• Published 4th Jul 2014
  • 2,342 Views, 22 Comments

A Cold Heart Just Needs A Warm Smile - Warrior of Stone

While at a Convention, a man cosplaying as Braum is sucked into Equestria because of a mustache

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"If he is in superior strength" take him head on

“Stand down creature!!”

Well this is fantastic, I stop rape right before it happens and the culprits go running off to grab their buddies claiming that I’M evil. If I’m going to fix this ill need to take the diplomatic approach. Walking over to the group of ponies, I mentally prepare myself on what to say and what to do if things go wrong.

“Hello there little ponies,” I shouted with a broad smile upon my face, “My name is Braum, how are you today?” All of them were stunned at my response, mouths agape and eyes wide. They probably half expected me to charge and attack, good thing I proved them wrong.

One pony stepped forward in front of the others, possibly a higher ranking. This one had a body made of blue crystal with shining transparent armor, and a marking of a scroll and shield were on this pony’s side.

“ *Ahem* Two of my guards came shouting to me saying that you attacked them out of the blue for no reason at all, is this true?” The male pony inquired.

“Ah, yes it is true I attacked them,” A smirk appeared on the face of those rapists, thinking that they had won, “But what they didn’t tell you was that my attack only happened because THOSE TWO were about to RAPE somebo…. *Ahem* somepony!” Shouting back at the leader, giving a good pointing to the two I saw before (I think their names were Nightshade and Feather Storm?).

“Sir it’s trying to trick you, we would never do a thing like that!” Nightshade lied, trying his best not to show his fear.

‘hmmmmm it seems ill need a bit more than just saying that they did it to prove them guilty of my claims.’ I thought, pondering on what I could do to prove them to be……..


All the ponies looked up to a large building made of crystal, what met their eyes shocked them in a horrific way. A cloud of black insects were shooting freaking lasers at the building, and decimating it by the looks of things.

“OH BUCK, SOLDIERS ON YOUR FEET AND TRIPPLE TIME BACK TO THE CASTLE. WE MUST PROTECT THE PEOPLE AND THE PRINCESS!!” The captain exploded at his troops, turning towards the castle galloping at possibly the fastest it could go. Most of the group was still stunned from the initial explosion and couldn’t move while 1/5 of the group had run off to help the captain. My brain went straight into overdrive, and my body began to move as fast as it could.

As I became closer and closer to the castle I felt my mind pulling away almost. Once I had reached the rest of the guards I closed my eyes, and upon opening them I didn’t see this as I should through my/Braums eyes.

But I saw the battlefield in the third person top down perspective from the game. This boggled my mind but also gave me a perspective of the situation. Units on the field in total: 300 crystal armored ones, 1500 insect like equine, one Braum.

This is going to be tough.

I looked at the location in which my summoner spells would be and found a small grid with ever spell on it. I didn’t give it much thought while I quickly activated Teleport and selected an armored horse as a target and got ready.




“Corporal what’s……..what in Celestia’s name?!”


“WHAT DO I DO!?!?”


Party Time

As my feet hit the ground, Unbreakable was activated and blocking shots. Both sides seemed scared yet intrigued at the newcomer to the battle. My ability was getting to the end of its duration so I began to dash towards the insect equine at maximum speed. More bolts of energy began to hail down on me as I advanced forward, barely scratching my health as I marched on. As the front lines came into view, the lasers stopped and all was quiet.

Looking around I called out, “Who is your leader? I would like to speak with them immediately.” Turning around I shouted, “Yours as well, I must assess my situation.” The armies on both sides began to part down the middle, showing who their leaders were.

On the crystal side were two horses of equal stature, one was pink with purple hair with white and pink streaks, while the other was white with light blue hair; one baring a mark of a heart made of light blue crystal, and the other bearing a mark of a blue shield with a purple star in the middle.

From the insect army came a tall horse with black skin and tattered blue hair, bearing no mark of any kind. As they approached me they began to tighten up a bit, fearful of what I may be. And when they were about 2 meters away, my perspective went back to normal first person. Once they reached my location, I built a small snow mound a placed my shield on top to act as a table.

“Please sit” Making my voice as calm as possible, seeing as I was interrupting a large battle. They complied and sat down in silence on opposite sides of my shield waiting and thinking of what to say. This silence was broken when the insectoid spoke up, “What are you?” it asked. The voice sounded feminine, and it seemed to have a form of a technological remix added to her voice.

“I am a human being, I have many names but you may call me Braum.”

“Why have you come here? What do you want?” The blue haired male asked.

“I have no clue how I got to this land, but my reason for stepping into this battle was to figure out a way to end a dispute with little violence.”

“I don’t believe that will be possible,” replied the insectoid, “This war between us has been going on for too long.”

“Then why don’t you just end this and stop attacking us Chrysalis?!” Yelled the pink one.

“Yes, why did you attack them in the first place miss…Chrysalis?” I needed answers here, this day just kept getting stranger and stranger.

“The reason is that my colony needs to feed, and we feed off of love. And sence this place has an item called the Chrystal heart, it seems reasonable to attack here for food.”

“So your reason for attacking is to eat? How can you justify that to me?” Chrysalis stood up, and began to walk towards me.

“Well this has been fun Braum but I must say I will have to cut a quick deal.” As she got closer my muscles slightly tensed, ready to go into action. ‘No,’ I told myself, ‘Calm yourself, I don’t want to start something unless she shoots first.’ As she closed in on me, my body began to become less tense and ready for action.

The dark face of a possible enemy was almost touching mine staring back at me at me with dark green eyes, filled with anger and hate. “My deal is this: Get out of my way OR DIE” Her horn began to cover its self in a greenish hue, getting brighter and brighter. She jumped back landing on her hind legs, forelegs rearing in the air. Once her hooves touched the ground she released a giant beam of energy right at the pink unicorn-Pegasus….thing.

I grabbed my shield and jumped between the Pink horse and the green beam of pure energy. I quickly popped my E and got into a form like that of an earth bender from Avatar. As the beam hit the shield of pure ice, it disappeared from existence. Chrysalis’s mouth was agape, she had no idea how this creature had destroyed an attack she put most of her energy in.

“Chrysalis, thank you for showing me what side I choose for this.” She was outraged, infuriated and downright angry. She had had enough.


The swarm let loose a cry like an army of Geonosians and charged the Chrystal defenses. My shield at the ready, I began my advance on the army of a thousand charging at me.

‘Time to see what I can Really do.’

Author's Note:

Well here it is finally.
I hope you like this chapter of my tale, and as usual leave a commet if you wish. Advice is welcomed with open arms.
See ya next time!!

Comments ( 11 )

5168810 i agree with you to me rape just cannot be done right in fan fiction


4745865 in lol he says an icey heart k


AWESOME JOB!!! You just made it to my people I want to cross over with list!

pls do more ur the only 1 that haz thiz u no :3

Please write more and not just let it die like that.

5168810 LIBERTY PRIME?! Wait nope never mind, just the robot titan.


R.I.P, poor story, you barely got anywhere.

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