• Published 17th Jul 2014
  • 1,020 Views, 11 Comments

Confusion - Lonice

I was a normal human, with life finally beginning to look up, things just <a class=

  • ...

Good Morning, Ponies!

I never thought I would explain my daily routine to a pony. Even more so, I never thought that they'd understand. Somehow, Rarity had easily grasped the idea of video games. Of course, explaining it as "...moving pictures that you control with a hand-held device..." seemed to do the trick. Maybe Twilight would be better at understanding what I mean.

It had been a few hours, but Rarity finally finished the first set of clothing. "Uh... Could you look the other way so I can..." I paused to gulp, "...So I can get dressed?" I finished my question. She nodded and turned away's , and I quickly got dressed. "Done!" I announced.

I started up the stairs as she continued to work. As I approached, the color on the stairs surrounding me went from clear to a deep, navy blue. Upon closer inspection, I could see that the stairs looked as though they had been roughly carved into their shapes. It seemed like a "rough draft" form, but it somehow fit in with the rest of the room.

Since I'm walking up stairs, I can think...

Right, You need a course of action.

Ugh... Hello again.

How about we discuss my name? Even you admitted that I need one, considering how long I've existed.

I thought you had left me, actually. Welp, you need a name. Hmmm... There's a door...

Really? I won't accept a name inspired by a door.

Okay, okay, no names inspired by my surroundings, got it... Lets see... I put you in my head because of loneliness, and you are essentially another form of me... Echo? No, but something similar... Sonar is related to sound as well... Hmm... Sona? No, Etch? Another no... Hmmm...

How about Enar?

Yes! Enar... That name works. Now... A course of action...

Ajil... You should really go through the door right in front of you, sit at a table, and then decide on a course of action or actions.

Yeah, your right... I'll do that.

As I got to open the door, I see a magenta aura engulf the knob, a sign that Twilight is about to open the door. Too late, I realize what is about to happen. I see the door fly open, and I feel myself fly backwards. "Aaagh!"

Everything is black. I can't feel anything... Am I dead? Is this what death is like?

Dude, just open your damn eyes. You aren't dead, ya moron.

"Ungh..." I open my eyes to see that the world has been tinted magenta... It all looks so weird... Oh hey, there's Twilight, using magi- Oh my god, she just saved my life... Or saved me from serious injury. "Uhhh... Thanks?" I say, noticing that it sounded like a question.

"It's n-not a problem..." Twilight says as she slowly lowers me to the stair. She quickly... Walks? No, she was trotting. Huge difference. I think.

Shouldn't you be heading on? Or are you afraid of her pets. They can't hurt you, you and I both know that. Especially if I took over.

There's no way in hell I'm intentionally letting you have control. Go back to the crevice in my mind you came from until I need you.

Harsh, much? You don't even know exactly wha-

I said, 'Go back to the crevice in my mind you came from..." Or are you deaf?

Fine, fine, I'm going.


I open the door to be blinded by the light entering the library. Seriously, there has to be some sort of internal light source... There is no way that all of this light is just coming in from the windows. It's almost like they discovered how to create mini-suns and put them everywhere.

After about a minute or two of my vision adjusting to the light and scanning the room, I finally found a table. I walked over, and started to frown as I realized there weren't any chairs. As I approached, however, the library seemed to sense that I wanted to sit down, as a chair seemed to 'phase' into existence as I approached. It looked like a chair from my childhood, bringing back mostly decent memories. Mostly.

I sat down and here I am. Hey, Eran! That was his name, right?

Really, you can't even remember the name of something you created? You are a fuckin' retard.

All righty then, into the Mind Cell you go!

Does that mean... I can finally have out?

Oh my god, I completely forgot... Sorry bout that, Joe.

Anyways, what should I do first? If I go outside it could cause some form of paranoia to stir, and ponies will likely evade me...

Oh, I know! You should totally go outside, look for the other main six and tell them that you never thought you could meet them because they'r-

Oh great, someone lock up Jerry with Enar, quick!

Already done. Now, you should start by getting a little more familiar with the library. If this is after season four, you won't have much to go by...

What about the outdoors? Ah, but you're right. Alex, you can go now. If I can familiarize myself with this place by the end of the day, I'll come back to this spot and request your help as well. And Jerry and Enar's help.

I have to admit, it was easy to lose myself in those books. I found the "Fiction" section and none of the others that I share a head with were able to stop me from reading up on ancient Pony legends... Thought I had only read one. It started with apes ruling the world. I had gotten to the part were there was a big war due to separate beliefs. It seemed really familiar...

I had walked back to the main room to ask Twilight if I could borrow the book, when outside I heard an all-too-familiar voice announcing "Good Morning, Ponies!"

Trixie... I don't know how to feel about her.

She needs to suffer, to pay for what she's done! To be kept at the brink of death fo-

Shut up, Enar.

I slightly pity her. For her to act like that... I'd hate to think of what she had to do for attention when she was a little filly.

I'm with you on this one, Jerry. It's a reasonable assumption that there was a trauma in her past, but that only makes up for so much... Of course, she had also been corrupted by the Alicorn amulet.

She never seemed to catch a break, either. I already know that I don't want to have to deal with her.

You should look for an engineering section. Or something along those lines.

Uh, why? It's not like they'll have books on intra-dimensional travel. There might
be something in history, but history can easily be confused with legends.

That is why you should look at their engineering capabilities. A lot should be Greek themed, due to the fact that Tartarus exists within this realm. That also means one can assume that at one point a Roman-like culture will take over.

If I recall any history at all, its that Romans basically just copied the Greek gods and goddesses, even if they altered things a bit. I think I'll look into their ancient engineering. They may have been influenced by past cultures, so I mean...

Good Idea. Hurry up, you don't have all day. It's going to be noon soon, and you should likely return to the main room first to see if they can give you anything to eat.

At first, returning to the main room seemed like a genius idea. Then I remembered that they didn't eat meat, fish being an exception.

"Damnit..." I mutter.

"What?" I hear Twilight, causing me to jump because I hadn't noticed her.

"Agh! Jeez, don't sneak up on me like that, please!" I say.

"Oh, sorry. But what were you saying just now?" she asks.

Crap. "Oh, nothing important," I say. I can feel sweat forming on my face.

"Okay..." She said, and walked off. No, trotted, damn it!

It wasn't long before they figured out that I couldn't eat some of there foods. I had to begin explaining the human digestive system. How it can only digest certain plants, such as carrots, cooked potatoes, etc. So, naturally, they gave me a lot of carrots... I mean, seriously, where the hell do they keep these things?! I have a large container filled with them now!

Now that you've eaten, can we go to the engineering section of the library?

It took a while, but I finally found the engineering section of the library. I figured I'd want to go farther back to understand how well they developed things. When things started appearing as scrolls instead of books, I decided it was a good time to start looking.

After fifteen good minutes of finding nothing but weaponry mechanics, I heard a pair of familiar voices; "...but Applejack, what about the windmill? Surely having one of those could help you!" echoed Pinkie Pies voice.

"Ah don't know, sugarcube. Ah'd have ta' ask Bic Macintosh 'bout it," Applejacks voice rang throughout the corridors.

They're too close to hide from... Oh well, Twilight was probably going to tell them about me soon. I'll just continue to browse these bo-... Scrolls.

I open one with a golden ring thing. You know, what the scroll wraps around. As it opens, I gasp at what I'm staring at, and drop the scroll.

"H-H-How the he-..." my voice cuts itself off. The scroll clanks to the ground and unravels. As it does, exact drawings of the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, and more from my world are depicted on the scroll.

"Wh-Wha-..." I try to ask.

Calm down! Damn it, why was that on the scroll! Why?!

The scroll continued to unravel, beginning to reveal a roughly made map of my world... First America, Canada, Mexico... Then the UK, Africa, France, Germany, Russia, China... India, Australia... What the fuck is going on here?! My breathing... It's all over the place... My vision has failed... Just gotta slow down, catch my breath, and think. Breathe.

After my vision begins to clear, I see two concerned ponies staring at me with concern. Then I notice the tears that had been streaming from my eyes. Pathetic...

"Are ya'll alright?" is the first thing Applejack asks... I hope I am.

"I think... At least, if I catch my breath I should be okay. Just had a panic attack, is all," I reply. That relieves Applejack, but Pinkie Pie still looks concerned. Great.

"Are you sure you're okay? You were screaming, after all..." Pinkie said. Ah, now I understand why Applejack sounded so concerned.

"I was...? I... Can't remember..." I say. Pinkie looks at me with even more concern (I'm not sure how it's possible), and Applejack walks over to the scroll. My heart sinks.

"So... I wasn't hallucinating... Why?" I ask, not expecting an answer from above.

"What do ya mean?" Applejack asks.

"That scroll... It shows things that... They're from my world... As if... I'm being taunted... Why?!" I ask. Wait... I may have said too much... Crap.

"I'll go get Twilight..." Pinkie says, quickly trotting off. Ha, I got it now! Yes! But... Why would that scroll be here?

"Well, Ah guess Ah get to watch you then. So, what's your name?" Applejack asks, obviously trying to start a conversation.

"My name is Ajil. I woke up this morning and started to go out with this girl, and then I suddenly fell unconscious and woke up in this library. Twilight was in the same room with me," I explain. Then it hits me; Twilight was in the same room as me.

"Wait, could Twilight... Hmmm..." I start to think aloud. Damn it! She probably did a spell wrong and now... Now I'm here... But... There's gotta be a way out of it!

"What wrong, sugarcube?" I hear Applejack. She looks concerned. I must've looked bizarre, or she had tried to get my attention more than once.

"Sorry, just lost in thought. To have everything ripped away from under my feet... Ah, well, this isn't the first time. I have to just get over it. For all I know, this was for the best. I just hope I can get back." I say.

"Ah wish Twi would get back soon. Ah think she could help y'all more than Ah could." Applejack admitted.

I don't know... If I can't go back, what am I supposed to do?

You could let one of us ta-

Hell no. No fucking way I'll purposely give one of you control.

Fine, I'll stop pestering... For now.

It seemed like it had been two hours of just sitting there before I saw Twilight running with Pinkie right behind her.

"Is everypony all right?!" She asked, panic in her voice.

"I'm fine now... Twilight, I need to ask you something... Preferably alone," I say. Oh, God, please don't let this backfire.

"Hang on... I need to talk to Applejack about some things first," Twilight said. Great. I'm being left out again.

It wouldn't be like that if I was in control.

You aren't getting control.

Pinkie Pie taps my shoulder, whispering "Don't give in," and she walks away. Her mane isn't completely deflated, but slightly. Why worry about a stranger?

Soon Twilight was the only pony in the room. Suddenly, she seemed to sprout wings, and she let them flap a few times before folding them again. "Well, you seem to believe that our worlds are different. So, care to explain?" She asks.

"First, I want a favor. Whatever spell you had cast to bring me here, I want you to reverse it. Please. If you agree to do that, I'll explain what I know," I say.

"I'm afraid that I can not reverse the spell. I've already tried. From the sounds of it, you have emotions too. Especially from what Pinkie told me. So why did you break down?" She asked. So I explained. Explained human history to Twilight, and then... I gulped.

"Twilight, I'm not sure I want to tell you the next part. If I was told this by a pony that had appeared in my world..." I shook my head. "There isn't a good way to take it in," I said. She still wanted to know though. So I told her how in my world they were just a show. For my species children. Also that she and her five friends were the main characters.

"That's how I know you're the Element of Magic, Rarity is the Element of Generosity, Applejack is Honesty, Pinkie Pie is Laughter... Fluttershy is Kindness, and Rainbow Dash is Loyalty. You are ruled by two Princess sisters, Princess Celestia raises the sun, and Princess Luna raises the moon. You and your five friends defeated and converted Nightmare Moon, now Princess Luna. You had done the same with Discord. You had also defeated Queen Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen. You had prevented King Sombra from taking back the Crystal Empire, currently ruled by Princess Cadence, who married your brother, Shining Armor. I also know about Sunset Shimmer. I know that the day you became an Alicorn you had to create your own spell to fix the Cutie Marks of your friends. I know you were the one to defeat Tirek. You had also stopped the black plant things with thorns from spreading out of the Everfree forest, and you had to give up the Elements of Harmony to essentially revive the Tree of Harmony." I say, rapid firing everything without thinking.

Great... I think you might've made a mistake. I mean, look at the poor girl! She's in shock now!

Yeah, good going, asshole. You fucked up this time.

It takes a few hours, but we finally get back to the main room. Dinner is about to be served. I just start munching on my carrots. Then...

The front doors burst open. In walks Trixie, and she hollers, at what seems to be the top of her lungs, "Good evening, Ponies!"

Author's Note:

Ah yes, the OTHER sides of Ajil now show themselves. This shall be fun.