Infinity: An account of The Last Horseman

by Brony Tron

First published

A story following Remy Smith, millionaire, entrepreneur, philanthropist, brony, and Horseman of Death.

This story is going to take place in an alternate universe, where all the former stories have happened in one world (well, really two). Being an alternate universe, allow for some bending in the story that the originals didn't have. I am not connecting it to any of the other stories, and this story will not influence the progression of all the other stories. Thanks to: Ravensdagger, BARR0SS, CaleMcManus21, Xepher, Jonnycashsix, Meow mix, TheGentlemanCreeper, and Crisis Nova for creating the stories and characters that inspired this, and for inspiring me. Their stories are linked.

And now, the clip notes version of what's happened in the story so far.

First off, Featherweight, through a lot of trials with Scootaloo, and working ever so hard to earn her love, even with his friends messing with him, he finally learned that he really loved Sweetie Belle. They have become coltfriend and fillyfriend.

After that happened, Scootaloo started falling for a colt named Lightning Rider. They struggle with their feelings in silence until a certain bubbly pink mare advises that they both just admit their feelings for each other. Thanks to that, they learn they like each other a lot, and become coltfriend and fillyfriend

After seeing both her friends get taken away by boys, Apple Bloom falls for a boy named Sunset Charge, and they start the most innocent relationship as coltfriend and fillyfriend

soon after this, the girls discover that they are really golems brought to life by magic cupcakes and REALLY strong wishes. Later they tell their coltfriends and get their cutie marks from their abilities. And their coltfriends get their cutie marks as well

Following that story, Rainbow Dash starts dating a blind Pegasus, named Solar Storm. After a long struggle with it, he finally admits his disability, and she loves him more for it. They become stallionfriend and marefriend.

after that story, a mysterious creature is awoken in a dig far from Equestria. The creature is a human who has been successfully been preserved using cryogenics. He was a mutant then can change from being a human, to a bipedal reptile with wings and immense strength, to a quadrupedal reptile of an immense speed and agility, to a dark bipedal reptile that is his rage, and will only appear in times of immense distress and will kill all things in sight. He is befriended by the queen Celestia, and decides to help as a "muscle man" of sorts wherever and whenever he can.

Soon after that, due to the discovery of humans, Celestia felt that an ancient prophecy needed fulfilling. Right as she realized that, an unusual occurrence came about. A portal opened up and out came a young man named Chase, the Casanova. He was arrested, interviewed, and then released. He then earned the trust of everyone, including a certain newly appointed princess of friendship. He started a relationship with this pony, and in the proses, proved himself and earned the ring of the first horsemen of the apocalypse, known as Conquest

About a month after that incident, another portal opened up at random, calling the second horsemen, named Cale McManus, the assassin. He was treated similar to the first horseman, and earned the trust of the equestrians, namely that of the queen Celestia. She soon developed feelings for this young man, and he returned these feelings. They soon began a very loving relationship. Due to all that, he earned the title as the second horseman, known as War.

Almost like clockwork, the next month, a third portal opened up, this time in the middle of a busy street. Out of it, came a striking young woman named Jacqueline. She preferred to be called wildcard Jack. She was also arrested, and earned the trust of equestria. She also earned the ring of the third horseman, called Famine.

And now, a month has rolled around, and people await tomorrow's arrival of the one horseman they all dread; Death. The first three were acceptable, but they had an instinct that said they should never, ever trust Death. And here, the story begins.

Recorder account: 001

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So there I was, minding my own business, when my whole world got thrown out of wack, literally. But somehow, that feels like the middle of my story, so here's the beginning.


I hit the snooze on my alarm clock. "Huh...I hate that song."


"Yes sir?"

"Please remove that song from my morning playlist, have my breakfast waiting for me downstairs, and turn on my shower. You know how I like it"

"Very good sir"

"And Alpha..."

"Yes sir?"

"Please have Delta bring a car around for me. Tell him to surprise me"

"Certainly sir"

My name is Remy Smith, and the first thing you should know about me, is that I'm rich. Incredibly so. The second thing you should know is that I'm only 21, but it's not what you think. I earned all my money. And with it, I gained intelligence, power, and some very fun toys. Including my AI (artificial intelligence) butler, named Alpha, and my Vehicular Manager AI, named Delta. I have a lot of cars, and they need a manager. Along with those I have the Smith Mansion, my largest house, Smith Manor, my second largest and the one I'm currently using, a summer home, a winter cabin, a house up in the mountains, a beach house, and the house I grew up in.

Along with all that, I own Smith Enterprises, the biggest parent company in the world. I own Coca-Cola, Chevrolet, and Disney, just to name a few. They are all under my parent company, and it is the most amazing thing ever. About 6 months ago, I bought Rosetta Stone, and I've learned Russian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. It's been awesome. But enough about me, let's get on with this.

I am 6'2", fairly well built, with dark hair and slightly tanned skin. I got out of the shower feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. I went downstairs and quickly ate my breakfast of eggs, toast, and a glass of milk. I go outside to see what today's selection was going to be.

I go outside to Mustang 442 Fastback California Edition. "Ahh, Delta, you know me so well"

"Thank you sir. I take pride in the work I do"

"And it always shows"

I took my car from Smith manor, my preferred of all my homes, to Smith tower, the main headquarters of the whole operation. As I pull in, I can tell it's going to be a good day.

"hey boss" "howdy boss" "how's it going sir?"

"Hey boys, you doing well?" I said

"Better than most days, boss" said bill, my head accountant.

"yeah, and it's a lovely day" said Henry, the groundskeeper

"absolutely, I'm loving this day" said frank, the HR rep.

"Alright. Take it easy guys" I said

I walk into the building and into the elevator. When I get to my office at the top floor, I'm even more surprised to see next to know paperwork on it. "Oh, if this is a dream and anyone can here me, leave me in peace to enjoy it"

after 6 hours of doing next to nothing, I went home and had a nice early dinner, and went for my daily 3 mile run, then came back and started relaxing. I dozed off in my massage chair and woke up at around 9:00 at night. I got up from my seat and made for the bedroom. That's when things just started going bad.

"Sir, I am detecting an alarming number of..unusual anomalies on the grounds of the Manor, all with an uncanny similarity between themselves." said alpha.

*YAWN* "I'll deal with it in the morning." I said

"But sir!"

"Goodnight, alpha!!"

"Very well, goodnight sir"

"Thank you" I said. Little did I realize, I should have listened to Alpha.

The next morning


I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. It read 4:03 am.

"ALPHA!!! I thought we already had the talk about how I'm rich and therefore have no reason to wake up at any time before 7!!!" I said.

"Sir, my apologies, but please look at the monitor" said Alpha

"GRRR. Fine!" I said. I looked up and that's when I realized how right Alpha was. Strange temporal disturbances were popping up all over my property. And not only here, but everywhere that I monitored; my mansion, my mega yacht, everywhere.

"Oh....My.....Gosh" I exclaimed

"Sir, according to my readings, the temporal anomalies are actually rifts through space, and they are going to form into a single massive wormhole." Said Alpha.

"Can we stop it? Break it up somehow?"

"No sir, I don't believe there is any way. The rifts are made up of some sort of unknown particle that's not of this planet"

"Alpha, if we ant stop it, then let's try to anchor ourselves here. I want you to lock down all the houses. Engage protocol Danger Zero."

"Confirm protocol order Danger Zero"


All of a sudden, there was a flash of blue, and the house was draped in a protective over shield. The shield then began locking down and securing sector by sector of the property. Elsewhere, the same thing was happening to every one of my properties. The shields being used were developed by my company for military ground zero use. They absorb any bit of energy that come in contact with the shield, and use the energy to add power to the shields. Unlike early attempts by others, that would crumple under anything more than a hand grenade, my shield held up against a fifty ton nuclear device, AND became that much stronger from the blast.

"This should hold us in" I said as the shield finished the process.

"Sir, the shields are tuned to this worlds particle frequencies, but this new particle has a strange genetic frequency"

"What're you saying, Alpha?"

"I'm saying, that the shields may not hold anything, sir."

"Oh." I said. Then the house started to shake and creak.

"ALPHA! What do I do!?!?"

"Sir, I'm afraid it is too late"

Hearing this, I slipped down to the floor, closed my eyes, and said a silent prayer.

"Oh Lord, protect me, your humble servant."

And then there was a bright flash, followed by a sharp pain behind my eyes and absolute blackness as I slipped into unconsciousness.


Recorder account: 002

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I woke up hours later, on the floor. As I stood up and made my way to the window, I noticed it was becoming day. 'I slept all night?' And then I remembered what happened and how I got knocked out.


"I am present and fully functional, sir. But I seem unable to connect to the Smith tower mainframe."

"That's impossible. You have a heavily encrypted and direct wireless connection to the mainframe" I said.

"I am aware, sir, but I still seem unable to reach the tower. It's almost as if......" He stopped.

"As if what, alpha?" I asked

"Sir, I initiated a standard geographical scan of the properties and the immediate area around them, and I just received the feedback. Sir, nothing's where it's supposed to be" he said in a slightly worried tone

"what're you saying, my properties fine, but the damage hit around it?" I questioned.

"No sir, I'm saying that well your houses are in the right geographical coordinates, we have completely changed our location. Take a look." He brought up the camera view of my front gate on the big screen, and he was right. There was no road, and well my house was almost exclusively surrounded by pine trees, he ones on the screen were almost all either oak or birch.

"Something's going on here, Alpha. I want you to keep digging, and see what comes up. I'm going for a drive. Have Delta surprise me with a car."

"Absolutely sir. I'll keep you updated."

I head outside distracted by thought. 'I can't imagine what any of this means. We moved? But how? And what were those alien particles found right before any of this happened?' I round the corner and see the driveway, with my favorite car on it: my grey and silver Chevrolet Corvette C7 ZR1 Racing edition. A car that is, in my opinion, the pinnacle of human and machine coexistence to form the perfect vehicle.

I get in and the V8 growls to life, just eager to get under way. The computer activates, and on comes my vehicle manager. "I figured you may have needed a pick me up today" said Delta a bit smugly. "Well, I did, and I am grateful" I said

I threw it into first gear and began barreling down my three mile long driveway. 0 to 60 in 2.67 seconds. I wound around the bends and curves like the road was built for this exact car. As I neared the end of the driveway, I opened my gate and came screaming out of it like a bat outta hell. I then followed the dirt path left there. 'Its as good a place to start as any, right?'

I was on the road for about five minutes when I finally saw the first signs of civilization up ahead. It was what appeared to be an orchard with a fence around it. I slowed to a halt and got out with the engine still running. I looked up at the trees. "Apples? Huh, well maybe their owners can help me. At the very least I could use a map to see where I am."

I continued in the path until I reached the entrance. Above it was a sign.

"Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, home of the best apples in all of..(gulp)..equestria?" I said, increasingly worried. "Maybe I can convince the brony farmer to help me." I continued up the path, then I saw the barn. 'There is no way....'

The farm was an Exact replica of the one from My Little Pony. 'This is unbelievable' I thought, as a slight chuckle escaped my mouth. At least, that was before I saw the horses running the place.

I sat in awe and watched as an orange mare with 3 apples on her rear trotted up to an apple tree, turned around, and kicked it. Then it rained apples on her, but she was already on to the next tree, seemingly unfazed by the falling fruit. Alongside her was a huge red stallion with half a green apple on his butt, kicking trees with a similar vigor as his smaller companion. But what really worried me was when they looked at me.

"Oh.....uh......uh oh" stuttered the orange pony. "Eeeyup" said her crimson compadre.

'Well, they know I'm here, may as we'll be neighborly' I thought to myself. "Hello. My name is Remy, uhh, Remy Smith. What's you're names?" I said nervously

" name is Applejack,'s a pleasure to meet you" she stuttered

"Likewise. Now, umm, could you please tell me where I am, exactly?" I asked. I then realized her big friend, who I already knew was Big Macintosh, was nowhere to be found. 'Hes sure is quiet for his size.

" see....that's a difficult question.....and....uhh...NOW BIG MAC!!!" She suddenly yelled. I then felt a pinprick in the back of my neck. I reached back to feel it, and my hands found something cold and metal. I pulled it out, brought it around, and looked at it. It was a tranquilizer dart. Not just a regular one, but one built to take down a fully grown and fully pissed off bull. Knowing that, and from the feeling coursing from the impact wound, I could tell that they had filled it all the way. I suddenly felt light headed

"Alpha.....remind me nwwever twalk to stwangers again...." I spat out while stumbling around.

"Yes, sir." His reply was the last thing I heard. I then closed my eyes and the ground rushed up to meet me.


"Well, he's right on time, just like twilight said he'd be" said Applejack, staring down at the unconsciousness human with disgust. "Yup" was all Big Mac had to say.

"reckon we should bring 'im to Twilight?"


"Alrighty then, load 'im up and I'll bring 'im"

They dragged the body to a cart, loaded him on, and made the short journey to Ponyville's own prince and princess of friendship's castle.

Recorder account: 003

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I woke up sometime late at night from being knocked out for the second time today. I was in some sort of old time dungeon, complete with mold, rats, and the sound of dripping water onto cement.

'Well this is just great' I thought as I pulled on the bars fruitlessly. Then my head cleared up enough for me to form straight thoughts.

"Alpha, you still there?" I asked, hoping to hear a response.

"I am here, sir." Was what I got from the bone mic in my ear.

"Thank goodness. Can you get me out of here, or at least tell me where here is?" I said, grateful to here his voice.

"Sir, my geographic mapping of this new world is 83% complete, and the bone microphones tracker seems to put you in, or rather below, a seemingly random castle at the edge of a rural town. The palace is quiet elegant in both size and stature, considering the surroundings," said Alpha.

"Hmm," I thought. "Alpha, have you found any signals that you can use to connect to an archive? I'd like to know a little more about my captors, at least before I meet another one," I stated.

"Actually, sir, I have only found one faint signal on this entire planet," He stated.

"That's curious, you'd think it'd be all or none. In any case, what is the signals origin?" I asked, puzzled by the phenomena.

"The signal appears to belong to a tablet, and it is in sleep mode," Alpha responded.

"This just gets weirder and weirder," I said. "Try to connect with it anyway. Review whatever info you find and report back with the clip notes, please."

"I'm on it, sir," Alpha said, and then he was gone.

'Well, I guess I'm alone with my thoughts,' I chuckled. However the universe seemed to lack a sense of humor.


I turned around suddenly as I heard the sound of stone breaking. I waited and listened, and it was silent for a few seconds, but then...


I saw a big chunk of wall just slide away from the rest. It just kept sliding until I saw a sliver of light on the other side. I leaned against the wall and slowly crept towards the breach. As I got within 10 feet of the stone, it slid further and I heard a voice whisper through the hole.

"Hey, is anyone their?" the voice said.

'I know that if I am going to get out of this jail, I wasn't going to be alone,' I thought, 'but, I don't know this mysterious voice and they don't know me. They could easily be a spy, placed in here to earn my trust and report in me. I know that would be the first thing I'd do to get intel on a prisoner. On the other hand though, I was put down here for no reason, at least no reason I'm aware of, besides being strange. I guess it could happen to others.'

"I'm here," I said warily. "Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"I asked you first," I said.

"Well I put in the effort to break and move the wall, so you first," the voice rebutted.

"Oh yeah, well nobody asked you to...ahh forget it," I said. "You can call me Smith."

"Hmm, well that's a start, I guess," the voice said, then a head popped out of the new hole, a human boys head.

"WHA....YOU'RE HUMAN!!!" I shouted.

"SHHH!!! What, do you want the entire castle to hear you!" he whispered loudly in return.

"Right, sorry," I lowered my tone. I looked the kid over. He seemed to be about seventeen or eighteen. He was shorter and less defined than me, but I was still careful around him, because it's the smaller guys that you gotta watch out for.

"Why're you down here?" I asked

"Same as you, I'm guessing. I'm human, and they're not," he said, pointing to the ceiling. "By the way, you can call me Michael," he said as he shook my hand.

"Does that come with a last name, Michael?" I asked.

"I don't know. Does Smith come with a first name?" he questioned back.

"Touché," I said "so, why'd you come over here? And how'd you even get over here?"

"I'm good with my hands," he said as he held up a hammer made of a rock tied to a bed post with some twine.

"I can see that," I said back.

"As for why," he continued, "I was bored over their, and I knew this cell was newly filled."

"Uh huh," I said questioningly "and you knew that how?"

"The guards are chatty," he said.

"I see," I said as I slowly backed away, reaching for my closest weapon: a rock.

"Look, I get it, you don't trust me," he said warily as he raised his hands above his head, causing me to hesitate.

"But look, I'm not a threat. See," he said as he brought his hand to his hammer, pulled it out of his belt, and slowly set it down on the ground, then returned to his position with his hands in the air.

"Hmm. Alright," I said, relaxing a little, "but I'm watching you...Michael."

"Noted," he said, then he noticed the room he was in, "wow, they really must hate you."

"Why," I asked.

"Well, my cell has a few more luxuries. Like a mattress, a light, and....real food," he said the last item with disgust as his gaze fell on my tray with the lunch I'd been picking at for the past hour.

"Really," I said, slightly amazed.

"Yup. See for yourself," he said, gesturing to the hole.

I got down on my hands and knees and crawled through until I was about halfway in the hole. I looked into his cell and was shocked. It was well lit, well furnished, and judging from the lingering smell, he was well fed. I crawled back out and stood up.

"This is outrageous. Who is the tyrant that dares to lock me, ME, up down here with no reason and no explanation, and then have the audacity to not only deprive me of a trial, a phone call, or even have my Miranda Rights read to me, but also stick me I what very well may be the only cell void of decent food, a mattress or even a gosh dang LIGHT!!!" I said in a fury while I paced back and forth across my cell while Michael just watched with and odd expression.

"WHAT!!!" I screamed at him, shocking him out of his trance.

"Wha...oh, sorry. It's really are pissed," he said, laughing slightly.

"Yeah, I am. How could they DO THIS TO ME!!!" I said, shaking in a rage.

"Okay, okay, calm down and just breathe," he said calmly.

I looked at him as if he were going insane, but still he gave me pause, so I listened to him. I slowed down my pacing and took slow, deep breathes. After a couple minutes I'd calmed down enough to think straight.

"Alright, I'm good," I said, "now why would they do this? What could they ever hope to gain by treating me this way? I mean, it certainly isn't motivating me to do anything, to say anything. So what's their end game?"

"I have no idea. I've been here for a few months now and I still haven't figured them out," he said.

"Okay, let me think this through. Have you ever seen the king or queen or whoever runs this castle?" I asked.

"No, not once," he answered hesitantly.

"Hmm, do you know who they are?" I asked, focusing on Michael's reaction carefully.

"Of course not," he said, his voice wavering slightly, as he began to sweat, despite the cold air in this chamber.

And then it hit me, he was lying!

'Why? Why would he lie? What would HE have to gain from this, from me. Unless..." I thought just to late, as he suddenly made a move for his hammer.

"Oh no you don't," I said as I ran at him. I rammed him broadside, my shoulder going right for his midsection as I tackled him to the cold stone floor. I rolled over him and flipped up onto my feet. I looked around the room for a weapon. I saw three that fit the bill. The hammer had slid under my bed, and the sharp rock from earlier was on the other side of the cell, leaving one: a loose bar in the corner of the cell. I reached for it and pulled as it slid out of its position painfully slowly as he started getting back up.

He shook his head, looked around the room, and he saw what I was doing. His face took up a look of realization and he reacted with a speed that can only come with experience. He spun around and dove for his makeshift hammer. He grabbed it, stood up, and turned on me. At that moment, I fell back onto the floor with the newly loosed bar in my hands. I stood up and took a fighting stance, wielding the bar like a sword. He held up his hammer.

"It doesn't have to be this way," he said as we began to slowly circle each other.

"Then surrender," I answered.


"Very well, then this only ends one way. With me stepping over your unconscious body, and leaving out of your cell," I said.

"Then fight me, you coward," he rebutted.

I than brought my pipe in front of my face, spun it a couple times, then got into a position, and waited.

"What?" He said, obviously confused.

I said nothing in return.

Michael took a couple of hesitant steps toward me, than brought his hammer down on where my head was, but I'd dodged to the left, took a step back, and resumed my position.

'One,' I thought to myself.

I then saw his next move before he made it, just as I'd trained myself to do. He was going to swing the hammer horizontally from left to right. As he began to swing, everything slowed down, and then it all seemed to happen at once. First, I took a step back to avoid his swing, then I thought 'two,' followed by me using my heel to push all my momentum forward, as I grabbed his arm, spun left, and brought him with me, then let go, flinging him across the cell.

"Three," I said as brought my pipe back up. But then he cheated

He slowly rose up, but in a blur he did a 180, pointed a tranquilizer pistol at me, took aim, and fired. It hit in my midsection, and I slowly fell to my knees, as everything slowly lost focus.

"Sorry friend. If it makes you feel better, I had to do it. You are just to good. I would've never won a fair fight," he said as I slowly lost consciousness...again.

" coward," was all I got, and then I blacked out.


Prince Chase stood over the sleeping form of the vermin that was meant to be Death, the worst of The Horsemen.

"Your highness, we are moving the prisoner to a solitary cell to be interviewed more directly," said his lead guardsmen.

"Good," was all the prince had to say.

Before the guard was even gone, Chase had already gotten lost in thought.

'And to think he had the nerve...I's one thing to insult me. But to insult my wife is inexcusable,' he thought as the very princess he'd been thinking of walked up behind him.

"Hey, sweetie," she said in her naturally soft, but intelligent voice that he loved so much.

"Hi Twilight," he said, slightly distracted.

"Oh, what's wrong, Chase?" She said worriedly.

"Hmm, you always could read me like, well, like a book," he said, laughing slightly, "but it's just something he said. He called you and this entire queendom a tyrant and a wasteland of tyranny."

"No he didn't," twilight said knowingly.

"Well, he said something like that," Chase said in return.

"Yeah, but we all heard what an animal Death would be. We can't let it get to us. We just do a Celestia said, we make him wear the ring, and lock him up so the prophesy can be fulfilled, and we won't have to worry about him," she said comfortingly.

"Yeah. I just hope he knows what'll happen if he comes after you and the kids," he said.

"What," said twilight, amused at the thought of her Casanova causing any harm to a fly, let alone Death itself.

"He will know the full power of Casanova prince Chase Michael Sparkle," he said, standing tall and pounding a fist to his chest.

"Ha, I'd like to see that," twilight said.

"It's true," he said, turning and moving to leave.

"Uh huh, I believe you. Now let's get you bathed. You smell like the dungeon," the princess said as she led her prince to the showers.


Recorder account: 004

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I woke up sometime in the morning, inside a high-tech plexiglass and steel cell. Outside stood two guard ponies wearing golden armor and each brandishing a pretty wicked looking spear. I slowly sat up and a wave of nausea passed over me.

"Your Highness, the prisoner is awake," the guard in the left said into his radio.

"Thank you, sergeant. Bring him to me please," said the voice on the other end.

"On it"

The two guards then turned around and while one pointed his spear at me, the other unlocked the door, and then leveled his spear to my face as well.

"Move it," said the sergeant in an irritated tone.

"Whatever," I said as I raised my hands over my head and let them lead me out of the cell and down the corridor. That's when I heard feedback in my bone mic

"Alpha, are you their?" I whispered.

"I am back sir, and I've managed to review the any all data from the tablet that I discovered earlier," he said.

"Good, and...?" I whispered expectantly.

"The files were quite extensive, however there is an interesting bit," said Alpha.

"What?" I whispered.

"Most of the files are no more than 6 months old," he said.

"Well, that is interesting," I said under my breath.

'That means that their is, or was, another human at my level of technology here on this planet, other than that primitive prisoner I fought earlier. But what were they doing? Why update files on a tablet, let alone so extensively, just to leave? No, whoever they are, they are still here. And they could know more. So, I need to find this human, and find out what they know, and convince them to help me get out of he....' My thoughts were interrupted by Alpha continuing.

"Sir, there is another issue," he said.

"What is it," I said back.

"There would appear to be a security code blocking me from access to other files hidden on the tablet. My readings show that these other files are much, much older in origin,"

"Well, maybe I can help. How long is the code," I said.

"From what I can tell, sir, it is roughly 30 characters, give or take," he said.

"Hmm, and it's in English?" I asked.

"Yes sir,"

"Then there is only one thing it can be," I said

"What is that, sir," he asked patiently.

"supercalifragilisticexpialidocious," I said confidently.

"Files unlocked. Good work, sir," said Alpha.

"I try,"

At this point we had reached a largest of double doors than opened suddenly, and I was pushed into a throne room. Only a throne room with six thrones. And each had an element of harmony symbol on it, along with the element bearers in their respective seats. The thrones formed a half circle in the back of the room, and I was led to the center, where they could all stare down at me. I was then chained to the floor, and a purple aura covered the chains in what assumed was a strengthening spell. Which could only mean one thing, they were afraid of me.

I then noticed the others in the room. Above the six element thrones, there were four other thrones, one made of gold, the second a darker stone, and the other two were what appeared to be crystal. All the seats were filled. Around the seats stood a fair mixture of ponies and humans.

Standing next to a certain lavender unicorn was the prisoner I fought earlier, only he was now wearing a completely white suit and tie. Next to the highest gold throne stood a young man about my age, clean cropped hair, and wearing a blood red leather jacket, a white t-shirt, and blue jeans. Next to the crystal royalty was a fairly beautiful young woman a bit you younger than me, in an all black power suit with high heeled boots. The other people in the room included a group of six younger ponies, only one of them appeared to have a metal claw instead of a front left hoof. On the side of a rainbow maned pony was a blue stallion wearing purple goggles. There was also a teen boy staring at me half hidden in the shadows wearing what appeared to be an alligator vest.

I cleared my throat as they sat unmoving, unblinking. They just stared.

"Uhh, hiya folks. I think there's been a bit of a mix up here, so if you could just let me go, we can forget the whole thing," I said, uncomfortable with the silent staring.

"We have known that you would come for a while, and so we prepared," said the white alicorn sitting on the golden throne.

"Ahh, well prepared you were," I said, shuffling my chains slightly. "But just so I'm clear, what were you preparing for?"

"Your arrival was feared, but we vowed to keep you locked away while the other horsemen fulfilled the prophecy," said the dark blue alicorn, obviously ignoring my question.

"Uh huh. Well I......wait, did you just say horsemen?" I asked in shock.

"Of course she did," said the orange farmpony that knocked me out and dragged me here.

"Honestly, darling, even scoundrels like you aren't this clueless," said the white and blue pony sitting next to her.

"Hey, look here , sister, I am anything but clueless," I said with a bit more flare than I am proud to admit.

"Please, do you even know who we are?" Asked the purple alicorn.


"Prove it," said a cyan pegasus on the end.

So I said all the names of all the ponies I knew, which left out the one in goggles, the boys in the group of kids, and all the humans.

"Huh, so not completely clueless," said Rarity.

"Nope," Applejack agreed.

"Now," I said, "tell me about this horseman business you've got going on."

"Very well," said Celestia, "Long ago, it was told that there were other worlds, in a cluster we later came to know as the Multiverse, inside of which anything and everything is possible. It was then prophesied that strange creatures from another world would travel through strange portals, and that it would begin when one such creature awoke from his tomb. The prophesy went like this."

"In due time, the Horsemen will arrive,
born of the creatures from which we derive.

It will begin when three golems will come forth short but fair,
After achieving great feats that turns filly to mare.

Then move on with a creature found in ice,
Locked in a chamber marked CRYOGENIC DEVICE.

After the dust then all settles and the smoke has been cleared,
In will come the Conquest with a love life that's smeared.

Next will be quarrel, and not a moment too soon,
For then will be War that he an take with a swoon.

Third will be tricky and you must prepare,
Else Famine will take you and stir up quite a scare.

Finally comes the most feared out of all,
For Death will come knocking and if not handled right,
Then that is the end of you all,
And also, ironically, the end of your plight.

But when the horsemen unite and their powers combine,
Then your issues will resolve and your world will be fine.

However, if unite, the horsemen do not,
Then a Great War will have to be fought.

There will be great loss, leaving you to ask why,
Why did you have to kiss your world goodbye?"

"So forgive us if we aren't on the 'join death' party train, mister" said Pinkie Pie, surprising me.

"You're kidding, right," I asked incredulously.

"What do you mean," asked Queen Celestia.

"That prophesy of yours clearly says that we have to work together to defeat great evil, and that if we don't, then there will be a Great War. I don't know about any of you, but to me, Great War sounds bad," I said.

"That's why we locked you up. Then we can let the three Horsemen, that don't threaten us, fight for us. And meanwhile, the fourth Horseman can sit back and do nothing from his cell. Thus Great War is avoided and we can use the ability of the Horsemen,"said the queen.

"You don't think you need the power of all four Horsemen?" I asked.

"Not when the fourth is Death itself," said one of the colts sitting on the side.

"What did I ever do to deserve any of this. I haven't done anything against any of you..without provocation," I said while gesturing to the prisoner in white, "and even if I did, I'm sorry. I never meant anything that I may have done to offend."

"No, you just kill," said the man in the alligator vest from the corner. As he emerged from his hiding spot and made his way to me, he kept speaking.

"You are a deadly being," he said halfway down the stairs. "Living beings have a deeply programmed hatred for death, and you're the Death," he had reached the floor and moved towards me slowly. "Everything about you just leeches trouble, horrible trouble that'll kill anyone involved," he was in my face by now. "So you tell me, why should I feel sorry that my animal instincts tell me to either avoid you at any cost, or to kill you before you kill me?"

"Fine, alright, fine, if you don't want to get to know me, then fine. If you don't want to give me a chance, then fine. If you just want to strike first and ask questions later, then fine," I said angrily.

"Hey look..." Princess Twilight started.

"No you look. I've lived in a country that's biggest flaw was how it started playing world police. And after they ran out of enemies to police, then they started into prevention. So they gave preemptive strikes for the sake of nothing more than one drop of bad blood between us and them. So go ahead, lock me up for something I may have a slight chance of possibly doing, but you'll be locking up any chance you have of us ever being allies or possible friends or anything. But go ahead, lock me up," I spat to them all as held my wrists out, prepared for the chains to be replaced by cuffs and for me to be dragged back to my cell. But it never came, instead I heard the Queens voice in a softer, kinder tone.

"Very well, we will provide you with one chance, and only one. If you screw it up, then you are going to be locked away forever. Deal?" She asked.

"Deal," I said in return. "Now, let's try this again," I said as the chains fell off and I moved toward Applejack. I held out my hand and said, "Hello, my name is Remy, Remy Smith. What's your name?"


"Do you really trust him?" I said to my sister, Queen Celestia, later that evening during our private conference.

"No, sister, I do not. But he brings up some valid points, and he does have some qualities lacked by the others," she said.

"Like what," I said with question.

"Like fear. The others don't strike fear like he can, and our enemies could use some fear," said Celestia.

"I don't know. I still don't trust him, not yet," I said as I looked out the window to my sisters sun setting over our land.


Recorder account: 005

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It is a few weeks later and things are looking up, considering I have no way home. The high council (the group I met with earlier) are very quick to accept me. All besides the princess of the night and the Horseman of War, for some unexplained reason. And recently the town I am in, named Ponyville, has started to come around as well. Plus, the Queen has a deal worked out for me to use a private track for an hour every day so I can use up my desperate need for speed. All that the Queen asks in return is that I teach some of the more basic technology to them.

As the council warms up to me, I get the chance to learn more about them. The Cutie Mark Crusaders are all golems given life by magic, and the boys they were with during the council meeting I attended are their boyfriends. Sweetie Belle was the first to get a boy, A young Pegasus named Featherweight had a crush on Scootaloo, but then lost it and fell in love with Sweetie, much to her delight. Scootaloo was next, she fell head over hoof for a Pegasus colt named Lightning Rider, and he had very strong feelings for her as well. Finally was Apple Bloom, and she found love in a sea loving colt named Sunset Charge. The final proof of the true commitment and love contained in the three relationships was shown when the girls all admitted to being golems and not ponies. I give them credit though, because even knowing that, the boys still stayed true to the girls.

Ive also learned that the other three Horsemen are from my world, and that they each grew lives here. Conquest, or rather Chase, became the adopted son of Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor, and also developed a small crush on Fluttershy, a crush that has bloomed into a serious relationship. War, also known as Cale, fell for the Queen, and she fell for him as well. Famine, or Jacqueline, was not even looking for anyone, but she has apparently developed into a surprisingly skilled fighter, considering how short of a time she's been here for.

The Crystal royalty, as I've come to call Cadence and Shining Armor, are expecting a baby soon. I also hear of wedding plans for the Queen and her new stud, along with Fluttershy and her guy.

I've been reaching out more to learn more about the people who first interrogated me, and I've discovered other love connections. Such as a certain rainbow-maned, Wonderbolt loving Pegasus falling for striking young Pegasus stallion with one interesting quality. While he has the amazing ability to beat Rainbow Dash in any race and Wonderbolt like flying skills, he can't see. He has complete and total blindness. But he uses bat like senses to hear vibrations and with that, he is quicker and more agile than the rest of us, because he can 'see' what's coming.

However, the most ironic thing of all is that the guy with the alligator skin vest, who got all up in my face when we first met, ate now the best of friends. I think it's because he feels alone too, even though he's not. I've learned that his name is Orion, and that he is the host to an inner beast of awesome and dangerous power, named Halex. He was apparently an experiment to the humans on this world, but was placed into cryosleep. Soon after his freezing, another experiment of theirs, an intelligent alicorn pony, turned against them and with the help of her daughter Celestia, wiped this planet clean of the humans. They then built this new world and the new species that now inhabit it, but the princess was unhappy at her mothers wicked hatred for humans and her barbaric ways of eliminating them, so Celestia turned on her mother and erased the history, so that it never had to be known of again.

I learned most of the information from the people, and what they left out, I found out about in the secret journals by Orion and encrypted video files of the scientist who studied him, kept on a tablet that Orion owned. I had hacked into it while in prison, and later once I was released. I used the small amount of info on the tablet to spark up conversations with the people involved, so I could learn the full stories.

As I walked along the path, I saw someone coming towards me.

'Huh, speak of the devil,' I thought, 'Here comes Orion now.'

"Hey Orion," I said happily.

"Huh, oh, hey Remy," he said, but I could tell something was wrong.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Oh, it's nothing really," he said, but then I looked behind him and saw a couple pedals and some stems lying in the dirt.

"Where are you coming from, man?" I asked, though is felt I knew the answer.

"Just the castle. You know, regular council business. Politics, am I right?" He said nervously.

"Right, council buisness. So, their were other council members there with you?" I asked.

"Yes," he said.

"So am I right in assuming that one such council member, who happens to live in said castle, was their?"

"Yes, you're right to assume that,"

"So one might say that such a council member might be the only one there, beside yourself," I said as I slowly circled him. "And one might take it so far as to assume that such a personal meeting would be classified as a liaison, and such liaison's are dangerous in politics, as I'm sure you're aware,"

"While some might assume that, they would be wrong in their assumptions," he said as he hung his head in shame.

"Wait, so you and the princess aren't together?" I asked, surprised.

"No. I want us to be, I really do. I went there today to offer my heart to her, but the shut me down," he said, looking to be on the verge of tears, or rage, it's hard to tell with him.

"Hey man, trust me, she's into you. I know she is. I've seen it," I said as he looked up. "You just have to let her think on it. I mean, if she decides to be with you, she knows it'll put you both through the press's ringer. But I'm sure her feelings for you are stronger than her fear."

"You sure about that?" He asked skeptically.

"Yes," I said confidently.

"Alright then," he said, suddenly happy again. "So, where are you headed."

"Well, in my deal with Celestia, I share info, and I stay free. So to keep my promise, I've been going over the files at my house. I have a copy of every plan, schematic, and invention my company has ever produced. One such plan details the creation of a super metal, able to withstand heat, pressure, rust, scratches, and dents. It is impossible to break, unless it's manufactured with the time tested procedure that my company has perfected," I said.

"Ok. Well, what's the procedure? What's it do? What metals make it up? What are you going to do with it?" He said in rapid succession.

"Alright, alright. Calm down and I can tell you." I said, as I waited for him to stop.

"Alright, sorry. Go on," he said.

"Thanks. Anyway, the procedure is are fully timed exposure to a certain sound frequency. After a while, the metal adopts the frequency, and then when it's played on a specially designed remote, the metal turns as soft as clay, and just as malleable. The special remotes only send the frequency a couple of meters, so you have to be close to the metal for anything to happen."


"So while the metal is in that state, you can make it anything you wish. With the right training, their could be a huge job opportunity for a lot of people opening up. I mean, the more metal there is, the more people are needed to mold it. But anyway, after it's molding is complete, exposure to a secondary frequency locks it back into its impervious state,"

"Uh huh."

"Onto what it's made of..."

"Oh, hey, look at the time, I...uh...I gotta go. See ya," he said as he started to run in the other direction.

"Fine, whatever," I said as I turned and headed for the mega tree sprawled out in front of me.

I reached the base and looked up at the massive staircase winding around the trunk of the tree, leading to a mansion sprawled out among the branches.

"Great," I said with a sigh.

Ten minutes later I was at the top and knocking on the door.

'Knock Knock Knock'

"Hello. Anyone home?" I called out. Suddenly, the door opened to show...featherweight.

"Oh, hey, what's up?" I asked, slightly startled that it was him who answered.

"Not much," he said plainly. Then there came a cry from somewhere else inside.

"Feathers, who is it?" Asked the high pitched squeaky voice.

"Just the new guy. Ronald I think," he called back.

"Uh, it's Remy, Remy Smith," I said politely.

"Uh huh, whatever," he says back. Then Sweetie Belle appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh hi, Remy. Please come in," she said to me. As I walked in, she turned to Featherweight.

"Feathers, Remy is here to talk about an upgrade he mentioned earlier. If you'd out want to stick around, you don't have to," she said kindly.

"Actually, I think I want to stay," he said, draping a wing over her back.

"Are you sure sweetie? It's not exactly super interesting," she said.

"If it's important to you, it's important to me too," he said as he kissed her forehead.

"Aww, ok. I hope that won't be an issue, Remy," she said, looking to me.

"Actually, it may prove to further benefit this trip," I said.

"Good. So, what's this upgrade you were mentioning?" She asked eagerly.

"Well, it's a metal composite alloy specially designed to be indestructible and stylish," I said.

"Ok. What composites make this metal?" She asked.

"Specifically, it's made of four core metals, which are specially obtained through a painstaking process. You see, the human race was always curious about the other type of planet in our solar system. These planets are known as gas giants. We already knew that the outside was made of the basic gasses,but we figured that to hod it in a perfect circular shape, their had to Ba something solid in the center. So through a dangerous and costly expedition, we managed to get samples of the core from each gas giant. Thanks to this, we discovered that all four cores are each made of four separate metals," I said quickly.

"Ok, and these four metals make up this composite of yours?" She asked.

"Yes they do," I said.

"Uh huh, and how are you expecting to get these metals?" She asked.

"That's the amazing thing about the metals," I said. "In the raw, brittle state we find them in, they contain a rather unique crystal combination. You see, when in the zero point environment of space, the crystals are dormant, but when exposed to the atmosphere, specifically the magnetic and gravitational pulls of a life supporting world such as mine or yours, the crystals and metal grow. And they really grow, like a weed,"

"Ok then," she said.

"So to solve that issue, we kept the raw material in a zero point container, and we only expose it to get more. But once it's refined, the metals don't grow, but they de each gain individual and unique properties. Like stainless, and I mean stainless, shine. Or an invulnerability to the natural and artificial enemies to all other metals. Long story short, I have some raw samples of all the metals in my house. If we expose them, then they can grow, and we can harvest some very cool metals, and make a super metal," I said.

"Uh huh. So, we would do what with this metal?" She asked quizzically.

"Well, I've been researching, umm, you and your rather....unique physique," I said nervously.

"Uh huh," she said while raising her eyebrow. "And?"

"I believe that the metal inside of you is magic only because it is in direct contact with the neural pathways that we consider to hold the soul. So, in theory, I could make you a thousand times better, internally speaking," I said, gesturing to her boyfriend.

"Interesting," she said.

"Plus, it will allow me to see an even more perfect version of my metal, as it's coated and controlled by magic," I said.

"Ok then. Does this miracle metal that you want to put inside me have a name?" She asked.

"Yes indeed. It is a combination of the rare metals known as Cirquemium, Lagoonamium, Innostamium, and Bosquemium that make up my super metal - Smithanium," I said.

"Do you ever do anything groundbreaking without slapping your name on it?" Featherweight asked bluntly.

" Because then their's no point," I said smartly.

"So, are you going to empty me of all metal all at once?" Sweetie said as she got in between me and her boyfriend.

"No, because that would kill you. I was actually thinking of doing a trial run," I said, turning back to her.

"How would you do that?" She asked.

"Well, I'd like to analyze your exposed claw, then make a fully operational copy out of my metal, and trade it out. Then you can take it for a spin, try it out, and all around put it to the test. Then, if you like it, we can slowly move onto changing out the rest of you," I said.

"Sounds like a plan," she said, holding out their claw to me.

"Oh, well ok. Let's move to the table," I said, surprised at her willingness.


We went and sat at the table, and I began making detailed notes and taking a lot of pictures of her claw, while Sweetie and Featherweight sat and watched in silence. After about an hour, I was finished.

"Ok, all done," I said. I started putting away my notes as they stood up.

"So, when can we get the copy?" She asked.

"Well, it'll take me about a day to get enough raw material, another couple to get it refined, about four more to tune it, and another week at most to fit it together. So I'd say two weeks tops," I said.

"Alright. Well, please find me as soon as it's finished," she said, then she noticed her boyfriend for the first time in an hour. "I...I trust you can show yourself out?"

"Yes I can. Goodbye, and thank you," I said as I saw Featherweight approach his girlfriend slowly.

"Oh're quite (oh quit it feathers) you're quite welcome. Goodbye," she said as she was pushed against a wall. As I left I heard Featherweight say one word.



The rain falls fast and heavy as the city ponies scramble to get under cover. Manehatten is notorious for its storms. This one goes on and on until it slowly dies down. As the storm turns to a drizzle, one lone pony wanders bravely out of cover to continue his journey. As he approaches the address he was told to go to, he hears a voice call his name from a back ally. He moves to inspect it further, when a hoof comes flying out, grabbing him and spinning him around, then finally slamming him against the damp brick wall.

"Were you followed?" The stranger said, his voice gruff and mean.

"No," said the first pony.

"Good. So, out with it. What do you have that's so important, I risked my neck to get here?" The stranger said bluntly.

"They've gotten all four Horsemen together, and they are all goodie goodie with Death," the pony said.

"Damn! We thought prejudice would hold. Looks like we were wrong. Has he made any ties?" Passed the gruff pony.

"No, in fact he seems to be avoiding them. I think he wants to go home," said the pony.

"Ahh. Good. This can still work for us," said the voice.

"Uhh, yeah. Wait, how?" Asked the pony.

"Never you mind. Just get back their and play your part. Protect the princess from any evil that may ever befall her," said the voice with a wink. He then let the pony go and wandered deeper into the alley. He then paused and turned to say one last thing.

"The time to strike will come, and then, when the Horsemen are separated, we will move in and destroy them. The Queen and her forever tyrannical rule will end, as will the Horsemen. Then the world will belong to us. Believe me, Mr. Flash Sentry, the Sins will be very pleased with what you've brought me, very pleased indeed," and without another word, the pony vanished, leaving Flash Sentry standing in the rain, happy to have finally pleased the Sins.

"It's a good day for a martyr," he said as he turned and headed for the train station.

Recorder account: 006

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I have made a breakthrough in my research on the Smithanium mixed in with magic. about a week ago was when Sweetie was fitted with the claw I designed for her, and she absolutely loves it. From what I can tell, her full body strength has increased ten fold, and she has gained reflexes that are twice her old speed. Their have even been some unexpected results from the test. It appears that her magic becomes more concentrated and more potent when it runs through her claw. This new result means that not only is my metal much better with magic, but magic is better with my metal. I've already started work on her arm up to her shoulder.

Thanks to this discovery, Scootaloo wants to meet with me. She wants to see what applications I can make to improve her Kettle design with my metal. She also wants my expertise on the subject of aviation, considering that my company is one of the leading competitors in it, both for commercial and militaristic advancements.

The thought of my company fills me with worry. As to avoid any attempt at my position, I never created a board. So the company must fall on my COO's shoulders.

'I hope that he won't go mad with power and ruin my company,' I say to myself.

As I think this, I'm making my way to the club treehouse, or rather, the shed at the base of the gigantic tree holding the tree house. Inside the shed, which looks more like an airport hangar than a shed, is a huge workshop for Scootaloo to work on her various projects.

I walk inside without knocking, because she is expecting me and because even of I did, she wouldn't hear me. I go to the back corner, where she has her office.

I walk inside and see blueprints and scale models scattered throughout the room and covering the floor. There is no sign of the young Pegasus.

"Scootaloo!" I call out, hoping for her to be here. "Scootaloo! Scootaloo!!"

Suddenly, a pile of blueprints erupted and out popped the filly. She looked around all dazed and confused until her eyes found me.

"Wha.. Wh...oh...uh...hey, Remy. What's up?" She asked as she yawned loudly.

"You asked me to meet you here," I said, then looked at my watch, "and now."

"Oh, uh, right. Sorry, I'm just tired," she said as she crawled out from under the blueprints.

"Uh huh. Why don't you get enough sleep?" I asked.

"Well, I..ah..I don't have anywhere to go," she said, a little embarrassed.

"What? What about the clubhouse?"

"Their's no room up there for me,"

" How about Lightning Rider?"

"His parents dread the idea of a girlfriend being that close at night,"

"Your parents?"

"I hate them,"

"What? Scootaloo, what did they do?" I asked.

"My dad banned me from seeing Lightning, but I disobeyed, and so my father beat me, disowned me, and left me out to die. If it weren't for Lightning, I'd be dead," she said sadly.

"Oh, I...I'm so sorry. I didn't know," I said.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore. Can we just move on?" She asked.

"Yeah. Hey, listen, I've got room. I mean, I live in a huge manor, and it's just me, so your welcome to stay with me," I said.

"I don't know. I tend to spend a lot of time with Lightning, and I don't think you'd want that in your house," she said skeptically.

"Oh don't be silly. I'm not there like ninety-eight percent of the time, and I know you'd love to have first hoof access to Alpha. So come on," I said, hoping she would say yes. I mean, she looks terrible, between the bloodshot eyes, tattered wings, and eye bags, she needs some real sleep, in a real bed.

"Okay, sure. Thank you," she said finally.

" Good, it's decided. Now, to work" I said. As I went through the blueprints, I noticed that Scootaloo was still really tired.

"Hey, look, you should probably..." I started, but just then a blue and red blur flew past me and crashed into Scootaloo.

"Scoots!" Screamed Lightning Rider, as he picked up Scootaloo and gave her a great big hug. "I've been looking all over for you Scoots. I haven't seen you for, like, ever. Where have you..." He said as he noticed me for the first time. "Oh. Hey Remy," he said, setting Scootaloo down.

"Hey Lightning. How's it going?" I asked.

"I'm good. So, what's going on here?" He asked skeptically.

"Not much. Scootaloo just wanted my help to see where I can use my metal to improve her Tea Kettles, but we've kinda hit a snag," I said.

"What kind of snag? Maybe I can help," he said, suddenly interested.

"Well I'd hope you can. Its about your girlfriend over their," I say, gesturing toward Scootaloo. "She hasn't been getting enough sleep, and its starting to affect her a lot. I offered her a room at my manor, and your always welcome their, but right now, I need you to make sure she gets their and gets some rest. Stay with her and keep an eye on her, please. do you think you can do that?" I asked, unsure.

"Absolutely. You can count on me to get her in bed as fast as possible," he said, as he picked up Scootaloo, laid her over his back, and took off in the direction of my manor.

'Hmm, if only he knew what he really just said,' I thought to myself.

A few hours later, I'd managed to go through all the blue prints, and I found six different machines that could be improved greatly by my metal. Theses machines all belonged to a group that Scootaloo had apparently named Aero-Tech. This group included the Tea Kettles, Airships, and Aeroplanes developed by Scootaloo for the queen, both for commercial and militaristic use.

I took the plans home to have them analyzed, and prep a prototype of one with my metal improving it.

"Hey Alpha, I'm home," I say as I open the door and set down my blueprints. "Where's Scootaloo and Lightning?"

"Hello sir, it's nice to know your still alive. Scootaloo and Lightning Rider are on the third floor in the second bedroom to the left. They are both fast asleep," Alpha said in his regular monotone voice.

"Good, she needed it. Now, I need your help, Alpha. I need you to analyze these blueprints, make the the changes I marked on them, print out new ones, and print up a prototype of each one, with my metal," I said.

"Yes sir, and what will you be doing," he said.

"I really need a nap," I said.

"Okay, but sir, you need to see this," he said, a hint of urgency in his voice.

"Do I need to righ.."

"YES," he said, putting as much emotion in his voice as he can muster.

"Alright, alright, jeez. Bring it up," I said. The holographic projector powered up and on came what looked like a collection of dots. As it focused, I realized that the spot where the dots were was along the path, just about a quarter mile out of the manors gate. I then remembered what the dust was. I'd seen a projection of this before, when I first showed up here. Just then, Alpha confirmed my hunch.

"Their the same particles that I noticed before we came here, but they aren't building," he said.

"Which means we aren't going anywhere by chance," I said.

"However, it does mean one thing, sir," he said.

"Yes. It means we can go somewhere, or more accurately, we can go home," I said.

Far away in the city, at a random back street diner, there sat a gruff looking pony, in a trench coat and hat, drinking his coffee. Just then, the bell taped to the door rings as a younger stallion walks in, a nervous look on his face. he walks over to the older stallions booth, and sat down without a word. The older pony took another sip of his drink, and then he spoke.

"So, did you do it?" he said, his voice rough but firm.

"Y..Yes. I did exactly what you told me to do. I....I turned on the machine around his house, and left it their for ex....exactly twenty four hours. I then came back, t..turned it off, and brought it back," he said, very nervous.

"Hmm, good. Then its only just a matter of time," the first pony said. "Now I have one last job for you, then you'll be done,"

"Wha..what do you mean done?" he said, turning pale.

"Oh don't worry. You'll be fine, as long as you do this job right," the man said, his voice striking nothing but more fear into the younger ponies heart.

"Well, wha..wh..whats the job?" he asked, gulping loudly.

"Take my car, and drop it off here," he said, pulling a map out of his pocket and sliding it across the table.

"That's it?" the scared stallion said.

"Yup, thats it. Now, get it done!" he seethed.

"Yes, s..sir," the pony said as he rushed out of the diner as fast as possible, tripping more than once.

Just then, the waitress came by and picked up the tab. "Hey sugar, how was the coffee?" she asked in a faint southern accent.

"Why yes, it was probably the best I've ever had," the gruff stallion said, his voice suddenly clean and crisp, with the smallest wisp of an accent on it, the kind of voice that comes from money. The kind of voice that you find unique, but will never pick out of a crowd. "Please give my compliments to whoever made it,"

"Why sure sweetie, and who may I say is giving this kind compliment," she asked.

"I have been called many names. Ted, Garry, Jack, and others, but I suppose the best would be my first name," he said, causing the waitress to falter. "My name is..."

Before he could finish, a car out in the parking lot exploded. Everyone screamed and looked out the window at the burning shell of the the car, a single burning skeleton just barely visible in the front seat. The waitress looked down to see if the costumer she was just talking with had a phone to contact the police, but he wasn't their. sitting on the table was the check with some writing on it. The waitress picked it up and read it slowly, with shaking hooves.

'The coffee really was good, but you best call the police before you compliment anyone. When the police come to see how the car blew up, tell them it was me. Sincerely, Viktor Gabril'

It was later discovered that the only object inside the car that didn't burn was the keychain in the ignition. the keychain only had two words on it, 'Deaths' Bane'

Recorder account: 007

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Its been a couple of weeks and my Smithanium has already began to produce a major effect on the people. The manufacturers of the Aero-Tech are already unveiling new models of all the ships, all with my metal serving as the main reason to buy the new stuff. Plus, I am getting major attention for my metal. Everyone wants anything of theirs that's important to be incorporated with Smithanium. However, it would seem that I have one very important customer to please with my metal.

It would appear that my arrival has sparked a little fire with the queen. She has moved up her wedding to tomorrow. Her and Cale are planning on being man and wife very soon, and it looks like they want me to use my metal to make the wedding rings. Of course I said yes, because it's the queen, and it's also the opportunity I've been looking for. It is just perfect.

As for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, they are both ecstatic about the royal wedding. I've managed to give Sweetie a full skeleton of my metal up to the shoulder on her claw, but I would need specific permission and a specially trained doctor to complete the procedure. Still, Sweetie Belle 'wants it more than anything,' so she says. So I will work on getting it done, for her.

Scootaloo has gotten the rest she deserves, and she got to spend that time in her colt friends arms, so their relationship is stronger than ever. On top of sleep, she has also taken it upon herself to become a foremost expert on Smithanium and its many uses in the field, behind me of course. She wants to be able to use the metal in every way that it can be used as an improvement. She thinks that this could help her a lot.

In an attempt to help the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, I've taken my metal, specific instructions on how to produce more, blueprints from Scootaloo's workshop, Blueprints from me, specs I got of the web, a couple of combustion engines, and a few of my shield generators, and sent them to Manehatten, where they can be worked with to the max. I even got them an abandoned air field for them to fix up any way they see fit. Hopefully that'll pan out the way I think it will. However, not everything is going the way I'd like them to go.

About a week ago, Alpha started picking up strange particle readings that mirrored the ones that popped up right before I was transported here. The only difference is that this time, the particles aren't multiplying. But these particles have given me an idea. If I can focus them into a single point, I may be able to go home.

As I have looked into focusing the particles into one single portal, I have always come back to only one type of portal possible. Pure energy would tear me apart, and a beam portal is still too theoretical, but I figure that maybe I can use the one hypothetical portal type that naturally occurs. If I can build a frame, and find a conductive pair to the strange particles, then I could create a wormhole. This wormhole should, in theory, take me home, if I can map it right.

The best way for me to study a theoretical and science-fiction type of travel, is by using science-fiction. I've been watching and researching television shows and movies with extreme detail. I have managed to put together a rough frame to contain the wormhole into one single 'gateway', and now I need a conductive pair that can bind to the strange particles. But I'm not going to focus on that now. First, I need to do my assigned job for this wedding.

Since I've gotten here, I have spent most if nnot all of my free time honing my newfound Horseman abilities. I have a strict regiment of practice every day. I start off by practicing my control over the elements. After three hours of that, I move on to telepathy and telekinesis. after three hours of that, I eat a quick lunch, followed by using my heightened senses and my perfected motor skills. I end the day with a fine meal, and then I spend about four hours meditating, allowing me to access Death himself. He teaches me everything he knows, and how to be able to use his skills in combination with my own. He also helps me with using his base skill, magic by mist. He can conjure up endless fog, and bend it into anything he wants, manipulate it to preform his bidding. This regiment is why I have the job I have.

My duty is to head up security. I'm apparently assigned to it with two others that they wouldn't let me meet until now.

I manage to make my way up the stairs and into the tree castle that I was taken to on my first day here. I go through the door without knocking and walk to the throne room. All the seats are empty except the head. In that seat was none other that the Princess of Friendship herself. In front of her sat two ponies with their backs to me.

One had a yellow coat with a bright red mane and a pink bow that I knew to be Apple Bloom. I hadn't spent a lot of time with Apple Bloom, despite my connection to her friends and the club she created, not for lack of trying. It just seemed as if she had something against me. I guess I'm finally going to get my chance to find out what that my be.

The other one was taller with a golden coat and a short, blond mane. With the way she sat, I figured that she had to have some military background. Despite my countless hours spent meditating and studying to become a neutral force that is fair to all, I immediately felt like I had a bone to pick with her. I guess some childhood memories don't go down without a fight.

As I came past the two back thrones, the princess noticed me and stopped talking. She waved me over to introduce me to my new team. I made my way to her right side as she began to speak.

"This is Remy Smith," she said, gesturing to me. "He will be our new Head of Security. This means he will be working closely with both of you." She then looked at me to introduce the others. "First, we have Apple Bloom, our lead militaristic strategist and Head of Technological Integration into the Military," she said, gesturing to Apple Bloom. AB just nodded at me, like I was some sort of enemy she wanted the upper hand on. "and this," continued the princess, gesturing to the other pony, "is Spitfire. She heads up the Wonderbolts, our entertainment for the wedding, but is also one of our best military generals." she says. 'I knew it,' I thought

"Now that you've all met, lets get started. Its bad enough that we have to put together a wedding for the queen, but it also happened to fall on the same week we picked to rearrange the whole Security set up. Normally we would have you go over everything and give you an in depth tour of everything you will be in charge of, but we sadly don't have the luxury of easing you into this. So as a crash course, you are going to create an elite team that you alone will oversee. This team will allow you to control all of the security forces assigned over the four princesses. You will also be in charge of the private security forces and the police employed by the United Nation of Equus."

"As for the Military, I have had an aching feeling that having one United Military is not exactly the best idea. I've heard that your world has many branches of military specializing in specific skills and abilities, and with this separation, there is security," said the princess. "Is that right?"

"Yes," I said, "We have branches like the army, navy, marines, air force, and coast guard. But I don't know if or how that is more secure,"

"Well, as I understand it, should there be corruption in the military, and should it overtake the entire military, then you still have the other branches which can overthrow the corrupt branch and continue the business of the entire military," she said matter-of-factly.

"Well, I suppose that is true. So what are you saying?" I asked.

"We are going to have three branches of military. The first is the one we have now, our general military, overseen in part by Apple Bloom and Spitfire. The second is going to be one that you create with Apple Bloom to protect us locally, in cooperation with the police. The third branch you are going to create with Spitfire. This last branch will be in charge of global affairs, but it will operate with extreme stealth and secrecy. They must be trained for the most difficult operations in the most extreme conditions. Do you think you can handle all that?"

"Uhh, hhmmm, uhh, sorry. sure," I said, suddenly not used to talking.

"Great!" she said, "then we best get started. What do you say we meet your new recruits?"

"Why not?" I said, knowing I had nothing better to do. 'New recruits?'

I don't recall ever contributing to calling any new recruits. "Your Highness?"

"Yes," she said as we made our way to the door.

"My memory may not be what it once was, but I don't remember ever recruiting anyone?" I said.

"Of course not. I recruited them," she said matter-of-factly.

"Uh-huh. So if you've already picked out the best of the best, why would I have to meet them now. For that matter, why would they still be considered recruits if they have been picked already?" I asked.

"Well, first off, it wasn't just me who picked them out. This group is a combination of all the princesses and the Queen picking the best ponies for the job. After that they are put through both mental and physical tests by our very own Spitfire. Secondly, you have to meet them because they will be your team. Your and Spitfire's elite group. Speaking of which, you got a name?" she asked without skipping a beat.

"Oh, uh yeah. The team is going to be called Novex Imortalius, But to make it easier, just label it Sector 8," I said.

"Huh, and what do we call the agents?" she asked, more interested than I expected.

"Uhh, we call them Nova. Spitfire can be in charge of big picture stuff, and she will be Nova Beta. Alpha will obviously Nova Alpha when he is run here. As for me, I can be Nova Delta. After that, the agents are numbered," I said.

"Well then congrats, their are about a thousand Nova wannabes out there and ou have to bring it down to the best," she said.

"Wha....Why do you have a THOUSAND Nova candidates?" I said.

"I wanted to be prepared. Enjoy," she said as she made her way up the stairs to the left, leaving me, Spitfire, and Apple Bloom to interview.

"Have fun," is all I hear. As I look to see who said it, I notice the smallest flash of red slip out the rapidly closing door.

"And then there were two," I said.

"Lets get started," says Spitfire, walking into the main atrium.

The last thought on my mind before I am overwhelmed by a thousand very eager voices is the certain way the light flows through Spitfire's mane.

'Oh gre......' and I was drowned out.

*Manehatten at midnight, conference room during a storm*

"So, what have we got?" asked the gruff pony seated at the head of the table. In front of him is a name plate with the number one printed on it. The others each have numbers on nameplates in front of them as well, the numbers branching right from one, until reaching his left, labeled sixteen.

"We have confirmation that he has noticed the particles, sir" said seven, a smaller pony, and the newest member. He filled in the position of the oldest member per request of his death.

"My team has confirmed that he intends to act. He wants to go home. We will push him toward heading there. Don't worry, sir, he won't be a problem," said twelve in his suave voice that most of the group hated. It always sounded as if he were trying to back stab everybody.

"Good. This meeting is adjourned. Next time we meet, that Horseman had better be off this planet, Understood?" said the leader.

"Understood," the rest repeated in unison.

With that, they all got up, and left in staggered intervals that they were so used to.