• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 1,084 Views, 23 Comments

Infinity: An account of The Last Horseman - Brony Tron

A story following Remy Smith, millionaire, entrepreneur, philanthropist, brony, and Horseman of Death.

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Recorder account: 007


Its been a couple of weeks and my Smithanium has already began to produce a major effect on the people. The manufacturers of the Aero-Tech are already unveiling new models of all the ships, all with my metal serving as the main reason to buy the new stuff. Plus, I am getting major attention for my metal. Everyone wants anything of theirs that's important to be incorporated with Smithanium. However, it would seem that I have one very important customer to please with my metal.

It would appear that my arrival has sparked a little fire with the queen. She has moved up her wedding to tomorrow. Her and Cale are planning on being man and wife very soon, and it looks like they want me to use my metal to make the wedding rings. Of course I said yes, because it's the queen, and it's also the opportunity I've been looking for. It is just perfect.

As for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, they are both ecstatic about the royal wedding. I've managed to give Sweetie a full skeleton of my metal up to the shoulder on her claw, but I would need specific permission and a specially trained doctor to complete the procedure. Still, Sweetie Belle 'wants it more than anything,' so she says. So I will work on getting it done, for her.

Scootaloo has gotten the rest she deserves, and she got to spend that time in her colt friends arms, so their relationship is stronger than ever. On top of sleep, she has also taken it upon herself to become a foremost expert on Smithanium and its many uses in the field, behind me of course. She wants to be able to use the metal in every way that it can be used as an improvement. She thinks that this could help her a lot.

In an attempt to help the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, I've taken my metal, specific instructions on how to produce more, blueprints from Scootaloo's workshop, Blueprints from me, specs I got of the web, a couple of combustion engines, and a few of my shield generators, and sent them to Manehatten, where they can be worked with to the max. I even got them an abandoned air field for them to fix up any way they see fit. Hopefully that'll pan out the way I think it will. However, not everything is going the way I'd like them to go.

About a week ago, Alpha started picking up strange particle readings that mirrored the ones that popped up right before I was transported here. The only difference is that this time, the particles aren't multiplying. But these particles have given me an idea. If I can focus them into a single point, I may be able to go home.

As I have looked into focusing the particles into one single portal, I have always come back to only one type of portal possible. Pure energy would tear me apart, and a beam portal is still too theoretical, but I figure that maybe I can use the one hypothetical portal type that naturally occurs. If I can build a frame, and find a conductive pair to the strange particles, then I could create a wormhole. This wormhole should, in theory, take me home, if I can map it right.

The best way for me to study a theoretical and science-fiction type of travel, is by using science-fiction. I've been watching and researching television shows and movies with extreme detail. I have managed to put together a rough frame to contain the wormhole into one single 'gateway', and now I need a conductive pair that can bind to the strange particles. But I'm not going to focus on that now. First, I need to do my assigned job for this wedding.

Since I've gotten here, I have spent most if nnot all of my free time honing my newfound Horseman abilities. I have a strict regiment of practice every day. I start off by practicing my control over the elements. After three hours of that, I move on to telepathy and telekinesis. after three hours of that, I eat a quick lunch, followed by using my heightened senses and my perfected motor skills. I end the day with a fine meal, and then I spend about four hours meditating, allowing me to access Death himself. He teaches me everything he knows, and how to be able to use his skills in combination with my own. He also helps me with using his base skill, magic by mist. He can conjure up endless fog, and bend it into anything he wants, manipulate it to preform his bidding. This regiment is why I have the job I have.

My duty is to head up security. I'm apparently assigned to it with two others that they wouldn't let me meet until now.

I manage to make my way up the stairs and into the tree castle that I was taken to on my first day here. I go through the door without knocking and walk to the throne room. All the seats are empty except the head. In that seat was none other that the Princess of Friendship herself. In front of her sat two ponies with their backs to me.

One had a yellow coat with a bright red mane and a pink bow that I knew to be Apple Bloom. I hadn't spent a lot of time with Apple Bloom, despite my connection to her friends and the club she created, not for lack of trying. It just seemed as if she had something against me. I guess I'm finally going to get my chance to find out what that my be.

The other one was taller with a golden coat and a short, blond mane. With the way she sat, I figured that she had to have some military background. Despite my countless hours spent meditating and studying to become a neutral force that is fair to all, I immediately felt like I had a bone to pick with her. I guess some childhood memories don't go down without a fight.

As I came past the two back thrones, the princess noticed me and stopped talking. She waved me over to introduce me to my new team. I made my way to her right side as she began to speak.

"This is Remy Smith," she said, gesturing to me. "He will be our new Head of Security. This means he will be working closely with both of you." She then looked at me to introduce the others. "First, we have Apple Bloom, our lead militaristic strategist and Head of Technological Integration into the Military," she said, gesturing to Apple Bloom. AB just nodded at me, like I was some sort of enemy she wanted the upper hand on. "and this," continued the princess, gesturing to the other pony, "is Spitfire. She heads up the Wonderbolts, our entertainment for the wedding, but is also one of our best military generals." she says. 'I knew it,' I thought

"Now that you've all met, lets get started. Its bad enough that we have to put together a wedding for the queen, but it also happened to fall on the same week we picked to rearrange the whole Security set up. Normally we would have you go over everything and give you an in depth tour of everything you will be in charge of, but we sadly don't have the luxury of easing you into this. So as a crash course, you are going to create an elite team that you alone will oversee. This team will allow you to control all of the security forces assigned over the four princesses. You will also be in charge of the private security forces and the police employed by the United Nation of Equus."

"As for the Military, I have had an aching feeling that having one United Military is not exactly the best idea. I've heard that your world has many branches of military specializing in specific skills and abilities, and with this separation, there is security," said the princess. "Is that right?"

"Yes," I said, "We have branches like the army, navy, marines, air force, and coast guard. But I don't know if or how that is more secure,"

"Well, as I understand it, should there be corruption in the military, and should it overtake the entire military, then you still have the other branches which can overthrow the corrupt branch and continue the business of the entire military," she said matter-of-factly.

"Well, I suppose that is true. So what are you saying?" I asked.

"We are going to have three branches of military. The first is the one we have now, our general military, overseen in part by Apple Bloom and Spitfire. The second is going to be one that you create with Apple Bloom to protect us locally, in cooperation with the police. The third branch you are going to create with Spitfire. This last branch will be in charge of global affairs, but it will operate with extreme stealth and secrecy. They must be trained for the most difficult operations in the most extreme conditions. Do you think you can handle all that?"

"Uhh, hhmmm, uhh, sorry. sure," I said, suddenly not used to talking.

"Great!" she said, "then we best get started. What do you say we meet your new recruits?"

"Why not?" I said, knowing I had nothing better to do. 'New recruits?'

I don't recall ever contributing to calling any new recruits. "Your Highness?"

"Yes," she said as we made our way to the door.

"My memory may not be what it once was, but I don't remember ever recruiting anyone?" I said.

"Of course not. I recruited them," she said matter-of-factly.

"Uh-huh. So if you've already picked out the best of the best, why would I have to meet them now. For that matter, why would they still be considered recruits if they have been picked already?" I asked.

"Well, first off, it wasn't just me who picked them out. This group is a combination of all the princesses and the Queen picking the best ponies for the job. After that they are put through both mental and physical tests by our very own Spitfire. Secondly, you have to meet them because they will be your team. Your and Spitfire's elite group. Speaking of which, you got a name?" she asked without skipping a beat.

"Oh, uh yeah. The team is going to be called Novex Imortalius, But to make it easier, just label it Sector 8," I said.

"Huh, and what do we call the agents?" she asked, more interested than I expected.

"Uhh, we call them Nova. Spitfire can be in charge of big picture stuff, and she will be Nova Beta. Alpha will obviously Nova Alpha when he is run here. As for me, I can be Nova Delta. After that, the agents are numbered," I said.

"Well then congrats, their are about a thousand Nova wannabes out there and ou have to bring it down to the best," she said.

"Wha....Why do you have a THOUSAND Nova candidates?" I said.

"I wanted to be prepared. Enjoy," she said as she made her way up the stairs to the left, leaving me, Spitfire, and Apple Bloom to interview.

"Have fun," is all I hear. As I look to see who said it, I notice the smallest flash of red slip out the rapidly closing door.

"And then there were two," I said.

"Lets get started," says Spitfire, walking into the main atrium.

The last thought on my mind before I am overwhelmed by a thousand very eager voices is the certain way the light flows through Spitfire's mane.

'Oh gre......' and I was drowned out.

*Manehatten at midnight, conference room during a storm*

"So, what have we got?" asked the gruff pony seated at the head of the table. In front of him is a name plate with the number one printed on it. The others each have numbers on nameplates in front of them as well, the numbers branching right from one, until reaching his left, labeled sixteen.

"We have confirmation that he has noticed the particles, sir" said seven, a smaller pony, and the newest member. He filled in the position of the oldest member per request of his death.

"My team has confirmed that he intends to act. He wants to go home. We will push him toward heading there. Don't worry, sir, he won't be a problem," said twelve in his suave voice that most of the group hated. It always sounded as if he were trying to back stab everybody.

"Good. This meeting is adjourned. Next time we meet, that Horseman had better be off this planet, Understood?" said the leader.

"Understood," the rest repeated in unison.

With that, they all got up, and left in staggered intervals that they were so used to.

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