• Published 13th Jul 2014
  • 537 Views, 5 Comments

The Forgotten Bridge - Mydnyt Rayn

Twilight Sparkle wakes up in the middle of nowhere and with no memory.

  • ...

Chapter 1- Waking Up

She sneezed.

It was the first indication that Twilight Sparkle had woken up. Her head throbbed and ached, along with her arms and legs. She began to turn on her side, only to stop when she felt something familiar. Her eyes snapped open, her gaze meeting a pitch black canvas, dotted with millions of stars that were part of the night sky. Her breathing became rapid as she sat upright fast, a small ache moving around inside her skull, but going unnoticed to the frightened unicorn. She frantically looked around. She was on the edge of a forest in a field that was about half a mile wide, a hill on the other side. But what was troubling her was the length. It seemed to go on forever in both directions, along with the hill and forest.

The moon was just barley coming up from the tip of the hill, full and bright. Twilight just sat, too stunned to do much. She was in bed before waking up and... what? She couldn't seem to remember. "Where am I? What is this place? Why can't I remember anything?" A million thoughts rushed through her mind. But only one thought stood out: "How did I get here?" She went to bed, she remembers, pulling the warm, sleep inviting covers over her, then waking up here? It wasn't, couldn't be logical. A small thought crossed her mind. She kept thinking about it as she lay down. Soon, she drifted off to sleep, warm tears rolling down her soft cheeks.

How do I get home?


Twilight woke for the second time that evening. The full moon was now a third of the way from the hill's horizon, casting elegant beams of white light down the grassy slope. Twilight sat up, looking at her surroundings carefully. When her eyes reached the forest, she caught sight of a faint light in the distance. It was just sitting there, and Twilight felt it was directed to her. Then, like a flame in the wind, disappeared in an instant. Twilight kept her eyes on the forest. Some time went by before she pulled her eyes away. She shivered. She hadn't realized how cold it was until it hit her full on. She needed a fire. She stood on all four hooves, her knees cracking and aching for being in her position for so long. She stretched a bit then lit her horn and scanned the edge of the forest. She found plenty of dry sticks and twigs and dry grass. But no rocks to keep the fire contained. She moved back to the patch where she first woke up and set down her materials. Then something... unexplainable happened.

Out of nowhere, the scene flashed and there were pony soldiers fighting for their lives. She saw each cock of the rifle bolt as each individual bullet was loaded into the barrel and as the trigger was squeezed to fire, each fuse on each cannon lit with a glowing ember, only seconds before it burned out and the shot was fired. Each soldier fall as Death takes there life away. Twilight screamed in horror as the fight raged in front of her eyes, though nopony looked at her. Slowly, with one last cannon shot, the scene faded, leaving no trace of war behind.
Twilight sat panting heavily at the thought of the gruesome scene of war in front of her. She was able to calm down. She turned towards the sticks and grass and jerked. Ten rocks were piled neatly next to the grass, showing as if they were there all the time. She began working, using her telekinesis to move the rocks in a circle, then placing the sticks and grass neatly in the center. She surveyed her work and smiled. With one spark of her magic, the fire burned furiously, eating at the grass with a burst of heat and light. She began thinking about her friends. What would they do? What would Spike do? He'd probably send a letter to the princess. She'd probably send a search team out. Another question was, how far from home was she? Was she even in Equestria?

The fire began to dim and her supplies were running out. She let the fire be and lay down. She was going to get some rest. But something caught her eye. She looked for the source. Her eyes set on the forest and she gasped. The same light was there again, focused on her, this time closer. After a few minutes it was gone again. Twilight looked back at the fire. That light, what was it? What was going to happen? She let the thoughts roam through her mind and closed her eyes...



Twilight slowly opened her eyes at hearing the voice. "Hmmm..."

Please wake, Miss Sparkle

Twilight listened closely, though a light shining on her. That wasn't a familiar voice...

Wake Up

Twilight slowly turned her head towards the source. It was a sphere of light. No, not just a sphere. It had shape to it. It was a crescent moon, a four-point star filling the missing area.


It began moving into the forest. Twilight stood and followed. She didn't like the fact that this has been watching her, but maybe it had an answer as to how she got there.

It has been many years since anypony has come here. You, however, didn't choose. You awoke here with no memory, not knowing what happened at all. I have been watching you to find out what you possess to be able to come here. But nothing has been found. You were forced, it seems. Special power is needed to find here. You have none. But you are not the first. I still remember the one who stumbled here by mistake.


Many years ago, a lone hiker found this land, not knowing about it at all, for it wasn't located on his map or any others by the magic that hides it. He walked the field you awoke in and searched, but found nothing. He left soon after, leaving to return to his own city, the Daggerlands. He told all the townsponies about his discovery, but nopony believed him. Search teams could not find here. We had to keep it hidden. In a depressed state that nopony believed him, he left to find it again, to prove that this existed. He never returned.

Years later, back to present day Equestria, another pony found this place. He had the gifts to see it was there. He found nothing, but he stayed. But not even I have seen him since then.


Twilight was shocked. Forced here? That story, she had never heard of any Daggerlands in her geography books. Then something hit her. "Um, what about a war here?" she asked.

What war?

"The one I saw earlier."

That must have been a hallucination.

Reasonable. But it seemed that something was being held back from the sudden edge to the lights voice. "OK, how did I get here?"

I-I can't tell you exactly. Everything will be answered with time. Now, Miss Sparkle, I have to leave. Please, touch me.



Twilight hesitantly reached her hoof out. When it came in contact with the light, everything went black.


Twilight slowly woke for the fourth time. She was back at her place in the field. The moon was now directly at it's highest peak. She looked around to get her bearings when she noticed a light coming from the hill. Every thought left her. Was there somepony there? She stood up and stared at the entrancing light reflecting off of every piece of grass. She began walking towards the hill. at the bottom, she looked up. It was steeper than anticipated. She began climbing. She used he magic to carve dips to pull up on. When she reached the top, however, there was nopony there. Instead, there was a stone pathway lit by old-fashioned lamps. She looked back. A small pinprick of light came from the forest. The crescent light. She turned back, sighed, and began walking.

Twilight walked down the path. it had been around twenty minutes since she started. She kept walking, then stopped. She stood at the top of another hill. The path continued down and went through a line of tall trees. The lights did the same. She couldn't see anything beyond the trees, but she made it this far. She walked down the path and stopped at the trees. The was a thick sheet of vines blocking her view. Twilight took a deep breath and walked through. What she saw couldn't be explained.

An old, abandoned, stone bridge.

Author's Note:

And here is the first chapter of The Forgotten Bridge! (Revised Edition) Thought I might clear up some things. The empty spaces between paragraphs are not page breaks. They are there to separate mostly. The page breaks are "~~~". Anyways, Hope you like it and enjoyed! If not that's OK, too! Please tell me if there's any mistakes.

-Mydnyt Rayn

Comments ( 5 )

Out of nowhere, the scene flashed and there were pony soldiers fighting for there lives.

Their not there.

I-I can't tell you exactly. Everything will be answered with time. Now, Miss Sparkle, I have to leave. Please, touch me.

Lonely much? Hah

each fuse on a cannon lit with the glowing ember,

Replace the with a. A single ember is not lighting every cannon. Also cannon should be plural, so cannons. As one cannon does not have more than one fuse, so each fuse would mean there are more than one cannons.

Good work, not interesting enough to me to actually come back and check it out, but it was detailed pretty well early on. However, I see the effect you tried creating with the war scene, but it did not turn out well. It seemed like you were repeating yourself and then her almost near instant change to smiling after watching ponies die gruesome deaths first-hand by making rocks and starting a fire -which if anything would remind her of the battle rather than making her happy.

The flames of war do not simply fade away to an interloper.

4689192 Thanks for the comment. Sorry this didn't please you. Can't make everyone happy. Anyways, thanks again.


Can't make everyone happy.

Can't be any more right than that, good luck, maybe if I see this in the update box, I'll check back in. I would like to see if the story improves. Overall, grammar and details were pretty good, but Twilight's character just seemed off and the war scene was pretty bland. Like I said, I get what you were going for by stating how you did, but it just didn't turn out well. Good luck and have a nice day.

I think it was good sure you had a few mistakes here and there but this story looks like it has potential

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