• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 878 Views, 6 Comments

fear of lightning - Layam

as Twilight goes on a quest to bust an mysterious creature, who is causing panic around the city, she will discover what kidnap,torture,kill mean and what is a true "super weapon"

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2) the white chamber

twilight diary, june 5 1004 afternoon.

dear diary
this is the day when i woke up in the hospital.
I asked the doctors what was going on and they replied that i’ve been found unconscious by Spike.
After an hour I went out to meet my friends waiting for me.
Everypony was really happy that i wasn’t dead especially Spike who when he saw me, ran furiously and hugged me while happy crying and shouting how he was so happy and how he feared that he would have lost me forever.
I didn’t even have time to talk to my friends because two ponies immediately told me that I needed to go to the interrogation room.
The room was small and dark with only a light bulb hanging from the celling, a single white wooden table and two chairs.
When I arrived a brown skinned detective greeted me and told me to start talking about what happened.
I replied that i didn’t remember anything.
But he persisted by saying that if i wouldn’t remember anything Ponyville could face a great danger.
So i used all of my magic and concentration to remember what happened, until i started narrating.
“err now i think i am starting to remember now.
Well it was very late and i didn’t slept for a minute, i was really concentrated to be sure that the thief didn’t really meant what he had written.
But after a moment i heard a sound of someone unlocking a door.
I was really afraid to go investigate, but then i remembered spike slept downstair and i didn’t want anything bad to happen to him.
So i grabbed a candle and i went downstairs as the noise of the door became more and more loud until it opened.
I hided behind the table and waited until the door started opening slowly as the entity entered.
So it was in that precise moment that i could saw him with pure horror.
It was like anything i saw before, not even in my books, it wasn’t from this world.
It was bicipital but not a minotaur because it was way too slender to be one. He wore an hood and really long and dark clothing that touched the floor so i couldn’t see other body parts.
He was carrying what it seemed a long stick, but i am sure that it wasn’t a stick because it seemed the posterior part had the form of something like a triangle and all the rest of this object was in metal.
Also he carried it in a odd way, the posterior part was against his shoulder while the rest of the object was supported by his arms.
He barely entered the room with a large bag, he looked around a bit and then stared where i was hiding and started indicating me with his stick.
I was about to scream when a dart came out of an hole at the end of the stick and hit me, i started to feel sleepy and then you know what happened”.
The detective was trying to be as serious and neutral as possible but you could see in his eyes fear mixed curiosity of that enigmatic creature.
He thank me and finally i could celebrate with my friends.
They were so happy that Fluttershy offered to go into the ever free forest and collect some mushrooms for some delicious soup.
I accepted but after 15 minutes of waiting she came screaming and terrified as she describe an evil creature staring at her in the forest.
I then said how the creature perfectly matched up what i’ve seen last night.
After hearing this my big brother immediately started to write a letter to request more soldiers to control Ponyville.
I just hope that what happened to Fluttershy doesn’t repeat with others.

Applejack diary june 6 1004 evening.

whats’ up diary
I have fought a lot of monsters when twilight arrived, ranging from evil corrupted sisters to parasites of ponies, but this one is by far the most sadistic one i ever encounter.
Yo wanna know why?
Was what i said angrily why tears rolled out of my eyes when i realized that the disappearance of mah sister, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle could be linked by who i am going to call from now simply him.
“I am sorry, we will try as best as we can to try find clues”
Said the detective which actually didn’t do anything at all.
They found only apple bloom red bow.
They even interrogated Zecora but she just replied that the only thing out of the ordinary that she heard was the sound of an angry manticore who in just a matter of seconds became totally silent.
They tried to find the manticore but it was too late and dangerous to search further in the ever free forest.
I just can’t imagine how could someone could kidnap a filly for revenge or other things that i don’t know.
That is one of the most coward ways to lower the morale of somepony.
My only hope is that they are just lost in the forest and they will return tomorrow, let’s hope.

Twilight diary june 6 1004 evening.

dear diary.
it was pretty late when i was returning at home after a long walk, recommended by the doctor to calm myself, when i saw a lot of guards and detectives at applejack home.
I ran to see what happened and Applejack explain to me that Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle disappeared and that it was theorized that was him that kidnap them.
I started shaking and sweating at the thought that someone could have done something so, so, so.
I can’t explain with words.
There was also Rarity.
Usually when she cried she exaggeratedly dramatized to get the attention of everyone but this wasn’t definitely one of those times.
In fact her hair was a mess and she just stood her watching the void doing nothing except for crying small but continuos tears.
There were also Scootaloo parents.
Strangely i never saw them before, the best way to describe them is that the mother was brown skinned and haired pegasus and had Scootaloo eyes, the father was yellow skinned and had a really light blue mane with really small wings like Scootaloo.
They appeared worried but trustful of the authorities.
I didn’t stay there for much, i immediately headed to my home and called Spike and ordered him to write an letter to princess Celestia.
So i dictated how this events where happening and and if nothing happened this could get out of control (if it already wasn’t).
Also i described as best as i could the creature throughout mine and Fluttershy perspective.
Just a minute after i sent the letter i got a reply who said
“dear Twilight.
Thanks to sending me the letter but i already knew something was wrong.
meet me at Canterlot with your friends tomorrow”.
after finishing reading i slowly went to sleep asking myself what it meant.

Sweetie Belle diary june 7 1004 9 pm

we woke up in a white metallic room we looked around, there weren’t any windows, just a door.
Obviously we tried to open it but it was locked.
That’s when we heard a loud strong but not angry voice.
“all test subjects shall seat in front of the table”.
We were a little bit hesitating but at the end we followed the orders.
“what are you going to do with us”said Scootaloo scared for her life.
“don’t worry this is not unit 237.”he replied with abnormal calm.
“what is un…” i tried to say confused but my argument was cut short by the mysterious voice who didn’t want to get in that argument.
“now pick up the papers in the table, there will be a list of objects with their photos, check the one you know, but don’t lie, you will get out of here if you collaborate.”
It was something strange, i expected everything but some testing.
So without anything to do else i picked up the pen and started checking what i knew.
Some things were obvious like beds and hammers, but others were quite ambiguous like jets and tanks.
When we finished the voice demanded us to drop the papers into a hole at my right.
We done what he said and then he indicated to us that in the room there were libraries full of books and board games while on the other side there were the supplies, bathroom and some beds to sleep.
We immediately checked for the boards games.
We notice it that there weren’t our normal board games but instead others.
There was particularly this one who was called “M-O-N-O-P-O-L-Y” in which the object was to try to own every neighborhood in the game and make the other players go bankrupt.
It was really fun and we spent a good two hours on it.
But there was something strange in this board games, there wasn’t any ponies in any cover at all like if they were brushed off.
After some time the clock indicated the 9:00 pm and so i am going to sleep after finishing this diary.