> An alien's journey (Formerly "The hunt") Part 1, New beginning > by Chernoboy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: New World (REwrite) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A being travels in space tracking the energy trail of a large creature that had brought waste to his home years ago, he stopped when he saw an end to the energy trail,his flapping wings were barely heard because of his thinking, his heterochromiac cyan-white eyes scanning the space around him, looking for the creature, he almost calmed down until he was tackled by a large winged figure. He pushed himself away from the beast and stopped a few meters away and looked at him. "So Mezarath, it took you one thousand, four hundred fifty years to notice your energy trail giving off your failure?", he smirked. "Don't be so smug Serafim, it only went unnoticed because I was busy thinking about my fellow Wyverns' safety!", he glared at him. "Riiiiight, so aren't we suppose to finish what was started a millenia ago?", he spread his arms and summoned his weapon, a gold coloured weapon with a design never before seen. "Yes, and I shall do it with pleasure." Mezarath smiled. Serafim was a humanoid being who had spent his whole life hunting for the beast he had known as Mezarath. Mezarath, as stated, was a Wyvern who dreams of ultimate power that he can share along with his brethrens. Serafim was only a 6 foot 4 man with hairs that spiked up. He also wore an armor, an armor that he rarely takes off. Mezarath was larger than him, larger than most creatures Serafim had encountered, he was a 50 foot tall long-necked Wyvern, his large claws as well as the spikes that runs along his back gives him a huge advantage in battle. The two clashed and an energy burst was released, sending both of them away. Serafim smiled while Mezarath scoffed as they clashed again, doing the same thing over and over again. After the fourth clash Serafim slashed Mezarath's head in the side, forcing him to back down a little bit and slashed him in the face, forcing Serafim to do the same. Serafim blasted an energy beam from his weapon, upon impact, the beam creates a bright light that shone like a star to the nearby planet. The flies away from each other and looks at each other, Serafim charges his weapon while Mezarath opens his mouth slightly to prepare for Serafim's attack. When Serafim finished charging, he blasted the beam towards Mezarath, he managed to fight it back with a fire-based energy beam, the beams glowed brightly. The beams stopped and they stare dat each other again, and blasted the beams again. Equestria Celestia sighed as she watched the moon rose higher into the night sky, regretting every action she had ever done to her sister, even after 344 years after she banished her own sister to the moon she still mourns over the lost of her sister, what caught her attention was a bright light that shone for a while and disappeared, her curiosity was increasing and she waited a little longer for the light to appear again, and sure enough it did. She stayed a little longer to see what would happen eventually. She leaned against her balcony's plinth to ease her viewing of the bursting light. After a few more sparks, she was surprised and was thrown back on the balcony's floor when one powerful version was created, two other creatures burst into her room and checked to see if she was okay, apparently it was her guards, who are ponies. "Are you okay princess?" A winged one asked. "Yeah, I'm fine" The princess replies. "What was that?" a horned one asked. "I, I don't know." Another flash was created, it threw them again due to the intense amount of force that was created from it, they all stared at it for a moment before it disappeared like the last one. Celestia and her guards became worried over what it could be. What they did not know was the arrival of a new species, two to be exact. Outer space Serafim was now panting heavily and is now covered in bruises as well as bleeding uncontrollably. Mezarath was no different, his damages were a little lighter though due to his scales. "How are you not dizzy or anything?" The Wyvern asked. "The planets I've been to is my secret." Serafim said while looking at the planet nearby. "Looks like I'm not the only one who trains on the planets I've stopped by." Mezarath smiled and looks at the planet, "How bout' we try this one out?" Serafim did not respond but only smiled as they both clashed again and moves towards the planet in a ball of energy, entering the atmosphere increased their troubles which are, being pulled into the ground faster because of the planet's gravitation and is covered with flames. They crashed hard into the ground, when Serafim got up from the ground he realized that they were now outside of one of the planet's cities. He looked back at his opponent who is shaking his head. Celestia was shocked to see the fallen "object" and rushed outside to see what it was she spread her wings and flew towards the crash site, her two guards joined her and one asked. "Should we get the chariot your Highness?" "No need to." "But Princess.." "I'm perfectly capable of handling myself!" "Y-yes Your highness." When they arrived, she was shocked to see two unfamiliar figures fighting, one was large, one was small but still slightly larger than her. She had encountered many things, but never one like this. She was getting worried about her citizens after seeing the damages the two were causing. "We can't let this continue! I'm going in!" One of her guards shouted, who was apparently her captain, he flew towards the two. "Command Strike, no!" Celestia tried to stop her. Serafim charges his weapon and heard a flapping sound and looked at it to see a fast moving object coming towards him, when it was a few feet away, he stepped back a little bit and the object hit the ground beside him. Serafim looked at it and was shocked because he just saw the weirdest thing ever, a Pegasus, a creature with wings, except the pegasus was, smaller, it was only a pony. "Get out of here! It's not safe!" Serafim shouted. "I'm not gonna let you destroy our Princess' city by causing trouble with tha-" the captain was shocked to see the creature Serafim was fighting with, "What, what is that?!" The Wyvern smiled and shot a fireball from its mouth but Serafim managed to get in front of the pegasus and spins his weapon, creating a shield that destroys the fireball. He looks at the pegasus. "You okay?" he asked. The pegasus only nodded, he was frightened to see the fireball came towards him. "Captain! Are you okay?" Princess Celestia asked her captain. The pegasus nodded at her and pointed his hoof towards Serafim, she turned her attention to him and was shocked to see him, Serafim looked at her and was shocked even more at this one, he knows that a unicorn as well as a pegasus existed, but he had never heard about one that is a mix of both kind. He realized something and was about to warn them about Mezarath but was blasted by a fireball, making him unconscious, his wings retracted due to the lack of energy to keep it going. The Pegasus ran up to him. He shook Serafim's unconscious body, hoping that he would get up. "Hey, hey wake up!" The pony kept shaking him "This'll be fun" Mezarath grinned and walked towards them slowly. The Wyvern could only smile at the Pegasus, who is now cowering near Serafim's unconscious body. He chuckled and was about to kill the Pegasus, until he was shot by a magic beam. He glared at his shooter, Princess Celestia. He walked slowly towards Celestia and was getting ready to attack her, she backed away and the guard beside her tried to tackle Mezarath, all of the except for Serafim was shocked to see the guard devoured effortlessly by the beast. Mezarath flies towards Celestia and grabbed her, he was about to speak when he was hit by a fast moving object. He did not cry out in pain but only stayed quiet to control his rage. He turned to see Celestia's caotain, Command Strike, flying next to him. He traps Celestia in an energy ball that heats up anything that touches its walls, he flies slowly next to Strike and looks down at him. When Strike was about to fly away, he opunched him, sending him flying away into the ground. "NO!" Celestia shouted, she tried to break out of the ball with her magic beams but instead it was disintegrated upon touch. Mezarath lifted Strike and uppercuts him, unfortunately for the Pegasus, the Wyvern's large hand increased the damage and the amount of force he felt was just too much, causing him to pass out mid-air, he caught by Mezarath when he was about to hit the ground and was put down on the ground. Celestia hung her head to prevent herself from seeing what happened to him. When she lifted her head up, she saw Mezarath walking towards her. She was grabbed from the ball and was forced to get out of it, she screamed in pain while Mezarath only smiled. He brought her up to his eye level. "I have a question for you, where am I? Who and what are you?" He said as he looked closely at her. "I'll never tell you anything!" She hissed. "Whoa, looks like I've got a fighter." He raised his hand and throws her away. She tried to get up but fail. Mezarath grabbed her again, "I'll ask you again....WHERE AM I?! WHO, AND WHAT ARE YOU?!!" He roared. "Y-you're in Equestria...I, am Princess...Celestia..And I, am an Alicorn.." Celestia said between coughs and wheezes, she coughed up blood and tried to look up on Mezarath. "Equestria...Alicorn...Princess Celestia? Heh, I'm okay with your name, place and all that but, your appearance and name of species...BOTHERS ME! What the hell is an Alicorn?!" He shouted. "It's a mix of a Unicorn and a Pegasus." She shakily replied. "That's all the information I need." Mezarath throws her away again. He walks up to her and prepares to dig through her with his claw, he was almost near the body when something struck his claw, throwing his hand away. He looks at his new attacker to find out that Serafim has awoken, with the damages reduced from the regeneration abilities he learned from another species, he moves a bit easier with it. "It seems our "hero" has awoken." he put up air quotation with his claws at 'hero'. "I'm not a hero nor will I ever be." Serafim replied and lifted his weapon, preparing himself. "Now we can have fun again." He smiled. > Chapter 1. part 2. Serafim's rise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serafim braced himself as Mezarath propels himself towards him, he tried to dodge it but fails due to his surprisingly fast speed. Mezarath's burning body did nothing to ease the pain from the colossal impact. Serafim tried to break free from the burning Wyvern but ends up being smashed onto a mountain. Serafim coughed up some blood and tried to get up, Mezarath watches gleefully towards the struggling humanoid. Serafim managed to stand up, but was grabbed by Mezarath, he struggled again in the Wyvern's hand. He eyes lit up from getting an idea, he closes his eyes and releases an energy burst that burned the Wyvern's hand. Mezarath shook the flames off and realized that his opponent was already free and was looking at him from above, his wings had grown back Mezarath glared at him, "You know Serafim, I really don't like this, you keep flying above me...for what? To gain advantage?" Serafim only nodded to his statements, "You know it," he pointed his weapon towards the Wyvern. Mezarath looked down for a moment and looked back up to find out that Serafim was gone. He looked around him and was blasted from below. He was only sent flying a few meters above and flapped his wings mid-air to keep him afloat and to prevent himself from being skewered by Serafim's pointed underside of his weapon. When Serafim saw him flying, he calmed down a little but kept his weapon pointed at the same angle, just in case. "See? It does give me an advantage," He said mockingly. "That's considered a cheap move to us Wyverns," Mezarath replied. "Yeah i know, you guys are feral. Always engage directly onto your opponents." "You know it," Mezarath mimicked his earlier statements. Mezarath landed several feet from Serafim and looks at him. Serafim bravely walks up to him and looks at him in the eye, smirking. He and Mezarath stared each other down for a while before Serafim pulled his weapon up to him and jumps above Mezarath, The weapon pulling caught him off guard and when he snapped back, he was already feeling the same kind of pain in the early phase of their battle. Serafim was once again slicing along his back, Mezarath lifted his tail up, causing Serafim to go up into the air. Serafim used the attack as an advantage and points his weapon's underside towards the Wyvern's tail and dropped onto it, nailing his tail onto the ground. Mezarath looked back and had his back blasted by a cyan colored beam. Serafim stopped blasting his nemesis and laughed, his laughter died down when he realized that he was fighting in the pony city. He quickly grabbed his weapon and sliced the Wyvern's tail, giving him a dual tail. The Wyvern regenerated his tail but couldn't stick it back together. Meanwhile, Celestia finally woke up after being knocked out by the gigantic beast. She slowly got up and looks around to see that the only remaining unconscious body was her captain's, Command Strike. She then looked towards Canterlot and realized that things had took turn for the worst, a battle in her city. What caught her attention the most was seeing the humanoid holding the city off from the rain of fireballs that was unleashed by the Wyvern. She walked up towards her city slowly but stopped halfway due to the remaining pain. She saw her citizens running away from Canterlot, some were crying. She then got back up and started to walk back towards the city. "Everypony, try to stay away from the city as far as possible!" "Wait, some of my foals is still in the city!" One of the citizens shouted. "What?! I'll go look for them!" With that, Celestia starts quickening her pace and starts to run slowly. She had to stop at some point to ease the pain that was happening in her body. When she arrived in the city, it was engulfed in flames because of some of the reflected fireballs. She heard a shout, a filly's voice. She turned to where the voice was and saw one that had a fallen debris. She slowly ran towards it. She arrived there and saw several burned bodies and one that was stuck under the fallen debris. She covered her mouth and fought the urge to cry and possibly vomit. "Just stay there! I'll try to find some that are still here to help me lift up the debris!" "Wait, why don't you just your magic?" The filly, who was a unicron, was starting to cry by now. "I'm sorry little filly but, my magic's weak now, i can barely lift a book!" "Wait! No, don't leave me, I'm scared!" The filly broke into tears when she finished. "Alright then, I'll try to find a way to get you out while i look for something in here okay?" she smiled to calm her down. "Alright," The filly wiped away her tears with her only free forehoof. Celestia desperately tried to look for anything that can be used to lift up the fallen debris. She threw away everything that cannot be used. She finally broke into tears when she could not find anything to help the filly. She found a metal pole and lift it up with her magic, the pole was barely half a foot from the ground. She puts the pole under the debris and pulled the other side to try and lift it up. The pole was bent when it failed to lift up the debris. She threw the pole furiously and cried beside the filly. "Princess?" The filly started. "Yes?" "It's okay...If we die...At least we die together," With it, the filly smiled. "Yes, that's true. Thank you," Celestia smiled with the filly. The front part of the house also fell down due to the heavy damage. When it fell Celestia hugged the filly to brace for the broken parts. She felt a crushing pain on her hoof and cried out. She opened her eyes to see that her hind leg had been crushed under the debris. She felt tears running down her face and smiled. "I had a good run." Serafim heard a cry and looked back to see the house that Celestia was in and was shocked to see the burned bodies of foals in it that was exposed when the debris fell down. He also saw the bodies of ponies out on the road, like the foals, some were burned. He felt rage rushing inside of him and looks at Mezarath angrily. "Mezarath!" He shouted, "Why?! Why'd you do this?! TELL ME, WHY?!!" He shouted while reflecting some of the fireballs by hitting them with his weapon. He shot off towards him in the sky and hits Mezarath with his weapon's sharp underside. The stabbed Wyvern then starts to bleed uncontrollably from his belly and mouth. The weapon was stabbed deep into his underbelly. He pulled out the weapon painfully and throw it away. He looked down on Serafim and blasted him with a blue colored fireball. Serafim was blasted all the way towards the ground and was rendered immobile due to the pain. The Wyvern took the chance to fly away from the city. Serafim opened his eyes and regenerates. He stood up and rushed towards the house where Celestia was. He blasted off the frontal debris and ran towards the other debris where the filly was. The princess and filly were now unconscious due to the unbearable pain and lack of oxygen. He punches the debris' away and lifted up the unconscious princess and filly out of the city. Serafim got out of the town safely with the two on his shoulders. He placed both of them on the ground safely and knelt in submission and his hands behind his head, knowing what the citizens would do and think of him. The rest of the citizens arrived and the filly's mother ran up to her remaining filly. "Wait, I have five foals, where are the other and what happened to her?" The mother, who was a unicorn like her daughter, asked. "Don't worry, she's okay but..." Serafim said softly. "What did you do?!" The father, also a unicorn shouted. "I did nothing but your two other foals are...ashes..." Serafim closed his eyes. "What?!" The father shouted again. "It's true! He did nothing! I saw what he was doing!" A citizen said. "Yeah, and he saved me from that beast!" Another said. The father looked back and saw Celestia's captain, Command Strike walking towards them. He tapped Serafim's shoulder, motioning him to stand up. Serafim nodded in understanding and stood up, revealing his true height. The ponies all except Strike, stepped back while Strike only smiled. Strike looked at the unconscious princess and starts to panic. "What happened to the princess?!" He asked. "Oh, wait." Serafim charges a blue ball and clenches his hand and reopens it, revealing little sparkling lights. He placed his hand above Celestia and sprinkled it on her. When he finished sprinkling it on her, they heard her gasped and coughed. Much to everyon-pony's surprise, her damages were now gone. She looks at herself and then towards Serafim. "How did you do that?" She asked curiously. "A simple healing magic,' Serafim replied. "Simple? Some unicorns have to take years of training, how long did you train?" "uhm, one and a half year?" Serafim shrugged. His answer shocked everypony even more. Some of them were already saying that it was a lie and he was only lying so that he could be a famous creature in all of Equestria. He shrugged and looked towards the city. "What about Canterlot?" Strike started. "This will take three days minimum to rebuild everything so, mind lending me some magic?" He looked at the unicorns. "Oh no, you might trick us! We will not be fooled by your tricks!" A unicorn shouted. "Come on, I'm just gonna rebuild your city," he put his right arm forward. "You think just because you act so friendly and sound like a gentlecolt, we'll believe you?" Another shouted. "I'll only use half of your magic!" "Oh no, no no no no!" Some of them said in unison. Serafim rolled his eyes and sighed. He lifted his arms and clenched his hand, which causes half of the unicorns' magic to flow into him. He flew back into the city and put out the fires for starters. Soon, he was able to reconstruct the houses into their original plan, or so he thought. He did the same to other houses and blasted the wood with a white beam that returned all of the woods into their original forms. "Alright, time to start working!" He shouted. > Chapter 2. A not so new start > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He starts to lift up the wooden beams and all that and put them back together the way he remembered them. After the beams were together he glued it together with his magic. He did the same to the others and tried to look back into his memory to remember how the whole building looked like. Looks like having atom creating, controlling and manipulation powers' really worth it, He thought to himself and smiled. After that, he started to recreate the buildings' walls, roofs and windows. He thought about how the insides should have looked like for a while before shrugging and continuing his work. He then thought about how the pipelines are suppose to be like and creates those. He lands near one of the houses and checked it to see if it was strong enough to handle normal punches. He decreased his power levels and punched the wall, he was glad to see that it was not cracked. He returned his power levels to their normal state and removes the punch damage that the wall received from him. After finishing his job on the big city, he turned his gaze upon a larger work, the destroyed castle. He sighed and walked towards it calmly. He knew that this would be tougher than the city, but at least it wasn't the whole castle. He was about to fly up there with his still stuck out wings until Strike interrupted him from doing so. "I'm sorry but, could you at least transfer some of those magic into our princess? She needs it to raise the sun and lower the moon." Serafim hesitated-"Did you say, raise the sun and lower the moon?"- He looked at Celestia and went uncomfortable but gave it to her anyway. "Thank you," Strike then leaves him to join Celestia, who was now lowering the moon. Soon, she was raising the sun. It rose beautifully and slowly as it was still dawn and onto the sky. Serafim smiled at the view but could not shake off the feeling of dread inside of him. He shrugged and went back to work. "That thing is really a helpful one isn't he?" Celestia said, referring to Serafim. "That, it is princess," Command Strike, her captain, replied, ""What's next after he is done princess?" "I don't know, maybe give him a proper welcoming into our world?" "I think it's for the best princess." They looked as Serafim flew here and there, looking for damages to repair, the ones he saw were fixed almost instantly. Some of the big ones did took some time to rebuild though. The fascintaion then turned into fear when they all saw Serafim bursting out his energy. "What the hay were you doing?!" One of the Unicorn snobs shouted. Serafim took a quick glance and replied the Unicorn, "Oh, I was exerting my powers, it helps me reduce my exhaustion." Celestia, Command Strike and most of the other ponies nodded in understanding. Their look of fears disappeared and their fascinated looks returned to them. They were all surprised by his surprisingly fast speed and the amount of parts that were repaired, most of them. They were surprised about the amount of repaired parts because they weren't fixed yet. Serafim flew back towards the fray and retracted his wings. He glanced towards the castle and looked back at the group of ponies. "About those parts....I'll have to continue them tomorrow." "What?" Celestia asked. "Sorry but I've drained too much to repair things, i can only summon basic things by now probably," he looked at his sweaty hands. "Oh but," Celestia started again. "Don't worry I'll put up a shield on the holes to prevent natural things but open up the parts where the windows were supposed to be, I think." "Okay then," Celestia hung her head but then her eyes lit up and she looked back at Serafim, "Oh yeah, since you were treated badly last night and was fighting for our safety, why don't you let us give you a proper welcome?" "Oh?" Serafim raised his brows, "I think that would be lovely but," He looked at the unicorns who had shouted at him. "No!" "Why would you let this beast enter our city?!" "He would probably cause the same kind of damage that the other thing did!" "Well?" Serafim looked back at Celestia. "Oh umm...We'll have it done by the end of the day," With that, Celestia gave him a fake smile, a smile that Serafim knew all too well, a smile that covers a rage. "Okay then," Serafim reached out his hand, knowing what to do, Celestia reached out her hoof and they began to shake their hand/hoof. A day after he was accepted by ponykind. Well, most of them. Some of the other rich snobs still hated him. The parents whose filly was saved by Serafim was now getting friendlier with him, but the one who was the most tolerable, was their filly. Especially after saving her along with Celestia from her parents' house. The castle was still unfinished but Serafim managed to fix most of the interiors. Whenever he is resting, the filly would invite him to play with her friends. They were afraid of him but then grew quite fond of him. Serafim always suggested that they play something safe like tag and hide-n'-seek. Yes, tag isn't really that safe but then again, it's better than playing something like magic. Serafim was called pansy or girly by one of those rich snobs whenever he played hopscotch with the fillies. Serafim usually rest during mid-day and about 45 minutes every time he rests. Not much goes on whenever he rests. But on his first day as a 'citizen' of Canterlot, something interesting did happen. A bunch of hooligans of other species known as Griffons were causing trouble. Hearing the news, Serafim jumped up from the tree he was resting on and rushed to the scene. He arrived and expected soemthing very Cliche, a bunch of griffons messing around with the residence. The last one who had just kicked a colt laughed seeing the young colt struggling to get up. His laughter died down when he saw Serafim. "Very...Cliche bird brain," He scowled. "Wow, at least I'm not a weirdo like you, whatever you are," He pointed at Serafim with his talon. "Says the one who looks like a walking freak show, I'm talking to all of you bird brains." The griffons all growled before shooting off towards Serafim. Serafim dodged just in time to avoid collision with the Griffons. He grabbed one's tail and swing him around before hitting his friend with his own colleague. He swung the Griffin whom he was holding towards another but he failed to release him which caused his tail to be pulled away from the body. The accidental move shocked everypony including Serafim. "My god," He said. The griffon whose tail was removed from his body cried out in pain. Knowing what Serafim could do, the griffons left, leaving Serafim standing there holding the removed tail, shocked. He went back towards the castle after throwing away the tail away and went back to work. A unicorn went up to him and opened his mouth to say something but was silenced by Serafim, who held his finger up. He extends his wings and took off into the sky and inspects the remaining damages. The day ended and Serafim stopped watches as the moon rose. He sighed and frontflips off the castle's roof, he landed clean on the ground. He went up to Celestia. "Celly, why do you raise and lower the moon?" He asked. "Oh, it's because that's how it works here. I raise and lower both because after I banished my sister into the moon I-" She stopped. "Banish? Sister? How it works here?" He started. "Yeah. Why?" "Because we don't interfere with the movements of time. I did not know you had a sister and why'd you banish her?" He asked her again. "Oh, we don't interfere with time, time moves normally here and I only raise and lower both becasue it's been like that since Equestria was ruled by both my mother and father. As for my sister, I banished her becasue she turned into something horrible. She gave me no choice so I banished her into the moon. An action I could never forget and forgive myself for doing so," She started to tear up and cry. Serafim comforted her and she looked up to a pair of heterochromiac cyan-white eyes. She started to calm down a bit and smiled. "You did what was best for your country, and how long has it been?" "About...three hundred and forty-four years ago I think," She spoke slowly. Serafim nodded his head but then stopped dead. "Wait, how old are you?!" He shouted. "Don't tell anyone this but, I'm 1,344 years old." "WHAT?! Well, at least you're younger than me." "How old are you?" Celestia asked. "uhm...1,450 years old." He smiled after saying the numbers. "What? I thought I was old," She laughed heartily. "I know, but the one that I fought is way older, according to our planet's legend, he was said to be over a million years old," Serafim put his index finger and thumb to his chin as if he was thinking. "What?! How's that even possible?! Dragons here live only up to several thousands like me." As Celestia finished her question he shrugged. He noticed Celestia getting drowsy and fell down, he managed to catch her before she hits the ground and lift her up. He carefully walked into the castle not to make bumps while moving, he didn't float into her room because he was already low on energy. He carefully walked up the spiral staircase and safely got up to the floor where Celestia's bedroom was located. He opened her bedroom's door with his head and walked in, he placed her gently on her bed. As he was about to walk out he noticed a mirror. Curious about his face, he decides to look into the mirror. He walked towards the mirror slowly and looked at his reflection. What he saw was, his face, obviously, with his spiky hair and a ne wfacial feature, a sideburn. He touched his sideburn and slid his fingers along it. He shrugged and looked at his body, Over the years, his training gave him a perfectly toned body muscles. When he first started his journey, he was close to being skinny. After that, he walks out of the room and faced two guards that were assigned to guard the princess during the night. "What were you doing in there?" The unicorn guard asked. "Oh, I just sent your princess to her bed, why'd you ask?" "Nothing, it's just that you might have uh, done something to her," The Unicorn's eyes kept changing its' view. "Oh, well then, goodnight and have a happy guarding," he walked past the two awkward guards and waved without looking back. He got out of the castle and looked at the parts of the unfinished castle. "This could be a good time to fix this," He thought and goes ahead to fix it. He slowly climbs up the wall and stopped at the nearest destroyed parts, he proceeds to fix it while whistling a tune to help him stay calm. He looks back and noticed a very unique pattern on the rising moon. A pattern of craters that seem to form a pony's, an Alicorn possibly. The patterns forms only the head and the neck, with a long horn portruding on it's forehead. "Man, too bad her sister is not here to see her older sister's accomplishment," He thought to himself, "But, what can I say? Envy destroys many things including, sisterhood." After his thoughts, he continued to work on the repairing. He rubbed his eyes because he was getting tired. He almost fell down because of his lost of concentration, but thankfully to his quick reflexes, he managed to stick himself back to wall in time. He decides to take a short break and jumps off the wall. It was then when he saw a figure in the dark. It stood there, staring him down, the sudden fear was keeping Serafim from moving. The figure was tall, he had a hint of muscle to its' body. It also had a tail and two long ears that portrudes behind him. Serafim managed to move and rubbed his eyes. When he stopped, the figure was gone, leaving him confused. "Now that's something an Arcane don't see everyday," He shrugged and walked around the town to patrol it. He then jumps on a house and took time to admire the beauty of the world. He walked on top for a while before jumping off to look at other houses. He then walks back to the castle and all of a sudden, he burped, "Well, that never happened before." He then decides that break time's over and it's time to return to work. He looked up and saw that the moon was 4/5 from it's rise point, indicating that the night's almost over. "Wow, I took a lot of time to rest today, probably because of my exhaustion. He continued to climb up the repair point and started working again. By the time it was morning, Serafim found himself sleeping and drooling while still stuck on the wall. He felt something shook him but ignores it. He was then awaken by a shout to his ear, which made him fall onto the stone pavement, face first. He got up and heard a familiar laugh, Princess Celestia's. He looked up in a very unusual manner. His head was looking up while his body was facing the opposite. Celestia saw him and stopped laughing and got a little uncomfortable by the view. "Uh, you can stop now," her voice's tone was a scared and worried tone. When he did not stop she got onto the ground and walks up to him. "Alright, I'm sorry for that," she was clearly getting worried about him. "Please, stop! I'm sorry!" She shouted and was frightened by him, she held his head. She heard a laugh after that, when she looked back up, his body was now facing the same way as his head. She then scowled at him. "How dare you frighten me like that!" She shouted. "Oh, sorry, your 'majesty', I did not know how that was painful." She growled and looked back, she then looked back at Serafim when she heard a loud thud on the ground. "Oh my," she said, Celestia then ordered her guards to carry her to the remaining bed room that was left in the castle. Serafim felt himself very comfortable by now and wakes up to see where he was, he found himself on a bed which surprised him. He just shrugged and fell back into a deep slumber. Serafim was awoken by a scream. He jumped off the roof of the castle and flew inside. He found that the ponies in the castle were, gone. The guards, maids, cook even the princess. He was getting concerned about it and ran back outside and walked up to a pony. "Hey!" Serafim shouted at the pony. "Yes?" "Have you seen the princess or anypony in the castle?" He asked the pony. "Princess? What are you talking about? There're no princesses here. They were all gone long ago," He looked away, "And where are you from? The medieval?" The pony walked away. Serafim swore he heard a snicker from the pony but shrugged and went back inside. When he entered, the doors behind him were shut close by some kind of magic. He knew this because he had mastered almost every subjects, especially science, when he was in school. Then all of a sudden, his surroundings went dark. "Gah! What the?!" He shouted, "Let me just." Before he could activate his light emitting magic, his surroundings were back into their lightly form. When it did, all of the citizens and the castle staffs, including Princess Celestia gave a shout that shocked Serafim and made him fell on his back. He rubbed his head in confusion and his 'bottom' in pain. When he realized what was happening, he floats into an upright position and stopped floating. "What the actual WHAT?!" He shouted. "You should really see the look on your face!" Celestia said to him as she laughed. Serafim's eyes twitched for a moment, "Alright, it was pretty funny. But, could you at least wait till' the first week? It's only been three days since I'm here and two and a half days since I've repaired this castle," He raised his arms and pointed it towards the ceiling. "Alright," Celestia stopped laughing. "Good," Serafim walked out of the castle. As he exited the castle, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He knelt in pain and growled about it for a moment. Inside, Celestia was holding back a laugh before she noticed Serafim in his weird position. She ran up to him and asked if he was okay but received a very obvious answer to it, he puked and pass out, his face planted into his own bile. Celestia was grossed out by it but her expression shows an amused and a guilty look. Serafim wakes up to see himself in a white room. "An infirmary?" He said. He sits up and heard hoofsteps coming towards him. He then remembered what happened, "Oh yeah.". He stood up as Celestia walked in. "Are you feeling okay?" She asked. "I think so, but my powers are still recharging," He replies while looking at his hand. "Well, that's good to know. How did you know that you've slept for two and a half days anyway?" "It's one of my species' special abilities." "Oh, do you feel strong enough to walk around?" "Yeah, I feel good." With that, they walked out of the room and left behind a surprised nurse. They reached the throne room and Celestia walks up to her throne. "Hey, what do you do everyday anyway?" Serafim asked. "Oh, day courts, where I have to listen to complains and such," She said while looking away. "That sucks huh?" He smiled. "You have no idea. I also have to do some paperworks, also boring. I mean, I can't complain can I? I took the responsibilities as a princess and held a swear. I never get to do anything fun," She said her last words with her head hung low. "Hmm, maybe we could do something fun after your duty's done, just you and me." "I think it could do to relieve me from the stress of works," She smiled afterwards. "I need to go, good luck surviving another day court," He, Celestia and a nearby guard shared a laugh and Serafim left after. He went to the nearest place, the dining hall. Upon entering the hall, he went on to the kitchen, where several cooks and servants were in. When he entered, all the staffs stopped and looked at him, some reaching for a metal tray in defense. He lifted his hand to wave but caught a metal tray that almost hit his face instead. All th eponie sin there stopped and looked away trying to ignore it. He shook his head and walked out of it and into Celestia's room. When he entered there, he went to the balcony and looked at the surroundings. "Well, this is gonna be bad, especially when I'm on a hunt," He said as he leaned against the balcony. > Side-chapter(?). A night in Canterlot, with Celestia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia lowered the sun and raised the moon from her balcony as Serafim watches. He then spoke up. "Now that your daily royal duties are finished, let's go," Serafim said as he walked up to the main door. "Okay, I hope none of my guards, will follow us," Celestia replied as she looked behind her to see two guards standing, the other was the familiar unicorn guard, Command Strike. "Y-yes your majesty," Command Strike said as he saluted and walked away with his Pegasus partner. when they were out of sight, they peeked from their hiding spot and looked at each other. "Hey, go look after them and don't get caught!" Strike ordered. "But they said-" His partner didn't even finished. "No, we can't let our princess walk away without us, keeping an eye on them. Even though I trust him, I still don't like the idea of him bringing the princess along," He said with concern. "Oh, yes sir!" His partner saluted and walked out of the castle carefully as Strike watched him. "Now I can finally ease a little bit," Strike then walked away smiling. "So, what do you wanna do tonight?" Serafim asked Celestia with his hands behind him. "I don't know, maybe we could," Celestia looked away. "Well, what is it?" Serafim asked again. "It's um," Celestia moved closer to his ear and whispers something to his ear. Serafim's eyes widened and a wide grin formed over his face, "Let's do it." Serafim and Celestia peeked from their hiding spot and looked for anypony to walk over and take the bag of bits that was laying on the floor just near the bush. After minutes of waiting, Celestia ears perked up and shook Serafim, who is lying beside her to look. "There's one," Celestia said as she smiled viciously. "What?" Serafim then looked to where Celestia was looking at and grinned, "Excellent." The unicorn, obviously one of those rich snobs. Looked around his surroundings and moved his hoof closer towards the bag. When he had gotten close enough, he levitated the bag with his magic but dropped it when Celestia and Serafim jumps out of the bush. Both of them laughed at him when he was screaming like a girl, mare in this case. A unicorn mare and her friends saw the incident and laughed at him. "Look," Serafim whispered to Celestia and creates a toy spider which he dropped on the mares' head, causing them all to freak out and scream while running away. Serafim and Celestia laughed as the mares ran away because of their fear. Serafim then looked down and saw the still grounded noble. He held out his hand and the noble gladly took it, which surprises him. "Wow," Serafim said. "What?" The Unicorn asked as he got back on his hooves. "Nothing, it's just that, most would probably swat it away." "Oh. I guess being rich made them all jerks, don't it?" "Yep, money changes," Serafim said and chuckled lightly. "Well, better get going," The Unicorn smiled and walks away. Serafim was about to think of something until he heard a rumbling. He turned around and saw Celestia blushing as she looks away. He thought for a while and spoke up. "Let's go get you something." "O-okay," Celestia blushed even more. "But first," Serafim snapped his fingers and Celestia's magenta-colored eyes turned to white, rendering her blind. Her hearings were also gone. "What's this?! I can't see or hear anything!" She exclaimed in fright. Serafim held her forehead and closed his eyes, "It's okay, just follow me," He moved closer and held her back. He walked forwards and the blinded princess followed suit, still frightened. Somewhere, on top of a building, just several meters away from them, a Pegasus guard watches the two, exhausted. "Dang it, I need to keep an eye on them but I can't do it if I'm tired!" He then sighed. He fluttered his wings tiredly and slowly follows Serafim and Celestia from behind, almost falling asleep. "Can you let me see now?" Celestia asked. "Yes," Serafim spoke to her telepathically. With a snap of his fingers, Celestia's vision and hearings returned. Her jaw was dropped when she saw a giant cake in front of her, literally. She walked towards it slowly. "What do you think? I baked it myself, the baker helped me too," Serafim said, pointing his arms towards the cake and the baker, who is on the other side of the cake. Serafim then fake a cough to get Celestia's attention, who was staring at the cake. "Oh, yes?" She asked. "Well, you want it or not?" Serafim asked as he cut a piece of cake, put it on a plate and hand it to Celestia. "Yes, very much!" She happily levitated the cake and stopped suddenly,causing Serafim to raise a brow, "Why are you doing this actually? Because I'm hungry of course but, why a cake?" "It's a, gift for the hospitality you've given me the first time I came here," Serafim explained and smiled. "You're welcome, and thank you for the cake," Celestia said happily. Celestia then glanced at her cake and back at Serafim, Serafim noticed this and moved his arms aside and tilted his head. Celestia understood and smiled, "Don't mind if I do," She then levitates a spoon from the table and happily eats it. Serafim liked seeing people, pony, happy. Especially those who are nice. He cuts the cake to smaller pieces and packed them all in several containers that are summoned by him. Celestia noticed the containers and stopped eating, "What's that?" She asked. Serafim looked at Celestia and back at the containers, "This?" He lifted the containers a little more and spoke up, "This, is a container that is from my planet, might tell you about it sometime," He explained and continued packing the cakes. Celestia looked at the rectangle shaped containers intently. She had never seen a creature not from the planet, moreover, it's creations. "Well, we should get going princess, your guards might be worried sick about you," Serafim said, holding several containers, three in total. "I guess so," "Alright, we need to get going so bye," Serafim said to the baker that helped him and received an understanding nod from him. Serafim and Celestia walked on the stone pavement that leads to the castle cheerfully. Serafim stopped suddenly and Celestia noticed after taking a few steps ahead and stopped as well to look at him. She was about to speak up until Serafim raised his hand and pulled it down, and down came a Pegasus in armor, who was watching them the whole time. Celestia gasped in shock and shot him a glare. "Were you spying on us?!" Celestia shouted at the now frightened Pegasus. "Uh-uh," The Pegasus stuttered. "Why did you do it even when I told you not to?!" She shouted again. "Whoa there Celly. Calm down, come on, and sleep now young one," Serafim said to the exhausted Pegasus, which he received a nod. Serafim looked at the exhausted Pegasus who slowly drifts away into a sleep. He looked at Celestia and smiles, Celestia was still angry at her guard for following them the whole night. But she was not in the mood to shout for now, for the time was night, a time where ponies should be asleep. "Come on, I have unfinished business with my captain. But now, I need to rest, come on!" She shouted at Serafim. Who chuckled and followed her into the castle. They eventually arrived in the castle and Celestia groggily walked to where the spiral staircase is and proceeded to walk up the steps. "Careful!" Serafim warned. "I know!" Celestia shouted. Serafim was feeling a little weird by then and went into the guard's barracks. He arrived there and asked one of the maids who works at night where the Pegasus' bed was. He was pointed towards the guard's bed and thanked her. He made his way towards the bed and put him there. He then proceeded to make his way out and walked past the captain's room. He noticed a sack under his bed, almost fully covered by the bed's sheet. He slowly crept in and pulled it out. He felt a familiar energy coursing from it. "No," he whispered slowly to himself. He pulled it out and saw the thing that originated from the creature he feared the most, Mezarath's scale, at least 5 of them. He walked outside quickly and slowly while hiding a rage inside of him. "They, how long?" He said to himself. He growled and went out of the castle and extends his wings and proceeds to fly up to the roof. Note: Referring to the note: Or is it? > Chapter 3. Revelations and dread > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A familiar Pegasus guard, accompanied by captain Command Strike, walks towards her highness, Princess Celestia's throne, where Celestia is looking down at the guard in disappointment. The Pegasus reached her throne and bowed down. Celestia went off her throne and spoke up, a little calmer compared to last night. "Rise," She ordered, which the guard obeyed. "You know why I summoned you right? Lieutenant Swift Blade?" She asks. "Y-yes," The Pegasus stuttered. "I'm really disappointed in you, are you not the Princess' royal guard?" She asked again, holding a hoof on herself. "Yes," The Pegasus replied with his head down. "And as for you Captain Command Strike, I'm much more disappointed in you for not obeying my orders." Command Strike hung his head in shame. And before Celestia could say anything more, the doors that led to the throne room burst open, leaving a dust cloud in it's trail. The occurrence shocked everypony in the room, the guards that were assigned to guard the Princess while she's on her duty raised their spears. What came in shocked everyone, as well sending chills down all their spines, the creature that came in was no other than Serafim himself, except his expression was something that had never been out on them, anger. He glared at everypony in the room, save for Celestia. As he walked in, his eyes were fixed towards Command Strike. Once he got close enough to Command, he dropped a small sack that he had been holding. Strike stared at the sack intently and the realization hit him hard. It the was the sack where he had been keeping Mezarath's scales in. He then looked back up to Serafim, who's arms were crossed, he then spoke up in a threatening manner. "Where, why and when?!" "What?" Strike stuttered. Serafim growled and slaps Strike, causing every guard to raise their spear and move closer to them, "When did you collects these"- He then pulled out Mezarath's scales from the sack -"These scales!?" He shouted out in rage, causing everypony including Celestia flinch. "When you first arrived here with that creature," Strike slowly replied while rubbing his cheek, "I've been secretly collecting those scales with a few other guards." Serafim's eyes widened in anger and he was about to burst until Celestia spoke up, "So, you've been collecting all those scales without my permission nor my knowledge?!" She shouted out. 'Y-yes," Strike began to curl up on the ground as he pressed himself on it. "Y-you, YOU!" Serafim was about to release another burst of rage until he stopped mid-way and began breathing calmly and closed his eyes. He did it for a few minutes as Celestia and her guards look at him, he finally stopped and spoke up, "Look, I'm only angry because I'm concerned about your safety, these scales releases strong levels of magic! One that surpasses her!" He pointed Celestia, "And-" His eyes then shot open and faces downwards to see the scales releasing a purple smoke, "It's effects is to strong that the aura is visible!" He shouted before putting the scales back in and runs outside. He kicked the main gates open and throws the sack into the air and charges a blue-colored energy from his hand and blasts the sack with it, destroying it, along with the scales inside. After the sack exploded, he sighed in relief and sat down. He looked at his hand, which released blue sparks upon movement. Moments later, Celestia and Strike, along with other guards rushed outside to see Serafim lying down on the stone ground. Celestia began to worry and shook him, she started panicking and was about to shout until Serafim shot up and smiles, leaving Celestia dumbstruck. Serafim then noticed her eye twitch. "What?" He asked. "Don't do that again," Celestia warned him. "Okay but, let then keep their jobs," Serafim said. "What? oh, um are you sure?" "Yeah, I just overreacted back there so, yeah." "Okay then," Celestia said, unsure of his decisions with that, Serafim walks away from the crowds and jumps on top of buildings. Celestia then looks at Strike, who is anticipating an approval from her, received a nod as a response. He then exclaimed happily and trots over to a happy swift Blade. They both then run back in to continue their saved jobs. Celestia could only shake her head upon seeing the happy guards, she then looks back up and wonders what in Equestria could Serafim be doing. A Princess could only think so much when there are royal duties that needs to be done. She then saw the sun stuck in the horizon and begins charging up her magic and lowered it. [Outside of the city] Serafim looked at the sun as it sinks down, with the moon replacing it's position. He sighed and sits down. He then said to himself, "Wonder what else should be investigated about? But, is there really anything else to find out about?", With that, he groaned and lied down on his back. He pulls his head backward to look at the currently rising moon. Everything was seem to be at peace until a green light flashed in the sky, 'Huh, a green star?', He though, until the realization hit him, 'Wait, there are no green stars!', H quickly got up after the shocking realization and saw a green fireball heading towards him, he got out of the way as soon as he saw the fireball. He had to jump out of the way of several more fireballs that were hurled towards him, which made him dizzy. After regaining his composure, he remembered that only one creature is capable of blasting out green fireballs. Who unfortunately, was the creature that he had known for a long time, the creature whom he had been hunting for a long time, Mezarath. Mezarath landed menacingly in front of him and smirked. He scoffed at Serafim, who was staring him down. He then starts walking towards him and stops mid-way when Serafim turns his expression into a glare and summons his weapon in his hand. He smirked smugly and starts moving toward him again, much slower than the last time and stopped once again when Serafim points his weapon at him. Serafim's panicked state was preventing him from processing proper thoughts. He had only two choices, attack or kill, and he was stuck in-between. Mezarath saw this and took advantage of it by blasting a weaker red-colored version of his fireball, which Serafim dodged by jumping up in the air, he was too caught by the said fireball, he regained composure when it was too late, he was blasted by a long stream of blue flame. Serafim slashed off the flame but was surprised by a large scaled fist which sent him flying away further into the sky. He opened his eyes after clamping it shut to resist the pain to see Mezarath looking at him with a smug grin. Mezarath kept his eyes fixed on Serafim, who was now a little calmer. Thus confusing him. He saw Serafim move his head upwards. Thinking that he was facing the city, he looked behind him. Only to receive a barrage of cyan-colored energy missiles. Some which had hit the dirt and creates dirt smoke. Serafim smiled lightly over the thought that he had badly damaged Mezarath. He shifted back to a frown when he saw that Mezarath was lightly damaged when he was finally uncovered from the smoke. Instead, he had his arm/wing up to shield him, and was glaring at Serafim. "Enough games," Mezarath said. Mezarath shot up towards Serafim and begins to cover his body in a purple-blue aura. Serafim, thinking the only way to prevent heavy damages, did the same. Shooting towards Mezarath after extending his wings, he then covered himself in a cyan aura with a white core. Celestia put down her royal regalia on her drawer and began slumping towards her bed, exhausted. She got up on her bed and saw a purple and cyan streak in a diagonal direction, rushing towards each other. She ignored it due to her exhaustion, until the two streaks collided, creating a large dual colored cyan-purple explosion. She jumped up from her bed and rushed out to her balcony and shot her eyes wide open. She remembered that the same event happened a few days ago, Serafim and Mezarath's arrival. The battle that took hundreds of lives from her city before. She ran out of her room and into the barracks with her guards following her and ordered all of her guards to follow her on the outskirts. Command Strike asked her, "What's wrong your highness?" "It's the creature again," Celestia replied. Strike's eyes widened at the last part. Without asking more, he ordered all of his guards to draw their weapon immediately. When they arrived, they saw nothing but mounds of dirt, blood, some teeth(observed by the best scouts including this >), scales and even shattered rocks. Confused at first, Celestia then looked up after remembering Serafim's way of fighting. Sure enough, he was up there, clashing with the beast. She noticed a few feathers falling down and off from his severely damaged wings. For Serafim this is yet his hardest battle in his life. Never one this intense before, he eyed Mezarath carefully who seems to be barely flapping his wings. Which of course, would be considered scientifically impossible for a creature his size. Back in reality, Serafim clenched his weapon harder in his hands while Mezarath just continued growling in pained anger. At the same time, both of them blasted each other with an energy blast, which clashed and created a giant explosion. Both were pushed away and growled. Mezarath was about to make his next move until a wave of arrows and magic bolts were shot up as he barely dodges them all. He looked down to see several earth pony guards and Pegasus guards reloading their crossbows whilst on the ground. 'How do those things hold those crossbows?', he thoguht and shook his head to return from him thoughts. He shot a fireball at soem of them, which disintegrated them instead of burning them to ashes. He shot another one that was heading towards Swift and Strike. Serafim saw this and quickly rushed down to protect them. He then landed on the ground, retracted his wings and blast the fireball with his weapon's energy. He then turned around to face the large amount of guards, some of them shocked because of his face, which was missing some teeth and a few bloody cuts and a bruised eye. He then smiled awkwardly to prevent them from trying to do anything. He then saw the princess, horrified at his horribly damaged body and face. "Sorry bout this princess," He spoke up. "Wha- what happened?" Celestia asked him. "Don't worry, I'll try to end this as soon as possible," Serafim replied, determination burning in his eyes. Celestia trusted him and gave him a nod. Serafim then smiled again and turned again to face Mezarath, who was now on the ground. He pushed himself up to stand on his two legs. While the stance struck fear in the ponies, Serafim remains unmoved. He puts his left leg forward and assumed a fighting stance: Weapon up and ready to strike. Celestia could only watch as the two prepared to strike each other once again. "Please win this one," She silently prayed to herself. > Missions best delayed Aka' the bad ending > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serafim prepares himself as Mezarath slowly walk towards them slowly. Chuckling at each step, Mezarath tilts his heads both directions playfully at each step, each tilting startles the ponies while Serafim looked with a determined smile. Celestia had her eyes shut the whole time, which she then decides to open. When she opened them, she saw that Mezarath was getting closer and closer and she starts getting even more frightened. Serafim then starts to walk forwards slowly with his weapon up, as he got closer, he pulls his head up a little bit to keep his gaze on Mezarath's face. When they were close enough, both struck each other with an incredible amount of speed. Serafim holds his weapon horizontally to keep Mezarath's claws from coming in contact with his body. Mezarath swung his tail to knock Serafim away but he jumped up and keeps himself afloat and pushes him away, staggering the beast a bit. Without waiting for anything else, the two outer worldly creatures clashed once again. Serafim kicks forward and a large wave of energy hits Mezarath's neck, causing him to back away a bit and giving Serafim room to make his next attack. Serafim stopped levitating and run towards Mezarath as soon as he landed and slashed both of Mezarath's legs. The Wyvern backed even more and tried blasting him with his fireball and reopened his eyes. He was greeted by nothing and felt a sharp pain behind him, it was Serafim's weapon being impaled through his back. Mezarath grabbed him and tried squishing him but Serafim retaliated by doing an energy burst. Mezarath dropped Serafim and holds his burned hand close to him, and before he could make his next move, he felt another sharp pain behind him. Again, it was Serafim, who just pulled out his golden weapon from his back. He ran up to Mezarath's neck and knock it with the blade's blunt side. Mezarath was pushed forward by the neck and holds it. Serafim then extends his wings again and shot up towards the night sky, he charges a large energy ball and shot it towards Mezarath in the form of a long stream. The stream of energy hits Mezarath like a multiple ton of bricks. The stream overpowered Mezarath in his current state and pushes him against the ground. Serafim pulled his hands away, stopping the beam and blast him again, stronger than the last. He smiled at the thought of finally defeating Mezarath, which could not have been so wrong when Mezarath managed to muster the last of his strength and covers himself in a purple ball before creating purple smoke from it. The smoke obscured Serafim's vision and stopped his beam, fearing that some of the guards might try to find him and get killed by the blast. He then landed on the ground and retracts his wings. Annoyed at the smoke, Serafim covers his hand with a blue energy and spreads his arm widely, creating a wave of energy that erases the purple smoke. He then smirked, as he already expected that fiend to escape, once again. He crossed his arms as Celestia ran up to him, she frantically looked around to find signs of Mezarath. She starts to panic when she couldn't find traces of his magic. She turned to her side and saw a smirking Serafim. She was confused as to why he is smirking and glared at him, saying: "Why are you smirking?!" She asked. "You know, I think I'm gonna give him a 10 year break," He replied, almost killing Celestia with his reply. "What?! Are you out of your mind!?" Celestia shouted at the seemingly ignorant humanoid. "No, actually I was thinking, along my way here, I trained myself to be what I am now. And, from what I heard from him, he did so too. So, what if instead of fighting daily, why don't I just train myself to be stronger?" He stated. "That would be good but, what if he becomes stronger than you? And I don't think strength is all that you need," Celestia remarked. "Oh yeah, maybe a little wiser too? I need some damned wisdom to live with," He became a little disappointed and lit up again, "I know! Why don't you teach me magic!?" He said enthusiastically while pointing his arms towards the Alicorn princess who, only stares at him, dumbfounded. 2 weeks later~ "Come on! I wasn't ready! Besides, it was beginner's luck anyway," Celestia shouted and puffed up her cheeks in annoyance and embarrassment. "Really Celly?" Serafim replied, giving Celestia an annoying look, which Celestia growled at and left Serafim chuckling at her. "Alright, come on, I think that's enough for today," Celestia heartily said, smiling, which led Serafim to smile as well. The two then proceed to walk into castle, but Serafim made a sudden stop and looks back slowly, until an explosion occurs in the middle of the training ground, which they were on previously. "Oops," Serafim whispered to himself He turned around again to see Celestia looking at him with a raised brow and several other shocked guards. He smiled apologetically and straighten his body, which he bent when the explosion occurred. And walks in. "So, you 'accidentally' forgot to detonate that magic bomb you were planning to use on me huh?" Celestia said to an annoyed Serafim with an annoying face of mockery. "Yes, for the last 34 times, YES!" He shouted, "Besides, gaining the upper hand makes you forget your previous strategy and thus, replacing it with a new one," He explained. Celestia nodded in understanding, "Well, I guess that makes sense." "Yes, it does." The two kept walking down the castle hall until Serafim playfully nudge Celestia's barrel, causing her to stumble a bit. The action caused Celestia to return the favor. After Serafim received a nudge, he nudged her again, which will lead to the 'poke battle'. It is so because when Celestia got a second one, she repeatedly nudged Serafim. Annoyed, Serafim started poking her face and neck. Celestia returned every poke with her own. The 'battle' continued on until mid evening, with Celestia slowing down from exhaustion while Serafim is still going strong and unrelenting, attacking her with waves upon waves of pokes. Their 'intense battle' soon ended when Celestia fell down on her sides. Serafim, upon realizing it, raised his arms triumphantly. Which, was abruptly ended when one of the guards came to ask Celestia what happened. Serafim looked back at the black-eyed guard with a glare so intense, that his own kind will laugh at it. When he realized that he was a familiar guard, whom he has known as Captain Command Strike, he smiled. The captain just kept staring at him with his one good eye, which had been bruised when Serafim tested his expanding magic growth with Celestia the 3rd time. He remembered every last bit of that moment, he was just about to observe the fight when Serafim started running around like a madman, and ran towards him to hold as hostage (yes, really), but instead lost his balance when he stubbed his metallic boot against a rock and accidentally hit his eye, which was unfortunately, clenched. He then snapped from his thoughts to look at Serafim again, who was now helping Celestia up. "So, how's the training?" He started. "It's great, I've finally expanded my magic powers beyond Celestia's!" Serafim said in glee. Obviously lying. Serafim walked on the dark streets of Canterlot as nighttime had already come. He volunteered to patrol the city while the previous guards take their break. He looked down as he thought about the shadow he was frequently seeing. 'Am I making it too much of a big deal?' He thought, 'Maybe I'm just afraid of what Mezarath would do if he manages to get true power.' With that he kept on walking trying to get his mind off it. He jumped up and creates an energy barrier underneath his feet to keep him up. After that, he scouted for possible threat. He also prayed that he doesn't see the shadow again. Which didn't work, as the shadow appeared again. Serafim just stared at the shadow, smiling like an idiot. The shadow, stared at him as well. The two stared for a long time, until the shadow ran away, jumping away from the city in great lengths. Serafim still stared at the mysterious stranger until it was out of sight. His idiotic smile still plastered across his face. After another long time, his eye finally twitched.