• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 883 Views, 2 Comments

An alien's journey (Formerly "The hunt") Part 1, New beginning - Chernoboy

Serafim, a being from another world who is hunting for a creature of mass destruction, found Equestria by tracking the said creature's energy trail, he finds himself fitting in and helping the new world (more will be explained in the long desc)

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Chapter 1: New World (REwrite)

A being travels in space tracking the energy trail of a large creature that had brought waste to his home years ago, he stopped when he saw an end to the energy trail,his flapping wings were barely heard because of his thinking, his heterochromiac cyan-white eyes scanning the space around him, looking for the creature, he almost calmed down until he was tackled by a large winged figure. He pushed himself away from the beast and stopped a few meters away and looked at him.

"So Mezarath, it took you one thousand, four hundred fifty years to notice your energy trail giving off your failure?", he smirked.
"Don't be so smug Serafim, it only went unnoticed because I was busy thinking about my fellow Wyverns' safety!", he glared at him.
"Riiiiight, so aren't we suppose to finish what was started a millenia ago?", he spread his arms and summoned his weapon, a gold coloured weapon with a design never before seen.
"Yes, and I shall do it with pleasure." Mezarath smiled.

Serafim was a humanoid being who had spent his whole life hunting for the beast he had known as Mezarath. Mezarath, as stated, was a Wyvern who dreams of ultimate power that he can share along with his brethrens. Serafim was only a 6 foot 4 man with hairs that spiked up. He also wore an armor, an armor that he rarely takes off. Mezarath was larger than him, larger than most creatures Serafim had encountered, he was a 50 foot tall long-necked Wyvern, his large claws as well as the spikes that runs along his back gives him a huge advantage in battle.

The two clashed and an energy burst was released, sending both of them away. Serafim smiled while Mezarath scoffed as they clashed again, doing the same thing over and over again. After the fourth clash Serafim slashed Mezarath's head in the side, forcing him to back down a little bit and slashed him in the face, forcing Serafim to do the same. Serafim blasted an energy beam from his weapon, upon impact, the beam creates a bright light that shone like a star to the nearby planet.

The flies away from each other and looks at each other, Serafim charges his weapon while Mezarath opens his mouth slightly to prepare for Serafim's attack. When Serafim finished charging, he blasted the beam towards Mezarath, he managed to fight it back with a fire-based energy beam, the beams glowed brightly. The beams stopped and they stare dat each other again, and blasted the beams again.


Celestia sighed as she watched the moon rose higher into the night sky, regretting every action she had ever done to her sister, even after 344 years after she banished her own sister to the moon she still mourns over the lost of her sister, what caught her attention was a bright light that shone for a while and disappeared, her curiosity was increasing and she waited a little longer for the light to appear again, and sure enough it did.

She stayed a little longer to see what would happen eventually. She leaned against her balcony's plinth to ease her viewing of the bursting light. After a few more sparks, she was surprised and was thrown back on the balcony's floor when one powerful version was created, two other creatures burst into her room and checked to see if she was okay, apparently it was her guards, who are ponies.

"Are you okay princess?" A winged one asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine" The princess replies.
"What was that?" a horned one asked.
"I, I don't know."

Another flash was created, it threw them again due to the intense amount of force that was created from it, they all stared at it for a moment before it disappeared like the last one. Celestia and her guards became worried over what it could be. What they did not know was the arrival of a new species, two to be exact.

Outer space

Serafim was now panting heavily and is now covered in bruises as well as bleeding uncontrollably. Mezarath was no different, his damages were a little lighter though due to his scales.

"How are you not dizzy or anything?" The Wyvern asked.
"The planets I've been to is my secret." Serafim said while looking at the planet nearby.
"Looks like I'm not the only one who trains on the planets I've stopped by." Mezarath smiled and looks at the planet, "How bout' we try this one out?"

Serafim did not respond but only smiled as they both clashed again and moves towards the planet in a ball of energy, entering the atmosphere increased their troubles which are, being pulled into the ground faster because of the planet's gravitation and is covered with flames.

They crashed hard into the ground, when Serafim got up from the ground he realized that they were now outside of one of the planet's cities. He looked back at his opponent who is shaking his head.

Celestia was shocked to see the fallen "object" and rushed outside to see what it was she spread her wings and flew towards the crash site, her two guards joined her and one asked.

"Should we get the chariot your Highness?"
"No need to."
"But Princess.."
"I'm perfectly capable of handling myself!"
"Y-yes Your highness."

When they arrived, she was shocked to see two unfamiliar figures fighting, one was large, one was small but still slightly larger than her. She had encountered many things, but never one like this. She was getting worried about her citizens after seeing the damages the two were causing.

"We can't let this continue! I'm going in!" One of her guards shouted, who was apparently her captain, he flew towards the two.
"Command Strike, no!" Celestia tried to stop her.

Serafim charges his weapon and heard a flapping sound and looked at it to see a fast moving object coming towards him, when it was a few feet away, he stepped back a little bit and the object hit the ground beside him. Serafim looked at it and was shocked because he just saw the weirdest thing ever, a Pegasus, a creature with wings, except the pegasus was, smaller, it was only a pony.

"Get out of here! It's not safe!" Serafim shouted.
"I'm not gonna let you destroy our Princess' city by causing trouble with tha-" the captain was shocked to see the creature Serafim was fighting with, "What, what is that?!"

The Wyvern smiled and shot a fireball from its mouth but Serafim managed to get in front of the pegasus and spins his weapon, creating a shield that destroys the fireball. He looks at the pegasus.

"You okay?" he asked. The pegasus only nodded, he was frightened to see the fireball came towards him.

"Captain! Are you okay?" Princess Celestia asked her captain. The pegasus nodded at her and pointed his hoof towards Serafim, she turned her attention to him and was shocked to see him, Serafim looked at her and was shocked even more at this one, he knows that a unicorn as well as a pegasus existed, but he had never heard about one that is a mix of both kind.

He realized something and was about to warn them about Mezarath but was blasted by a fireball, making him unconscious, his wings retracted due to the lack of energy to keep it going. The Pegasus ran up to him. He shook Serafim's unconscious body, hoping that he would get up.

"Hey, hey wake up!" The pony kept shaking him
"This'll be fun" Mezarath grinned and walked towards them slowly. The Wyvern could only smile at the Pegasus, who is now cowering near Serafim's unconscious body. He chuckled and was about to kill the Pegasus, until he was shot by a magic beam. He glared at his shooter, Princess Celestia.

He walked slowly towards Celestia and was getting ready to attack her, she backed away and the guard beside her tried to tackle Mezarath, all of the except for Serafim was shocked to see the guard devoured effortlessly by the beast. Mezarath flies towards Celestia and grabbed her, he was about to speak when he was hit by a fast moving object. He did not cry out in pain but only stayed quiet to control his rage. He turned to see Celestia's caotain, Command Strike, flying next to him.

He traps Celestia in an energy ball that heats up anything that touches its walls, he flies slowly next to Strike and looks down at him. When Strike was about to fly away, he opunched him, sending him flying away into the ground.

"NO!" Celestia shouted, she tried to break out of the ball with her magic beams but instead it was disintegrated upon touch.

Mezarath lifted Strike and uppercuts him, unfortunately for the Pegasus, the Wyvern's large hand increased the damage and the amount of force he felt was just too much, causing him to pass out mid-air, he caught by Mezarath when he was about to hit the ground and was put down on the ground.

Celestia hung her head to prevent herself from seeing what happened to him. When she lifted her head up, she saw Mezarath walking towards her. She was grabbed from the ball and was forced to get out of it, she screamed in pain while Mezarath only smiled. He brought her up to his eye level.

"I have a question for you, where am I? Who and what are you?" He said as he looked closely at her.
"I'll never tell you anything!" She hissed.
"Whoa, looks like I've got a fighter." He raised his hand and throws her away. She tried to get up but fail. Mezarath grabbed her again, "I'll ask you again....WHERE AM I?! WHO, AND WHAT ARE YOU?!!" He roared.
"Y-you're in Equestria...I, am Princess...Celestia..And I, am an Alicorn.." Celestia said between coughs and wheezes, she coughed up blood and tried to look up on Mezarath.
"Equestria...Alicorn...Princess Celestia? Heh, I'm okay with your name, place and all that but, your appearance and name of species...BOTHERS ME! What the hell is an Alicorn?!" He shouted.
"It's a mix of a Unicorn and a Pegasus." She shakily replied.

"That's all the information I need." Mezarath throws her away again. He walks up to her and prepares to dig through her with his claw, he was almost near the body when something struck his claw, throwing his hand away. He looks at his new attacker to find out that Serafim has awoken, with the damages reduced from the regeneration abilities he learned from another species, he moves a bit easier with it.

"It seems our "hero" has awoken." he put up air quotation with his claws at 'hero'.
"I'm not a hero nor will I ever be." Serafim replied and lifted his weapon, preparing himself.
"Now we can have fun again." He smiled.

Author's Note:

I'm very sorry if this is not good enough, give me enough dislikes to let me know that. I've just registered last night.

(I saved this note because i regretted deleting other posts after knowing i wanted to keep them as memories but here's my rewrite)