• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 2,119 Views, 48 Comments

Ponyllateral - It Never Ends

What happens when one of the most determined and skillful hitman on Earth ends up in Equestria? How will the mane six handle him as a friend or threat

  • ...

Chapter 4: Death Surrounds Us All

"Alright girls you ready!" Scootaloo said with enthusiasm screeching out of her voice.

"Scootaloo I still think this is a bad idea" Apple Bloom said nervously.

"Oh come on quite being such a worry hog." Scootaloo said jokingly.

"I am not I'm just saying don't you think this is a bad idea!" Apple Bloom shouted

"You think anything with risk is a bad idea." Scootaloo said with an annoyed tone in her voice.

"That's because it usually is." Apple Bloom said also an annoyed tone in her voice.

"Maybe it’s because we don't take more risk is the reason we haven't gotten our cutie marks yet." Scootaloo firmly.

"Or maybe taking to many of them doesn't speed up the process at all." Apple Bloom said standing her ground ready to defend her statement.

"Well I think you're wrong" Scootaloo said as she got close to Apple Bloom's face.

"And I think you're wrong." Apple bloom said also getting in Scootaloo's face.

"Sweetie Belle what do you think!" They both yelled towards Sweetie Belle who was just standing by awkwardly as her two friends argued.
"Umm girls in all honesty we've faced danger before and by some recurring miracle we've mange to come out ok." Sweetie Belle said honestly.
Scootaloo and Apple Bloom began to ponder on what Sweetie Belle just said knowing that there was actual truth behind that statement.
"I'd also say it would be a good idea to be very cautious, this is the Everfree forest we're talking about so let’s only go 36 inches, look around, and if we don't see anything we leave." Sweetie Belle said.

"Buts that's only one yard!" Scootaloo complained.

"Come on it's a fair distance." Sweetie Belle said calmly.

"I agree with Sweetie Belle." Apple Bloom said.

"Fine." Scootaloo grunted, accepting defeat in the argument.

"Hey come on guys we're best friends here remember?" Sweetie Belle said sincerely.

At first Scootaloo and Apple Bloom turn away from each other but after hearing they look at each other and smile.

"Yeah she's right. We good Apple Bloom?" Scootaloo admitted with a little smile.

"Yeah we're good." Apple Bloom said as she hugged her friend who hugged her back.

Sweetie Belle then joined in on the huge.

"Alright girls let’s do this!" Scootaloo enthusiastically yelled.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Monster Hunters!" All three yelled out as they ran into the forest.

(Meanwhile somewhere else with Vincent)

Vincent had been sprinting for about three minutes now. The adrenalin was really kicking in since he didn't feel an ounce of energy leaving his body. While running he was trying to figure out what his next step would be once he got to the forest, would he rest there for a while then keep running again until he couldn't run anymore? Would he try to find somewhere new to stay? Would he find something to help him get back to earth? Did he even want to go back to Earth? The only thing he ever really liked about Earth was his reputation as a hitman and how good he was at his job. The more he thought about it the more he knew that other than those thing he didn't really care if he ever saw Earth again. Maybe this place was some kind of second chance for him. He shake his head violently trying to get those thoughts out of his head. Knowing that this wasn't the time to be get all philosophical he went back to focusing on the running.

"I haven't looked backed once, are those horses still following me? Vincent thought before turning his head back surprised to see that the two female horses where still following him. "You got to be fucking kidding me."

Despite his obvious disappointment that these two horses were still chasing after him he had to give them credit for having the guts to come after a creature they have no knowledge of especially when that creature is something as dangerous as him. Despite that well known fact he was going to have to lose them, if he wasn't going to kill them.

"I've been running long enough I'm going to make that turn soon." He thought as he prepared to change directions. "And now!"
This thing sure can run I mean me and Derpy weren't to far behind but I just feel like the closer I think we are getting to it, the farther away it seemed to be getting from us but the excitement and curiosity coursing through my body is what kept me going. I wonder what kept Derpy going cause she doesn't seem to be tiring out anytime soon but I'll leave it alone for now her reasons are good enough to keep her going and that's all that matters, now back to the goal at hand I needed to get to it I had so many questions that I needed to ask. One of them would be how much endurance does this thing have, must be a lot since we've been running for about what five minutes already hopefully it will tire out soon because despite our motivations I don't know... Oh buck he's heading towards the Everfree forest!

Lyra and Derpy both follow Vincent's change of directions, towards the Everfree forest. Derpy didn't like that they were both about to head into this hazard zone of a forest but she knew that Lyra would need help with not only the creature they were chasing but also the know creatures that already called the forest home but she cared about her friend enough to risk it even though it looked like a bleak situation. Regardless Lyra was her friend and she was going to help her to the best of her ability.

I can't believe what's happened in the past few minutes the creatures Lyra believed in are actually real at least one of them was and here I am with my friend actually chasing one it feels like some bizarre dream it's both amazing and kind of scary. No matter what it is this seems to be getting a little risky because that thing is about to run straight into the Everfree forest and Celestia knows situations can go from bad to worse in there. I understand why Lyra wants to get this strange creature but there are still so many questions that we don't know about. What if it attacks us? What if we lose it inside the forest? Would it understand us? Can it even talk? And those are only questions about the creature, Lyra needs to think of the questions involving herself. What happens if we get injured or worse in the Everfree? What if the creature gets eaten? Or if we managed to get it and convince it to come back to Ponyville will everypony except it or try to chase it away? What if the Princesses show up and take it away? How will Lyra handle any of those scenarios if they come true?

All these question where going through Derpy's head so much that it felt like her eyes where spinning but she came back into focus when Lyra called out to her.

"Derpy he's going into the forest be ready for anything and don't get separated ok!" Lyra yelled.

"Ok!" Was all Derpy could say as she mentally prepared herself for whatever dangerous and horrors awaited them in that forest.

"I've waited for this moment my whole life I'm not going to lose." Lyra said in her mind with determination written on her face. "Bring it on."

"Goddamn it! Why won't these horses give it up already" Vincent yelled in his mind. "Forget it I'm about to enter the forest I'll lose them in there."

Vincent knew his chances of losing the horses was higher inside the forest, once he entered he started going past as many trees as he could. He looked back to see if that had worked and again was annoyed to see that they were still following him but was also satisfied to see that they were farther behind, a satisfying smile began to grow on his face as the thought of losing these horses in the forest soon was satisfying. With that thought in his head he kept going past trees, through big bushes that could block out the horses view, and jump over puddles of water that would most likely cause the horses to fall but every time Vincent looked back he saw that the horses while falling behind a little more each time where still on his trail. Vincent was starting to get pissed and after running through what felt like three yards. Then it came to him, how far he had gone into the forest he could shoot these horse and if any of those other horses could possible hear the gunshots they wouldn't fine the bodies anytime soon if not ever. As he thought of this idea he saw something right in front of him, he tried to stop but trip over the small figures. he began tumbling over with the object with his briefcases also falling behind him, it wasn't to bad though as he and the objects where starting slowing down but that soon became a false sense of hope as Vincent help two more heavy object collide with him.

"Don't lose sight of it Derpy we can't lose it after coming this far." Lyra said to Derpy almost in a pleading tone.

"Don't worry Lyra we won't." Derpy reassured Lyra continuing to run side by side by her friend not falling behind.

Lyra and Derpy where farther behind the creature then when they started managed to still keep view of it, which helped them to continue following the creature without losing so much as a small glimpse of the creature. Both of them had different feeling on the situation they were in. Derpy didn't like the feeling that the Everfree forest was giving her. To her this forest always felt like a nightmare come to life from the depths of her darkest fears and the fact that this forest was filled with so many scary mysterious, dark secrets, unexpected surprises, and other unknown horrors made her want to turn around and run home as fast as her hooves would allow her to but she knew that she had to stay for Lyra's sake. Derpy had already said she would help her friend to the best of her abilities and so she would, even if that meant continuing through what felt like the depths of Tartarus. Lyra on the other hand didn't show any signs of regret or had any second thoughts upon entering the forest to her the opportunity to be able to make contact with a creature she had believe in since she was a filly was worth all the bumps, bruises, and scares that she would endure throughout this forest. While on the outside it seemed that she was fully focus and determined on catching up with the creature, which she was, on the inside her heart was pouncing all over her body like Pinkie Pie when she was preparing a party. The thought of her making friends with the creature and then convincing it to come back to Ponyville with her and Derpy made her feel like she would be a filly in school proving her friends wrong about something they had always doubted her for. During this she had notice that her and Derpy where catching up with the creature a lot faster than before, she figure it was her and Derpy's motivation to get to the creature that helped them move faster. In reality Vincent's momentum was slowing down every time he had to go pas or jump over something. Those thoughts came back to Lyra but she quickly put those thoughts to the back of her mind for the moment as she had to pay attention to the creature and every move it made. Which might have been a good thing had she paid attention a couple of seconds earlier because she had saw the creature tumble over something. Which made her try to stop herself and warn Derpy.

"Derpy stop! Look out!" Lyra shouted as loud and as fast as she could.

"Oh No!" Derpy responded with as she tried to stop herself.

Both of the ponies had stomped their hooves on the ground to try and stop themselves from colliding with whatever it was that the creature had crashed into, dust started to form from the grounds dirt as Lyra and Derpy pressed their hooves on the ground harder but it was to late they had collide with both the creature and the small figures that it had collided with. Now they were all tumbling down a small hill. Their tumbling came to an end in no less than a minute and a half. When Vincent's heads stopped shaking the he looked to see what it was that he ran into and could only say one thing...

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Vincent said royally pissed off now.

(A few minutes back)

"Scootaloo you tricked us we came farther than one yard." Sweetie Belle complained at the fact that her plan didn't work out.

"Yeah we're a lot farther than we had agreed to go." Apple Bloom said agreeing with Sweetie Belle.

"But guy I didn't trick you. I swear I saw a monster running in this direction it was being chased by two other ponies." Scootaloo said trying to convince her friends that she is not lying.

"Yeah right than how come me and Sweetie Belle didn't see the monster or the two ponies chasing after it?" Apple Bloom question.

"Because they were all running like a breezie out of Tartarus." Scootaloo explained. "I only got one good look at them before I saw them run through this part of the forest."

"Then where are they now?" Sweetie Belle questioned. "Cause I still don't see anything."

"I don't know." Scootaloo said as she looked left and right. "I thought this short cut would put us right in front of them or at least close by them."

"I think you just made this all up to get us to go deeper into the forest." Apple Bloom said as she became suspicious of her friend's story.

"Look Scootaloo if you wanted to go deeper into the forest then fine what's done is done but I prefer if you just admitted it because you know I don't like being tricked." Sweetie Belle said practically pleading with Scootaloo to tell the truth.

"Ok first I'm not lying. Second we didn't go any farther than an extra two yards. And third I'm not lying." Scootaloo said calmly but with a firm tone.

"Well unless some giant monster comes crashing down I don't think –” Apple Bloom was about to finish before something came running towards them.

"Lookout!" Scootaloo yelled.

"Oh my sweet Celestia!" Sweetie Belle panicked.

They all screamed as a giant figured crashed into them and caused them to fall down but they soon started to stop but then two more ponies crashed into them causing them to tumble down again which made them scream again. After a minute and a half they stopped again and once the fillies heads stopped spinning they looked to see what had crashed into them and what they saw was a tall figured with what they thought had a grey coat over most of its body and white in the middle and black on his bottom hooves but they couldn't figure out what its front hooves color was regardless when it talked at them they all screamed.

These things started screaming when I finished my sentence and at first it was annoying but after five seconds it was pissing me off and it usually takes a lot to piss me of but after being killed and ending up in this little girls fantasy come to life run by talking midget horses who have certain human traits and live in a renaissance theme civilization was frustrating enough but after having to run from two of them like they were an actual threat and then crashing into three dwarf sized horses had finally gotten to him and he couldn't take it anymore so he decide to just let it out.

"Shut the fuck up!" Vincent yelled as loud as he could which worked as they became silent.

They stopped screaming which was the best thing that had gone my way this whole fucking day.

"Thank you." Vincent said sarcastically.

Lyra couldn't hold it in anymore she squealed like a filly who just got her first kiss.

"Oh my Celestia! You can talk and you speak Equestrian that's even more amazing!" Lyra yelled so loud that practically anything in the forest heard it.

"My, my. A ruckus must be very near for me to hear." Zecora said as she looked out her hut.

Equestrian what the fuck? Is that what they call English? That's a very stupid name.

"Yeah I talk and apparently so do you." Vincent said obviously not surprised at all.

"I guess that answers my first question." Derpy whispered to herself.

"Wow I guess Scootaloo was telling the truth." Sweetie Belle admitted still a little surprised at what she was seeing.

"Unbelievable." Apple Bloom said still no sure if she was more scared or shocked that Scootaloo was right.

"Ha! I told you!" Scootaloo said as she jumped into the air as her little wings flapped nonstop. "Told you I saw a monster."

Vincent wanted to say that he was not a monster but he knew. He knew that word could be one of the few words to describe him and his profession very quickly. This whole situation was a waste of his time he wanted to keep moving and fined somewhere quiet and away from these annoying pain in the ass horses.

"Wait where are you going?" Lyra practically screamed that out.

"Somewhere not here." Vincent simply said not bothering to look back.

"But why? Don't you have any questions that you would like answered." Derpy asked the creature hoping that would be enough to keep it from leaving.

"I'll get answers one way or another." Was Vincent's only response as he started walking again.

Lyra couldn't handle this thing leaving her so she jump and grabbed Vincent's leg.

"Please don't go! You're my only proof! And I have so many questions to ask. Please I'm begging you don't leave!" Lyra yelled as tears began to fall from her eyes before she started to cry.

Only proof? What does she mean by that? Whatever it isn't my problem besides it not the first time I've seen tears. Out of a talking horse yeah but regardless of the species crying is crying, and it didn't affect me on earth and it wasn't affecting me here.

"Let go of my leg." Vincent said coldly.

"Excuse me but my friend here has believe in your kind for a very long time. I think you should have a little compassion and hear her out." Derpy said trying to sound both kind and serious.

Believe in my kind what the hell is that supposed to mean? It doesn't matter I need to leave.

"I don't care I've already got problems of my own and I don't need her problems becoming a part of my problems. Now please let go of my leg. Now. Vincent said more firmly and serious this time.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders huddled up together enough for nopony or thing to hear them.

"This thing seems it's very rude and it also doesn't look to friendly." Scootaloo said to her fellow crusaders.

"I know he doesn't even look like it's a little sorry for Lyra and you're right Scootaloo what he said to Derpy was rude." Apple Bloom said agreeing with Scootaloo.

"I don't know girls it's in probably lost and confused like a lost animal he just needs a friend to help him, who knows he might be very sweet on the inside." Sweetie Belle said confidently.

"Seriously you're starting to piss me off, let go or I'll stomp your head in." Vincent said coldly but also seriously.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo turned their heads toward Sweetie Belle. "Ok I was wrong."

For the next two minutes Vincent and the ponies where all quite. Vincent waiting for Lyra to let go and the ponies all from shock from what he said. The silence was broken when they hear growls coming from the bushes. Vincent looked on in confuse but also took out his Heckler & Koch USP45 and readied it for whatever was about to come out since it was obvious it wasn't a puppy coming to them. Lyra, Derpy, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders had fear growing in their eyes since they knew the danger that was heading their way, Lyra and Derpy’s instincts to over and they jumped in front of the fillies while afraid but ready to protect them from the horror that was coming. As the suspense grew within them all they still stood their ground and the in an instant six Timberwolves jumped out right in front of them.

"What the fuck are those things? Wolves with wood as skin? Vincent questioned as he pointed his gun at the Timberwolves.

"They're Timberwolves one of the most dangerous creatures in the forest. Lyra yelled to Vincent.

"Timberwolves? Timber? As in lumber? You've got to be fucking kidding me again." Vincent said as the situation seemed to be an even amount of stupid and serious.

"Lyra what do we do?" Derpy desperately asked.

"I don't know but if we can find a way to distract them somehow we can make a run for it and hope to Celestia that we get away with sore hooves." Lyra suggested trying to sound confident in what she said but she just made that all up as she kept talking.
"Running does seem like the best idea." Vincent admitted under his breathe. "Just need the right moment to –”

Before Vincent could finish his thought two of the Timberwolves pounced at him trying to get the drop on him but to Vincent this was no different than his enemies trying to kill him, his instincts took over, he fell to the ground and used his legs to kick one of the Timberwolves up in the air once he got a clear view of it jaw as it was going over him he pulled the trigger. The bullet went right through the Timberwolves head as green liquid burst, out of its head and fell dead to the floor.

"I guess that's what those things pass off as blood. Funny." Vincent said with a smirk on his face as he rolled back up to his feet.

The second Timberwolf looked at its dead companion and then at met with a burning hatred in its eyes but before it could even move forward I pulled the trigger again and watched as the creature fell dead on the floor like its friend. I sure as hell wasn't going to wait for that thing to come at me like those idiots do in cliche movies and stories. I swear that crap always pissed me off. Anyway I looked and saw that the four remaining Timberwolves where going at the horses this was the moment I need to get away so I picked up my briefcases and made a run for it.

As Derpy, Lyra, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders saw the two Timberwolves attack the creature the then brought their attention to the other four as they ran to attack them Derpy reacted by yelling towards Lyra.

"Lyra grab Apple Bloom I'll get Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle!" Derpy ordered

Derpy grabbed Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle while Lyra grabbed Apple Bloom, they jumped behind a rock and listen at the Timberwolves smacked faced first into the rock the heard something fall apart and figured that one of the Timberwolves hit the rock so hard that it fell apart, they soon looked at the creature as they heard a strange sound that they had never heard before go off when they looked back and saw a Timberwolf actually lying dead on the floor they were took shock to take their eyes of it but they did once they heard a sound again and where again shock to see the second Timberwolf dead. They looked at Vincent who was holding some kind of object.

"Lyra what the hay is it using!?" Derpy asked Lyra.

"I don't know. I really don't know." Lyra said still in shock at what she was seeing.

Just then the other three remaining Timberwolves jumped from behind the rock at them they quickly move away and looked at a branch, they grab it and used it to keep the Timberwolves from biting them, as they tried to pushes back the Timberwolves Lyra and Derpy saw that the creature was running deeper into the forest. Abandoning them. Derpy was sad but Lyra was hurt.
"I guess the creatures I studied and thought I knew. I really knew nothing about." She thought in her mind as she began to cry. "And know we're all going to die because of my habi... obsession."

Meanwhile Vincent started walking once again when he could only hear the Timberwolves growling. Vincent couldn't help but look back. He wonder how long those horses would last before they were eaten. He started to walk again but then had a thought.

"I don't need to help them, all they've done is become a pain in my ass but then again if I save their lives they'll owe me and favors are something that will become very useful in this world. They might even pay me, since I'll be living here I'll need all the money I can get." he looked forward into the forest. "Fuck it I don't even know where I would go. Beside it's been a while since I got to kill a pack of anything threatening and back there was the most exciting thing I've done since I got here. My adrenaline's really kicking in."

His mind made up he decide to go back. He loaded his gun and ran back.

"Derpy I'm sorry I got you into this mess." Lyra pleaded to Derpy for forgiveness.

"I don't blame you Lyra how could you have known that creature would abandon us like that." Derpy said sincerely with a smile on her face.

"Besides if I had seen a creature that I believed in and it actually showed up I would have done something crazy to try and talk to it to."

They looked back at the fillies who were hiding behind another bush.

"So I guess this is the end huh?" Derpy ask Lyra waiting for her answer.

"Not yet. Let’s not go down without a fight first." Lyra said as she pushed the tree branch up Derpy did the same.

They kept pushing it up as they waited for the right moment to try and slide past the Timberwolves. As they got ready they hear the same strange noise again only this time they see that once the sound had past the Timberwolves stop struggling to eat them. Derpy was the first to notice the green liquid dripping from the Timberwolves heads she tapped Lyra's shoulder who then notice the green blood, she and Derpy pushed the dead Timberwolves away and looked to see something unbelievable. The creature had comeback for them, it had even saved their lives with that strange object it had.

I walk towards them not sure if they would be happy to see me again or not considering my early attitude also after abandoning them. They seemed kind of shock from what just transpired, I guess it's understandable in a world like this death must be a rare occasion but they should be proud of themselves if they hadn't pushed those wolves heads up I wouldn't have got a clear shots at the animals heads. Good thing their made out of wood otherwise the bullet might not have gone through all three of their heads. When I got near them I stopped and looked at them, their eyes were not what I was expecting, instead of shock and anger there was relief and happiness. That was odd I guess they weren't having any negative emotions towards me. An observation that became a fact when both horse jumps up and gave me a hug.

"Thank you for coming back, a part of me knew you would! I'll never doubt myself again." Lyra said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm happy that you saved all of us." Derpy said as she looked at the fillies coming out of the bushes. "All of us."

Before I could ask them to let go of me the three dwarf horses joined in the hung except they were hugging my legs. I decide to let them have this moment considering the threat was over it's understandable they would want to hug their "savior." I have to admit I had never saved a life, Max didn't count that was a unforeseen turn of events and every time I had to save him it wasn't out of the goodness of my heart. Though coming back for these horses wasn't out of the goodness of his heart either but regardless it actually felt kind of nice to be thanked for something you're good at rather than be criticized, looked downed upon, and hunted down by the police or the FBI like an animal.

"Thank you mister for stopping the Timberwolves from eating Derpy and Lyra." Sweetie Belle said as she hugged Vincent's leg tighter.

"I don't even want to think about what would have happened to us, which means you saved our lives to." Apple Bloom said in a cheery tone.

"And the way you took down those last three was awesome!" Scootaloo shouted.

"You’re a hero!" All of the ponies yelled.

"While I appreciate the new title do you think you all could let go. I think you are all cutting the blood flow from my body." Vincent said being sarcastic about the last part. “Alright I want to get something off my chest."

The ponies had let go by now and patently waited to hear what the creature had to say to them.

"Your first impression on me probably wasn't the best and I admit I was harsh if not a bit of an asshole so for that I apologize. Vincent said actually being honest.

"Oh I forgive you." Derpy said with a smile on her face.

"Me to and I also would like to apologize for grabbing your leg and talking like a crazy pony." Lyra said sincerely.

"It alright I was never one to hold a grudge but don't ever do it again. Now I'm sure that you have a lot of questions about me the same way I have a lot of questions but I think it would be better to talk somewhere less dangerous." Vincent said seriously. "Any of you got a place we could use?"

"I –” Lyra was about to yell out her suggestion before howling is heard."

Hey all knew what was coming but before they could react more Timberwolves showed up. This time there was twelve of them all hungry and really pissed off.

"Shit." Was all Vincent said as he pulled his gun out.

"I've never seen this many Timberwolves before." Lyra said shaking.

"I have a feeling that these Timberwolves aren't just here to eat either." Derpy fearfully stated.

"I guess I pissed them off when I killed there friends." Vincent said to himself. "Which means they're not just here for revenge but also retribution. They're eyes are basically screaming it."

"What do we do?" Scootaloo said as she, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle hid behind Vincent.

"Ok here's what we're going to do. You two –” Vincent said to Derpy and Lyra. “– When I make the first shot take these three and run as fast as you can out of the forest."

"What about you?" Lyra said worrying for the creature.

"I'll catch up. I always do so don't worry." Vincent said reassuring Lyra.

"Alright." Lyra said as she and Derpy got ready.

"And be careful." Vincent said as he ready to shoot. "I've only been in here for a little while and I've already figured out that in this in this forest. Death surrounds us all."

Vincent than fired his gun as the first Timberwolf pounced towards him.