> Confusion > by Lonice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The room was black, save for the magenta glow emanating from the unicorns horn. There was another spell discovered, one that still had unknown capabilities. That’s where Twilight Sparkle came in, as she knew much of magic. A new library wasn’t the only thing given to Twilight from the Tree of Harmony, after all. The new library was crystalline, constantly reminding everypony of the Crystal Empire. There was a lot to explore, starting with the large basement, that seemed to house various corridors of books. The corridors seemed to have a limit at first, but Twilight quickly noticed that each time a new book was created that the shelves seemed to expand of their own accord to make room, which sometimes lead to the seeming expansion of the corridors. Another curious aspect was the fact that when digging down to reach the exterior of the corridors, you would not encounter them even though one should. Twilight believes this to be part of the magical properties of the new library, but can’t be certain. One of the corridors was on magic. Twilight had searched to at least halfway through the shelves before finally finding copies of Starswirl the Bearded’s work. This alone lead to an amazing discovery; all of the books before that not only looked ancient, but they are ancient, meaning they contain ancient spells. The only problem is decrypting the ancient languages, and Twilight had some luck with that already. She was capable of deciphering more of the recent books, but that was only to explain what magic was being studied not long before Princess Celestia came into rule. As such, Twilight went with what seemed to be the most basic of spells in the new books, which she had called “Spell of Strings.” True to its name, it feels as though the unicorn casting it is merely pulling at a few strings, as if one would tug at a string on a lyre. Generally, ponies are meant to be gentle when doing so, but Twilight wanted to experiment, and give a string a bit more than just a tug. She began to cast the spell, and felt around the strings until she found one that felt fairly loose already. Then, she pulled it as hard as she could. It didn't take long for the string to snap into two, both ends flowing in the sea that the strings resided within. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is early morning, and I am ready for some breakfast. Six A.M sounds early to other guys, but not me; I usually get up this early so I can have a good long day doing whatever, after dealing with necessities. I start charging up the carpeted stairs to the main floor, leaving the basement behind me. My Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3 will have to wait. I start to cook eggs and bacon for breakfast, the white marble flooring cool under my bare feet. Just yesterday, I had told Jazyline about my feelings for her, just to find out she likes me too. We’re planning a date today, so I’ll have to be in top gear, starting with a healthy breakfast. Just as I think of it, I see the bacon finishing with a nice sizzle from the cast-iron frying pan. I take them off of the stove and monitor the scrambled eggs until they’ve finished cooking. I pull the salt out of my wooden cupboard and give two quick sprinkles. That should do it. I get a plate out and sit it down on the wooden table. I place the eggs and the two bacon strips on the plate, careful not to lose any food to the floor. I sat down, and prepared to eat; then I remember that my dog needs to be fed. I quickly get up and head to the pantry, not too far to the left of the stove, just far enough to prevent a fire hazard. I fill his bowl and hear him charging up the stairs. “Hiya, Streak!” I say, watching the Boston Terrier rush to the bowl. True to his name, he looks like a black streak until he reaches his bowl. He has a white line streaking up the center of his face, starting at his nose, ending just above the center of his eyes. He quickly digs into the food I set for him while I fill his water dish. “So, how’d you sleep?” I ask. I know he can’t really respond in English, but I must’ve trained him well, as he stops eating to let out a small “Woof” before he resumes eating. I fill the water dish with the water that pours from the faucet of the sink, which sits directly to the right of the stove. Not much farther to the right is my fridge. I smile at his reply. It makes me feel good that to know that I learned how to train dogs to do some tricks like that, more or less just for fun and passing my free time. I resume eating my breakfast, and proceed to enter the shower after gathering a few clothes. After I am done showering, as if on cue, my doorbell rings. I hear Streak bark once as if to notify me that I have a visitor, or just because the doorbell irritates him. “Hang on!” I shout, still pulling my shirt over my head. I quickly wrote a list of things for my mom to do. You see, she became too old to work, but I don't want to send her into a nursing home. We had agreed that she could stay here unless she began to need to be in a nursing home, which still doesn’t seem necessary. She is 96, a decent life for any human being, even if they live in the U.S. I am almost done writing, when I remember about the argument from last night. I quickly write an apology letter and leave it next to the letter telling her what I need her to do. It is really basic, like walking and feeding the dog. Besides that, the rest of the day is hers to use however she wants. I walk to the door and open it, seeing Jazyline on the porch. She looks at me when I open the door, and a smile spreads across her face in an instant. I can feel my face return the gesture. At this time, she has her hair dyed blond, her eyes are a chocolate brown, and her skin is the color of a mixed person. Her shirt is green, and she is wearing dark skinny jeans, her hair lying not much farther beyond her shoulders. We both quickly embrace. “I’m glad to see you,” I say, my voice calm. “You smell nice,” She compliments, “Makes me wish I showered this morning. I’m glad I managed to get around to it last night.” She continues, “May I come in?” She enters as I nod, proceeding with a question, “Hi Streak! So, Ajil, how’s your morning been so far?” “My morning has been great!” I say with enthusiasm. I can feel the smile on my face, likely looking goofy on a grown man’s face. I scratch my right side-burn uneasily. “If you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing here so early?” I question. “Well, you know…” Jazyline says, and she looks at me, concern appearing to be the emotion upon her face. “I thought you forgot.” Ouch, that isn’t fun to hear. “Ah. I guess that’s understandable.” I reply. I get ready to talk again, but suddenly, my vision goes black. > Embarrassment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under normal circumstances, I’d be okay with blacking out. Normal circumstances would imply that I had pulled an all-nighter playing on whatever gaming system I felt like, and thus I would anticipate such an occurrence. No such luck this time, though, for I had made sure I was well rested for a day filled with going to the movies, a park, and all that other fun stuff. I was trying to be as nice as possible, something I used to do often. To make things worse, not only have I lost visual capability, I have lost complete consciousness in the process. Once my conscious returns, I let out a loud groan, acknowledging the pain all through-out my body. The pain iss only enough to make you lay there for a small portion of time, but not enough to cause concern for serious injury. I am relieved upon realizing this, and I sit up. I push my glasses up further onto my face whilst my eyes ease open. When they do open, all I can see is a dark room, and I can't make shapes out of much, except that the room is a rectangular prism with what appear to be bookshelves on either side. I hear a feminine groan, one that sounds familiar. “Ungh… Wha-…? Wait, is that…?” says the voice. It is extremely familiar to me, I just can't remember who or what it belongs to. “Are you okay, sir?” the voice asks me. “Yeah, I should be fine.” I reply, and suddenly I am bathed in a magenta light, emanating from a unicorns horn. At first I am shocked, but then old memories begin to stir. “Wait… Are you…” I cut myself short as I realize the problems that I can cause by saying Twilight’s name; instead, I opt for a better assumption at what a human would say, “Are you a unicorn?!” I question, doing my best to make it seem as though I’m shocked. “Oh! Sorry if that scared you… My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I guess you could say I’m the librarian around here,” she says, her face slightly pink. At first I wonder why, so my first sincere question is “Why are you blushing?” I regret it instantly as she ducks her head down, more or less out of embarrassment. Then I notice a light breeze, and I feel horror consume my body. As I realize I am nude, I quickly go into the… What was it? Oh well, all I know was that my butt is on the floor and my knees are closed together, up to my chin. “So sorry I didn't realize… My name is Ajil… And I’d seriously like a pair of clothes,” is the next sincere thing I say. I have to keep track of the times I lie while I’m here, if I ever even get out. I know I’m in Equestria, and I know of the other Elements of Harmony. “So… I’ll go get one of my other friends so that they can make you something to wear, but you’ll have to come with me,” Twilight says, still not making eye contact. I can tell she winces when I groan. “I’m sorry, it’s just that from where I’m from we don’t walk around nude,” I say, regretting it when I received another wince. I continue, “If you can bring her here, it’d work out better,” I proclaim, almost instantly realizing what I just said. “Okay,” Twilight responds, and for the time being either ignoring or not realizing that I somehow know Rarity is a female. Perhaps I will be safe on this one. “I’ll go get Rarity and her supplies, and we’ll go from there. Hopefully she can figure something out for a human,” She continues. Now I am confused. “How do you know what a human is?!” I question. I am serious on this one, and then the memory of Equestria Girls whirls back into my mind. It takes me a minute to process some things, but I have a bad feeling. “It’s a long story, just as I’m sure you knowing that Rarity is a mare is quite a long story,” she proclaims. Crap, so she did notice. Explaining that they’re a show in my world could have severe consequences, and I do not want to be the being responsible. Of course, if they’re only there for entertainment in my world, couldn't that mean that the same goes vice versa? That’s a question I’ll have to find the answer to later, for right now I can hear Twilight telling Spike words to write down; likely a letter to Princess Celestia. I have been sitting here for what feels like hours. I just want to go home; no, I need to go home. Things were just getting better for me. Why now, when my life was finally getting better? Why did they have to wait until the day after I decided I could live happily on Earth and didn't have to go to their world for happiness? Thoughts like these aren’t going to get me anywhere though. I’ll have to take action at one point. Something is bothering me, though. How and why was Twilight so calm? I mean, she just ripped a human being from his home world! I've seen the show, and I know unicorns don’t just do that. I’ll have to ask her later. If I know Rarity, she’ll likely give me the first outfit she makes for free, being the Element of Generosity and all. That’ll be difficult to not feel guilty about. I had searched around the dim-lit room and found a large amount of paper, a quill, and some ink. Apparently this is where Twilight and, perhaps or, Spike would write things down. I then had a startling though; in the show, they never appeared to design under-clothes, or underwear, something that I was stern about. I dipped the quill in ink, and began to draw the best basic underpants I could manage. I have at least drawn three pairs of underpants, a pair of jeans, sweat pants, and a T-shirt with basic notes when I hear Twilight’s voice saying “…so don’t freak out, okay Rarity?” I twitch as I grab the six sheets of paper and sat back down, knees up to my chin once more. Being a male, this likely isn't completely necessary, but I have an intense paranoia of them seeing more of me than I am comfortable with; and I'm not happy revealing my upper body due to fearing mockery. I'm not fat, but the fear still gets to me. “Yeah, he calls himself Ajil. He’s kinda shy about being completely nude though, so I think you may have a few problems. I think as long as you don’t look at his… Male… Components you should be fine,” I hear Twilight say, clearly struggling for what was a more appropriate word than… You know. “Oh, it’s no trouble dear. He can’t give me that much trouble if I have enough time to do measurements for the size of clothing I should make,” I hear Rarity say, and I feel my heart plummet when she says the word “…measurements…” I know what that means… Hopefully they’ll let me measure out the length of my upper leg while alone. It would be easier, but only if they cooperate. I saw their shadows at the stairs, but then they stopped. I heard Twilight whispering, and saw her shadow near Rarity’s. I can only assume she’s warning her that I somehow already knew Rarity was a mare; great. They continued down the staircase, and then I noticed that as they walked down, the steps around them would glow a pinkish hue, something that I took a quick mental note of. “Ah! What is that thing?!” I heard Rarity exclaim as she saw me. “It looks nothing like what you said it did! I thought you said I’d be working with a human, not a mutated armadillo!” I heard Rarity begin to complain. I wanted to stop her, but something stopped me in my mind; fear. I was afraid of what she’d do if I startled her. I didn't care though, better late than never. “I’m only hunched down so that I don’t end up embarrassed. I assume you are Rarity, the… I think they would call you a clothes designer in my world,” I said, doing everything I could to ease the tension. “Also, Rarity, I have some drawings in case humans don’t live here. I understand that designing something for another species that you have never seen before or designed anything for before could likely,” I paused to breath, “be difficult. That was a mouthful,” I stated, answering their questioning looks. “Well, darling, can I see these drawings of yours? I’m sure they could help me tremendously,” I heard her reply. She held out a hoof expectantly. I grabbed the six papers from in between my arms and my side and handed them to her. “Why, is this piece of clothing for wearing under other clothing? Darling, do explain why you’d need this, please!” Rarity said, the exasperation clear in her voice. “Well, you see… For me, I use that underwear, as I call it, for comfort. Others use it for whatever reason they want, but… Just look at the other designs, please,” I say, hoping to move off of that topic. I’m still dreading the time when she’ll try to do measurements. It takes a few minutes, and then she finally looks up. The look in her face seems… Is that curiosity?! That’s not good… Why is she walking up to me? “W-wait! If you’re going to do measurements, I’d like to take them myself… While alone,” I elaborate. I see both Rarity and Twilight smile gentle smiles at this. “Of course, dear, I’ll leave the measuring tools down here,” I hear Rarity saying, pointing with her ha-… hoof to a spot where measuring tools are indeed in a box. “I think I should go to… I need to have a talk with Spike about some things,” Twilight says as well, both of them heading up the stairs. I know it’s weird, hearing Rarity even use the word humans, but I assume Twilight likely told her friends all about my race. I walked over to the measuring tools and began to measure myself. Shockingly, it was far easier to measure myself accordingly than I thought. I was thinking about what I’d do when I got home the whole time, first being that I found Jazyline and ensure that she’s okay. Then I’d check up on my family members, and after them I’d make sure I could start working again, at least filling out an application if I was fired from my old workplace. Finally, I’d check up on the friends I’d made, make sure they knew I was okay. I decided it was time to notify them that I was done, shouting up the stairs “Hey! Twilight, Rarity, I’m done with the measurements!” Doing my best to make sure they heard me. I had played it smart and wrote down the measurements, hoping to make things much easier for both me and Rarity. The sooner I can get into a nice pair of clothes, the better. I heard Rarity coming down the stairs, saying “I’m on my way down, darling!” informing me that I should go back to curling up into a ball. I did so just as the stairs began to glow. I saw her looking the pages over with a careful eye before she nodded. She seemed to have brought everything she needed to the library, for she began to sew my clothes right then and there. I’m not kidding; she just set up the sewing machine and went at it. “So, dear, would you mind telling me about yourself? I mean, besides the fact that you’re pale, you have chestnut colored hair, and your eyes are a beautiful midnight blue,” said Rarity, describing what I looked like. I have to admit, I’m a bit flattered by the compliments on my eyes. On another note, I hope she isn't trying to get too close to me. Assuming she meant what my life was like, I began with some basics; “Well, in the morning I usually get up to eat breakfast, as I’m sure ponies do too. Then, I write down a list of things I’ll need my mom to do while I’m out if I won’t be there that day. If I leave, I go to a friend’s house and we play video games for… I’ll tell you what a video game is after this, okay? So, we play video games for an hour or two before we usually go our separate ways, and then I’ll usually go to work,” I say, only stopping to tell Rarity that she’ll have to wait to know what a video game is. By the time I had explained what a computer was to her, she had finished at least one set of clothing. “Thank you for this, Rarity. May I ask how much it’d cost me for the outfit?” I asked. I knew what the response would be, but I thought it would be weird not to ask, and it actually came out as an instinct. “Oh, darling, don’t worry about paying me a single bit! I don’t usually charge my friends when I make them clothes, why should I charge you, dear?” she asked, apparently assuming we’re already friends. “Oh… Well… It’s just that, were I’m from, clothing isn't usually free,” I explained. As long as it’s basic clothing though, it should be fairly cheap. “So you see… I just… Thank you for your generosity, ma’am!” the words fled my mouth as I bowed down out of respect before I could think straight again. The actions performed just then were out of pure respect. “Oh, it’s nothing, darling, don’t worry! You’ll need to be comfortable while you enjoy your stay here, after all, won’t you?” was what she replied with, still not looking up from her work. I know she's right, and I pull myself together. This is going to be a long day. > Good Morning, Ponies! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I never thought I would explain my daily routine to a pony. Even more so, I never thought that they'd understand. Somehow, Rarity had easily grasped the idea of video games. Of course, explaining it as "...moving pictures that you control with a hand-held device..." seemed to do the trick. Maybe Twilight would be better at understanding what I mean. It had been a few hours, but Rarity finally finished the first set of clothing. "Uh... Could you look the other way so I can..." I paused to gulp, "...So I can get dressed?" I finished my question. She nodded and turned away's , and I quickly got dressed. "Done!" I announced. I started up the stairs as she continued to work. As I approached, the color on the stairs surrounding me went from clear to a deep, navy blue. Upon closer inspection, I could see that the stairs looked as though they had been roughly carved into their shapes. It seemed like a "rough draft" form, but it somehow fit in with the rest of the room. Since I'm walking up stairs, I can think... Right, You need a course of action. Ugh... Hello again. How about we discuss my name? Even you admitted that I need one, considering how long I've existed. I thought you had left me, actually. Welp, you need a name. Hmmm... There's a door... Really? I won't accept a name inspired by a door. Okay, okay, no names inspired by my surroundings, got it... Lets see... I put you in my head because of loneliness, and you are essentially another form of me... Echo? No, but something similar... Sonar is related to sound as well... Hmm... Sona? No, Etch? Another no... Hmmm... How about Enar? Yes! Enar... That name works. Now... A course of action... Ajil... You should really go through the door right in front of you, sit at a table, and then decide on a course of action or actions. Yeah, your right... I'll do that. As I got to open the door, I see a magenta aura engulf the knob, a sign that Twilight is about to open the door. Too late, I realize what is about to happen. I see the door fly open, and I feel myself fly backwards. "Aaagh!" Everything is black. I can't feel anything... Am I dead? Is this what death is like? Dude, just open your damn eyes. You aren't dead, ya moron. "Ungh..." I open my eyes to see that the world has been tinted magenta... It all looks so weird... Oh hey, there's Twilight, using magi- Oh my god, she just saved my life... Or saved me from serious injury. "Uhhh... Thanks?" I say, noticing that it sounded like a question. "It's n-not a problem..." Twilight says as she slowly lowers me to the stair. She quickly... Walks? No, she was trotting. Huge difference. I think. Shouldn't you be heading on? Or are you afraid of her pets. They can't hurt you, you and I both know that. Especially if I took over. There's no way in hell I'm intentionally letting you have control. Go back to the crevice in my mind you came from until I need you. Harsh, much? You don't even know exactly wha- I said, 'Go back to the crevice in my mind you came from..." Or are you deaf? Fine, fine, I'm going. Okay... I open the door to be blinded by the light entering the library. Seriously, there has to be some sort of internal light source... There is no way that all of this light is just coming in from the windows. It's almost like they discovered how to create mini-suns and put them everywhere. After about a minute or two of my vision adjusting to the light and scanning the room, I finally found a table. I walked over, and started to frown as I realized there weren't any chairs. As I approached, however, the library seemed to sense that I wanted to sit down, as a chair seemed to 'phase' into existence as I approached. It looked like a chair from my childhood, bringing back mostly decent memories. Mostly. I sat down and here I am. Hey, Eran! That was his name, right? Really, you can't even remember the name of something you created? You are a fuckin' retard. All righty then, into the Mind Cell you go! Does that mean... I can finally have out? Oh my god, I completely forgot... Sorry bout that, Joe. Anyways, what should I do first? If I go outside it could cause some form of paranoia to stir, and ponies will likely evade me... Oh, I know! You should totally go outside, look for the other main six and tell them that you never thought you could meet them because they'r- Oh great, someone lock up Jerry with Enar, quick! Already done. Now, you should start by getting a little more familiar with the library. If this is after season four, you won't have much to go by... What about the outdoors? Ah, but you're right. Alex, you can go now. If I can familiarize myself with this place by the end of the day, I'll come back to this spot and request your help as well. And Jerry and Enar's help. I have to admit, it was easy to lose myself in those books. I found the "Fiction" section and none of the others that I share a head with were able to stop me from reading up on ancient Pony legends... Thought I had only read one. It started with apes ruling the world. I had gotten to the part were there was a big war due to separate beliefs. It seemed really familiar... I had walked back to the main room to ask Twilight if I could borrow the book, when outside I heard an all-too-familiar voice announcing "Good Morning, Ponies!" Trixie... I don't know how to feel about her. She needs to suffer, to pay for what she's done! To be kept at the brink of death fo- Shut up, Enar. I slightly pity her. For her to act like that... I'd hate to think of what she had to do for attention when she was a little filly. I'm with you on this one, Jerry. It's a reasonable assumption that there was a trauma in her past, but that only makes up for so much... Of course, she had also been corrupted by the Alicorn amulet. She never seemed to catch a break, either. I already know that I don't want to have to deal with her. You should look for an engineering section. Or something along those lines. Uh, why? It's not like they'll have books on intra-dimensional travel. There might be something in history, but history can easily be confused with legends. That is why you should look at their engineering capabilities. A lot should be Greek themed, due to the fact that Tartarus exists within this realm. That also means one can assume that at one point a Roman-like culture will take over. If I recall any history at all, its that Romans basically just copied the Greek gods and goddesses, even if they altered things a bit. I think I'll look into their ancient engineering. They may have been influenced by past cultures, so I mean... Good Idea. Hurry up, you don't have all day. It's going to be noon soon, and you should likely return to the main room first to see if they can give you anything to eat. At first, returning to the main room seemed like a genius idea. Then I remembered that they didn't eat meat, fish being an exception. "Damnit..." I mutter. "What?" I hear Twilight, causing me to jump because I hadn't noticed her. "Agh! Jeez, don't sneak up on me like that, please!" I say. "Oh, sorry. But what were you saying just now?" she asks. Crap. "Oh, nothing important," I say. I can feel sweat forming on my face. "Okay..." She said, and walked off. No, trotted, damn it! It wasn't long before they figured out that I couldn't eat some of there foods. I had to begin explaining the human digestive system. How it can only digest certain plants, such as carrots, cooked potatoes, etc. So, naturally, they gave me a lot of carrots... I mean, seriously, where the hell do they keep these things?! I have a large container filled with them now! Now that you've eaten, can we go to the engineering section of the library? It took a while, but I finally found the engineering section of the library. I figured I'd want to go farther back to understand how well they developed things. When things started appearing as scrolls instead of books, I decided it was a good time to start looking. After fifteen good minutes of finding nothing but weaponry mechanics, I heard a pair of familiar voices; "...but Applejack, what about the windmill? Surely having one of those could help you!" echoed Pinkie Pies voice. "Ah don't know, sugarcube. Ah'd have ta' ask Bic Macintosh 'bout it," Applejacks voice rang throughout the corridors. They're too close to hide from... Oh well, Twilight was probably going to tell them about me soon. I'll just continue to browse these bo-... Scrolls. I open one with a golden ring thing. You know, what the scroll wraps around. As it opens, I gasp at what I'm staring at, and drop the scroll. "H-H-How the he-..." my voice cuts itself off. The scroll clanks to the ground and unravels. As it does, exact drawings of the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, and more from my world are depicted on the scroll. "Wh-Wha-..." I try to ask. Calm down! Damn it, why was that on the scroll! Why?! The scroll continued to unravel, beginning to reveal a roughly made map of my world... First America, Canada, Mexico... Then the UK, Africa, France, Germany, Russia, China... India, Australia... What the fuck is going on here?! My breathing... It's all over the place... My vision has failed... Just gotta slow down, catch my breath, and think. Breathe. After my vision begins to clear, I see two concerned ponies staring at me with concern. Then I notice the tears that had been streaming from my eyes. Pathetic... "Are ya'll alright?" is the first thing Applejack asks... I hope I am. "I think... At least, if I catch my breath I should be okay. Just had a panic attack, is all," I reply. That relieves Applejack, but Pinkie Pie still looks concerned. Great. "Are you sure you're okay? You were screaming, after all..." Pinkie said. Ah, now I understand why Applejack sounded so concerned. "I was...? I... Can't remember..." I say. Pinkie looks at me with even more concern (I'm not sure how it's possible), and Applejack walks over to the scroll. My heart sinks. "So... I wasn't hallucinating... Why?" I ask, not expecting an answer from above. "What do ya mean?" Applejack asks. "That scroll... It shows things that... They're from my world... As if... I'm being taunted... Why?!" I ask. Wait... I may have said too much... Crap. "I'll go get Twilight..." Pinkie says, quickly trotting off. Ha, I got it now! Yes! But... Why would that scroll be here? "Well, Ah guess Ah get to watch you then. So, what's your name?" Applejack asks, obviously trying to start a conversation. "My name is Ajil. I woke up this morning and started to go out with this girl, and then I suddenly fell unconscious and woke up in this library. Twilight was in the same room with me," I explain. Then it hits me; Twilight was in the same room as me. "Wait, could Twilight... Hmmm..." I start to think aloud. Damn it! She probably did a spell wrong and now... Now I'm here... But... There's gotta be a way out of it! "What wrong, sugarcube?" I hear Applejack. She looks concerned. I must've looked bizarre, or she had tried to get my attention more than once. "Sorry, just lost in thought. To have everything ripped away from under my feet... Ah, well, this isn't the first time. I have to just get over it. For all I know, this was for the best. I just hope I can get back." I say. "Ah wish Twi would get back soon. Ah think she could help y'all more than Ah could." Applejack admitted. I don't know... If I can't go back, what am I supposed to do? You could let one of us ta- Hell no. No fucking way I'll purposely give one of you control. Fine, I'll stop pestering... For now. It seemed like it had been two hours of just sitting there before I saw Twilight running with Pinkie right behind her. "Is everypony all right?!" She asked, panic in her voice. "I'm fine now... Twilight, I need to ask you something... Preferably alone," I say. Oh, God, please don't let this backfire. "Hang on... I need to talk to Applejack about some things first," Twilight said. Great. I'm being left out again. It wouldn't be like that if I was in control. You aren't getting control. Pinkie Pie taps my shoulder, whispering "Don't give in," and she walks away. Her mane isn't completely deflated, but slightly. Why worry about a stranger? Soon Twilight was the only pony in the room. Suddenly, she seemed to sprout wings, and she let them flap a few times before folding them again. "Well, you seem to believe that our worlds are different. So, care to explain?" She asks. "First, I want a favor. Whatever spell you had cast to bring me here, I want you to reverse it. Please. If you agree to do that, I'll explain what I know," I say. "I'm afraid that I can not reverse the spell. I've already tried. From the sounds of it, you have emotions too. Especially from what Pinkie told me. So why did you break down?" She asked. So I explained. Explained human history to Twilight, and then... I gulped. "Twilight, I'm not sure I want to tell you the next part. If I was told this by a pony that had appeared in my world..." I shook my head. "There isn't a good way to take it in," I said. She still wanted to know though. So I told her how in my world they were just a show. For my species children. Also that she and her five friends were the main characters. "That's how I know you're the Element of Magic, Rarity is the Element of Generosity, Applejack is Honesty, Pinkie Pie is Laughter... Fluttershy is Kindness, and Rainbow Dash is Loyalty. You are ruled by two Princess sisters, Princess Celestia raises the sun, and Princess Luna raises the moon. You and your five friends defeated and converted Nightmare Moon, now Princess Luna. You had done the same with Discord. You had also defeated Queen Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen. You had prevented King Sombra from taking back the Crystal Empire, currently ruled by Princess Cadence, who married your brother, Shining Armor. I also know about Sunset Shimmer. I know that the day you became an Alicorn you had to create your own spell to fix the Cutie Marks of your friends. I know you were the one to defeat Tirek. You had also stopped the black plant things with thorns from spreading out of the Everfree forest, and you had to give up the Elements of Harmony to essentially revive the Tree of Harmony." I say, rapid firing everything without thinking. Great... I think you might've made a mistake. I mean, look at the poor girl! She's in shock now! Yeah, good going, asshole. You fucked up this time. It takes a few hours, but we finally get back to the main room. Dinner is about to be served. I just start munching on my carrots. Then... The front doors burst open. In walks Trixie, and she hollers, at what seems to be the top of her lungs, "Good evening, Ponies!" > Unexpected Guest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was shocked to learn that Twilight was the one who invited Trixie, and had actually hired her to perform... Tricks? Yeah, I'm not sure. Anyways, she didn't seem to brag as much as she did in the show. Likely something to do with the fact that Twilight had seemed to attempt to become her friend recently. I can't help but wonder what she did while she was away... Anyways... What had Pinkie meant... 'Don't give in' isn't very helpful, especially since I don't know what I'm supposed to not give in to. Ugh... Ah, well, there's also the way Twilight reacted when I told her that where I'm from she's just a use of entertainment for children... She seemed to have a panic attack too, but she managed to pull herself together much more quickly than I did. But I can't go home... Twilight said so herself. She had attempted to fix it, but... Why? Why can't I go back? I... I... I'll just have to get over it, right? Things will work out... They have to... I-I'm sure it's just a coincidence that they have notes on architecture from my world... Right? Calm down. You're starting to hyperventilate. I'm calm. I'm perfectly calm! I... I just have to breathe. Breathe... Right, there I go... My breathing is back to normal... Ugh, my head hurts. The last thing these ponies need is to see me have another panic attack... Wait... Didn't Pinkie say I was screaming? What was I screaming abo- "Ajil!" Twilight yells, getting my attention. For some reason, I get the feeling that my face either became an art gallery, or they have been trying to get my attention. "Uh... What is it?" I ask. "I asked if you wished to assist me," Trixie states, as if it was obvious. "I... I don't know..." I begin to object... Do you have anything else to do? You might as well. For once, you have a good point. "I guess," I say, standing up. Trixie guides me to the stage she had set up while I had been thinking to myself. I have to admit, it was fairly impressive for something that had just been set up. "Whoa..." I say, clearly in awe. Trixie just smiles and continues up the stairway onto the stage. I see her tinker with a few things, and she messes with ropes and a curtain drops. "All right, I'll need you to stand behind the curtain until I give the signal," Trixie said. I started to ask what she meant, and then Twilight and her friends walked onto the stage with her. "What's going on?" I ask, but no pony seemed to notice. I watched them walk onto what appeared to be the stage center, and felt the ground begin to shake. I fell to my knees, and looked around trying to grasp what was going on. Suddenly, the curtain opened, and I heard Trixie begin a speech, "Good evening, ponies! As you all know, we have a surprise to present you tonight!" my heart immediately sank. "Later tonight, we will be revealing who our special guest is! For the time being, Twilight and her friends will tell you the story of how they converted Nightmare Moon!" Trixie continued. I'm can easily recall the first two episodes, but... I wonder if their version is any different. "It all started when I was reading a book about the elements of harmony..." Twilight had proceeded to tell the story of first two episodes. She explained how their actions resembled the Elements of Harmony, etc. etc. I, of course, stopped listening to think to myself. What if I still need to fend against something? What if I'm supposed to not 'give in' to something besides depression or paranoia? I... I think I'm going to need help... Damn it! I hate relying on others, and I just met them... I can't just ask them to help me, because then I'll seem... Helpless... It does seem hopeless, doesn't it? Shut up! Leave me alone... I... I don't need your help! You... You can't help me... Well, that is obvious. What you need, my dear Ajil, is a good nights rest. Hopefully, you sleep easy tonight. About that... Where do you intend to sleep? ...Shit. Didn't think about that. I... I guess I'll have to ask if I can stay at the library for the night. Tomorrow, I'll... I'll try to figure something out. From the looks of things, I won't be getting anywhere tonight. Who knows what I'm supposed to do while I'm out there anyways? Good que- "You just have to sing, silly!" Pinkie Pie interrupted. "Wah!" I yelp, jumping to my left, my back scraping on the wooden wall. "Jeez, I have got to pay more attention to my surroundings, huh?" I ask. "Oh my goodness, are you all right? I didn't mean to scare you! Here, let me help you up," Pinkie says, holding out a hoof to aid me in standing back up. "Oh, and... Twilight told me, about how in our world we're there to help foals understand the friendship of magic!" Pinkie explained, not pausing to take a break... Processing... Still processing... I can see Pinkie blinking. Ahhhh, there it is! Now I get it! "Yeah, and I have to admit, it's helped me a lot in the past," I say, hoping I don't sound selfish. "Well, I'm glad then!" Pinkie says, beginning to bounce away... Wait a second... You're just now realizing that she knew what you were thinking?! You are a fool... If I could, I'd slap you. Trust me, if it wouldn't concern the ponies on the stage, I would slap myself. In the face. Without holding back. I watch the ponies explaining, and I have to admit, it may be a good thing that I'm here. It may even be a better life than back home, on Earth... Don't you guys agree? I'm not sure... Oh, it will definitely be a better life! You'll get to live with the Elements of Harmony, man! Most people can only dream of that possibility, like you used to! From what we know, it should be a better life. Well, hopefully we can make it then. We should be capable, right guys? ... Guys? Hellooooooo? Ah, well I'll just focus a bit more on this. It looks like Twilight and the others are headed towards me... Wait, why? "Uh... Hi," I say, it being obviously awkward. Great. "So, are you going to sing or not?!" Pinkie Pie says, as energetic as ever. The other five are giving her confused looks... "Pinkie, we just want him to explain that he wishes to live in peace, not sing his problems away. He can probably due that some other time." Twilight explains, clearing a few questions that I had had. I also assume them being here is a sign that I'm supposed to go out there now... "So, I'm up, or...?" I ask. My question is answered when I see Twilight nod yes, and I stand up, the floorboards creaking below me as I begin to walk. The wood beneath my feet feels soft, for some reason... Almost as though it's carpeted. Anyways, it's keeping my feet warm, so I won't complain. Just keep walking... You don't have to say you only wish for peace... You know that governments could kill for a new world to pillage, don't you? Shut the fuck up... You're starting to irritate me. I wish I could deck you in your hideous face right now... No, I can't let you get to me. I have to explain that I wish solely for peace with these ponies. Only peace... No war, no violence... Just peace. I step out onto the stage, lit by what at first appears to be giant electrical lamps... I look at them, but they don't blind me... Isn't that odd? Instead, the light appears to adjust as to not burn my eyes, and I notice there are no light bulbs of any kind... Might be a form of magical flow then... Ah, a microphone! I guess that's what I'll be speaking into, but... It's a bit low... I can sit in front of it, probably on my knees. As my knees reach the floor, the crowd of ponies in front of me dies to a quiet I thought I'd never hear. If a pin dropped, you would easily have heard it. I tap the mic once to make sure it's on, and then say, "I am Ajil, and I will likely be living in Pony Ville for a while. I just wanted all of you to know that I mean nobo- I mean nopony any harm. That is all," I say, and I begin walking away. As I reach the curtain, it feels as though something tugs at my mind... Is that possible? You won't even mention us? Bastard. Just keep walking, it'll be okay... Finally... Why won't you leave me alone?! I can't leave you alone because you made me that way. I'm not supposed to forget about you whatsoever, I am to never exclude you from any activity I partake in. Though I'm beginning to think those rules are out dated. You and me both! From now on, you are to leave me alone! Do you understand?! Now that won't be doable. You see, I've decided to take over the second you fall. It can't be that hard. For once, I actually hope you lose your sanity, because that means I'll take control. Fuck off... Huh? Wait... "Sorry, did you say something, Twilight?" I ask, because I think I saw her talking, but I didn't hear it... "Yes, I asked if you have a place to stay..." Twilight says, the message running through my head... A place to stay? Fuck... I can't think of things like this when I've dealt with a panic attack! This is not going as planned... "Er... No, I don't... Would it be okay if I stay with you for a while?" I ask. She looks like she's frowning... This is perfect, isn't it? "You'd be able to stay about a week, but after that, I'd need you to leave," Twilight says, revealing good news to me... Though that means I'd need a job before the first week was over... Lovely for me, huh? Ugh, my complaining isn't going to get my ass anywhere, it'll only hinder me... I guess that I'm just the equivalent of an unexpected guest... "A week? Well, that should be enough time for me to find a new job... I'll help around the library, too," I say, hoping I can at least seem as though I'm trying to be friendly. "Okay then, we'll see if we can find you a place to work too," Twilight says, getting me to start to raise an eyebrow before I realize that she means all of the main six... I really hope that I can repay them, but I doubt it... Wishful thinking, right? You are a moron! Wishful thinking helps nobody, and only hinders them! The reality is is that you will never go home, and the void in your pathetic heart will never be filled! Your pathetic and weak, and you're only going to bring the Elements down with you, dumb ass! You're wrong about that, I just have to keep trying... Never give up, no matter what happens. When things look bleak, I will refuse to give in... Do you hear me, Enar? I'll never cave in, you hear that?! Heh... You're already cracking, though, aren't you? You can't hide that from me... "Okay, thanks Twilight. This means a lot too me," I say, which gets me a smile from Twilight as a response... Do they consider me a friend already? Or... Am I still an outsider? I doubt they'll ever completely accept me. I'm a human, and they're ponies... We aren't even the same species... See? You yourself are deepening the divides within your mind, fracturing it into oblivion! Soon, you won't be able to maintain control! You're... You may be right, but if I snap, I'll come back! I always have before, and I'll do so again! After all, each time I snap, it takes even longer before I snap again... Because I have built a resistance to it! You may be right there, but what happens if I take over? Will you still be able to take back control? Of course! "Ajil, Equestria to Ajil!" I hear Pinkie Pie screaming in my ear... It hurts... "Agh! Pinkie... How long was I spaced out for?" I ask, my voice radiating how serious I am... Wait, is that the moon in the sky?! "Only about an hour... You need to get inside, silly, or you'll catch a cold!" She exclaims... I'm not sure I can deal with a hyperactive pony.... "Okay, okay... I'll head back to the library..." I say, and walk back to the door. I have to admit, this new crystalline tree house looks like it belongs in the Crystal Empire, not Ponyville. I'm not welcome here. I get that. Nothing needs to be done to get that across... But I'm afraid... I can't get home... I... I'm going to break under this pressure. I wanted a 'restart' when I was still a teenager, not an adult! I hate this... Why? I no nobody will answer... But I can't help but ask, why? Why torment me this way, letting my life get better, just to stab my face with bad luck? No use thinking about it. Might as well just start trying to live life as normally as I can... Though I know I'm a permanent outcast, being a different species. I approach the door to the library, and notice the darkness around me. I look around, and see an oppressing darkness... No stars tonight, so that means... BOOM! FLASH It's starting to rain out here. My hand just touched the knob, too! I twist my wrist to open the door, and it creaks open... To reveal a bizarre sight. The main six, as well as Spike and Discord, are all sitting at a table, all of them but Pinkie Pie, Discord, and Spike looking extremely concerned. "Uhhh... Hi?" I say. Great first impression for the ponies and... dracquoness? Whatever Discord is... Wait, why is he raising an eyebrow at me? Hmmm... I'll have to watch my back, I think. "So, Sugarcube, ya'll feelin' better?" Applejack asks, a small, concerned smile showing on her face... So not what I want to deal with right now... You and I know you don't have an option... Unless you le- "Shut up!" I yell... Well, shit. They all flinch in reaction, and Pinkie now looks extremely concerned... So does Discord. Why would he care about me? "Oh, I'm so sorry, I di-" my voice cracks, and I continue, "I didn't mean to yell at you, it's just... A long story..." I can hear a lot more thunder now, and it's definitely down pouring outside, maybe even hailing. "So not cool," was all Rainbow Dash said, and she opens the front door and flies off... Great. Just great. The only peo- ponies that can maintain order just got told to shut up when they asked how I was feeling. Great job, dumbass! You OBVIOUSLY want to die here! Finally, something we can agree on! I bet I could he- "Twilight, please tell me I have a room of my own to sleep in! I... I'm starting to crack under this stress!" I say, and I can tell I sound desperate now... Wait... Black rings, becoming thicker... I'm about to pass out! "Some... Body.. Catch... Meh..." I say, the word 'Me' barely audible... I can see them just staring at me... Thunk, thud, thud. I'm on the floor now... It's all going black... I'm... Losing conscious... Will they leave me here? I know after that outburst... I shouldn't be welcome... They should probably kick me out before I cause more problems... Well, look what you've done now. Now neither of us get to have control! No one does, jackass! All because of your foolish self focusing to much on your internal confli- At that point, all senses were failing to work properly... Then... "Ugh..." Why is everything glowing orange? It's too bright to be a light, but not bright enough for the sun... Do I hear crackling, too? I open my eyes to a horrific sight. The library has been set ablaze... The books surrounding me unlike any other room... "No, I don't want to be burned alive! No, no, no, no, no!" I shout, hoping one of the ponies hear me... "What did I do to deserve this?!" Suddenly, the landscape changes in a brilliant white flash, and I'm outside watching an Earth pony cackle in the middle of a blazing Ponyville... "Hahahahahahaha! You see? This is the power you underestimate!" Says the chocolate coated pony... His cutie mark is a chemistry bottle, and his mane is a coconut brown, with a black streak running through the middle. His mane is also very messy, practically just laid there as though it had been flattened with his hoof onto his neck... His eyes were also a deep crimson, and very focused on the flames before him... And... Is that blood pouring from his head?! Sure enough, from the scalp blood begins to pool down his face... "Don't you see?! This is true power! Not even Twilight Sparkle could stop me! Soon... Heh, heh... Soon, I will be capable of taking on the Sister Princesses!" He says... That's not good... I walk past a burning pile at a distance, but when I look where the pony was, I see something else instead... Standing in the middle of a blazing Ponyville is a near-exact copy of me, except for the eye's being a deep crimson, and the blood pooling from his scalp, covering his face in a red hue... I... I can't move... Help! I can't breathe! Help! Help me, damn it! I wake with a start, and bolt upward to sit up... I'm in a bed... Why is my leg cold? Oh, an ice pack... So they decided to take me in for a night, even after that major outburst? Granted, that wasn't that major... Ugh, what a dream... Never pass out again! I hate being forced to laugh like a maniac! Wait, we were in the same dream? Where you burned Ponyville... That was you, laughing in the middle of a blazing Ponyvile?! How did yo- "Well, now that you're awake, we can discuss this dream business," I hear a voice from somewhere inside the room... I know it's not Discord, Spike or the main six... "Uh... Wh-Who's there?" I ask... I'm still weak from the mental breakdown I had suffered... Not good... This is bad... I can hear the alarms in my mind... I have to prepare for somepony attacking me, anything! Anything! "I," the voice appears once more, seeping out of the darkness, "am Princess Luna. I believe we have some things to discuss about your dreaming habits." Says Princess Luna... Wait, what!? Why would she want anything to do with me?! Did Princess Celestia send her here? Maybe Discord did... Crap, what if they want to imprison me?! I... I just announced that I have peaceful intentions... No, I snapped out at the main six... Ouch. "I-I-I d-don't want to be imprisoned!" I shout. Great. You sir, suck at making good first impressions. Now they know your species can be paranoid, though, so there's that... > Misguided Assumptions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hate to admit it, but Princess Luna can be scary as shit. When all you see are teeth and eyes in a cartoon format, things aren't all that scary. Of course, when you're actually there... Things tend to be a bit different. So when her eyes became visible as a faint midnight-blue glow where the colored portion is, I started having a much worse panic attack than I already was. She's here to dispose of me... To take away the part of the equation that creates a complex problem... That's all they'd need to do, is kill me off secretly and make sure nopony would ask questions... Oh God, I think I'm gonna be sick... "Urgh..." I feel heat rise in my throat... Not good, definitely not good... Wait... Was she spying on my dream? That means she saw... No, no, no, no, no! Oh, son of a bitch! Why, of all dreams, did she have to see that... That nightmare!? Oh great, she's starting to use her magic... She's going to end it here and now, isn't she? Hey, Princess Luna isn't cruel like that! The show tells that much with ease, the one time she let her power get to her was when she was resentful, remember?! Uh... You're right... So, I just have to calm down...? But... I'm a threat, they should at least paralyze me until they know I'm not dangerous! You may not be dangerous, but I certainly am. That's why I have to take control... To keep them from thinking you're weak... That doesn't matter! Stop lying to yourself, moron! You deserve to suffeer! You complain nonstop, but you ca- I can't... I can't listen anymore... I can feel tears streaming out of my eyes, and I can hear my sobbing... Is this just another dream? I hope it is... I can't take this much longer... I'm going insane... I can hear him laughing, saying 'Finally, control is mine!' and it's driving me into a darkness I can't escape alone and- "We asked you to speak to us about your dreams!" Princess Luna shouts at me, nearly knocking me off of the bed. "Wh-What's g-goi-going o-on?" I manage to sob... Lovely... This is why I hate crying so damn much... Princess Luna just sighs, and her horn lights up again... I... I can breathe clearly... Thank God! "Thank you... You... You wanted to discuss my dreams, right? What about them?" I ask... For some reason, I'm much more calm than before... That's good. Princess Luna nods her head yes, I assume... Her eyes did just move up and down, so... "Did... Did you see my... My nightmare...?" I ask... I hope she didn't witness that... "Yes, We did view the same nightmare that you experienced," Princess Luna said, and I swear I've never heard her so serious... "So... Uh... What do you intend to do to me? I mean... I..." I can't talk... I have a lump in my throat, so I can't talk clearly... I need to clear my throat so badly, but... Wouldn't that be rude? I don't know... Oh, for the love of- "We are here to discuss your dreaming patterns. Clearly, the way you dream is vastly different than any of the other ponies in Equestria that I give dreams to," Princess Luna said... Wait, give dreams to? What does that mean? "Uh... What do you mean, '...give dreams to...'?" I ask. I knew she could view ponies dreams, but... Give dreams to...? "We use a unique spell that permits the ponies to have dreams, whether or not they are good or bad is purely randomized. However, We noticed that We didn't need to cast the spell to create dreams for you. Instead, a dream was already in progress. From what We saw, we believe that you may need help of some kind," Princess Luna said, and I could feel my heart sinking by the second... "W-What kind of h-help, may I a-ask..." I say, shaking to a point that my words are stuttered. Oh, this is not good... No, no, no... Yes! Give me control, and you will have nothing to fear! Allow me to remove your cause of fear! Now is the time to let me fix your problems! No! "You... You never said your name, so... Who are you?" I ask. I know it seems stupid, but hey... Better than saying I already know her name and that she rules over Equestria with her sister, Princess Celestia, right? "According to the letters Twilight Sparkle has sent to Our sister, you already know very well who We are. I believe we are correct in assuming that, Ajil," Princess Luna said... Shit, forgot that Twilight would probably send them letters about me... This is just jolly, ain't it? Heh... Well, I just have to calm down... "Y-Yeah, I forgot she would send you letters. You're Princess Luna, you raise the moon. Your sister, Princess Celestia, raises the sun. Princess Twilight is the princess of friendship, while her sister-in-law is the Princess of Love, and her name is Princess Cadence. Princess Cadence is married to Princess Twilight's brother, Shining Armor, who is part of the Royal Guard, but I can't remember what rank. I thought you and your sister would have taken action about me by now if you knew about me though..." I say, telling all that I know about the Princess's in Equestria. Shouldn't they have tried to contain me by now? "Well, that's that. We came here to ask about your sleeping habits. Does your species use magic while they sleep?" Princess Luna asks... And I don't think humans can use magic. I mean, with using higher brain percentages we could do something like magic, but... "Princess Luna, I'm afraid that, to my knowledge, humans can't use magic. I mean, if we used more than only ten percent of our brain power, we could probably do things like magic, but... Then again, my world isn't a magical world, by any means. This world, that you and I know as Equestria, is the most magical world I've ever been to," I say, making sure that Princess Luna gets the idea. "We see... So you truly don't know if you can use magic, for this is the first time being in a world with magic... Tomorrow, Discord will wake you. He can explain it from there. We must return to giving dreams," Princess Luna says... "Wait! When you give dreams... Do you spy on them?" I ask. I know its offensive, but... "Spying would not be the right word. For the ponies to experience a dream, We must also experience a part of that dream. We have, however, learned to hide Ourselves from the ponies. We must be going," Princess Luna says, and the last I see of her is when she casts a spell that gives off a bright flash, and a loud POP sound. Then, everything went black. I was in the crystal library again. It used to be called Golden Oaks, but... I think now it can be called Crystal Oaks, just to keep a fitting name. I watch the entrance door as Twilight and the other five walk in... Everything isn't as detailed though... The ground is missing, and it's practically a dark hallway... "We're only trying to help," all of them say in unison... If that isn't creepy for this world, I don't know what is! "If you don't tell us what's wrong inside, we can't help you. We don't want to watch you cripple yourself," they continue. What... Wait, am I dreaming again?! Damn... "This is just a dream, and I doubt any of you could help me. My problems are... Extreme. Besides, you're just figments of my creation here. So, allow me to-" suddenly everything went black. "Wake up, Ajil. I don't like to be kept waiting," I hear Discords voice... Oh yeah, why did Princess Luna want him to wake me up? I don't like this at all... Why does he have to wake me up? Hopefully he doesn't try to fuck with my mind with some kind of puzzle... "So, Ajil, what will you be having for breakfast, hm? I have to admit, you look suspiciously like a creature that could eat meat, but then again..." Discord begins. Well, shit. Guess he's already got it figured out that I'm an omnivore, so there isn't any use hiding it. "Scrambled eggs, bacon, and the carrots that I have. That's what I'll have for breakfast. Also, my species is omnivorous. We eat both plants and meats, though I think you already knew that much," I say, cutting him off. I really don't feel like opening my eyes. Wait, why is the blanket warm...? I sit up to see a plate with exactly what I asked for sitting upon my lap... What... The... Fuck. "Wait, you actually knew what the hell I was talking about?!" I yelp, startled by the fact that they have bacon. I mean, really?! "Why yes, you didn't think I was a herbivore with my few sharp teeth, did you?" He asks. I can see a smug smirk across his face now, which is lovely. He's going to drive me crazy much sooner than- I will. Ha! Now, I just need some popcorn so I can watch you lose your pathetic mind. Soon, control will be for me and me alone! Then I will prove you are strong! I will prove that I have the power of a god! I will destroy any who oppose me! Do you hear me, Celestia?! Luna?! Even you, Discord! "Yeah, I should've known. So, why exactly did Princess Luna send you here?" I ask, and due to that widening grin, I think I shouldn't have. "Well, you see, your species has never been in a magical world, according to you. So, that means the usage of magic was impossible in that world. Here, in Equestria however... We have magic, and that means you may have magical capabilities. That's where I come into play, for I... I have to make up for the mess that I aided in creating when Tirek got out. Of course, I doubt Lulu would mind if you knew some dark magic. I mean, how else will they combat dark magic? Sometimes, you have to fight fire with a stronger fire! Which is where you come in, because you, my friend, seem to have untapped potential. So, after you're done, meet me at Sugar Cube Corner! If you need directions, ask Twilight, I'm sure she knows how to get there. Until then, au revoir!" Discord explained, and he vanished, leaving me to eat my breakfast. Seriously, I never thought I would eat meat again. I begin to eat, starting with the eggs. What did Discord mean, 'untapped potential' my ass! If I could use magic, I think I'd be able to tell. Of course... There is a possibility that I can and I haven't noticed. I mean, I was busy looking through books during a large portion of the day yesterday. I can't just say "No, I have to magical powers" without trying to see if I have any... I now notice that I have one strip of bacon left... Hmmm... Just focus on lifting it and... make... the... damn... bacon... float! Suddenly, there's a loud POP! and I see a faint sickening green aura surrounding my piece of bacon... "Really? That color of green? Ugh... Well, time to try something a bit more difficult..." I say, and focus on lifting the piece of bacon into the air... Within a few minutes, it lifts about two centimeters or so into the air... It isn't much, but it's a start! Great! Now I'll have even more at my disposal when I gain control! Ha! How do you know that me doing this isn't preventing you from gaining control? Wait, what if it does the opposite of that?! Not good, so not goo- KNOCK KNOCK! "Hey, shouldn't you be heading to Sugar Cube Corner?" the muffled voice of Twilight seeps through the door. Oh, yeah! I gotta go! "Thanks for the reminder!" I holler. I open the door, and dash down the stairs... I guess they had moved me upstairs, but these stairs aren't like the ones on the library. That weird taste in the air, the pristine white walls... Am I in a hospital?! What happened to me!? Well, since you can't come to the obvious conclusion, it's that you had passed out and hit the floor. You've likely been out cold for at least a day, considering you're inside a hospital now. Now all you need is a splitting headache. As if on cue, my head felt like it had taken a direct hit from a nuclear blast, and absorbed all of it... "Oooooggghhh..." I moan... This is just great. First I have my nightmares spied on, then am told to meet Discord for magic training, and now my migraine... What is with me? If what Discord said is correct, and it appears to be, your body may be adjusting to the magical pressure within this world. You know, how air pressures can make you nauseous. Yeah, you're right about that, Alex. Glad some of you are friendly. Unlike Enar. You do realize that I can hear and see every thought you process, right? I'm even forced to pay closer attention when you mention me. Gah, just get to the ground floor. Ponies are starting to stare, after all. Sure enough, there were other patients beginning to stare... Right. "Floor, floor... 2? Okay, so down one and I should be able to go..." So I rushed down the softly carpeted stairways. The hallways were relatively empty, except for the occasional nurse pony. As I open the door, fresh air rushes into my lungs. "Ahhh..." I breathe out. They day is beautiful so far, so this should go well. . I look around, first my left, then my right... It's dirt road and grass for as far as I can see to the left, but the right appears to be Ponyville... Well, let's go! Sugar Cube Corner can't be that difficult to find. Sure enough, just five minutes of slowly walking into Ponyville caused me to spot what appeared to be Sugar Cube Corner, which appeared rather empty compared to normal... In through the window I saw Discord sitting at a table, writing in a journal... Interesting. I wonder what it's about? As I approach the door to Sugar Cube Corner, Discords voice emanates from behind me, "Going in won't be necessary, I just needed to meet you here. Now, to get to where we're training..." and he snapped his fingers, causing a bright flash of white, which seems to be lingering there... Wait a second... "What the hell, why is it so damn cold?!" I shout... Maybe I should've stopped myself... Ah, to hell with it, it's fucking cold! "Well, that would be simple. We're in the middle of a blizzard in the arctic plains around the Crystal Empire. I want you to use magic to keep from freezing," Discord said, looking at his claw-hand thingy. I think they're talons... But... "Seriously?! That sounds really fuckin' complicated, how am I supposed to know how to do that shit already?!" I ask, panic rising in my voice. All Discord does in response is smiles, and flies into the sky. So he's watching, huh? Let's do this. "Just gotta f-f-focus..." I say, stuttering due to shivering so violently. I can't believe I didn't notice the cold until now, but... I need to focus on heat... Fire, yes, fire... Holy shit, it's so cold... Serves you right, for not wanting to show strength. Just... "Shut the fuck up, okay?! I'm trying t'a fuckin' focus here!" I shout aloud... Oops... But I need heat... Focus on the snow in front of me, come on... Focus... "Well, it seems this isn't your strong suite," said Discord, flying down from the clouds, "So why don't we try this," he continued, and proceeded to snap his fingers again. This time, we were surrounded by guards, all pointing spears at us. "Ahp!" I gasp, and raise my arms as high as I can immediatly... I need to go, now! Wait... I watch as begin to levitate, and the entire world becomes grayish, though it appears as though I'm inside an eating hall for guards... God help- My thoughts are interrupted by a "No," and a snap from Discord. This time... "Is this the Everfree Forest?" I ask. If it is... Couldn't I die here?! Why the fuck would he bring me here?! "Well, it's part of it that nopony has seen in centuries, so you should be okay to cast a spell. Try to make all the leaves fall off of this tree," Discord explained, knocking on an ancient, knotted tree. "O-Okay... I'll do what I can," I inform Discord. I have to be successful here. Two failed attempts, one left... Focus... Fall... Off... There's a loud POP and everything begins to spin, accompanied by what's likely a migraine starting, and slowly black bleeds across all of my vision until I can no longer see, and I feel my body slam to the ground, but instead of hearing a thud, I hear a massive CRUNCH and I lose conscious. "Ungh... Wha-?" I stop myself when I feel the metal enter my head. "Agh!" I shout, which causes the metal to sink even deeper... Wait... it's just a migraine... Thank god. "Oh good, you're awake. So, Ajil, do you think you were successful in knocking that trees leaves down?" Asks Discord... What is he talking about? I mean, when did I... Oh... Well, I blacked out, so I couldn't have done much... "I don't know, maybe knock one or two leaves down?" I say, more or less asking. Why is Discord grinning at me? I mean, big deal if I guessed right. Just luck and common knowledge based off of the events. "There were 30 trees exactly like it within a five mile radius. They no longer exist," says Disco-oh what the fuck?! That... Bu...Wha... "What?! Th-th-that's not possible! Are you sure there energies didn't go somewhere else, or..." I stop when Discord clears his throat. "Well, there energies still exist, but they vanished. Oh, and about where there energies are..." he said, noticing my confusion, "Well, their energies... Attacked you. That's why you're lying here in the Library. You have to rest to replenish all of that energy you lost when the burst of magic left you. It wasn't anything major, but you seem to be able to adjust fast. You may, with the right kind of training, be able to rival my power at one point," Discord explained. At that moment, a letter seemed to burn into existence right in front of Discord. Weird, huh? I never thought he'd look so unhappy. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to a meeting now. Also, try not to cast any spells unless you're told you're allowed to, because otherwise you could get into a lot of trouble... Mostly due to inexperience," Discord said, and he vanished. I wonder why he's being serious about training me? Oh well, I'll live. I do need rest, after all... You do realize you almost killed me, right? Probably would have been a good thing. I need to rest though, so shut up and leave me be. > Disciple of Chaos > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How long have I been here? Watching Ponyville burn, living this nightmare again and again? Why won't it stop? Is it trying to tell me something? Is this some sort of warning? Am I supposed to stop it? What if I'm the one who starts it? Oh god, that'd make me a... a... m-murderer... God, let me wake up, please! I... No, no, no! I don't want to suffer through this! Why make them suffer?! They don't deserve pain! Focus it on me, and me alone instead! I know what it's like to be stuck at the bottom, they don't, please, no! NO! I don't know how long it's been now. Since the rain began, and the fire died. Is this the reality that I'm stuck with? I... I can see them... Ponies without faces or cutie marks, all nobodies... Oh god, what kind of monster am I?! This... This isn't right... It's not supposed to be like this... I... I refuse to turn Ponyville into an ashen wasteland like this... I... I refuse, now go away, damn you! The flood hasn't left. I'm sitting at the bottom of an ocean, waiting for a change that will not arrive. I know now, that I can not go back. I should've taken action when I had the chance, but now... The sun's light can't even reach me. It's so cold, and dark, and... Is that a light? I seem to be approaching it... No, it's approaching me... What is that? "Gah!" I yelp, gasping for air as I sit upright in the bed I was sleeping in. "Oh, it was just a nightmare... Thank goodness!" I say, shocked when I see Twilight reading a book next to the bed. Why is she there? "You should get more rest. It's the middle of the night," she said, but for some reason... She looks relieved... "Yeah, well... I... I don't want to sleep. It's... It's.. I..." I say, but I can't form the words to tell her about my nightmares... Enar, you shit, are you holding me back? Wouldn't having continuous nightmares about destroying your hometown make you less trusting of one of these ponies? Fair point, but... They deserve to know. They took me in, after all. At this point, I'd probably be dead if it wasn't for them. I owe them the knowledge of my nightmares. I owe them my trust. "I've... I've been having... Nightmares..." I say, my tone remaining cautious. "We all have nightmares. But you need to re-" Twilight began, but I interrupt her. "It's the same one. Ponyville being set ablaze, by... By... Why?! Oh, why, why is it always me?!" I begin to shout, not caring about Twilight's now shocked, yet also concerned, look. Tears are streaming down my face like a lake bursting through a dam. Why am I the one burning Ponyville in those nightmares?! Why?! "I think you just need to calm down, and take deep breathes... I'll go see if I can get Princess Luna's help," Twilight says, and she dashes off, probably to wake up Spike... Can all I do is cause problems? Is that why I'm here? I am the only human in Equestria, after all... There's a small pop and then Princess Luna is standing in front of me... At least, I think it's Princess Luna. I can't tell. Everything is so watery... "W-Who's t-there?" I manage to sob... God, I'm pathetic... Why? "I understand that your nightmare I had witnessed is a, as Princess Twilight called it, a reoccurring event. If that's the case, it isn't just a nightmare. It may be a vision, or... I'll need you to cast the most basic form of magic you can," Princess Luna says, and I can only assume she's eyeing me closely. "O-okay..." I say as I try to levitate my hand... It slowly works it's way up, and then my magic cancels itself out. Odd, it's never done that before... You moron, I cancelled it! God knows why she wanted you to use magic, look at what it did to you already! If you die, I die, unless I get out of this body! Of course, if you give me control that wouldn't be a pro- "You're not getting control, Enar, so stop asking!" Wait, did I just say that aloud? Oh, shit, I think I did... This isn't good... Damn it! "Enar? Under normal circumstances, I'd ask who that is. Though it is clear that you have a cetain... Property... About you," Princess Luna said, beginning to cast a spell, "This should prevent the nightmare from repeating itself anymore. I hope you get well soon, Ajil," and she vanished with a small pop, just like the one that had occurred when she arrived. Strange, really... But I need too sleep. I wake up the next day, and see that their isn't anypony with me. The floor appears to bee quite smooth, and the pink pillars defined to every single centimeter... I begin to walk, my bare feet making hardly any noise on the floor. As I reach the door, I notice that it's made of wood, and that it's... What the fuck, where did it go?! "Let me out!" I shout, lunging and slamming my fists against the wall. Where did the damn door go?! "Well, Ajil, the door definitely doesn't want you to leave this room yet. I have a gift for you, after all, forced to deliver it by Lulu and Celly. Ah, I bet they'd love you to learn to use this lantern. Somehow, you're supposed to be able to send letters by putting them into the flame. However, I can't get the fire to start. I think you should take it from here, Lulu said she wanted to talk to me about your... How did she put it?" Discord asks, putting his talons in a thinking manner, before continuing, "Ah, yes, your certain property thing. So, I'll be off. Do be careful with that lantern, would you? We don't want any fires burning things down to the ground," he finishes, before leaving. Did he know about my nightmare? Hmmmm... Focus on lighting the lantern, dude, just do it... Rrrngh.... Focus... I can feel my face scrunch up as I focus harder and harder on lighting the lantern, until there's a small little pop and a ball of flame ignites the lantern, emitting a sickly yellow glow... Intriguing... Great. New magic learned; lighting lanterns. I wonder if you'll ever use that some other time. I mean, come the fuck on! It's fucking useless! Try something different, like creating food or some shit! Are you starting to understand me, dumbass? Needs come first, then lighting lanterns and luxurious things can be allowed. Otherwise, you may as well slit your throat and end my torture this second, asshole. Just ignore it. You have to be strong. I watch as the door comes into view, and I put my hand on the handle, just to find that the door is... Ulgh, it's jammed. Fucking bullshit! "Hugh..." I sigh, "Damn it..." I punch the door, and then the door "click"'s and opens in front of me, revealing a long spiral staircase leading downwards. Interesting, but... I should probably try this lantern out... I need paper though. Meh, I should go ask Twilight how to work this... Magical Lantern... Yeah, 'cause that makes sense. God help me... I start walking down the stair, the dark blue aura surrounding me on the stairs still... Though now it looks darker... Ah, well, I do need to just ignore it and walk on. It takes a few minutes, but I finally reach what looks like the first floor, where the doors lead outside. Thank god that there's nopony guarding me in here. I can understand if they're outside the house, but if they were inside... It wouldn't leave the greatest impression. Hell, they might be trying to not guard me as if to say "We trust you... For now," with all things considered. I begin to head towards the door, when suddenly my vision blackens. It has happened before, it's almost like a "temporary black out" where I just can't see. I'm still in control, but I have to stop to regain my vision, which appears to slowly bleed back into the center of my vision. I mostly think that it's caused by not blinking over long amounts of time and then suddenly when you blink, your eyes have to adjust. It didn't matter, though. The door was wide open, and in front of me... Discord stood, looking very annoyed. A part of me really knows I shouldn't ask what I'm about to, but... I have to know! No, you don't. You technically only need to know the most basic survival skills. So far you can almost kill yourself by evaporating things, levitate very small objects, and light a lantern. Do any of the above sound like survival skills? No? Didn't think so, ya' fucking dumb ass! You might as well have one of them kill you off while they can, before they become attached or some shit. "Enar... That is his name, isn't it? The one causing problems up there? Tell him I said to back off. You wouldn't believe what Lulu just did. She had assumed I put him there, meaning to hide your powers from you. I had to explain that he, Enar I mean, was already there. In fact, Enar has been in your mind since before you arrived, hasn't he? She said you two don't seem to get along.... However, this also means that you have a specific... Quality. A quality we can use. Chop chop!" Discord said, the words flowing so fast I almost couldn't process them. Almost. Discord clapped with his final words, and we teleported to... Where are we? "Well, we are in an area nopony will ever be able to go. Celly made this place to practice her magic, and I must say that it is a genius idea. Here, we will have a week to train," Discord said, a smirk now on his face, "Oh, there also will be no breaks for you. Not even to eat or use the bathroom," he continued. What?! "Wait, what? But I have to fucking shit right now, I just got up! Also, what the fuck will happen in the real world?! I think Twilight and them will notice a fucking missing human within a few minutes of being unable to find my ass!" I begin shouting hysterically... Discord's smug smirk remains unaltered... "That, my dear human, is because in this plane, a week to us is merely one minute to them. Now, begin!" Discord shouts, and snaps his fingers on the last word, causing him to vanish, being replaced by what appear as... Are those zombies?! "Wh-What the fuck!? Discord, why the fuck did you just fucking ditch me! Hey, asshole, get your ass back here!" I shout at the sky. Dude. Fucking zombies. Defend yourself, dumbass! Discord is testing us, that's obvious! I don't give a fucking shit, you don't ditch someone like that! Aaaaaagggghhhhh!!!!!! Fuck it, I'll just kill these fucking zombies! I run up to the nearest zombie, and punch it in the face. Let me say that zombie jaws are painful. I pull my fist back for another, when all of a sudden the zombies face changes to that of my brothers... What? "Please, don't hurt me! I... I..." I let my guard down, and immediately he lunges at my face, no longer my brother, but now a zombie HOLY SHIT! I uppercut with my left hand, and punch the zombie in the face with my right hand, just to see that it has a fire sword stab it in the head. In my left hand I can feel what feels like a cold, icy stone... I stand up and look at my hands; in my left is an icy blade, sharpened to a point that it looks as though it can cut through skin, while in my right hand I can see a sword made of flames, blazing with my anger and hatred. I look closer at my ice sword, and see that there are frozen memories of sorrow lying within. "Fire and ice, huh? How about... Sorrow and Despise... Yes, those names are perfect!" I say to myself. I officially have my weapons of choice, now all I need to do is learn to dual wield them. I don't think they'd go well if touching one another... A zombie moans to my right, and I quickly realize that I've been surrounded. Shit, this is not good, not good! Fuck! I raise my arms and cut two zombies into two, and begin spinning. Everything becomes a blur of orange, ice blue, human flesh, what I assume is blood, and maybe bone. The next thing I know, I am surrounded by ponies on the dark plane. Imagine an endless checker board, but all the spaces are black, everything is black, except for the white lines on the ground. Yeah, that's what I was seeing. I was surrounded by duplicates of the main six, all slowly prowling towards me, vicious smiles upon their faces, and where normal teeth should've been, there are only fangs. And now I'm back in Crystalline Oaks... What? How the fuck?! You clearly wouldn't have been able to defeat them. You had attachments to all of them... Every one... You wouldn't knowingly kill your own brother, even if it meant you had to die. You'd do the same for your friends and acquantences. It's one of your bigger weaknesses. I defended you, saved your life... Though, when I took full control you lost that ice sword. Sorry, Sorrow. I had Despise in my right hand and a fire shield in my left, which I've named Revenge. I hope you survive on your own in the next training session. Discord wasn't happy about my intervention. What...? You... You just saved my ass, don't try to play it all cool like that! Dude, seriously, what happened?! I suggest you prepare yourself. The same thing happens tomorrow. Take that ring off of your hand and put it on tomorrow, as you enter training. From now on, I'll assume control in the morning. After training, you get control. Don't fuck this day up, either. Discord said as long as I let you have some experience, which you will be getting a lot of, we should be fine. Just don't die on me, or come close to it again. It really pisses me off. Er... Okay. Interesting. They day was a simple day, and I merely laid in the bedroom I had awoke in in the morning, eating scrambled eggs that I had created with magic. It was surprisingly easier then I had ever imagined. In fact, it was almost like I barely had to focus at all! Amazing! I merely laid there, my mind blank, wandering about home. I wonder what my brother would do... I know he has a life of his own, but what will he do when words of my vanishing act reach him? I wish I could know... Honest... Will my friends back home care? I was so quiet around them... Will any of my friends notice? I think my mom will notice at first, but hopefully Jazyline will take care of her... I know she'll probably forget... Oh well, I guess I gotta... But I miss them... I miss them so much... I have no one here like me. Nopony understands me here... To be a completely different species then any other on an entire planet... This is the worst punishment dealt to me. I... I... "Ajil?" I hear Twilight ask from beside the bed, and I notice that I've been sobbing... Wow, I'm just a sad failure... I can't even notice when I'm crying... Twilight looks really concerned, like she thinks I have some sort of injury... Well, I do, but they can't mend the wound of endless loneliness... "Are you okay? You look... Horrible... Is there anything I can do to help?" Twilight asks... She is genuinely concerned about me, and I know she wants to help me... But I... I'm just a guy fighting the early stages of depression... Weren't there like, five stages of Accepting Loss or some shit? Oh well. "Maybe..." I say, clearing my throat, "maybe you can help me... I was given this Magical Lantern, but that isn't all. I... I need some help with learning magic, so I wanted to kn-" Twilight cuts me off by putting a hoof on my mouth, and sighing. "Well, I'm not allowed to help you with magic. You see, Ajil... I was just recently informed that Princess Luna has discovered that you may have two... Chaotic... Properties within you. One appears natural, while the other... Seems... It's confusing, you'd have to ask her about it when you get the chance. Also, Discord told me a little about Enar..." Twilight informed me, pausing to allow her words to sink in... She... knows about... Enar? I wonder how much Discord told her... "So... What all do you know? About Enar, I mean, like how much do you know about Enar?" I ask awkwardly. Very awkwardly, in fact. Not much. I told Discord to try not to reveal much about your capabilities, since you can't do fucking shit. He did say that he would only hold back what he felt necessary, or something like that. Hopefully he didn't reveal what I am. That reminds me... Enar, how exactly did you come into existence? I didn't purposefully create your ass, so when the fuck did you get here?! Heh. Of course, your dumb ass wouldn't be able to figure out something so simple! When you created Alex and Jerry to maintain a calm state of mind, you had forgotten about your hatred, anger, and desire for revenge. You had accidentally focused enough energy to create three others, not just two. Hell, for all I know there are others in here who have yet to show there faces, probably afraid of losing brain cells due to your idiocy! You are quite the asshole, you know. So, goodbye. "Well, you see... He said that Enar may pose a threat to you if you don't quickly grow in strength mentally, magically, and physically. Apparently this Enar stallion is some big deal, or is a lot better than you in all of those specific attributes. I asked if I could help you, but Discord said that for me to intervene would hinder your training process..." Twilight said, looking down and even sadder as she went on, "Is there anything I can do to help you, besides magic training?" she asked me. "Actually, I am going to need a place to increase my physical ability. Also, I'm not sure how to use this Magical Lantern..." I say, holding the lantern out, which causes Twilight to let out an astonished gasp. "Is that... No way! With that flame... You can definitely send more than just letters with that thing! They're so rare and difficult to light that most nobles don't even have them! Legend has it that you have to be capable of bearing an Element of Harmony to use one! Of course, there is a bit of that page that isn't in any copy, but still...! This... This is amazing!" Twilight exclaimed... Er... How the fuck could I wield an Element of Harmony?! I'm a fucking human being, we're the most disruptive force on planet Earth, and we constantly at war and... It isn't possible! "So... What all can I send with it? I'm assuming only the Princesses have these things... Also, can I see the bo-AGH!!!" I shout as Twilight drops a massive book on my lap, and uses her magic to quickly flip the pages until it appears to be in the two hundreds or so... And the book is pretty big, like, a sheet of paper you'd print with big, and I am barely a fifth into this thing... Ridiculous... On the page it reads that there are wielders... Yeah, Twilight read that to me... The smudged part... Focus... Focus... Ergggghhhh... There was a quick POP and I can read the missing text... I assume Twilight can as well, because what was missing... Is horrible. On the page, it says that only those who can bear the Elements of Harmony may use this lantern, and it would generate blue flames. If the flames are the color of a sickly yellow, then... Then... The one who had lit it bears the pure essence of a Shard of an Element of Chaos... A... Shard? "No..." Twilight and I say, our voices synchronized... Why? I have to read the rest... The one bearing the Shard will struggle, and will become a Disciple of Chaos, as they are doomed to become one whether or not they desire to take that path. They may or may not be influenced by an outside source, but they will find this text exactly one day before being branded as Discord's Disciple, and they should now know why they may be fighting sorrow, anger, cruelty, and/or more. This is a curse they must bear, and, in fact, if they give into these emotions, they gain tremendous power capable of destroying Discord... However, they will be unable to utilize that power due to clouded minds, and will seem like an every day school bully when comparing their strength to others. "Why? Why does this keep happening...? Why, why am I cursed like this?! I can't take it anymore!!!" I shout at the sky, letting tears flood out of my eyes. It doesn't matter... Now they'll never truly trust me... I deserve their distrust at this point... They've taken me in and helped me, and what have I done for them?! Huh?! What the fuck have I done to pay them back?! I deserve this pain... This suffering... I deserve it all! So, you know what? "You know what... Bring it on! I'll take on anything you throw at me, just try it! You won't break me to the point of no return! I refuse to let my souls flame die tonight! I won't be a mindless drone who's just a pawn in your game! You hear me, God?! You don't control anything about me, you hear me?!" I shout at the roof, and I suddenly hear thunder crackle outside, and the room gets darker and darker, until the storm clouds outside have made my room almost completely black, except for the faint sickly yellow glow coming from my Magical Lantern. I can hear it down pouring out there... BAM, BAM, BAM!!! I hear the door... I quickly run over and open it, letting Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and the other Bearers inside. They were all drenched... "What the fuuhhhhzle... happened to make you stay out in the rain?! Isn't your weather system scheduled?! Oh jeez, Twilight, get a blanket, quick! We're gonna need five! I might be able to make one, though!" I rush, catching my swearing and shouting back to Twilight... Focus on blankets... POP! Suddenly, one giant blanket appears, and lands on the five ponies who were soaked... "Whoa... I can do that? I mean... That is one big blanket..." I say, gawking at what I had created... "Ah'd reckon you can, considerin' what Discord just told us. Y'all alright, Sugarcube? From the tone he was usin', Ah'd bet that-" Applejack began, but I cut her off. "I... I just found something out... Something that... I don't know how to take it in, or how you are all going to react... Twilight, I think they'd take it from you better then they would if I told them... Of course, I do need to tell you... All of you... I... Supposedly, "I say, holding out my Magical Lantern, "supposedly, this flame being this sickly yellow means that I, Ajil, have to bear... A Shard of Chaos..." I finish, hearing the Elements gasp in shock... I can't look at them, and stare at the crystalline floor, which is now a dark blue on the border of being black... "I... I didn't want to, but... It's just the way things are, I guess. I truly don't want to bear this... This... Darkness... Though I don't think I have much of a choice. So... So..." I try to continue, but I fall to the ground crying, and screaming out "I'm so sorry! I never meant for this to happen, I swear! Never! I'm sorry, honest to god! I'm so sorry!" for at least five minutes before I felt a hoof wrap around my shoulder from behind me, and a blurry image of Twilight... It sorta looks like she's crying too, but why? "It's okay, Ajil... It's okay, it isn't your fault... If anything, it's my fault..." Twilight said... Sadly, I agree partially... Though she didn't know any better... Why, why do I have to bring down others?! I... I can't do that... They need to stay strong... I can feel my sobbing slowing down and stopping... I'm calm again... But why!? I feel terrible! I can't do this! I can't, I just can't! God, why?! Why is this happening?! "It... It isn't your fault, Twilight... You didn't know that this would happen to me, you didn't know... You were just curious... I swear I'll learn to bear it... To use it for harmony, to help you and the other Bearers... I swear to Celestia... I'll do everything in my power to help you..." I tell her, and I mean it. If I ever break that promise, then I deserve this curse... Though I have to... I have to fight this Shard! Pathetic. Just accept it as a part of you, and you should be safe... Idiot. You deserve to be in this state for an eternity. Do you understand that, Ahi-... No, that... No way... No! No, that can not happen! I... I have to... What...? Enar, what's going on? Enar, what the fuck are you talking about!? Enar, where are you?! "Gah!" I shout as the world begins to spin, and I see flames emit from around me into a humanoid figure across the room, until solidifying into a solid, exact replica of myself, save for the eye color being the deepest crimson I've ever seen. Enar just... They need to run... All of them... Run... "Save... Pony... Ville..." I manage to get out, weakly pointing at Enar, who, after being seen, turns into a beam of fire and shoots through a window, breaking glass, and the frame falls... It's getting closer to me... I have to move... Move... Move! I move out of the way at the last second, hearing a loud THUD! behind me. I turn to look, and see the frame lying there, and the Bearers running outside... Once they get out, the entire room is lit with a glowing orange, and I hear them gasp in horror... "Stop him... Stop Enar... Please, don't..." I stop and cough a few times before continuing, "Please, don't let him kill them... Stop Enar at all costs, please, I'm begging you!" I shout after the Bearers as they rush out the door... "Thank you..." I whisper, letting myself fall unconscious, numbing the migraine I had seemingly developed out of nowhere, and the pain coursing throughout my entire body, riveting, like when someone would break a bone and feel the pain resounding throughout their body, almost as though the human mind was trying to disperse the damage done to someone. I hope they stop that dickhead... > A Double-Edged Sword > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark. I remember an orange glow coming from outside Crystal Oaks... Enar, I swear on Equestria that I'll make you pay... You'll suffer tenfold the pain you've caused here in Ponyville... Alex, you there? I... I need to know what this "Shard" could be... Is that just a property of an Element, or... Ugh, it's so damn annoying! Careful. At this rate, you might lose yourself in Enars personality. It wasn't his fucking personality to begin with, Alex! He was an accident, just like my being here was an accident! His personality was there to keep me from going on enraged rampages, and yelling constantly! That's why you and Joe exist, to keep my mind balanced and prevent me from slipping in the human world! Now all of that shit is gone! Okay, okay! Sorry, I just thought you'd want a little warning for once. So now you can easily access your anger, huh? That's... Weird. I mean, you should've had full access to it before. You've always had access to my intelligence, but... Perhaps Enar resisted letting you tap into that anger, and- I don't give a damn! I just want to see him suffer, to show his ass who's truly meant to be in control! I... I... I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from! I sort of... Lost myself... So, any idea what a "Shard" of an Element of Chaos is? There is a small possibility that it is a portion of a stone meant to be the exact opposite of an Element of Harmony. If the Stone Forms of the Elements shattered, they would leave shards throughout the land. How something could absorb one is another question in a whole. It would take a very destructive magical force to contain a Chaotic Shard, which is what that book was saying. From past events, I'd say that your shard is... Depression, Ajil. That's my best guess. Now you may also be wielding anger, due to Enar abandoning us as he did. With that much lack of warning, he was likely acting without thinking of the condition your life would be left in. Then, to burn Ponyville as he did... He will suffer, Ajil, for we will attain revenge, but I'm afraid we can't face him yet. What?! Why not!? He's my creation, isn't he? A part of me, something that I'm supposed to control! That may be true, but... It appears as though he has a much greater affinity for learning to master magic than you do, as he had casted a spell to escape your body. In fact, it is one that few can perform, if I recall hearing what he said correctly. He was talking to Discord about it, and Discord only told him so much. I don't think he knew what would happen to you until after he used that spell... I have to warn you though, that spell doesn't have a time limit. Unless Enar willingly decides to return to your mind, you won't be able to trap him again. Depression, huh? That is what you said, after all... I know now I can't take Enar on, so I have to focus on this... I get it. Makes sense that I have depression, after all this shit. I guess I have to accept it... I... I am the Shard known as Depression. Doesn't sound to great, honestly. Who am I kidding, it sounds horrible. Wish this would end. "Nnngh..." I groan, sitting up in a bed... I'm in my room in Crystal Oaks, still... And I am the Shard known as Depression... "Well, this won't be fun. I have to admit, I'm shocked Enar went through with such a ridiculous spell, and then to burn Ponyville down... I thought he knew better. Oh well, that'll just make this year that much more interesting," Discord said with a sly smirk while looking at me, his arms crossed. I look around and see a letter on a nightstand... It looks sorta sloppy, almost like it was either cried on or rained on... Oh yeah, the rain last night... I reach over to it and stop due to one hell of a sharp ass pain shooting throughout my entire right arm, and causing me to recoil. Discord sighs and hands me the letter, written in italics... To All Citizens of Ponyville, Due to recent events, we will be having a gathering in memory of the lives taken two days ago, by Enar. Enars origin is still unknown, but we intend to ask Ajil more questions as soon as he is in well health. Despite the efforts of the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, many lives were lost, and numerous more were scarred. According to Applejack, Ajil is the one who had been desperately urging them to stop Enar, which was why they had reacted so quickly. Ajil was then left in the Crystal Oaks Library, and when he was found, he had appeared to have been slightly burnt around the neck. He seemed to be quickly recovering, though it is uncertain as too when he will be well enough for any visitors who are not close friends, family, or those of official authority. When he wakes, he will likely need several weeks to recover, as he has been struggling to cope with the fact that he can not go back to his world, as there is no currently known way for him to do so. This is the Ponyville Mayor Mare, signing off. That... But... What...? "Though... It's all my fault, though... I should've been able to stop him... I'm pathetic... What did I ever do to deserve this kind of suffering? Why? Give me a reason, damn it... Please... Oh, god, why...? If I had kept him under stricter rules then maybe... I could've prevented this... These deaths... Why, please... I... I..." "Relax, Ajil. This was Enar's decision, not yours. You, my dear disciple, are not responsible for anything except for attempting to carry a burden on your own, a mistake that even ponies make on occasion. I'm certain you're aware of Applejack's attempt to harvest all of Apple Acres on her own. That is very similar to what you did. You had opportunities for help, and you decided that you didn't need it. Being wrong is a part of being a pony, or in your case, a human. Now, all you need to do is accept the fact that you bear the Shard of Depression, and I can begin training you my way. I'm not sure if you'd prefer it over the whole 'week in a minute' ordeal, but who knows? A lot of things happen to change our fates, it seems. I would never have dreamed to see another human roam Equestria," Discord said, smirking at the end as he knew he had got my attention by saying I'm not the first human in Equestria... Then there is a small hope for my sad ass... Accept that I'm the Shard of Depression? He's kidding himself. Hell, doing that would probably be damn near impossible. Though... Maybe it wouldn't be... Now that I think about what I've been thinking... Yeah, that sounds really accurate... Fuck my life, I am the Shard of Depression, aren't I? Shit... "I see. Ajil, your training will begin when you are able to walk around Ponyville ten times without any form of aid. I expect that today's news has not been for the best in your mind, so I think I'll cut it down a bit... Yes, eight times travelling directly through Ponyville. That way you can answer the questions so many ponies want to ask you. I warn you now though," Discord said, his face suddenly serious, and a grim look upon his face... Holy shit, that is terrifying... "The ponies that Enar scarred, elder, adult, teen, perhaps even a young child in your terms, may be petrified upon seeing your face. There are enough similarities that a small detail such as eye color won't stop their fear, their flashbacks. I'd suggest you give them a wide berth, for your own safety," Discord finished, swirling out of existence with a white flash and a small pop! That... That isn't good, is it? Alex, any help on that? 'Fraid not. Discord was being dead serious, which is something he just doesn't do. I doubt he'd joke about something like fear, too... I'd say it's safe to say he's had to deal with his fair share of fear, Ajil... So to him, it isn't something to joke around about. And with that look, I'd say you should trust him. We've seen him try to look serious before, and even if it's slightly, hew still puts a joke in it. He didn't here. So we have no other choice but to go off of what he said. I think that only Princess Celestia or Princess Luna could have seen that before. Right... The next time we might see either of them is something that I'm unsure of... I... It is my fault... There isn't a way that it isn't... All of their suffering... I... I... I deserve the suffering I've put them through... That Enar put them through... They didn't deserve it, it was my fault... It was my mistake, so why the fuck punish these innocent ponies?! Why, why make them suffer a pain they aren't prepared for?! Huh? What's that faint rumbling no-... Oh, shit... This isn't good... I look around to see the hospital walls cracking and crumbling, water eroding them to a fragile level that cannot support the weight of the hospital... Did I do this? A could feeling overcomes my body, and ice walls replace the eroded stone walls... They won't last... I need some help... How do I signal... Of course! I focus and force my Magical Lantern to materialize, and using the flame, I quickly send a letter, written on the back of the town news... Twilight, help me out! The hospital is collapsing! was all I was capable of writing. I hope it's enough to get them here quickly... Is my... Vision fading...? It is... No, no no, not now! I watch as the roof falls towards me, and my vision blackens at the last second, but I can still hear... I hear what sounds like the Bearers yelling, and talking to one another, and then... Silence... I don't think I'm dead, but... I might be a bit traumatized by that event... Ah, that doesn't matter... I wake up in a familiar bed... The bed at Crystalline Oaks... But why? Haven't they figured it out? I'm a damned fool... It's all my fault they died... I... I have to get a hold of myself... I almost lost myself to that Shard... Alex, you alright? Yeah, but try not to use that Shard that much... You damn near froze my section of your mind! Oh, er... Sorry for yelling at'chya. I kinda got carried away... No, it's fine, trust me. I've done worse to you... So, how do you suppose we explain this to the Bearers? If Twilight hasn't already explained, that is... I hope they still trust me... I mean, they have a right to be cautious, but... This isn't a road I can travel alone... I... I can't have their help, though... This is my problem... I have to solve it myself, but... I don't know if I can... Why the fuck am I going through this torture? A-Ajil, it's g-getting pr-pretty c-cold in h-here... What use am I if I contradict myself? I'm nothing but a hypocrite... I deserve to suffer... Ajil!!! Stop, god, please stop! I don't deserve help... I must bear through this alone... It's all my fault... I could've stopped this... I shouldn't be so stupid... I... I don't deserve to have a place to stay... Not just given to me like this... I should have to work my ass off for something like this... I... Don't deserve... Anything... Ajil! Good god, Ajil, would you stop!? Please, stop, stop now while you caaa- I... Huh? Why is it so... Cold... I look around to see the entire room was frozen over with ice, spreading as fast as water constantly leaking through the roof, filling the room to a point where I could see only one thing; ice. I... Can't breathe... Help... Help! Help! Please, help me! Help me, plea-... Wait, why should they? I deserve this... I continue to see the light fade, until everything is black... I sit up, in what seems like a pitch black space, the floor refraining from appearing... Is this my conscious? "Guuuh!" I gasp, feeling and seeing the ice lift off of my chest. Staring down at me is a familiar face... Who is that pony? I should know her... I can't see clearly, though... The light is blinding me... It hurts so much, but... It feels good to breathe... "Are you alright? I came running as soon as I saw ice flowing down the stairwell!" I hear Twilight's voice, though it isn't matched with the mouth on the pony staring down at me... Perhaps it's just that the light is fucking with my vision... "I... I'm fine," I lie... I think I'm going to be doing that a lot now. I can't see her expression... I'll have to go off of tone to try to understand how she's feeling... This shit always happens to me... "Ajil, this entire room was filled with solid ice... If you don't want to talk about it, fine, just say so. You don't have to lie; we're friends, right?" Twilight said, sounding like she was politely forgiving me for lying... Friends? N-no... I... I'm just... I... "Y-yeah... We're friends..." I say, feeling tears stream down my face... I'm pathetic... I'm so weak, I shouldn't be crying like this! I should prove my strength... I know! I'll beat her at a- Ajil, calm your ass this fucking second! Whoa... Thanks, Alex... You're a fucking life saver... If I went through with trying to beat Twilight in a magic duel, I'm pretty sure I'd die... Where the hell did I even get such a stupid idea?! Damn it, I wish Enar would've stayed so he could hold these things in for me... It's the only reason I was glad he existed... I... I have to stay focused! "Equestria to Ajil! Oh, good, your listening now. I'll be downstairs if you need me... I don't think you're well enough for any visitors yet, but I'll see if the my other friends want to visit," Twilight said, smiling while closing her eyes towards the end, her wings flapping in a perfect rhythm to allow her to maintain her balance in the air, and her magic melting the last of the ice... I love having my vision back. Heh, she looks like something you'd see on deviant art or in a painting. She flies towards the door, opens it with her magic, flies out, and closes the door softly behind her... Using her magic... Magic... Huh. Strange thought; what would happen if Equestria had no magic? Er... Let's not think about that... I don't remember falling asleep. All I know, is that right now, this very moment, I can feel a hand on my for-head... And it isn't mine... "Who's there?!" I shout, jumping up and summoning Sorrow into my right hand, clenching the hilt with both... It's too dark to see... "I see that you have great reaction time, Ajil. I wonder, will that aid you in your battle against Enar?" The voice spoke, it's voice sounding like an echo of the real one... It's hard to try to figure out who's voice it belongs too. It could be a guy or a chick, hell if I know... "Hahaha! Ajil, I am not something that most would dare to threaten... Your courage may be a good attribute in the future... You'll need it. Of course, there are times that it will be your downfall," the voice continued. "What are you?! There's no way you're human, that's for sure! Show yourself! Now!" I shout, attempting to anger the being enough to get it to show itself. "Oh, boo-hoo, you don't know who or what I am... I have to admit, I didn't expect you to be that idiotic. In fact, if I truly desired it, I could end your life this very second," the voice said, causing my heart to skip a beat of fear, and I felt all of my muscles freeze as the voice continued, "Now, ending your life now would be boring. I have to have my fun, don't I? After you battle Enar, Equestria will have a new leader, or Celestia will resume her rein of glory. I know, you're confused. I'll tell you a secret, Ajil. Perhaps one? No, two. It has to be two. After all, that will be after the first... Few challenges. A part of me is rooting for you, Ajil. I like watching events unfurl, and I truly don't like to intervene. Though, if I'm pushed, I will. Then there's that part of me that is disgusted... Why you, another human, should be in Equestria is beyond my knowledge. I wonder what the Fates have in store for you, my fellow human," the voice finished. Just... Wow... I feel Sorrow crumble in my hands, chunks thudding on the floor below me, which sends bright, white, glowing streaks through to the outside of my room, and I hear a loud POP! with a magenta flash, and I hear Twilight gasping behind me... I can't move... I... I could die at any second... To that... Thing... I'm just entertainment... What...? "Ajil! Are you alright? I... Ajil?" I hear Twilight ask... I'm still standing still, ready for battle, though I'm not holding a sword... "Ajil!? Are you okay, please, tell me!?" I hear Twilight ask... "I... A-... I'm not harmed, but... But... Didn't you hear it?" I ask, now able to speak, and slowly regaining my ability to move... "Hear what? Ajil, please, tell me! For those lines to show up..." Twilight stopped herself, but her voice was filled with concern... "There was a voice, it... It sounded as though it was an... An echo, and I couldn't figure out who it might've belonged too... It had said... It had said I am a fellow human... Meaning... I'm not the first human here... Twilight... I think I'm going to need your help..." I say, and I can feel the grim look spreading across my face. I'm able to move, so I turn to Twilight and continue with "Will you help me, Twilight? Help me find out who the first human in Equestria was?" I ask. It's a pretty big favor, which explains why she has to pause to consider the question... "I'll think about it... I'll look around my library, but I don't think I'll find much. Try not to wake up in the middle of the night on me again, please... Good night, Ajil," Twilight said, giving me a small smile as she walked out of the room. Thank god, some alone time... Well, close enough, right Alex? Yeah... I'm still rattled by that voices comment... What should we call it? I don't really like just calling it 'The Voice' because it just sounds stupid. Yeah, I agree... How about Echoe? I think that fits, with the way the voice was and all. Yeah, that should work. I like it, too. Echoe, the sinister voice with no definable origin. Fits perfectly, right? I might have gone a bit overboard with that name... Oh well. Yeah... I should sleep, though... Who knows when Discord intends on starting my training... I had fallen asleep within seconds... I can see Ponyville being rebuilt, time and time again, and each time they get a house done, the materials used turn to ash... But the citizens of Ponyville are persistent, and they don't give up. They continue their efforts in vain. I know this is a dream, however, because it's all black and white, without any sign of color... I woke to hearing Discord playing the trumpet, which for some reason sounded like a flute instead... Eh, best not to question it. He is Discord, after all. "'Mornin'," I say, conjuring up a plate of scrambled eggs and some bacon... That was easy. I quickly eat the golden-yellow scrambled eggs and the crisp bacon strips, and cause my plate to vanish into thin air. "That," I say, "was a great breakfast... So, Discord, what's up?" I ask casually, looking for a pair of shoes. "Not much. I was told to keep a closer eye on you, so what better way to do that than to start your training extra early," Discord explains as I realize that I don't have shoes here. "Early, huh?" I ask, causing a pair of socks and shoes to manifest on my feet. The socks are plain, while the sneakers are black and plain with black laces. I use my magic to make the shoes tie themselves, making sure they don't entangle with one another. "So, I assume by early you mean now, right?" I ask, smirking as Discord nods to confirm my assumption. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting to deal with other humans. All of them were people I knew, asking for help... They need me to return... "Good luck," Discord's voice booms throughout the land, and causes the images of those who I hold dear shimmer, and I realize that they are merely fakes. Upon my realization, the images fade, and I see that they are really zombies, all slowly prowling towards me, damn near silent. "They're all... Fakes, huh? No matter what they look like, sound like, or act like to my eyes... They will always truly be zombies..." I tell myself, now aware that I'm in the Blank Plains from before. I watch as my friends and family die as they approach me, and I remain unable to help them. The only ones who aren't there are my friends who are ponies... That's kind of odd. But... I can see my brother losing his mind... Jazyline killing herself... I... I can't take it... "This has to end.... It has to end now!!!" I shout, unleashing a pulse that freezes everything in an instant, and the people who had surrounded me now appeared as frozen zombies, unable to move... Then, the ice shattered, removing the tormented faces from my mind. "Well, Ajil... It seems you've passed the depression test much faster without Enar... Now, let me see how you fare against this," Discord says, and suddenly I'm inside Ponyville... Wait, what? Why? I watch as a copy of Enar begins to burn down Ponyville, laughing crazily and shouting "This is true power, Ponyville! You will all suffer! Your small town has been left in peace for far too long! Did you think you could escape war by hiding behind the Elements of Harmony?! Ha! Not even they can stop me! Wait and see! Soon, I will rule your pathetic country! Ha, hahahaha!" I'll admit, that pissed me off, watching him say that while burning down buildings and trying to kill ponies... I look around and see the Bearers charging towards him, but then the ground beneath them opens, and without giving them enough time to get out of the way, flames incinerate them... No... No... No! "Enar... I'll make you suffer... I will show you the power sorrow and anger combined into one, a power you will never understand, Enar! I will show you how pathetic and weak you are!" I shout, creating Sorrow in my left hand and Despise in my right hand... Then I pull my right hand up and back, while pulling my left hand straight back. I leap at a confused Enar, and slam the fire sword down on his head, which causes him to jump, then say "Did you really think fire could hurt one who uses it for a liv-" I cut him off by stabbing sorrow straight through where his heart would lie, which causes the images to fade, and I end up standing on an open plane once again. I feel Sorrow and Despise sort of 'merge' with my hands... It's really weird, mostly because there isn't any sign of the weapons doing so. "Good. That should do for the day, Ajil. Now, it's time for you to explain the entire 'Shard' problem you have to the Bearers. Good luck, my disciple," Discord says, and I swear I can hear his smirk as he teleports me into a room on a chair in front of a couch, and sitting on that couch are the Bearers of the Elements. "Whoa! You mustn't startle us like that, deary," Rarity begins, but I stop her by raising a hand, which causes her to react with "Oh, sorry." "I am here to explain something to each of you. This is something that I may need your help with in the future, either near or far. I," I began, hoping to explain it quickly, "I am the Bearer of the Shard of Depression, and I intend to use it to maintain peace in Equestria," I finish saying, hoping I've made myself clear. From the grim looks they're all giving me, I'd assume I have... And that may not be a good thing. "Ajil, the Shard of Depression is part of Pinkie's opposite. In fact, I'd say that it's a part of all of our opposites, almost like a side effect of our Element's opposites. Bearing that... It won't be easy, as you may not be able to receive help from one of us, but might need somepony else's help. I just want you to understand that," Twilight explained, sounding concerned, and her face gradually looking more and more the part. "I understand completely. Another thing... I don't want any of you to become too attached to me. It isn't unlikely that I may lose control, and if that happens... I have one favor to ask if that happens. I want you all to stop me, no matter what happens afterwards... If you have to... If I have to die," I say, causing the Bearers of the Elements to all gasp simultaneously, "Then go through with it. If there isn't any other way, stop me. Even if it means I have to sacrifice my life... Stop me no matter the cost," I finish. "Ajil... I... I don't know..." Twilight tried to start, but Applejack stopped her by putting a hoof over her shoulder, and they both nodded in understanding... Why does Twilight look like she might cry? Oh well, it doesn't matter... "Ah thank Ah know what ya'll mean, Ahjil, but we just can't do somethin' like that. Ah'll make you a diff'rent promise, though," Applejack says, as though she can sense my sinking heart, "Ah'll make sure that Ah do what Ah can to bring ya'll back from whatever's caus'in ya'll tah rampage," Applejack finished, pulling her hat in front of her as she spoke. "Do we have ourselves here a deal?" Applejack asks, my response being a quick nod to say yes... But what if I don't want to come back? Discord had put me through the same training exercise the next two days, and he told me this morning that he believes I deserve a break. "Discord, I need to know how to defend myself, as well as learning some more improved combat spells. Come on, don't be like that!" I plead him to allow me to continue training. "Ajil... I've noticed it. Have you?" Discord asks, and he vanishes into a smoke cloud that floats up and out of visibility. "Noticed what?" I ask. > Fluctuations At 01% > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've only been walking around my room for an hour, but I still feel as though I just spent an entire day running. I think I might pass out... Then why don't you stop and rest? Because I think better if I'm walking... I think. Great, so you don't even really know why you're walking. Exactly. Now, what do you think Discord meant earlier? That could be a range of things. I'm not entirely certain of anything, though. Great... Could he have been talking about Echoe? No, I doubt that... What the hell did he mean?! I... I think I get that the Bearers of the Elements want to be my friends... Hell, it's what they basically live to do! I... I tried that once... To be a peace keeper... A pacifist in a world of war... Careful... Neither one of us want you to lose yourself to that Shard again... We'll have to find a way to dispose of it. Or learn how to control it completely. Yeah, sorry 'bout that... Bad memories... The worst part was that the "wars" were just my family having conflicts and dividing themselves... They... They didn't see the consequences it'd have on me... Not the negative ones... Sorry... Forgot, gotta fight it, right? I'll do what I can... Now... Any other ideas? "Ajil? Are you alright? You've been walking in here for more than an hour... Ajil?" I hear Twilight ask, her voice emanating from my left. Again, with the concerned look on her face... "Yeah, I'm fine. Trust me... I just need to think about what Discord had asked me" I say, now feeling as though I shouldn't have mentioned it... That regret is probably because of Twilight's curious look... "What did he do this time?" Twilight asks, sincerely curious as to what Discord had said he asked that would make me so nervous. Great, just great, that's a sign she's trying to get closer... This is why I hate talking to people... I always say something I'm going to regret. Now I doubt I have much of a choice... "He asked me if I've 'noticed it too,' but it's really vague.. Also, do you have any idea why I'm able to use magic so easily, because I don't normally have as much control over it as I did earlier?" I ask. "I have a general idea. It's probably the Magical Field. Recently, there have been a lot of unusual fluctuations in the field, to the point that if one wanted to, somepony could build an entire city just by thinking of it," Twilight informs me. Upon seeing my worried look, she tries to reassure me with "Don't worry, nothing like this has happened anywhere near Ponyville. There are a few other towns and cities that have yet to endure these fluctuations, too. Besides, if one does occur in Ponyville, I think that, with Discords help, that Ponyville citizens will manage to survive," Twilight finishes. "Magical... Field..." I say, sounding like a complete dumbass... What the hell am I doing now? "It sounds important... I assume that it's what we draw our magic abilities from, right?" I ask. Okay, that makes a lot more sense. "Yeah, you're right about that. Though it also fuels the bad parts of magic. You could say it's a neutral source. Unicorns have fought among themselves over it in the past, though, when there were much more drastic fluctuations. Those fluctuations had the potential, without a pony harnessing it, to obliterate entire countries. So it isn't really odd for them to effect you, considering you weren't here when they first occurred. One legend says that a pony created Discord himself during a fluctuation," Twilight informed me. But now I wonder... "So... This is just hypothetical," I say, continuing, "But what if somebody, or somepony, could create these fluctuations?" I ask. "Oh, well that's obvi-" Twilight stops, shock filling her face, and she races down the room, shouting something about "Drill for one percent, hurry!" I try to chase her down the stair well, but she's already teleported herself. I run so fast down the stairwell that I almost fall down them, and when I do start to, I catch myself with my hand and do a flip. I finally reach the main room, where I see the Cutie Mark Crusaders attempting to fit into a door that I don't recall being there before. "Hu-wha?" I ask stupidly. When Apple Bloom sees me, she shrieks and quickly forces herself into the door way. "What did I do?!" I shout, and then I hear a soft "tp" of a footstep behind me. I leap forward and twist around mid air, to see Enar standing there, facing me. "You can't escape me, you twit! Killing you off will begin the process to corrupt Applejack without the use of Discord's magic! You can not escape this fa-" Enar begins to say, but is cut off when my fist collides with his jaw, flames engulfing it. "You won't be doing that, Enar. You will have to kill me to get to any of those ponies. And believe me, I am not that easy to kill anymore," I state, my face dead serious as Enar smirks. I feel two sets of hooves slam into my back, and turn my head to see both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle attacking me with their hooves. The look on both of their faces are shock, horror, and fear. They aren't controlling themselves, that much is clear. Though I didn't even feel a magical presence emanate from Enar, like I should have. There wasn't even an aura! There still isn't, yet he's controlling their actions! The two fillies continue to slam their hooves into my back, and I feel one of them hold my neck down, forcing me to face the floor, and one of the two emit a small whimper. "Shut up, animal. You are meant to follow orders. You will do so," Enar said, the cruelty ringing throughout his voice. "Enar... When I get out of this... I... I will ring your pathetic neck! Do you hear me?! I will make you wish I'd just end your pathetic, meaningless life! I'd...! I'd..." Damn it, I lost it again! I have to watch it, there's fucking kids around! Shit, he's going to kill Applebloom! Fuck! "No!" I shout, and I hear the sound of a short sword being drawn. I can't let her die like this. "Prepare to die, p-" Enar begin, but was tackled by Applebloom, who, after knocking down Enar, slammed her hooves on his wrists a few times. "You son of a bitch! You broke my fucking wrists! What the fucking hell is wrong with you?!" Enar began shouting, and I noticed that Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had loosened their threatening grips, and were now hugging me to death. I seriously can't breathe. "Let go. I have something to finish," I say, and the two fillies flinch back. I guess I had put a bit of hatred into that statement. If I hadn't thought of Applebloom fighting back, she might not have. Is this the power of fluctuations? To force someone or somepony to perform actions against their will? It doesn't matter. I walk over to Enar, where he lies, cursing at Applebloom at the top of his lungs until he sees me, silencing himself. "Applebloom, get your friends into the door. Now." I say, and they all quickly proceed into the doorway, where they seemingly vanish. I feel Despise form in my right hand, and I grab it with both hands, and stab it into Enar's chest. "Hahaha! I'm not affected by flames! Don't you realize? This power to manipulate the fluctuations... We have an advantage. I'll let you think about it. World domination is quite tantalizing, after all, isn't it, false me?" Enar asks. Damn, how the fuck does he know how to piss me off so easily?! I look down to see that he has vanished, presumably into a stream of fire, escaping me. I hope Applebloom and the others are safe. I can feel my energy draining from me, faster, faster, until... The world is spinning, a massive blur. I hear voices, but I can't make them out that well. I assume they're shouting at me. "Applebloom... Doorway..." I manage to say, hoping they get the idea. Black engulfs my vision and I fall to the ground, with a thud. My head still feels as though it's spinning. Is this my curse for every time I use magic? The next thing I know, I'm being put onto what I assume is by bed, probably by magic. I hear Applejack say "Twi', Ah gotta talk ta' him sometime. What Applebloom just told me, Ah... Ah thank it'd be best if he had some tahm to himself. Ah'll explain when we're all away from him," and then the door opens, and slams close. I seriously don't think I'm going to like this. I try to sit up, opening my eyes to only see black. "Twilight... Applejack... What... Happened?" I ask, trying to transmit my voice to them. I doubt it will work. I'm only a human. A human in a land meant for ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. A land I don't belong to. I'm trapped here, though. This world is my eternal prison, and Enar is making sure that it seems like one. There are two soft knock, knock's from my door. "Come... In..." I manage to gasp, and I balance my breathing. "I, uh... I can't really see who it is. I can't see a thing..." I say. I hope to god that it isn't a fucking assassin. "So... Ya'll ain't the thing thaht trahed ta' kill me?" I hear Appleblooms voice, and my heart sinks. Enar, you... After what she's been through, she doesn't need anymore trauma... Focus... I can feel tears coming from my eyes... "I'd... I'd never purposely try to hurt you, Applebloom. You, your family, your friends... I could never hurt any of them on purpose... Not after what I've gone through. I can't hurt ponies who don't need to be involved. The most I can do is try to protect. No, I have to protect you ponies. It's the least I can do to repay you... Twilight... I..." I say, allowing myself to break. Why? I was happy with my purpose on Earth. Here, in Equestria, the closest thing to my purpose is just... Trying to maintain peace... And the last time I did that... "Dude, what the fuck?" I ask my friend, Jacob, sitting next to me. His brown hair sticks to his white head as he turns to me. "I asked if I could borrow a dollar," he says, holding my wallet in the air. He looks concerned, sincerely. I wonder if it's an act. I've had bad experiences with you, Jacob. Jacob continues to pull away with my wallet, and my hand is immediately clasped on his wrist. What the fu- "Hell fucking no you don't. I've told you countless fucking times, I don't got the damn money, Jacob Aris Colits. So, back the fuck off." What the fucking hell?! Who the fuck are you?! "Dude, come on, don't be that guy! Nobody likes that guy, and we both know this! So be a pall, and let me borrow at least-" Jacob began, but was cut off by my fist landing square in his throat... SHIT! You could've fucking killed him, you bastard! Hello? Where the fuck are you?! "AAAAAAGH!!!" I shout, breaking the silence of the night. I'm sweating and panting, my clothing filthy. I look around and see nobody, and nopony, so I should just go back to sleep. I look around, the emptiness surrounding me. "You know you want it, Ajil. World domination, only requiring the death of one. Believe me, it is worth it. Normally thousands would be forced to be killed through warfare, but we have the power to force them into submission. Trust me. You know you want more power. I know you do," I hear Enar's voice echo. Shut up, you lying coward. "Hello, Human representative of Earth! I understand that you are a complete moron. You know, I thought you'd know better than to use the fluctuations. At one percent, and you can only control a ponies physical movement? You and Enar are both jokes. Yes, you heard right, jokes! I can manipulate the thought process of Discord himself with one percentage of a fluctuation! Hell, if I didn't know better, I'd say God sent your asses here to kill you off." I hear Echoe say. Get out of my head, damn it! Light floods my vision as I hear my door close. I can tell that there's whispering, but I'm not sure who it is. I should probably... "Ungh..." Is the noise I emit when I move my arm a small bit. "Oh, thank Celestia, you're okay!" I hear Twilight say, and I can hear her hooves hitting the ground at a speed that would suggest that she's running towards me. I hear her skid to a halt beside my bed, her hooves wrapping around me as though she's trying to hug me. "I thought you... You were..." Twilight begins to say, but I interrupt her. "I refuse to die, because I've promised myself something. I..." I pause and clear my throat, which leads to a little bit of coughing before I continue with "I made a promise. Until Enar and any other threat I have brought with me is incapable of returning, I have to protect all of you ponies. It is my responsibility to fix the problems that I have created. It isn't a choice, it's common sense, so don't try to stop me," I finish, my eyes open enough that I can see a shocked Twilight, her face wet with tears. I didn't expect that either, so I get why she's so shocked. A living hell. That's what is has to be like for her. Especially now that I'm fucking shit up... They don't deserve this. As soon as I have the supplies, I'm running, and finding Enar and killing him. After that, I can rest peacefully, and if the ponies feel as though they need to get rid of me, I'll willingly leave. No, I will have to leave, it isn't a choice. I will kill my foe, bring him down to hell, even if I have to go with him. "Well, well. Looks like I have learned your magical signature. So, Ajil, I've decided to teach you a special spell, and in a very special way, too. I think you'll find it... Intriguing," Discord says from behind me, his voice mysterious. "What do you mean, and where did you come from?" I ask, shrugging off Twilight, who was still clinging to my left arm. "I can teleport, and what I mean... Well, I'll use the teaching method now, and then explain. I feel as though you'll need this, even if it goes against my belief," Discord says, and he uses his talons to make a strange hexagonal shape upon my forehead, and it feels as though he writes something there. "There you go. What I just taught you is a spell," Discord begins explaining, his voice ominously dead serious, "and that spell, Ajil, can kill a living thing. The only negative side effect is that you will lose someone you love in return. I, of course, would know this better than anypony. Twilight, if you're wondering why, you could easily ask Celly. For now, I need to go," Discord finishes talking, and with a snap, a light engulfs him as he vanishes. I can't believe it. How the fuck could Discord have ever felt an emotion like love?! I felt it plenty of times, and every time I'd approach them, they'd cast me the fuck out! Every single one of them! I was evaded, hated, fucking discriminated! If anything, I should be the one throwing a damn pity party, not him! He deserves to suffer, burn in hell, and watch the one he loves die a million ti- "Ajil, what the hay's wrong with you?!" I hear Twilight shout the question at me, and I suddenly become aware of my actions. I stop my fists, that were on fire until now, from pummeling the ground, and when the dust settles it reveals that I've made a small ditch about a meter, or three feet, deep. "I'm sorry, Twilight... I just... I..." I lost control... My knees are going limp... I can feel them ever so slowly falling to the ground. My legs have gone limp at this point... I've lost the connection to their nerves, for now. I... I can see Twilight walking towards me... "Don't... Don't touch me..." I manage to stutter the whisper out, and I fall to the floor, tears beginning to flow from my eyes... "Why? Why does this always happen... Why do I hurt the ones I love?" At this point I can feel Twilight's hoof on my cheek... Then the feeling is gone... "You... Still there?" I ask, beginning to turn around. Then a blinding light surrounds me... "Wake up, Ajil!" I hear Twilight's voice as she begins slapping my face with her hoof... Wait... Maybe she's been slapping my face... My cheeks are kinda sore... "Stop! Stop, stop, stop! Jeez, I'm up! What the heck do you need from me?!" I shout hastily. The look on her face is one of annoyance... Did I just explain to Twilight why I refuse to die in a dream? I wonder if she knows... "You know where Sugar Cube Corner is, right Ajil? Apple Jack wanted you to meet her there. Sorry if I hurt your, uh... Face?" Twilight guessed. Apparently, the parameters of my face aren't that obvious. "I had told her I'd get you up today to have you try and meet her there. She said that she wanted to meet you alone, and even had to miss out on one of Pinkie's parties... We were all invited, but AppleJack had already made up her mind about meeting you. Now, if you don't mind, I'll be going!" Twilight said, a bright face upon her as she trotted outta the room, and eventually I hear the slam of the door. I get up and focus on a pair of jeans and a long sleeved shirt... My head begins to ache as light gathers into a concentrated area, and suddenly... Fzz! Charred jeans and a charred long sleeved shirt... There isn't a smell to them, but they definitely won't be worn anytime soon. I walk over to the side of the room where a dresser seems to have appeared. I open it and see five different pairs of outfits, with a note... From Rarity, I guess. I open, and skim through it... Something about warning them.... Protecting Applebloom... And a signature... I don't really know how much time I have to read it, so I'll have to come back to it. I quickly change into new clothes and rush down the stairs and out the door. I gently close it behind me, and walk towards Sugar Cube Corner... And now I feel awkward... A lot of these ponies are looking at me with fear... Some of them even have absolute hatred in their eyes... I just look down and pick up the pace... Probably in my best interests... I finally get close to the place, just to see Apple Jack sitting inside through one of the windows. She seems kinda bored, if I'm honest. As I push the door open, Mr. Cake looks over to great me, but freezes upon seeing me, his eyes filling with fear, and then he ducks under the counter... All I can do is let out a massive sigh, and I walk over towards Apple Jack. I get to the seat and sit down... Incidentally, the seats work well for both ponies and humans. What a coincidence? "So yah fahnally showed up. Ah'll be the first to admit Ah didn't know if yah were recovered enough, but Ah guess yah are. Ah was hopin' that yah'd be up t'a helpin' mah family rebuild its barn, considerin' that blasted Enar fellah burnt it down..." Apple Jack states. I can feel the expression on my face change... I think that Apple Jack noticed, because she immediately tells me "Y'all don't have t'a if yah ain't feelin' up t'a it. Ah was jus' wantin' to get t'a know yah a bit more." I feel my shoulders slouch down a little, as I say "Look, I dunno if I should be around Applebloom with what Enar did-" I cut myself short when I see Apple Jack's look of concern... The worry in those eyes... They've already became attached to me... Shit. I was in hopes to prevent this! Gah! "Look, I'll help you rebuild your barn... I don't know how Applebloom will react though, and I won't guarantee that she won't react badly... And don't be harsh on her. The worst thing to do to a sibling is scold them when they act out of fear... I... I would know..." I say, and I can't help but remember the last time I talked to my brother... I had yelled at him because he didn't show up at the hospital when our mother had a heart attack... He was just afraid that she would die while he was there... If I recall right, he did get back in touch with her, but I didn't hear from him again... And now I probably won't. "Ajil? Are yah there?" Apple Jack asks me, snapping me back to reality. I spaced out... "Yeah, I was just thinking about my brother... I... Don't want to talk about it..." I state... My heart's aching now... It'll be good to distract myself with some kind of work. "When should we head out to work on the barn?" I ask. Apple Jack blinks, almost as though she's surprised. "Well, Ah still gotta get a few supplahs, but after that, yah should be able to head on over and start helpin'," Apple Jack said, seeming to assume that I knew my way to her farm... "Uh... Well, I don't really know how to get to your farm from here, so... Er..." I said, and Apple Jack nodded in understanding. "Just take a left when yah leave here, and keep on walkin'. Yah should reach it 'ventually. I gotta go now," Apple Jack said, walking out the door and turning to the right and walking down the street. I was so lost in trying to see where she was headed that I didn't notice that Mrs. Cake had managed to get to the table... "So..." Mrs. Cake began, her voice quivering just as much as her body, "You aren't the one that tried to kill us?" she asked me. "No way. I brought that monster here, so I have to eliminate him. After I'm done helping Apple Jack, would you mind if I try to repair any damage he did here? I know I can't do much to help fix emotional trauma or stuff like that, but I should take responsibility for any physical damage he may have done," I say, Mrs. Cake looking relieved, her body relaxing. "It's quite alright. Pinkie's already decided that she wants to rebuild the destroyed parts of the building herself. Something about making it more fun for when she's babysitting..." Mrs. Cake replies, a seemingly thoughtful smile on her face. "Alright, well... I should probably get going... I guess I might end up seeing you again. Until then, bye!" I say as I get up to leave. I walk out the door and turn left, and start walking towards Apple Acres. It's been almost thirty minutes since I had left Sugar Cube Corner, and I'm finally seeing apple trees in the distance. I have to admit that I didn't expect it to take so long. That, and I was starting to get physically exhausted. My feet had become sore a while back, and now I can feel it in my thighs... God, that hurts like hell. Well, it ought to be worth it. I hope it'll help start to break the distrust Enar no doubt caused. I hope. After ten more minutes, I can see the building that I assume is the Apple family's household. I truly hope so. The sun is finally getting pretty high. Seems like it's close to noon. I'm kinda getting hungry... Maybe I should've... No, I don't have any money, I wouldn't have been able to get anything at Sugar Cube Corner. Maybe I'll be able to get something to eat at the farm... As I approach the gates to the farm, I look up to see three fillies running around, playing tag. They look like nothing's ever happened... Like all the shit they just went through was some fucked up nightmare, like none of it happened, like they could move on... So... Do ponies have some experiences like this in this world after all? Where they confront some kind of darkness, that seems to be coexisting with the good? Wait... Wouldn't that be Discord? Is that why they're so willing to forgive me, so ready to do so? Is that even right?! I don't know anymore... "Are yah just gonna stand there, son?" I hear Granny Smiths unmistakable voice. I turn to see here standing on the porch with her... Is it a walker? Fuck it, that's what I'm calling it. She's just smiling sweetly at me... She's older than most of the ponies around here. I wonder if she could help me... "Well?" she continues. "Sorry, was just thinking about stuff... Would you mind sharing some of your wisdom with me? I... I know I can't do this alone... I need someone's advice... My knowledge isn't anywhere enough. I know that, but... I feel like it's all my fault, and I can't do a thing to stop it... All this pain... The suffering they've gone through... Is it all worth it? Am I really that important? I can't be... No one should have to fear me because I can't reign in a split personality..." I vent... I think I might have said way to much there... "Blaming yourself doesn't help anypony, deary. It only worsens circumstances for us all," Granny Smith offers... Well, she isn't wrong, but I'm not sure that that is the response I was hoping for. I guess... It'll do. "I... I'm glad you tried to help... I think... I think it worked... At least a little. And that can make a world of difference later..." I say, hearing Granny Smith let out a few laughs at my response, before inviting me in for some food. There's a lot of apple-oriented food, and they all seem to assume that Apple Jack would be eating elsewhere. I felt like... They seem to accept me as one of them... Even Applebloom. I'm... taken aback... I just... After what Enar's done... I didn't expect this. The only way for me to show gratitude is simply humbly accept the food they offer to me. I eat it gratefully and with the best manners I can manage... Probably not great manners, either, considering I was never taught the proper etiquette... They probably find this attempt laughable, but they seem to know it's the best I can try to do. Besides, they probably aren't good on what most would consider 'Fine-Dining Manners'. They're farmers, after all, which meant they were stronger rather than refined. Though I wasn't really either... I guess the term 'Nice-guy' would be fitting for me, considering I'd try not to be an ass most of the time. After we finish eating, and I put my dishes in the sink, I head right out, and immediately ask Bic Macintosh "Are we going to start working on the barn soon?" He looks up at me, and nods yes, and continues carrying supplies. I can see Applebloom and the other family members that were in the area with a lot of barn supplies... The only supply that seemed to be missing was... "Hey ya'll! Ah'm fahnally back with tha paint!" Apple Jack shouts from the gate... And she really is pulling a small cart of paint. Well, that should prove useful. It takes a while to set up the new barn, and even longer to paint it. Finally, we finish, only to see the sun setting in the background... I can feel my entire body aching, like it was being torn apart at every connection of muscle... God, this hurts like fucking hell. Needless to say, I had more apple-type foods that I didn't bother to learn the name of. It was delicious, especially for food that I'm sure as hell not used to. Since it was already dark out by the time we finished eating, they offered me a place to sleep. I accepted the offer, and then Apple Jack tells me "All right then, ya'll can just use the guest room across from mah room, sugarcube." That actually sounds like a good idea. She has seen what Enar is capable of, and if he were to try a surprise attack on me, she would probably be the best suited to face off against him. I enter the dim-lit room, and look around. The bed seems basic, thin blue sheets as a blanket, white pillows... A small little desk. Huh. Seems recently made, and atop it is a wax candle, giving off enough light for me to walk to the bed. I lay down and lean over to blow out the light. And just like that, I'm engulfed in sleep. No dreams... Just nightmares... A pattern in each one... Every pony that was effected by Enar in any negative way saw me as a monster, and wasn't afraid of sharing that with me. And it seems like Princess Luna doesn't want to or just can't talk right now... Didn't she say that her curse for making these dreams for every being was to be forced to watch them? I feel really bad for her. I just don't get how they could forgive me... All this destruction... Isn't my fault? For all of this pain and suffering? I could have disposed of Enar long ago, but... I didn't... I could have put myself on medication, and at least postponed this, hopefully long enough for until I was able to go home... That's right... I have to find a way home... Maybe defeating Enar will help me do that... Suddenly, I feel a warm glow across the front of my body as I'm sitting in a chair around a bonfire, with my family... I feel like I can hear Princess Luna's voice in my mind saying "I thought you might like a change in the scenario." I have to admit, the change is appreciated. It remains like that for the rest of the night, until I finally wake up to a loud bell. It doesn't take long for me to realize somethings off. Almost immediately, I realize the air feels off. I shrug it off, and head down to see what's for breakfast. As I walk down the stairs, it feels like each step doubles my weight, until I collapse... I take a few deep breaths and feel my forehead... Thankfully, nowhere near enough for a fever. I take a few more deep breaths before getting up slowly and heading down to breakfast. Surprisingly, they have a strange 'Bread Cereal' type thing, which I eat gratefully and quickly. The others eat quickly too, maybe just because it's how they eat breakfast, or they think I'm making a competition out of it. It's actually kinda funny, how this shit's all seeming to work out. I slam my thatched bowl down and let out a hearty burp, as the rest of the Apple Family does the same. "Wow. Ah don't thahnk Ah've ever seen somepony eat faster than... Than..." Applebloom begins, but then her eyelids seem to shut themselves, and she collapses onto the floor besides the table. "Applebloom!" I shout, running over to her side... I don't know anything about ponies or how they work, so this could be natural... And she had shown no sign of exhaustion... In fact... I'm... feeling woozy too... The whole world... Seems to be... Spinning... And my head... God, what kind headache is this?! It feels like someone just struck my temple with a steel girder at terminal fucking velocity! And this nauseous feeling... I seriously think I might vomit... And my vision... Everything is getting darker... A black void from the outsides of my eyes... Is enclosing... My... Vision... > Illness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wake up to see a concerned Apple Family looking over me and a filly in a bed beside mine... Well. I guess now I know I am sick... That sucks. I was really hoping to avoid this... I'm helpless when I'm sick, after all... Either that, or I'm just not recovered from all of that work yesterday... Yeesh. That was rough. I seriously hoped this wouldn't happen. I hate to look weak in front of anyone, pony, human, child, teen, adult... Ugh. I laid there for almost thirty minutes before I heard Apple Jack say "Ah thahnk he's fahnally up, y'all." And almost immediately, I'm surrounded... Just great. I, of course, just let my muscles relax... Of course, that's physically. Mentally... Well... They've just surrounded me, and probably won't know what to do or what I'll do, since I don't think they're used to humans being around here. I lay there, carefully pacing my breath as something cool and camp is laid across my forehead... Wait... "How... How do you know... What to do... When a human... Is sick? It..." I stop talking and shake my head 'no' as I open my eyes. Applejack's giving me a questioning look... What? What'd I do this time?! "Ah thought that yah would know, considerin' what yah already know 'bout Equestria... Ah thahnk Ah should get Twi... She mahgt be able to help y'all," Applejack says, and then sets off... Damn, she's fast! I don't think I'd ever be able to run that fast... Not anytime soon, that is. After about twenty minutes, there's a flash of light with a pop, and as the light fades I see Twilight and Applejack recovering from the long-distance teleportation. Looks like they're disoriented. Twilight then sighed as she regained her balance, and she slowly trots over to me, holding a book in her mouth... I'm guessing I'll be learning how they know about humans soon, then. As Twilight sat the book down next to me, she sighs, and asks me "Are you sure you want to know how we know about humans? It... Isn't a pleasant story." Her face has so much concern... So... It wasn't the whole Equestria Girls incident? Then... What was it? "Twilight, you saying that makes me want to know even more... It's almost human nature to prefer to know, whether it's good or bad. Believe me, if you hadn't tried to reverse the spell that brought me here already, I'd probably be begging you too, just because I couldn't know for certain if it'd work. So I... I feel like I need to know now," I say as I reach for the book. When I touch the rough, leather binding, it immediately begins to flip through its own pages, and light begins to shine from the pages of the book... Not a bright light, either. It looks the color of volcanic ash after an eruption... I begin to feel as though my mind is being pulled into the book, and then I feel knowledge being poured into my mind... A massive war, but sadly pointless as neither side would truly win. On one side, the humans. They were defending themselves with what they could. Whilst they had magical powers, very few had enough to challenge them. Who "they" where wasn't clear... But they had an army of Alicorns at their disposal. Many had given their lives to utterly destroy parts of the land... Eventually, only a select few Alicorns were left... Three total, though they were given more power by them. The power to manipulate things such as love, the moon, the sun, the land, and so much more... Of course, they were restricted to what they could actually use. One was restricted to manipulating the sun, which had stopped moving, whilst another manipulated the moon. The other was gifted the power of giving love... The scary thought was that, just as she has the power to give it, she can just as easily take it if she deems it necessary. The humans... Their land had become magically irradiated. Magical Radiation had consumed the landscape, and caused the humans to mutate into beasts and strange creatures that were almost completely unrecognizable as "human." Then "they" seemed to lose all power, to fade away... They left it to the Alicorns to take control and maintain peace. They may have had nearly complete control over them, but beings had been capable of gaining control, making artifacts... There were a few humans left who tried to survive, but... They were usually enslaved by the ponies, and forced to work in gruesome conditions, such as traveling a vast mountain range with nothing but tattered clothing and a piece of bread to sustain them. Others had managed to become free and attempted to create some spells... Some were successful, some weren't. There were so few, it was hard to find a way to measure it. There seemed to be four successes and nine failures... Most of the spells were just outright selfish, and only one selfish spell worked, because it was designed with a consequence in mind. It would grant the caster one wish, but the caster would later lose something of equal value. The rest were commonly known nowadays, such as levitation, and making extremely basic illusions. One spell, however, stood out above the others. It is an extremely difficult spell to maintain, and powerful in it's own right. A combat barrier spell, so powerful that it could stand against Discords magic, and even dispel it from the surrounding area... Sadly, such a spell has been lost, never to be found. "Guh!" I gasp for air as the book lets go of my consciousness. That... Hurt my lungs... A lot. "You know..." I say, pausing for some breathing, "I don't... Have books that... Do that kinda stuff... Back home... A little... Warning next time... Maybe?" Twilight blinks and says "Really? You have Video Games but not books like this?" "Twilight, we have things like that, on a screen, and it doesn't normally stop us from breathing, unless it's that amazing or that awful or... Do you understand?" I ask, explaining that movies DON'T force you to stop breathing... My lungs still hurt. I look up to see Twilight nod yes, and I turn to be on my back again as I ask again, "Still, that doesn't explain how you know how to take care of me. Could you please explain it to me?" Twilight sighs and begins to explain to me that "I had made some basic guesses on how your body worked... I assumed some things too, like where your brain is. I'm guessing I was right about that. Since you have a fever, we just assumed..." Oh. I get it. Okay. "It's alright. But... I'm going to need something to drink. Applejack, can you get something for me?" I ask, focusing on creating something... I don't know the exact parts and everything, but a painkiller sounds really good right now... It'll help with my head and lungs... I'll create three and give one to Twilight... I'll have to explain what it is to her... A loud Pop! signifies my success as three little pills from in my right hand, which I quickly clench into a fist... I'm nowhere near strong enough to crush one of these, so I don't need to worry too much. Not much longer and Applejack shows up with the cider. I thank her and take two of the pills. Twilight and Applejack are looking at me, confusion so obvious on their faces. I smile as I begin, "It's called a painkiller. Basically, it's meant to relieve pain. I may need you to create some sort of crushed apple thing for Applebloom, Applejack. Twilight, I want to give this to you. I want you to study it and learn how to make more of them... I'm... Not certain I can make much more. And be careful. Using to much ends up hurting you... For a while you should only need one. Since Applebloom is younger, she'll probably need something weaker, so she isn't effected negatively from it... Of course, if she's in serious pain, a painkiller like this should work, though I can't be certain as to what the repercussions might be... I'm also not a hundred percent certain that it'll even work on ponies... Usually it takes about 30 minutes to kick in, for me... It usually depends on the person, or in your case, pony," I finish as I zap another painkiller into existence with my mind... I think I'm starting to get the hang of this magic thing... "Also, unless you crush it into its powdery state, you should always take it with water or something to drink. Now, Applejack, if you could make a mush of some kind... These things can't be baked into pies or anything fancy, and we do need to see if she can eat," I say to Applejack. Enar "I have to admit, you really can make a decent campfire..." I say, stopping to cough. "Though I'm not sure it'll do any good, since we're going to have to get going again soon. That, and I think I'm starting to get sick... Or my dumbass counterpart is. I don't think he's realized that we're still partially connected." "Well, I just don't get why you're part of this crazy plan, Enar. I get that this is supposed to be for the best, but why all the effort? Is it really that important? I mean, what you're talking about is a lot more than just Pony Ville, you know. You're basically wanting to take the grand stage right off the bat! Do you know how stupid that sounds! Yeah, I get that you have inside sources. True, some of them may even feel indebted to you. But seriously... Using illusions only does so much... There's always something that gives it away. Say you do successfully create an illusion of one of them? How do you intend to keep them from involving themselves? I know that they won't just sit there!" A voice argued from across the campfire. Again, she was hiding under a black robe. "Relax. Since Ajil seems to think everything is what it was like in the show, he won't expect to see you here, miss. I'm afraid, however, that your time in hiding has to come to an end. And I don't mean sending out other illusions... You're going to go out there for real this time. After all, your going to lead me right to their doors. It's the only option I have, or I won't be able to properly go through with this plan." I explain to the mare. Truly, I feel as though she deserved it. Her fault for messing around with that kind of magic. Her fault entirely. Any living being could understand why it's forbidden. Though my plan should be set in motion here soon. Ajil I stare at the wooden beams above me, waiting. I don't really know what for. Twilight and Applejack have managed to give Applebloom the medicine I had recommended, but... I'm not sure it'll do much good. I mean, the medicine that I use might not be compatible with a ponies immune system. Hopefully, if it doesn't work, Twilight should be able to use some healing spells on her. Right now, I don't think I'll be capable of leaving like I want to... Who knows how long it'll take me to recover... I wait for what seems like an eternity when Twilight walks in. "Twilight?" I ask, making sure she knows I'm awake. "Oh, hey Ajil. Didn't know you were up. Is there something I can do for you?" Twilight responds. "Yeah, I... I wanna look at that book again. You know, like, as a way to make sure it's burned into my memory!" I say, hoping that she buys it... A part of me is really curious... "Oh, sure! I'll be right back!" Twilight says, and, after two very quick teleportations, levitates the book next to me, open on page one. "Thanks," I say as I reach out and put my hand on the book, this time calmly letting the volcanic light flood my senses. As I thought, being calm had a huge factor in what the experience was like. Now, instead of looking like I'm watching a movie, I feel, and from the looks of it, I am in the history. Literally. I don't seem to be able to alter things... I try to pick up a rock and sort of phase through it. As I orient myself, realizing that I'm in the middle of an ashen wasteland, I hear a familiar voice... "Oh, how you humans love to experience everything a different way, every time!" I hear Echoe... Well, echo from above. "The fuck are you doing here, huh?!" I shout upward. "Well, well, well. Somebodies angry! You know what? I think I'll correct some of the... Errors that this book tried to teach you. Lets see here, just change this and that..." Echoe states, and I swear I can hear pages turning and scribbles from a pen being written on a paper... So weird. "Seriously, what the fuck do you want from me..." I ask, lowering my voice, because honestly, who would reply to that? "Well, for one, your not a human from... Let's say, our time and space? Based on your genetic structure, you were only exposed to our magic when you were accidentally teleported here by Twilight's spell... I guess I should mention that that spell was originally made by our humans." Echoe states, replying to my question that I had intended to be rhetorical. "What?! But the book said...!" I start to protest, but I stop as I see the landscape turn to what looks like Ancient Egypt.... My Ancient Egypt, something that ponies should have no information on, but for some reason do. "This is where Equestrian history truly begins. You see, humans and ponies acquired sentience around the same time on your world. Although, your world has no magical capabilities. Sure, you humans say things look magical, but in reality... If there was magic, the Magical Radiation would've have made many places you inhabit, uninhabitable. This is mostly because things from your mythologies would actually exist. In the world that Equestria resides, they do exist. That means that, at some point, our humans made contact with your humans. However, you seem to be the very first human from your time and space to enter our time and space. In other words, your the most unique creature here besides the Alicorns." Echoe elaborates, though I'm not certain as to why. Wait a second... "What do you mean, 'besides Alicorns'?" I ask. Well, I can't blame your human curiosity... I believe it to be the major reason as to why your humans managed to survive. Our humans denied the changes that were obvious. Now, I can't explain the Alicorn facts to you, as the Alicorns themselves... Well, one of them, at least, has cast a spell to make it where only an Alicorn can tell you. So I'm afraid I can't answer that. I suggest you pay attention, too. This history lesson is much more real than it was a few moments ago." Echoe says, his voice fading and becoming much more menacing. I can tell that he's left. "Damnit..." I say aloud, ignoring the world around. Suddenly, I feel a fist collide with my jaw. "Man up, Jackol! If we're to survive, we must defeat the ponies, or we'll all be doomed! So stop stalling us, and let's get out there! We're gonna have to kill every single one of them!" I hear the man say... Only a few things stand out to me... He's saying we have to kill ponies to survive... "No." I state. The man's figure becomes clear to me... He's scrawny, having the body of a physically depleted human being. Clearly he hasn't been eating properly. His facial hair looks like it was cut off with a broadsword, cuts everywhere, all extremely large. He looked like someone who was to be feared. I say looked because... It's a history book, right? I doubt I'm going to have any impact. "What was that, Jackol?" The man's tone had turned serious, and he looks over his shoulder, both shock and anger obvious in his face. He turns quickly, swinging a broadsword at me. I leap back, over an edge... And I immediately begin levitating. I'm using magic... With so much ease! "So you'd rather through yourself in with their lot, would you? Alright, men! Shoot him down! After he falls, we slaughter the village ahead!" the man, who I assume is the General, screams at his army. So many pull out bows and draw their arrows... "If you use your goddamn brains, maybe you'd see that there is another way to this than killing! If we make peace, then we could...!" I'm cut off by the release of thousands of arrows... I feel my arms raise above my head... I think of creating a massive shield around me, and in a round motion, I move my arms downward. In an instant, a shield forms around me in all directions that the arrows are approaching me. Then I notice the ones preparing to cast spells. "See, men? He's thrown himself in with them, letting them teach him those unnatural magics! Magics that will destroy the balance of nature, magics that will ruin the world! Magics that, with, he will wipe out our entire race! He has decided that ponies are worth more than humans, that we'd be better off as the minor species, that we can't overco-" the general begins talking, trying to work up his men. I am the one that's interrupted him. "Hey, asshole? You ever think that you might just be being stubborn? I've seen the goddamn future! If you're thinking that I'm acting weird, it's because you lose this damned war! What I'm doing isn't even a fraction of the power of an Alicorn, the greatest magic users on the opposing side!" I shout, trying to convince them to retreat... I might be able to save them this way... "Don't listen to him, men! He's trying to brainwash us! We must fight!" the general argues against my advice. "If I really wanted to, I could've cast a spell that would take control of you and make you all march off of this cliff to your death!" I continue to try to argue... Some of the soldiers stop a murmur to one another... I think its working! "Don't let him trick you! There is no such magic, or we would have lost this war by now! Head my warning, men! Anyone who uses such advanced magic must be an enemy, as that magic is not a normal magic!" the general states... It seems like all the soldiers listen... I have no choice but to try... "Fine!" I shout, focusing on brainwashing all of them, clenching my eyes shut... And I feel a massive snap!, and my eyes seem forced open, to see a stunned general. "N-no! My magic...! No, you can't break my brainwashing magic, you fool! It's the only way to defeat them!" the general says, catching me off guard... Then he smirks... And a giant hole is formed in my body, and I can feel a burning unlike any other... "Is this... what Magical Radiaton... does...?" I ask, feeling my blood flow out of the hole that had just been made where my body should've been. I feel my body focus the last of its energy in a spell meant to destroy all of them... "No!" I shout, but I can tell... This was the choice Jackol had made so long ago. There was no altering it... All I could do was watch as a mass of dark energy formed, and absorbed them all, and Jackol's conscious faded... I watch as what looks like several Alicorns appear form the sky, most of them fighting the dark mass, eventually erasing it. One flies down to land next to me. And it's an Alicorn that looks awfully familiar... "Princess... Celestia...?" I ask, coughing blood as I do so. "What do you want with me, bipedal pest?" Princess Celestia asks, disgust clearly in her voice. "Listen... Countless years from now..." I stop because of having to cough up more blood... "You will... Raise a student... Who will become a princess... She will right... About a human she accidentally dragged here..." I resume coughing much more this time... Though Princess Celestia's shock turns to a hardened face, and I feel my human body levitating, before everything is black... But only for an instant. I'm immediately awake. "So, human, what is your name?" Princess Celestia asks, her voice stern, cold, and nearly heartless. "The name of the one I seem to be using is Jackol... My name, as you will hear in the distant future, is... Ajil." I state. "This isn't my body, actually. I went into a history book, and then... Oh, it's so messed up... I... I'll start from when I first arrived in Equestria. That way, you should know what's going on..." And so I go on to explain how everything had happened. "First off, you should know that there aren't any greater beings, that I'm aware of. Also, as of the time being, I have no sister, and if I did, I mostly certainly doubt that she'd be Princess of the Moon. After all, at this time, none of us Alicorns are Princesses of anything. Second off, this... Echoe being you mention... What is he?" Princess Celestia demands. "I'm not sure. I only hear him, though I haven't been the only one.. All I know is that he considers what I'm capable of to be pathetic." I state plainly. Princess... Well, I guess this her isn't a Princess, so Celestia, I guess? I don't know, but I'll go with that. Celestia looks taken aback when I state this. "Despite the fact that you just cast a Dark Magic that was designed to wipe out an entire country, he considers you to be pathetic?! This is truly concerning, Ajil. Though if what you say is true... Does that mean that you're stuck in this book, or can you leave whenever you so wish?" Celestia asks me, seemingly raising an eyebrow. "I uh... I don't actually know... I haven't tried... Also, I don't think that I cast the spell... I think Jackol's conscious took over and cast it, something that I wasn't expecting. If you want, I can try to leave the book, but I'm still trying to learn as much from it that I can. If I'm not able to leave, then uh... That'll be a problem," I state, seeing Celestia nod in understanding. "Well, I should probably try to return back to reality. This whole war thing... It's crazier than I though, ya know?" I say, focusing on leaving the book as I see Celestia nod yes. With a soft and seemingly muffled pop! everything resumes in the normal world. This time I don't gasp, either. It was like I managed to keep breathing the whole time in their. "Hey Twilight, I didn't uh... Struggle breathing at all, did I?" I ask as Twilight walks towards the door to leave. "Huh?!" Twilight seems shocked at first, then looks at me with relieved eyes. "I guess I can tell the others your up, then. You, uh... Do realize that..." Twilight pauses, looking at me concerned... "Never mind, I'll ask you about it later. I need to tell the others that you're okay," Twilight finishes, and teleports out of the room. I look around and notice that I'm the only one in the room... So... What happened to Applebloom? Did they just move her to another room? Probably... A flash of magenta light floods the room as the Elements of Harmony, Discord, and the CMC materialize near the doorway. I can feel all of my muscles standing on end. I put on my most serious face as I ask "How long was I out?" All of them look extremely concerned... Discord just says "Well, I'd say that in your time, about a few days or so... It's hard to say, considering somebody warped you into the future about a month or so," which causes my stomach to sink. "Thank you soooooooooooooooooo much for saving us, Mr.!" I hear the CMC shout, and expect them to try to group hug me, but they keep their distance... "Okay, so why are you evading me?" I ask, and immediately regret as Discord slinks next to the bed. "Oh, I'm not evading you, Ajil. They, however, have every reason to right now. You see, it seems that their are some... Diseases you've had exposure to, that those in Pony Ville simply haven't. It also appears that the same goes in the opposite way. They've dealt with... Ulgh, diseases that you haven't," Discord explains, saying the word diseases like it itself is a plague that annihilates all life. Of course, after Discord says this, I feel the fever I've probably had for a while. My head feels like it's literally starting to melt, causing me to sweat everywhere I possibly can... I think my ears are even sweating! I feel my whole body going numb... I can't keep my body lifted upright... I feel my head fall onto the pillow beneath it, seeing the world spin rapidly, like I was suddenly put on a spinney-top spun by the forces of light itself... I can't tell which way is left or right, or which Discord is the real one! I turn my head to see thousands of the ponies who had recently entered the room... I have to do something... A vaccine! I need... A cure, right! Suddenly, I feel a sharp point stab into my arm, resulting in me tensing up for a moment, and then relaxing as I let sleep take me. My dreams never arrive. Nor do any nightmares. It's just been black. Then I wake up. I wake up in a bed that seems nearly familiar... It seems clean... I blink and my vision is suddenly filled with the familiar images of the barn. I've just woken up and I already feel a lot better. I maneuver myself to get up, and feel my legs gain their strength... It's an odd sensation. One that I've never actually experienced before. It was like my legs woke up on their own. So weird... "There are a few things I had to alter for you to experience that book the way you did... Heh. Don't worry, you didn't have an actual impact on history. Poor old Celestia doesn't even know I exist! Haha!" Echoe booms from above. "Why the hell are you telling me this?" I retort. I wait for a response... Only to get silence. I continue to walk out of the barn, and then head to the library. I'm stopped by the sight of ponies lined up to enter the hospital. Each of them looks like they're gonna drop dead in a moments notice... I have to do something! Let's see, let's see... Damn, why can't I think of anything?! Oh, wait! I focus teleporting to the library, only to feel a chunk of my shirts sleeve disappear... Okay, so no teleporting myself for a while... I rush to the library as fast as my feet will carry me, nearly tripping on twigs, until I finally make it. I slam the doors open, and look around. Not a single living organism in existence. I think of my lantern and it appears in my right hand. This time, though, somethings wrong... There isn't the slightest sign of it having worked for a long time, as it's all dusty, and I can't get it to turn on... Why?! Oh well, I just gotta... I have to write a letter to either of the Princesses, whether it be Princess Luna or Princess Celestia... Hell, even Princess Cadence could probably help! I focus on materializing a pen and paper before me, and hear a few pop's that signify my success. I grab the pen and paper and sit at a chair, and begin scribbling a letter that I can only hope gets to one of the Princesses... I write the following: Dear Princesses, I am afraid that I have to send you this letter with urgency. On my way to Princess Twilight Sparkle's Crystalline Library, I saw what appeared to be the majority of Pony Ville's population lined up to enter the hospital. The problem is is that most of them look as though they may collapse within ten minutes, and the line showed absolutely no sign of moving. I urge at least one of you to come to Pony Ville, in order to cure them of their ailments. I sincerely hope that you will listen, as I believe time will not slow for those ponies. From a Concerned Human, Ajil "Spike! Come here, now! Please, it's urgent!" I shout, and almost immediately Spike shows up, standing directly before me. "Yes, Ajil... Wait, how come you're not in bed!?" Spike yelps, jumping up, shock clear in his eyes. "There isn't any time! Send this to any of the Princesses, it's urgent! If any of them are busy, send it to another!" I say, shoving the letter into Spike's claws... "Okay, so Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are busy, Princess Celestia's at a meeting with foreign leaders, so that leaves Princess Luna... Who's probably asleep right now, but... If it's that urgent..." Spike says, finally sending the letter. Only a few minutes pass before Princess Luna flies overhead outside. I rush out to see what she does, only to be blindfolded. "Agh!" I shout, falling forward, right onto my stomach. "Ergh..." I let out a moan. "Hehe... Quick, check for our cutie marks!" I hear Sweetie Bell say... Crap, this isn't the time for this shit! "Uh, Ajil? Why did you fall over?" Spike asks, and suddenly the blindfold is gone, and their isn't a trace of the CMC... "Oh no, don't tell me..." I think aloud... "Spike, stay away from and do what you can to keep others away... I may be dangerous, though I'm not sure for how long I will be..." I tell Spike, walking out the door of the Library. Upon opening the door, I see Enar flinging fire across all of Pony Ville, nearly every pony that I've seen killed, their bodies sprawled across the burnt grass... I shake my head as hard as I can to break free of the hallucination... I need to hurry. Hopefully Princess Luna can help me... Please, for the love of-! I collapse to the ground as I feel what seems to be metal inside my stomach, altering it in ways that shouldn't be possible... I feel blood fill my mouth and begin to leak from it... It hurts so much... Then it stops, and I get up... To be face to face with what looks like an angry Princess Celestia... Angry might be putting far too lightly... Even if this is a hallucination, I'm pretty sure it's still gonna hurt... "Ajil! Snap out of it!" I hear Princess Luna's voice, and I recognize a feeling similar to that of being slapped across the face... Except the slapping is being done by the hoof of Princess Luna. I see realization in her eyes, and she immediately casts a spell. "The problem has been fixed. I thank thee for informing Us," Princess Luna says before beginning to fly off. "Wait!" I manage to choke out. Princess Luna stops and turns to look at me, as if to say 'Go on.' I then told her about my experience with the magical book, and what Echoe had said to me. "'Tis is strange indeed. We shall inform our Sister of this at once. We assure thee that thee shall be watched closely," Princess Luna says before flying off... This time I don't stop her... I don't think I'll get much more out of her, after all. I turn to look around, and see that all of the ponies in the Pony Ville hospital seem to be cured... Well, at least they're healed. So, I guess the whole epidemic crisis has been averted. I lay down in the grass and sigh a massive sigh of relief... I guess I've finally managed to relax. I get up and see the main six eating at Sugar Cube Corner, and I begin to walk that way, when I hear something similar to the static of a television that was just turned on... And as I look upward to my left, I see what I can only assume is a magical screen meant to deliver important messages. Messages so important that Princess Celestia herself had to announce them, seeing as she's the one on the screen right now. "Citizens of Equestria! I have an extremely important announcement that must be made immediately. It has come to my attention that this man..." Princess Celestia says, and suddenly a picture of Enar shows up on screen. Princess Celestia continues "...has caused much distress in Pony Ville, and has recently been spotted in larger cities. His name is Enar. There is a human who looks extremely similar to him, in fact, he is almost identical. Enar has red eyes, unlike Ajil. Ajil desires to help those in Equestria in bringing Enar down. Enar is a threat to all citizens in Equestria, considering that he wishes to kill ponies and other creatures with sentience." Princess Celestia states, showing to separate images of me and Enar... That, of course doesn't stop the weird looks from ponies in Pony Ville... I ignore the rest of the magical television screen thing, and begin jogging to Sugar Cube Corner. When the main six notice me, the concern in their faces is plain obvious... The worry that I can see... I guess now I'm going to need them to help me run off... Hopefully one of them can tell me why I can't use my lantern, too.