ponies, fillies, and Vincent found a place to sit and get comfortable, since they all knew this might take a while. Twilight decided to check up on Spike and see what he was up to.

"I'll be right back I need to check on Spike, real quick." Twilight said, as she walked up the stairs.

Vincent wondered who this Spike was. He decided to asks the white unicorn, since she was the closes by him. "Hey?"

"Umm... Yes?" Rarity asked, a little nervousness the human was asking her a question.

"Who's Spike." Vincent asked, noticing how he made the unicorn nerves, but he didn't care, he wanted an answer.

"Oh Spike is the most amazing, wonderful, helpful, reliable, sweet, and most darling little friend you could ever ask or hope to met. He's Twilight's assistance and from time to time my little helper, he helps find gems, takes care of the libary, sends ,messages to the princesses for Twilight, and he also –” Rarity was cut off by Vincent, when he raised his hand to her.

"I just asked who he is, not his résumé." Vincent said, a little annoyed.

"Oh... Sorry. In short he's a baby dragon, who is also Twilight's assistant." Rarity said, feeling a little embarrassed.

"That's all I needed to know. Vincent said, he sat back down in his, as a thought came to his head. "A fucking dragon. Ha! I'm not even surprised."

I went up to my room, as fast as I could. The thought of leaving everypony down their with a human wasn't something I want to happen for to long. I opened the door slowly. If spike was asleep I didn't want to wake him up, not yet at least. He already has enough on his talons with the chores I leave for him to do. Last thing I want is for him to have a bad attitude, when he meets the human. I was right he was asleep and judging by the way he was laying down, Spike had barely fallen asleep. I closed the door and went back down stares, I saw the human was looking around my home... No he was scanning it. The way a predator scans it's surroundings. I went to Applejack.

"What's he been doing while I was gone?" Twilight asked, who better to ask than Applejack, who always pays attention to everything.

"Beside looking around your house, nothing. He did walk over to Rarity to ask her something but I didn't hear what he said." Applejack said, looking at the human and than back to Twilight. "Other than that, he's just been sitting there.

"Ok thanks." Twilight said, she wanted to keep track of whatever the human did, no matter how small.

"Hey Twi, how are we going to handle this?" Applejack asked, since twilight always seemed to have an answer to most situations.

"Right now he just wants to ask questions, so that's will do. He'll ask us questions, we will give him answers. Than we'll ask him questions and he'll give us answers." Twilight explained, Now that she said it out loud it seemed a lot simpler than she thought it would be.

"And after that?" Applejack, still a little skeptical on where this would go after all the questions.

"We take him to the princesses. They'll decide on what to do next." Twilight answered.

"Ok sounds simple enough." Applejack said, feeling more at ease.

"I'm hoping it will be that simple." Twilight thought, still not sure if this was the right decision to make, as she continued to look at the human.

I have to admit this tree house wasn't exactly what I was expecting. It definitely distinguished itself from Lyra's house, but this seemed more like a library than someone... Err pony's home, I'm gonna have to get use to saying that. This Twilight girl must really like to read, either that or she was the local librarian. Maybe both but that's irrelevant. I looked around to see what I could use as an exit in case this went bad. One door and a couple of windows, that's not including the upstairs room, more than likely there be another door and some more windows. Alright I got everything about this place down and now the purple hybrid is back, now its time to talk.

"Your dragon is asleep?" Vincent ask, his question caught Twilight by surprise.

"How did you know–” Twilight was cut off.

"Your friend told me." Vincent said, pointing towards Rarity.

"Oh." Twilight said, feeling a little embarrassed, but lost it when she remembered what they where here to do. "So, should we get started?"

"Yes we should. Last time I did this it was with them." Vincent pointed at Lyra and Derpy, who where sitting down just watching. "And they asked the questions first. I think it's fair that I ask first this time."

"Fair enough. Go ahead." Twilight said, seeing that that did make sense, especially sense this was technically his meeting.

"Ok what are all your names and what elements do you represent? And to avoid wasting a question, my names Vincent." Vincent said, not wanting to waste time on his name.

"Ok, well I'm Twilight Sparkle." Twilight answered, she figured this was a good start to a long line of questions to come. "I'm the element of magic."

"Princess Twilight Sparkle actually." Rarity said, adding her friend's new title.

"Rarity!" Twilight yelled, Feeling a little embarrassed again.

"Oh, don't be so modest my dear." Rarity said, feeling her friend should be proud of her new statues.

"So your a princess to? I'll ask about that later though." Vincent said, his curiosity was on that but he wanted to know these ponies names first.

"Well than, I believe I'm next. My name I Rarity, I'm a fashion designer and the element of generosity." Rarity said, proudly.

"A little to prideful in that element." Vincent thought.

"I'm Rainbow Dash! Fastest flyer in all of Equestria and the element of loyalty." Rainbow Dash said, more proudly than Rarity.

"I hate arrogance but she might still be useful." Vincent thought, as he ignored the rainbow pony's bragging.

"I'm Applejack. I live at Sweet Apple Acres and I'm the element of honesty." Applejack answered.

"Honesty? Don't get to much of that back in L.A." Vincent chuckled at this thought.

"I'm Fluttershy." Fluttershy said in her usual quite tone.

"What?" Vincent asked, obviously not able to her the pegasus.

"I'm Fluttershy." Fluttershy said, again in her quite tone, this time Vincent was annoyed.

"Is she always like this?" Vincent asked, looking at Twilight.

"Only when she meets new ponies, but this is the first time she's met a human." Twilight looked towards Derpy and back at Vince. "Derpy said it was a new animal that needed help and she loves animals. Don't worry it's usually around the third time, she says it loud enough"

"Well?" Vincent said, as he looked back at the shy pegasus.

"I'm... Fluttershy." Fluttershy managed to finally say clear enough. "I'm the element of kindness."

"This horse might as well be a schizophrenic." Vincent thought as the he looked at the shy pony.

This seem to be going well all that's left is... Pinkie Pie. What is up with her today she's been quite, but her mane is still the same. I hope whatever is bothering her she puts aside for this question.

"So who are you?" Vincent asked, turning his attention to the pink colored pony. She said nothing at all.

"Umm pinkie are you ok?" Fluttershy asked, concerned for her friends out of character behavior.

"I... I..." Pinkie Pie managed to utter out.

"Pinkie are you –” Rainbow Dash was cut off by Pinkie Pie's scream of joy, as she ran to the human.

Vincent jerk his head back, as the pony got extremely close to his face rambling on about things so fast he could barely understand the majority of words that where coming out of her mouth. Pinkie Pie went into maximum exciting mode, as the story creature she had been told as a filly, by her grandmother was actually right in front of her. Lyra watched in shock, she turned to Derpy.

"Is that how I was?" Lyra asked, her cheeks beginning to turn red.

"Sort of. Although you weren't talking that fast." Derpy said, trying to be honest but not hurtful to Lyra's feelings.

"Oh ok." Lyra said, feeling her cheeks turning red.

"I can't believe it an actual human I mean I had heard it as an old story my grandma use to tell me as a filly but I never thought you where actually real that's why I had forgotten about you humans as I got older but a part of me knew that there was a small itty-bitty chance you humans where real." Was all Vincent could understand from the fast talking pony, who continued to talk fast.

"Pinkie!" Twilight yelled, she was able to get the party pony to stop talking. Instead Pinkie giggled as she backed away from the human, who looked at her with an annoyed expression.

"Sorry. I got a little excited there, for a moment." Pinkie Pie admitted, letting out another giggle.

"A little doesn't do her reaction justice." Scootaloo whispered, to Applebloom, who chuckled softly.

"Umm, Pinkie." Applejack said to her friend, reminding her of the human's question.

"Oh right! I'm Pinkamena Diane Pie. But my friends call me Pinkie Pie, you can call me that to since we will be friends!" Pinkie yelled out in excitement. "I'm the element of laughter."

"This one's definitely going to get on my nerves." Vincent thought, as he gave the pink pony a emotionless look.

"Ok got your names and elements, shouldn't be to hard to remember." Vincent said, they where off to a good. Now it was the ponies turn. "So from what I heard you six are basically some kind of protectors or something like that, to this town right?"

"Sort of. We do use our elements when they are needed, in certain situations." Twilight answered.

"Ok that will be useful to remember. Alright go ahead and ask a question." Vincent said, knowing the ponies will have questions of their own.

"Alright, what's your name?" Twilight asked, seeing as this was the first question to be asked.

"Vincent." Vincent said simply.

"Vincent? That's it? Nothing else?" Applejack asked.

"Vincent's all you need to know." Vincent said, No one had ever know his last name and he was going to keep it that way. "So, one thing that's had my attention since I got here. What's with the tattoos on your asses?"

"What? You mean are cutie marks?" Rainbow Dash, answered and questioned.

"No way in hell am I saying that." Vincent though, hating that ridicules name. "Yes, what are they for."

"Twilight, want to handle this one?" Rainbow Dash asked, figuring Twilight could explain it better.

"Sure. Cutie marks are what a pony earns when they find their special talent." Twilight explain.

"Special talent?" Vincent asked, still a little confused.

"It means it often relates to the personality, proclivity, or talent of the pony." Derpy said, catching everypony's attention. "What I know things to."

"Ok moving on. What are your leaders like?" Vincent asked, he'll have to meet them eventually, might as well get some information on them.

"There are two princesses, who are the rulers of Equestria. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Celestia controls the sun while Luna controls the moon. Twilight explanation, caught Vincent's attention.

"One controls the sun and the other controls the moon?" Vincent asked, wandering if the pony was serious.

"Yes." Twilight simply answered.

"Ok, in a world like this, that was bound to be a possibility." Vincent thought, seeing that this world was no different than any fairy tail book.

"So what's the human world like?" Twilight asked.

"If I try to explain every little thing than we will be here all day. Just imagine the complete opposite of your world and that's about it." Vincent said, not satisfying the ponies curiosity but they couldn't argue.

"Do humans have cutie marks?" Fluttershy asked, speaking up more loudly.

"No." Vincent simply said.

"Oh ok." Fluttershy said, seeing that Vincents did not wanting to get into any specifics.

"Is there any thing to eat around here?" Vincent said, this was something he would need to know.

"Oh we have candy, cotton candy, chocolate, cakes, pie, milk shakes, and cupcakes." Pinkie Pie said exciting. "And that's just the few sweets we have."

"Great I'm going to die of diabetes." Vincent thought, feeling like he just got screwed over on that one. "Anything else besides sweet?"

"Well we have fruit, like my families apples." Applejack said, seeing that Vincent wasn't to happy about seeing sweets.

"That will help I guess." Vincent said, that brought him some relief but still meat was something he wanted to know, if they had.

"I know this is a stupid question, before I even ask but do you ponies have meat." Vincent's question, did gain him some worried looks from each of the ponies. "Well?"

"You eat... Meat?" Fluttershy asked, her voice trembled a little.

"Yeah I do." Vincent said, not caring about the looks the ponies where giving him.

"Umm we don't eat meat dear." Rarity said, a little disgusted.

"Yeah I figured that out already, so stop staring at me already for fuck's sake. I'm not going to eat any of you, for the love of God stop worrying." Vincent said , irritated that these ponies would think that, still he knew it was a pointless question to ask but he had to ask.

"Oh but what about other animals?" Fluttershy asked, worried for her animals.

"Only if I was desperate enough." Vincent said, both lying and telling the truth, he just wanted the shy pony to stop looking at him like a scared kid, it was annoying. "Why are you so worried anyway?"

"I own a cottage, where I take care of animals." Fluttershy explained, Vincent figured this pony was basically the veterinarian of this place, who loves animals a little to much.

"Well I for my next question. What exactly do you ponies do for a living? Since I'm sure those elements don't come with a paycheck." Vincent asked, he smirked a little since he figured being some kind of protectors to a whole town would get you a decent paycheck.

"We'll I'm a fashion designer." Rarity said. "I make the best clothing in Ponyville. Which reminds me I would like to talk to you about your clothing later."

"Sure." Vincent said, agreeing since it he knew already that these ponies could do anything harmful to him at this point, though he had to wonder why a pony would want to talk to him about his clothing.

"I work at the weather factory. It's how we control the weather." Rainbow Dash said, catching Vincent's curiosity.

"Wait. You mean you pegasus have to change the weather yourselves?" Vincent asked, actually a little impressed.

"Yep, it's a big responsibility." Rainbow dash said proudly.

"These ponies would make every scientist, back on earth bash their heads against a wall." Vincent laughed at this thought "That's actually pretty impressive. What do you do anyway."

"I work at Sweet Apple Acres, it's a family business. And we make the best apples you'll every taste." Applejack said, Vincent could tell this pony had a lot of pride in that statement.

"Ok, I'll have to give them a try some day." Vincent said, he would need something to eat anyway, not only sweets.

"I work at Sugarcube Corner. it's where you can get the tastiest sweets." Pinkie Pie said, as she bounced past Vincent.

"Looks like I know what I'll be avoiding." Vincent thought, if this Pinkie worked there, than he wouldn't visit there. "And finally you."

"Oh I'm the Librarian." Twilight said, giving a smile to Vincent, as she hoped he would like books.

"Didn't really need to ask that. At least with this library I'll be able to learn things, that may become useful." Vincent thought, as he nodded his head at Twilight, she took that as a confirmation that he liked books.

Vincent was decided that he asked enough questions. For the past thirty minutes he had learned plenty but it seemed these elements didn't have much to offer in terms of info, that could be considered life changing since he had already excepted the fact that this pony world might be his new home. He could go ahead and just move on to what was to come next, since he had already learned what these ponies names are, there elements, and what they do. Vincent got up and walked over to Twilight.

"Ok I've heard enough. Take me to your Princesses and lets get it over with." Vincent said, the way his tone of voice was made Twilight worry again, she hoped that this wouldn't go bad.

Chapter 13: Meeting The Princesses? Great Idea. Send A Letter First.

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Twilight was still a little worried about taking Vincent to see Celestia and Luna, since she still couldn't shake this feeling of unease, she needed some time to think on this a little more. Thank goodness Vincent bought the whole use the bathroom excuse, now she was alone with herself and her thoughts. But no matter how many times she tried to think of outcomes that would reassure her that this really was the best option to make, she still had her worries. How ironic that this was her idea when they first met Vincent, she really had confidence in it at that time, but when Vincent asked himself it felt like it wasn't the best choice to consider. What a bad time to be doubting herself now. A knock than came at the door, breaking the door she walk to the door.

"Who is it?" Twilight asked, she needed to know who she'd be opening the door to.

"It's Rarity, Twilight." Rarity said, Twilight was relieved that it wasn't Vincent.

Twilight opened the bathroom door and quickly Rarity rushed in. Twilight closed the door, locked it, and then turned her attention towards Rarity.

"How's it going down there?" Twilight asked, curious on how her friends where doing but more curious on what Vincent was doing.

"Well Fluttershy is still siting down, I think she's still to nervous to move, Applejack is talking to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo probably asking how they met Vincent, Pinkie Pie is eating some muffins , that she found from nowhere, with Derpy, Lyra is drawing those hand things, and Rainbow Dash is taking a nap. All things considered everypony is ding well." Rarity said, Twilight felt a little more at ease knowing that everypony was alright with the situation now, still Twilight need to know how one particular human was doing.

"How is Vincent doing?" Twilight asked, embarrassing Rarity a little, who couldn't believe she forgot to talk about Vincent when she had just mentioned his name.

"Oh well he's not doing much, except for walking around, taking out your books, and looking at them." Rarity said, noticing that Twilight had a curious face on her. "What?"

"He is putting the books back in their proper place, right?" Twilight asked, even though Vincent was the first human to be in her home, let alone Equestria, Twilight liked to keep her books organized and wanted everypony to keep it that way, even somepo... er one like Vincent.

"Ugh... I think so, I'm not one hundred percent sure dear, I just took a quick notice at what he was doing before I headed up here." Rarity said, a little surprised that Twilight would still worry about that.

"Well me and Spike can always put them back if they get out of placed." Twilight said, her attention was quickly brought back to the matter at hand. "Rarity can I ask for your opinion."

"Of course dear." Rarity said, always happy to give her opinion on something, especially if it was about fashion.

"What do you think, about Vincent meeting the princesses?" Twilight ask, hoping Rarity's answer would put her mind at ease.

Rarity was a little hesitant to answer Twilight's question. Though she understood that the princesses would eventually meet Vincent, since you can't exactly keep a creature of legend hidden from everypony for the rest of his life. In fact Rarity now wondered how long humans live but she shake the thought away when she realized she was digressing. Back to the matter at hand, Rarity figured that Vincent meeting the princesses sooner than later would be a better outcome than taking a chance of some other pony seeing him, making up some crazy story, and then having the princesses sending the royal guard to capture him. Yes she had her answer.

"Yes Twilight I think it be a good idea for Vincent to meet the princesses first." Rarity said, giving Twilight a reassuring smile.

Even though Twilight was hoping for an answer like that, she had to admit to herself that she was pretty surprised by Rarity's response. Regardless though, she was happy that one of her friends thought it was the right course of action to make. Twilight decided that despite her own doubts she was going to take Vincent to the princesses and hope for the best for all of them. After all one way or another things had always managed to work out well for them, why should this be any different?

"Alright Rarity, let’s get Vincent." Twilight said, Rarity nodded her head, agreeing with Twilight and the two mares walked out of the bathroom and head back down to everypony and Vincent.

Twilight saw that Rarity was right everypony and Vincent where doing exactly how Rarity described. Knowing that it was always better to get things going, she called to everypony to huddle up, to which everypony did, except for Vincent who was looking through a book he had just grabbed. Vincent didn't bother to huddle with the group since he heard Twilight say every "PONY" he figured whatever they were talking about didn't concern him and considering this place is basically a children's T.V. show come to life, besides the forest, there wasn't anything here that could pose a threat to him or nothing that he couldn't handle on his own. Hell he had already died on earth and ended up here in this midget horse world known as Equestria. How in the hell could things get any worse than that.

"Vincent you to. You'll want to hear this to." Twilight said, realizing her mistake again.

Vincent put the book back and walked to the group, once they were all together Twilight began.

"Alright everypony and Vincent, here's what's going to happen now. We are going to take Vincent to meet the princesses. Twilight said, as she expected looking at her friends she could see mix emotions on everypony's face, except for Vincent, Twilight had to admit that Vincent had a good poker face, she could not read any kind of emotion from it or get any idea on what he might be thinking. But she knew that was something to think about later. "I know that this seems a little sudden if not a bit implausible."

"It seems kind of rushed than anything if you ask me." Applejack said, Rainbow Dash agreed with her.

"I think it's good to get this out of the way." Lyra said, Feeling that it would be better for both Vincent and every other pony if Vincent met the princesses.

"Shouldn't more thought be put into this plan before we go through with it?" Fluttershy said, Vincent thought it was about time that pony speak up.

"Doesn't sound like a plan at all to me. We go met these princesses, I talk with them, they say some things, something is ordered that more than likely ends up with me living here whether I want to or not, and then some other shit happens while I live here. Since I can tell there's never dull day in this world." Vincent said, the ponies where surprised that Vincent had thought all that up just now.

"Did you make that all up just now?" Derpy asked, asking the question that everyone was now thinking.

"No, I've been seeing that as my only option since the second day I've been here." Vincent said, he was truthful on that, since he knew there was little to no chance at all in hell that he was going to find a way back to earth.

"Is that the only option you've limited yourself to?" Rainbow Dash asked, still a little unsure that Vincent's idea could be right at all.

"I’m a realist. This is the most reasonable and likely outcome that I'll get." Vincent said, the ponies where dumbfounded that Vincent could believe that and still keep his calm demeanor. "Look I'm not one for wasting time so how about we go ahead and just go meet them already?"

Though the sentence was in the form of a question, the ponies could tell that Vincent's tone was more of a demand than anything else. Before Twilight could say any kind of response, everypony was distracted by the sounded of a door opening, small footsteps walking down the stairs, and a yawn coming from a small purple dragon, who still half sleep. Spike rubbed his eyes to help wake himself up more.

"Hey Twilight I've been hearing a lot of voices talking. Are the others here to –" Spike stopped himself from finishing his sentence when he saw a strange creature standing right next to Twilight and her friends, he also saw that the cutie mark crusaders where with them, along with Derpy and Lyra. But still he couldn't take his attention away from this strange creature that walked on two legs like him.

"Umm Twilight? What's with the strange looking creature next to you? Did it come out of the Everfree forest?" Spike asked, much to the amusement of everyone since they themselves had some ridicules thoughts like that also when they first met Vincent. Spike was still waiting for an answer.

"Spike this is Vincent." Twilight said, Spike was a little surprised that it had a name but more surprised that his name was Vincent. What a strange name. "He's a human."

"A human huh? I thought those things where only a myth?" Spike said, he knew the legend of these humans to.

"Well I'm living proof that we exist." Vincent said, again surprising Spike.

"It can talk?" Spike said, much to the annoyance of Vincent.

"Why is that's all anyone can think of to say, whether it’s my world or this world, what does every species not have an ounce of originality left in them?" Vincent said, getting the attention of everypony in the room. With expressions that seemed to think that was kind of rude. "Don't look at me like that, I say what I'm thinking."

"Anyway, yes he does Spike. Vincent is the first human in Equestria, isn't that amazing?" Twilight said, trying to change the mood.

"Yeah that's pretty cool." Spike said, still trying to take the whole "human in Equestria" thing. "So what's he going to do now?"

"Well we are going to take him to meet the princesses." Twilight said, saying that herself made her feel less nervous for some reason. "In fact, now that I've I think about it. Spike can you write a letter to the princesses?"

"Yeah sure." Spike said, as he pulled out a piece of paper and a feather with some ink on it. Vincent was curious as how Spike had managed to do that but decided not to ask. Spike ready to write as Twilight began to speak.

Dear Princess Celestia and Princess Luna

I know what I'm about to say may sound impossible but you must believe me when I say that that here is a Human in Equestria. Yes an actual Human here. With me, my friends, and two other ponies have already met him. His name is Vincent and he wishes to meet you both. I know this is sudden and short of details but more can be explained when we met up with you two. I ask that you please tell us where in the castle we should met you?

Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle

Once Spike was done writing he tied the letter and held it close to his face. Vincent had to admit he didn't see any logic in this. There's nothing wrong with writing a letter but how where they planning to get it to the princesses in a short amount of time. He doubt that they were all going to wait for a week for another letter to arrive at her door step. Just then green flames came out of Spike's mouth and spread onto the letter, burning it, and finally turning it into ashes that disappeared into the air. Vincent was surprised by this but still kept his cool demeanor, though he did have his right hand holstering his gun. He chuckled at himself for not thinking sooner that since Spike was a dragon he could breathe fire, though green fire was new, since back on earth it was usually red fire, but that was irrelevant Vincent wonder why they would write a letter just to burn it.

"Twilight?" Vincent said, catching Twilight off guard since that was the first time he used her name, it was kind of chilling for some reason.

"Yes, Vincent?" Twilight asked, regaining her cool.

"Why did Spike burn the letter?" Vincent asked, curious to what answer he would get.

"Oh well you see, it’s necessary. See to get the letters to the princesses Spike has to burn it because his fire transports the letter to them and also brings their letter back to use when he burps fire. That's how we always send and get letters." Twilight explained, she saw that Vincent seemed to be impressed by this, wow looks like Vincent wasn't a stone wall of emotionless expressions.

"Wow that's some fast mail delivery." Vincent joked, gaining some chuckles and giggles from the ponies and the dragon. "Anyway how long do we wait before another letter is delivered?"

Before Twilight could answer, Spike burped, green flares came out of his mouth, and with it came a letter that landed on the ground. Spike picked up the letter and walked to Twilight and handed it to her. Vincent, Spike, and every other pony in the room gathered around Twilight anxious to see what was written on the letter, what the princesses response was, what they had planned for them. Especially for Vincent.

Chapter 14: A Hitman, Two Princesses, And Some Ponies In One Room With An Annoying Friend

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If anticipation could kill then everypony would be dead, except for Spike who was still tired and Vincent though he was still anxious he just didn't show it, like the ponies and little dragon around him but he kept his cool, considering his past he had always known how to keep a calm and focus demeanor in every situation he was or had been in. Even when preforming his hits or his final confrontation with Max on the train, he always kept that calm and focus demeanor. Still his anxiousness was starting to bother him and he really wanted to see where this was going to take him, considering this was all basically about him. A human in a pony world? Yeah this was all just about him. Finally Twilight opened the letter and bean reading it.

Dear Twilight

If what you are saying is indeed true than we must get you, your friends, and the human, Vincent to the castle as quickly as possible. There is much to discuss about this situation and how to prepare for any future events that will involve this human. We have already sent two chariots for you, they should reach you by the time you finish this letter. The guards have been instructed not to bother the human and all the castle staff has been given the day off, to avoid unnecessary troubles, once you arrive you'll have no problems with anypony what so ever. Luna and I hope that this human will be a reasonable individual.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna

Twilight finished. Everypony mumbled to themselves, while Vincent just thought to himself. While he knew he couldn't expect or predict what was going to happen once he met these princesses he had to take a chance at believing that this would work out for him to his advantage. After all things seemed to be going well for him considering the whole being dead and stuck in a world that was filled with so much kindness it made him felt like a snowball that just got thrown into hell, a hell that was surrounded and run by magical talking midget horses... Yeah for a hitman this might as well been some kind of hell. But he was losing himself in his thoughts again, he snapped out of it when Twilight was waving her hoof in his face.

"Hello? Equestria to Vincent?" Twilight said, trying to get Vincent's attention.

"Equestria? Now I know that these ponies have been stealing phrases from earth." Vincent laughed at this thought. "Sorry, I was thinking of something."

"Of what?" Twilight asked, even though the questioning was over for them there was still much more Twilight wanted to ask Vincent. "Of Earth?"

"Something like that?" Vincent asked, he could tell that Twilight was the curious type but he had enough questions he just wanted to move on already. "Anyway what did you want?"

"Oh, the chariots are here. Time to go." Twilight said, pointing out the door to the chariots, her friends where already waiting in one of them. Waiting for the two to get in the second one.

"Alright time to go." Vincent said, walking towards the second chariot with Twilight following right next to him.

Though the guards tried to hide it, Vincent could tell that they were staring and probably wondering how a thing of "myth" Could be walking right by them, but Vincent ignored them, a couple of pegasus guards were not his concern, their two princesses where. Vincent and Twilight entered the second chariot, Derpy, Lyra, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie where in it, while everypony elsewhere in the first chariot. Before they left Twilight noticed that Spike wasn't here.

"Spike aren't you coming?" Twilight yelled, Spike stood by the door.

"No I'm going to stay home and get some more sleep, Twi." Spike said, waving goodbye to them. "Have fun and good luck Vincent."

"Thanks Spike." Vincent said, raising his hand and gave a simple wave to spike, before putting his attention back on the chariot as the pegasus started flying.

"Bye Spike. See you when we get back and don't forget your chores." Twilight said, as the chariot began to rise into the sky, waving as they began to disappear into the sky.

"Yeah, yeah." Spike said, yawning as he closed the door, first a little more sleep.

The flight to Canterlot was smooth, nothing seemed to be bothering him. At least that's what Twilight was thinking since she couldn't tell what Vincent was thinking or feeling. As he simply looked either down at the ground, probably to get a different view of the surroundings, or he looked straight at the Canterlot, maybe noticing the differences between it and Ponyville, or the at the castle, Twilight guessed Vincent must have been counting the seconds it would take to get there. She wondered what Vincent was thinking or feeling about meeting the princesses, was he nervous? Anxious? Excited? Confident? Scared? Twilight thought about that last one and realized in the short time that she had with Vincent she could tell that fear and Vincent just didn't fit in the same sentence that was a chilly thought. Twilight didn't think too hard on that thought though since she finally felt that she had a word that fitted Vincent's personality. Indifferent. Her thoughts where interrupted once the chariots landed in the garden. Everypony got off and looked around. The girls where always happy to see the castle's garden since it was the most beautiful in Canterlot. Lyra and Derpy had the same thoughts as they had never seen a garden this big or beautiful, it was truly a sight to behold. Vincent had to admit that this was an impressive garden, there was nothing like this back at earth, most environmentalist freaks would kill just get a glimpse of something like this. Still the scenery of this place was nice and calm, but that made Vincent miss his work more, this place just kept giving him a feeling of emptiness.

"Alright everypony. And Vincent it's time to meet the princesses." Twilight said, leading the group inside the castle.

Though the guards were staying in their positions with their blank expressions some did seem to move their eyeballs in the direction of the group to get at least one glimpse at Vincent, who could feel the stares coming his way, it was a little annoying at first but soon enough Vincent just ignored it. He already knew that the staring would be something he'd have to get used to, since practically every living thing in this world was going to stare at him. He would need to be used to it otherwise he'd go crazy and start shooting everypony... Vincent really hated using some of these words.

"Wow this place is amazing!" Derpy said, taking in the every structure of the castle that was around her while also interrupting Vincent's thoughts.

"Yes it is truly a sight to be remembered." Twilight said, still leading the group but also enjoying reminiscing about her time spent in this castle.

"I'll say I've only been her once but I still remember everything." Lyra said, before realizing how much she really remembered. "Well most of it at least."

"I'm sure all of us remember that wedding fiasco." Rainbow Dash said, gaining some laughs from everypony except Vincent and Derpy.

"What wedding fiasco?" Vincent asked, curious as to what Lyra and Rainbow Dash where talking about.

"It was Twilight's brother's wedding" Fluttershy said, that last got Vincent's attention though.

"You have a brother?" Vincent asked, a little surprised he hadn't thought of that possibility.

"Yes. His name is Shining Armor and he's my BBBFF!" Twilight said, excitedly. Vincent knew that people who had siblings did have some kind of bond but Twilight's excitement was over doing it.

"What the hell is a BBBFF?" Vincent asked, he knew the about the whole BFF thing back on earth, a term he thought was really stupid, but three extra B's was kind of strange.

"It means Big Brother Best Friend Forever." Twilight said, quite proudly of the name.

"Of course it does." Vincent simply said, not to surprise by what it meant but also thought he should have figured that out. It's not like these ponies could think of words that where hard to guess. "So what does your brother do?"

"Oh he's captain of the royal guard." Twilight said, obviously proud of her brother's statues.

"I'm guessing he plays an important part in your military, right?" Vincent asked, they may not call it a military but it was practically the same thing.

"Wow good guess Vincent." Twilight said, impressed with Vincent's answer. "What made you guess that?"

"Back on earth I spent some time with my own world's military." Vincent said, though he didn't want to be very open on his past with these ponies, he figured compared to his other secrets he could make an exception for his military career.

"Wow really? What was that like?" Twilight asked, her curiosity now fixated on Vincent's past again.

"Eventful and a learning experience." Vincent said, not wanting to get into any kind of detail.

"Anything specific?" Applejack asked, now joined in on the curiosity.

"Shouldn't we focus on getting to the princesses?" Vincent suggested, hoping that will be enough to change the subject.

"Oh right." Twilight said, focusing her attention back on the leading.

"But wait! I want to know what happened at the wedding." Derpy said, wanting to know badly since she had missed the wedding. "Please I wasn't there that day."

"I promise to tell you later Derpy." Lyra said, patting Derpy. "Let's get to the meeting first."

"Ok fine." Derpy said, she made a mental note to remember that promise.

Though it wasn't too short or a too long walk it was long enough to give Vincent some time to look around and see the architecture. Vincent had to admit that this castle was an amazing piece of work, must have taken them years to get all this down to perfection. Vincent joked that artist like Picasso and Da Vinci would be put to shame. The more Vincent saw what these ponies where capable of creating the more he felt that the human race's achievements weren't too big of accomplishments after all. Funny how they couldn't come up with some of their own original words.

"We're here." Twilight said, as they reached a big door.

"That's a big door." Derpy said, feeling a lot smaller than she wanted to.

"Really?" Rainbow Dash asked, not sure what Derpy meant. "I never thought it was that big before."

"So this is where this meeting is taking place?" Vincent asked, looking at Twilight to confirm his guess.

"Yes." Twilight said, knowing that behind this door is where the meeting between her mentor and her sister would meet with the only human to ever appear in Equestria, Twilight hoped this would all work out for the best. "Let's go."

Twilight knocked and with that one knock the doors opened. The ponies and Vincent walk in, the room was huge a hundred times bigger than the door, Derpy thought. This room was vaguely remembered by Lyra, this was where the wedding took place, wasn't it? The spell really messed with her head that day. Vincent looked around at the room, with how big it was it really did remind him of those old fairy tale castles, millions kids were told in their childhoods but to him he knew that they were larger just life. Yet here he was in an actual castle, irony was being more of a bitch to him than karma ever could be. Soon finally stopped, Vincent looked and saw two strange looking ponies, no not ponies. What where they called? Alicorns right. They were staring down at Vincent, never taking their eyes of him, Vincent did the same. The ponies all bowed. Vincent just stood there string at them.

"Hello Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." Twilight said, though appearing ok she was now a little more nervous now that Vincent and the Princesses where in the same room together.

"Hello everypony." Celestia said, looking at all the ponies in the room but than focusing her attention on Vincent. "And human."

Vincent didn't say anything he just nod his head at her and kept his silent demeanor. Everypony on the other hand had mixed feeling on where this would go and how it would end. While the ponies where thinking and Celestia kept observing Vincent, who was doing nothing. Luna however walked down and past the ponies and walked in the circles around Vincent, examining him. Vincent just watched as the Alicorn walked around him, he figured she must have been trying to see how a human looked up close. Though Twilight and her friends where a little worried for Vincent, since nopony could tell what she was thinking, Celestia just watched her sister walk around the human waiting to see what Luna would do, Vincent on the other hand was nonchalant about all this. To him whatever happened next with whatever this Alicorn was doing would only end of to ways, good or bad but for who that was a question he couldn't answer. Luna circled him one last time then stopped in front of him and looked at him.

"I must say I was expecting you to be taller." Luna said, gaining confused looks from the ponies in the room. Celestia chuckled softly and Vincent though had to admit that he wasn't expecting that.

"Yeah I get that a lot." Vincent said, letting a quick chuckle out.

"Vincent correct?" Celestia said, having walk down and standing beside Luna and Vincent.

"Yeah that's me." Vincent said, looking at Celestia, he was surprised by Celestia's height she was just as tall as him if not a little more.

"Which means you are Celestia." Vincent said, he then looked at Luna. "And you're Luna, right?"

"Impressive, you already know our names. Don't you think so Luna" Celestia said, Luna nod her head in agreement, she was still looking at Vincent curiously.

"I wouldn't say it's something to brag about." Vincent pointed at Twilight and the others. "They've mentioned you and you're sister plenty of time while I've been here.

Celestia and Luna looked at Twilight and her friends. They all smiled and waved at the two sisters. Celestia and Luna smiled back, despite this strange circumstance with a human turning up in Equestria, they were still happy to see Twilight and her friends. Though they were curious as to why Derpy and Lyra were here along with CMC but they decided to ask that later. They focused their attention back on Vincent.

"Well now that introductions are over I believe it's time to get to the matter at hand." Celestia said, looking at Vincent with a face that was smiling but he could tell she was serious about what they would talk abut next.

"What to do with me?" Vincent said, knowing this question would be the one to get this meeting going.

"Yes and other things." Celestia said, walking to a large table with enough seats for everypony. "Please take a seat.

Everypony and Vincent walked to the table and took a seat. Now that things were between the princesses and Vincent had a good start, Twilight and the others started to feel more calm now than when they first got here, still decisions needed to be made and that would be up to Celestia and Luna. Vincent took a seat, these seats were pretty comfy considering most of the time that he had been here he had either sat on the ground or just kept standing up. He looked to see the others and noticed that Lyra was the only pony sitting down like a human. Vincent already knew that this pony had an obsession with the human race but this was starting to get a little disturbing.

"Alright are we ready to start?" Vincent asked, things seemed to be going well, nothing was bothering anymore.

"Actually we are waiting for another acquaintance." Celestia said, Everypony and Vincent wondered who this acquaintance was but Luna already knew who it was.

"Oh no." Twilight said, with those two little words everypony already knew who this acquaintance was going to be.

Before Vincent could ask a flash came in midair and what happen next left only Vincent in confused. A present landed in the middle of the table and stood there for a good two minutes, since nopony or Vincent wanted to open it. However Vincent noticed that Twilight, and the others were looking at him.

"Don't look at me I'm not opening it." Vincent said, he was not going to make a stupid decision like that.

"I think it's for you." Twilight said, Vincent looked at her like she was crazy.

"And what makes you say think that?" Vincent asked, why the hell would a random this present be for him?

"Well it's got your name on the tag." Twilight said, moving the present closer to Vincent so he can see the tag.

"Son of a bitch." Vincent said, as he saw his name on the tag.

Despite his better judgment, he opened the present slowly with his left hand, while keeping his right hand on his gun. As he opened the present, a explosion happened, but to Vincent's surprised all that came out was confetti, streamers, and balloons as a little sigh came out from the box with a note attached to it that said WELCOME TO EQUESTRIA VINCENT! Vincent had to wonder if there was no end to the weird things going on in this world.

"That's enough games Discord. Come on out." Celestia said, confirming everyponies guess but confusing Vincent.

"What the hell is a Discord?" Vincent said, at that moment a flash came and something completely different from the ponies was standing on the table in front of Vincent.

"That would be me, my good sir." Discord said, doing a pose like he was a model of something.

At this point everything and everypony in the room was quite, though Celestia and Luna stood quite waiting for Vincent to sink in the image of Discord, while the other ponies where to anxious to move or speak since this was the first time Vincent and Discord have met they wanted to see what Vincent would do.

"What the fuck am I looking at?" Vincent asked, still staring at the weird looking creature in front of him.

"This is Discord Vincent. He's a draconequus." Celestia said, still Vincent was still confused as to what this thing was.

"Specifically what is he?" Vincent asked, Celestia could understand his confusion since she had guessed that humans would more than likely have never seen a draconequus before.

"Discord has the head of a pony and a body made up of all sorts of other things." Celestia explained, Vincent had a good idea at what he's definition was.

"So basically a Chimera?" Vincent said, learning about Greek mythology finally pays off.

"I prefer extraordinary being." Discord said, sitting next to Vincent. "Quite like yourself my young friend."

"So what? Is he like an acquaintance of yours?" Vincent said, he couldn't imagine this idiot actually being their friend.

"To a certain degree." Twilight said, besides Fluttershy everypony still had mix feeling about Discord.

"What that does mean?" Vincent said, he wished these ponies would just give him specific answers.

"Well at first he was an enemy to us but now he supposedly wants to be our friend." Twilight explained, saying that out loud made her realize how much she hated this task.

"Exactly." Discord said, disappearing and reappearing in front of everypony giving them a hug, even Derpy, Lyra, and the CMC. Discord finally reappeared in front of Vincent with angel wings on his back and a halo on his head. "I'm reformed."

The other ponies just stared at Discord with their usual annoyed feelings for Discord, except for Fluttershy who giggled a little and Vincent who off the bat decided that he didn't trust Discord. He didn't care what he said, thanks to his line of work and his past with his dad, Vincent knew that no one ever truly reforms. Everyone stays the same one way or another.

"Discord would you like to take a seat so we can begin." Celestia said, Discord had just finish drinking his tea that he made out of nowhere.

"Oh but of course." Discord said, he snapped his finger and a recliner appeared. He laid back on it and go comfortable. "Don't mind me I'll be as quite as a mouse."

"Well Vincent are you ready to answer some questions for us?" Celestia asked, she noticed that Vincent's facial expression had changed as he let out a small grunt.

"Seems like all I've been doing since I got here is answering questions." Vincent said, truth be told he was getting tired with answering questions, though he'd expected he would have to when he met these princesses. Still it was getting annoying.

"I'm sorry to hear that it is becoming a bother for you but I promise we will try to get through this as fast as possible." Celestia said, she could understand Vincent's frustration, being asked questions nonstop can become annoying.

"Right. So first question?" Vincent said, wanting to get this over with.

"Your plant earth, what's it like." Celestia asked, Vincent was a little surprised to hear Celestia say earth.

"You know about earth?" Vincent asked, Celestia smiled and was happy to answer his question first.

"Yes. Being alive long enough we've heard the oldest legends that the newer ones are based on." Celestia said, Vincent had to admit the history of this place could be interesting to discover.

"Earth's a complicated planet. It be impossible to describe, hell we probably be here longer than need be. But in simple terms life on Earth can either be good or become a living hell, depending on the cards you've been given." Vincent explained, His explanation wasn't what the ponies where hoping for, however Celestia and Luna understood what he meant, especially Luna. Discord on the other hand was just reading a newspaper he got out of nowhere.

"I see. How are other humans on Earth?" Celestia asked, she took a quick glance at Twilight and saw that she was writing down what Vincent was saying. This made her chuckle.

"Everyone is different from each other and if they say otherwise than they are full of shit. Everyone's got their own agendas for themselves." Vincent said, thanks to his line of work he knew that all too well."

"And what where you're agendas Vincent?" Luna asked, startling everypony a little.

"To always do my job right." Vincent said, since his profession was really all he had in his former life.

"What was your job back on earth Vincent?" Luna said, Vincent really intrigued her.

"I solve problems for others." Vincent said, he'd had expected for one of these ponies to ask him that question sooner or later.

"Pray tell what kind of problems?" Luna said, she had a feeling this human had some secrets.

"Specific problems, but they mostly involved me talking with people for others." Vincent said, good thing he was well prepared for this.

"Just talk?" Luna asked, she found that hard to believe.

"Yes. Sometimes certain people in businesses have problems that need to be fix and that's were I come in." Vincent said, it wasn't too hard to think of this lie back on earth so here was no problem.

"By talking?" Celestia said, Curiosity seemed to be growing among everypony.

"We'll it starts off as talking then ends up something else." Vincent said, that something else would be a bullet.

"Something else? What would that be?" Celestia said, seemed like Vincent was full of answers but more questions came along with them.

"Boring stuff. I could take the whole day explaining to you what goes on after that but trust me we'd all fall asleep by the time I'm down. I'm sure we've got more questions to ask." Vincent said, the ponies all looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"I agree!" Discord said, standing on his floating recliner and pointing at the ceiling. "I have a question of my own to ask."

The ponies looked at Discord with confused faces, why did he have to be so dramatic? Fluttershy giggled again, to her Discord was just being silly. Luna looked at Celestia. Who could see that her sister wanted to ask her why Discord had to come along for this, Though Celestia had originally planned to not have Discord show up for this but he had begged her to let him come, plus he had offered her a cake to come and well... Celestia couldn't say no to that. Vincent just looked at Discord, if he thought Pinkie Pie was annoying than Discord was going to be the drive him crazy.

"Ok Discord go ahead and ask." Celestia said, the faster he asked the better.

"So Vincent." Discord, floated in circles around Vincent.

"Yes?" Vincent said, this felt like a waste of time.

"Are you a fan of chocolate?" Discord said, Everypony face hoofed, though Twilight smacked her head on the table, while Fluttershy just giggled again, and Pinkie Pie stood up wanting to hear Vincent's answer.

"Ugh..." Vincent said, that had to be the stupidest thing anyone had ever asked him and he should know since he had been to every city that homed the weirdest of people. "Sure."

To be completely honest Vincent wasn't the biggest fan of chocolate but he never had a problem with eating it, it was a good snack. Though Vincent figured that since this world, Equestria was inhabited by a population that didn't eat meat and probably only sweets, like chocolate, he was sure his appetite for any kind of sweets was going to die off soon. If diabetes didn't kill him first.

"Great! Ok, that's all I needed to know." Discord said, another flash happened and he was back siting on his recliner. "Please continue."

Not much was to be said about how much of a time waster Vincent thought Discord was. As for the ponies in the room they just hoped that Discord would just be quit for the rest of this meeting. The princesses wanted to continue on with this before Celestia had to put the sun down and Luna had to raise the moon.

"Yes well, Vincent now that are here in our world, what do you plan to do?" Celestia asked, this was the most important question that needed to be answered.

"In all honesty I don't know." Vincent said, he had always managed to come up with some kind of plan but for once he could. This was a situation that he couldn't think of what to do next.

"Wouldn't you like to return home?" Luna asked, feeling a sense of sympathy for Vincent.

"Yeah I would but I doubt that would ever happen." Vincent said, Dying on earth and then waking up here basically summed up his chances of going back to earth.

"You really think there's no way to get back to earth?" Celestia asked, it seemed fate could be just as cruel to humans as it could be to ponies.

"Trust me I know I can't." Vincent said, not much to say than that. A small part of him would miss earth it was his home after, even if it was a shit hole but he would mostly miss the adrenaline rush of his hitman life. Only one thing for him to do. "I guess since I'm stuck here I'll be living here from now on right?"

Luna and Celestia looked at each other. This was one of the possibilities they had previously discussed before the Vincent, Twilight, and the others arrived. Since it seemed like it would be the most likely outcome. After all a human, creature of myth shows up in Equestria with no explanation it wasn't hard to figure out that the human himself wouldn't even know how he got here. Celestia and Luna thought about searching for magic spells that could send a creature from one world to another even though there was nothing they had he heard of before, they would have to search on that later. Back to the decision at hand, Celestia and Luna thought for about seven minutes, though to the others it felt longer, before they finally had their decision.

"Vincent." Luna said, her eye never leaving there focus on him.

"Made your decision?" Vincent said, this was it whatever they decided he would have to accept and deal with for

"You can stay in Equestria." Luna said, smiling hoping this was the best decision for all of them.

"Great. Thank you." Vincent said, it had been a long while since he had said thank you to anyone.

"You're welcome." Celestia said, like Luna she hoped this was the best decision for Vincent and the ponies of Equestria. "Do you know where you will be staying?"

"Actually I do." Vincent said, he wouldn't have asked to live here if he hadn't had the majority of it planned out. He looked at Twilight. "Twilight can I stay with you?"

"Ugh..." Twilight said, she felt that she would have been last pony in Equestria to have the only human ask her to live with her. "Sure I don't mind.

"Thanks." Vincent said, after thinking about his options Vincent knew that Twilight was the best option.

"You're welcome." Twilight said, this would be great! Who knows how much info she could get from Vincent now that he would live with her!

"Oh but are you sure you wouldn't want to stay with me." Discord said, floating next to Vincent and patting his shoulders.

"Very sure." Vincent said, not bothering to look at Discord in the eyes and shrugging his shoulders to get Discord away from him.

"But we could be roommates. Read books together, talking about chaotic things, and so much more." Discord said, as random things such as pillows, books, and all sorts of things you'd see college roommates have, start coming out of nowhere in front of him.

"Do me a favor." Vincent said, finally looking at Discord straight in the face.

"Why of course I'm always happy to be of help." Discord said, moving his ear closer to Vincent.

"Fuck off." Vincent said, normally he was a cool, calm kind of guy but he swore that he really wanted to shot Discord.

"Well you my dear sir are rude." Discord said, he pouted and went back to his recliner.

"Anyway is there anything else you want to discuss." Vincent said, whether they did or not didn't matter, it's not like he was in a rush to get to his new home.

"Just one more thing. You see Vincent since you are the only human to ever appear in Equestria we would like to have a town meeting to reveal you to the rest of the ponies." Celestia said, better to have all the ponies meet him sooner than later, that would be one less thing to worry about.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Vincent asked, he knew he would eventually have to reveal himself to the rest of this world but everything seemed to be moving on fast with the whole "there's a human in Equestria" thing.

"Yes. It's best to show you sooner than later. Unless you want to stay hidden in Twilight's home for months?" Luna said jokingly, everypony in the room chuckled, even Vincent laughed a little.

"Good point. But tell me will there be any cameras?" Vincent said, thanks to his line of work where keeping yourself out of any kind of public eye, he had developed bit of a discomfort of cameras.

"Yes there will be. They news ponies will need some pictures of you for their newspapers so other ponies across Equestria can see. Will that be a problem?" Celestia asked, though she didn't see what the problem could be but to be polite she had to ask.

"No." Vincent said, he wasn't going to let something as insignificant as cameras keep him down.

"Well than we are in agreement of everything?" Celestia said, though her and Luna's word was law she wanted to be fair to Vincent since this would affect his life the most out of any of them.

"Yeah, sounds good to me." Vincent said, at least as good as he'll get since his options were, if not basically nothing.

"We shall send you a letter after we have decided when the meeting will take place." Luna said, waiting for her sister to

"Well than Vincent, Twilight, Discord and every other pony this has truly been an interesting day but I'm afraid me and Luna have other matters to attended to." Celestia said, being a princess kept them busy and short of free time, though they would have liked to continue talking with Vincent they had things to handle and prepare.

"Of course princess." Twilight said, she, Vincent, and the other ponies got up out of their seat.

"Well Vincent we hope to talk with you more soon." Luna said, giving Vincent one last look before leaving.

"It was a pleasure to me you Vincent." Discord said, shaking Vincent's rapidly. Discord had random food come out of nowhere in front of Vincent. "We should grab lunch together."

"Don't hold your breath." Vincent said, despite what they said about him being reformed Vincent didn't trust Discord. He then continued walking away. As the ponies passed Discord by, he waited for Fluttershy.

"We are still on for tea right Fluttershy?" Discord asked, giving a big smile that anypony else would have found annoying but Fluttershy just giggled.

"Of course." Fluttershy said, smiling at her friend.

"Maybe you should consider asking the human to join us." Discord said, looking towards Vincent's direction.

"Who Vincent? I don't think he would enjoy himself Discord." Fluttershy said, though she and Vincent hadn't had much interactions with each other, she could tell that tea wasn't something he'd be interested in.

"I think it be good for him to feel like he's welcomed to hang out with any of us." Discord said, Fluttershy had to admit Discord had a point, so she thought about it.

"Ok I'll ask him." Fluttershy said, she gave Discord a goodbye and then followed the rest of the group. Though she didn't want to admit, Vincent did kind of scare her but now he would be living her in Ponyville with Twilight. Be best to at least include him in some activities and get to know him better.

As the group continued walking out of the castle. Everypony was discussing with each other about how things were going well and how they were all happy that Vincent could stay, especially Lyra, Derpy and the CMC who knew that though Vincent was the strong silent type he had to be a good men. After all he had saved their lives already. Applejack and Fluttershy looked forward to getting to know him better even if they thought he was kind of odd, Rarity was happy that she would be able to discuss with Vincent about his suit, even though Rainbow Dash had a bit of a rough start with Vincent she did think there was something cool about him to she wanted to get to know, Pinkie Pie was busy thinking in her head about what kind of party she'd throw for Vincent, and Twilight herself was very excited to have Vincent live with her. She would be able to learn all sorts of things from him just by watching him. Speaking of Vincent Twilight noticed that Vincent hadn't said anything about what he was thinking. Wasn't he happy that things went very well? That he was able to stay and leave here? Twilight decided she would wait until they got back to her home to ask him. The group returned back to the chariots and took off flying back to Ponyville. Vincent looked down from the chariot at Ponyville.

"New life... Great." Vincent said, feeling indifferent about all this.

Chapter 15: My New Life? Better Get Used To It...

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The flight back home wasn't long, before they knew it they were back at Twilight's home. Everypony had asked Vincent what he wanted to do now, he had decided that after everything that had happened he needed to rest for a while. They understood what he meant it wasn't every day you become part of a new world, it sounded exhausting. Everypony said their goodbye and went home. Vincent made sure to let Lyra, Derpy, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo that he appreciated their help in getting this all moving along. The CMC huge Vincent who was surprised by it but let them finish up. He promised Lyra and Derpy that when he could he would find time to hang out with them again but first he had to get himself settled in. Vincent and Twilight walked to her house and headed inside once they reached it. Once inside the pair noticed Spike, who was sweeping the library.

"Hi guys, back already?" Spike said, looking at the two.

"Hi Spike and yes we are." Twilight said, looking at the library to make sure it was clean.

"How'd it go for you Vincent?" Spike asked, curious as to how things had turn out for the human.

"I'd say pretty well since they didn't try to force me to leave." Vincent said, giving a quick nod to the little dragon. Vincent began looking around the library. Examining his new home. "Oh yeah and hi good to see you Spike."

"So what did you think of the princesses?" Spike asked, eager to hear his response.

"They were interesting characters." He said, it's a good thing this treehouse slash library was big, space wouldn't be a problem.

"Is that good or bad?" Spike asked, not sure on what Vincent meant by that.

"It's good for now. Though I haven't really gotten a chance to know them yet so I can only assume so much about them from what I hear." Vincent said, though he still didn't fully trust any of the ponies here but those princesses being the highest authority figure in this world he would have to keep a close eye on them, something he expect those sisters to be doing to him while he was here.

"Oh Spike I've got so good news." Twilight said, hoping Spike would be just as excited as she was.

"Really? Cool, what is it?" Spike said, curiosity was in his eyes.

"Vincent will now be living with us." Twilight said, she still couldn't believe that a actual human was going to be living with her.

Spike was pretty surprised by that, he knew Twilight would never lie to him about something as big as that but just to make sure he looked at Vincent, who gave him a nod that confirmed Twilight's news. Spike didn't mind that Vincent would be staying with them especially since Vincent had kind of a laid back personality, kind of like himself. Plus it be nice to finally have another guy hanging around here rather than always girls, he did like the others since they were his friends to but still having another guy in the group would be pretty cool, save for Owlowiscious and also even things out to. Yeah he knew that this would be a good thing.

"That sound cool to me." Spike said, he nodded at Twilight and Vincent than got back to sweeping. "Hope you enjoy your stay Vincent and like living here."

"I'm sure I will Spike." Vincent said, after all what other choice did he have? Bitching about it definitely wasn't his style and he already accepted the fact that he wasn't going back home, so best option was to just get use to this world.

"Alright Vincent here's a extra room here that nopony uses but now it's yours." Twilight said, she'd hoped that her home would be good by Vincent's standers though she could only hope that her home would be ok enough for him.

"Your room will be the extra guest room upstairs." Twilight said, pointing her hoof to the upstairs.

"Alright thanks for the info." Vincent said, he took a seat at one of the chairs that was close by. "I'm just sit here for a while."

"Alright I understand." Twilight said, it had been one heck of a day after all. "Feel free to put your things up."

"Thanks Twilight but I don't have anything remember?" Vincent said, only thing he did have was the clothes on his back.

"What about this bag?" Spike said, holding the bag up in front of the Vincent and Twilight, he was having a little trouble holding it up. "It's kind of heavy."

"Spike before I take that bag I have to ask, did you look inside that bag?" Vincent asked, he needed to know if Spike looked at his guns.

"No I didn't." Spike said, he was too busy cleaning to give a quick look inside the bag.

"Ok good." Vincent said, he reached and took the bag from Spike and put it beside him.

"Vincent if I may ask, what's in the bag?" Twilight asked, she hadn't noticed that bag before. How did she let that slip by her?

"It's just some things from Earth." Vincent said, now besides his suit these guns would also be a last reminder of his old life.

"Oh really? May I see please?" Twilight said, she really wanted to see what human items Vincent brought with him.

"Sorry Twilight but these are some personal things that I'd prefer to keep to myself." Vincent said, he would like to keep these things from ever being seen by the ponies.

"Oh ok." Twilight said, her disappointment had shown she really wanted to see human items but she would respect his privacy. "You think maybe one day I'll be able to see them?"

"Maybe one day but right now these things stay with me." Vincent said, he had just gotten the ok to stay here and right now he didn't need to jeopardize that, it's not that he was afraid of being on his own, considering the life of a hitman was basically all about being on your own and was damn good at that back on Earth hell he was the best but still right now he needed a place to stay for a while. "Like I said it's personal."

"Of course." Twilight said, despite her own desire to see what was in the bag she had to respect Vincent's wishes after all he would be living with her from now on and the last thing she'd want is Vincent not trusting her.

"Thanks Twilight, now if you don't mind I'm just going to sit here and think." Vincent said, thinking was starting to become a habit for him, like the junkies with their drugs back on earth but there wasn't much he could do but think so screw it.

"Ok I'm going to continue some of my studies. If you need me just call me name." Twilight said, giving a quick smile before going to her study desk.

Vincent gave a quick nod to her and then sat back and let his thoughts run wild. Most of the thoughts were ones he had already had before but still came back since some of them felt incomplete, others were newer ones that said, "How will I adjust to this place?", "Can I really call this place my home?", "Will these ponies treat me as an equal, fear me, or see me as lower than them?", and finally "Am I sure I'm not dead?" All these things running throw his head were giving him a headache, he wished aspirin had managed to end up in this world with him to. He also had to wonder if this place would change his personality to. After all he liked who he was even if others didn't back on earth but in a world were peace is all over the place and violence seems to have died off, what good was he to anyone now, especially himself? What the hell was he supposed to do with his life now? Some many things were out of his control. Even though he was a man who embraced the uncertainty of the universe he felt like he was really getting fucked over now. Not to mention that town meeting the princesses wanted to have to introduce him to all the ponies of this world and lord knows how that was going to turn out, especially since he always preferred to stay out of the public eye and here he was going to be the center of attention. Also there was that part that Twilight's friend wanted to do for him, what was her name? Pinkie Pie, he'd have to hope that it would be just a small get together with the ponies that already knew he existed because if it was a big one with others showing up than that was going to be a problem since he wasn't much for parties especially since they mostly ended in bloodshed when he was around. All things considered he would have to wait and see were his new life was heading.

"Hey Vincent?" Spike said, breaking Vincent's concentration.

"Yeah Spike?" Vincent said, looking at the little dragon.

"I was wondering, out of everypony else why did you pick Twilight's home to live?" Spike asked, he didn't get a lot of chances to ask Vincent many questions, he figured he'd take this opportunity to ask Vincent this.

"You afraid I'm going to take up Twilight's time Spike?" Vincent said, laughing a little as he joked with Spike.

"Oh no it's just you met all of Twilight's friends and out of all of them why Twilight?" Spike asked, he didn't mind Vincent living with them but he was curious why he picked Twilight.

"Well after seeing how each of the girls’ personalities were. I decided that Twilight was the best option for me." Vincent said, it wasn't much of an explanation but that was the truth, besides his options didn't expand on from those six. Well eight including Lyra and Derpy.

"Oh well I'm sure Twilight was very flattered." Spike said, he was happy that Twilight's personality was good enough that the only human wanted to live in her home.

"Yeah she was." Vincent said, he remembered how Twilight's face first started with utter shock and then changed to excitement, he had to admit it was pretty funny.

"Well thank you for making her happy." Spike said, even though Twilight was happy when her and the others were doing something but knew that she was just as happy when a once in a life time opportunity came her way. "I hope you enjoy your new life here in Equestria Vincent."

"Thanks Spike." Vincent said, he decided to check out his new room. “Well I'm going to take a rest, I need one after the days I've had."

"Yeah I understand see you later." Spike said, he could only image how it must have felt to be in Vincent's position but still he hoped he would like his life here in Equestria.

"Bye Spike." Vincent said, the little dragon returned to cleaning as Vincent picked up his bag and went to his room.

Once he was inside he looked around and examined the room. It wasn't much, surprisingly it wasn't too small or to big in fact it was basically the same size as his old room from his house or any house room for that matter back on earth. It looked like these ponies kept showing similar traits with humanity. He went to the bed and laid on it, he really did need to rest and let his head clear and let anything that hadn't sink in by now, fully sink in. As he laid on the bed he had to admit that it was very comfortable probably better than most of the beds back on earth. Still despite feeling relaxed he couldn't stop thinking about what Spike said. New life? His new life. Here in Equestria. Surrounded by talking magical, flying, and even a mixture of both ponies that would forever surrounding him and more than likely keep his life eventful one way or another. How in the hell was he going to live out his days on this planet? And what would he now do with his life? No more killing or taking hits for some of the worst people earth had to offer. No more excitement form chasing, fighting, or shootouts. The more he thought about it the more he realized his life would now be boring, how shitty was that. The more he thought about it the more he got tired, before he knew it he was asleep. No dreams going on in his mind, nothing but darkness and it was peaceful, the most peaceful he's had since he got killed by Max back on earth and had to deal with all the weirdness of this pony world, what was it again? Ponyville right. Well regardless of what Vincent told himself or kept thinking only one thing kept coming to his mind. Now what?

"Vincent?" a voice said in the endless void that was Vincent's dream, he woke up and looked at who the voice belonged to. It was Twilight, who was about to poke at Vincent again. Vincent grabbed her hoof.

"I'm awake Twilight." Vincent said, Twilight gasped being startled by Vincent grabbing her hoof. "What do you want Twilight?"

"Sorry Vincent but can you help me out real quick?" Twilight asked, being nervous about asking Vincent for help especially after they just got back.

"I was asleep Twilight." Vincent said, obviously irritated that his peaceful sleep was disturbed.

"I know and I'm sorry but I really need help with a quick task." Twilight said, now she felt more bad than nervous.

Vincent sigh than sat on the bed, stretched, and got up and look at Twilight. He thought about it for a moment and then figured what the hell it's not like he had anything else to do with his time, hell what the fuck could he do with his time? Sleep all day? Yeah right that wasn't him, he was used to doing hits most of his time but now being here would cut him off from his calling in life he decided that small task here would have to do it for him, otherwise he would go insane from boredness.

"Alright fine." Vincent said, he saw Twilight's eyes light up with happiness.

"Thank you Vincent." Twilight said, she headed towards the door. "Follow me please."

"So what are we doing?" Vincent asked, as he and Twilight headed down the stairs.

"Oh we're putting some things from the outside to inside the house." Twilight said, looking back at Vincent giving him a small smile.

"Sounds pretty simple, why not get Spike to do this?" Vincent said, he already figured out that Spike was the one that would handle every task that Twilight had to do.

"He's already outside getting started." Twilight said, they moved closer to the door. "Again I'm sorry about waking you up, I'm sure you wanted to rest especially after all you've been through."

"Eh it's alright it's not like I had anything better to do than sleep the day away." Vincent said, Twilight reached the door an opened it.

"Well hopefully your days will become more exciting." Twilight said, being the first to head outside.

"I doubt that Twilight." Vincent said, he followed behind her. "So what exactly are we movin –"

"Surprised Vincent Welcome To Equestria!" was yelled at towards Vincent from every direction as lights came on and fireworks were fired into the air. Though this caught Vincent off guard it didn't surprise him but what did surprise him was the fact that in front of him was not only Derpy, Lyra, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Spike, Twilight's friends, the princesses Celestia and Luna, and behind them about a hundred something ponies behind them, not to mention the pegasus and unicorns that were also in the crowd looking at him. Speaking of which they were all looking at him with curious eyes, though some had worried looks while a few had embarrassed looks, what was that about? Either way the all had smiles on their faces as they looked at Vincent. He also noticed that some had cameras, which must have been for the newspapers so that everything else that lived on this plant could see him. The now only human on Equestria now.

"Ok what the hell?" Vincent said, looking at Twilight.

"It's your party Vincent!" Pinkie Pie said, jumping in front of Vincent.

"Party?" Vincent said, he knew he didn't ask for a party.

"Yeah you're welcome party!" Pinkie Pie said, jumping up again higher this time.

"It's also you're big unveiling to the pony of Equestria." Celestia said, now in front of Vincent to.

"I thought that was going to be a town meeting." Vincent said, and that wasn't even spoken to long ago.

"It was but Pinkie Pie sent us a letter explaining to us how it would be better to mix your unveiling with your welcome party." Celestia said, smiling at Pinkie Pie.

"Oh she did, did she?" Vincent said, looking at the pinked pony who smiled at him very cheerfully.

"Yeah! At first I was finishing up the final plans for your "Welcome To Equestria!" Party, when an idea came to my head. It was how much more fun it would be for you and everypony else if we had the town meeting for you and your welcome party mixed together! It be two big events mixed into one, like a cake!" Pinkie Pie said, her mouth moved faster than the words that were coming out but at least this time Vincent could hear her.

"Indeed, it is always best to kill two birds with one stone as the saying goes." Luna said, coming up close to Vincent. Her response also got a shock look from her sister.

"Luna!" Celestia said, she never did like phrases that had death involved with them.

"Forgive me saying but I'm sure Vincent does not mind the phrase, am I correct?" Luna said, looking at Vincent with a small smile.

"Yeah I don't mind we had plenty of phrases like that back on earth. In fact the one you just said is also a phrased used on earth." Vincent said, after all death was no stranger to him. He was familiar with it all too well.

"Is that so? How interesting our species must have more in common with each other than we know." Luna said, Vincent noticed how she was observing him again.

"Maybe some things but I wouldn't say many." Vincent said, eyeing Luna to. Vincent wondered why this pony was so interested in looking at him.

Before Luna could speak again, Pinkie Pie popped up again in between Vincent and Luna, in her usual come out of nowhere fashion. Luna chuckled at Pinkie's usual positive party attitude. Vincent on the other hand was not amused at all, he knew Pinkie Pie would be the one to get on his nervous the most but she was really irritating him right now, especially since this big party event she set up wasn't his type of time spending.

"Come on let's get this welcome party/ unveiling of the only human in Equestria started!" Pinkie Pie said, stretching her arms out as ponies behind her cheered in excitement.

"Yes Pinkie we shall but please allow me to make a quick announcement." Celestia said, she still had to let her little ponies know how to handle being around Vincent.

"Oh of course Princess." Pinkie Pie said, chuckling at her overexcitement.

"Thank you." Celestia said, she looked back at the ponies and cleared her throat. "My little ponies as you know the human here known as Vincent is now going to be a resident of our world and I would like to ask you all to treat him with the same kindness, respect, and friendship our world is known for."

The ponies all looked at each other and muttered a few things before returning their gaze back to Celestia and the human called Vincent. Everypony gave a smile and a nod of agreement. Celestia, pleased with the ponies respond, smiled at all the ponies. She than looked at Vincent who looked at her and nodded his head.

"Thank you my little ponies. One more thing this is Vincent's party, please allow him to enjoy it. Should you have any questions for him please ask permission to ask him and not have too many questions to ask." Celestia said, again the ponies nodded in agreement. "Good now please let us all enjoy the party."

"Alright let's get this party started!" Pinkie Pie said, blowing a party horn and firing her cannon signaling for the DJ, Vinyl, to start the music.

"Enjoy your party Vincent." Celestia said, smiling at him hopping he would have a good time.

"Yes please do, after all this is all for you." Luna said, looking at Vincent with sincere eyes this time.

"Of course." Vincent said, though he wasn't too excited about this he figured he might as well try to enjoy himself after all this wasn't the first party he had attended to plus this time he wouldn't have to kill anyone or get shot at from all directions at this party, since it was his after all. "Alright might as well mingle a little."

For the first few hours Vincent did nothing but answer questions from practically all the ponies. The majority of the questions were simple questions like where he was from, how earth was like, why his color was different from everyone else, ect ect. Thanks to Celestia, he avoided the "what's your name?" Question all together, though they did still mention that Vincent was a strange name to them but he let that slide, not like he could complain. He was getting pretty annoyed with was all the questions after a long while, good thing he managed to convince them that he would answer other question later on since he would be living here now so they wouldn't need to worry about him leaving. Speaking of which he also managed to keep the camera ponies from going past his personal space, though he did allow them to get enough pictures of him for their newspapers but soon managed to get them to back off after a while. After all that he tried to enjoy the party as best he could though it was a little difficult at first. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy parties, he did know how to have a good time after all, whether on the job or not, though he didn't get invited to many parties while he was off the job or when he was a kid, he could still be a fun guy to be around. It was just that this party reminded him again that this would now be his life, anything that involved ponies he was now a part of. No matter what the event would be he would get dragged into because what else could he do? His old hitman life was now dead back on earth, what would he do now? What use would he be now? In retrospect he really should have thought about a second choice in skills besides killing, than again nothing could have prepared him for this weird as hell shit, still he tried to enjoy himself, but after a while he eventually got tired and went behind Twilight's treehouse and sat there with his eyes closed and his mind feeling at ease. Just relaxing with himself and no one else.

"Hi Vincent." A familiar voice was spoken to him. Vincent opened his eyes to see Fluttershy standing in front of him.

"Hi Fluttershy." Vincent said, still laying back on the tree not bothering to get up.

"Not enjoying the party?" Fluttershy asked, she figured that be a reason why Vincent would leave it.

"Nah the party is ok, I just needed a place to rest for a while." Vincent said, he wasn't lying he wished he'd was still in bed sleeping.

"Mind if I join you?" Fluttershy asked, feeling that Vincent should have some kind of company.

"Sure be my guest." Vincent said, though he would prefer to be alone he didn't mind Fluttershy since she was one of the least annoying ponies here.

"Thank you." Fluttershy said, she walked over and sat beside Vincent. "What do you think of the party?"

"It's a big event that's for sure." Vincent said, he had to give these ponies credit they sure new how to party.

"Yeah Pinkie Pie has a tendency to go all out with every party she does." Fluttershy said, she knew that as good as any other pony.

"I don't find that too hard to believe." Vincent said, only here for three days and already figured out each of the ponies personalities. "You're not a fan of her parties?"

"Well Pinkie is a great friend and all but sometimes her parties can be a little too loud." Fluttershy said, her easily scared personality didn't help when it came to loud noises.

"Yeah no kidding." Vincent said, after being in that party for whoever knows how long he knew that little was an understatement.

"Hey Vincent mind if I ask you a question?" Fluttershy asked, she was nervous since the last thing she wanted to do was bother Vincent.

"Yeah sure." Vincent said, though he came here to get away from the noise he might as well humor the shy pegasus.

"Do you like us?" Fluttershy asked, her question caught him by surprised.

"What do you mean?" Vincent asked, he wasn't expecting to have a question like that.

"Like what do you think of me and my friends?" Fluttershy said, she really wanted to hear his opinion on her and her friends.

Vincent took a minute to think about this. He wasn't to use to having people asking what he thought of them. Usually it just be his employers asking him about his skills for handling his job or sometimes a hit who asked why he was about to kill them but those questions never meant anything to him since it was just part of his job. However he had to answer this question which he would need to answer carefully.

"You guys have been pretty cool to me so I'd say you and your friends are nice." Vincent said, he wasn't use to giving these kind of complements to anything usually he was criticizing people for being the fakes they are back on earth.

"Oh ok." Fluttershy said, she sucked in all her confidence to ask her next question. "Does this make us your friends?"

"Yeah I guess it does." Vincent said, him having friends back on earth seemed laughable but having friends that were ponies on a different planet was just flat out insane.

"Oh I'm so happy to hear that Vincent." Fluttershy said, she gave Vincent a hug which for once in his life was a bit of a shock for him.

Vincent felt like he should tell her to stop and let go of him but a small part of him that he didn't even know existed within him told him he couldn't because he could tell that the hug was genuine not fake which made him feel weird. Because of his status as a hitman back on earth he never cared for his own feelings or when it came to others, back than everyone to him were just lazy people who couldn't do shit for themselves or they were lying pricks who would eventually backstab you. Not to mention his childhood that was also another major reason why he never cared for feelings. Regardless he felt he should humor her and hugged back, whether she knew if he meant it or not he didn't care as long as she knew he was putting in a small effort and could appreciate that than that was good enough for him.

"Thank you Vincent." Fluttershy said, she let go of him and smiled than a previous memory came to her. "Oh Vincent before I forget. Would you like to have tea with me and Discord?"

"Tea?" Vincent said, he couldn't help but laugh. Him drinking tea with a pony and some loud mouth hybrid dragon thing whatever the fuck Discord was, made him feel like he really was going insane. Still he had humored her this far why stop now. "I'll think about it Fluttershy."

"Thank you Vincent." Fluttershy said, she smiled and Vincent smiled back. Just than Pinkie Pie jumped out of nowhere in front of the two.

"Hey Vincent it's time for you to make your speech!" Pinkie Pie shouted, what she said really caught Vincent by surprise and Fluttershy noticed this.

"Umm Pinkie what do you mean Vincent's speech?" Fluttershy asked, beating Vincent to the question.

"Vincent's going to get on stage and give a speech for everypony to hear." Pinkie Pie explained, Vincent did not like what he was hearing.

"Where was my say in this exactly?" Vincent asked, if there's one thing he hate was when things were planned ahead especially when they involved him.

"Please Vincent everypony out there really want to hear you give a speech." Pinkie Pie said, she looked at Vincent with a pleading look in her eyes.

Vincent didn't like the idea of giving a speech in front of all those ponies not because he was stage fright or some bullshit like that but because he's had become accustomed to sticking to the shadows and blending in with the crowed until he needed to reveal himself, this whole becoming the center of attention all of a sudden to an inter species wasn't something you could be used to in one night. Still it's not like he could get himself out of this situation just by saying no, Pinkie Pie was obviously persistent when it came to these parties.

"Alright fine I'll do it." Vincent said, he wouldn't like it but fuck it he'd been through worse than a small speech.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Vincent." Pinkie Pie said, her eye sparkled with joy as she hugged Vincent.

"Alright let me go so I can get this over with." Vincent said, two hugs in one day that might as well be a personal record for him.

"Ok have fun." Pinkie Pie said, she took off to tell everypony.

"Good luck Vincent you'll do great." Fluttershy said, she smiled at him and walk back to the crowed.

Vincent wasn't enthusiastic about this but he walked up on stage anyway, he wasn't a punk after all. Besides all he had to do was say a few sentences, give a quick thank you and walk off the stage not much planning needed for this. Once he was in the middle of the stage he looked and saw all the ponies quiet and looked at him.

"Alright everypony give it up for Vincent!" Pinkie Pie yelled, the ponies all clapped and smiled at him. "Go ahead Vincent."

"Alright everypony well not much for me to say other than this place seems like an ok place to live and the ponies I've met here have been good to me so the hospitality is appreciated. Also now that I'll be living here in your town try not to feel like you're days will be different. Also I'm hoping no trouble will come my way as I don't like trouble. So anyway thanks for the welcome this sure has been... different to what I'm used to." Vincent said, not the best speech or the most memorable he had thought of but hey it was sudden and he had only been here for three days and only knew what he managed to pick up, so he didn't have much to make a speech out of. Many of the ponies smiled, clapped, and cheered. Vincent could hear some of them yell out his name though he didn't have to think too hard on who those ponies were. Vincent gave a quick wave to the crowd and then left the stadium. The party continued again as Vincent walked down the stadium and saw the princesses, Twilight, Spike, and the rest of the ponies he knew.

"That was a very nice speech Vincent." Celestia said, she smiled at him though Vincent was secretly trying to see if she was just patronizing him.

"A little short I must say." Luna said, though Luna was one to talk since before she wasn't much for speeches but now that she was it didn't bother her but she figured a human of Vincent's demeanor would have thought of a better speech.

"It was short notice." Vincent said, considering a certain pink pony had decided for him that he would do a speech.

"I could tell, still it was a decent one at least." Luna said, she had to give the human the benefit of the doubt his speech wasn't as bad as she was expecting.

"Thanks for the complement." Vincent said, though he felt like he was kind of being insulted.

"I liked it." Fluttershy said, though everypony knew she wasn't the hardest to impress.

"Yeah me to. It was very honest." Applejack said, honest was being right up her ally.

"I think it could have been twenty percent cooler." Rainbow Dash, no pony was surprised by Rainbow's reaction.

"That made little to no sense." Vincent thought, this pony was something else.

"Sure was different from the speeches we usually get here dear." Rarity said, to her it was always nice to have something a little different in Ponyville since things could get a little familiar in the town for its own good.

"I thought it was cool Vincent." Spike said, Vincent knew that the little dragon was probably the one he'd get along with the most.

"I thought it amazing!" Pinkie Pie yelled, jumping up in the air in her usual Pinkie fashion.

"And surprisingly it seems to have really won you over with the ponies." Twilight said, noticing that the ponies all clapped and cheered louder than usual when somepony else had finished the speech

"Indeed I have a feeling you're life here will be good Vincent." Celestia said, she was happy to think that Vincent's presence here wouldn't cause any trouble, after all things need to be good for both the ponies and Vincent.

"Hopefully like I said I don't like trouble." Vincent said, he hoped that was made clear to everypony.

"Don't worry Vincent I've been talking with everypony here and telling them about how you saved us." Lyra said, this reminded him that he hadn't told them how he met Lyra, Derpy, and that CMC group. "They think you're some kind of hero."

Now that made him worry a little because the last thing he wanted was for any of these ponies here to think of was a hero, since that was far from what he really was not a hero if anything a movie would probably have labeled him as a villain. Even though that wasn't what he was he was just a guy doing his job, being the best at his job. Regardless he knew he should at least thank Lyra for trying to make his reputation have a good start.

"Thanks Lyra." Vincent said, he could see how happy she got when he said that.

"Which reminds me I never got to think you for saving my sister Vincent." Applejack said, she didn't want to think about what would have happen if Vincent hadn't been there. "Thank you."

"As do I Vincent. Thank you for keeping Sweetie Belle safe." Rarity said, she had already took a liking to Vincent but keeping her sister safe made her like him even more.

"Yeah thanks for keeping Scoots from getting hurt, usually I do but I can't be everywhere so I appreciate it." Rainbow Dash said, even though their first meeting didn't have a good start she now had respect for the human.

"No problem." Vincent said, again getting a thank you from anyone even ponies was giving him a weird feeling.

"Truly impressive Vincent, facing twelve Timberwolves and making it out alive is truly impressive." Luna said, this human really did fascinate her. "What other abilities do you poses?"

"Just the will to get things done." Vincent said, that basically described him when it came to his work.

"Interesting." Luna said, this human in a way remind her of her old self.

"Still thank you we all appreciate it." Applejack said, she and Rarity both gave Vincent a quick hug.

"Yeah good job." Rainbow Dash said, she patted Vincent's back since she felt a hug would be too formal.

Vincent in turn just let out a quick smile and nod his head, this was all getting to different for him. He remember back to the days on earth were hugging wasn't anything he ever cared for but he figured that this was something that he'd have to get us to, among other things, whether he liked it or not. Though he did have one question to ask.

"Speaking of which, where are Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo at anyway?" Vincent asked, since he notice that the three fillies weren't anywhere to be seen.

"They are over there hanging out with the other fillies." Applejack said, point in the direction of where their sisters where.

"Probably bragging to their friends about the human they've made friends with." Rarity said, though the ponies found it amusing Vincent was understandably indifferent about that.

"Yeah well they better enjoy it because they are in for it tomorrow for going into the Everfree forest again." Applejack said, though she was being calm right now she and Rarity both had talked about how to handle the three fillies.

"Well good luck to them." Vincent said jokingly, the ponies giggled amused by the Vincent's humor.

"Well Vincent I believe we've taken up enough your time, let us continue to enjoy the party." Celestia said, giving Vincent a smile and then returning to the party.

The ponies all gave another congratulations to Vincent before returning to the party to. Luna also did to but she gave her quick stare at Vincent again, he had to wonder what was this princess deal with the staring it was starting to get a little annoying and kind of creepy, was she trying to read him or something? After a few seconds Luna chuckled and left to. Derpy who had been just smiling most of the time came up to Vincent.

"Hi Vincent I've been meaning to give you this." Derpy said, she pulled out a muffin and gave it to him.

"A muffin." Vincent said, looked at it and took a bite of it surprisingly it was really good. "Taste good Derpy thanks."

Derpy smiled, gave Vincent a hug, and went back to everypony else. Again the hugs was something he definitely have to get used to. Vincent looked at the party again and the ponies that where having fun. He didn't noticed before but he now realized this place probably wouldn't be so bad, sure it was the complete opposite of earth and he felt completely foreign to this worlds kindness and all that other bullshit he didn't care about but still this place might have something to offer him, he may not know it yet but who knows it may come along later in his new life here. He decided to stop thinking that things wouldn't work out for him here so he shrugged off his last doubt and began walking back.

"My new life. I'll be fine." Vincent said, returning to the party with the others with a smile on his face a genuine smile.