• Published 17th Jul 2014
  • 1,020 Views, 11 Comments

Confusion - Lonice

I was a normal human, with life finally beginning to look up, things just <a class=

  • ...


Under normal circumstances, I’d be okay with blacking out. Normal circumstances would imply that I had pulled an all-nighter playing on whatever gaming system I felt like, and thus I would anticipate such an occurrence. No such luck this time, though, for I had made sure I was well rested for a day filled with going to the movies, a park, and all that other fun stuff. I was trying to be as nice as possible, something I used to do often.

To make things worse, not only have I lost visual capability, I have lost complete consciousness in the process. Once my conscious returns, I let out a loud groan, acknowledging the pain all through-out my body. The pain iss only enough to make you lay there for a small portion of time, but not enough to cause concern for serious injury. I am relieved upon realizing this, and I sit up.

I push my glasses up further onto my face whilst my eyes ease open. When they do open, all I can see is a dark room, and I can't make shapes out of much, except that the room is a rectangular prism with what appear to be bookshelves on either side.

I hear a feminine groan, one that sounds familiar. “Ungh… Wha-…? Wait, is that…?” says the voice. It is extremely familiar to me, I just can't remember who or what it belongs to. “Are you okay, sir?” the voice asks me.

“Yeah, I should be fine.” I reply, and suddenly I am bathed in a magenta light, emanating from a unicorns horn. At first I am shocked, but then old memories begin to stir. “Wait… Are you…” I cut myself short as I realize the problems that I can cause by saying Twilight’s name; instead, I opt for a better assumption at what a human would say, “Are you a unicorn?!” I question, doing my best to make it seem as though I’m shocked.

“Oh! Sorry if that scared you… My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I guess you could say I’m the librarian around here,” she says, her face slightly pink.

At first I wonder why, so my first sincere question is “Why are you blushing?” I regret it instantly as she ducks her head down, more or less out of embarrassment. Then I notice a light breeze, and I feel horror consume my body.

As I realize I am nude, I quickly go into the… What was it? Oh well, all I know was that my butt is on the floor and my knees are closed together, up to my chin. “So sorry I didn't realize… My name is Ajil… And I’d seriously like a pair of clothes,” is the next sincere thing I say. I have to keep track of the times I lie while I’m here, if I ever even get out. I know I’m in Equestria, and I know of the other Elements of Harmony.

“So… I’ll go get one of my other friends so that they can make you something to wear, but you’ll have to come with me,” Twilight says, still not making eye contact. I can tell she winces when I groan.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that from where I’m from we don’t walk around nude,” I say, regretting it when I received another wince. I continue, “If you can bring her here, it’d work out better,” I proclaim, almost instantly realizing what I just said.

“Okay,” Twilight responds, and for the time being either ignoring or not realizing that I somehow know Rarity is a female. Perhaps I will be safe on this one. “I’ll go get Rarity and her supplies, and we’ll go from there. Hopefully she can figure something out for a human,” She continues. Now I am confused.

“How do you know what a human is?!” I question. I am serious on this one, and then the memory of Equestria Girls whirls back into my mind. It takes me a minute to process some things, but I have a bad feeling.

“It’s a long story, just as I’m sure you knowing that Rarity is a mare is quite a long story,” she proclaims. Crap, so she did notice. Explaining that they’re a show in my world could have severe consequences, and I do not want to be the being responsible.

Of course, if they’re only there for entertainment in my world, couldn't that mean that the same goes vice versa? That’s a question I’ll have to find the answer to later, for right now I can hear Twilight telling Spike words to write down; likely a letter to Princess Celestia.

I have been sitting here for what feels like hours. I just want to go home; no, I need to go home. Things were just getting better for me. Why now, when my life was finally getting better? Why did they have to wait until the day after I decided I could live happily on Earth and didn't have to go to their world for happiness? Thoughts like these aren’t going to get me anywhere though. I’ll have to take action at one point.

Something is bothering me, though. How and why was Twilight so calm? I mean, she just ripped a human being from his home world! I've seen the show, and I know unicorns don’t just do that. I’ll have to ask her later. If I know Rarity, she’ll likely give me the first outfit she makes for free, being the Element of Generosity and all. That’ll be difficult to not feel guilty about.

I had searched around the dim-lit room and found a large amount of paper, a quill, and some ink. Apparently this is where Twilight and, perhaps or, Spike would write things down. I then had a startling though; in the show, they never appeared to design under-clothes, or underwear, something that I was stern about. I dipped the quill in ink, and began to draw the best basic underpants I could manage.

I have at least drawn three pairs of underpants, a pair of jeans, sweat pants, and a T-shirt with basic notes when I hear Twilight’s voice saying “…so don’t freak out, okay Rarity?” I twitch as I grab the six sheets of paper and sat back down, knees up to my chin once more. Being a male, this likely isn't completely necessary, but I have an intense paranoia of them seeing more of me than I am comfortable with; and I'm not happy revealing my upper body due to fearing mockery. I'm not fat, but the fear still gets to me.

“Yeah, he calls himself Ajil. He’s kinda shy about being completely nude though, so I think you may have a few problems. I think as long as you don’t look at his… Male… Components you should be fine,” I hear Twilight say, clearly struggling for what was a more appropriate word than… You know.

“Oh, it’s no trouble dear. He can’t give me that much trouble if I have enough time to do measurements for the size of clothing I should make,” I hear Rarity say, and I feel my heart plummet when she says the word “…measurements…” I know what that means… Hopefully they’ll let me measure out the length of my upper leg while alone. It would be easier, but only if they cooperate.

I saw their shadows at the stairs, but then they stopped. I heard Twilight whispering, and saw her shadow near Rarity’s. I can only assume she’s warning her that I somehow already knew Rarity was a mare; great. They continued down the staircase, and then I noticed that as they walked down, the steps around them would glow a pinkish hue, something that I took a quick mental note of.

“Ah! What is that thing?!” I heard Rarity exclaim as she saw me. “It looks nothing like what you said it did! I thought you said I’d be working with a human, not a mutated armadillo!” I heard Rarity begin to complain. I wanted to stop her, but something stopped me in my mind; fear. I was afraid of what she’d do if I startled her. I didn't care though, better late than never.

“I’m only hunched down so that I don’t end up embarrassed. I assume you are Rarity, the… I think they would call you a clothes designer in my world,” I said, doing everything I could to ease the tension. “Also, Rarity, I have some drawings in case humans don’t live here. I understand that designing something for another species that you have never seen before or designed anything for before could likely,” I paused to breath, “be difficult. That was a mouthful,” I stated, answering their questioning looks.

“Well, darling, can I see these drawings of yours? I’m sure they could help me tremendously,” I heard her reply. She held out a hoof expectantly. I grabbed the six papers from in between my arms and my side and handed them to her. “Why, is this piece of clothing for wearing under other clothing? Darling, do explain why you’d need this, please!” Rarity said, the exasperation clear in her voice.

“Well, you see… For me, I use that underwear, as I call it, for comfort. Others use it for whatever reason they want, but… Just look at the other designs, please,” I say, hoping to move off of that topic. I’m still dreading the time when she’ll try to do measurements.

It takes a few minutes, and then she finally looks up. The look in her face seems… Is that curiosity?! That’s not good… Why is she walking up to me? “W-wait! If you’re going to do measurements, I’d like to take them myself… While alone,” I elaborate. I see both Rarity and Twilight smile gentle smiles at this.

“Of course, dear, I’ll leave the measuring tools down here,” I hear Rarity saying, pointing with her ha-… hoof to a spot where measuring tools are indeed in a box.

“I think I should go to… I need to have a talk with Spike about some things,” Twilight says as well, both of them heading up the stairs. I know it’s weird, hearing Rarity even use the word humans, but I assume Twilight likely told her friends all about my race. I walked over to the measuring tools and began to measure myself.

Shockingly, it was far easier to measure myself accordingly than I thought. I was thinking about what I’d do when I got home the whole time, first being that I found Jazyline and ensure that she’s okay. Then I’d check up on my family members, and after them I’d make sure I could start working again, at least filling out an application if I was fired from my old workplace. Finally, I’d check up on the friends I’d made, make sure they knew I was okay.

I decided it was time to notify them that I was done, shouting up the stairs “Hey! Twilight, Rarity, I’m done with the measurements!” Doing my best to make sure they heard me. I had played it smart and wrote down the measurements, hoping to make things much easier for both me and Rarity. The sooner I can get into a nice pair of clothes, the better.

I heard Rarity coming down the stairs, saying “I’m on my way down, darling!” informing me that I should go back to curling up into a ball. I did so just as the stairs began to glow.

I saw her looking the pages over with a careful eye before she nodded. She seemed to have brought everything she needed to the library, for she began to sew my clothes right then and there. I’m not kidding; she just set up the sewing machine and went at it.

“So, dear, would you mind telling me about yourself? I mean, besides the fact that you’re pale, you have chestnut colored hair, and your eyes are a beautiful midnight blue,” said Rarity, describing what I looked like. I have to admit, I’m a bit flattered by the compliments on my eyes. On another note, I hope she isn't trying to get too close to me.

Assuming she meant what my life was like, I began with some basics; “Well, in the morning I usually get up to eat breakfast, as I’m sure ponies do too. Then, I write down a list of things I’ll need my mom to do while I’m out if I won’t be there that day. If I leave, I go to a friend’s house and we play video games for… I’ll tell you what a video game is after this, okay? So, we play video games for an hour or two before we usually go our separate ways, and then I’ll usually go to work,” I say, only stopping to tell Rarity that she’ll have to wait to know what a video game is.

By the time I had explained what a computer was to her, she had finished at least one set of clothing. “Thank you for this, Rarity. May I ask how much it’d cost me for the outfit?” I asked. I knew what the response would be, but I thought it would be weird not to ask, and it actually came out as an instinct.

“Oh, darling, don’t worry about paying me a single bit! I don’t usually charge my friends when I make them clothes, why should I charge you, dear?” she asked, apparently assuming we’re already friends.

“Oh… Well… It’s just that, were I’m from, clothing isn't usually free,” I explained. As long as it’s basic clothing though, it should be fairly cheap. “So you see… I just… Thank you for your generosity, ma’am!” the words fled my mouth as I bowed down out of respect before I could think straight again. The actions performed just then were out of pure respect.

“Oh, it’s nothing, darling, don’t worry! You’ll need to be comfortable while you enjoy your stay here, after all, won’t you?” was what she replied with, still not looking up from her work. I know she's right, and I pull myself together. This is going to be a long day.

Author's Note:

This has been interesting to type down. I'm seriously trying to keep it in first person with Ajil, but I'm finding it a bit difficult.