• Published 8th Jun 2014
  • 1,100 Views, 27 Comments

Equuis To Calvin - Takerwit

An Entomophobic human suddenly appears on an unkown alien planet which just so happens to inhabit magical (girly) ponies, drunken and unruly gryphons, and possibly the most annoying prince ever recorded. How will our hero cope?

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Welcome To Equuis

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" I screamed as I dodged yet another one of those colorful laser beams that came shooting past my head,

I try to run down another corridor to see if I can lose all those horse guards that have been chasing me through these never ending

hallways at least for twenty minutes (All this is happening and I'm still in my pajamas).

"For the last time stop running you are under arrest by the order of prince blueblood!"

"Just leave me alone you bastards!"

I take a left turn down another hallway and stop at an intersection of three different ways I can take, Jesus how big is this fucking

castle? I used my amazing style of deduction when I first arrived here that this place was an castle with all the suits of armor standing around and the luxury of the interior. Oh how rude of me allow me to introduce my self my name is Calvin Stubbs and I'm being chased by white talking horses in armor made out of gold.

I decide to go straight ahead and come up to a large decorated two way door that look a bit heavy, I quickly push open the door feeling that its slightly lighter than I expected it to be, As I close the large doors I see an entire squadron of those horse guards running straight towards the door.

"Oh crap!" Slamming the door as hard and as fast as I can manage I grab as many heavy things as I can grab to block the door so they can't get in, I take a step back and admire my work "That should hold them for a good minute." And hold it did for a good six seconds until all of my hard work was simply kicked out the way by an horse guard that seemed like a normal horse aside from the pale yellow color of his coat (I knew he was an he because when he kicked the door down his grunt was deep also he had to be at least 7'5 feet at his withers) and a burgundy mane, he wore onyx armor.

"Best give up now son there aint nowhere left fer you to run." He said in a deep gruff voice

He was right I'm caught in a dead end unless that wall with an single hole in it leads somewhere then I'm screwed, I look to my left and right and see nothing but murals of more weird horses and other weird creatures but one window doesn't seem to have any glass in it period, look like there's only one way out of here and its through that window, So I slowly walk backwards to it.

"Don't do it." The yellow horse by now was flanked by more of those golden guards that were chasing me and shooting at me before.

I stood on the window sill (It was a tall window so I could stand in it) still facing all of them so they don't make any sudden movements, before I jump I promptly flick them off with both hands and then fall backwards as you would falling onto you're bed.

For a few seconds I swear I here the song "I Believe I Can Fly" sung by R Kelly, for a few seconds I was laughing happy that I had out smarted a bunch of equine knights...that was until the record scratched and I realized I'm falling pretty fast, at that point and time there was only one thing left for me to do.

"MOMMA PLEASEEEE HELP ME MOMMA LAWD!!!!!" I began to flail my arms uncontrollably as if hoping that I would sprout wings and fly

I hear a noise that sounds a lot like large flapping wings heading towards me, along with the sound of a crystalline hum and a tingling sensation all over my body, I find my self covered in an yellow aura slowly being turned around.

As I'm being turned I get a good look at my surroundings and see the most beautiful scenery that could have ever been imagined, an entire kingdom filled with horse all shapes, sizes, and colors doing things that I would describe as almost human like, and its all on top of a mountain which is... questionable but everything seems stable. but what was beyond was what astounded me a vibrant green world filled with forest and amazing grassy plains covered in all kinds of flowers.

What I saw next sort of dampened the mood, two large horses one smaller than the other were flying right in front of me due to the fact that the one with the white fur had shadowing that seemed almost pink I'm going to say that she was a female, her coat was a stark white while her mane had at least four colors in it that seemed to be like a lighter version of an rainbow it kind of reminded me of the northern lights in Alaska I think. She had beautiful white feathered wings and a horn longer than all the other ones I've seen in fact it was so long it seemed to curve

Her hooves were pink and seemed almost as if they were manicured, I also noticed the mark of the sun on her butt- not that I was checking it out or anything but I'm just going to point out that the area was fat that's all, the next horse looked really pissed and tires like she just woke up or something... are those hair curlers in her hair which look a lot like the night sky, her coat was dark blue and her hooves an even darker blue she had more fur around her hooves than the sun butt- I mean horse I said horse. she had a moon an her butt (stop judging me!) and her wings seemed like they couldn't decide on whether being bird wings or bats wings so it decided half n half. Moon butts eyes were more cat like than her counter part Sun butt.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do whatever you are." Sun butt said in a tone of a scolding mother.

"Thou better have a good reason on why you've intruded the royal throne of the pony sisters." Moon butt added

There was only one thing I could say about this predicament "... DAMN LOOK AT DEM ASSES!" They were not amused.

Author's Note:

Alrighty dighty the first chapter of Calvin's new life is done finally (it takes forever to type this stuff down just for a thousand words dang) lets all hope that Moon Butt and Sun Butt go easy on him, also expect some Discord and mane six in the next chapter and feel free to comment on any errors and it doesn't hurt to hit the thumbs up button... its still up there... waiting...take you're time.

P.S: How do the hell do I put emoticons up here? {Insert confused Rainbow Dash face here}

PP.S: I know this is short guys chill out the next one shouldn't be to short... I hope. Also pics of the royal sisters http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/160/f/4/princess_sisters_by_earthsong9405-d68g1l4.jpg