• Member Since 21st Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen May 24th, 2023


Comments ( 37 )

I would say a dragon, but it seems to obvious.
Perhaps a kirin?

I understand all except the Assimilation cornerstone. Anyone care to explain?

Ooh, exploring the depths of insanity? I doubt it. You'd need to have gone mad yourself to write that well.

Your short description is too long, by the way. It cuts off. Please fix that.

Edit: Quite a good start. He's hardly insane, though. More what I would call quirky. Now, take thee this star glowing with light as bright as day -- and also take thee this green hand, which always points its thumb the way. Shouldst thou continue to write well, to thee another gift I'll give -- an eye which blinks never but once, when your mistakes cannot be fixed.

My guess is Spike, Twilight Sparkle's number 1 assistant.

you see, I knew y'all'd think that its too obvious.
But good try with the Kirin though, I might make you a short'un just fer that answer.

assimilation represents the ability/capability to take anything that prevents you from reaching your goal and twist in your favor. Also, it represents the will to grow, to never quit, and to turn any situation to your advantage. To take a hit and come back stronger. That is what assimilation represents... I was originally stuck between adaptation, survival, and evolution but thought that assimilation would represent all three.

this is a journey. TO insanity. I don't want to drop right into the good stuff. I know there are a few innocents reading so I am going to do exactly what I said I would. Grab that shard of innocence, erode it into a whimsical sand then fire it in the fires of hell, from their molten dreams will emerge a small wind, the whisperings of insanity...


what brought you to this conclusion fine -enter gender/race here-?:unsuresweetie:


Aww schucks. :applecry:Gosh ur mehkin me blush.:facehoof:

4689107 Well, good luck. I doubt thou canst write nought to sanity erode; 'tis hard when using written word -- trust me on this, for this I know. Perhaps a poem with irregular beat, or song with slightly changing tune, but in a medium where no attention is paid to the style it becomes difficult to express madness.

4689107 well its (probably but I wont unfavorite or downvote if its not) about an alternate timeline spike thats a sorta crazy psycho and posiopathic spike going to the past where hes still a baby dragon living with the main six I just know when shit hits the fan it will do it in a fantastic and awesome way

Hmmn, the definition of insanity is repeating an action while expecting a different response/outcome/reaction...

perhaps this is simply a spiraling staircase of madness?:trixieshiftright:

Comment posted by justindashsparkleshypie deleted Jul 14th, 2014

4689836 No. That is a definition of insanity, from a satirical quote meant to demean quantum physics, where doing the same thing over and over could yield different results. Insanity is far more complex than merely forgetfulness. And it is very hard to out into words. Hence why you have a challenge ahead of you.

I happen to enjoy challenges, god knows school wasn't any good there.

4689107 Hummm....could also be a griffin, but I seriously doubt that.
And thank ya kindly, friend!

Pegasus, Gryphon, or Dragon? The way the beginning sounded I was thinking Pegasus, then you said Bracers which, while I guess could be on a Pegasus, sounds more at home on a Dragon or Gryphon, and the final part was the arms, which I guess could still be either one, though it sounds better with a Gryphon or Dragon, or is it something else?

Okay, a few questions for all readers.

1 do you want MC to be outright evil, or simply corrupted. No good, neutral is on the board, but the way I see it is this. MC has three goals in life. Get stronger. Have fun. And avenge his mother's murder.

2 what should I call y'all? I am sure at least onuv ya are:unsuresweetie: female. And who knows whether you are a pony/pokemon/human. I don't know y'all and y'all is a word that makes my writing slip into an accent. I don't like my accent.

3If you could use any ONE established magic, which would you choose?:twilightoops:

4689845 Fair enough. Good luck!

4691290 1. Have him be completely evil by a certain kind of evil the "im fucking evil and enjoying every second of it" evil but thats just my thoughts

2.just call us bronys its acceptable for both male and female fans of the show

3.the power to steal other powers and keep them for myself then I could have every power

interesting, I would choose necromancy. What insult is greater than using your enemies bodies and souls to kill/maim/pillage their own allies???:trixieshiftright:

4702039 what about stealing your enemies powers and using said powers to kill them

4702057 then the first power I steal would be necromancy so I could both.

not only would I kill them with their powers, then I would force them to kill their loved ones with their powers... Its perfect.

Gods... Dragons in the sky, and costumed freaks attacking people on the street...

It's the end of the world, I tell you.

WARNING!! This is a trip into the depths of Madness. For what else lies within a mind that outlives time itself? If you have any form of innocence, you are not allowed to read this fictional piece of literature. It will shred what lies within your mind and tear you apart from the outside in.

Eh, not actually innocent in any stretch of the imagination, but THIS sounds promising. :pinkiecrazy: Deal me in! :pinkiecrazy:

Wait is eklipse is he the main character or the eart pony king im kinda confused but othe than that good chapter I see you took my suggestion on the whole "im fucking evil and I am enjoying every minute of it" kind of villain so good job

4691290 1.The way you described him right there it seems like he's Lawful Evil/Chaotic Neutral, I'm leaning more towards Chaotic Neutral since I think Lawful Evil is closer to Chrysalis if you think the main reason for her invading was to feed her subjects.
2.You using 'Y'all' is making me read that sentence in an accent.
3.Golem Creation/Animation(Earth Magic? I'm all about making forts and defending with golems and traps, if I was a villain I'd probably make every base I make impenetrable.)
This has little to do with this but I would make a horrible villain, due to the fact that I monologue without realizing it, I feel the need to explain what I'm doing when I think someone doesn't understand what I'm doing, even when I'm by myself as if I have to exp[lain it to the voices in my head.

4728006 The Earth Pony King is Sombra, Eklipse is the Main Character and Sombra's Son apparently(In another Dimension) though I really want to know what the gehenna Eklipse is. I might have missed part of it, but I don't see anything that suggests that he's that kind of Villain.
Also, this is to the Writer, why is Eklipse spelled with a 'K'?


Eklipse is a HUGE clue to the mc's identity... Seriously...

in my story, transspecies pregnancy happens. Gryphon came from somewhere. Manticores? I don't even want to know.

what character has an adopted mother and has scales, will have wings and has finger claw things???

4731500 Gehenna=Latin for Hell

Gryphon came from somewhere. Manticores? I don't even want to know.

Sooooo... A Lion and an Eagle had happy happy fun time?
Manticore=Bat, Scorpion, Lion... I find myself agreeing with you there.

All I can think of is what I think is callled a Kiren(Dragon-Pony). Also if the name is referencing some kind of Anime show, I don't watch Anime.


I am thinking the Nemean lions as an OLD race and a race of similarly sized eagles had an alliance...

then stuff happened.


i looked into them actually, but i figured that is somewhat too large...

4777287 to anyone who cares, the new story picture is eklipse

4777287 I was looking into some other mythologies and I found the opposite of a Gryphon,The Anzu. What about Stymphalian Birds? (I remembered it from a game called Age of Mythology I used to play, I've always been interested in learning Mythology.)

i though about them actually. If i just enlarge them a little, they could work. i could say that their weirdmetal stuff is their form of armor i suppose... hmm. yeah. from now on, they are called the Stymphalian eagles.

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