• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 27th, 2022


Seriously, what's his deal?


Some powerful spell cast by pony or ponies unknown has placed Equestria on the world of Caen, in the midst of conflict between the Iron Kingdoms. The ponies scramble to protect their homeland and find a way to move Equestria back from whence it came. Meanwhile, the Iron Kingdoms struggle to understand -or exploit- their new neighbor-state.

Chapters (28)
Comments ( 168 )

Holy dang! People are reading my fan fiction!
Double holy dang! People are reading my fan fiction and they like it!
I know that so far there's been a lot of talking and explaining, but not very much... doing. That's going to change soon. This is a crossover with a wargame after all, and I didn't dump Equestria into the Thornwood because it's the most peaceful region in the setting.

So you are not calling the Sisters Alicorns? I have no clue about that universe you are crossing with but it seems interesting and having humans not wanting to enslave Equestria right off the bat is a good start.... oh and Celestia pulling off a Gendo pose? That is a bit scary

:pinkiesmile: i have no clue what this is a crossover with but so far...........I LOVE IT!:pinkiehappy:

Within they show they're always called "winged unicorns" or "pegasus unicorns". Also, "alicorn" is in fact the name for a unicorn's horn, so every time I see the Sisters called "alicorns" I can't help but imagine a four-inch tall Celestia with her hooves super-glued to Twilight Sparkle's forehead.
This probably means I'm not entirely normal. :pinkiecrazy:

I really don't remember what their species is called in canon, outside the intro for Ep1. Alicorn can be a proper term to be used for a winged unicorn, since the term could originate from the Latin alacorn, meaning wing horn. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winged_unicorn
Who ever first started using the term did their research

Interesting, I'm looking forward to the rest of this story, especially if the legion of ever-blight comes into play. I do so love my soulless abominations.

The Retribution is going to have a field day when they find all those magic using unicorns...

I really want to read this story, but I just have no background information on Warmachine or Iron Kingdoms, which also seems like something I could enjoy. If you could point me in a few directions, I would be happy to learn of this world, its lore, its people, and everything in between.

www.privateerpress.com has some lore on the games, being the manufacturer. The info there is unfortunately a bit sparse, though. Brief summaries of factions and models, that sort of thing. Their forums do have some pretty in-depth information, though. Look for posts by PPS_DougSeacat, he's Privateer's master of lore and background info.
battlecollege.wikispaces.com has some info on the models. Not a lot of fluff, but they can give you a general idea of what various people and entities can do in combat. Like most wikis they're heavily opinionated and not 100% reliable when talking about how good or bad models are, but they're pretty accurate in terms of what things are capable of.
If you have any specific questions, you can always ask me. :pinkiehappy: I'm pretty crazy about the lore for Warmachine and Hordes, I can probably come up with an answer to any questions you might have.

Ooh, like it. Professor Pendrake is the perfect person to make contact. He's probably already writing the Ponynomicon.

After skimming it, I have some criticism, though. In the fight scene between the Paingiver and Celestia, Celestia's name is used a little too often. A simple "she" or "her" would make it more readable.

Celestia's spell list includes Sunburst and some kind of buff like Defenders Ward or Inviolable Resolve, I guess?
I just wonder what were to happen if Pinkie meets the Butcher and tries to befriend him.

I'll definitely watch this.

Over-use of Celestia's name is the direct result of me trying to keep track of the fight in my head, since the master tormentor was also female and I didn't give her a name. In retrospect, maybe I should've. :twilightsheepish: Celestia's spell list includes Sunburst, Defender's Ward, and a few other spells she hasn't cast yet. I'm glad you like my selection of Pendrake, I figured he'd be perfect for the jobs of helping the ponies understand Immoren and helping Immoren (or at least Cygnar) understand ponies. Plus he's a really cool guy in general. I'm a little divided on whether I should do another Pendrake's Report or jump right into Chapter Three. Another Pendrake's Report would delve into Equestria's military, at least as I'm presenting it, but there's also this plot advancement thing that all the good adventure fics seem to have.
And I guess at some point soon some pony's going to need to get her hooves on some warjacks. Heck, warjacks are what got me into Warmachine, I'm actually surprised at myself for not featuring any yet.

An excellent chapter and a good fight to boot as well, and I'm surprised that you're bringing some of the horde factions into the light already considering the location of equestria now. I also enjoyed the descriptions of the various races from pendrake's view and can't wait to see what he has to say about the legion of everblight.

I'm a goof for taking four days to remember to mention this, but Victor Pendrake's dialog in "Princess, Pendrake, Praetorians" contains a reference to the Guts n' Gears podcast. Anyone curious about Warmachine/Hordes should check them out. Guts n' Gears is operated by a pair of respectable guys in the UK, and frequently features various members of the Privateer Press crew.

Needs more Kodiaks. Khadorans love new neighbors!

Infernal Sunset contains a paragraph that I really don't know why I even typed. I was just sort of letting my fingers press keys and that's what came out. I left it in there because it's silly, and I felt the chapter needed some silliness. If you haven't read the chapter yet, well, you'll probably know the paragraph I mean when you see it.
Deneghra's comment about the Khadoran warcaster is a reference to Forces of Warmachine: Khador, in which Kommander Oleg Strakhov stumbles upon a Cryxian outpost and is forced to fight his way out.
We also have a reference to Neon Genesis Evangelion, because if I'm not throwing in random shout-outs, I'm not writing fan fiction. This is not the last time Twilight will utter this phrase.
Also: Fluttershy now has a pet feral warpwolf.

wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot!:yay: I see an evil twilight plotline on the horison!:pinkiehappy::trollestia:

Put on read later since it looks really interesting but have to look at the background information you linked, so its both a crossover with Iron Kingdoms and Warmachine at the same time(plus ponies of course)? One is more like knights kings and past while the other is like steampunk,will be interesting to see how its combined i guess.

Morrow & Thamar reminded me of Celestia and NMM the second i read about them heh.

It's more accurate to say that the Iron Kingdoms serve as the setting for Warmachine and Hordes. The term "Iron Kingdoms" is also used to refer collectively to the technologically-advanced human nations of Cygnar, Khador, Ord, and Llael. The elves of Ios, along with the dwarves and ogrun of Rhul, have similar levels of technology, as do Cryx and the Protectorate of Menoth. These factions are seen in Warmachine, and have heavy steampunk and magic elements. Less technologically-advanced factions, primarily the trollkin, the dragon-blighted Nyss elves, the Skorne Empire, and various wilderness-dwelling human tribes, are seen in Hordes. They lack steam engines and related technologies, though many of them have gunpowder and metallurgy. The magic used by Hordes factions is also more "wild" than the organized and structured magic in Warmachine factions.
Technically Warmachine and Hordes are separate tabletop games, but they're designed from the ground up to be played together, and share the same setting.

Today we meet our "friendly" wayfaring pig-men, the farrow! They have their own language, which is based on the same root language as Mulgar-Trul, the language spoken by trollkin. Farrow language is relatively simple. "Brigand" and "soldier" translate to the same word in the farrow tongue, and both occupations are considered basically the same thing, and highly respected. Lord Carver the Third, Bringer of Most Massive Destruction, Esquire stands as the most prestigious farrow warrior of them all, capable of leveraging their mystical arts alongside his considerable fighting prowess. Carver likes to put on airs by giving himself and his personal fighting force, the First Assault Brigade Company, new and different titles borrowed from human terminology. Carver is the founder and leader of the Thornfall Alliance, the largest, best-equipped, and most well-organized collection of farrow in the entire history of the species. Carver's introduction of human military doctrines and thinking has greatly advanced the farrows' ability to wage war. The idea of blocking off a train track and attacking trains when they're forced to stop would likely have been unheard of among the farrow were it not for Carver. had he and his elite cadre been present, that raid might have gone very differently.
Pendrake makes a reference to one Doctor Arkadius, western Immoren's own mad scientist. Arkadius believes that it is up to mankind to perfect the haphazard work of the gods in creating life. He is as brilliant as he is insane, and has -though Lord Carver hates to admit it- contributed heavily to the success of the Thornfall Alliance. Arkadius finds farrow bodies and minds highly malleable, they respond very well to surgical and alchemical treatments. A combination of alchemical pain-dulling and heat-protective agents, as well as intentional nerve damage, is required to keep a war hog from either killing itself trying to rip out its own steam engine, or simply being cooked alive by it.
You'll also notice that I spelled "mechanikal" with a K. This refers to mechanika, which is a combination of magic and machinery used in the Iron Kingdoms. Mechanika includes everything from simple kinetic accumulators that let weapons strike with more force than they otherwise would, to the storm chambers used by Cygnar to summon lightning, all the way up to warjacks. This is as opposed to, say, a train engine, which has no arcane components involved and is this purely mechanical instead of mechanikal.

It's another letter from everypony's favorite extraordinary zoologist!

Of all the Mane Six, I never thought Pinkie Pie would be the hardest one to write dialogue for. Dang it, Pinkie, are you crazy or some -oh wait.
Today we meet Borka Kegslayer, Immoren's most insane priest. Borka, like nearly all trollkin, is a worshipper of Dhunia, the Mother Goddess, and he has been blessed by her with a wild magic the likes of which is used by all trollkin warlocks. Borka is also a slovenly, constantly-intoxicated rabble-rouser who doesn't lead warbands so much as he leads drunken barfights without the bar. Borka and his gang of trolls rampage across the battlefield killing and being killed with equal abandon, all while so completely plastered it's hard to understand how they're still standing up. The axe-wielding, ice-breathing dire troll is Rök, a particularly vicious dire troll that was thought to be un-tamable until Borka discovered that it liked booze and violence just as much as he did.
We've seen Rarity do it previously, and now we've seen Applejack pull it off and been told Kovnik Pitoev can do it as well, so it's probably time I discussed 'jack marshaling. A 'jack marshal, unlike a warcaster, cannot reach into the cortex -the alchemical brain- of a warjack, and in fact many 'jack marshals have no magical abilities at all. However, 'jack marshals, though talent or training, are particularly good at directing warjacks with verbal commands, and are often the only non-warcasters entrusted with leading warjacks to battle. With warcasters being rare men and women with significant battlefield value, the training of reliable 'jack marshals is considered vital by both Cygnar and Khador. The elite Dawnguard of the Iosan elves are all -except the cavalry- trained to fight side-by-side with warjacks and many of them are consummate 'jack marshals.

Trollkin and Kodiaks and ManoWars oh my.


When I thought about it, I realized that the chapter was mostly about big blue things what break people fighting big red things what break people.
Next time, we'll catch up with Fluttershy and her fuzzy-wuzzy Warpwolf, so expect to see some big hairy things what break people.

needs more cryx
not murderous cryx but manipulative cryx

Dat Gaspy
seriously though great use of a hook!
...and cryx:twilightsheepish:

Gaspy's so great when he goes to bed at night he remembers to turn his swag off and he still wakes up covered in Warwitches. It's been too long since I updated, but I can totally blame the fact that my monitor burned out and I had to wait until I got paid before I could buy a new one. We're going to catch up with Fluttershy next chapter, then after that it'll probably be about time to see what Twilight's up to.

Rainbow dashe's nuke: Aoe 5 Pow 12 with pinpoint accuracy:rainbowkiss:

Finally once we necrotechs get our hands on those ponies our scavengers will have Aoe potential and our soulhunters wont suck as much!:yay:

838168 Vlad3 would ride applejack in this universe

First rule of dealing with the Circle Orboros: Do not screw with Mohsar the Desertwalker. He's one of the three most powerful members of a wholly relentless, brutal organization, and his mastery of heat, sand, and stone are incredible. For decades, maybe even centuries, Mohsar has watched over the Bloodstone Marches, a region so inimical to life that one of the most incredible and terrifying things about the skorne is that legions of their soldiers can cross it without completely dying out. Picking a fight with Mohsar is generally a very bad idea. On the rare occasion that Mohsar takes an apprentice, they rarely fare better than his enemies, for he tries to drag them bleeding and screaming to the very pinnacle of druidic power, but usually just kills them trying.
I think I depicted Kaya the Moonhunter as being a bit more friendly than she normally is. We can put it down to seeing Fluttershy as a fellow animal lover, albeit a less violent one. And even Kaya realizes that Mohsar needs to be treated with respect. At least I didn't put in Morvahna the Autumnblade, she's more of a female canine than any creature in Kaya's pack, if you take my meaning.
Speaking of Kaya's pack, how about those argus? Their paired heads and innate magic let them produce a mystical Doppler effect with their barks that can paralyze targets from a short distance. Argus hunt in packs, some using their Doppler barks to stun prey and the rest tearing said prey apart. It's an effective system that has elevated them to the point that they are almost the Thornwood's apex predators - there are very few creatures that will willingly fight an argus.
Next time, we'll catch up with Twilight Sparkle and see how that whole thing with being pressganged into the Cryxian military is working out for her.

Well, Twilight's operating using just the barest rudiments of warjack control, and wearing a quickly cobbled-together arcane turbine. Scaverous didn't view this as a fight so much as a shakedown run to see if Twilight managed to remember anything he's tried to teach her. Given her choice in the matter, I doubt Twilight would take to the battlefield at all, and certainly wouldn't do so for Cryx, but Avernus tends to be a good motivational speaker.

Most definitely... though, I expect it will take her a bit of time, she's probably playing the good little captive and learning all she can, even if it is necromancy, until she can get away. Her ability to teleport tends to help with that. I wonder... are you going to bring infernals into this? Other than a very few instances, certain fields of magic, such as teleportation, tend to fall within their domain and attract their attention. They are a good source for arcane knowledge though, and have a very 'Nightmare Moon'y feel to them with the corruption and such.

I think I unintentionally made Twilight's arc the most interesting, at least as things stand now. Consider: While underground, she can only use Cryxian necromancy, since the runes enchanting the tunnels block all other types of magic. Since her teleportation spell is pony magic, not necromancy, she's going everywhere on hoof down there. Outside, teleportation is certainly an option, but Twilight recognizes that both Asphyxious and Scaverous are ancient masters of an arcane tradition she is only beginning to learn the fundamentals of, and she must assume until proven otherwise that they'd have some supernatural means of locating and pursuing her should she suddenly vanish in a flash of light.
Of course, no matter how worked up or freaked out Twilight gets, there's still that analytical side to her, and that part of her is definitely looking for anything that will help her escape. In addition, she's gritting her teeth and learning a little necromancy, though she suspects, even hopes, that Celestia will just ban the practice outright. Twilight is probably taking an interest in any flaws or weaknesses in the necrotechological arts that might be used against the Nightmare Empire.

Yep, I fully expect Twilight would be able to decode and decipher any magical system used within IK. Probably even find out where 'The Gift' came from. She really needs to hook up with some Infernals or maybe even some Thalmarites?

Alas, poor Vigg! I didn't name you until I decided to have you killed! Originally I was going to have a semi-offhand mention of Twilight being really sad about stealing a trollkin's soul and conducting necromantic interrogation on him, but then I decided to have it happen 'on screen', as it were. Show, don't tell, after all.
I wanted to do a rotation of all the Mane Six before getting back to Twilight, but in the process of doing so, I accidentally :derpyderp1:'d the chronology. To whit: "Riflemen and Pig-Men" and "In the Frozen North" happen at roughly the same time, but both actually occur after "Gentle Mare, Huntress, and Sand Man", which starts mere hours after "Infernal Sunset". "Deeper Darkness" occurs some weeks after all of those chapters. Possibly a month, but not more. I'm keeping the timeline intentionally vague, but with those chapters I went past "imprecise" and right into "timey-wimey".

I think that if/when Twilight gets away from Cryx, she's going to develop an intense dislike for any type of magic that is even slightly morally questionable. I'm pretty sure that if some infernal popped up offering her a sinister deal for more power, she'd be more likely to start bucking the hateful thing than ask for details. She's also unlikely to even touch Thamar-worship. Another unicorn might maybe latch on to one of those two subtypes of magic, but no promises.
Fun fact: I seriously considered having Fluttershy become a devout member of the Church of Morrow.

Holy shit! I had considered making a story set in a warmachine style equestria. I didn't know someone already made one! holy shit I am reading this!

"a warmachine style equestria"? As in, set in Equestria, but with warjacks and warcasters and Arcane Tempest Gun Mages and all that? Say, I like that idea! Now you've got me considering a sequel/spinoff story set after Equestria returns home, taking some souvenirs with them.
Anyway, I'm glad you like my work!

of course fluttershy could calm down a warpwolf.


I had Ideas for factions, characters, warjack types, and story planned out but I never got around to writing it. I don't know if I will since I'm already procrastinating on starting my fallout equestria fic.

Naw, we need more necro-sparkle
And Scaverus, stop teaching her forensic necromancy and teach the damn unicorn how to make skarlock ponies!

lol celestia is in her castle and the world has gone to hell:trollestia:

Nearly all magic in the Iron Kingdoms involves glowing circles of runes appearing in the air around the caster's hands and/or whatever is being affected, so the fact that unicorn magic doesn't do that seems very alien to our friendly neighborhood angry elves. Myrmidons, which are extremely similar to warjacks, are powered entirely by arcane capacitors which contain magical energy and funnel it into magic-reactive materials in the myrmidon's limbs to produce motive force. Most myrmidons, including the Griffons and Gorgons we see in "Ponies and Elves", are fabricated by House Shyeel, Ios's foremost masters of force magic. House Shyeel tends to forgo heavy armor in order to make room for bulky-but-powerful specialized equipment, such as the force generators that produce each myrmidon's force fields. So long as these protective fields are active, the myrmidon can utilize its ranged weaponry, which fires blasts of pure kinetic force, as well as other special abilities. In addition, a surge of power from a controlling warcaster can be used to recharge a depleted shield. However, if the barrier goes down due to heavy or repeated attacks, the myrmidon itself is relatively fragile, and the generator's delicate nature makes it vulnerable to trauma.
I literally thought of using Cadance's love spell for interrogation about three minutes before I started writing the interrogation scene. It was originally going to go nowhere, but I thought having our pony friends actually get something useful out of it would be better. Despite her special talent being spreading love around, I think I made Cadance out to be kind of a user.

brainwashing: the solution to most of lifes problems:trollestia:

I wonder how the Equestrians will react when they see a colossal?

Funny you should mention that, I have some rather specific plans for colossals and gargantuans. There's a reason why I chose to specifically mention Black Anchor Heavy Industries as one of the 'jackworks helping Equestria.

I was gonna do a brief aside with some background ponies, then a Seether showed up and it became most of the chapter. So! Let's discuss our new friends:
Airheart: Light pink coat, pale blue eyes, and reddish-brown mane and tail. She shows up in "Boast Busters" with a cloud-and-lightning cutie mark, and in "Hurricane Fluttershy" with a raining cloud cutie mark. I combined the two, and decided that she wears those goggles from "Hurricane Fluttershy" most of the time.
Blue October: Suspiciously resembles Derpy Hooves. Her coat is blue. Her mane and tail are a darker blue. Her eyes are also blue. Her name is awesome.
Cherry Cola: Allegedly the pony who rolled in Spike's egg for Twilight's entrance exam. Goldish coat, black mane and tail, green eyes.
Firecracker Burst: As far as I know, only exists as a blind bag toy. Green coat, orange mane and tail with a broad yellow stripe, blue eyes. Cutie mark is a fireball. Like a large number of blind bag toy unicorns, wears her mane very much like Twilight Sparkle.
In the mad world that mostly exists in my mind and occasionally bleeds over into FimFiction.net by way of my writing, Shining Armor assembled this bunch into a roving band of heroic ponies doing battle against sinister forces of evil and weirdness. Like Torchwood, except with ponies and not scripted by reproduction-obsessed Britons.
Seether: Based on the Slayer chassis, with several fundamental alterations, all Seethers are the product of the deranged mind and extensive necrofactorium/laboratory of Master Necrotech Verrik Kurr, who was so wrong in the head that Lich Lord Terminus himself described Kurr as having "a singularly diseased mind". Terminus being Terminus, this was supposed to be a compliment. Kurr was convinced that he could unlock immense power by gaining access of a sinister, possibly-mythical book entitled Librum Mekanecrus. One day, he and all his servants and minions disappeared. When his laboratory was searched, Kurr was nowhere to be found, but all his underlings had been butchered and a collection of unique 'jacks -named Seethers according to recovered blueprints drawn up by Kurr- standing inert.
Seethers all carry a horrific machine called a Soul Drive grafted to their cortexes. Attempts to replicate the Soul Drive have met with failure and frustration, and many Seethers have been set aside for reverse-engineering. The rest have been deployed to the mainland of Immoren, where the raging hatred which their Soul Drives generate make them powerful and efficient warjacks. Because the Soul Drive cannot be replicated, Seethers cannot be replaced, so each one is -unusually for Cryx- considered highly valuable. The ruination of this one is sure to make at least one high-ranking iron lich very, very angry. The raging fury that drives Seethers whenever their furnaces are lit is so strong that keeping them chained when preparing for combat is entirely normal. Despite Cherry Cola's concerns, Seethers, like most warjacks, are not capable of lighting their own furnaces. Vlad Tzepesci's favorite warjack, Drago, is another matter.

I'm guessing we've got our first Equestrian Colossal?

Will they make some 4 legged equine-esq Warjacks?

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