• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 884 Views, 2 Comments

An alien's journey (Formerly "The hunt") Part 1, New beginning - Chernoboy

Serafim, a being from another world who is hunting for a creature of mass destruction, found Equestria by tracking the said creature's energy trail, he finds himself fitting in and helping the new world (more will be explained in the long desc)

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Chapter 3. Revelations and dread

A familiar Pegasus guard, accompanied by captain Command Strike, walks towards her highness, Princess Celestia's throne, where Celestia is looking down at the guard in disappointment. The Pegasus reached her throne and bowed down. Celestia went off her throne and spoke up, a little calmer compared to last night.

"Rise," She ordered, which the guard obeyed.
"You know why I summoned you right? Lieutenant Swift Blade?" She asks.
"Y-yes," The Pegasus stuttered.
"I'm really disappointed in you, are you not the Princess' royal guard?" She asked again, holding a hoof on herself.
"Yes," The Pegasus replied with his head down.
"And as for you Captain Command Strike, I'm much more disappointed in you for not obeying my orders."

Command Strike hung his head in shame. And before Celestia could say anything more, the doors that led to the throne room burst open, leaving a dust cloud in it's trail. The occurrence shocked everypony in the room, the guards that were assigned to guard the Princess while she's on her duty raised their spears.

What came in shocked everyone, as well sending chills down all their spines, the creature that came in was no other than Serafim himself, except his expression was something that had never been out on them, anger. He glared at everypony in the room, save for Celestia. As he walked in, his eyes were fixed towards Command Strike.

Once he got close enough to Command, he dropped a small sack that he had been holding. Strike stared at the sack intently and the realization hit him hard. It the was the sack where he had been keeping Mezarath's scales in. He then looked back up to Serafim, who's arms were crossed, he then spoke up in a threatening manner.

"Where, why and when?!"
"What?" Strike stuttered.

Serafim growled and slaps Strike, causing every guard to raise their spear and move closer to them, "When did you collects these"- He then pulled out Mezarath's scales from the sack -"These scales!?" He shouted out in rage, causing everypony including Celestia flinch.

"When you first arrived here with that creature," Strike slowly replied while rubbing his cheek, "I've been secretly collecting those scales with a few other guards."

Serafim's eyes widened in anger and he was about to burst until Celestia spoke up, "So, you've been collecting all those scales without my permission nor my knowledge?!" She shouted out.

'Y-yes," Strike began to curl up on the ground as he pressed himself on it.

"Y-you, YOU!" Serafim was about to release another burst of rage until he stopped mid-way and began breathing calmly and closed his eyes. He did it for a few minutes as Celestia and her guards look at him, he finally stopped and spoke up, "Look, I'm only angry because I'm concerned about your safety, these scales releases strong levels of magic! One that surpasses her!" He pointed Celestia, "And-" His eyes then shot open and faces downwards to see the scales releasing a purple smoke, "It's effects is to strong that the aura is visible!" He shouted before putting the scales back in and runs outside.

He kicked the main gates open and throws the sack into the air and charges a blue-colored energy from his hand and blasts the sack with it, destroying it, along with the scales inside. After the sack exploded, he sighed in relief and sat down. He looked at his hand, which released blue sparks upon movement.

Moments later, Celestia and Strike, along with other guards rushed outside to see Serafim lying down on the stone ground. Celestia began to worry and shook him, she started panicking and was about to shout until Serafim shot up and smiles, leaving Celestia dumbstruck. Serafim then noticed her eye twitch.

"What?" He asked.
"Don't do that again," Celestia warned him.
"Okay but, let then keep their jobs," Serafim said.
"What? oh, um are you sure?"
"Yeah, I just overreacted back there so, yeah."
"Okay then," Celestia said, unsure of his decisions

with that, Serafim walks away from the crowds and jumps on top of buildings. Celestia then looks at Strike, who is anticipating an approval from her, received a nod as a response. He then exclaimed happily and trots over to a happy swift Blade. They both then run back in to continue their saved jobs. Celestia could only shake her head upon seeing the happy guards, she then looks back up and wonders what in Equestria could Serafim be doing. A Princess could only think so much when there are royal duties that needs to be done. She then saw the sun stuck in the horizon and begins charging up her magic and lowered it.

[Outside of the city]

Serafim looked at the sun as it sinks down, with the moon replacing it's position. He sighed and sits down. He then said to himself, "Wonder what else should be investigated about? But, is there really anything else to find out about?", With that, he groaned and lied down on his back. He pulls his head backward to look at the currently rising moon.

Everything was seem to be at peace until a green light flashed in the sky, 'Huh, a green star?', He though, until the realization hit him, 'Wait, there are no green stars!', H quickly got up after the shocking realization and saw a green fireball heading towards him, he got out of the way as soon as he saw the fireball. He had to jump out of the way of several more fireballs that were hurled towards him, which made him dizzy. After regaining his composure, he remembered that only one creature is capable of blasting out green fireballs. Who unfortunately, was the creature that he had known for a long time, the creature whom he had been hunting for a long time, Mezarath.

Mezarath landed menacingly in front of him and smirked. He scoffed at Serafim, who was staring him down. He then starts walking towards him and stops mid-way when Serafim turns his expression into a glare and summons his weapon in his hand. He smirked smugly and starts moving toward him again, much slower than the last time and stopped once again when Serafim points his weapon at him.

Serafim's panicked state was preventing him from processing proper thoughts. He had only two choices, attack or kill, and he was stuck in-between. Mezarath saw this and took advantage of it by blasting a weaker red-colored version of his fireball, which Serafim dodged by jumping up in the air, he was too caught by the said fireball, he regained composure when it was too late, he was blasted by a long stream of blue flame.

Serafim slashed off the flame but was surprised by a large scaled fist which sent him flying away further into the sky. He opened his eyes after clamping it shut to resist the pain to see Mezarath looking at him with a smug grin.

Mezarath kept his eyes fixed on Serafim, who was now a little calmer. Thus confusing him. He saw Serafim move his head upwards. Thinking that he was facing the city, he looked behind him. Only to receive a barrage of cyan-colored energy missiles. Some which had hit the dirt and creates dirt smoke.

Serafim smiled lightly over the thought that he had badly damaged Mezarath. He shifted back to a frown when he saw that Mezarath was lightly damaged when he was finally uncovered from the smoke. Instead, he had his arm/wing up to shield him, and was glaring at Serafim.

"Enough games," Mezarath said.

Mezarath shot up towards Serafim and begins to cover his body in a purple-blue aura. Serafim, thinking the only way to prevent heavy damages, did the same. Shooting towards Mezarath after extending his wings, he then covered himself in a cyan aura with a white core.

Celestia put down her royal regalia on her drawer and began slumping towards her bed, exhausted. She got up on her bed and saw a purple and cyan streak in a diagonal direction, rushing towards each other. She ignored it due to her exhaustion, until the two streaks collided, creating a large dual colored cyan-purple explosion.

She jumped up from her bed and rushed out to her balcony and shot her eyes wide open. She remembered that the same event happened a few days ago, Serafim and Mezarath's arrival. The battle that took hundreds of lives from her city before.

She ran out of her room and into the barracks with her guards following her and ordered all of her guards to follow her on the outskirts.

Command Strike asked her, "What's wrong your highness?"
"It's the creature again," Celestia replied.
Strike's eyes widened at the last part. Without asking more, he ordered all of his guards to draw their weapon immediately.

When they arrived, they saw nothing but mounds of dirt, blood, some teeth(observed by the best scouts including this >), scales and even shattered rocks. Confused at first, Celestia then looked up after remembering Serafim's way of fighting. Sure enough, he was up there, clashing with the beast. She noticed a few feathers falling down and off from his severely damaged wings.

For Serafim this is yet his hardest battle in his life. Never one this intense before, he eyed Mezarath carefully who seems to be barely flapping his wings. Which of course, would be considered scientifically impossible for a creature his size. Back in reality, Serafim clenched his weapon harder in his hands while Mezarath just continued growling in pained anger. At the same time, both of them blasted each other with an energy blast, which clashed and created a giant explosion. Both were pushed away and growled.
Mezarath was about to make his next move until a wave of arrows and magic bolts were shot up as he barely dodges them all.

He looked down to see several earth pony guards and Pegasus guards reloading their crossbows whilst on the ground. 'How do those things hold those crossbows?', he thoguht and shook his head to return from him thoughts. He shot a fireball at soem of them, which disintegrated them instead of burning them to ashes. He shot another one that was heading towards Swift and Strike.

Serafim saw this and quickly rushed down to protect them. He then landed on the ground, retracted his wings and blast the fireball with his weapon's energy. He then turned around to face the large amount of guards, some of them shocked because of his face, which was missing some teeth and a few bloody cuts and a bruised eye. He then smiled awkwardly to prevent them from trying to do anything. He then saw the princess, horrified at his horribly damaged body and face.

"Sorry bout this princess," He spoke up.
"Wha- what happened?" Celestia asked him.
"Don't worry, I'll try to end this as soon as possible," Serafim replied, determination burning in his eyes.

Celestia trusted him and gave him a nod. Serafim then smiled again and turned again to face Mezarath, who was now on the ground. He pushed himself up to stand on his two legs. While the stance struck fear in the ponies, Serafim remains unmoved. He puts his left leg forward and assumed a fighting stance: Weapon up and ready to strike.

Celestia could only watch as the two prepared to strike each other once again.

"Please win this one," She silently prayed to herself.

Author's Note:

Worse. I know but, tis' my motif, if it works out fine, then this'll be good by the time chapter 4 is released. My plan? Keep it bad at its' early phase and work it all out till' things go smoooooth.....Which will either work out not too bad or....Fail horribly, which would force me into 2nd rewriting....

And bad pony name too....I mean, it's my first time naming a pony

Sorry for late upload.