• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 884 Views, 2 Comments

An alien's journey (Formerly "The hunt") Part 1, New beginning - Chernoboy

Serafim, a being from another world who is hunting for a creature of mass destruction, found Equestria by tracking the said creature's energy trail, he finds himself fitting in and helping the new world (more will be explained in the long desc)

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Chapter 1. part 2. Serafim's rise

Serafim braced himself as Mezarath propels himself towards him, he tried to dodge it but fails due to his surprisingly fast speed. Mezarath's burning body did nothing to ease the pain from the colossal impact. Serafim tried to break free from the burning Wyvern but ends up being smashed onto a mountain. Serafim coughed up some blood and tried to get up, Mezarath watches gleefully towards the struggling humanoid. Serafim managed to stand up, but was grabbed by Mezarath, he struggled again in the Wyvern's hand. He eyes lit up from getting an idea, he closes his eyes and releases an energy burst that burned the Wyvern's hand. Mezarath shook the flames off and realized that his opponent was already free and was looking at him from above, his wings had grown back

Mezarath glared at him, "You know Serafim, I really don't like this, you keep flying above me...for what? To gain advantage?"

Serafim only nodded to his statements, "You know it," he pointed his weapon towards the Wyvern.

Mezarath looked down for a moment and looked back up to find out that Serafim was gone. He looked around him and was blasted from below. He was only sent flying a few meters above and flapped his wings mid-air to keep him afloat and to prevent himself from being skewered by Serafim's pointed underside of his weapon. When Serafim saw him flying, he calmed down a little but kept his weapon pointed at the same angle, just in case.

"See? It does give me an advantage," He said mockingly.
"That's considered a cheap move to us Wyverns," Mezarath replied.
"Yeah i know, you guys are feral. Always engage directly onto your opponents."
"You know it," Mezarath mimicked his earlier statements.

Mezarath landed several feet from Serafim and looks at him. Serafim bravely walks up to him and looks at him in the eye, smirking. He and Mezarath stared each other down for a while before Serafim pulled his weapon up to him and jumps above Mezarath, The weapon pulling caught him off guard and when he snapped back, he was already feeling the same kind of pain in the early phase of their battle. Serafim was once again slicing along his back, Mezarath lifted his tail up, causing Serafim to go up into the air. Serafim used the attack as an advantage and points his weapon's underside towards the Wyvern's tail and dropped onto it, nailing his tail onto the ground. Mezarath looked back and had his back blasted by a cyan colored beam.

Serafim stopped blasting his nemesis and laughed, his laughter died down when he realized that he was fighting in the pony city. He quickly grabbed his weapon and sliced the Wyvern's tail, giving him a dual tail. The Wyvern regenerated his tail but couldn't stick it back together.

Meanwhile, Celestia finally woke up after being knocked out by the gigantic beast. She slowly got up and looks around to see that the only remaining unconscious body was her captain's, Command Strike. She then looked towards Canterlot and realized that things had took turn for the worst, a battle in her city.

What caught her attention the most was seeing the humanoid holding the city off from the rain of fireballs that was unleashed by the Wyvern. She walked up towards her city slowly but stopped halfway due to the remaining pain. She saw her citizens running away from Canterlot, some were crying. She then got back up and started to walk back towards the city.

"Everypony, try to stay away from the city as far as possible!"
"Wait, some of my foals is still in the city!" One of the citizens shouted.
"What?! I'll go look for them!"

With that, Celestia starts quickening her pace and starts to run slowly. She had to stop at some point to ease the pain that was happening in her body. When she arrived in the city, it was engulfed in flames because of some of the reflected fireballs. She heard a shout, a filly's voice. She turned to where the voice was and saw one that had a fallen debris. She slowly ran towards it. She arrived there and saw several burned bodies and one that was stuck under the fallen debris. She covered her mouth and fought the urge to cry and possibly vomit.

"Just stay there! I'll try to find some that are still here to help me lift up the debris!"
"Wait, why don't you just your magic?" The filly, who was a unicron, was starting to cry by now.
"I'm sorry little filly but, my magic's weak now, i can barely lift a book!"
"Wait! No, don't leave me, I'm scared!" The filly broke into tears when she finished.
"Alright then, I'll try to find a way to get you out while i look for something in here okay?" she smiled to calm her down.
"Alright," The filly wiped away her tears with her only free forehoof.

Celestia desperately tried to look for anything that can be used to lift up the fallen debris. She threw away everything that cannot be used. She finally broke into tears when she could not find anything to help the filly. She found a metal pole and lift it up with her magic, the pole was barely half a foot from the ground. She puts the pole under the debris and pulled the other side to try and lift it up. The pole was bent when it failed to lift up the debris. She threw the pole furiously and cried beside the filly.

"Princess?" The filly started.
"It's okay...If we die...At least we die together," With it, the filly smiled.
"Yes, that's true. Thank you," Celestia smiled with the filly.

The front part of the house also fell down due to the heavy damage. When it fell Celestia hugged the filly to brace for the broken parts. She felt a crushing pain on her hoof and cried out. She opened her eyes to see that her hind leg had been crushed under the debris. She felt tears running down her face and smiled.

"I had a good run."

Serafim heard a cry and looked back to see the house that Celestia was in and was shocked to see the burned bodies of foals in it that was exposed when the debris fell down. He also saw the bodies of ponies out on the road, like the foals, some were burned. He felt rage rushing inside of him and looks at Mezarath angrily.

"Mezarath!" He shouted, "Why?! Why'd you do this?! TELL ME, WHY?!!" He shouted while reflecting some of the fireballs by hitting them with his weapon.

He shot off towards him in the sky and hits Mezarath with his weapon's sharp underside. The stabbed Wyvern then starts to bleed uncontrollably from his belly and mouth. The weapon was stabbed deep into his underbelly. He pulled out the weapon painfully and throw it away. He looked down on Serafim and blasted him with a blue colored fireball.

Serafim was blasted all the way towards the ground and was rendered immobile due to the pain. The Wyvern took the chance to fly away from the city.

Serafim opened his eyes and regenerates. He stood up and rushed towards the house where Celestia was. He blasted off the frontal debris and ran towards the other debris where the filly was. The princess and filly were now unconscious due to the unbearable pain and lack of oxygen. He punches the debris' away and lifted up the unconscious princess and filly out of the city.

Serafim got out of the town safely with the two on his shoulders. He placed both of them on the ground safely and knelt in submission and his hands behind his head, knowing what the citizens would do and think of him. The rest of the citizens arrived and the filly's mother ran up to her remaining filly.

"Wait, I have five foals, where are the other and what happened to her?" The mother, who was a unicorn like her daughter, asked.
"Don't worry, she's okay but..." Serafim said softly.
"What did you do?!" The father, also a unicorn shouted.
"I did nothing but your two other foals are...ashes..." Serafim closed his eyes.
"What?!" The father shouted again.
"It's true! He did nothing! I saw what he was doing!" A citizen said.
"Yeah, and he saved me from that beast!" Another said.

The father looked back and saw Celestia's captain, Command Strike walking towards them. He tapped Serafim's shoulder, motioning him to stand up. Serafim nodded in understanding and stood up, revealing his true height. The ponies all except Strike, stepped back while Strike only smiled. Strike looked at the unconscious princess and starts to panic.

"What happened to the princess?!" He asked.
"Oh, wait."

Serafim charges a blue ball and clenches his hand and reopens it, revealing little sparkling lights. He placed his hand above Celestia and sprinkled it on her. When he finished sprinkling it on her, they heard her gasped and coughed. Much to everyon-pony's surprise, her damages were now gone. She looks at herself and then towards Serafim.

"How did you do that?" She asked curiously.
"A simple healing magic,' Serafim replied.
"Simple? Some unicorns have to take years of training, how long did you train?"
"uhm, one and a half year?" Serafim shrugged.

His answer shocked everypony even more. Some of them were already saying that it was a lie and he was only lying so that he could be a famous creature in all of Equestria. He shrugged and looked towards the city.

"What about Canterlot?" Strike started.
"This will take three days minimum to rebuild everything so, mind lending me some magic?" He looked at the unicorns.
"Oh no, you might trick us! We will not be fooled by your tricks!" A unicorn shouted.
"Come on, I'm just gonna rebuild your city," he put his right arm forward.
"You think just because you act so friendly and sound like a gentlecolt, we'll believe you?" Another shouted.
"I'll only use half of your magic!"
"Oh no, no no no no!" Some of them said in unison.

Serafim rolled his eyes and sighed. He lifted his arms and clenched his hand, which causes half of the unicorns' magic to flow into him. He flew back into the city and put out the fires for starters. Soon, he was able to reconstruct the houses into their original plan, or so he thought. He did the same to other houses and blasted the wood with a white beam that returned all of the woods into their original forms.

"Alright, time to start working!" He shouted.

Author's Note:

Alright, hope there're things that have been fixed here